Elementary physics in living nature. How is water different from other substances? How speed affects time

IntroductionPhysics is the science of understanding nature.
Nature is diverse. This is our planet and
everything living and inanimate that is on it.
There are a lot of interesting things around: sunrises and
sunsets, precipitation and variety of colors,
numerous populations of animals, birds and
All this is full of secrets, riddles and questions.
We will open at least a few of them
we want today.

Goal of the work

Conduct physical research
phenomena in living nature and their possibilities
use in Everyday life.

Job Objectives

1. Broaden your horizons in natural sciences and
interdisciplinary connections these sciences.
2.Find information about physical phenomena in
the surrounding world.
3.Pick up Interesting Facts from life
animals, birds and insects,
confirming that everything in nature
4.Show the application of these facts for more
full understanding of living nature.

Possibility of use

1.As additional material
in physics, biology, geography lessons.
2.Material for extracurricular activities,
holding competitions, quizzes,
3.To broaden the horizons of students
of all ages.

The relevance of research

Nature is diverse and interesting. If we
let's learn to understand it, find connections with
other sciences and apply knowledge in
everyday life, then a lot
we can learn from nature.
If we are interested, we can
interest others and make any lesson
physics, biology and geography interesting,
educational and informative.

Hypothesis put forward

You can find everything in living nature
physical phenomena: mechanical,
optical, sound, electrical,
magnetic and thermal.
If you watch carefully, you can
a lot to learn and use.


Movement is the main thing
property alive
matter. Moving
molecules and atoms,
insects are moving
and animals,
ours is moving
planet earth and
almost everything on
snail-0.00504 First impression
in life a giraffe fall with
height. In one hour
baby giraffe
able to run and
able to follow
for mom with
speed 50 km/h

12. These faces are familiar to everyone

13. Will the wolf catch up with the hare?

In 10 minutes the brown hare runs the distance
10 kilometers, and the wolf runs for 30 minutes
20 kilometers. From here
the wolf can catch up
average speed
wolf - 55-60 km/h, and
hare 60km/h. And yet the hare has
opportunity to ESCAPE
from the wolf.

14. And the hair grows

In humans 95%
the surface of the skin is covered
hair. On the head - from 90
thousand hairs for redheads up to 140
thousand for blondes. On each
eyebrows about 700 hairs,
there are about 80 eyelashes on the eyelid.
On the day of an adult's head
a person grows 35m
hair (each hair is 0.35
mm).Hair 1m long
must grow for 8 years. World
hair length record - 7.93 m.

15. Thermal phenomena

Everything that happens in
nature, one way or another
associated with heat.
Temperature changes
every body has its own
temperature. Sun
gives off its warmth
our planet. Melting
icicles are formed
fog. All this
thermal phenomena.


Crocodiles being
on land, open
mouth to enlarge
heat transfer by
evaporation. If
it's getting very hot
they go into the water.
At night they dive into
water in order to
avoid exposure
now air.

17. House made of snow

Polar bear
makes a den in
snowdrift among the icy
deserts. With powerful paws
she digs into the hard
layer of snow tunnel length
up to 12 meters, where she gives birth
cubs and hides with
them from cold until spring.
Outside temperature
can drop to -30-40
degrees Celsius, and in
den not lower than 20
degrees Celcius.


In conditions of the strongest
frost penguins keep warm and
egg, and chicks on their paws
under the fat fold.

19. Electrical phenomena

September 26, 1786
Italian doctor Luigi Galvani
did something important
discovery about
electricity>>.Professor of physics from
city ​​of Pavia
Alessandro Volta
concluded that
contact of two different
,in contact with
liquid in
frog's leg,
is the source

20. Living power plants

Stingrays are
power plants,
voltage is about 50-60
volts and giving
discharge current 10
All the fish that give
ranks, use
there are special ones for this
electrical organs.

21. Electric fish

The strongest
produces discharges
south american
electric eel.
They reach 500600 volts. This
voltage is capable
knock you down



There is very
many examples
optical phenomena
in nature: glow
living organisms in
him), fireflies,
mosquito larvae,
mushrooms, jellyfish also
glow in the dark.

24. Eyes perceive light

There are two eyes
types: simple and
consisting of thousands
units.In the dragonfly
there are about 30,000 of them.

25. Eyes are different


The world is full of sounds. Sing
birds and the radio is on,
The grass rustles and the dog barks.
We only hear a little
part of all sounds (ear
a person perceives sounds
frequency from 16 to
20000Hertz).Infrasound and
We don’t hear ultrasound. Why
you can't say about others. Dolphin
able to perceive very
weak echoes. For example
,he perfectly “Notices”
a small fish that appeared
at a distance of 50m.

27. Living echolocators

Bats are hunting
at night, listening to
darkness. Sending
signals, frequency
which are up to 200 Hertz,
they define
size, speed and
flight direction

28. Live direction finders

European water striders
find food by exploring
ripples on the water,
created by someone falling into
her to insects.
Sperm whales make sounds
and, analyzing the echo,
find prey. They
stun prey
with your signals.

29. Magnetic phenomena

30. Birds always know where to fly

Birds don't have a compass
needed. They are very
navigate by
magnetic field

31. Living compasses

Female blue sharks
mate at the eastern
coast of the USA, but produce
offspring off the coast of Europe.
They navigate underwater
according to the Earth's magnetic field
geomagnetic information. So
called ampoules of Lorenzini,
located on the snout,
pick up electromagnetic
vibrations and determine
direction magnetic field
bottom rocks. Sharks
They use it as a compass.

32. Attention! A magnetic field!

The magnetic field affects
everything is alive. It can
retard the development of living things
organisms, slow down growth
cells, change composition
blood. For man
safe field at 300-700
oersted. Strong
inhomogeneous magnetic
field (about 10 kilooersted)
can kill young individuals
living organisms.
Magnetic field change
weather sensitive
of people. Magnetic storms
known to many.

33. The weather will be good

34. It will be bad weather



Our hypothesis
true. All physical
phenomena have found their
reflection in living nature.
The world of these phenomena is interesting,
mysterious, diverse.
Study and learn about it
more. Be surprised
love life and everything in it.
Be surprised, be surprised
Sky, thunder and rain,
Worm and hippopotamus
Stars, snow and cat!
Be surprised and fall in love
Into a world like crystal.
He is fragile and needs care
Mountains, sea and flowers.
Love life and be surprised. Interesting things are all around!
Stay human
And goodness will enter your home!


1. Berkenblit M. B., Glagoleva E. G.
Electricity in living organisms.
M., Nauka, 1988
2. Tarasov L.V., Physics in nature.
M. Verboom - M., 2002
3. Syomke A. I. Physics and Live nature(M.
Chistye Prudy) 2008
4. Internet sites:

Introduction Physics is the science of understanding nature. Nature is diverse. This is our planet and everything living and inanimate that is on it. There are a lot of interesting things around: sunrises and sunsets, precipitation and a variety of colors, numerous populations of animals, birds and insects... All this is full of secrets, riddles and questions. Today we want to reveal at least a few of them.

Objectives of the work: 1. Expand your horizons in the sciences of nature and the interdisciplinary connections of these sciences. 2. Find information about physical phenomena in the surrounding world. 3. Select interesting facts from the life of animals, birds and insects that confirm that everything in nature is interconnected. 4.Show the application of these facts to a more complete understanding of living nature.

Relevance of the study Nature is diverse and interesting. If we learn to understand it, find connections with other sciences and apply knowledge in everyday life, then we can learn a lot from nature. If we are interested, then we can interest others and make any lesson in physics, biology and geography interesting, educational and informative.

MECHANICAL PHENOMENA Movement is the main property of living matter. Molecules and atoms move, insects and animals move, our planet Earth and almost everything on it moves. MOVEMENT SPEED IN THE ANIMAL WORLD, KM/H Shark - 40 Salmon - 27 Swordfish - 80 Tuna - 80 May beetle - 11 Fly - 18 Bee - 25 Dragonfly - 36 Cheetah - 112 Giraffe - 51 Kangaroo - 48 Lion - 65 Elk - 47 rook-41 Crow sparrow-35 Turtle-0.5 snail-0.00504

Will the wolf catch up with the hare? In 10 minutes, a brown hare runs 10 kilometers, and a wolf runs 20 kilometers in 30 minutes. From here the wolf can catch up with the hare. The average speed of a wolf is km/h, and that of a hare is 60 km/h. And yet the hare has the opportunity to ESCAPE from the wolf.

And hair grows. In humans, 95% of the surface of the skin is covered with hair. On the head there are from 90 thousand hairs for redheads to 140 thousand for blondes. There are about 700 hairs on each eyebrow, and about 80 eyelashes on each eyelid. In a day, 35 m of hair grows on the head of an adult (each hair is 0.35 mm). A hair 1 m long should grow for 8 years. World record for hair length m.

Thermal phenomena Everything that happens in nature is somehow connected with heat. The ambient temperature changes, each body has its own temperature. The sun gives off its heat to our planet. Icicles melt and fog forms. These are all thermal phenomena.

House made of snow A polar bear makes a den in a snowdrift in the middle of an icy desert. With powerful paws she digs into hard layer snow tunnel up to 12 meters long, where she gives birth to cubs and hides with them from the cold until spring. Outside, the temperature can drop to degrees Celsius, and in the den it is not lower than 20 degrees Celsius.

Alessandro Volta, a professor of physics from the city of Pavia, concluded that the contact of two different metals in contact with a liquid results in "title=" Electrical phenomena September 26, 1786 Italian doctor Luigi Galvani made important discovery about the existence of >.Professor of physics from the city of Pavia Alessandro Volta concluded that the contact of two different metals in contact with a liquid results in "class="link_thumb"> 19 Electrical phenomena September 26, 1786 The Italian doctor Luigi Galvani made an important discovery about the existence of >. Physics professor from the city of Pavia Alessandro Volta concluded that the contact of two different metals in contact with the liquid in a frog's leg is a source of electricity. .Professor of physics from the city of Pavia Alessandro Volta concluded that the contact of two different metals in contact with the liquid in the frog "> .Professor of physics from the city of Pavia Alessandro Volta concluded that the contact of two different metals in contact with the liquid in the frog foot, is a source of electricity."> .Professor of physics from the city of Pavia Alessandro Volta concluded that the contact of two different metals in contact with liquid in the foot" title=" Electrical phenomena September 26, 1786 Italian doctor - Luigi Galvani made an important discovery about the existence of >. Alessandro Volta, a professor of physics from the city of Pavia, concluded that the contact of two different metals in contact with a liquid results in"> title="Electrical phenomena September 26, 1786 The Italian doctor Luigi Galvani made an important discovery about the existence of >. Professor of physics from the city of Pavia Alessandro Volta concluded that the contact of two different metals in contact with a liquid results in"> !}

Living Power Plants Stingrays are living power plants, producing a voltage of about volts and delivering a discharge current of 10 amperes. All the fish that give electrical discharges, use special electrical organs for this.

Electric fish The most powerful discharges are produced by the South American electric eel. They reach volts. This kind of tension can knock a horse off its feet.

The eyes perceive light. There are two types of eyes: simple and complex (faceted), consisting of thousands of individual visual units. The dragonfly has about

SOUND PHENOMENA The world is full of sounds. Birds sing and the radio plays, the grass rustles and the dog barks. We hear only a small part of all sounds (the human ear perceives sounds with a frequency from 16 to 20,000 Hertz). We do not hear infrasound and ultrasound. The same cannot be said about others. The dolphin is able to perceive very weak echo signals. For example, he perfectly “Notices” a small fish that appears at a distance of 50m.

Living Compasses Female blue sharks mate off the east coast of the United States and produce offspring off the coast of Europe. They navigate underwater using the Earth's magnetic field and geomagnetic information. The so-called ampoules of Lorenzini, located on the snout, capture electromagnetic vibrations and determine the direction of the magnetic field of bottom rocks. Sharks use this as a compass.

Attention! A magnetic field! The magnetic field affects all living things. It can delay the development of living organisms, slow down cell growth, and change the composition of the blood. The field in Oersted is safe for humans. A strong non-uniform magnetic field (about 10 kilooersted) can kill young living organisms. Changes in the magnetic field affect weather-sensitive people. Magnetic storms are known to many.

CONCLUSION Our hypothesis is correct. All physical phenomena are reflected in living nature. The world of these phenomena is interesting, mysterious, and diverse. Study and learn more about it. Be surprised, love life and everything in it. Be surprised, be amazed at the sky, thunder and rain, the worm and the hippopotamus, the stars, the snow and the cat! Be surprised and fall in love With a world like crystal. He is fragile, the Mountains, the sea and the flower need care. Love life and be surprised - Interesting things are all around! Remain human, and goodness will enter your home!

REFERENCES 1. Berkenblit M. B., Glagoleva E. G. Electricity in living organisms. M., Science, Tarasov L.V., Physics in nature. M. Verboom - M., 2002 3. Semke A. I. Physics and Wildlife (M. Chistye Prudy) 2008 4. Internet sites:

As a rule, few people like physics. Indeed: boring formulas, tasks in which nothing is clear... In general, sheer boredom. If you think so, then this article is definitely for you. Here we will tell you a few interesting facts about physics, which will help you take a different look at your least favorite subject. After all, physics is very interesting, and there are a lot of interesting facts related to it.

Why does the sun appear red in the evenings?

A perfect example of a fact about physics in nature. Actually, the light of the sun is white. White light, in its spectral decomposition, is the sum of all the colors of the rainbow. In the evening and morning time The rays pass through low ground and dense layers of the atmosphere. Dust particles and air molecules thus act as a red filter, best transmitting the red component of the spectrum.

Where do atoms come from?

When the Universe was formed, there were no atoms - there were only elementary particles, and even then not all. The atoms of the elements of almost the entire periodic table were formed during nuclear reactions in the interior of stars, when lighter nuclei turn into heavier ones. Actually, you and I also consist of atoms formed in deep space.

How much “dark” matter is there in the world?

We live in material world, and everything that is around is matter. You can touch it, sell it, buy it, you can build something. But in the world there is not only matter, but also dark matter- this is a type of matter that does not emit electromagnetic radiation (as is known, light does not either electromagnetic radiation) and does not interact with it. Dark matter, for obvious reasons, has not been touched or seen by anyone. Scientists decided that it exists by observing some indirect signs. It is believed that dark matter makes up about 22% of the Universe. For comparison: the good old matter we are used to takes up only 5%.

Dark matter

What is the temperature of lightning?

And it’s clear that it’s very high. According to science, it can reach 25,000 degrees Celsius. And this is many times more than on the surface of the Sun - there are only about 5000). We strongly do not recommend trying to check what the temperature of the lightning is. There are specially trained people in the world for this.

Eat! Considering the scale of the Universe, the probability of this had previously been assessed quite high. But it was only relatively recently that people began to discover such planets, called exoplanets. Exoplanets are planets orbiting their stars in the so-called “life zone”. More than 3,500 exoplanets are now known, and they are being discovered more and more often.


How old is the Earth?

The earth is about four billion years old. In the context of this, one fact is interesting: the largest unit of time is the kalpa. Kalpa (otherwise known as the day of Brahma) is a concept from Hinduism. According to him, day gives way to night, equal in duration. At the same time, the length of Brahma’s day coincides with the age of the Earth to within 5%.

Where do the aurora come from?

Polar or northern lights is the result of interaction solar wind (cosmic radiation) With top layers Earth's atmosphere. Charged particles arriving from space collide with atoms in the atmosphere, causing them to become excited and emit radiation in the visible range. This phenomenon is observed at the poles, as the earth's magnetic field "captures" cosmic particles, protecting the planet from “bombing”

Polar Lights

Is it true that the water in the sink swirls in different directions in the northern and southern hemispheres?

Actually this is not true. Indeed, there is a Coriolis force acting on the flow of fluid in a rotating reference frame. On the scale of the Earth, however, the effect of this force is so small that observing the swirling of water when flowing into different sides only possible under very carefully selected conditions.

swirling water

How is water different from other substances?

One of the fundamental properties of water is its density in solid and liquid states. So, ice is always lighter liquid water, therefore it is always on the surface and does not sink. And also, hot water freezes faster than cold. This paradox, called the Mpemba effect, has not yet been fully explained.

How does speed affect time?

This also seems paradoxical, but the faster an object moves, the slower time will pass for it. Here we can recall the paradox of twins, one of whom traveled on a superfast spaceship, and the second remained on the ground. When the space traveler returned home, he found his brother an old man. The answer to the question of why this happens is provided by the theory of relativity.

Time and speed

We hope our 10 facts about physics helped you make sure that these are not only boring formulas, but the whole world around us. Physics is constantly evolving, and who knows what else amazing facts will become known to us in the future. However, formulas and problems can be a hassle. If you are tired of strict teachers and infinite solution tasks - turn to , which will help you crack even the most complex physical problem like a nut.

obstacles. Possessing the ability to estimate ultra-short periods of time from sending a sound signal to its return, it very accurately determines the distance to the insects it hunts, and confidently flies through dense forests without bumping into trees. The frequency of sounds produced by a bat reaches 50 kHz, that is, it lies far beyond the frequencies audible to humans. The mouse makes up to 30 ultrasonic bursts in 1 s, each lasting 1 ms. In 1 ms, sound travels about 34 cm, therefore, bat can detect obstacles at a distance of 17cm and further. For sonar, studies of the sonar apparatus of dolphins - bottlenose dolphins - turned out to be very valuable. The voices of dolphins are characterized by a wide range of acoustic vibrations - from several hundred hertz to 170 kHz. All dolphin sounds are divided into three classes: 1) whistles with a frequency from 4 to 18-20 kHz; 2) echolocation (ultrasonic) clicks with a frequency of up to 170 kHz; 3) complex waves of high amplitude, heard as quacks, meows, buzzing, mooing, howling, moaning, etc. Observations have shown that the dolphins' sonar system is superior to existing sonars not only in accuracy, but also in range. A dolphin can detect fish that serve as food for it, as well as distinguish their breed at a distance of up to 3 km.



MOU BSOSH Physics in nature

  • The physics project was completed by 7b grade students Andrey Pilchenkov and Alexey Korolev.
  • Head-teacher of physics Filipchenkova S.V.
  • Bely.
  • 2010

  • Physics is the science of nature, and there are so many interesting things in it!


  • Physics is the science of understanding nature.
  • Nature is diverse. This is our planet and everything living and inanimate that is on it.
  • There is a lot of interesting things around: sunrises and sunsets, precipitation and a variety of colors, numerous populations of animals, birds and insects...
  • All this is full of secrets, riddles and questions. Today we want to reveal at least a few of them.

Goal of the work

  • Conduct research on physical phenomena in living nature and the possibility of their use in everyday life.

Job Objectives

  • 1. Broaden your horizons in the sciences of nature and the interdisciplinary connections of these sciences.
  • 2. Find information about physical phenomena in the surrounding world.
  • 3. Select interesting facts from the life of animals, birds and insects that confirm that everything in nature is interconnected.
  • 4.Show the application of these facts to a more complete understanding of living nature.

Possibility of use

  • 1.As additional material in physics, biology, geography lessons.
  • 2. Materials for extracurricular activities, competitions, quizzes, olympiads
  • 3.To broaden the horizons of students of all ages.

The relevance of research

  • Nature is diverse and interesting. If we learn to understand it, find connections with other sciences and apply knowledge in everyday life, then we can learn a lot from nature.
  • If we are interested, then we can interest others and make any lesson in physics, biology and geography interesting, educational and informative.

Hypothesis put forward

  • All physical phenomena can be found in living nature: mechanical, optical, sound, electrical, magnetic and thermal.
  • There is a lot that can be learned and used by careful observation.


  • Movement is the main property of living matter. Molecules and atoms move, insects and animals move, our planet Earth and almost everything on it moves.
  • Shark-40 Salmon-27
  • Swordfish-80 Tuna-80
  • May beetle-11 fly-18
  • Bee-25 dragonfly-36
  • Cheetah-112 giraffe-51
  • Kangaroo-48 lion-65
  • Los-47 rook-41
  • Crow-25-32 Sparrow-35
  • Turtle-0.5 snail-0.00504
  • The first impression in a giraffe's life is falling from a two-meter height. After an hour, the baby giraffe is able to run and is able to follow its mother at a speed of 50 km/h

Everyone knows these faces

Will the wolf catch up with the hare?

  • In 10 minutes, a brown hare runs 10 kilometers, and a wolf runs 20 kilometers in 30 minutes. From here the wolf can catch up with the hare.
  • The average speed of a wolf is 55-60 km/h, and a hare is 60 km/h. And yet the hare has the opportunity to ESCAPE from the wolf.

And the hair grows

  • In humans, 95% of the surface of the skin is covered with hair. On the head there are from 90 thousand hairs for redheads to 140 thousand for blondes. There are about 700 hairs on each eyebrow, and about 80 eyelashes on each eyelid. In a day, 35 m of hair grows on the head of an adult (each hair is 0.35 mm). A hair 1 m long should grow for 8 years. The world record for hair length is 7.93 m.

Thermal phenomena

  • Everything that happens in nature is somehow connected with heat. The ambient temperature changes, each body has its own temperature. The sun gives off its heat to our planet. Icicles melt and fog forms. These are all thermal phenomena.

  • Crocodiles, when on land, open their mouths to increase heat transfer through evaporation. If it gets very hot, they go into the water. At night they immerse themselves in water to avoid exposure to the now cooler air.

House made of snow

  • A polar bear makes a den in a snowdrift in the middle of an icy desert. With powerful paws, she digs a tunnel up to 12 meters long in a hard layer of snow, where she gives birth to cubs and hides with them from the cold until spring.
  • Outside, the temperature can drop to -30-40 degrees Celsius, and in the den no lower than 20 degrees Celsius.

  • In severe frost conditions, penguins warm both the egg and the chicks on their paws under the fat fold.

Electrical phenomena

  • September 26, 1786 The Italian doctor Luigi Galvani made an important discovery about the existence<<животного электричества>>. Alessandro Volta, a professor of physics from the city of Pavia, concluded that the contact of two different metals in contact with the liquid in a frog's leg is a source of electricity.

Living power plants

  • Stingrays are living powerhouses, producing a voltage of about 50-60 volts and delivering a discharge current of 10 amperes.
  • All fish that produce electrical discharges use special electrical organs for this.

Electric fish

  • The most powerful discharges are produced by the South American electric eel. They reach 500-600 volts. This kind of tension can knock a horse off its feet.



  • There are many examples of optical phenomena in nature: the glow of the sea (the glow of living organisms in it), fireflies, mosquito larvae, mushrooms, jellyfish also glow in the dark.

The eyes perceive light

  • There are two types of eyes: simple and complex (faceted), consisting of thousands of individual visual units. The dragonfly has about 30,000 of them.

Eyes are different


  • The world is full of sounds. Birds sing and the radio plays, the grass rustles and the dog barks. We hear only a small part of all sounds (the human ear perceives sounds with a frequency from 16 to 20,000 Hertz). We do not hear infrasound and ultrasound. The same cannot be said about others. The dolphin is able to perceive very weak echo signals. For example, he perfectly “Notices” a small fish that appears at a distance of 50m.

Living echolocators

  • Bats hunt at night, listening into the darkness. By sending ultrasonic signals with a frequency of up to 200 Hertz, they determine the size, speed and direction of flight of the prey.

Living direction finders

  • European water striders find food by examining ripples in the water created by insects that have fallen into it. Sperm whales make sounds and, analyzing the echo, find prey. They stun their prey with their signals.

Magnetic phenomena

Birds always know where to fly

  • Birds don't need a compass. They are very clearly oriented according to the Earth's magnetic field.

Living compasses

  • Female blue sharks mate off the east coast of the United States and produce offspring off the coast of Europe. They navigate underwater using the Earth's magnetic field and geomagnetic information. The so-called ampullae of Lorenzini, located on the snout, detect electromagnetic vibrations and determine the direction of the magnetic field of bottom rocks. Sharks use this as a compass.

Attention! A magnetic field!

  • The magnetic field affects all living things. It can delay the development of living organisms, slow down cell growth, and change the composition of the blood. A field of 300-700 oersted is safe for humans. A strong non-uniform magnetic field (about 10 kilooersted) can kill young living organisms. Changes in the magnetic field affect weather-sensitive people. Magnetic storms are known to many.

The weather will be good

There will be bad weather


  • Our hypothesis is correct. All physical phenomena are reflected in living nature. The world of these phenomena is interesting, mysterious, and diverse. Study and learn more about it. Be surprised, love life and everything in it.
  • Be surprised, be surprised
  • Sky, thunder and rain,
  • Worm and hippopotamus
  • Stars, snow and cat!
  • Be surprised and fall in love
  • Into a world like crystal.
  • He is fragile and needs care
  • Mountains, sea and flowers.
  • Love life and be surprised -
  • Interesting stuff all around!
  • Stay human
  • And goodness will enter your home!


  • 1. Berkenblit M. B., Glagoleva E. G. Electricity in living organisms.
  • M., Nauka, 1988
  • 2. Tarasov L.V., Physics in nature.
  • M. Verboom - M., 2002
  • 3. Syomke A. I. Physics and Wildlife (M. Chistye Prudy) 2008.
  • 4. Internet sites:
  • http://www.floranimal.ru;
  • http://www.zooeco.com.