How to make a wish for pregnancy correctly. Folk signs for getting pregnant

Yesterday, December 18, was the important day of the New Moon, which happened for the last time this year. Yesterday, the Moon, Saturn and the Sun clearly connected in Sagittarius - which means that the influence of these planets was especially strong.

  • You need to start today, December 19th. Found this article later? It's OK! Then start with today's desires, leaving enough pages in your notebook for previous desires. And then fill in the missing days.

1 wish applies to 19.12 - this is your appearance, the ability to present yourself, self-confidence. You can formulate your request like this: a desire to increase self-esteem and become more attractive. Write down your wishes in a notebook so that the New Year 2018 will bring you this in full!

Write your 2nd wish 12/20 - material well-being, profit, the opportunity to make a profit from a hobby. Formulate your requests clearly: money loves self-confidence and easily flows to those who are ready to meet it. How to make a wish for the New Year 2018? Allow yourself to want a lot.

3 wish refers to 21.12 - the opportunity to study, learn something new, make your life more interesting. If you want to get additional education, find more acquaintances, wish this on Thursday before the New Year 2018.

Write your 4th wish 12/22 - real estate, apartment, home and everything around. Maybe you dream of owning your own home or have ideas for decorating your apartment? How to make a wish for the New Year 2018? Write down these desires without the “not” particles.

5 wish refers to 23.12 - children, romance and hobbies. On this day, wish something not only for yourself! Think about what you dream for your little ones and write it down. Missing romantic feelings with your husband? Write it in on this day too. And don’t forget to wish yourself a new interesting hobby that will captivate you and give you joy.

Write down your 6th wish 12/24 - everything related to health and its improvement needs to be formulated on this day!

7 wish refers to 25.12 - day of relationships, marital or business. How to make a wish for the New Year 2018? If you want to decide to divorce, get married, or mend your relationship with your husband, write about it as a fait accompli, in the present tense. For example: “My husband often hugs and kisses me, we go to the movies together.”

Write 8 wishes 12/26 - this day favors changes. End a difficult crisis, grieve the loss of a loved one, develop intuition, learn to better understand people - write down all such desires today. Add the desire for great sex to the list, as well as receiving funding from influential people.

9 formulate a wish 12/27 - Do you dream of discovering new countries or becoming an excellent teacher? How to make a wish for the New Year 2018 correctly - write down today all your aspirations for traveling and sharing your experience with people.

10 write down your wish 12/28 - fame, recognition, as well as financial and verbal confirmation of your successes are the kings of this day. How to make a wish for New Year 2018 on this day? Don't be afraid to raise the bar and dream the impossible! Allow yourself to dream big!

11 wish refers to 29.12 - day of support. If there are people whose help is invaluable to you, ask for something good for them. Enlist their support in the New Year 2018! If you want to find new people who will selflessly support your projects, formulate this too.

12 wish write 30.12 - on the last day, ask your Guardian Angel for support and strength, and also turn to the world so that it can help you make all your wishes come true.

And it's all! Now all that remains is to put the notebook in the table and not take it out until the next New Year 2019. Then you can take it out and excitedly see how much has come true in these 365 days...

What about December 31st?

You may ask, how to make a wish for the New Year 2018, if not on New Year's Eve, full of magic? Of course, make a wish!

Now that you have already transferred all your desires to paper, at night, when New Year 2018 comes, you will be completely free. And then, to the sound of the clock, you yourself will make the warmest, most cherished, most incredible wish! Sometimes people call it a miracle. And it will happen to you. After all, only those who are not afraid to dream get everything. And may your dreams come true throughout the New Year 2018.

The New Year is not just a new leaf on the calendar, but also a time of hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Every year, when the chimes strike, we make a wish. Sometimes we think in advance about what we will write on the treasured piece of paper, sometimes spontaneously, but always with sincere faith that it will definitely come true in the New Year. True, some then forget what they wished for on New Year’s Eve, while others complain that their wish did not come true either this year or last. We suggest doing everything according to science. These are the main rules of dreamers.

1. Focus on just one wish on New Year's Eve.

There is no need to mix things together and ask for everything at once, think about what is really most desirable for you right now. For example, the desire “I want 10 million” will be wrong if by this you mean buying a new car, an apartment, laying the foundation for a dacha and a trip to the islands.

Imagine that a child comes to you and asks you to give him 300 rubles. By asking “for what?”, you find out that the kid wants to make a bird feeder in the yard, and he needs money for planks, nails and a hammer. You understand that there is a hammer in the house, albeit an old one; You can take the boards from your grandfather in the garage, all that remains is to bribe the nails: in total you need 70 rubles, no more. This is how the Universe considers your desires and begins to fulfill only the most important things: after all, you have an apartment, the car is still running, so you don’t need that much money!

Some part of such a dream will come true, but the feeling that the desire has not completely come true will remain - and this is already offensive. If you want money for the sake of money, so that you can put it in a jar and admire it, then “I want 10 million” is the right desire.

2. Make a wish only about yourself and for yourself.

This is an important point for parents, because often we do a lot for our children, in the name of their happiness and well-being, forgetting about ourselves. But! As you know, happy children come only from happy parents! You should always start with the most difficult thing - with yourself, your loved one. Don’t wish for your child, for example, that he grows up healthy. Of course, health is important, and there is no doubt that you sincerely want it, but this is not about you!

Think about what your child's health means to you personally. Maybe peace of mind, the opportunity to mind your own business, family well-being, the ability to direct time and money to another area - just wish for this! And the health of the child is implied with such desires.

Often women also like to make wishes for their husbands: promotions on the career ladder, salary increases, so that he can help around the house more often... Firstly, this wish is not about you. Secondly, think about what this will give you personally? Pride in your man, the opportunity to make repairs, travel more, or something else? Here it is! Everything else will follow. If you want to change the world, start with yourself!

3. Don't waste your time on small things, think big.

You need to wish more and more often. You won’t get everything anyway, so why be modest? The more you want, the more you will get. If you want nothing, you will get nothing. For example, if you want a car, let it be the best one! There is no need to covet an old Zhiguli car; you can scrape together enough for it anyway. Ask the Universe for the maximum, because it is limitless both in size and in its capabilities. Be open to big changes, big money, interesting work, otherwise, when you have a chance to change everything for the better, you will not see it behind the veil of routine, everyday thoughts.

4. Ask the Universe not out of need or suffering, but for your own happiness and pleasure from life.

For example, “I want new boots, the old ones are already completely torn” - this is a desire to avoid misfortune, to fix the problem. But we want to become happy people, so if we wear boots, then “to feel the most charming and attractive”! By the way, the particle “not” cannot be used at all in formulating a desire; it is not recorded by our subconscious, and in the end what remains is exactly the opposite of what we want. Reformulate the desire “not to lose your job” to “keep your job”, or even better - don’t be modest and wish for improved working conditions!

5. The desire must be environmentally friendly, that is, not harm other people.

You shouldn’t want your boss to fire in hopes of taking his place. He may be fired, but there is no guarantee that you will fill the vacant position. On someone else's misfortune happiness can not be built. Anger, revenge, resentment - let them remain in the passing year. We want to see a bright future ahead, which means let only bright intentions remain on New Year’s Eve.

6. The final goal is your feelings that you will experience when your wish comes true.

Think about them. Happiness, satisfaction, joy, a sense of pride, freedom? If you want to “find a loved one,” then think about what this will give you? You can be in a relationship with a loved one, but not be happy in it. Therefore, do not forget to mention feelings, for example, “I want to be happy with a loved one.”

Periodically return to your feelings about the upcoming fulfillment of your dreams, visualize, imagine your desire, “remind” the Universe and yourself of what you are striving for.

So, we figured out the “basics of making wishes”, understood how best to do it, and how not to do it at all. It is unlikely that after all of the above you would like to take the Moon out of the sky. In fact, our deepest desires (travel, income, new property, the birth of a child) are our goals, right? The lion's share of success in fulfilling desires depends on ourselves. So now imagine that this is not just a dream, but a specific goal for the coming year.

What should the goal be?

Scientists have developed an entire goal setting tool known as the SMART system. It is actively used in management, but today we will manage not projects, but our own destiny. SMART is an English abbreviation of the main theses about what the goal should be (aka a dream):

S - Specific, specific. This is an understanding of what exactly you want to get. The more vague the wording, the less likely it is that the request will be clear to both the Universe and you. You must have a clear idea of ​​what you want. Journey? Indicate where, because a trip to a neighboring city to visit your grandmother is also a trip! "Be a happy person"? Figure out what it means for you to be happy (successful, loved, healthy, etc.). After all, happiness is different for everyone.

M - Measurable, measurable. It may seem strange that New Year's wishes can be measured at all, but otherwise how will you understand whether the dream has come true or not? Come up with clear indicators, and when they are achieved, you can say: “Hurray! My dream has come true!" For example, indicate in your wish how many times a year you want to travel. If you want money, write the desired amount, and remember, no need to waste time on trifles!

A - Achievable, achievable. The desire must be real and achievable. From the point of view of common sense, it is unlikely that it will be possible to travel around the world on a rubber ducky. But there is no need to want something that is completely easy to do. Buying new sneakers is no longer a dream, but just an item on the weekly to-do list. In general, believe in the impossible and be realistic!

R - Relevant, relevant. The importance and significance of desire should not be questioned. Will a mysterious Porsche Cayenne really make you happier? Wearly assess whether your happiness lies in this or in something else. Is this really what you want? Or do parents, relatives, bosses, friends want this? Or is this what social stereotypes require of you?

T - Timed/Timed-bound, defined in time. When the chimes strike, we usually make a wish for the coming year. But if you want to get what you want before next December, indicate the deadline. If you travel, how many times and at what time of year. You don’t have to set specific departure dates, but we are more productive when a deadline is specified.

For example, you wanted to ask Santa Claus to spend more time with your family. Clarify what you mean by time spent together, where do you want to spend it? At night, you already sleep in the same apartment, but that’s probably not what you mean. When do you get the most buzz? For example, when traveling together. Let's “smart” this desire:

S - Specifically: I want to travel more with my husband and child.
M - Measurable: I want to travel with my husband and child once a year.
A - Achievable: I want to go on a trip with my husband and child to Italy this year.
R - Relevant: I want to be happy while traveling with my husband and child in Italy.
T - Time limited: I want to be happy traveling with my husband and child in Italy this summer.

Now formulate your desire in the present tense in order to finally get used to it. We get: “In the summer of 2015, I was happy on a wonderful trip to Italy with my husband and child.” This is the “unsmart” desire. It is already so attractive that you literally see yourself eating pizza next to the creations of the Renaissance in Florence! Feel free to visualize, the brighter and clearer our images, the more we ourselves strive for them, and the Universe helps us.

So, the “come true” wish has been made, all that’s left to do is make your dreams come true. To do this, it is useful to write down what small tasks the desire-goal consists of until each of them becomes indivisible and “smart.” And over the next year, organize yourself and achieve your goals. But that will come later, but for now, before the most magical night of the year comes, think about your deepest wish and make it correctly - and it will definitely come true!

Well, here I am again with you.

My wish to get pregnant came true after the new year. I went to a healer, wore a stork pendant with a peach, stroked a dolphin, and have had an amulet for the kids in my wallet for a long time. In January, doubts crept in, but the doctors said that we would undergo treatment and I couldn’t get pregnant now. And I drove away these thoughts. Although I checked with a pendulum, it showed pregnancy. What crazy ideas don’t come to mind when all your thoughts are about this.

Then I saw fortune telling on TV. You need to write a wish, put it written down on a plate and set it on fire. If everything burns down, it won’t be fate. If there is a blank sheet left, then the wish will come true, but not soon. And if the inscription remains, then soon. I wrote: I want to get pregnant. Everything burned out for me except the word “get pregnant.” Then at the end of January I did an ultrasound and looked at the ovaries, but they didn’t see any pregnancy and, strangely enough, they didn’t see any corpora lutea either. And at the beginning of February it was already 5 weeks.

I lay upside down for days because of the smear and drank duphaston. I tried not to be too nervous, because there was a session.

After the session I went to register (my doctor finally came back from vacation, the other one did not admit me to the hospital). I was admitted to the hospital.

At first everything was fine, the smearing stopped, I heard his heartbeat on the ultrasound, the deadline was set at 9-10 weeks. Then, according to the tests, I was prescribed ampicillin injections and in the evening it began to pour. I was so freaked out! I was afraid for good reason! On March 8th there was severe pain and on March 9th the fetus came out...

The doctor on duty (a very tough woman) cleaned me. Maybe that’s what it should have been like for me at that moment, I was hysterical. They only gave me an injection in the cervix, I felt everything. And she screamed at me to relax...

I didn’t even want to think about planning at first, I just wanted to leave the hospital (I spent 18 painful days there), if it weren’t for the girls...

Some people can’t be around their children after this, but I react normally. Now I am babysitting my niece, she is almost 4 months old.

I'm starting to want children again. Only sometimes at night it hits me again, when I think about what time it would be now. And very often I dream about a hospital: then I end up in it again, then they give me injections...

But most importantly, I still haven’t been to the doctor, I haven’t picked up the histology from the hospital. I knew the result right away, but I need to take it, show it to my G and start treatment, but I can’t bring myself to...

And I came to a conclusion for myself: you need to make a wish correctly. Next time I won’t wish to get pregnant, I will wish to give birth to a healthy baby!!!

I haven’t written here for a very long time and now I’ve decided to! It just turned out very chaotic and whiny! But don’t think, I haven’t lost hope!!!