Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina: biography, acquaintance with Pushkin. Poems by Pushkin dedicated to Bakunina

Bakunina Ekaterina Pavlovna

  • Pushkin's first youthful love was Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina (1795–1869); Many of the poet’s poems and elegies in 1815–1817 were addressed to her.

Poem dedicated to Bakunina “Desire”

  • I shed tears; Tears are my consolation;

  • And I am silent; my murmur is not heard,

  • My soul, overwhelmed with melancholy,

  • In her the bitter finds pleasure.

  • A dream about life! Fly, don't feel sorry for you

  • Disappear into the darkness, empty ghost;

  • My love's torment is dear to me,

  • Let me die, but let me die loving!

Golitsyna Evdokia Ivanovna

    Pushkin's first St. Petersburg lover, mistress of one of literary salons was Evdokia Ivanovna Golitsyna (1780–1850). This one is beautiful and wonderful educated woman was keenly interested in political events, studied mathematics, and was friends with many outstanding people. Golitsyna was called "night princess", since she usually received guests late in the evening and her receptions lasted until dawn.

Poem addressed to Princess Golitsyna

  • “A Simple Pupil of Nature”, 1817

  • A simple student of nature,

  • So I used to sing

  • A beautiful dream of freedom

  • And he breathed it sweetly.

  • But I see you, I listen to you,

  • So what?... weak man!...

  • Having lost freedom forever,

  • I love bondage with my heart.

Istomina Evdokia Ilyinichna

  • Pushkin did not leave the famous ballerina Evdokia Ilyinichna Istomina (1799–1848) without attention, glorifying her art of dance in the novel "Eugene Onegin". This beautiful woman, with jet-black hair, large black and sparkling eyes, according to a contemporary, “for many years it captivated spectators and drove young officers crazy.”

Lines about Istomina in Chapter I of the novel “Eugene Onegin”

  • Brilliant, half-airy,

  • I obey the magic bow,

  • Surrounded by a crowd of nymphs,

  • Worth Istomin; she,

  • One foot touching the floor,

  • The other slowly circles,

  • And suddenly he jumps, and suddenly he flies,

  • Flies like feathers from the lips of Aeolus;

  • Now the camp will sow, then it will develop,

  • And with a quick foot he hits the leg.

Raevskaya Maria Nikolaevna

  • Another serious passion of the poet is Maria Nikolaevna Raevskaya (1805–1863) - the daughter of the famous hero of the Patriotic War, General N. N. Raevsky, the wife of the Decembrist S. G. Volkonsky, one of the remarkable women of her time.

The image of Maria Raevskaya in the poem “To the Fountain of the Bakhchisarai Palace”

  • Fountain of love, living fountain!

  • I brought you two roses as a gift.

  • I love your silent conversation

  • And poetic tears.

  • Your silver dust

  • Sprinkles me with cold dew:

  • Oh, pour in, pour in, the joyful key!

  • Murmur, hum your story to me...

  • Fountain of love, sad fountain!

  • And I asked your marble:

  • I read praise to the distant country;

  • But you were silent about Maria...

  • The pale harem shone!

  • And are you really forgotten here?

  • Or Maria and Zarema

  • Just happy dreams?

  • Or just a dream of imagination

  • I drew it in the desert darkness

  • Your momentary visions,

  • Souls unclear ideal?

Vorontsova Elizaveta Ksaverevna

  • A strong, passionate feeling was aroused in the poet’s heart by Elizaveta Ksaverevna Vorontsova (1792–1880), the wife of Novorossiysk Governor-General Count M. S. Vorontsov, in whose office Pushkin served in Odessa.

Vorontsova gave Pushkin a talisman ring, Pushkin responded with the poem “Talisman”

  • "Mascot":

  • Protect me, my talisman,

  • Keep me in the days of persecution,

  • In days of repentance and excitement:

  • You were given to me on the day of sorrow.

  • When the ocean rises

  • The waves are roaring around me,

  • When the clouds burst into thunder,

  • Keep me safe, my talisman.

  • In the solitude of foreign countries,

  • In the bosom of boring peace,

  • In the anxiety of a fiery battle

  • Keep me safe my talisman.

  • Holy sweet deception

  • A magical luminary of the soul...

  • It hid itself, changed...

  • Keep me safe, my talisman.

  • May the eternity of heart wounds

  • It won't spoil the memory.

  • Farewell hope; sleep, desire;

  • Keep me safe, my talisman.

  • (1825)

Kern Anna Petrovna

  • For a long time, the imagination of the poet was excited by Anna Petrovna Kern (1800–1879) - a lively, beautiful and charming woman who was friendly with many wonderful people of her time.

We owe the meeting with Kern the appearance of the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment...”

  • “I remember a wonderful moment...”:

  • I remember a wonderful moment:

  • You appeared before me,

  • Like a fleeting vision

  • Like a genius of pure beauty.

  • In the languor of hopeless sadness

  • In the worries of noisy bustle,

  • A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time

  • And I dreamed of cute features.

  • Years passed. The storm is a rebellious gust

  • Dispelled old dreams

  • And I forgot your gentle voice,

  • Your heavenly features.

  • In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment

  • My days passed quietly

  • Without a deity, without inspiration,

  • No tears, no life, no love.

  • The soul has awakened:

  • And then you appeared again,

  • Like a fleeting vision

  • Like a genius of pure beauty.

  • And the heart beats in ecstasy,

  • And for him they rose again

  • And deity and inspiration,

  • And life, and tears, and love.

  • (1825)

Zavadovskaya Elena Mikhailovna

  • Pushkin did not ignore Elena Mikhailovna Zavadovskaya (1807–1874), “a written beauty”, “a star of the first magnitude in the St. Petersburg big world.”

Pushkin dedicated the poem “Beauty” to Zavadovskaya, writing it with his own hand in the woman’s album

  • Everything in it is harmony, everything is marvelous,

  • Everything is above the world and passions;

  • She rests bashfully

  • In its solemn beauty;

  • She looks around herself:

  • She has no rivals, no friends;

  • Our pale circle of beauties

  • Disappears in its radiance.

  • Wherever you hurry,

  • At least for a love date,

  • Whatever I harbor in my heart

  • You are a secret dream, -

  • But, having met her, embarrassed, you

  • Suddenly you stop involuntarily,

  • Reverently

  • In front of the shrine of beauty.

  • (1832)

Ushakova Ekaterina Nikolaevna

  • The poet also felt a feeling of deep affection for Ekaterina Nikolaevna Ushakova (1809–1872). This was the eldest daughter in the Ushakov family, a devoted friend of the poet and a great admirer of his talent.

The poet dedicated the following lines to Ekaterina Ushakova

  • When it happened in the old days

  • A spirit or a ghost appeared

  • That drove Satan away

  • This simple saying:

  • “Amen, amen, scatter!” Nowadays

  • Much less demons and ghosts;

  • God knows where they went.

  • But you, my evil or good genius,

  • When I see before me

  • Your profile, your eyes, and golden curls,

  • When I hear your voice

  • And the speeches are frisky, lively -

  • I'm fascinated, I'm on fire

  • And I tremble before you,

  • And a heart full of dreams,

  • “Amen, amen, scatter!” - I say.

  • (“Ek. N. Ushakova”, 1827)

Olenina Anna Alekseevna

  • It is known that Pushkin dreamed of marrying Anna Alekseevna Olenina (1808–1888), the daughter of the President of the Academy of Arts A. N. Olenin. She was a lively and witty girl. Thanks to her father, who knew ten languages, she received an excellent education.

One of the poet’s best poems dedicated to Olenina is “Her Eyes”

  • She's cute - I'll say between us -

  • Storm of the court knights,

  • And maybe with the southern stars

  • Compare, especially in poetry,

  • Her Circassian eyes.

  • She wields them boldly,

  • They burn faster than fire;

  • But, admit it yourself, it’s either way

  • My Deer eyes!

  • What a thoughtful genius they are,

  • And how much childish simplicity

  • And how many languid expressions

  • And how much bliss and dreams!…

  • Lelya will put them down with a smile -

  • There is a triumph of modest graces in them;

  • Will raise - Raphael's angel

  • This is how the deity contemplates.

  • (1828)

Goncharova Natalya Nikolaevna

    For real deep feeling Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova (1812–1863) evoked the poet in her soul. Pushkin first saw her in the winter of 1828–1829 at one of the Moscow balls. " When I saw her for the first time, - the poet wrote to his future mother-in-law, N. I. Goncharova, - Her beauty was barely beginning to be noticed in the world. I fell in love with her, my head was spinning, I proposed...».

The poet glorifies the image of Natalya Nikolaevna in the poem “Madonna”

  • Not many paintings by ancient masters

  • I always wanted to decorate my abode,

  • So that the visitor might superstitiously marvel at them,

  • Heeding the important judgment of experts.

  • In my simple corner, amidst slow labors,

  • I wanted to be forever a spectator of one picture,

  • One: so that from the canvas, like from the clouds,

  • Most Pure One and our divine savior -

  • She with greatness, he with reason in his eyes -

  • They looked, meek, in glory and in the rays,

  • Alone, without angels, under the palm of Zion.

  • My wishes came true. Creator

  • Sent you to me, you, my Madonna,

  • The purest example of pure beauty.

Muses of Pushkin

    Getting to know the recipients love lyrics Pushkin, we are convinced of the enormous role they played in the life of the poet. We got to know Pushkin better as a person, we were convinced that he was an addicted, passionate, ardent person and that a rare woman could not succumb to his charm. Probably, everyone in her soul was proud of the fact that she was Pushkin’s Muse, even if only for a short time, for some "wonderful moment"

Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina
In those days... in those days when for the first time

I noticed living features

A lovely maiden and love

The young one was excited by the blood,

And I, hopelessly sad,

Tormented by the deception of ardent dreams,

I looked for her traces everywhere,

I thought about her tenderly,

I've been waiting all day for a minute meeting

And I learned the happiness of secret torments. . .

Ekaterina Pavlovna was the sister of Alexander Bakunin, Pushkin’s lyceum friend. In the summer she lived for a long time in Tsarskoye Selo, and the poet looked for traces left by “her beautiful foot” in Tsarskoye Selo groves and forests.
Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina “I was happy!.. No, I was not happy yesterday, in the morning I was tormented by anticipation, standing under the window with indescribable excitement, looking at the snowy road - it was not visible! Finally, I lost hope; Suddenly I accidentally meet her on the stairs - a sweet moment!.. How sweet she was! How the black dress stuck to dear Bakunina!” – Pushkin exclaimed in his lyceum diary.

Pushkin languished in love with Bakunina all winter, as well as spring and most summer of 1816. During this time, a number of elegies came out from his pen, which bear the stamp of deep melancholy. No definite conclusions about the relationship that existed between the poet and his beloved girl can be drawn on the basis of these poems; the elegiac stencil obscures the living features of reality. Probably, all this typically youthful romance entailed only a few fleeting meetings on the porch or in the park.
Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina In the autumn the Bakunins moved to St. Petersburg, and Pushkin, judging by the poems, for a long time was completely inconsolable. But youth took its toll, every day brought new impressions, the first literary successes began and even real triumphs, which turned out to be public reading at the exam in the presence of the aging Derzhavin. The heart wound has healed...

Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina
In 1817, Ekaterina Bakunina became a maid of honor, and Pushkin graduated from the Lyceum. There is no information that they met in St. Petersburg. Many years later, Ekaterina Pavlovna met Pushkin in Priyutino in 1828, at the celebration of the birthday of Ekaterina Markovna Olenina. But then, most likely, he was too busy with Anna Olenina to remember his lyceum love...
The charming Ekaterina Bakunina got married already in a very mature age. Nadezhda Osipovna Pushkina, the poet’s mother, told her daughter in 1834: “...as news, I’ll tell you that Bakunina is marrying Mr. Poltoratsky, cousin Mrs Kern. The wedding will take place after Easter. She is forty years old and he is not young. Widows, without children and with a fortune. They say he's been in love for two years..."

Apparently, Pushkin, already a married man at that time, was present at Ekaterina Pavlovna’s wedding. According to established custom, Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna blessed her beloved maid of honor and gave the young couple an icon, which Bakunina kept all her life.
Having left high society, she lived with her husband in complete harmony for twenty-one years. She readily corresponded with friends, raised her children - son Alexander and daughter Ekaterina, enjoyed family happiness...

Ekaterina Pavlovna was a wonderful artist, she had exhibitions and many orders. However, she became famous and remained in the memory of posterity precisely because the great poet fell in love with her. Fully aware of this, she treasured as a relic until the end of her days his madrigal for her name day, written in Pushkin’s hand on a yellowish piece of landscape paper.
Many artists tried to capture the beauty of this woman. A drawing by O. Kiprensky and two watercolor portraits by P. Sokolov are known. There is reason to believe that Ekaterina Pavlovna is also depicted in one of K. Bryullov’s watercolors. In all these portraits, her eyes look tenderly and meekly, and her entire appearance is filled with the charm of femininity. “How sweet she is” - these Pushkin words convey the quality of her beauty as accurately as possible.

Bakunina Ekaterina Pavlovna

Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina (1795–1869) - sister of Pushkin’s lyceum comrade A.P. Bakunin, wife (from 1834)

A. A. Poltoratsky, cousin of A. P. Kern. Her mother is Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Bakunina, ur. Sablukova (1777–1846), lived with her in the summer in Tsarskoye Selo.

Katerina had an extraordinary talent as a painter; she studied in the workshop of the Bryullov brothers. Many lyceum students were in love with her at the same time: Pushkin, Pushchin, Malinovsky and others. Lyceum student S. D. Komovsky recalled: “The first platonic love, truly poetic love, was aroused in Pushkin by Bakunin. She often visited her brother and always came to the Lyceum balls... Her lovely face, marvelous figure and charming manner created delight in all the Lyceum youth.”

Pushkin dedicated the poem “To the Painter” (1815) to Ekaterina Bakunina; he wrote in his diary on November 29, 1815: “I was happy... no, I wasn’t happy yesterday... how sweet she was! how the black dress stuck to dear Bakunina! but I didn’t see her for 18 hours - ah!.. But I was happy for 5 minutes.”

The poet was in love with Bakunina all winter, spring and most of the summer of 1816.

Poems (1815–1816) are dedicated to her: “To the painter”, “Bakunina”, “So, I was happy”, “ Autumn morning”, “To Her”, “Riders”, “Elegy”, “Tear”, “Month”, “Desire”, “Pleasure”, “Window”, “Separation”, “Despondency”, etc.

Ekaterina married only at the age of 39 to Pushkin’s good friend A. A. Poltoratsky, participant Patriotic War 1812, retired captain, leader of the nobility of the Tambov district. Pushkin informed his wife in a letter dated April 30, 1834: “Today I was at Bakunina’s wedding...”

Having gone to live with her husband in the village of Rasskazovo, Tambov district, she found herself far from social life, but considered herself completely happy. Ekaterina Pavlovna eagerly corresponded with friends, painted landscapes and portraits, raised children and... preserved the memory of her meetings with Pushkin.

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Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina was the sister of Alexander Bakunin, a lyceum friend of Pushkin. In the summer she lived for a long time in Tsarskoye Selo, and the poet looked for traces left by “her beautiful foot” in Tsarskoye Selo groves and forests.

In those days... in those days when for the first time
I noticed living features
A lovely maiden and love
The young one was excited by the blood...
Bakunina Ekaterina Pavlovna (1795-1869), Pyotr Fedorovich Sokolov
“I was happy!.. No, I was not happy yesterday in the morning, I was tormented by anticipation, standing under the window with indescribable excitement, looking at the snowy road - it was not visible!
Finally, I lost hope; Suddenly I accidentally meet her on the stairs - a sweet moment!.. How sweet she was! How the black dress stuck to dear Bakunina!” – Pushkin exclaimed in his lyceum diary.
His friend S. D. Komovsky recalled this passion of the poet
“But the first platonic, truly spiritual love was aroused in Pushkin by the sister of one of his Lyceum comrades... She often visited her brother and always came to Lyceum balls. Her lovely face, marvelous figure and charming manner created a general delight among all the youth of the Lyceum. Pushkin, with the fiery feeling of a young poet, depicted her magical beauty with living colors in his poem entitled “To the Painter.” These poems were very successfully set to music by his Lyceum friend Yakovlev and were constantly sung not only in the Lyceum, but also for a long time after leaving it.”
Lyceum. Drawing by A. S. Pushkin on the manuscript of the novel Eugene Onegin
Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin lyceum student of the first graduating class
Orest Kiprensky

Other lyceum students were also interested in Bakunina, including I. I. Pushchin, future Decembrist. But rivalry did not cause a chill between friends.
Pushkin languished in love with Bakunina all winter, as well as the spring and most of the summer of 1816. During this time, a number of elegies came out from his pen, which bear the stamp of deep melancholy. No definite conclusions about the relationship that existed between the poet and his beloved girl can be drawn on the basis of these poems; the elegiac stencil obscures the living features of reality. Probably, all this typically youthful romance entailed only a few fleeting meetings on the porch or in the park.
A.S. Pushkin at the exam at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, Evgeny Demakov
“Ekaterina Bakunina, of course, could not reciprocate any of the lyceum students in love,” says literary critic Nina Zababurova. – They were 17, and she was 21. At this age, such a gap constitutes an abyss, especially since girls, as we know, grow up faster. Bakunina had a younger brother, the same age as the poet in love, and this situation was doubly disadvantageous for the ardent admirer. That's why she had to look at him like a child. According to the scant information shared by contemporaries, Ekaterina Pavlovna was a rather strict, serious girl and absolutely alien to playful coquetry.”

Father - Pavel Petrovich Bakunin (May 24 (June 4) 1766 - December 24, 1805 (January 5, 1806)) - Russian writer, acting director Imperial Academy sciences and arts from August 12, 1794 to November 12, 1796 (during the vacation of Princess E. R. Dashkova); Director of the Academy from November 12 (23), 1796.
Unknown artist, 1790s

Mother - Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Bakunina, née Sablukova (1777 - 1846)
Brother - Alex;ndr Pa;vlovich Baku;nin (August 12 (1), 1797, St. Petersburg - September 6 (August 25), 1862, Nice) - lyceum student of the 1st graduation (Pushkin), Tver civil governor (1842-1857 ), Privy Councilor (1856)
In the fall, the Bakunins moved to St. Petersburg, and Pushkin, judging by the poems, was completely inconsolable for a long time. But youth took its toll, every day brought new impressions, the first literary successes began and even real triumphs, which turned out to be public reading at the exam in the presence of the aging Derzhavin. The heart wound has healed...
Alexander Pushkin reads his poem Memoirs in Tsarskoe Selo at the Lyceum on January 8, 1815 Ilya Repin
A.S. Pushkin at the exam at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Evgeniy Demakov
In 1817, Ekaterina Bakunina became a maid of honor, and Pushkin graduated from the Lyceum. There is no information that they met in St. Petersburg. Many years later, Ekaterina Pavlovna met Pushkin in Priyutino in 1828, at the celebration of the birthday of Elizaveta Markovna Olenina. But then, most likely, he was too busy with Anna Olenina to remember his lyceum love...

Priyutino. State Museum of A. S. Pushkin

Olenina Elizaveta Markovna.Vladimir Borovikovsky

Anna Alekseevna Andro, Countess de Langenron, née Olenina (08/11/1808 - 12/18/1888)
Vladimir Ivanovich Gau

The charming Ekaterina Bakunina got married at a very mature age. Nadezhda Osipovna Pushkina, the poet’s mother, told her daughter in 1834
“...as news, I’ll tell you that Bakunina is marrying Mr. Poltoratsky, Mrs. Kern’s cousin. The wedding will take place after Easter. She is forty years old and he is not young. Widows, without children and with a fortune. They say he’s been in love for two years...”
Apparently, Pushkin, already a married man at that time, was present at Ekaterina Pavlovna’s wedding. According to established custom, Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna blessed her beloved maid of honor and gave the young couple an icon, which Bakunina kept all her life.

Portrait of Alexander Alexandrovich Poltoratsky, P.F. Sokolov

Having left high society, she lived with her husband in complete harmony for twenty-one years. She willingly corresponded with friends, raised children - son Alexander and daughter Ekaterina, enjoyed family happiness...
“...Ekaterina Pavlovna meanwhile became a wonderful artist,” says Lev Anisov. – I had exhibitions and many orders. However, she became famous and remained in the memory of posterity precisely because the great poet fell in love with her. Fully aware of this, she treasured as a relic until the end of her days his madrigal for her name day, written in Pushkin’s hand on a yellowish piece of landscape paper.”

Bakunina Ekaterina Pavlovna (1795-1869), married. Poltoratskaya. Alexander Bryullov

Many artists tried to capture the beauty of this woman. A drawing by O. Kiprensky and two watercolor portraits by P. Sokolov are known. There is reason to believe that Ekaterina Pavlovna is also depicted in one of K. Bryullov’s watercolors. In all these portraits, her eyes look tenderly and meekly, and her entire appearance is filled with the charm of femininity. “How sweet she is” - these Pushkin words convey the quality of her beauty as accurately as possible.

Bakunina Ekaterina Pavlovna (1795-1869), married. Poltoratskaya. Orest Adamovich Kiprensky
Bakunina Ekaterina Pavlovna (1795-1869), married. Poltoratskaya.Petr Fedorovich Sokolov
Bakunina Ekaterina Pavlovna (1795-1869), married. Poltoratskaya.Self-portrait
Bakunina Ekaterina Pavlovna (1795-1869), married. Poltoratskaya.Unknown artist
Bakunina Ekaterina Pavlovna (1795-1869), married. Poltoratskaya.Hints (Hintz) Andrey Joseph

Bakunina Ekaterina Pavlovna (1795-1869), married. Poltoratskaya.Gorbunov, Kirill Antonovich

Katerina Pavlovna Poltoratskaya, née Bakunina (January 28 (February 9), 1795 - November 24 (December 7), 1869) - maid of honor of the Russian court, amateur artist; the first youthful love of A. S. Pushkin, which inspired him to create a whole cycle of lyrical poems.

1 Biography
2 Meeting Pushkin
3 At court
4 Marriage
5 Children
6 Notes
7 Links
8 Literature


Daughter of the actual chamberlain, who at one time managed the Academy of Sciences, Pavel Petrovich Bakunin (1766-1805) from his marriage to Ekaterina Alexandrovna Sablukova (1777-1846). On her father's side she was the cousin-niece of diplomat D.P. Tatishchev; on her mother's side, she is the granddaughter of Senator A. A. Sablukov. Revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin was her second cousin.

I received very good home education. From 1798 she lived with her parents abroad, first in Germany and Switzerland, then in England. In 1804, due to a lack of funds, the Bakunins returned to Russia. After the death of her father in December 1805, she was raised with her brothers, Alexander and Semyon, mother and grandfather A. A. Sablukov, who was appointed their official guardian. They lived on rented apartment in Tairov's house on the Neva embankment.
Meeting Pushkin

In 1811, Alexander Bakunin was appointed to the newly opened Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, in which he became friends with Pushkin. Catherine and her mother often visited her brother, and in the summer they constantly lived in Tsarskoe Selo. The Gazette of the Lyceum records their visits: in 1811 - four, in 1814 - thirty-one, in 1815 - seventeen, in 1816 - six, in 1817 - eight times.

Beautiful 16-year-old Ekaterina Bakunina was the object of attention of many lyceum students, among them were Pushkin, Pushchin and Ivan Malinovsky. “Her lovely face, marvelous figure and charming manner created a general delight among all the Lyceum youth,” recalled S. D. Komovsky.

In 1815, the lover Pushkin depicted the beauty of Bakunina in his poem “To the Painter.” His words were set to music by lyceum student N.A. Korsakov and became a popular romance. He included her name in the so-called “Don Juan list.” According to many researchers, Pushkin created more than twenty lyric poems under the impression of his meetings with Bakunina, her image appeared in his works until 1825.
At court
E. P. Bakunina (1828)

On October 24, 1817, Ekaterina Bakunina became the maid of honor of Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna and settled with royal court. Her purpose in society was perceived ambiguously by many. N. M. Muravyov wrote to his mother: “I was quite surprised that you write about Bakunina. Why on earth was it produced and how is it very strange.”

Subsequently, Bakunina became the empress's favorite maid of honor. In 1818, she accompanied her on a trip to Darmstadt and Weimar, then to Munich and Karlsruhe. According to contemporaries, “the beautiful maid of honor B.” She was distinguished by her special grace in dancing at court balls. She was friends with V. A. Zhukovsky and took painting lessons from the court artist A. P. Bryullov. Being a talented amateur artist, she did a lot of copying and her favorite genre was portraiture. She herself was painted by many famous artists: O. A. Kiprensky, P. F. Sokolov and A. P. Bryullov.

During her life at court, lady-in-waiting Bakunina also had serious romances, so in December 1821 one of her contemporaries wrote: “Bakunina’s adventure is extremely romantic! We can only hope that the romance will continue with Bakunina, who is charming and worthy of making a good match.” However, she got married at a very mature age. In March 1834, N. O. Pushkina wrote to her daughter:
“As news, I’ll tell you, Mlle Bakunina is marrying Mr. Poltoratsky, Mrs. Kern’s cousin, the wedding will be after Easter. She is 40 years old, he is not young, widowed, without children and with a fortune, they say he has been in love for two years. »
Alexander Poltoratsky

Catherine’s chosen one was her longtime acquaintance, retired captain Alexander Alexandrovich Poltoratsky (1792-1855). “She is so happy that she is crying with joy,” Sheremetev’s maid of honor wrote about the upcoming wedding. Their wedding took place on April 30, 1834 in St. Petersburg, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna personally blessed the bride for the marriage. Soon, Catherine, along with her husband and her mother, left the capital.

They settled on the Poltoratsky estate in Rasskazovo, Tambov district. “She buried herself somewhere in the village,” wrote Baron M.A. Korf, “this marriage deprived her of a maid of honor’s salary of 3,900 rubles in banknotes, but according to the reviews of her relatives, they are happy.” In 1837, A. A. Poltoratsky was elected leader of the nobility in the Tambov district and Ekaterina Pavlovna was often the hostess at balls and evenings in the Assembly of the Nobility. Her life was spent raising children and painting. She created a whole portrait gallery of her family and friends. Her works were kept in the family, passed down from generation to generation, and later ended up in the collections of many museums.

In 1846, Ekaterina Pavlovna’s mother died, and on March 13, 1855, her husband died. He was buried in St. Petersburg in the Novodevichy Convent. Since 1859, Poltoratskaya lived with her married daughter in Kostroma, went to the Bakunins’ estate Zatishye for the summer and only occasionally visited Rasskazovo. In 1868, after the death of her son, she bequeathed the estate to her seven-year-old grandson Alexander. Ekaterina Pavlovna died on December 7, 1869 and was buried in St. Petersburg next to her husband.

Pavel Alexandrovich (1835-1835)
Alexander Alexandrovich (1837-1867), cornet of the hussar regiment, lieutenant, having retired in 1858, he lived on the Rasskazovo estate, where he was engaged in farming. His wife is Yulia Nikolaevna Chikhacheva, they have four children.
Ekaterina Alexandrovna (1838-1917), married to the actual state councilor Ivanov Ivanovich Levashov (d. 1900), their children Alexander (1859-1914), Nikolai (1860-1913) and Ekaterina (1861-1957; married cousin A A. Poltoratsky).


; N. M. Muravyov. Letters of the Decembrist 1813-1826. - M., 2001.
; Pushkin's world. Family papers. - T. 1. - St. Petersburg: Iz-vo " Pushkin Foundation", 1993. - P. 213.
; Archive of the village of Mikhailovskoye. T.2. Vol. 1. - St. Petersburg, 1902. - P. 38.
; Baron Modest Korf. Notes. - M.: Zakharov, 2003. - 720 p.
Aterina Pavlovna Poltoratskaya
Ekaterina Bakunina.jpg
Self-portrait, 1816
Birth name:

Date of Birth:

E. P. Bakunina. Self-portrait. 1816.

Bakunina Ekaterina Pavlovna (1795-1869), elder sister of Alexander Bakunin, Pushkin’s friend at the Lyceum, maid of honor, artist. Pushkin met Bakunina when she was visiting her brother at the Lyceum, and became passionately interested in her. He expressed his feeling in a cycle of elegies dedicated to her in 1816: “Despondency,” “Month,” “Singer,” “Autumn Morning.” Self-portrait. 1816

Book materials used: Pushkin A.S. Works in 5 volumes. M., Synergy Publishing House, 1999.

Bakunina Ekaterina Pavlovna (1795-1869). In November 1815, Pushkin wrote in his lyceum diary: “I was happy!.., no, I was not happy yesterday; In the morning I was tormented by anticipation, standing under the window with indescribable excitement, looking at the snowy road - it was not visible! Finally I lost hope, suddenly I accidentally met her on the stairs, sweet moment!.. How sweet she was! How the black dress stuck to dear Bakunina!” About this girl who first awakened love in young poet, wrote his fellow lyceum students S. D. Komovsky and I. I. Pushchin. Bakunina often visited her younger brother, Pushkin’s comrade at the Lyceum, and always attended Lyceum balls. “Her lovely face,” according to Komovsky, “her wondrous figure and charming manner created general delight among all the Lyceum youth.”

She studied painting with Alexander Bryullov, and the surviving watercolor portraits testify to her extraordinary talent.

Bakunina left a noticeable mark on Pushkin’s work. The poems “So, I was happy...” (1815), “To the Painter” (1815) and the lyrical cycle of 1816 - “Window”, “Separation”, “Dear Word” and others, inspired by hopeless, unrequited love, are dedicated to her. .

And later, in a stanza that was not included in the final text of Onegin, Pushkin recalled his first youthful love:

In those days when for the first time
I noticed living features
Pretty maiden and love
The young one was excited by the blood
And I, hopelessly sad,
Tormented by the deception of ardent dreams,
I looked for her traces everywhere,
I thought about her tenderly,
I've been waiting all day for a minute meeting
And I learned the happiness of secret torments.

In 1834, Bakunina married an acquaintance of Pushkin, cousin of A.P. Kern, Tver landowner A.A. Poltoratsky. Bakunin “is so happy that she cries with joy” wrote about the upcoming wedding alone and among her contemporaries. Apparently, Pushkin was present at this wedding.

L.A. Chereisky. Contemporaries of Pushkin. Documentary essays. M., 1999, p. 45-46.

Read further:

Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich(1799-1837), poet.

Bakunin Alexander Pavlovich(1799-1862), brother of Ekaterina Pavlovna.