A test on the world around us on the topic "How does the world work?" (3rd grade). What are nature reserves? Underline the odd one out in each column.

Test material

by subject

« The world»

3rd grade

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Explanatory note.

One of the important didactic conditions that ensure the assimilation of knowledge is its systematic testing and evaluation.

The test provides me with the opportunity to determine the quality of students’ knowledge and the level of proficiency in the skills being developed. This, in turn, allows us to assess the readiness of students to learn new material and the effectiveness of the teaching methods and techniques used.

Testing is important for students:

    it serves as a kind of reinforcement of the correctness of the emerging knowledge or a brake on incorrect connections;

    the very fact of verification psychologically prepares for quality work, develops self-control.

IN school practice verification is carried out verbally and writing; current apply thematic control and final accounting of knowledge.

To control and evaluate knowledge and skills in the subjects of this educational field individual and frontal oral are usedchecks, various written works, which do not require expandedth answer from at great expense time, as well as independent practical work with maps, instruments, models, laboratory equipmenteat.

The purpose of the test papers compiled by me is to check the assimilation of program material on the studied topics of the course according to the textbook by A. A. Pleshakov.

The time for testing is 10-15 minutes. But the teacher can adjust this time based on the capabilities of his class in order to avoid a nervous environment.

TEST WORK on the topic

“How does the world work?”

Student ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Chamomile, ruler, tile, car, mountains, cabinet, clay, bird, clouds, notebook, tree, house.

3. Wildlife includes:

    humans, animals, plants, fungi, microbes;

    Sun, Earth, air, water, man and everything that was made by his hands;

    Sun, sky, clouds, Earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

5. Animals are:




    create boulevards and squares;

10.What are nature reserves?

oak boletus mosquito

hedgehog honey mushroom mole

strawberry deer whale

birch boletus cedar

14. Any state has:

Air, heron, sun, soil, kangaroo, wood mouse, fish, seagull, woodpecker, water.

air pollution;

water pollution;

drain Wastewater;

reduction of forests

    in the Book of Honor;

    to the Red Book


TEST PAPER No. 1 on the topic

“How does the world work?”

1.Underline the names of natural objects:

Chamomile , ruler, tile, machine, mountains, cabinet,clay , bird, clouds, notebook,tree , house.

2. Inanimate nature includes:

    humans, animals, plants, fungi, microbes;

    Sun, Earth, air, water, man and everything that was made by his hands;

    Sun, sky, clouds, Earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

3. Wildlife includes:

    humans, animals, plants, fungi, microbes;

    Sun, Earth, air, water, man and everything that was made by his hands;

    Sun, sky, clouds, Earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

4.Living beings are different from objects inanimate nature because:

    they breathe, feed, grow, bear offspring, die;

    they talk, run and jump, laugh and cry, grow, die;

    they move, grow, change surrounding nature, die.

5. Animals are:

    animals, insects, snakes, plants, mushrooms, microbes;

    birds, animals, fish, lizards, turtles, worms;

    birds, animals, humans, insects, plants, mushrooms.

6. Why are there fewer forests on Earth?

    due to fires and natural disasters;

    due to climate change on Earth;

    due to the construction of cities, roads, and cultivation of fields.

7.What kind of air and what kind of water are necessary for the life of plants, animals and humans?




8.What causes water pollution in rivers and lakes?

    from the use of water in everyday life;

    from the use of water in production;

    from the discharge of wastewater from factories and factories, sewage from farms.

9.What do people do to save wildlife?

    create nature reserves and botanical gardens;

    create boulevards and squares;

    create farms, apiaries and poultry farms.

10.What are nature reserves?

    nature reserves are areas of land where all nature is under strict protection;

    nature reserves are areas of land where rare plants from all over the world are grown;

    Nature reserves are areas of land where a wide variety of animals, birds and insects live.

11.Underline the extra in each column:

oak boletus mosquito

hedgehog honey mushroom mole

strawberriesdeer whale

birch boletuscedar

12.K inner world people include:

    dreams, height, age, character, weight;

    knowledge, mood, character, thoughts, dreams;

    hands, eyes, hairstyle, age, mood.

13. Connect the concepts and their corresponding definitions with lines:

ability to think imagination

ability to store information thinking

the ability to imagine something that is not there

ability to receive information about the environment memory

14. Any state has:

15. Underline what constitutes environment for pine:

Air, heron,Sun , the soil, kangaroo,wood mouse , fish, seagull,woodpecker , water .

16. Connect the actions of people and the results corresponding to them with lines:

air pollution;

extermination of animals for fur;

water pollution;

wastewater discharge;

extinction of some animal species;

smoke emissions from factories and factories.

reduction of forests

17. Information about rare plants and animals is entered:

    in the Book of Honor;

    to the Red Book

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Slide captions:

How the world works. The world around us 3rd grade Teacher: Dovgal Natalya Valentinovna

Think about it. - Which of the above can be attributed to nature, and which is created by man? rain tractor cloud bear brick clay dandelion hammer oak book

Think about it. - How to distribute these words into two groups? rain cloud bear clay dandelion oak Live nature Inanimate nature

How to distinguish living from nonliving nature? Living nature breathes grows develops produces offspring dies feeds

Biology is a science that studies living nature.

Scientists divide all living things into large kingdoms: Kingdoms: Kingdom of plants; Kingdom of animals; Kingdom of fungi; Kingdom of bacteria.

Working with the textbook. Read the text on pp. 8-9 of the textbook. This is interesting!

What kingdoms do these organisms belong to?

What nature is man?

Nature is the source...of materials for Agriculture Air, food, water, kindness, beauty, knowledge of health

Working with the textbook. Read the text on page 6 of the textbook. Answer questions 1, 2 3 on page 7.

Thanks for the work!

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