On a cold day, on an autumn day, analysis. Analysis of the poem block "on a cold day, on an autumn day" please, urgently needed

On a cold day, on an autumn day I will return there again Remember this nonsense

On a cold day, on an autumn day
I'll go back there again
Remember this spring sigh,
See the past image.

I'll come and won't pay,
Remembering, I won’t burn.
I'll meet you with a song at random
The dawn of a new autumn,

Evil laws of time
The mournful spirit was put to sleep.
Past howl, past groans
If you don't hear me, I'm extinguished.

The very fire is blind eyes
It will not burn with a former dream.
The very day is darker than the night
To the soul lulled.
people help me find epithets metaphor personification
2 place of the poem in the poet’s work 3 leading theme 4 lyrical plot 5 problems 6 composition 7 lyrical hero 8 prevailing mood 9 genre 10 vocabulary 11 meter rhythm and rhyme methods of rhyming

Who knows how to analyze a poem? Please help...

analyze the poem...
July afternoonCinematography Igor Severyanin
Elegant stroller, in electric beater,
It rustled elastically across the highway sand;
There are two virgin ladies in it, in a fast-paced rapture,
In Alo-counter aspiration - these are bees towards a petal.

And all around were pine trees, ideals of equality,
The sky floated, the sun sang, the breeze tumbled;

And under the engine tires the dust was smoking, the gravel was jumping,
A bird coincided with the wind on a road without roads...

A monk stood ominously at the monastery fence,

Hearing the sounds of “moral loss” in the fragility of the stroller..
And shaking off the awakened grains of sand with fear,
The playful crew cursed with a harmless gaze.

Laughter, as fresh as the sea, laughter as hot as a crater,
Lava poured from the carriage, cooling in the heights of the spheres,

The fairway rustled with lightning speed under the wheels,
And the encouraged driver got drunk with the wine of delight...

Help me please!! We need an analysis of Blok's poem "Snow Wine". Snow wine And again, sparkling from the wine cup, You planted fear in Your heart

an innocent smile in heavy snake hair. I'm overturned in the dark streams And again I breathe in, not loving, A forgotten dream about kisses, Oh snowy blizzards around you. And you laugh with a wondrous laugh, You snake in a golden bowl, And a blue wind blows over your sable fur. And how, looking into the living streams, can you not see yourself in a crown? I don’t remember your kisses On your upturned face?

To the question: Please help me analyze the poem! Please! given by the author chevron the best answer is Spring events formed the basis of the poem
“On a cold day, on an autumn day...”, sometimes
appearing under the name "Field outside St. Petersburg".
In the poem, Blok expressed his own premonition.
It seemed to him that on the field Old Village
he will return completely different, forever changed,
extinct - not a “seer and possessor of secrets”,
but "a poet and a man." The memories won't bring any tears,
no old emotions. New autumn dawns lyrical hero
the poem is preparing to meet with a song at random.
This image was borrowed by Blok from Fet’s work:
And don’t call - but a song at random
Love binge...
In mid-September 1902, Alexander Alexandrovich
returned to the treasured field behind the Old Village.
It turned out that the evil laws of time did not lull the mournful
spirit that his soul was still alive.
Moreover, with the help of prayer she was resurrected,
what Blok talked about in the poem
"The bell was ringing in the city..."
The article consists of 4 stanzas
size: tetrameter trochee
disyllabic foot with stress on the first syllable
cross rhyme ABAB,
There is no rhyme in the last stanza - blank verse
Artistic Features:
inversion: cold day, autumn day, evil laws of time
non-union - gives impetuosity to the statement,
personification: the laws have been put to sleep,
epithets: blind eyes, sigh of spring, evil laws
comparison: darker than the night
lexical repetition: On a cold day, on an autumn day
antithesis: autumn-spring
assonance - repetition of vowel sounds
I’ll come and won’t pay,
Remembering, I won’t burn.
Meet with a song at random...
The very Fire is the blind Eyes
It will not burn with a former dream.
The very day is darker than the night
Lulled by the soul.
alliteration gives special sound expressiveness
(Z, R)
"Evil Time Laws"

The work of A. A. Blok “Autumn Day” was written on January 1, 1909. Analysis this poem shows that it continues the theme of everyday life that is important for the writer common man and worries about the fate of Russia.

In "Autumn Day", as in one of the most famous poems Bloc "Russia", the image of a poor, oppressed country appears. The lyrical hero shares with a friend his perception of the Russian village. It is dominated by grey, depressive moods and sadness.

Twice in as long a short poem The author uses the adjective “beggar” and twice he refers to the verb “crying.” The birds and the “wife” of the lyrical hero, whose image appears in the last two lines, cry in the poem. They seem to sympathize native land and feel all its bitterness. By the way, it is quite possible that the image of his wife contains features of Russia itself - in his works Blok often spiritualizes the country and declares his love for it.

The author uses his characteristic cross rhyme. The meter is iambic, tetrameter. In all even lines, the fourth foot is incomplete - the author uses a feminine ending (the line ends on an unstressed syllable).

Images of nature and Russia in this work are revealed through sad personifications. The leader of the crane flock is crying, the raven is calling dully to his comrades. Epithets also have a predominantly sad connotation. Blok calls his friend modest, the church dark, the day darkened, his wife poor.

The ending of the poem is characterized by rhetorical exclamations characteristic of Blok. The lyrical hero asks: what does the country mean to him, why does its people suffer? Last question remains open to every reader, but we are not looking for an answer to it, because we feel the hopelessness of the search...

In addition to the analysis of “Autumn Day,” pay attention to other essays:

  • “Stranger”, analysis of the poem
  • “Russia”, analysis of Blok’s poem
  • “The Twelve”, analysis of the poem by Alexander Blok
  • “Factory”, analysis of Blok’s poem
  • “Rus”, analysis of Blok’s poem
  • “Summer Evening”, analysis of Blok’s poem
  • “Dawn”, analysis of Blok’s poem

We met you in the temple
And they lived in a joyful garden,
But the stinking courtyards
Let's go to damnation and labor.

We've passed all the gates
And in every window they saw,
How hard the work is
On every bent back.

And so let's go to where we will be
We live under a low ceiling
Where people cursed each other
Killed by their own labor.

Trying not to get my dresses dirty,
You walked among those sleeping on the floor;
But their very dream was a curse,
Over there - in the spit-stained corner.

You turned around and looked
Trustingly in my eyes.
And it flashed on my cheek,
A drunken tear rolled down.

No! Happiness is an idle concern,
After all, youth is long gone.
Work will pass our time,
I have a hammer, you have a needle.

Sit, sit, look out the window,
People are driven everywhere by labor,
And those for whom it is a little more difficult,
Those songs are long.

I will work next to you,
Perhaps you won’t remember me
That I saw the bottom of the glass
Drowning despair in wine.

Analysis of Blok’s poem “On a cold day, on an autumn day”

In 1905, the Moscow publishing house “Grif” released Blok’s debut collection “Poems about To the beautiful lady", designed primarily in the spirit of symbolism. The book was dedicated to Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva. The poet met her back in childhood, due to the fact that their parents’ estates were adjacent. At the end of the nineteenth century young Alexander Alexandrovich fell in love with the daughter of the great Russian chemist. Thus began one of the most famous novels in the history of Russian literature of the twentieth century. Mendeleev either brought her closer to her or pushed away the young poet, who showed enviable persistence in achieving his goal. He eventually achieved what he wanted. In 1903, Blok married Lyubov Dmitrievna.

The lyrics included in “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” were created in the period from 1901 to 1902. The poet’s worldview was greatly influenced by an event that happened in the spring of 1901. Blok himself considered it fateful and the most important in his life. Mysterious signs and mysterious omens have happened before. Alexander Alexandrovich admitted that he saw signs in nature, but considered what was happening to be subjective, so he tried to protect it from everyone. In April 1901, the poet was lucky enough to experience “absolutely special condition" On the outskirts of St. Petersburg, in a field behind the Old Village, She began to appear to him, later called in the lyrics the Beautiful Lady, the Majestic Eternal Wife, the Mysterious Maiden, and so on. For Easter, Blok received as a gift a poetry collection by Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov, in which he found answers to most of his main questions.

Spring events formed the basis of the poem “On a cold day, on an autumn day...”, sometimes appearing under the title “Field outside St. Petersburg.” With the help of the work, Blok expressed his own premonition. It seemed to him that he would return to the field behind the Old Village completely different, forever changed, extinguished - not “a seer and owner of a secret,” but “a poet and a man.” The memories will not bring back tears or the same emotions. The lyrical hero of the poem is preparing to greet the dawn of the new autumn with a song at random. This image was borrowed by Blok from Fet’s work: And don’t call, but sing a song at random of Love...

In mid-September 1902, Alexander Alexandrovich returned to the treasured field behind Staraya Derevnya. It turned out that the evil laws of time did not lull the mournful spirit, that his soul was still alive. Moreover, with the help of prayer she was resurrected, which Blok told readers about in the poem “In the city a bell was belling...”.

a.block poem cold day analysis

DAY `Crossword Dictionary`
. writer Haruki Murakami “Good. for kangaroos.”23. At what time of day was Diogenes unable to find the person with fire?24. Film by Oleg Fomin ". elections.”25. Novel American writer John Bart." rest.”26. A novel by American writer Nathanael West. locusts.”27. Alexander Solzhenitsyn's story “Alone. Ivan Denisovich."28. TV series “Tatyanin. ".29. Film by Roland Emmerich. independence."30. At what time of day do Spaniards take a siesta?31. Yuri Egorov’s film “Not the most successful. ".32. Film by Boris Yashin “Women. ".33. Play Russian writer A.A. Dudarev “And there was. ".34. Novel Swedish writer E. Yunson “Long. life.”35. Collection of poems by the Russian poet Ya.V. Smelyakov ". Russia."36. The story of the Russian writer V.M. Kozhevnikov. flying.”37. Film by Nikita Mikhalkov “Calm. at the end of the war.”38. Painting by the French artist A. Derain “Saturday. ".39. “He was born at dawn, the more he grew, the smaller he became, and by night he died, leaving his number” (riddle).

Cold `Dictionary of Antonyms`
cold warm Dictionary of antonyms. 2011.

Day` Dictionary Ushakova`
day, m. 1. Part of the day, period of time from morning to evening. Sunny day. Day off. stands up, scarlet and magnificent. I. Aksakov. The day is already turning pale, hiding behind the mountain. Zhukovsky. 2. day, a period of time of 24 hours. January has 31 days. He was sick for five days. On the first day of the decade. Three days' journey (i.e., a distance that can be driven or walked in three days). || An indefinite period of time within a day, taken as a separate day when counting in everyday life. I read this book in three days. The child cries all day long. Worker's Day. Printing Day. Birthday. Big sports day. 5. only plural time, time, period (book). In the days of youth. Nowadays. In days of national disaster. Days gone by charm. Zhukovsky. In those days when I blossomed serenely in the gardens of the Lyceum. Pushkin. working day (econ.) - the number of working hours per day. Seven hour work day. Denskaya day (colloquial) - for the whole day. Black day (colloquial) - unfavorable time. Set aside money for a rainy day. Day by day - with each new day, gradually. Day by day the patient got better. Day after day - every day, incessantly. From day to day - 1) from one day to another. Postpone the matter from day to day. 2) in the near future. They are expecting her any day now. The other day - see the other day. On the day (colloquially with the regional form of the preposition) - during the day, in expressions like: several times a day, twice a day. Day after day - exactly, accurately on the appointed day. Day after day (colloquial) - the same, without variety, one day is similar to another. - How did you live before? - Day after day, today is like yesterday. Griboyedov. In the days of ona - see this. Day and night - all the time, continuously, constantly. He sits at work day and night. The third day - the day before yesterday. Counted days - see count.

Analysis of `Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary`
analysis noun m. used compare often Morphology: (no) what? analysis, why? analysis, (see) what? analysis, what? analysis, about what? about analysis; pl. What? tests, (no) what? analysis, why? analysis, (I see) what? tests, what? analyzes, about what? about analyzes 1. Analysis is a method scientific research, in which the subject of research is mentally divided into constituent elements. Apply analysis. 2. Your analysis of any phenomena, events, facts is your thinking about them, when you try to understand their meaning, origin, etc. Analysis of recent political events. 3. Analysis of a substance is the determination of its composition, structure, properties, etc. Analysis of water and air. | Blood and urine tests. 4. Medical tests is a study of human health. Give directions for tests. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev D. V. Dmitriev. 2003

day `Vocabulary Church Slavonic language`
. day @font-face span noun Greekἡμέραpart of time from sunrise to sunset indefinite part of time during common day of judgment and destruction unfortunate ill-fated time From day to day every day every day daily or several days in a row the expression day from day can mean up to another day continuation of days from day to day above or from day to day constantly known definite neither or a certain day annually Exodus Leo King Bardni the sweet numbers numbered certain Sirday of the Lord God's day the time of the special appearance of God, the terrible or the merciful, the time of punishment, temporary or eternal, and the features of salvation, the day of judgment, the time of general judgment and also especially the time of the fall of the kingdom and of the Jews Matt 17px>

analysisRussian spelling dictionary
analysisanalysisRussian spelling dictionaryRussian Academy of SciencesIntrusewinterVVinogradovaMAzbukovnikVVLopatinresponsible editorBZBukchinNAESkovaidr

Analysis Dictionary of psychiatric terms
AnalysisGreek – decomposition, dismembermentThe process of decomposition of a whole into parts

PoemExplanatory DictionaryKuznetsov
poemPOEMEasrSmall poetic work written in rhythmic speech in versesRead from Ablok's poemsWrite fromUnpublished poems in proseshort poetic work of heightened emotionality written in prosaic form◁PoemEasrReduce slagsneglectLarge explanatory dictionary of Russian speak from St. PetersburgNorintSAKuznetsov

ColdIdeographic Dictionary of the Russian Language
cold▲having a low temperature<>heat sensationcoldhaving a low temperaturecoolcoolcoldto a smallcoldfeelingcoolingbodylowtemperain a cellarin a basementlike in a welllike in a gravelikeabove a yardlike an ice nothing like at the North Polecoldstarcoldsteeplycoldsoftgladelikefrogwolvesfreezecryocryogenic↓refrigeratorcryostatrefrigerateIdeographic dictionary of the Russian languagePublishing house ETS BaranovOS

Cold Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegova
ayoecoldcoldcoldcoldandcoldHavinglowtemperatureheatednotgivingornotcontainingheatWindColdwinterClobeTodaycoldnewsignColddishesfoodservedcoldsnacksfieldHavingnoheatnorthernclimatesterrainsColdcountriesEdgefieldHavingnheatedColddachaColdroomLow heatinggivinglittleheatColdwintersunColdclothingJacketforwinterscoldnotwarmenoughfullClosetoflowerwatericeairColdcolorsColdtonesbluegraylight bluevioletfeatherIndifferent impassiveColdheartXtemperamentStrictunfriendlyHawkReceptionColdy hreplykomunpolnfProduced without the help of heating or at low temperaturesCold steelCold processing of metalsCold smokingCold curlingcoldnew signFeeling of coldI am coldGroundlying coldCold warpoliticsincreasing tensionhostilityrelationships between countriesCold weaponsimpact chopping piercingCold shoemaker old shoemaker working on the street in a simplified way

Day cmTime Biblical numberThe Holy Scriptures mention various hours of the day like DawnThe time before the sun appears This timeThe Lord is risenMarMatbSunriseTsarDay heatBy about one o'clockThe hottest timeMidnoonBetdCooldayThe time before sunsetLifeThe Persians are still called the same Thus, this part of the day Evening the Jews took two evenings, the first began at about one o'clock and the last about one o'clock in the afternoon the Savior gave up his spirit on the cross at the beginning of the first evening and at the beginning of the second he was taken down from the cross. The difference between the longest or June and the shortest days in Palestine or December is four hours and a few minutes. The first lasts about an hour. minsecond·hour·min

AnalysisSmall academic dictionary
analysis method of scientific research consisting of dismemberment of the whole component elements vs. synthesis analysis analysis of what the head Zakharun had never thought of to analyze their feelings and relationships with Ilya Ilyich and Goncharov Oblomov Makarov opened the meeting with a short analysis of the events of the past day Stepanov Port Arthur Determination of the composition and properties of what substance the study of them Chemical analysis Qualitative analysis Blood analysis From the Greek’ανάλυσις decomposition Small academic dictionary Institute of the Russian Language Academy of Sciences USSR Evgenieva AP

AnalysisNatural scienceEncyclopedic dictionary
ANALYSIS from Greek decomposition dismemberment mental or real object into elements non-discontinuity associated with synthesis connection of elements a single whole Synonym for science in general Natural science Encyclopedic Dictionary

Day Dictionary of synonyms

Day Dictionary of epithets

“On a cold day on an autumn day...”ABlock

On a cold day on a autumn day
I'll be back there again
Remember this sigh of spring
Past image to see

I will come and not pay
Remembering without grief

Meet the song for luck
New autumn

Evil times laws
The mournful spirit was put to sleep
Past howl past moans
If you don’t hear it, it’s extinguished

The very fire is the blind eyes
Will not burn the former dream
The day itself is darker than the night
To the lulled soul

Analysis of Blok’s poem “On a cold day on an autumn day...”

In 2010, the Moscow publishing house “Grif” released Blok’s debut collection “Elements to a Beautiful Lady”, mostly in the spirit of symbolism. The book was dedicated to the love of Dmitrievna Mendeleeva. I married the daughter of a great Russian chemist. Thus began one of the most famous novels in the history of Russian literature of the twentieth century. Mendeleeva brought himself closer to the young poet who, in achieving his goal, showed enviable tenacity. He achieved what he wanted.

The lyrics included in “The Poems of the Beautiful Lady” were created during the period of the poet’s worldview, a huge influence was exerted by an event that happened in the spring. Blok himself considered the fateful events the most important in his life. tive, because he tried to protect it from everyone in April of the year, so he was lucky enough to experience a “very special state” On the outskirts of St. Petersburg in the field of the Old Village, he began to be she, later called in the lyrics, the Beautiful Lady, the Majestic Eternal Wife of the Mysterious Maiden, and so on, at Easter, Blok received as a gift a poetry collection by Vladimir Sergeevich So Loviev, in which he found answers to most of his main questions. Spring events formed the basis of the poem “On a Cold Day on an Autumn Day...”, sometimes appearing under the name “Coming to Petersburg.” With the help of the work, Blok expressed his own premonition. “the owner of the secret” and “therefore the man” Memories will not evoke tears of previous emotions New autumn dawn The lyrical hero of the poem is preparing to meet with a song for good luck This image is borrowed from Blok of creativity Feta
Inezoví – no song for good luck

Throughout the middle of September, Alexander Alexandrovich returned to his cherished field in the Old Village. It turned out that the evil laws of time had not put the sorrowful spirit to sleep, that his soul was still alive. Moreover, with the help of prayer, she was resurrected about what Blok told the readers in the poem “The bell in the city was ringing...”

"Cold day"

Cold day

We met in the temple
And live in a joyful garden
New stinking yards
Damn you and your work

We've passed the gate
And everyone saw the window
How hard the job is
On each bent back

And let's go here and where we'll be
We live under a low ceiling
Where people cursed each other
Killed by their own labor

Trying not to get the dress dirty
You are the sludge between the sleepers on the floor
The nose itself was a curse
Vontam in the spit-on corner

You turned around and looked
Trusting in my eyes
Otherwise my cheek flashed
A drunken tear rolled down

After all, youth is long gone
Our work will pass the century
I have a hammer, you have a needle

Sit and watch the window
People everywhere are under labor
It's a little more difficult for him
Now the long ones are singing

I will work near you
Maybe you don’t remember me
What did you see of the glass?


Listen to Block's poemColdday

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Picture of an essay analysis of a poem Cold day

In 1905, the Moscow publishing house “Grif” published Blok’s debut collection “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” which was predominantly in the spirit of symbolism. The book was dedicated to Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva. The poet met her as a child, thanks to the fact that their parents’ estates were adjacent. At the end of the nineteenth century, young Alexander Alexandrovich fell in love with the daughter of the great Russian chemist. Thus began one of the most famous novels in the history of Russian literature of the twentieth century. Mendeleev either brought her closer to her or pushed away the young poet, who showed enviable persistence in achieving his goal. He eventually achieved what he wanted. In 1903, Blok married Lyubov Dmitrievna.

The lyrics included in “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” were created in the period from 1901 to 1902. The poet’s worldview was greatly influenced by an event that happened in the spring of 1901. Blok himself considered it fateful and the most important in his life. Mysterious signs and mysterious omens have happened before. Alexander Alexandrovich admitted that he saw signs in nature, but considered what was happening to be subjective, so he tried to protect it from everyone. In April 1901, the poet was lucky enough to experience a “very special state.” On the outskirts of St. Petersburg, in a field behind the Old Village, She began to appear to him, later called in the lyrics the Beautiful Lady, the Majestic Eternal Wife, the Mysterious Maiden, and so on. For Easter, Blok received as a gift a poetry collection by Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov, in which he found answers to most of his main questions.

Spring events formed the basis of the poem “On a cold day, on an autumn day...”, sometimes appearing under the title “Field outside St. Petersburg.” With the help of the work, Blok expressed his own premonition. It seemed to him that he would return to the field behind the Old Village completely different, forever changed, extinguished - not “a seer and owner of a secret,” but “a poet and a man.” The memories will not bring back tears or the same emotions. The lyrical hero of the poem is preparing to greet the dawn of the new autumn with a song at random. This image was borrowed by Blok from Fet’s work: And don’t call, but sing a song at random of Love...

In mid-September 1902, Alexander Alexandrovich returned to the treasured field behind Staraya Derevnya. It turned out that the evil laws of time did not lull the mournful spirit, that his soul was still alive. Moreover, with the help of prayer she was resurrected, which Blok told readers about in the poem “In the city a bell was belling...”.

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