Solzhenitsyn - aphorisms, catchphrases, phrases, sayings, sayings, quotes, thoughts. Where and how to make money, even if you don’t know how to do anything

Solzhenitsyn - great person, who defended his special view of life. His views sometimes radically diverged from the generally accepted ones, and conflicts of personal beliefs with the official authorities led him to persecution, persecution and repression. In his work “The Gulag Archipelago”, Alexander Isaevich wrote about the most important thing in life:

Don’t chase after the illusory – property, titles: it takes decades of nerves, but is confiscated overnight. Live with an even superiority over life - do not be afraid of troubles and do not yearn for happiness. All the same, after all, the bitter is not enough and the sweet is not complete. It’s enough for you if you don’t freeze and if thirst and hunger don’t tear your insides with their claws... If your spine isn’t broken, both legs walk, both arms bend, both eyes see and both ears hear – who else should you envy? Envy of others eats us up most of all.

Rub your eyes, wash your heart, and value above all those who love you and who are kind to you. Don't offend them, don't scold them. Do not part with any of them in a quarrel. After all, you don’t know, maybe this is your last act and this is how you will remain in their memory.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn wrote about the interaction between societies, specific person and states. He wrote sincerely and without fear showing true faces hidden under masks, point to true goals and destroy myths imposed on society.

I have collected several statements and quotes from Alexander Solzhenitsyn, in which everyone will find simple and at the same time important truths of life:

  1. If you don't know how to use a minute, you will waste an hour, a day, and your whole life.
  2. Someday it’s not scary to die, but it’s scary to die now.
  3. One great passion, once occupying our soul, cruelly replaces everything else. There is no place for two passions in us.
  4. He is a wise man who is satisfied with little.
  5. Those people always have good faces who are at peace with their conscience.
  6. Work is like a stick, it has two ends: if you do it for people, it gives you quality; if you do it for your boss, it gives you show off.
  7. None of the people knows anything in advance. And the greatest misfortune can befall a person in best place, and the greatest happiness will find him - in the worst way.
  8. When we feel bad, we are not ashamed of God. We are ashamed of Him when we feel good.
  9. No matter how much we laugh at miracles, while we are strong, healthy and prosperous, but if life is so wedged, so flattened that only a miracle can save us, we believe in this only, exceptional miracle!
  10. Don't be afraid of the bullet that whistles. Once you hear it, it means that you are no longer into it. You won't hear the one bullet that will kill you.
  11. Easy money - it doesn’t weigh anything, and you don’t have that feeling that you’ve earned it. The old people were right when they said: what you don’t pay extra for, you don’t report.
  12. It’s just that people’s ideas about what is good and what is bad are upside down. Living in a five-story cage, with people knocking and walking above your head, and a radio on all sides, is considered good. And to live as a hardworking farmer in an adobe hut on the edge of the steppe is considered extreme failure.
  13. Unlimited power in your hands limited people always leads to cruelty.
  14. It is not the level of well-being that makes people happy, but the relationship of hearts and our point of view on our lives. Both are always in our power, which means a person is always happy if he wants it, and no one can stop him.
  15. Satiety does not depend at all on how much we eat, but on how we eat! So is happiness; it does not at all depend on the amount of external goods that we snatched from life. It depends only on our attitude towards them!

Removing responsibility from Yeltsin is a great shame. I believe that Yeltsin and about a hundred people from his entourage should stand trial.

There is no nation in the world more despicable, more abandoned, more alien and unnecessary than the Russian.

It is not the level of well-being that makes people happy, but the relationship of hearts and our point of view on our lives. Both are always in our power, which means a person is always happy if he wants it, and no one can stop him.

The people have an undoubted right to power, but what the people want is not power (the thirst for it is characteristic of only two percent), but wants, first of all, a stable order.

Education does not improve intelligence.

(education, intelligence)

Anyone who has once proclaimed violence as his method must inexorably choose falsehood as his principle.


All methods of election campaign require certain qualities from a person, but for state leadership - completely different ones, nothing in common with the first. It is a rare case that a person has both, the latter would hinder him in the election competition.

There are black people who maliciously do black things, and you just need to distinguish them from the rest and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil crosses the heart of every person. And who will destroy a piece of his heart?

If you don't know how to use a minute, you will waste an hour, a day, and your whole life.

How do you know where on earth you will be happy and where you will be unhappy? Who can say that they know this about themselves?

The advantage of night arrests is that neither neighboring houses nor city streets see how many people were taken away during the night. Having frightened the closest neighbors, they are not an event for distant ones. It’s as if they didn’t exist. Along the same asphalt ribbon along which craters scurried at night, during the day a young tribe walks with banners and flowers and sings unclouded songs.

An intellectual is one whose interests in the spiritual side of life are persistent and constant, not forced by external circumstances and even in spite of them.


An intellectual is one whose thought is not imitative.


There is a high pleasure in fidelity. Maybe the highest. And even if they don’t know about your loyalty. And even if they don’t appreciate it.

Former Russian merchants had a MERCHANT'S word (transactions were concluded without written contracts), Christian ideas, historically known large-scale charity - will we expect this from sharks raised in the murky Soviet underwater?

The hardest life is not for those who drown in the sea, dig in the ground or look for water in deserts. The hardest life is for the one who hits his head on the ceiling every day when leaving the house - it’s too low.

Work is like a stick, there are two ends to it: if you do it for people, give it quality, if you do it for your boss, give it show.

Alexander Isaevich died on August 3, 2008, at the age of 90... As he dreamed, in his homeland. Solzhenitsyn lived a long life full of trials and searches. The authorities feared him like fire, the intelligentsia respected and sometimes envied him, his loved ones loved him selflessly. And Solzhenitsyn himself selflessly loved his country, constantly living in thoughts of his homeland, even when he was deprived of citizenship and expelled abroad. In 1994, after 20 years of wandering in a foreign land, he returned to Russia; for the last 14 years he has lived in Moscow or at a dacha near Moscow.

Alexander Isaevich left behind a rich literary heritage, much of what he wrote we have yet to comprehend. But everyone can learn for themselves such a simple and at the same time amazing truth. You can quote Solzhenitsyn endlessly; we have chosen for you 20 of his most famous expressions.

"Cancer Ward"

Someday it’s not scary to die, but it’s scary to die now.

Nowadays we don’t consider love for animals a penny in people, and we even certainly laugh at affection for cats. But having first fallen out of love with animals, don’t we inevitably then fall out of love with people?

If you don't know how to use a minute, you'll waste an hour, a day, and your whole life.

After all, there are people for whom everything is smoothly laid out throughout their lives, while for others everything is shredded. And they say that his fate depends on the person himself. Nothing from him.

Every common holiday is difficult for a lonely person. But it is unbearable for a lonely woman whose years are running out - a women's holiday!

There is a high pleasure in fidelity. Maybe the highest. And even if they don’t know about your loyalty.

In general, it is difficult to consider who has it worse. This is even more difficult than competing with success. Everyone is more annoyed by their own troubles. I, for example, might conclude that I have lived an exceptionally bad life. But how do I know: maybe it was even cooler for you?

Pity is a humiliating feeling: it humiliates both the one who feels sorry and the one who is pitied.

If a person is called an activist during his lifetime, and even a well-deserved one, then this is his end: fame, which already interferes with healing, just as clothes that are too lush interfere with movement.

"One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich"

Work is like a stick, it has two ends: if you do it for people, it gives you quality; if you do it for your boss, it gives you show off.

You are still there, Creator, in heaven. You endure for a long time, but you hit hard.

"In the first circle"

Do you know why horses live so long? They don't sort things out!

One great passion, once occupying our soul, cruelly replaces everything else. There is no place for two passions in us.

Satiety does not depend at all on how much we eat, but on how we eat! So is happiness, so is happiness, Levushka, it does not at all depend on the amount of external goods that we snatched from life. It depends only on our attitude towards them!

Where to start fixing the world? From others? Or from yourself?..

They say: whole people cannot be suppressed endlessly. Lie! Can! We see how our people have become devastated, gone wild, and have become indifferent not only to the fate of the country, not only to the fate of their neighbor, but even to their own fate and the fate of their children. Indifference, the body's last saving reaction, has become our defining feature. That is why the popularity of vodka is unprecedented even on a Russian scale. This is terrible indifference when a person sees his life not chipped, not with a corner broken off, but so hopelessly fragmented, so corrupted along and across that only for the sake of alcoholic oblivion is it still worth living. Now, if vodka were banned, a revolution would immediately break out in our country.

What is the most expensive thing in the world? It turns out: to realize that you are not participating in injustices. They are stronger than you, they were and will be, but let them not be through you.

Don’t be afraid of the bullet that whistles, if you hear it, it means it’s no longer hitting you. You won't hear the only bullet that will kill you.

There are many smart things in the world, but few good ones

Sport is the opium of the people...Sporting spectacles, football and hockey make fools of us.

"Matrenin's Dvor"

Those people always have good faces who are at peace with their conscience.

There are two mysteries in the world: how I was born - I don’t remember, how I will die - I don’t know.

"Gulag Archipelago"

It’s a simple truth, but you have to suffer through it: it’s not the victories in wars that are blessed, but the defeats in them! Governments need victories, people need defeats. After victories you want more victories, after defeat you want freedom - and usually they achieve it. People need defeats, just as suffering and misfortune are needed individuals: they force you to deepen inner life, rise spiritually

Everyone always has a dozen good reasons why he is right in not sacrificing himself."

None of the people knows anything in advance. And the greatest misfortune can befall a person in the best place, and the greatest happiness can find him in the worst place.

And I prayed. When we feel bad, we are not ashamed of God. We are ashamed of Him when we feel good.

Nothing in the world can be achieved through violence! Taking a sword, a knife, a rifle, we will quickly become equal to our executioners and rapists. And there will be no end...

A suicide is always bankrupt, it is always a person at a dead end, a person who has lost life and does not have the will to continue it.

Jealousy is wounded pride. Real love, deprived of an answer, does not become jealous, but dies and ossifies.

Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn left behind a rich literary heritage. He wrote about man, people, society, state and how they interact with each other. He was not afraid to tear off masks, highlight true goals, and debunk myths.

He has a novel, journalism, and Scientific research. The faces of the characters and information about the most important things remain in the reader’s memory. historical events. Solzhenitsyn's prose and journalism could not be more accurate in responding to the burning popular desire find those to blame for all Russian troubles and punish them with at least a word.

The most important thing for Solzhenitsyn is to convey to the reader his understanding of history. His books can be called a special history textbook for the people.

website I chose 20 phrases from his works about the fate of man, from which you can learn simple and at the same time deep truths:

  1. Someday it's not scary to die - it's scary to die now.
  2. There is a high pleasure in fidelity. Maybe the highest. And even if they don’t know about your loyalty.
  3. Work is like a stick, it has two ends: if you do it for people, it gives you quality; if you do it for your boss, it gives you show off.
  4. It’s just that people’s ideas about what is good and what is bad are upside down. Living in a five-story cage, with people knocking and walking above your head, and a radio on all sides, is considered good. And to live as a hardworking farmer in an adobe hut on the edge of the steppe is considered extreme failure.
  5. One great passion, once occupying our soul, cruelly replaces everything else. There is no place for two passions in us.
  6. Satiety does not depend at all on how much we eat, but on how we eat! So is happiness; it does not at all depend on the amount of external goods that we snatched from life. It depends only on our attitude towards them!
  7. Don't be afraid of the bullet that whistles. Once you hear it, it means that you are no longer into it. You won't hear the one bullet that will kill you.
  8. Those people always have good faces, who are at peace with their conscience.
  9. It’s a simple truth, but you have to suffer through it: it’s not the victories in wars that are blessed, but the defeats in them! After victories you want more victories, after defeat you want freedom - and usually they achieve it. Nations need defeats, just as individuals need suffering and misfortune: they force them to deepen their inner life and rise spiritually.
  10. None of the people knows anything in advance. And the greatest misfortune can befall a person in the best place, and the greatest happiness can find him in the worst place.
  11. And I prayed. When we feel bad, we are not ashamed of God. We are ashamed of Him when we feel good.
  12. Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty.
  13. No matter how much we laugh at miracles, while we are strong, healthy and prosperous, but if life is so wedged, so flattened that only a miracle can save us, we believe in this only, exceptional miracle!
  14. What is the most expensive thing in the world? It turns out: to realize that you are not participating in injustices. They are stronger than you, they were and will be, but let them not be through you.
  15. Art is not what, but how.
  16. When the eyes incessantly and incessantly look into each other, a completely new quality appears: you will see something that does not open when sliding quickly. The eyes seem to lose their protective colored shell, and the whole truth is splashed out without words, they cannot hold it.
  17. It is not the level of well-being that makes people happy, but the relationship of hearts and our point of view on our lives. Both are always in our power, which means a person is always happy if he wants it, and no one can stop him.
  18. “We are hungry for freedom, and it seems to us that we need unlimited freedom.” But freedom needs to be limited, otherwise there will be no harmonious society. Just not limited in the way they squeeze us. To us, democracy seems like the never-setting sun. What is democracy? - pleasing the rude majority. Pleasing the majority means: alignment with mediocrity, alignment with lower level, cutting off the thinnest tall stems.
  19. He is the wise man who is satisfied with little.
  20. All methods of election campaign require certain qualities from a person, but for state leadership - completely different ones, nothing in common with the first. It is rare for a person to have both.
  21. Easy money - it doesn’t weigh anything, and you don’t have that feeling that you’ve earned it. The old people were right when they said: what you don’t pay extra for, you don’t report.
  22. The more fragile a person is, the more dozens, even hundreds of coinciding circumstances are needed so that he can get closer to someone like himself. Each new match only slightly increases the intimacy. But one single discrepancy can immediately ruin everything.
  23. If you don't know how to use a minute, you'll waste an hour, a day, and your whole life..
  24. The hardest life is not for those who drown in the sea, dig in the ground or look for water in deserts. The hardest life is for the one who hits his head on the ceiling every day when leaving the house - it’s too low.
  25. The most important thing in life, all its mysteries - do you want me to tell you now?

    Don’t chase after the illusory – property, titles: it takes decades of nerves, but is confiscated overnight.

    Live with an even superiority over life - do not be afraid of troubles and do not yearn for happiness. All the same, after all, the bitter is not enough and the sweet is not complete. It’s enough for you if you don’t freeze and if thirst and hunger don’t tear your insides with their claws... If your spine isn’t broken, both legs walk, both arms bend, both eyes see and both ears hear – who else should you envy? Envy of others eats us up most of all.

    Rub your eyes, wash your heart, and value above all those who love you and who are kind to you. Don't offend them, don't scold them. Do not part with any of them in a quarrel. After all, you don’t know, maybe this is your last act and this is how you will remain in their memory. (“GULAG Archipelago”)

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In 25 insightful quotes.

His books can be called a special history textbook for the people. He was not afraid to tear off his masks, highlighting the true goals of man, society and the state. For this courage, for the truth and for the fact that he knew how to say accurately and succinctly, they love him.

  1. What is the most expensive thing in the world? It turns out that you need to realize that you are not participating in injustices. They are stronger than you, they were and will be, but let them not be through you.
  2. If you don't know how to use a minute, you will waste an hour, a day, and your whole life.
  3. Nowadays we don’t consider love for animals a penny in people, and we even certainly laugh at affection for cats. But having first fallen out of love with animals, don’t we inevitably then fall out of love with people?
  4. Education does not improve intelligence.
  5. There is a high pleasure in fidelity. Maybe the highest. And even if they don’t know about your loyalty. And even if they don’t appreciate it.
  6. Whether we are a great nation, we must prove not by the vastness of the territory, not by the number of ward nations, but by the greatness of our actions.
  7. Do you know why horses live so long? They don't sort things out!
  8. There are many smart things in the world, but few good ones.
  9. Those people always have good faces who are at peace with their conscience.
  10. The universe has as many centers as there are living beings in it.
  11. Everyone always has a dozen good reasons why he is right, that he does not sacrifice himself.
  12. Nothing in the world can be achieved through violence! Taking a sword, a knife, a rifle, we will quickly become equal to our executioners and rapists. And there will be no end...
  13. It’s just that people’s ideas about what is good and what is bad are upside down. Living in a five-story cage, with people knocking and walking above your head, and a radio on all sides, is considered good. And to live as a hardworking farmer in an adobe hut on the edge of the steppe is considered extreme failure.
  14. Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty.
  15. It’s a simple truth, but you have to suffer through it: it’s not the victories in wars that are blessed, but the defeats in them! Governments need victories, people need defeats. After victories you want more victories, after defeat you want freedom - and usually they achieve it. Nations need defeats, just as individuals need suffering and misfortune: they force them to deepen their inner life and rise spiritually.
  16. You can’t be too practical to judge by results; it’s more humane to judge by intentions.
  17. Someday it’s not scary to die, but it’s scary to die now.
  18. After all, there are people for whom everything is smoothly laid out throughout their lives, while for others everything is shredded. And they say that his fate depends on the person himself. Nothing from him.
  19. In general, it is difficult to consider who has it worse. This is even more difficult than competing with success. Everyone is more annoyed by their own troubles. I, for example, might conclude that I have lived a remarkably unfortunate life. But how do I know: maybe it was even cooler for you?
  20. There are black people who maliciously do black things, and you just need to distinguish them from the rest and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil crosses the heart of every person. And who will destroy a piece of his heart?
  21. Pity is a humiliating feeling: it humiliates both the one who feels sorry and the one who is pitied.
  22. Anyone who has once proclaimed violence as his method must inexorably choose falsehood as his principle.
  23. Jealousy is wounded pride. True love, deprived of an answer, does not become jealous, but dies and ossifies.
  24. The hardest life is not for those who drown in the sea, dig in the ground or look for water in deserts. The hardest life is for the one who hits his head against the ceiling every day when leaving the house - it’s too low.
  25. And I prayed. When we feel bad, we are not ashamed of God. We are ashamed of him when we feel good.
  26. The most important thing in life, all its mysteries - do you want me to tell you now?
    Do not chase after the illusory - after property, after titles: this capitalizes on the nerves of decades, and is confiscated overnight.
    Live with an even superiority over life - do not be afraid of troubles and do not yearn for happiness. All the same, after all, the bitter is not enough and the sweet is not complete. It's enough for you if you don't freeze and if thirst and hunger don't tear your insides with their claws... If your spine isn't broken, both legs walk, both arms bend, both eyes see and both ears hear - who else should you envy? Envy of others eats us up most of all.
    Rub your eyes, wash your heart and Appreciate above all those who love you and who are disposed towards you. Don't offend them, don't scold them. Do not part with any of them in a quarrel. After all, you don’t know maybe this is your last act and this is how you will remain in their memory.