The concept of regional identity. Regional identity from a geopolitical perspective

- one of the key indicators of business performance. What formula can be used to calculate it?

The essence of the agility coefficient

Equity agility ratio- an indicator that essentially reflects the degree of liquidity (the ability to transform into any other assets) financial resources belonging to the organization.

Considered good equity agility ratio in a value higher than 0.5, different - in a value from 0.7. Let's study how the indicator in question is calculated.

How to determine the coefficient of maneuverability of equity capital on the balance sheet (formula)?

Allowing you to calculate equity capital agility ratio formula involves using information from the company's balance sheet. Its structure, as is known, is determined by law. Each of the main balance items has a four-digit code. In order to calculate our coefficient, we will need indicators that correspond to the codes:

  • 1100 (summary indicators under the section “Non-current assets”);
  • 1200 (total indicators for the section “Current assets”);
  • 1300 (total indicators for the section “Capital and reserves”);
  • 1500 (total indicators for the “Short-term liabilities” section).

One of the common formulas for calculating equity capital agility ratio involves the use of the following algorithm:

1. Subtract from the number corresponding to code 1200 the indicator for code 1500.

Thus, we get the following formula maneuverability coefficient:

Km = (page 1200 - page 1500) / page 1300.

Turnover ratio according to the Goskomstat method

Also popular alternative method calculations of the indicator we are considering. What is its essence?

An indicator such as the agility ratio can be understood as the ratio of a company's own working capital to its own funds (or equity capital - this is the same thing).

The State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation adheres to a similar definition of the term we are considering in its Methodological Recommendations for Analysis commercial activities organizations approved on November 28, 2002.

An organization's own funds are defined as the difference between the amount corresponding to code 1300 of the balance sheet and the indicator according to code 1100. In turn, equity capital is the amount corresponding to code 1300.


1. Subtract from the number according to code 1300 what corresponds to code 1100.

2. Divide the number obtained in step 1 by the indicator according to code 1300.

As a result, we obtain the following formula for the maneuverability coefficient:

Km = ((page 1300 - page 1100) /page 1300) × 100%.

For other coefficients that are significant from the point of view of assessing the financial stability of a company, read the articles:

coefficient turnover of working capital assets - ObPF dov (Kob). By replacing the indicator of return on production assets in the second factor model with the third factor model, we obtain the fourth factor model: 1 P - p or x 1 1 rpf = - + - V V V n n n OPF ObPF 1(6.5)1 1- + -RPF = RPR X FO K about The results of the transformations carried out are summarized in the table: Factor number
  • 2.1. Classification of indicators for comparative tactical analysis of economic development of organizations
    coefficients or indexes. To date, many methods and procedures have been proposed for assessing the effectiveness of organizations. In many cases, they are carried out comparative assessments effectiveness of similar activities different organizations, and this, in particular, has become a separate area marketing research and benchmarking. V.V. Kovalev offers intra-company efficiency, under
    coefficient analysis; d) horizontal analysis. Method of analysis involving comparison homogeneous objects to find similarities or differences between them, it is called: a) graphic; b) factorial; c) selective and continuous observation; d) comparison. Economic and mathematical methods of analysis include: a) calculus of variations; b) trend analysis; V) factor analysis;
  • 1.1. Contents of the concept of financial condition of the enterprise
    coefficients and other methods of analysis. The directions differ both in the number of distinguished groups and in their internal content. In table Table 1.1 shows a grouping of financial condition analysis structures proposed by various researchers. The components of the analysis are grouped based on the generality of the content embedded in them and are ordered (from top to bottom) by frequency of mention in
  • 2.1. A system of general and specific indicators and standards characterizing the financial condition of an enterprise
    coefficients liquidity to changes in overall liquidity. Formulas for the relationship of liquidity indicators make it possible to determine, in addition, the nature and size of the influence of primary factors on changes in liquidity as a whole. The total solvency ratio is calculated as the ratio of the total inflow Money and total cash outflow: tg OPDS KH.c = . (2.3) OODS Extension method
  • 4.1. Financial stability analysis
    coefficient autonomy, coefficient independence, ownership ratio , coefficient concentrations equity , coefficient autonomy of sources of reserve formation. The indicator characterizes the degree of financial independence of the enterprise from attracted sources. How
  • 12.3. Analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise
    coefficient, the more financially stable, stable and independent of external loans the enterprise is. In addition to this indicator is coefficient concentration of attracted (borrowed) capital- their sum is 1 (or 100%). Financial dependency ratio. Is the inverse of coefficient concentrations own capital. The growth of this indicator in dynamics means an increase in the share
  • 3.3. Analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise in the long term
    odds, characterizing the share own, borrowed capital(long-term sources) in the total amount of financing sources, i.e., all balance sheet liability items are taken into account in the assessment. The implicit assumption here is that assets and individual sources are not comparable in terms of target coverage, i.e., any source can be considered as a source of coverage for any asset. It is important not
  • 5.2. Own capital formation policy
    coefficient self-financing (K>fU. SFR DL(Y)" where SFRCh own financial resources generated in the base period; YES(I) - increase in assets (property) in the forecast period compared to. basic (reporting). Second phase. The total need for financial resources for the coming period is established by the formula (5.7) where P1f1, is the total need for own financial resources in the coming period; PC
  • 15.8. Calculation and assessment of financial ratios of market stability
    coefficients. The composition and structure of the organization's sources of funds and their use are studied. The result of such an analysis should be an assessment of the organization's independence from external creditors. The higher the share of borrowed funds in total value sources, the higher the financial risk for counterparties in working with a given organization and the more unstable it is financial position. As own
  • Ratio analysis of the organization's capital structure
    coefficients, reflecting different ratios of assets and liabilities of the organization. In addition, for data coefficients There are almost no uniform normative criteria. In this regard, some difficulties arise in overall assessment financial stability. Since the values coefficients depend on many factors: the industry of the organization, lending conditions, existing
  • Permanent asset index
    odds(except coefficient financial leverage) are directly dependent on changes in financial stability, i.e. the growth of each of them confirms the strengthening of financial stability. But simultaneous growth of all indicators is impossible, since some of them can only increase by reducing others. For example, equity agility ratio and constant index
  • 2.3. Classification of factors influencing changes in the financial condition of an enterprise
    coefficient absolute liquidity) and negative (production costs, tax payments, etc.). Based on the degree of detail, factors of the first, second, third and subsequent levels of subordination are distinguished. The first level factors include those that directly affect the performance indicator. In the analysis of financial condition, we include private indicators as first-order factors
  • Symbols of indicators
    coefficient absolute liquidity KFV - short-term financial investments KO - short-term liabilities KZS - short-term borrowed funds KZCH accounts payable K - total amount funds advanced for the activities of the enterprise Kf nCh coefficient financial independence of Kf z - coefficient financial dependence coefficient urgent liquidity Book. h - coefficient independence
  • 2.1. Basics of forming entrepreneurial networks
    coefficient loading, etc., reducing equipment downtime); ? increasing labor productivity through the introduction of rational labor practices and eliminating lost working time; ? ensuring optimal use of all production resources (raw materials, space, energy); ? reduction of the production cycle, work in progress; ? optimization of warehouse stocks;
  • 7.3. Financial condition of enterprises. Financial stability, solvency and liquidity of enterprises
    coefficient may indicate the need to revise prices or strengthen control over the cost of products sold Other indicators of profitability of capital, energy, material intensity, etc. Indicators of business activity Turnover ratio Capital Speed turnover of material and monetary resources of the enterprise for the analyzed period or how much
  • 12.6 Financial condition of the enterprise. Financial stability, solvency and liquidity of enterprises
    coefficient may indicate the need to revise prices or strengthen control over the cost of products sold. Other indicators of profitability of capital, energy, material intensity, etc. Indicators of business activity Turnover ratio Capital Speed turnover of material and monetary resources of the enterprise for the analyzed period or how much
  • 11.1 financial analysis at the enterprise
    coefficients, and end with the compilation analytical note to reporting. Vertical analysis - presentation of balance sheet items in the form relative values (specific gravity), characterizing the structure of generalizing final indicators. Horizontal analysis - determining the dynamics (changes) of balance sheet items, identifying trends in changes in individual balance sheet items or their groups, Trend analysis
  • Chapter 2.5. Fixed Capital Analysis
    coefficient may be useful to us in estimating future costs of fixed assets, and as a way of measuring the growth of fixed assets in proportion to all assets. Vertical analysis means the calculation and assessment of the structure and structural changes in the composition of fixed assets. Depending on the legal form, fixed assets should be compared with capital, for example with a joint stock company capital.
  • 5.3.4. Assessment of the borrower's financial stability
    own maneuverability coefficient funds. The condition of fixed assets is measured by: the permanent asset index; coefficient long-term borrowing; coefficient wear accumulation; coefficient real value of the property. In addition, another indicator reflects the degree of financial independence of the enterprise as a whole: coefficient ratio of borrowed and own