Words that start with the sound e. Sound, letter E

Hello, my dear readers!

I continue the column, learning letters and today is a vowel letter "E". It is difficult for children to find words starting with this letter, so I offer practical material , As always artistic word, games.

But I suggest starting with G. Yudin’s story “Excavator Operators.” You are already familiar with such tasks, read the story and ask your child to remember all the words with the sound “E”


Yesterday Edik ran up to me from the fifth floor.

- Throw away your labels! - shouts. – We have a real escalator in our yard!

I speak:

– An excavator, probably, escalators are only in the subway.

We ran out into the yard, and there was actually an excavator standing there. The engine is running, but the excavator operator has gone somewhere. We slowly climbed into the cabin. And Edik took it and accidentally touched some hand. The excavator suddenly jerks and starts moving! And ahead is an electric pole. Excavator on this pillar - rrr! Pillar on its side - two!!! And all the wires broke. In our entire house the electricity immediately went out and electric irons, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, televisions and everything that was powered by electricity stopped working.

Then the excavator operator came running, shouted and kicked us out of the cab. And in the evening dad came and... Well, I’m not at all interested in remembering this.

After reading, do not rush the child, invite him to express his opinion first, discuss the meaning unclear words. Then ask to remember all the words with the sound “E”

Letter "E"

Funny poems

Emu is a long-legged ostrich, Emu is proud, Emu is strict. Although he cannot fly,

He doesn't regret it.

Letter E on WITH marvels

It's like looking in a mirror.

There is definitely a resemblance

There's just no language.

A. Shibaev

I'm talking about the ostrich, about the emu,

I would write you a poem

But I just don’t understand:

Is he Emu or Eme?!

This button and cord -

Electric bell.

Echoes are heard here and there -

Echo walks through the mountains.

- Echo, will you come down here?

Echo quietly: “Yes-yes-yes-ah!”

I took the bow and shouted: “Eh!”

Now I will surprise everyone!

I pulled my bow tighter,

Yes, the arrow suddenly got stuck!

And everyone around said:

E. Tarlapan

A letter flies over the blue meadows E.This is a swallow in the spring

Returns home.

V. Stepanov

They rushed off like feathers

On a smooth, even track

And they saw the letter E,

Similar to the ear.

- Mother! - heard from the hill.

Echo will also shout: “Ma-a-a!”

It was the baby who called his mother,

Echo, who are you shouting to?

Letter E doesn't wear fur

Letter E- forest echo.

E– electronic locator.

He recognizes by sound

Where in the fog on a dark night

An airplane flies by.

L. Stepanov

We are looking for Echo with the whole squad:

- Echo, where are you?

- Near! Near!

- Echo! Echo! What fun!

So, along the forest path

An echo walks and wanders with you

Invisible day after day.


Game "Who is attentive?"

1. Find the same sound in the words: screen, bookcase, popsicle, escalator.

2. Read the girl’s name based on the first sounds of the words: excavator, ball, bear, bus. (Emma.)

3. Clap your hands once when you hear the sound [ uh] in words: tree, skirt, willow, woodpecker, unit, eureka, brush, if, this, elevator, excursion, electricity, children, era, echo.

Game "Who is bigger?"

Think about how you can more words with sound [ uh].

Answer: eucalyptus, equator, sketch and etc.

Game "Syllable Auction".

Continue the words.

Ele... (- vator), es... (- kiz), est... (- feta), aero... (- core), By… (- this), duh... (- this).

Game "Rhyme".

Come up with a rhyme for the word floor.

Answer: hut, jumble, installation, landscape, drainage.

Game “Say the Word.”

Game "Magic Chain".

1. Convert floor V house:

Answer: Floor – heat – watermelon – tooth – side – code – house.

2. Make chains of words in which all words contain the letter “e”.

Elastic – canape – screen.

Electric – canoe – express – figurine – airfield – macrame – era – aloe – crew.

3. Who will transform in a few moments echo V choir?

Answer: echo - ear - ear - hurray - sconce - boa - boron - choir.

Game "Find the word".

Whatnot - floor, river, arch.

Elastic – eraser, whale, teak, flipper.

Game "Ladder".

Game "Complete the word."

This ( floor), tap ( screen), press ( express), bale ( crew), sports
(export), coupon ( reference), strada ( stage), floor ( Hermitage).

Game "Puzzle - Echo".

Champion cook buckwheat clamp

Take a closer look at these words and answer the following questions:

1. What flower was awarded to the champion?

2. What dish did the cook prepare?

3. What is it called? water flow who grows buckwheat?

4. Where did you throw the clamp?

Answer: peony, ear, river, whirlpool.

Game "Typesetter".

Make words from the letters of the word electric locomotive.

Answer: ditch, cart, gaze, century, lion, call, body, summer, current etc.


1. Substance that coats teeth.

2. Line dividing Earth to the northern and southern hemispheres.

3. A person who knows a lot.

4. Exporting something abroad.

5. Execution platform.

6. Component anything.

7. Part of the TV.

Answer: enamel, equator, erudite, export, scaffold, element, screen.


A mole has climbed into our yard and is digging the earth at the gate. A ton of earth will enter his mouth,

If the mole opens his mouth.


- Little hand, little hand,

What are you looking for in the ground?

- I'm not looking for anything,

I dig and drag the earth.


Wooden leg,

Chocolate shirt,

I melt in the sun

In my mouth I disappear.


In a dark forest, behind any pine tree,

A wonderful forest wonder is hiding.

Shout “ay” and it will respond.

Laugh and it will laugh.


Lives without a body

Speaks without tongue

No one sees him, but hears him.


The carriage itself opened the doors for us. A staircase leads into the city. We don’t believe our eyes:

Everyone is standing, she is coming.


I spent the sun

Behind your window,

I hung it from the ceiling,

It became fun at home.

(Light bulb.)

We should walk up the stairs

No need to be with you -

Wonderful staircase

She runs by herself.


He has no ears, but he hears

There is no mouth, but screams,

He has no intelligence, but knows all languages.

(Echo.) G. Vieru

I hear I hear

But I don’t see.


Thank you for visiting my page!

Subject: Sound [E]. The letter "Eh".

Target: learn the sound [e], teach to read the letter “Eh”

Know: characteristics of the sound [e], writing the printed letter “Eh”.

Understand: what is the difference between a sound and a letter, a vowel sound and a consonant

Apply: highlight the sound [E] in words, characterize it

Analysis: syllable-sound analysis of words, analysis of sentences and texts.

Synthesis: composing words with the sound [e], sentences, reading poems, riddles.

Grade: knowledge about the sound [e] and the letter Ee for reading and writing.

Lesson plan:

  1. Org. moment
  2. Repetition
  3. Announcing the topic and purpose of the lesson
  4. [uh].
  5. Working with letters.
  6. Consolidation.
  7. Generalization.
  8. Lesson summary.
  9. Org. moment.

During the classes :

1 .Organizing time.

Hello children! My name is Anastasia Vladimirovna, and today I will give you a reading lesson.

Check your chairs to make sure you can sit comfortably. Have a seat. Place your feet straight.

Attention! Check it out, buddy.
Are you ready to start the lesson!

Books, pens and notebooks?
We have a motto:
Everything you need is at hand!

2. Repetition.

What letters have you already learned? (a, o, y, and,)

What sounds do they represent?

What sounds are these? (vowels)

How are vowel sounds different from consonants? (when they are formed, the air flow does not encounter any obstacles, vowel sounds are formed with the help of the voice, they can be sung).

Today we will introduce you to another sound.


Now look at the board and identify the fairy tale for which the illustration is given.

Of course, this fairy tale is called “Thumbelina”. It was written by Hans Christian Andersen (book show).

Now listen to an excerpt from this tale:

“The swallow came down and sat the girl on a wide petal. But what kind of miracle? Found in the flower's cup little man, so light and transparent, as if it were made of crystal or morning dew. Light wings trembled behind his shoulders, a small golden crown glittered on his head, and he was no taller than our Thumbelina. It was the king of the elves.

When the swallow flew up to the flower, the elf was seriously frightened. After all, he was so small, and the swallow was so big!”

Who was Thumbelina's friend? (Elf)

Who are the elves? (Elves are little fairy-tale people with wings).

Let's highlight the first sound in the word "elves". ([e])

What sound is this - a vowel or a consonant?

How did you guess? (Vowel, since during its formation the air flow does not encounter an obstacle, vowel sounds are formed with the help of the voice, they can be sung).

Say the sound [e], watch the pronunciation..

Turn to each other and look at the position of your tongue and lips when pronouncing the sound.

Today we will get acquainted with the new sound [E] and find out what letter it is denoted in writing.

  1. Let's play a little:

Clap your hands if you hear the sound [E] in the words: tree, poet, if, electricity, brush, this, skirt, excursion, willow, children, echo.

6. Working with letters.

What letter represents the sound [e] in writing? (a card with the letter E is posted).

What does the letter E look like?

Let's learn a short poem about the letter E.

So first listen to me carefully.

Mouth open to ears,

The letter E said, "Hey!"

Hey hey! - the screamer screams,

The tongue sticks out of the mouth.

What does the letter E look like? (If you look at the open mouth from the side, from which the tongue sticks out).

Let's repeat in chorus.

In what words have you heard the sound [e]? (Hey, hey, hey).

What is shown in the picture on the left? (Excavator). What is an excavator used for? (Dig the ground)

Why is he depicted on the page with the letter E? (Starts with the sound e, with the letter E, the ladle is similar to the letter E.)

Why do we have 2 printed letters E? (Big and small).

When will we use the capital letter E? (Write the beginning of the sentence and proper names).

Physical exercise.

Rain clouds have arrived
Let it rain - let it rain! (Arms extended, palms down.
The raindrops are dancing, shaking their hands, stomping
As if alive, with their feet.)
Drink, rye, drink!
And the rye, bending towards the green earth,
Drinks, drinks, drinks
And the warm rain is restless
It's pouring, pouring, pouring! (Bend over and sit down.)

7. Consolidation.

And now we will solve the rebus. (emu) (picture is posted)

How did you guess?

Who is an emu? (Emu is a relative of the ostrich. Its height is 180 centimeters, it is the largest bird after the ostrich)

(There is a diagram of the word on the board). Let's use our palm to determine how many syllables there are in a word. (2)

How do we determine the number of syllables? (As many vowels as there are in a word, there are as many syllables).

Name the first syllable. How many sounds does it have? What sound is this - a vowel or a consonant? Why?

Name the second syllable. How many sounds does it have? (2). Which? ([m,y]).

Let's put the emphasis: uh-uh. Which syllable does it fall on? (1) So the sound [e] is percussive.

  1. Game "Third Man".

Find the “We think...” icon. Let's play the game "Third Man". Who is shown in the pictures? (...)

What do they have in common? (Animals)

Which of the pictures is redundant and explain why. (Emu, because it is a bird)

Consider sound patterns. Let's read them. They put a pointer under the first one. Let's read. Mole. Under the second one. ...Under the third. Compare sound patterns. And among them which one is the odd one out? (3rd, because 1.2 are the same, they have 4 sounds and 1 syllable, and the third has 3 sounds and 2 syllables; and the third word has the sound [e], but the others do not).

Well done, you think very well.

  1. Drawing up a sound diagram of a word.

Guess the riddle: “No one has seen him, but everyone has heard him” (Echo)

What is an "echo"? (Echo is a phenomenon in nature, when a person screams loudly, his sound returns to him and is heard far, far away)

Let's make it up together sound scheme this word. Open your notebook for printing. Move 4 cells down, 2 to the left. Make a point.

How many syllables are there in a word?

Name the first syllable. How many sounds does it have, what are they? Take a red pencil. Draw the first sound.

Second syllable? What sounds does it consist of? (m-consonant, hard; u – vowel). Draw a syllable.

I have 2 diagrams on the board. Which diagram matches our word? Check if this is the case for you. Who's got it right?

Trace the syllables with a simple pencil. Place emphasis. ..., do it on the board.

  1. Typing the letter e.

What letter represents the sound e? (Letter E).

Watch me type the letter. I retreat 1 cell from the 1st sound, write a semi-oval and horizontal line. The letter has no slant.

Take a pen. Let's write it in the air: and-one-and-and. Type the letter below the diagram.

  1. Work on lexical meaning words

Guess the riddles: It is the elephant that carries the trunk, not the elephant.

But he is stronger than the elephant.

It replaces hundreds of hands.

Without a shovel, he digs.

The carriage itself opened the doors for us, (Excavator)

The stairs lead to the city.

We don't believe our eyes:

Everything is standing still, she is walking. (Escalator)

Now won't you confuse these words? Tell your parents at home how to use them correctly.

  1. Solving the acrophonic scheme and reading poetry.

Guess the title on page 75. How are we going to do this?

Select the first sound and make a word from them. (Poetry)

What are poems? How do they differ from a story, i.e. from prose? (Rhythmic, foldable).

He reads... and everyone watches closely.

Let's read in chorus. Place a pointer at the beginning of the poem.

What sound occurs frequently in this poem? (sound [a]).

What letter represents it? (The letter a).

What is the difference between a sound and a letter? (We hear the sound and write the letter.)

Underline the capital letter A. Why is it used? (At the beginning of the sentence and in the girl’s name).

Consider the picture below. What does it show? Tell me

...read the poem. Well done, very expressive.

Let's read in chorus.

What letter are we looking for in this poem? (ABOUT). Underline the letter O with a simple pencil.

What is a capital letter used for? (To indicate the beginning of a line in poetry).

What is shown in the picture below? Tell me coherently. (The duck calls the ducklings. The ducklings swim, dive, hide from their mother. The mother duck is angry.).

Read the text.

Let's read in chorus.

What sound do you often hear? What should we emphasize? (Letter y).

Read the following poem.

What are "stitches"? Find them in the picture.

Which letter should we underline? (AND). What sound does it represent? (Sound [and]).

What letter will we see in the last quatrain? (E)


Find words with the sound [e]. What letter is it designated by? (Eh, and in the words “beast”, ... - the letter E).

Yes, this is the secret of the letter E, which you will learn in the following lessons.

  1. Generalization.

What fairy tale did we remember at the beginning of the lesson? (Thumbelina).

Who else was there besides Thumbelina? (It was the king of the elves.)

Let's outline this sentence in our printable notebooks. How many words are in a sentence, let's count? (4) ..., make a diagram on the board. Please comment. (The first word in a sentence is capitalized.)

There must be a period at the end of the sentence.)

Check it out. Is everyone like this?

What words contain the letter e? Big or small?

Type the letter E under the words that contain it. (Height capital letter– 2 cells) We remember that block letter has no slope. ..., go to the board.

Check it out.

Did everyone get it this way?

Well done!!

  1. Summing up the lesson.

Guys, what sound did we study today? [uh].

What letter? (E)

What words did you come across? Talk about it at home.

  1. Organizing time.

You worked very well today. I especially want to note...

Close the ABC and pencil case. Put it in your briefcase.

The lesson is over.



GBOU SPO College of Education No. 1 named after. ON THE. Nekrasova

Summary of a trial literacy lesson

in 1st grade

students of groups 2-10

Nikolaeva Anastasia

Topic: “Topic: Sound [E]. Letter "Eh"

Subject : Sound [E]. The letter "Eh".

Target : learn the sound [e], teach to read the letter “Eh”

Know : characteristics of the sound [e], writing the printed letter “Ee”.

Understand : what is the difference between a sound and a letter, a vowel sound and a consonant

Apply : highlight the sound [E] in words, characterize it

Analysis: syllable-sound analysis of words, analysis of sentences and texts.

Synthesis: composing words with the sound [e], sentences, reading poems, riddles.

Grade : knowledge about the sound [e] and the letter E for reading and writing.

Lesson plan:

  1. Org. moment
  2. Repetition
  3. Announcing the topic and purpose of the lesson
  4. Explanation of new material. Sound Isolation and Characterization[uh].
  5. Development phonemic hearing.
  6. Working with letters.
  7. Consolidation.
  8. Generalization.
  9. Lesson summary.
  10. Org. moment.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Hello children! My name is Anastasia Vladimirovna, and today I will give you a reading lesson.

Check your chairs to make sure you can sit comfortably. Have a seat. Place your feet straight.

Attention! Check it out, buddy.
Are you ready to start the lesson!
Is everything in place? Is everything alright:
Books, pens and notebooks?
We have a motto:
Everything you need is at hand!

2. Repetition.

What letters have you already learned? (a, o, y, and,)

What sounds do they represent?

What sounds are these? (vowels)

How are vowel sounds different from consonants? (when they are formed, the air flow does not encounter any obstacles, vowel sounds are formed with the help of the voice, they can be sung).

Today we will introduce you to another sound.

3. Sound isolation and characterization[uh].

Now look at the board and identify the fairy tale for which the illustration is given.

Of course, this fairy tale is called “Thumbelina”. It was written by Hans Christian Andersen (book show).

Now listen to an excerpt from this tale:

“The swallow came down and sat the girl on a wide petal. But what kind of miracle? In the cup of the flower there was a small man, so light and transparent, as if he were made of crystal or morning dew. Light wings trembled behind his shoulders, a small golden crown glittered on his head, and he was no taller than our Thumbelina. It was the king of the elves.

When the swallow flew up to the flower, the elf was seriously frightened. After all, he was so small, and the swallow was so big!”

Who was Thumbelina's friend? (Elf)

Who are the elves? (Elves are little fairy-tale people with wings).

Let's highlight the first sound in the word "elves". ([e])

What sound is this - a vowel or a consonant?

How did you guess? (Vowel, since during its formation the air flow does not encounter an obstacle, vowel sounds are formed with the help of the voice, they can be sung).

Make a sound[uh], watch the pronunciation...

Turn to each other and look at the position of your tongue and lips when pronouncing the sound.

4. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today we will get acquainted with the new sound [E] and find out what letter it is denoted in writing.

5. Development of phonemic hearing.

  1. Let's play a little:

Clap your hands if you hear the sound [E] in the words: tree, poet, if, electricity, brush, this, skirt, excursion, willow, children, echo.

6. Working with letters.

What letter represents the sound [e] in writing? (a card with the letter E is posted).

What does the letter E look like?

Let's learn a short poem about the letter E.

So first listen to me carefully.

Mouth open to ears,

The letter E said, "Hey!"

Hey hey! - the screamer screams,

The tongue sticks out of the mouth.

What does the letter E look like? (If you look at the open mouth from the side, from which the tongue sticks out).

Let's repeat in chorus.

In what words have you heard the sound [e]? (Hey, hey, hey).

Turn to ABC on page 74, 7-4.

What is shown in the picture on the left? (Excavator). What is an excavator used for? (Dig the ground)

Why is he depicted on the page with the letter E? (Starts with the sound e, with the letter E, the ladle is similar to the letter E.)

Why do we have 2 printed letters E? (Big and small).

When will we use the capital letter E? (Write the beginning of the sentence and proper names).

Physical exercise.

Rain clouds have arrived
Let it rain - let it rain! (Arms extended, palms down.
The raindrops are dancing, shaking their hands, stomping
As if alive, with their feet.)
Drink, rye, drink!
And the rye, bending towards the green earth,
Drinks, drinks, drinks
And the warm rain is restless
It's pouring, pouring, pouring! (Bend over and sit down.)

7. Consolidation.

  1. Solving the rebus. Working with the sound circuit.

And now we will solve the rebus. (emu) (picture is posted)

How did you guess?

Who is an emu? (Emu is a relative of the ostrich. Its height is 180 centimeters, it is the largest bird after the ostrich)

(There is a diagram of the word on the board). Let's use our palm to determine how many syllables there are in a word. (2)

How do we determine the number of syllables? (As many vowels as there are in a word, there are as many syllables).

Name the first syllable. How many sounds does it have? What sound is this - a vowel or a consonant? Why?

Name the second syllable. How many sounds does it have? (2). Which? ([m,y]).

Let's put the emphasis: uh-uh. Which syllable does it fall on? (1) So the sound [e] is percussive.

  1. Game "Third Man".

Find the “We think...” icon. Let's play the game "Third Man". Who is shown in the pictures? (...)

What do they have in common? (Animals)

Which of the pictures is redundant and explain why. (Emu, because it is a bird)

Consider sound patterns. Let's read them. They put a pointer under the first one. Let's read. Mole. Under the second one. ...Under the third. Compare sound patterns. And among them which one is the odd one out? (3rd, because 1.2 are the same, they have 4 sounds and 1 syllable, and the third has 3 sounds and 2 syllables; and the third word has the sound [e], but the others do not).

Well done, you think very well.

  1. Drawing up a sound diagram of a word.

Guess the riddle: “No one has seen him, but everyone has heard him” (Echo)

What is an "echo"? (Echo is a phenomenon in nature, when a person screams loudly, his sound returns to him and is heard far, far away)

Let's create a sound diagram of this word together. Open your notebook for printing. Move 4 cells down, 2 to the left. Make a point.

How many syllables are there in a word?

Name the first syllable. How many sounds does it have, what are they? Take a red pencil. Draw the first sound.

Second syllable? What sounds does it consist of? (m-consonant, hard; u – vowel). Draw a syllable.

I have 2 diagrams on the board. Which diagram matches our word? Check if this is the case for you. Who's got it right?

Trace the syllables with a simple pencil. Place emphasis. ..., do it on the board.

  1. Typing the letter e.

What letter represents the sound e? (Letter E).

Watch me type the letter. I retreat 1 cell from the 1st sound, write a semi-oval and a horizontal line. The letter has no slant.

Take a pen. Let's write it in the air: and-one-and-and. Type the letter below the diagram.

  1. Work on the lexical meaning of words.

Guess the riddles: It is the elephant that carries the trunk, not the elephant.

But he is stronger than the elephant.

It replaces hundreds of hands.

Without a shovel, he digs.

The carriage itself opened the doors for us, (Excavator)

The stairs lead to the city.

We don't believe our eyes:

Everything is standing still, she is walking. (Escalator)

Now won't you confuse these words? Tell your parents at home how to use them correctly.

  1. Solving the acrophonic scheme and reading poetry.

Guess the title on page 75. How are we going to do this?

Select the first sound and make a word from them. (Poetry)

What are poems? How do they differ from a story, i.e. from prose? (Rhythmic, foldable).

Let's read the poems now.

He reads... and everyone watches closely.

Let's read in chorus. Place a pointer at the beginning of the poem.

What sound occurs frequently in this poem? (sound [a]).

What letter represents it? (The letter a).

What is the difference between a sound and a letter? (We hear the sound and write the letter.)

Underline the capital letter A. Why is it used? (At the beginning of the sentence and in the girl’s name).

Consider the picture below. What does it show? Tell me

...read the poem. Well done, very expressive.

Let's read in chorus.

What letter are we looking for in this poem? (ABOUT). Underline the letter O with a simple pencil.

What is a capital letter used for? (To indicate the beginning of a line in poetry).

What is shown in the picture below? Tell me coherently. (The duck calls the ducklings. The ducklings swim, dive, hide from their mother. The mother duck is angry.).

Read the text.

Let's read in chorus.

What sound do you often hear? What should we emphasize? (Letter y).

Read the following poem.

What are "stitches"? Find them in the picture.

Which letter should we underline? (AND). What sound does it represent? (Sound [and]).

What letter will we see in the last quatrain? (E)


Find words with the sound [e]. What letter is it designated by? (Eh, and in the words “beast”, ... - the letter E).

Yes, this is the secret of the letter E, which you will learn in the following lessons.

  1. Generalization.

What fairy tale did we remember at the beginning of the lesson? (Thumbelina).

Who else was there besides Thumbelina? (It was the king of the elves.)

Let's outline this sentence in our printable notebooks. How many words are in a sentence, let's count? (4) ..., make a diagram on the board. Please comment. (The first word in a sentence is capitalized.)

There must be a period at the end of the sentence.)

Check it out. Is everyone like this?

What words contain the letter e? Big or small?

Type the letter E under the words that contain it. (The height of a capital letter is 2 squares) Remember that a printed letter has no slope. ..., go to the board.

Check it out.

Did everyone get it this way?

Well done!!

  1. Summing up the lesson.

Guys, what sound did we study today?[uh].

What letter? (E)

What words did you come across? Talk about it at home.

  1. Organizing time.

Well done!

You worked very well today. I especially want to note...

Close the ABC and pencil case. Put it in your briefcase.

The lesson is over.

Back forward

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Back forward


  • Introduce children to the sound and letter E.
  • Teach the correlation of sounds with letters and symbols, introduce the norm of articulation of the sound E.
  • Development phonemic awareness, sound analysis and synthesis.
  • Enrich lexicon words with the sound E.
  • To develop skills in sound analysis and synthesis of syllables, reading syllables.
  • Fostering love and respect for loved ones.

Equipment: A mirror for each child, pictures: ESKIMO, SCREEN, KARATE, POET, card (pasted into each student’s notebook) (Appendix 2), insert cards for sound-letter analysis for each child with colored circles, “Magic bag” with plastic letters.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Hello guys. Where have you come now, what lesson? (To the speech therapist). Why go to a speech therapist? (To pronounce sounds correctly, speak correctly.) Where do you come to school from? (From home). Who lives at your house? (Mom, Dad, etc.) Who's waiting for you at home from school? (Family.) Tell me about your families.

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson through sound analysis. (Presentation 1)

1. Introduction to the topic. (Slide 1).

– Today in class we will learn to speak correctly, clearly and beautifully. Today we will go to visit an interesting family. And why is she interesting, tell me yourself. (Slide 2).
– Look and tell me what your mother’s name is? (Emma.) Dad? (Eric.) Brother? (Edik.) Sister? (Elya.)
– Who noticed something interesting? (There is a dog - Elf). Let's read this name in unison interesting family. (Epikov family). What sound do we hear at the beginning of each name? ([E])
– That’s right, today we are learning to correctly pronounce the sound E and denote it in writing with the letter E. And the Epikov family will help us with this.

3. Articulation of sound e.

1. Familiarity with the norm of articulation. (Mirrors.)

Correct articulation of the sound [e] – consider the profile. (Slide 3).

Speech therapist: Let's take a look at our profile and you tell me what you see.

– What happens to the lips? (Lips stretched into a smile.)

– Where is the tongue? (The tongue is slightly in front, it is raised.)

Speech therapist: The tongue is slightly forward and raised. The tip of the tongue is located at the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is raised. The exhaled air does not meet any obstacles in the mouth. A stream of air passes freely through the nasal or oral cavity. The vocal cords are tense and shifted, they work, the throat trembles (there is a voice). We try to pronounce the sound e with the children.

– Is there an obstacle when pronouncing a sound? Is your throat shaking? (Yes.)

- So what is the sound of E? (It is sung and drawn out). We try to sing and stretch out.

If the sounds are sung and drawn, we call them..? (Vowels.)

Child 1 reads a poem:

Air flows freely through the mouth,
There are no different barriers,
The voice is involved, the voice is calling,
The sound is called VOWEL.

– How will we denote the sound E, with what color? (Red because it is a vowel.)

(Slide 4).

2. Logorhythmics. Show the sound E.

Speech therapist: Let's stand up and show the sound e.

(Slide 5).

(I.P. – Hands in front, raised at the level of the diaphragm. Fingers are rounded, elbows are not straightened completely. Movements – when pronouncing (E), the arms are spread to the sides, slightly raised up, the fingertips are lowered to the shoulders, the elbows are slightly lowered down. The chin first rises and falls at the end. (E) is pronounced with an increase in the beginning, and then in a decay range.
Dynamics – insignificant at the beginning muscle tension, then into tension, then into complete relaxation.)

The speech therapist shows the movements and asks the children to repeat them, performing the exercises with the children 5–6 times.

4. Introducing the letter e.

Speech therapist: We hear and pronounce sounds, and in writing we denote them with letters that we see and write. Let's look at the letter e.

1. Examination of the stylized letter E. (Slide 6).

Speech therapist:

– Letter E with a huge mouth
And a huge tongue.
Ege - gay! - the screamer screams.
The tongue is sticking out of the mouth!

– Look and tell me what elements the letter E consists of?

(Right semi-oval and stick in the middle.) (Slide 7).

A semicircle looks to the right,
There's a tongue in the middle, my friend.

– Select the elements that are necessary for the letter E. (Slide 8).

1-2 children come to the board, explain what elements are needed and why.

Speech therapist: We pronounced the sound e, let's now show the letter e using our fingers. (Slide 9).

- Let's build the letter e from our fingers.

Right hand let's point to the left.
We skillfully point 3 fingers straight:
Index finger with thumb
Let's unite them into a semicircle.
Let's look at the construction -
The letter E is our creation.

2. Game “Find the letter E”.

- Let's see which of us is the most attentive and will find the letter e in different alphabets. One by one, students come to the board and show the letter.

(4 different images of the alphabet.) (Slide 10, 11, 12, 13).

3. We write the letter E. (Slide 14).

(The speech therapist explains how to write the letter E.)

Students write in their notebooks the capital and lowercase letter e.

4. Game “Magic bag” (with letters).

Speech therapist: Guys, I have something for you. interesting game- “Magic bag”.

This bag contains the letters that we have studied, put your hand into the bag, don’t look, feel for the letter and say:

-This is a letter...

Approach each child with a bag.

5. Phonetic exercise.(Slide 15).

Speech therapist: In our friendly family, everyone loves to have fun and sing. -Since the e- vowel is sung and lasts a long time, let’s try to sing it together with members of our family.

– Each family member sings his own song, help mom, dad and children sing in turn, but be careful not to get confused - find and sing your sound, depending on who these objects belong to. (For example, the 1st student comes out, he sings with his mother Emma - E - M)
-What did you sing? (Syllables.) (Slide 16).

Then each child names a forward and backward syllable. Once again we read the syllables in unison.

  • EM ME
  • EN NE
  • EC CE
  • ES SE

6. Physical education minute.

– In our Epikov family, all the children love not only to sing, but also to play sports. The boy Edik invites us to depict something, and tell me what it is later.

– Edik loves physical education,
He will show us the figure.
Left foot forward
And then her back,
And then forward again
And we'll stand for a while.
Right leg, look
Take me aside
Place it on your heel, toe up
And pull her friend.
I bend my right arm and hold it across.
Well, to the left, friends, up, higher,
As I.
Our palm is like a flag,
Wave to me buddy.
This is a button and a lace -
Electric bell.
We'll call left, right,
This is such fun.

Speech therapist: What did Edik want to show us? (Letter E.)

7. Consolidation.

1. Place of sound in a word.

Distribute 1 picture to each student; children name the objects depicted in the pictures. The student who receives the picture does sound-letter analysis in the form of a diagram in a notebook. We orally divide into syllables, determine the place of the sound in the word: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end, then we check each pattern individually.


2. Work in the notebook - task “Find the letter e in the words.”

Speech therapist: You next task: help little Edik find all the letters E, circle the E with a red pencil. Color the picture you like.

8. Finger gymnastics.

Speech therapist: We worked a lot and are tired, let's help our fingers rest.


So the family met.
I'm glad to see you.
We invited everyone to visit.
Everyone was taught to say hello.
Nod in greeting
Maybe finger number 5.
Nameless may be lower.
The middle one is not offended by force,
This one knows everything in the world.
But kids love this one!

(We alternately bend the fingers on both hands towards each other, starting with the little finger and ending with the thumbs).

9. Consolidation.

1. Speech development.

Speech therapist: A girl from our family, Elya Epikova, loves riddles, and she prepared one for you too. We listen carefully and try to guess.

It is found in the mountains,
He communicates with you, with me,
Doesn't argue in conversation -
Whatever you say, it will be echoed. (Echo.)

We draw up a diagram of the word on insert cards, and orally do a sound analysis of the word. ( Annex 1)

We are working on grammatical structure speech. Each child makes up phrases and sentences.

-What is an echo like? (Loud, quiet, funny, etc.)
- Make up your own sentence about the echo. (Edik and I listened to the echo. In the forest I heard a loud echo. Etc.)

2. Development of phonetic perception.

In the Epikov family everyone is active and correct image life, the Epikovs love to travel, today they went to the mountains. But such a situation happened there.

(Slide 17).

The speech therapist reads a poem:


-What happened in the forest? Who's lost? What is edelweiss? Who doesn't find it funny? Why? Who can help?
– In a family, it is important to live together, help in trouble, and obey your elders.

Name all the words in this poem that begin with the sound E. How many such words are there? (Erik, Edik, Elya, edelweiss, echo - 5 words).

10. Development of spatial orientation

Game “What has changed?” (Presentation 2.) (4 slides, 4th – check.)

- Tell me, what has changed? (Remember the names of the Epikov family members and tell us who is on the left, right, middle, etc.)

11. Lesson summary.(Slide 18).

– Which letter did you meet? (E) What did you do in class? (We learned to speak correctly and beautifully, pronounced the sound E.)

Who helped us? (Epikov family.)


  1. Kozhevnikova D.V., Kozhevnikov P.V. Home speech therapist. Practical guide. – St. Petersburg: Science and Technology, 2009.
  2. Mazanova E.V. Correction of acoustic dysgraphia. Lesson notes for speech therapists. Publishing house: GNOM and D., 2008.
  3. Mukhina A.Ya. Speech motor rhythm. – M., AST: Astrel; Vladimir: VKT: 2009.
  4. Pozhilenko E.A. Magic world sounds (a manual for speech therapists) – Humanit. Publishing house VLADOS, – M., 1999.


Topic: Sound and letter e E.


  1. Introduce students to the vowel sound [e], letters E e
  2. Work on the development of phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis..
  3. Learn to write capital and small letters
  4. Form and improve reading skills.
  5. Enrich your vocabulary of words with the sound E.
  6. To develop skills in sound analysis and synthesis of syllables, reading syllables.
  7. Develop speech memory, attention, fine motor skills.
  8. Cultivate positive motivation in learning.


Organization of the beginning of the lesson

Check it out buddy

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Everything is in place,

Everything is fine:

Books, pens and notebooks.

Today we have guests, they came to see what you have learned during this time


We were anxiously awaiting guests

And everyone was a little tired.

Don't judge too harshly

We studied a little

Game "Guess the Beech"

The one who connects the halves of the letters will sit down and say which letter is the result? Teacher:

Children, I forgot to introduce one more guest. This is a doll in a red dress. She will help us throughout the lesson, but does not tell us her name, she told me that at the end of the lesson the children themselves will read her name and find out what her name is.

  1. How does a sound differ from a letter?

Repetition of what has been covered. Updating knowledge.

Purpose: To remember the graphic appearance of letters. Correlating sounds with letters)


Game "Half-letter"

  1. One day the letters went for a walk, suddenly a cloud came in and it began to rain. The letters are hidden under red and blue umbrellas. Only the lower halves of the letters are visible.
  2. - Tell me which letters are hidden under the red umbrella? Why? What sounds are called vowels?
  1. - What letters are hidden under the blue umbrella? Why? What sounds are called consonants?

What umbrella was our guest hiding under? Why? (her name starts with a vowel sound)

V l m k s h o a u y

Slide No. 4

Reading two-letter open straight syllables.

The sun came out, the vowels came out into the sun.

Read the letters

  1. in unison
  2. individually.

Those who agreed were called.

  1. What do consonants form with vowels?


read the resulting syllables.

  1. in unison
  2. individually.





slide number 5

Reading words.

Goal: developing the skill of reading words.

- What can you put together from syllables? That's how our letters approached the forest and began to play words. Read the received words.

We are l

ma la


u pa la

slide number 6

Played hide and seek. The vowels were hidden. Insert vowels.

V-v- O A

  1. Read, what word did you get?
  1. Why are these words written with capital letters?


The consonants began to hide. Insert consonants into the words.

U - - a k k l

  1. Read what word you got.

Introduction to the lesson.

The letters went into the forest and got lost.

  1. Show how the letters got lost in the forest.

Children talk and show.

The letters went far into the forest and got lost.

The letters got lost in the forest (sad)

Everyone shouted ay (loud)

Nobody responds (sadly) only echo responds

Our echo to us comes back (quietly) ah! Aw!


Reading a poem from a slide

  1. How do you understand the word echo?

(reflected sound)

  1. who heard the echo and where?
  2. What is the first sound in the word echo?

Lesson topic message.

  1. Say the duty sound in chorus
  2. Individually
  3. What signal is it indicated by?


  1. Describe the sound


The first row indicates the hardness of the consonant

Slide 9.

Showing a letter.

  1. The sound e is represented by the letter e

e– Letter E with a huge mouth
And a huge tongue.
Ege - gay! - the screamer screams.
The tongue is sticking out of the mouth!

Slide 9.

Element-by-element analysis of letters.

What elements does the letter e consist of?

Of the two - the left semi-oval and the small horizontal line.

Which letter has the same semi-oval in its spelling?

Slide number 10.

Comparison of letters e and s.

“The letter e na s marvels, as if looking in a mirror. There is definitely a resemblance, but there’s no language!”

  1. how are these letters similar?


  1. what makes them different from each other.

WITH right semi-oval, no horizontal line

E left semi-oval, there is a horizontal line.

ABC book work.

Let's show our guests how we read.

  1. Open the primer, we will read the syllables and words.

Reading syllables and words.

  1. Teacher
  2. In chorus
  3. Individually

What did we read?



Conversation based on the picture of the ABC book.

  1. Look at the color picture in the ABC book.
  2. Who is in the picture?
  3. What are the children doing?
  4. What toy does the girl wash?
  5. What toy does the boy wash?
  6. Who will the story be about?

Reading a story.


I will read the story, and you listen carefully, so that you can also read correctly and expressively, try to follow with your eyes where I am reading.

Conversation about the content of the story

What was the girl's name?

What was the boy's name?

Reading a story by students.

  1. By word in a chain
  2. . Suggestions.


Slide number 12


Now you will learn how to write the letter that represents the sound e

Slide number 13

  1. Shown on the board by the teacher

We begin to write the letter e below top line, from left to right we write a semi-oval. Having touched the top line, we lower the semi-oval line down, round it to the left, touching the bottom line, continue the smooth line to the right, and cross the semi-oval with it below the middle of the working line.

Slide number 14

Show a letter on a slide.

  1. Showed readiness
  2. Look at the screen and write lowercase e in the air.
  3. Write the lowercase letter e in your notebook to the end of the line.
  4. Letter e

Slide number 15

Capital letter letter E.

I show, you look closely.

We begin to write the letter E above the middle of the non-working line, from left to right we write a semi-oval. Having touched the additional ruler, lower the semi-oval line down, round it to the left, touching the bottom ruler. We write the second element - a horizontal line, below the middle of the working line.

Show a letter on a slide. No. 12

Let's write the capital letter in the air, looking at the screen.

Write e to the end of the line.

Letter of syllables.

Write the syllables according to the model. –

We write the syllables without interruption.

This, uh,

What does a person say when he succeeds?

The letter of the syllable is eh.

Add the vowel o to the syllable eh, what word did you get?


Working at the box office

Sound-letter analysis of the word echo

Post at the box office with signals and letters


  1. Divide the word echo into syllables.
  2. Name the first syllable
  3. Name the second syllable
  4. Name the first sound
  5. Vowel or consonant
  6. What signal is indicated?
  7. What is the second sound?
  8. Vowel or consonant
  9. Voiced or voiceless
  10. Hard or soft
  11. Name the third sound.
  12. Vowel or consonant?

Without closing the cash register, write down the word in your notebook, dictating to yourself.

Word on the board.

Surprise moment.

  1. Insert the missing letter into the word and you will find out the name of our guest doll.
  2. In order for a guest to appear in the classroom, sing a song about echo.
  3. Emma brought the cartoon "Echo". We won’t have time to watch it in class, look at it in preparation.

Lesson summary.

What sound were you introduced to?

What letters did you learn to write?

2. Remember and tell your mom everything about the sound (E), what happens when it is pronounced with:

  • Sponges (opened like a circle);
  • Teeth (open, no obstruction);
  • Tongue (sleeps below, no obstruction);
  • What about the air stream (there are no obstacles in the mouth, it comes out freely);
  • What is the sound (E) (there are no barriers in the mouth, which means the sound (E) is a vowel)?
  • How do we denote the sound (E) (red circle - medium size, smaller (A), but larger (U))?

3. Look at the pictures and name them correctly! Identify and mark on the diagram where the sound (E) is hidden in the words: (Eskimo, Whatnot, Emu, Emma, ​​Edik, Excavator, Screen). These words (Floor, Eskimo, Escalator, Echo) are analyzed by ear. You read, write down the word, draw a diagram, and the child marks the position of the sound in the word with colored pencils.

4. Play a game with mom“Catch the sound (E)”: The adult calls the sounds slowly and clearly: “A-U-E-A-Y-E-E-A-O-E-A”, when the child hears the sound (E) he will clap his hands ! The game becomes more complicated: in syllables and in words (make up your own, just pronounce the syllables and words emphasizing the sound “E”).

5. Come up with three words with sound yourself(E) . Draw these words yourself as best you can! Under your pictures, mark where the sound (E) is hidden!

6. Learn two riddles to choose from, the riddles contain words with sounds(E) , tell them to your mother:

We fix the symbols of the passed vowel sounds.