Correspondence between Ivan 4 and Kurbsky. Correspondence between Kurbsky and Ivan the Terrible

The almighty and all-powerful right hand of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who holds in his hand all the ends of the earth, whom we worship and whom we glorify together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, with his mercy allowed us, his humble and unworthy servants, to hold the scepter of the Russian kingdom from his Almighty right hand of the Christ-bearing banner, this is how we write, the Great Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich of All Rus', Vladimir, Moscow, Novgorod, Tsar of Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan, Sovereign Pokovsky and Grand Duke of Smolensk, Tver, Yugorsk, Perm, Vyatka, Bulgaria and others , sovereign and grand duke Nizhny Novgorod, Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsk, Kondinsky and the entire Siberian land and the Northern country, the ruler is our former boyar and governor, Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky.

With humility I remind you, O prince: look how God’s majesty is condescending towards our sins and especially towards my iniquity, which surpassed the iniquities of Manasseh, although I did not depart from the faith, in anticipation of my repentance. And I have no doubt about the mercy of the Creator, which will bring me salvation, for God says in the Holy Gospel that he rejoices more over one repentant person than over ninety-nine righteous people; the same is said in the parable of the sheep and the coins. For even if my iniquities are more numerous than the sand of the sea, I still hope for the mercy of God’s mercy - the Lord can drown my iniquities in the sea of ​​his mercy. And now the Lord has had mercy on me, a sinner, fornicator and tormentor, and with His life-giving cross He has deposed Amalek and Maxentius. And the advancing crusader banner does not need any military cunning, which is known not only by Rus', but also by the Germans, and the Lithuanians, and the Tatars, and many peoples. Ask them yourself and you will find out, but I don’t want to list these victories to you, because they are not mine, but God’s. I will only remind you of one of many things, for I have already answered the reproaches that you wrote to me with all the truth; Now let me remind you of a few of the many. Remember what was said in the book of Job: “I have walked around the earth and am walking through the world”; so you and priest Sylvester, and Alexei Adashev, and with all your relatives wanted to see the entire Russian land under your feet, but God gives power to whomever he wants.

You wrote that I am corrupted by reason, as you will not find among the infidels. I put you yourself as the judge between me and you: are you corrupted by reason or I, who wanted to dominate you, but you did not want to be under my power and for that I was angry with you? Or are you corrupt, who not only did not want to obey me and obey me, but you yourself owned me, seized my power and ruled as you wanted, and removed me from power: in words I was a sovereign, but in reality I owned nothing. How many misfortunes have I suffered from you, how many insults, how many insults and reproaches? And for what? What is my first guilt before you? Who did he insult with what?.. And why was Kurlyatev better than me? They buy all kinds of jewelry for his daughters, this is blessed and good, but for my daughters it is cursed and for peace. There was a lot of this. I couldn’t write down how much you told me.

Why did you separate me from my wife? If you had not taken my young wife away from me, there would have been no Crown victims. And if you say that after that I could not endure it and did not maintain cleanliness, then we are all human. Why did you take a Streltsy wife? And if you and the priest had not rebelled against me, none of this would have happened: all this happened because of your self-will. Why did you want to put Prince Vladimir on the throne and destroy me and my children? Have I stolen the throne or captured it through war and bloodshed? By God's will, from birth I was destined for the kingdom; and I no longer remember how my father blessed me with the state; on the royal throne and grew up. And why on earth should Prince Vladimir be a sovereign? He is the son of the fourth appanage prince. What merits does he have, what hereditary rights does he have to be a sovereign, besides your treason and his stupidity? What is my guilt before him?.. And you imagined that the entire Russian land was under your feet, but by God’s will your wisdom turned out to be in vain. This is why I sharpened my pen to write to you. You said: “There are no people in Rus', there is no one to defend,” but now you are not there; Who is now conquering the strong German fortresses?.. The German cities do not wait for a battle, but bow their heads before the power of the life-giving cross! And where by chance there was no appearance of the life-giving cross for our sins, there was a battle. Many different people have been released: ask them, you will find out.

You wrote to us, remembering your grievances, that we sent you to distant cities as if as punishment, so now we, without sparing our gray hairs, have gone further than your distant cities, thank God, and walked with the feet of our horses along all your roads - from Lithuania and Lithuania, and walked on foot, and drank water in all those places, now Lithuania will not dare to say that our horses’ feet were not everywhere. And to where you hoped to calm down from all your labors, to Volmer. God brought us to your rest: they overtook you, and you rode even further.

So, we have written to you only a few of many. Judge for yourself how and what you have done, why God’s great Providence has turned its mercy on us, judge what you have done. Look inside yourself and open up to yourself! God knows that we wrote this to you not out of pride or arrogance, but to remind you of the need for correction, so that you think about the salvation of your soul.

Written in our fatherland, Livonian land, in the city of Volmer, in 7086 (in 1577 - approx. per.) in the 43rd year of our reign, in the 31st year of our Russian kingdom, 25th - Kazan, 24- m - Astrakhan.

Grozny's policy, aimed at strengthening autocracy, strengthening the role of the serving nobility and infringing on the interests of the boyar nobility, provoked resistance from the latter. This struggle was clearly reflected in the correspondence of Andrei Kurbsky with Ivan the Terrible.

A descendant of the princes of Yaroslavl, who traced his family back to Vladimir Svyatoslavich, Kurbsky in 1563, after an unsuccessful battle, fled to the Livonian city of Volmar (Volmiere), occupied by the troops of Sigismund Augustus. From here he sent his first “epistolia” (message) in 1564, addressed to Ivan the Terrible. The message was intended for a wide range of readers and aimed to expose the tsar's autocratic policy. In the very address to “To the Tsar, most glorified by God, and even more so in Orthodoxy, who appeared most brightly, now, for our sake, it is a sin, in opposition to what has been found.” there was a reproach: the king had lost the appearance of an ideal ruler.

Kurbsky’s accusatory speech sounds strict and measured, built according to the rules of rhetoric and grammar: “Why, the king, the mighty in Israel, beat the ecu and the governor, given to you by God, betrayed the ecu to various deaths, and their victorious, holy blood in the churches of God, in the sovereign’s celebrations, shed the ecu and with their martyr’s blood stained the church Pragues with the ecu? and You have intended unheard-of torments, persecution, and death against those who are willing and lay down their souls for you..."

Kurbsky acts as a prosecutor bringing charges against the Tsar on behalf of "dead, beaten innocently, imprisoned and driven away without truth" boyars, who, in his opinion, are the support of the state and constitute its strength. He writes from "Many are the sorrows of one's heart."

He accuses the tsar of abusing his sovereign power. Kurbsky understood that it was impossible to completely return the old order, and did not put forward demands for decentralization. He sought only to weaken the sovereign power of the tsar and considered it necessary to divide power between the tsar and the boyars. Finally, Kurbsky enumerates his own misfortunes and troubles that he had to endure from the tsar. He lists his military services to the fatherland, which were not appreciated by Ivan the Terrible.

The disgraced boyar declares that the tsar will not see him until the day of the Last Judgment, and "This scripture is wet with tears" he orders to put it with him in the coffin in order to present it to the formidable and fair heavenly judge.

The message, as the legend says, was delivered to the Tsar by Kurbsky’s faithful servant Vasily Shibanov on the Red Porch. The angry king pierced the leg of the messenger with his staff and, leaning on the staff, listened to the message of his enemy. Overcoming the pain, Shibanov did not even utter a groan and, thrown into a dungeon, died under torture without giving any testimony.

Kurbsky's message excited and wounded John's heart. His answer clearly reveals the complex and contradictory nature of the king’s extraordinary personality. Ivan the Terrible's message reveals a remarkable intelligence, broad education, well-readness and at the same time a proud and embittered, restless soul. He addresses his answer not only to Kurbsky, but also "to the entire Russian kingdom": for, speaking against Kurbsky, the king spoke against all "crucifixionists". This determined, on the one hand, the accusatory pathos of Ivan the Terrible’s message, directed against the traitor boyars, and, on the other, the pathos of the affirmation, justification and defense of autocratic power.

Grozny appears as a politician, a statesman, and his speech is initially restrained and official. He begins his answer to Kurbsky by proving the legitimacy of his sovereign power, inherited by him from his glorious ancestors: Vladimir Svyatoslavich, Vladimir Monomakh, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, grandfather Ivan Vasilyevich and father Vasily. “Just as we were born into the kingdom, so we grew up and reigned by God’s command, and took our parents with our blessing, and not with the delight of someone else,”- John proudly declares, dismissing Kurbsky’s accusation of illegal use of his power. With references to “scripture”, quoting entire passages from memory, Ivan the Terrible proves that the power of the king is sanctified by God himself, and anyone who opposes his power resists God. Iosiflyanskis ideas divine origin royal power are firmly assimilated by the tsar, and, relying on them, he qualifies Kurbsky’s act as treason, apostasy, a crime before his sovereign, and therefore, God. "Ridiculous fame" acquired, in the opinion of the tsar, Kurbsky, who "I violated the kissing of the cross with a traitorous dog custom" and thereby destroyed his soul. The Tsar sets as an example to the traitor-boyar the selfless devotion of his servant Vasily Shibanov, who accepted martyrdom for your master. Such devotion delights Ivan the Terrible, and he demands such devotion from all his subjects - his slaves. “And I am free to pay my slaves, and I am free to execute them,”- he declares.

Ivan the Terrible is irritated by Kurbsky's poisonous reproaches, the harsh accusatory pathos of his epistles, and the tone of the tsar's message becomes passionate. He addresses the traitor with ironic questions: " Why, dog, are you writing and getting sick, having committed such malice? Why would your advice be like stinking feces?

With angry bewilderment, Ivan the Terrible writes that he did not destroy "strong in Israel" and doesn't know "who is the strongest in Israel." He does not agree with the assessment given to the boyars by Kurbsky: it does not constitute the strength and glory of the state.

To make the answer more significant, Grozny introduces a number of autobiographical points. He recalls how, during his infancy, many were exterminated "well wishes" his father, how the treasury of his mother, father and grandfather was plundered by the boyars, the yards and villages of his uncles were taken away, how princes Vasily and Ivan Shuisky reigned, brutally dealing with their opponents. “But we, with our only begotten brother, the deceased George, were fed like foreigners or like the most wretched child,”– Ivan recalls bitterly. The picture of a joyless orphan childhood is resurrected in his memory. “We were playing in our youth, and Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Shuisky was sitting on a bench, leaning his elbow, with his leg resting on our father on the bed; he didn’t bow to us, not only as a parent, but in a domineering way, like a slave, a lower beginning was found.” . And, turning to his opponent, Ivan bitterly asks: “How can we erase such poor suffering, such as we suffered in our youth?”

He recalls the terrible and grandiose Moscow fire of 1547, when the traitor boyars, calling themselves martyrs, spread a rumor that Anna Glinskaya had burned the city with her sorcery, and the rebel Muscovites killed Yuri Glinsky in the church and were not even instigated by the murder of the tsar himself.

No, Grozny concludes, the boyars are not the well-wishers of the Tsarev, but inhuman traitorous dogs who in everything "opposite eliminate" to his sovereign. Therefore, Grozny believes, there is nothing to brag about “The same goes for the dogs and traitors with abusive courage.” Parrying his opponent's accusation, Grozny resorts to quoting Kurbsky's message, ironically playing on these quotes. For example: “You write that your face will not be shown to us until the day of God’s Last Judgment. Who, then, will desire to see such an Ephopian face?”

Thus, without mincing words, resorting to direct mockery of the enemy, Ivan the Terrible pours out his soul in the message. He does not take into account the rules of rhetoric and speech. His writing style reveals a close connection with the “Josephite” literary school. Terrible's speech is impetuous, excited, it is full of vivid, concrete everyday images, peppered with witticisms and caustic irony. This style of Grozny’s message, which violated the canonical rules, became the object of Kurbsky’s constant ridicule. In his "short answer" Kurbsky does not try to refute his opponent. He stubbornly insists on the correctness of his accusations brought against the king in his first letter, and denies "unclean and biting" "tsar's verbs" considers himself a person "much offended and driven out without truth" and trusts in God's judgment.

Apprentice "Trans-Volga elders" brought up in a strict bookish literary tradition, Kurbsky cannot accept the style "broadcast and noisy" messages from Ivan the Terrible. He believes that the style of this message is not only unworthy of a king so great and renowned in the universe, but also of a wretched, simple warrior. Kurbsky reproaches Ivan the Terrible for his inability to quote: in the Tsar’s message “Many sacred words are enough, and they are filled with much fury and cruelty... much more than measure, excessively and vulgarly, in whole books and whole parables, and epistles.”

Another reproach that Kurbsky throws at Grozny is the mixture of bookish and colloquial styles: “Here about beds, about quilted jackets, and other countless, truly, seemingly frantic women’s fables; and so barbaric, as if not only by learned and skilled men, but also by simple ones and children with surprise and laughter...”

Reproaching the tsar, Kurbsky believes that it is a shame to send such a message to a foreign land.

Kurbsky’s rejection of Ivan the Terrible’s literary style was reflected in the difference in the principles of approach to words and life.

After Kurbsky’s response, correspondence stopped for 13 years and was resumed by Grozny in 1577, when Russian troops took the Livonian city of Volmar, behind whose walls Kurbsky was hiding.

In a message written in Volmar, Grozny lists the misfortunes and hardships that he had to endure from the boyars during the reign of the “elected Rada” (Adashev and Sylvester). “What troubles you cause me, I can’t write it all down!”– he exclaims and asks with pain: “And why did you separate me from my wife? And why did you want to put Prince Volodymyr in the kingdom for food, and make me out of children?” Sorrowful questions calculating the crimes of the boyars are replaced by ironic mockery of the fugitive.

In response to this message, Kurbsky mainly justified himself, peppering his defensive speech with quotations from the “holy scripture.”

The strong blow that Kurbsky dealt to his enemy was the historical pamphlet “The History of the Grand Duke of Moscow” in 1573. Here Kurbsky brings to the fore a moral argument: the cause of all evils and troubles is the personal qualities of the tsar. Kurbsky managed to cement in history the view of Ivan the Terrible as a representative "has long been a blood-drinking city" who, having begun his reign so brilliantly, in his second period was obsessed with excessive malice and cruelty and stained his hands with the blood of innocent victims.

The contradictory, complex, painful character of Ivan the Terrible, his extraordinary writing talent is revealed not only in his polemical messages to Kurbsky, but also in a number of other letters. Message from Ivan the Terrible to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery. An interesting message from Grozny to the abbot of the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery Kozma (written around 1573) regarding the violation of the monastery charter by the boyars Sheremetev, Khabarov, and Sobakin exiled there by Grozny.

The message is permeated with caustic irony, developing into sarcasm, in relation to the disgraced boyars who are in the monastery “they introduced their own lustful regulations.” A bright satirical picture of monastic life comes to life: “And now you have Sheremetev sitting in his cell like a king, and Khabarov comes to him, and other monks, and eat and drink whatever is in the world, and Sheremetev, who knows from the wedding, who knows from his homeland, sends out sheets, gingerbreads and other spicy compound vegetables, and behind the monastery there is a courtyard, and on it are all kinds of annual supplies..."

Based on this, Grozny makes the broad generalization that "nowadays there are boyars throughout the monastery... with their lust" destroyed the strict monastic rules. And in the monastery there should be no social inequality: “Is this the way of salvation, that in the monastery the boyar will not cut off his boyar hair, and the slave will not escape servitude?”

Terrible also falls on the monks, who are unable to curb the willful boyars. The tsar’s irony is enhanced by the self-deprecation with which Grozny begins his message: “Alas for me, a sinner! Woe for me, wretched one! Oh, for me, a stinking dog, who should I teach, and what should I punish, and how should I enlighten?” And further, the more Grozny talks about his respect for the Kirillov Monastery, the more caustic his reproaches sound. He shames the brethren for allowing the boyars to violate the rules, and thus it is not known, the tsar writes, who took tonsure from whom, whether the boyars were the monks or the monks were the boyars. “You are not their teachers and legislators, but they are yours.” WITH Grozny writes sarcastically: “Yes, Sheremetev’s charter is good, keep it, but Kirilov’s charter is not good, leave it. Yes, today that boyar will introduce that passion, and sometimes another will introduce another weakness, and little by little, little by little, the entire everyday life of the monastic serf will be defiled, and there will be worldly customs.” .

The Terrible ends his message with an angry, irritable address, forbidding the monks to bother him with such questions: “And I have nothing to write about Khabarov: he’s fooling around the way he wants... But in the future you shouldn’t bother us about Sheremetev and other such absurdities...” As D.S. Likhachev notes, “Message to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery” is a free improvisation, first learned, and then passionate, turning into an accusatory speech, written with ardent conviction that one is right.

The originality of Grozny’s personality and the peculiarities of his writing style are also manifested in his relationship with one of the guardsmen close to him, Vasily Gryazny, to whom the tsar sent his message in 1574.

Sent by the tsar to the Russian-Crimean border as a commander, Vasily Gryaznoy was captured by the Crimeans. In his letter to the Tsar (the letter has not survived), Gryaznov outlined the conditions under which the Crimean Khan agreed to release "great man" Russian sovereign: either send a large ransom, or exchange for the Crimean commander Diveya captured by the Russians.

Addressing "Vasyushka" Grozny writes with irony that Gryazny should not have "to visit the middle of the Crimean uluses without a path", and what if "stoppedand but it was not according to the detour." "You thought that you had come on the detour with the dogs for the sake of hares - the Crimeans got you into trouble. Did you think that this is what it’s like in Crimea, how it’s like for me to stand up and make jokes?” The king is ironic. For the Tsar, the guardsman is not a “great man”, but "sufferer", that was "We're getting closer." For his close associate, he agrees to give a ransom of no more than 2 thousand, and not 100 thousand, as Gryaznoy asks, because "Besides, sovereigns do not give such paybacks to anyone." The tsar has a low opinion of the oprichnik’s military leadership talent and contrasts him with the Crimean Diveya: "You, - Grozny turns to Gryazny, - Having come out of captivity, you can’t bring as many Tatars, you can’t catch them, as many Christians as Divey is shadowing.” The Tsar reproaches the guardsman for promising the Khan a ransom and barter. "uncomfortable". Ivan the Terrible’s message was written in the form of a casual conversation and does not at all indicate the Tsar’s positive assessment of his guardsmen.

The confusion of the soul of the stern ruler, who sometimes experiences remorse and fear of approaching death, reflects the penitential canon he created for the Terrible Angel.

“A man of wonderful reasoning, in the science of book teaching, he is content and very eloquent,” - This is how Grozny’s immediate descendants characterized him. All his works are permeated by the deep, subtle and mocking mind of the Russian man, an outstanding statesman and politician and at the same time a tyrant ruling his "autocratic will." Lively observation, irrepressible temperament, good nature and cruelty, a sly, simple-minded grin and caustic irony, harshness and irascibility - these are the character traits of Ivan the Terrible that are clearly reflected in his writings.

Disregarding book canons and traditions, boldly violating them, he introduces into his messages specific sketches taken from reality. To convey the entire complex range of feelings that possess him, Grozny widely uses vernacular, colloquial everyday intonations and even swear words. This allows Grozny to become a master of the “biting” style, unsurpassed for his time, who strikes the enemy without a miss.

The messages of Ivan the Terrible are clear evidence of the beginning of the destruction of the strict book system. literary style, which was created through the efforts of scribes of the 14th–16th centuries, and the emergence of an individual style. True, only the tsar, the autocrat of all Rus', could “declare” his individuality in the field of style. Realizing his high position, he could boldly violate established stylistic norms and play the roles of either a wise philosopher, or a humble servant of God, or a cruel and unforgiving ruler, “free” to execute or pardon his “slaves” - his subjects.

In journalism of the 16th century. not only the voices of defenders of the interests of various groups of the ruling class were heard. At this time, the first ideologists of the democratic strata of Russian society appeared. The boyar's son Matvey Bashkin speaks out against slavery, proving with the authority of "scripture" the illegality of slavery. "Christ condemns all the brethren,- he said, - But with us, some have bondage, some are runaway, and some are smart, and others are full.” Even further Bashkin went to the fugitive slave Theodosius Kosoy, who, rejecting church dogmas (the trinity of the deity, veneration of temples and icons, church hierarchy), acted as an opponent of all exploitation, wars and civil authorities, a passionate champion of the equality of people.

Two journalistic works of Zinovy ​​of Otensky were dedicated to the denunciation of the “heresy” of Theodosius Kosoy - “Testimony of Truth” and “Verbose Message”.

A church council convened in 1554 condemned the “heresies” of Matvey Bashkin and Theodosius Kosoy, as well as the former abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, Elder Artemy, a zealous “non-covetous” associated with Maxim the Greek and Matvey Bashkin. They were sentenced to life imprisonment in monasteries. However, Artemy and Theodosius Kosoy managed to escape to Lithuania.

Thus, in journalism of the 16th century. reflected polemics on the cardinal political problems of his time related to the character government controlled, the place and role in this administration of the tsar, the boyars, the serving nobility and monasticism. In journalism, for the first time, the question of the situation of the Russian peasant was raised and voices were heard condemning slavery. Publicists connected political problems with moral, philosophical and aesthetic ones. Proving that they were right and refuting the arguments of their opponents, they did not limit themselves to references to the authority of “scripture,” but relied on logic and appealed to reason, using the facts of reality and personal life.

A distinctive feature of journalism of the 16th century. – its genre diversity: polemical “word”, “punishment”, “word of response”, conversation, petition, journalistic pamphlet, epistole.

Journalism of the 16th century. played an important role in the formation of the Russian literary language and Russian literature. Its traditions received a response in the historical stories of the early 17th century, in the polemical messages and conversations of Avvakum.

  • The modern American historian Edward Keenan dates Kurbsky's correspondence with Grozny to the first third of the 17th century. and Prince Semyon Ivanovich Shakhovsky is considered its “creator”. He also dates “The History of the Grand Duke of Moscow” to the 17th century, created by an unknown author who wrote under the name Kurbsky.
  • Cm.: Likhachev D. S. Ivan the Terrible as a writer // Messages of Ivan the Terrible. M.; L., 1951.
  • Cm.: Likhachev D. S. Canon and prayer to the Terrible Angel, governor Parthenius the Ugly (Ivan (with roses) // Likhachev D. S. Research on Old Russian Literature. L., 1986. pp. 361–377.



Letter from Kurbsky to the Tsar from Lithuania

To the Tsar, most glorified by God, and even more so in Orthodoxy, who appeared most luminous, now sin for the sake of our resistance has been discovered. Let him understand, he has a leprous conscience, but it is not found in the godless pagans. And more than this, I do not allow my tongue to speak about everything in a row, but for the sake of persecution, for the sake of the most bitter thing from your power and from the many sorrows of my heart, I strive to utter a little, O king.

Why, O king, have you beaten the mighty in Israel, and have you destroyed your enemies with various deaths, and have you shed their victorious holy blood in the churches of God, and have you stained the church pragues with the blood of martyrdom, and have you stained your soul with the blood of martyrdom? For those who have laid down torments unheard of since the beginning of time, and death and persecution, did you intend, by treachery and sorcery and other inappropriate things, blaspheming the Orthodox and trying with zeal to turn the light into darkness and call sweet things bitter? What did the Christian representatives do to you and anger you? Didn’t the proud kingdoms ruin them and make them your assistants in everything, while our forefathers were in their work before? Weren't the German cities, which were already solidified by the diligence of their minds, given to you by God? Did you reward us, the poor, with this, destroying us all together? Are you immortal, do you think of the king, and are you seduced into an insatiable heresy, yet you do not even want to appear before the unwashed judgment, the hope of the Christian, the God-first Jesus, who wants to judge the universe in truth, and moreover, not being offended by the proud persecutor and wanting to torture them until they see their sins, as words speak. He is my Christ, sitting on the throne of the cherubim at the right hand of the Majesty on high, the judge between you and me.

I have not suffered such evil and persecution from you! And what troubles and misfortunes did you not bring upon me! And what lies and betrayals did you not inflict on me! And all the various misfortunes that have befallen me from you, in a row, for the multitude of them, I cannot express, even though my soul is still overwhelmed with grief. But together the whole river of course: I would have been deprived of everything and driven away from God’s earth by you. And you rewarded me with an evil cart of good, and for my love - implacable hatred. And my blood, like water shed for you, cries out to you to my God. God, the spectator of the hearts, diligently thought in my mind and set my conscience as a witness, and sued, and saw, mentally turned, and I do not know myself, and I did not see what I had sinned against you. Before your army I walked and walked and brought no dishonor to you, but dispelled the most glorious victory with the help of the angel of the Lord for your glory, and never turned your regiments with a ridge to strangers, but I created more glorious victories for your praise. And this not in one year, nor in two, but in contented years I labored with much sweat and patience, as I was born a little, and I did not know my wife, and my fatherland settled, but always in your distant cities I took up arms against your enemies and having suffered natural illnesses, to which my Lord Jesus Christ is a witness, and moreover I have suffered frequent wounds from barbarian hands and various battles, and my whole body has already been crushed by wounds. But to you, the king, all this is of no use.

But even though I had decided all my military deeds in a row, I did them for your praise, but for this reason I did not speak them, for God alone knows better. He, God, is the rewarder of all this, and not only this, but also for drinking the icy waters. And again, to the king, I tell you: you will not see my face again until the day of the Last Judgment. And don’t think of me as being silent about this; Until the days of the end of my life, I will ceaselessly cry out with tears to you of the immeasurable Trinity, in whom I believe, and I call upon the help of the Cherubic ruler, Mother, my hope and intercessor, the Lady Theotokos and all the saints, God’s chosen ones, and my sovereign Prince Fyodor Rostislavich.

Do not, O Tsar, think of us with futile thoughts, as if we were already dead and beaten innocently by you, and imprisoned, and driven away without truth. Do not rejoice about this, as if you were bragging about your skinny victory: those cut from you, standing at the throne of God, ask for vengeance on you, but those imprisoned and driven away from you, the demon of truth from earth to God, cries out against you day and night! Even if you boast in your pride in this temporary, fleeting age, plotting painful vessels for the Christian race, even more so, scolding and trampling on the angelic image, and agreeing with you as a caresser and companion of demonic meals, agreeing with your boyars, the destroyer of your soul and body, and like your children act more than the Crown Priests. And about this even to this day. And I will command you to put this scripture, soaked in tears, into your grave with you, those who will come with you to the judgment of my god Jesus. Amen.

It was written in the city of Volmer by my sovereign Augustus Zhigimont, the king, from him I was granted many blessings and was consoled from all my sorrows, by the grace of his sovereign, especially helping God.

I have heard from the sacred scriptures that the devil wanted to be released into the Christian race as a destroyer, from fornication the God-born Antichrist was conceived, and now I have seen the Singklit, everyone knows that he was born of fornication, who today whispers lies in the ears of the king and pours Christian blood like water, and you have already destroyed the mighty in Israel, as if it were not suitable for the Antichrist to be such an indulger, O king! In the first law of the Lord it is written: “Moabite, and ammonite, and bastards up to ten generations do not enter the church of God,” and so on.


The pious Great Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke John Vasilyevich of All Russia message to all his Great Russia state against the criminals of the cross, Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky and his comrades about their treason

Our God is the Trinity, who was and now is before all times, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, who has neither beginning nor end, by whom we live and move, in whose name kings are glorified and rulers write the truth. Our God Jesus Christ gave the only begotten son of God a victorious and forever invincible banner - the honorable cross - to the first of the pious Tsar Constantine and to all Orthodox kings and guardians of Orthodoxy. And after the will of Providence was fulfilled everywhere and the divine servants of the word of God, like eagles, flew around the entire universe, the spark of piety reached the Russian kingdom. The autocracy of the Russian kingdom, filled with this true Orthodoxy, began by God's will from the Grand Duke Vladimir, who enlightened the Russian land with holy baptism, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh, who received high honor from the Greeks, and from the brave and great sovereign Alexander Nevsky, who won great victory over the godless Germans, and from the praiseworthy great sovereign Dmitry, who won the victory over the godless Hagaryans beyond the Don, right up to the avenger of the untruths of our grandfather, Grand Duke Ivan, and to the acquirer of the ancestral ancestral lands, of blessed memory of our father, the great sovereign Vasily, and to us , humble scepter holders of the Russian kingdom. We praise God for his immeasurable mercy bestowed upon us, that to this day he has not allowed our right hand to be stained with the blood of our fellow tribesmen, for we did not desire to take away the kingdom from anyone, but by God’s will and with the blessing of our forefathers and parents, as we were born into the kingdom , so they were brought up, and matured, and reigned by God’s command, and took what belonged to us with the blessing of their ancestors and parents, but did not covet what belonged to others. This is a truly Orthodox Christian autocracy, possessing much power, a command and our Christian humble response to the former boyar, and adviser, and governor, who was before true Orthodox Christianity and our autocracy, but now - an apostate from the honorable and life-giving cross of the Lord and a destroyer of Christians, and who has joined the enemies Christianity, which retreated from the worship of divine icons, and trampled all divine institutions, and destroyed holy temples, desecrated and trampled sacred vessels and images, like the Isaurian, Gnostic and Armenian who united them all in himself - Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky, who treacherously wished to become the Yaroslavl prince, - let it be known. Why, O prince, if you consider yourself pious, have you rejected your only-begotten soul? What will you replace it with on the Day of Judgment? Even if you gain the whole world, death will still snatch you away in the end...

You, for the sake of the body, destroyed your soul, despised imperishable glory for the sake of fleeting glory, and, enraged at man, rebelled against God. Understand, unfortunate one, from what height into what abyss you have fallen in body and soul! The prophetic words came true on you: “Whoever thinks that he has will lose everything.” Does your piety consist in the fact that you destroyed yourself because of your selfishness, and not for the sake of God? Those near you and capable of reflection can guess that there is an evil poison in you: you fled not from death, but for the sake of glory in this short-term and fleeting life and for the sake of wealth. If, according to your words, you are righteous and pious, then why were you afraid to die innocently, for this is not death, but retribution? In the end you will die anyway. If you were afraid. death sentence based on libel, having believed the villainous lies of your friends, the servants of Satan, then this is your obvious treasonous intent, as it happened in the past, and it is now. Why did you despise the words of the Apostle Paul, who said: “Let every soul be subject to the ruler who has the authority; there is no power except from God: he who resists power resists God’s command.” Look at it and think about it: whoever resists power resists God; and whoever resists God is called an apostate, and this is the worst of sins. But this is said about all power, even about power obtained at the cost of blood and wars. Think about what has been said, because we did not obtain the kingdom by violence, especially since anyone who resists such power resists God! The same Apostle Paul says (and you did not heed these words): “Slaves! Obey your masters, working for them not only in front of your eyes, as people-pleasers, but as servants of God, obey not only the good, but also the evil, not only for fear, but also for conscience.” But it is God’s will if you have to suffer while doing good.

Gavrilov K.V.


“To the King, glorified of old from all,
But I’m drowning in abundant filth!
Answer, madman, for what sin?
Have you beaten the good and the strong?
Answer, isn’t it them, in the midst of a difficult war,
Are the strongholds of the enemy destroyed without counting?
Are you not inspired by the courage of the Slavs?
And who is their equal in loyalty?
Insane! Or think you are more immortal than us,
Seduced into an unusual heresy?
Pay attention! The hour of retribution will come,
Foretold to us by Scripture,
And I, like the blood in constant battles
For thee, like water, lines and lines,
I will appear with you before the judge!..”

These are lines from the famous ballad by A.K. Tolstoy “Vasily Shibanov”. And this is very accurate (for a poetic translation prose text) application of the First Message of Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky, sent by him to Tsar Ivan IV after his flight from Russia. And in the tragedy “The Death of Ivan the Terrible” there is a quote from Kurbsky’s last message, written in 1579. - after the tsar’s difficult failures in the Livonian War.

Ivan the Terrible was less fortunate in 19th-century literature. But his messages, and especially the first of them, have also long been known to readers; it was repeatedly and abundantly quoted and retold in the language of modern times by major historians - S.M. Solovyov, V.O. Klyuchevsky and others.

Correspondence between Grozny and Kurbsky has not reached us in its contemporary lists; however, this circumstance (quite common for works medieval literature) gives no reason to doubt its authenticity. The existence of polemical correspondence between Kurbsky and the Tsar is noted in documents of the 16th century. very poor: the turbulent years of the oprichnina were not conducive to the preservation of literary monuments.

The messages of Ivan the Terrible and Kurbsky have reached us in separate copies and collections, starting from the first third of the 17th century. From among these collections, compiled mainly from the works of Kurbsky (with the addition of the First Epistle of the Tsar) and which have come down to us in copies late XVII V. and subsequent time. On the basis and model of these “collections of Kurbsky”, the first edition of “Tales of Prince Kurbsky” was compiled, published in 1833. (and then republished twice) by N.G. Ustryalov. To the works of Kurbsky, N.G. Ustryalov added, in addition to the Tsar’s First Epistle, his Second Epistle of 1577. (also preserved in the lists of the 17th century, but separately from Kurbsky’s messages). The composition of the “Works of Prince Kurbsky” (with the inclusion of both messages of Ivan the Terrible), published in 1914, was also similar. (in the “Russian Historical Library”, vol. XXXI) by G.Z. Kuntsevich.

In 1951 The first attempt was made to publish the persecutions of Ivan IV - “The Messages of Ivan the Terrible” in the “Literary Monuments” series. When publishing the king's messages, new lists were used, more ancient than those published before; According to an older list, the First Epistle of Kurbsky to the Tsar was published (in the appendix); the rest of Kurbsky's messages were not included.

This publication is specifically devoted to the correspondence between Grozny and Kurbsky. The publication was preceded by new work on searching for textual study of manuscripts - messages; a number of new lists were attracted; The first message of Kurbsky and the First message of Ivan the Terrible are published in several editions that have reached us.

Work on the publication of the 2nd message of Kurbsky for this edition was started by A.A. Zimin, who prepared the 1st edition of this message with variations in 19 copies. Further work on the preparation of the message and the preparation of the remaining messages of Kurbsky were carried out by Yu.D. Rykov. A commentary on Kurbsky's messages was compiled by V.B. Kobrin; the translation of these messages was made by O.V. Tvorogov. The archaeographic review was compiled by Yu.D. Rykov (epistles of Kurbsky) and Y.S. Lurie (epistles of Ivan the Terrible). The articles were written by D.S. Likhachev and Y.S. Lurie.

Background of correspondence

The correspondence of Andrei Kurbsky with Tsar Ivan the Terrible is one of the most famous monuments of ancient Russian literature. The history of this correspondence is as follows. In April 1564 The royal governor, Prince A.M. Kurbsky, fled from the Livonian city of Yuryev, newly annexed to the Russian state, to the neighboring Livonian city of Volmar, which belonged to the Polish king Sigismund II Augustus. The reason for the flight was the information Kurbsky received about the tsarist reprisal being prepared against him. Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky was not only a military leader who fought near Kazan and Livonia, he participated in the administrative reforms of the mid-16th century, and was part of the circle of people closest to the tsar, whom he himself later called the “Chosen Rada.” In the early 60s of the 16th century, after the fall of the “Chosen Rada,” many of the tsar’s close associates were subject to disgrace and repression. Under these conditions, Kurbsky also expected severe punishment. The very appointment of Kurbsky as voivode (governor) in the “far-reaching” Yuryev after the victorious campaign of the Russian army against Polotsk in 1562-1563, in which he commanded a guard regiment, could be considered as a harbinger of the impending reprisal against them. Kurbsky began to conduct secret negotiations with the Lithuanians with the aim of his possible transfer to the service of the Polish king. But, having gone over to the Polish king and having received large vassal grants from him, Kurbsky not only entered among the Lithuanian-Russian nobility, who often “departed” from Moscow to Vilna and back. He wanted to justify his departure and turned to Ivan IV with a message in which he accused the tsar of unheard-of persecutions, torments and executions of the boyars and governors who conquered the “proud kingdoms” of Rus'.

Ivan the Terrible, having received an accusatory letter from the boyar who had betrayed him, could not resist a sharp response to the “traitor to the sovereign.” The first Tsar of All Rus', during whose reign Kazan, Astrakhan and Western Siberia were annexed to the territory of the Russian state, the creator of the oprichnina and the organizer of bloody punitive campaigns against his own lands, Ivan IV was not only one of the most terrible tyrants in Russian history. He was a fairly educated man for his time. The Tsar responded to Kurbsky with an extensive message, “broadcasting and making a lot of noise” in the poisonous characterization of his opponent; the famous correspondence began.

Biography of A.M. Kurbsky

Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky (1528-1583) came from an old family. He achieved his position at the royal court (“boyar, adviser and governor”) solely thanks to personal merits rendered to the king by military service and government activities. He was granted land in the vicinity of Moscow, and subsequently (1556) with the rank of boyar.

Born in Yaroslavl, into a family distinguished by literary interests, apparently not alien to Western influence. He came from a family of eminent Yaroslavl princes, who received their surname from the main village of their inheritance - Kurba on the Kurbitsa River. On his mother's side, Andrei was a relative of Queen Anastasia.

It is safe to assume that Andrei Mikhailovich received a good education, although there is no specific data about his studies. He was one of the most influential statesmen and was part of the " Elected Rada". Period political activity and the military service of Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky coincided with the intensification of state building in Russia. The estate-representative monarchy, which was formed in its main outlines in the middle of the 16th century, provided for the need for a conciliar solution to all national affairs. It existed until 1560. An important reason What caused her fall was disagreements with the family of the Tsar’s first wife, Anastasia Zakharyina, who died that year.

Kurbsky achieved great success in military service. His exploits during the campaign against Kazan are most famous. The troops that moved to Kazan were led by Tsar Ivan the Terrible himself, princes Andrei Kurbsky and Pyotr Shchenyatev led the right hand of the army. On the road near Tula, they defeated the Tatars, who outnumbered our soldiers by half. In this battle (as Karamzin writes) Prince Kurbsky “was marked by glorious wounds.” Throughout the entire campaign and assault on Kazan, Kurbsky fought very courageously. He especially distinguished himself at the end of the battle, when part (about 10 thousand) of the Kazan citizens, defending their king Ediger, retreated through the rear gate to the lower part of the city. Kurbsky with two hundred soldiers crossed their path, keeping them in narrow streets, making it difficult for the Kazan people to take every step, giving our troops time. After the extradition of the tsar, the Kazan people abandoned their heavy weapons and, crossing the Kazanka River, rushed to the swamps and forest, where the cavalry could no longer chase them. Only the young princes Kurbsky, Andrei and Roman, with a small squad, managed to mount their horses, galloped over the enemy and detained them, but the Kazanians were far superior in number to the Russian soldiers, and they managed to defeat the Russian detachment. The new army, thrown in pursuit, overtook and destroyed the Kazan people.

Kurbsky, together with Mikulinsky and Sheremetyev, led a repeated campaign to pacify the already conquered kingdom.

Having expressed his special favor to Kurbsky, the Tsar sent him with an army to the city of Dorpat and appointed him to command in the Livonian War (1558-1583).

At the beginning of this war, Russian troops won a number of very important victories and almost completely defeated the Livonian Order, but then with the entry of Denmark, Sweden and other countries into the war against Russia, victories gave way to failures. And as a result, Russia lost this war.

In 1560, after the cessation of the existence of the “Elected Rada,” arrests and executions of people who were members of it followed. Kurbsky was in close relations with Adashev, this increased the tsar’s disfavor. Disgrace began, Andrei Mikhailovich was sent to the voivodeship in Yuryev (Adashev’s place of exile). Realizing what fate awaited him, Kurbsky, after talking with his wife, decided to escape. Kurbsky's escape was preceded by secret negotiations with Tsar Sigismund II.

After spending a year in Yuryev, Kurbsky fled to Lithuanian possessions on April 30, 1564. Under the cover of darkness, he climbed down a rope from a high fortress wall and, with several faithful servants, rode off to the nearest enemy castle - Volmar. Escape from the carefully guarded fortress was extremely difficult. In a hurry, the fugitive left his family and abandoned almost all his property. (Abroad, he especially regretted his military armor and magnificent library.) The reason for the haste was that Moscow friends secretly warned the boyar about the danger that threatened him, which was later confirmed by Ivan the Terrible himself.

Kurbsky wrote in Lithuania an indictment of the great prince, i.e. Tsar Ivan, where he expressed the political views of his boyar brethren in a volume of 40 pages. In history, he also expresses several general political judgments.

Differences in views between A.M. Kurbsky and Ivan the Terrible

The main subject of controversy between the tsar and Kurbsky was the question of which of them was faithful to the policies of the beginning of the reign of Ivan the Terrible (the policies of the Stoglavy Council of 1551 and the reforms of the 50s). Both of them agreed that Ivan IV at the beginning of his reign was “blessed in Orthodoxy,” but Kurbsky argued that, having dealt with his former advisers (the “Elected Rada”), the tsar became “opposite” to the previous policy. In his letters to Kurbsky, the tsar accused him of treason, and again and again proved his loyalty to the “blessed Orthodoxy” of the beginning of his reign.

Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky was a supporter of class representation in central and local authorities. Kurbsky traditionally considered the source of power in the state to be the divine will, and saw the goal of supreme power in the fair and merciful management of the state for the benefit of all its subjects and in the righteous resolution of all matters.

Kurbsky associates the decline in the affairs of the state and the accompanying military failures with the fall of the government and the introduction of the oprichnina. The dissolution of the Rada marked the complete and unconditional concentration of nothing limited power in the hands of Ivan IV.

Kurbsky's legal understanding clearly shows the idea of ​​the identity of law and justice. Only what is fair can be called legal, since violence is the source of lawlessness, not law. Outlining his requirements for lawmaking, Kurbsky emphasizes that the law must contain realistically feasible requirements, because lawlessness is not only failure to comply, but also the creation of cruel and unenforceable laws. Such lawmaking, according to Kurbsky, is criminal. His political and legal views outline elements of the natural law concept, with which the doctrines of state and law are associated already in modern times. Ideas about right and truth, goodness and justice are perceived as integral components of natural laws, through which the divine will preserves its highest creation on earth - man.

Law enforcement practice is considered by Kurbsky, both in its judicial and extrajudicial versions. Kurbsky was deeply disapproved of the state of the court. Kurbsky is particularly dissatisfied with the practice of sentencing in absentia, when the guilty, or in most cases simply unfairly slandered, person is deprived of the opportunity to appear in person in court. The advice of the rector of the Pesnoshsky monastery, Vassian Toporkov, played, in Kurbsky’s opinion, a tragic role, ensuring a change in the personality of the king and his manner of actions. Vassian gave the king advice: “not to keep advisers smarter than yourself.”

The established tyrannical regime led to the loss of meaning Zemsky Sobor, who became just a silent conductor of the will of Ivan IV. The best option form organization state power Kurbsky envisions a monarchy with an elected estate-representative body involved in resolving all the most important matters in the state. Kurbsky was not only in favor of creating a representative body (the Council of People), but also various “synclites” consisting of specialists of various profiles. The form of government in the form of a single centralized state system did not cause any complaints from him and was completely approved by him.

And the main reason for the difference in views between A.M. Kurbsky and Ivan IV was the problem of choosing the main paths for the political development of Russia. The elected Rada, like Kurbsky, was a supporter of gradual reforms leading to strengthening centralization. Ivan IV, nicknamed “The Terrible,” preferred the “path of terror,” which contributed to the rapid strengthening of his personal power.

The first message of A. Kurbsky to Ivan IV.

The first letter of A. Kurbsky to Ivan IV was written, obviously, soon after the escape of the “sovereign traitor” abroad, i.e. in May 1564. The text of this message is laconic and logical, and the style is a wonderful example of coherent rhetoric, devoid of any specific details. The message contains Prince Andrei's decisive protest against the lawlessness, persecution and executions of government and military leaders that began in Russia on the threshold of the oprichnina. Kurbsky appears in this letter not only as the defender of all the disgraced Tsar Ivan, but also as a kind of Old Testament prophet, denouncing the Tsar for the crimes and bloodshed he has committed. By exposing the fierce cruelty of Ivan IV towards his subjects, complaining about the numerous persecutions and insults personally suffered from the tsar, Kurbsky thereby seeks to justify his “departure” to the Polish king and, mainly, obviously, not in front of the addressee, but in the face of public opinion. This one-and-a-half page letter was delivered to the Tsar by Kurbsky’s personal servant, Vasily Shibanov.

The first message of Ivan IV to A. Kurbsky

The first message to Andrei Kurbsky is the largest of Ivan IV’s journalistic works; it was, undoubtedly, one of the most important monuments of ancient Nerks journalism as a whole. The message is dated July 5, 1564, written on the First Epistle of Kurbsky. The speed with which this extensive message was written (five to six weeks) makes it very likely that it was compiled not by one person, but by clerks of the royal office (like diplomatic messages). However, the key passages of the message (memories of Grozny’s childhood, polemical attacks against his opponent) undoubtedly belonged to the tsar himself: the “rude” style of the message and even some of its phrases (comparing an enemy to a dog) are reminiscent of the tsar’s later writings - for example, messages to the Swedish king Johan III .

Like Kurbsky's First Epistle, the tsar's message was obviously intended primarily not for its formal addressee, but for a wider circle of readers. The first message of Ivan the Terrible contains direct evidence of this: in its early editions it is entitled as a message from the tsar “in all his great Russian state (in other lists: the Russian kingdom) to his cross-criminals, Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky and his comrades about their treason "; one of the earliest copies of the message also contains a special instruction: “The king’s message to all cities against his cross-criminals...”

He declared the main enemies of the state to be “treacherous boyars” (at the same time blaming Kurbsky for “boyar rule” during his childhood, although Kurbsky was the same age as the tsar). This reference to the “boyars” as the main opponents of the autocracy had a great influence on the histography of subsequent times. The king assured that the main purpose of his existence was the good of his subjects: “... for them we wish against all their enemies not only to the point of bloodshed, but also to the point of death.” According to him, all the repressions against former advisers are already behind us, “now everyone,” including Kurbsky’s like-minded people, can enjoy “all good and freedom” and not fear punishment for “former malice.” All this was written in the summer of 1564. - six months before the establishment of the oprichnina. This letter was 40 sheets in length.

Kurbsky's second message to Ivan IV

The second message of Andrei Kurbsky to Ivan the Terrible was written in response to the First message of July 5, 1564. This message does not have an exact date. According to Kurbsky in 1579, he had already written a response “long ago”, but was unable to send it “to the Russian kingdom” in a timely manner due to the closure of the border: only many years later, in September 1579, he made an attempt to send it along with the response to the Second message of Ivan IV to Russia. Sending a long-standing reply to his antoponist, Kurbsky apparently considered it necessary to supplement the old text by mentioning that he initially wanted to respond at length to the royal letter of July 5, 1564, but, because... In his old age he learned the “Attic” language in Lithuania, “keeping his hand on the cane.” Naturally, Kurbsky could not write these words in the first years after fleeing Yuryev. It is clear that we are dealing with a later insertion into the text, which, obviously, should be dated back to at least the early 70s of the 16th century. It was at this time that Kurbsky translated the “New Margarit” into the Slavic language and in a letter to Mark Sarykhozin, written about sending him the Preface to the “New Margarit,” he mentions that he spent many years studying the Latin language and only learned it “already gray-haired,” i.e. towards old age. The Latin language, this classical language of the Renaissance, was obviously what Kurbsky had in mind when he wrote to Ivan IV that he knew the Attic language.

In the second message, Kurbsky sharply criticized the “broadcast and loud” message of Tsar Ivan IV dated July 5, 1564. Kurbsky's second message to Ivan the Terrible in manuscript tradition preserved only as part of the so-called “Kurbsky Collections”. There is no evidence that it reached the recipient. The length of this letter was one page.

Second message from Ivan the Terrible to Kurbsky

The second message of Tsar Kurbsky was written in 1577 - 13 years after the First message. To Kurbsky’s First Message, which penetrated Rus' on the eve of the oprichnina, nor the tsar’s response “broadcast and much noise” message, compiled in the same 1564 (nor Kurbsky’s brief response to this “broadcast” message, not sent, apparently, until 1579 years), could not have spread in Russian writing: even the text of the sovereign’s message “to all cities” was completely outdated by this time: “execute our Nikita Afanasyevich” (N.A. Funikov - Kurtsev), for whose persecution the tsar so strangely accelerated in 1564, Kurbsky and his friends were already by this time: “executed by Ivan the Terrible.” All that remained in my memory was Kurbsky’s wealth itself and the fact that after the betrayal he still “wrote a letter to the sovereign impolitely.” In 1577, one of the largest and most successful campaigns of Ivan IV to Livonia was undertaken. Having set out from Pskov to the south, the king then headed along the Dvina and occupied almost all the coastal fortresses; by September, all of Livonia (with the exception of only Revel and Riga) was in the hands of Ivan the Terrible. It was in this situation that the tsar in 1577 wrote a number of messages to his various opponents: the newly elected Polish king Stefan Batory, Chetman Chodkiewicz, the most prominent magnate M. Talvas and M. Radziwill, the vice regent in Livonia Andrei Polubensky and the “state traitors” - A. M. Kurbsky, Timokha Teterin, to “Tuv and to Ilert” (Livonians Taube and Kruse, who served Grozny and betrayed him). The letter was two pages long.

Kurbsky's third message to Ivan the Terrible

Kurbsky's third message to Ivan the Terrible completes the famous correspondence. It was written in response to the Second Epistle of Ivan IV to Kurbsky in 1577. The third message was written by Kurbsky, apparently, in several stages. Probably Kurbsky could not immediately give an answer to Tsar Ivan, because... the position of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at the end of 1577 was not strong enough. There were major successes of Russian troops in Livonia. In addition, part of the gentry advocated under these conditions for the transfer of power to Ivan IV. On October 21, 1578, a battle between Polish-Lithuanian and Russian military detachments took place near Wenden (Kesew), as a result of which the royal commanders were defeated. After successful military operations, Dvinsk (Daugavpils) and some other cities also came under the rule of the Polish king. These defeats of the tsar from the Polish-Lithuanian troops, obviously, inspired Kurbsky to write a triumphant response. In the Message to Ivan IV, Kurbsky gave an answer to various accusations against him put forward by Ivan the Terrible in the Volmar message of 1577. In an effort to justify his flight from Yuriev, Kurbsky not only used the sacred scriptures and the writings of the “church fathers,” but also attached to his response to the Tsar’s Second Epistle two passages from Cicero’s “Paradoxes” that he translated, the contents of which echoed his fate. He also did the latter out of a desire to emphasize his education to the king. Prince Andrei Mikhailovich did not deny himself the pleasure of attaching to the Third Letter his Second Message to the Tsar, which, according to him, he was unable to send to Russia in a timely manner. In the autumn of 1579, Polish-Lithuanian troops under the leadership of King Stefan Batory captured Polotsk. The third day after the capture of Polotsk, i.e. On September 3, Kurbsky, who took part in the Polotsk campaign of the Polish-Lithuanian troops, made an extensive postscript to the original text of the Third Letter to the Tsar. Kurbsky explained the defeats of the tsarist troops by the tsar’s lack of experienced commanders, whom he had previously “torn to pieces with various deaths” and “destroyed the whole nation without trial or right, bowing the ear of a single country, to be a despicable caresser, the destroyers of the fatherland.” Kurbsky again ridicules the Tsar’s assertion that the power of the life-giving cross helps him in the fight against his enemies. As convincing examples of the wrongness of Ivan the Terrible, Prince Andrei refers to two “most shameful” defeats of the tsar and his troops: the burning of Moscow by the Crimean Tatars in 1571 and the recent fall of Plock. At the end of September 1579, the tsarist troops suffered another major defeat from the troops of Stefan Batory near Sokol, and this circumstance inspired the prince to write a new triumphant addition to the letter: he writes that he was assigned to Polotsk “by the actual overcoming of Sokol on the 4th day,” those. September 15th. Kurbsky's third message to Ivan the Terrible, like his “History of the Grand Duke of Moscow,” contains a large number of poles, which is probably evidence that very serious changes have occurred in Kurbsky’s language caused by his long stay in a foreign land. This also testifies to the fact that the prince counted on the reading of his message by the “bright men” of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It is unknown whether this message from Kurbsky reached the tsar. In any case, Ivan IV’s response to the Second and Third Epistles of Kurbsky is not available in the handwritten tradition - obviously.


In this correspondence there were a total of five letters: two from Ivan IV and three from Prince A.M. Kurbsky. A.M. Kurbsky’s first letter contains a decisive protest against the lawlessness, persecution and executions of government and military leaders that began in Russia on the threshold of the oprichnina. Ivan the Terrible responded to Kurbsky’s first letter with a large, large-scale letter, in which the tsar tries to convince him that the main purpose of his existence is the welfare of his subjects. According to him, all reprisals against previous advisers are already behind us and there is no need to fear new disgrace. In the second letter, Andrei Kurbsky, which he sent late, namely together with the third, sharply criticized the “broadcast and much noise” letter of Tsar Ivan IV. Ivan the Terrible, who has not yet received an answer to his first letter, 13 years after writing the first letter to the Kurbskys, writes a second. By this time, only the prince’s flight to Livonia remained in memory. The third letter from Andrei Mikhailovich to Ivan the Terrible completed the famous correspondence. In this letter, Kurbsky responded to various accusations against him made by Ivan the Terrible in his second letter of 1577.

This correspondence, which is one of the most famous monuments of ancient Russian literature, provides answers to a number of questions of that time: why did Prince Kurbsky flee from Russia?, Why all these repressions of Ivan the Terrible?, What are the differences in the views of Tsar Ivan and A.M. Kurbsky. But it does not answer this question: why did Prince Kurbsky flee to Livonia? After all, it was with Livonia that Russia was at war, and Kurbsky decided to go over to the side of the enemy rather than join another country.

One way or another, the correspondence between irreconcilable political opponents stopped.

List of used literature

  1. Y.S. Lurie, Yu.D. Rykov. Ivan IV, correspondence of Ivan the Terrible with Andrei Kurbsky.-M., 1993, 93-5/997.
  2. D.S. Likhachev. Monuments of literature of Ancient Rus', second half of the 16th century. - M., 1986, 86-5/6264.
  3. Klyuchevsky V. O. Russian history. Book 3. – M., 1995. – 572 p.
  4. History of Russia from ancient times to 1861 / Ed. N. I. Pavlenko. – Moscow, 1996. – 559.
  5. History of Russia from antiquity to the present day / Ed. M. N. Zueva. – Moscow, 1996. – 639.
  • History of Rus' (pre-Petrine era)

When implementing the project, funds from state support were used, allocated as a grant in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 11-rp dated January 17, 2014 and on the basis of a competition held by the All-Russian public organization "Russian Youth Union"

The pious Great Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke John Vasilyevich of All Russia, a message to all his Great Russian state against the criminals of the cross, Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky and his comrades about their treason, our God is a trinity, who was in the past and is now, father and son and the removed spirit, below began to have, below the end, about whom we live and move, and about whom kings reign and the mighty write the truth; who was given the speed of the only begotten word of God, Jesus Christ, our God, the victorious cherub and the honorable cross, and yet there is victory, to the first in piety Tsar Constantine and to all the Orthodox Tsar and the maintainer of Orthodoxy, and since the sight of God’s word has been fulfilled everywhere, to the divine servants of God words throughout the universe, as if the eagle had flown away, even a spark of piety reached the Russian kingdom: autocracy, by the will of God, was initiated by the Grand Duke Vladimer, who enlightened the entire Russian land with holy baptism, and the great Tsar Vladimer Manamakh, from whom I received the most worthy honor from the Greeks, and the brave the great sovereign Alexander Nevsky, who showed victory over the godless Germans, and to the praises of the worthy great sovereign Dmitry, who showed great victory over the godless Hagarians beyond the Don, even to the avenger of untruths, our grandfather, the great sovereign Ivan, and in the ossified ancestors of the land of the finder, the blessed the memory of our father, the great sovereign Vasily, even reached us, the humble ones, holding the scepter of the Russian kingdom. We praise for the great mercy that has come upon us, even though we have not yet allowed our right hands to be stained with the blood of our tribe, since we did not enjoy the kingdom under anyone, but by God’s will and the blessing of our forefathers and parents, as if we were born in the kingdom, so with our age and I reigned by God's command, and took my own blessing from my parents, and not admired someone else's. This Orthodox true Christian autocracy, possessing many dominions, is a command, our Christian humble response to the former Orthodox true Christianity and our content to the boyar and adviser to the governor, now a criminal of the honorable and life-giving cross of the Lord, and a destroyer of the Christian, and to the enemy of the Christian servant, apostate divine icon worship and trampled upon all the sacred commandments and holy temples, who destroyed, desecrated and trampled upon sacred vessels and images, like the Isaurian, and the Septic, and the Armenian, this uniter of all - Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky, who wanted to be the Yaroslavl ruler by his treacherous custom, is known Yes, there is. Why, O prince, even though you thought of having piety, did you reject your only begotten soul? Why would you betray her on the day of the Last Judgment? Even if you have gained the whole world, then death will delight you in every possible way... You destroyed your body for the sake of your soul, and for the sake of glory you acquired a fleeting, absurd glory, and you were not angry at man, but against God. Understand, poor man, from what heights and into what abyss you have become rotten in soul and body! It will come to pass on you that it was said: “And if you have something in your mind, it will be taken away from him.” Behold your piety, which you destroyed for the sake of pride, and not for the sake of God. They can understand the existence there, having reason, your evil poison, as if you wanted fleeting glory and wealth, you did this, and not running from death. If you were righteous and pious in your voice, why were you afraid of innocent death, which is not death, but gain? Last but not least die. If you were afraid of the false renunciation of a mortal, according to your friends, satanic servants, a villainous lie, then it is clearly your treacherous intention from the beginning to the present day. It is as if you despised the Apostle Paul, as if he said: “Let every soul obey the rulers before them: no dominion has been created that is not of God; Resist the authorities in the same way, you resist the divine command.” Look at this and understand that if you resist power, you resist God; and if anyone resists God, he is called an apostate, for this is the most bitter sin. And these same laws apply to all power, for they gain power through blood and battle. Understand what has been said above, that the kingdom was not received by admiration; By the same token, by resisting power, one resists God. Just as the Apostle Paul once said, even if you despised these words: “Rabbi! listen to your masters, not working before your eyes as people-pleasers, but as God, and not only to the good, but also to the obstinate, not only for anger, but also for conscience.” This is the will of the Lord - if you do good, you must suffer. And if you are righteous and pious, why did you not deign from me, the obstinate ruler, to suffer and inherit the crown of life? But for the sake of temporary glory, and the love of money, and the sweetness of this world, and you trampled on your spiritual piety with the Christian faith and the law, you became like a seed falling on stones and growing, and the sun rising with heat, and for the sake of a false word you were tempted, and you fell away and did not bear fruit... How could you not put your servant Vaska Shibanov to shame? He kept his piety, both before the king and before all the people, standing at the gates of death, and for the sake of the kiss of the cross, he did not deny you, and praised you and was willing to die for you in every possible way. You were not jealous of this piety: for the sake of my word, you were angry not only with your own soul, but also with all the ancestors of your soul, because by God’s will, God entrusted them to work with our grandfather, the great sovereign, and he, having given his souls, and until their death they served you, their children, and ordered our grandfather to serve his children and grandchildren. And you forgot everything, you transgressed the kiss of the cross with the betrayal of a dog, you united yourself with the Christian enemy; and besides, without considering your own malice, you used cucumber and feeble-minded verbs, as if you were throwing stones into the sky, absurd verbs, and you were not ashamed of your servant in piety, and you rejected the like of your master. Your Scripture was quickly accepted and carefully understood. And from now on you have placed poison under your lips, filled with honey and honeycomb, according to your understanding, and found more bitter than dust, according to the prophet, who says: “I make their words softer than oil, and they are arrows.” Is this how you, being a Christian, are accustomed to serve a Christian sovereign? And is it really such an honor to repay from God a given ruler, as if by demonic custom you vomit poison?.. What, dog, do you write and get sick, having committed such malice? To what purpose will your advice be like anything more than stinking feces?.. And you wrote: “Why have I been beaten in Israel and the commanders given to us by God against our enemies have dissolved me by various deaths, and their victorious holy blood in the churches of God they shed me, and they stained the Pragues of the Church with the blood of martyrdom, and they plotted unheard-of torment, death and persecution against their voluntarily willing souls, who lay down their souls for us, with their betrayals and sorceries and other inappropriate denunciations of the Orthodox,” - and you wrote and lied falsely, as your father the devil taught you to eat; Before Christ said: “You want to do your father, for he was a murderer from time immemorial, and does not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him, and when he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own: for his father also has a lie.” But we have not destroyed the strong in Israel, and we do not know who is the strongest in Israel, and we have not beaten and we do not know: the earth is ruled by God’s mercy, and the Most Pure Mother of God by mercy, and all the saints by the prayers, and our parents with blessings, and follow us, lords their own, and not judges and governors, and hedgehogs and strategists. And we have been dissolved by various deaths of our commanders, but with God’s help we have many commanders and besides you, traitors. But I am free to reward my slaves, and I am also free to execute them... We do not stain church pragues with blood; At this time we have no martyrs for the faith; those who willingly lay down their souls for us truly, and not with flattery, not with the tongue saying good, but with the heart of evil, gathering, and praising, and not squandering and reproaching, like a mirror, always looking, and then he sees what he is like when he leaves , he will forget what he is, and whenever we find someone, he will liberate all the evil ones, and he will perform his direct service to us and not forget the services entrusted to him, as if in a mirror, and we reward him with all sorts of great salaries; and those who are found in the opposite, the hedgehog above, then, through their own fault, accept execution. And in other lands you will see for yourself how evil is done by the evil: it is not like this! Then, with your evil custom, you established that you love traitors: but in other lands they don’t love the traitor: they execute them and thereby establish themselves. But I did not intend torment, persecution, and manifold deaths against anyone; And if you remembered about betrayal and sorcery, otherwise such dogs are executed everywhere... Likewise, the destinies of God deigned to be, our pious mother, Queen Helena, to pass from the earthly kingdom to the heavenly one; We, with our holy brother George, who are related to each other, having left our parents behind, put our trust in the mercy of the Most Pure Mother of God and the prayers of all the saints and in the blessing of our parents. For me, in the 8th year from birth, then passing away, those who were subject to our desires, having acquired a kingdom without a ruler, since they did not vouchsafe us, their sovereigns, any kind of good industry, but they themselves were mixed with wealth and glory, and so they died on each other. And you will do great things! How many boyars, and our father’s good-willed ones, and the governors were beaten! And the courtyards, and the villages, and the estates of our uncles, you delighted yourself and settled in them! And our mother’s treasury was transferred to the Great Treasury, furiously kicking and stabbing smallpox; and explained something else to myself. And your grandfather Mikhail Tuchkov did it. And so Prince Vasily and Prince Ivan Shuisky acted arbitrarily in my care, and so they reigned; and all those who were the main traitors to our father and mother were released from capture and reconciled to themselves. And Prince Vasily Shuisky, in the courtyard of our uncles Prince Andreev, a host of Jews, seized our father and our neighbor’s clerk, Fyodor Mishurin, stole, and killed; and Prince Ivan Fedorovich Belsky and many others were imprisoned in different places, and armed for the kingdom, and Danilo the Metropolitan was brought from the metropolitan in captivity by the poslash: and thus his desire was improved in everything, and he himself began to reign. We, along with our only begotten brother, the deceased George, were fed as if we were foreigners or like the most wretched child. Yakov suffered in clothing and in drink! In all this there is no will; but not all of my own free will and not according to the time of my youth. I’ll just remember: we were playing in our youth, and Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Shuisky was sitting on a bench, leaning on his elbow, with his leg resting on our father’s bed; not bowing to us not only in a parental way, but also in a masterly, like a slavish way, a lower principle has been found. And who can bear such pride? How can we erase such poor suffering, such as we suffered in our youth? Many times I died lately against my own will. What about the treasury of the parental property? All admired by the crafty intention, as if the boyars’ children received a salary, and took everything from them for bribery; and complaining about them inappropriately, not accommodating them according to their merits; and took the countless treasuries of our grandfather and father; and so in that treasury of ours, they sought for themselves vessels of gold and silver and signed the names of their parents on them, as if it were their parental acquisition; and all people know: during the time of our mother and Prince Ivan Shuisky, the fur coat was green on martens, and even those were old; and if they were old, and what was the point of forging the courts, otherwise it would be better to change the fur coat, but in excess of forging the courts. What can we say about the treasury of our uncles? I admired everything. They rushed into towns and villages all over, and with the most bitter torment, with many different types, they plundered the estates of those living without mercy. Who can harm the neighbors from them? He created all those who were subject to him, like slaves, and arranged his own slaves, like a nobleman; to rule and build, and instead of this untruth and disorganization, arranging much, taking immeasurable rewards from everyone, and doing and speaking everything according to rewards... Is it their direct service to us? Truly, this is a mockery of everyone around, hearing such their fury and persecution! How can I tell you how many misfortunes happened from them from the death of their mother Pasha until that summer? For six years and a half this evil thing has not ceased! When we reached the age of ten years, then, instructed by God, we ourselves wanted to build our kingdom, and with the help of the omnipotent God we began to build our kingdom peacefully and serenely according to our will. But then it happened, a sin for our sake, from the will of God, I will spread out to the fiery flame, the reigning city of Moscow will burn: our traitorous boyars, who are called martyrs from you, I will change their names, as if I have successfully improved the time of my betrayal of my malice, having listened to the faintest minds of the people , that it was as if our mother’s mother, Princess Anna Glinskaya, with her children and with people of the human heart, listened and burned Moscow with such sorcery; as if we knew that advice of theirs: and at the instigation of their traitors, a multitude of frantic people, shouting in the Jewish custom, came to the cathedral and apostolic churches in the chapel of the holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Selunia and, having seized our boyar Prince Yury Vasilyevich Glinsky, inhumanly dragged them into the cathedral church The Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos and killed in the church innocently, against the metropolitan of the place, and with his blood he stained the church platform, and dragged his body into the front doors of the church, and laid it, like a condemned man, in the marketplace. And this holy murder in the church is known to everyone. We, then living in our village Vorobyovo, and our same traitors outraged the people, as if they would kill us because you, dog, are lying, that we are Prince Yuriev, mother of Glinsky, Princess Anna, and his brother, Prince Mikhail , we bury them from them. And this nonsense is not to be laughed at! Why should we be the igniters of our kingdom ourselves? Such is the blessing acquired by our ancestors that we will perish; it cannot be found from other things or in the universe. Who is mad or the rage of the fathers can appear, angry at his slaves, and destroy his acquisitions, could you destroy them, but save yours? Therefore, in everything, of course, yours is a dog’s treason. Likewise, at such a height, Saint Ivan the Hedgehog, sprinkle water: behold, madness is obvious. And is it so worthy for our boyars and governors to serve us, even in such dog-like gatherings the inhumanity of our well-willing boyars killed, even within our blood line, without even thinking about our fear? And do they lay down their souls for us in such a way that they are opposed to us in everything? For we consider the law sacred, but we ourselves do not want to walk the path with us! Why do you boast, O dog, in pride, and also other dogs and traitors with abusive courage?.. And why, you say, your blood shed by foreigners for us, according to your imaginary madness, cries out at us to God, for the same reason this is subject to laughter , for example, because of another shedding, he cries out against another. Even if it were so, if your blood was shed from the opposing adversary, then you have done what is due to the fatherland; If you had not done this, you would have been a Christian, but a barbarian; and this is indecent to us. How much more, then, our blood cries out to God for you because you shed it: not with wounds, just drops of blood, but with many sweats and many labors, the bull is burdened from you carelessly, as if we were burdened by you much more than strength! And because of your much anger and oppression, instead of blood, a lot of our tears were poured out, and even more sighs and groans of the heart... And even then, you said that “militaries for the sake of excommunication, it was too late for you to be born, and for the sake of excommunication, I did not know your wife, and having left the fatherland, you always took up arms against our enemies in distant and roundabout towns, you suffered natural illnesses, and you suffered frequent wounds from barbarian hands and various battles, and your whole body was already crushed by wounds,” and all this was done to you then, when you, the priest and Alexey own it. And if it wasn’t good, why did they do it in the first place? If you did it naturally, then why, having done it yourself with your own power, do you lay words on us? Even if we had done this, it wouldn’t be amazing; but for this reason, this must be our command in your service. If only you had been a battle-bearing husband, you would not have counted the labors of battle, but you would have extended yourself even more to the first; If you are looking for hard labor, then for this reason you appeared as a runner, as if you did not want to endure the hard work, and for this reason to remain in peace. This worst abuse of yours means nothing to us; Even your known betrayals and even the piercings of our head, you were despised and as if you were one of our most faithful servants in glory and honor and wealth. And if it weren’t so, then you were worthy of such executions for your malice. And even if our mercy had not been shown to you, it would not have been possible for you to be driven away to our enemy, if there had been our persecution of you, as you wrote according to your evil mind. Your abusive deeds are all known to us. Do not think that I am unreasonable or infantile in mind, as your bosses, priest Selivester and Alexey, are not like the verb; below, think of me as childish scarecrows to frighten me, as before with the priest Selivester and with Alexei you deceived me with crafty advice. Or do you think you could create such a thing? In the parables it is said: “if you cannot take him, do not try to take him.” Calling upon God as the rewarder; truly he is the righteous rewarder of all deeds, good and evil; But it is only appropriate for every person to have a reasoning as to how and against what deeds of his someone will accept bribes. You paint your face and will not show it to us until the day of God’s terrible judgment. Who, then, would desire to see such an Ephopian face?.. And if you want to put your scripture with you in the grave, you have put aside your last Christianity. Even though you commanded the Lord not to resist evil, you have rejected the usual, the ignorant, the final forgiveness, and therefore there is no singing over you. In our fatherland, in the land of Bethlehem, the city of Volmer called our enemy Zhigimont the king. , behold, you are committing your evil, dog-like betrayal to the end. And even if you hoped from him to be granted many blessings, it is similar, because you do not want to be obedient and obedient to your God-given rulers under the authority of God’s right hand, but to live self-willedly. For this reason, you sought a sovereign out of your own evil desire, who owns nothing, but is even worse than the worst slave, who is commanded by everyone to eat, and not commanded by himself. But what else am I telling you a lot? According to the wise Solomon: “Do not multiply words with a fool”; It’s hard for him to hear accusations about the truth. If you had a whole sense and a sound mind, then according to this influx you would be likened to this: “The mind of the wise will multiply like a flood and advise him like a living source.” You are a buoyant son, and your womb is buoyant, like a rotten vessel; nothing is retained by him; Likewise, you and the mind of acquisition are not possible. Our great Russia was written of the most famous, reigning, capital city of Moscow, the degrees of our royal threshold, from the summer of the creation of the world 7072, the month of July on the 4th day.

Brief edition

In the summer of 7072, the Tsar's sovereign message to his entire Russian kingdom - against his cross-criminals, against Prince Andrei Kurbsky and his companions, about their betrayal, our God Trinity, who was before the age and now is, the Son and the Holy Spirit, is below the beginning, below the end, about whom we live and move, about whom kings reign and the mighty write the truth; and the victory of the only begotten word of God, Jesus Christ, our God, was given to the victorious banner, the honorable cross, which is invincible, to the first in piety Tsar Constantine and to all the Orthodox kings and the maintainer of Orthodoxy, and from the sight of God’s word being fulfilled everywhere, to the divine servants of God’s word throughout the entire universe, as but the eagle flowed around in flight, even a spark of piety reached the Russian kingdom: autocracy was honored by God's will from the great Tsar Vladimer, who enlightened the entire Russian land with holy baptism, and the great Tsar Vladimer Manamakh, who received the most worthy honor from the Greeks, and the brave great sovereign Alexander Nevsky, who showed victory over the godless Germans, and to the praises of the worthy sovereign Tsar Dmitry, who showed great victory over the godless Hagaryans beyond the Don, even to the avenger of untruths, our grandfather, the great sovereign Ivan, and the obdurate ancestor of the lands of the recipient, of blessed memory of our father, the great sovereign Vasily, and those like him who came before us to humble the scepter of the Russian kingdom. We praise God for his great mercy that has come upon us, who have not yet allowed our right hand to be stained with the blood of our own tribe, since we did not enjoy the kingdom under anyone, but by God’s will and the blessing of our forefathers and parents, since we were born into the kingdom, so We were brought up and grew up and grew up by God’s commandment, and we took our parents’ blessing with our own blessing, and not with the admiration of someone else’s. This commandment of this Orthodox and true Christian autocracy, possessing many dominions, is our Christian and humble response to the boyarin and adviser and governor who was before Orthodox true Christianity and our autocracy, now a cross-criminal of the honorable and life-giving cross of the Lord, and a destroyer of Christianity, and an enemy Christian servant , let us retreat from the divine icon worship and trample upon all the sacred commandments, and destroy the holy churches, and desecrate the sacred vessels and images, like the Isaurian, and Gnoetezny, and Armenia, this uniter of all, - Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky, who wanted to be by his treacherous custom The ruler of Yaroslavl knows that there is. Why, even though you thought you had piety, did you reject your only begotten soul? Why would you betray her on the day of the Last Judgment? If you have acquired the whole world, then death will delight you in every way: you betrayed your soul on your body, if you were afraid of death because of your iniquity ( So AB; And the unaccustomed.) friends and watchers false word . And everywhere, as if you were enraging the whole world, so too were our friends and ministers who deigned to be, but they rejected us, transgressed the kiss of the cross, and became enraged at me and destroyed their soul, and naturally moved towards the ruin of the church. Do not imagine being righteous: being angry with a person and attacking God; sometimes it is human, even if it wears purple, but sometimes it is divine. Or did you think, damn it, that you were saved from that? No way. If you fight with them, then you will destroy churches, trample on icons, and destroy Christians. Even if you don’t dare with your hands, you will create a lot of this evil with the thought of your deadly poison. This is why your treasonable intention is clear, from the beginning to the present day. It is almost as if you despised the Apostle Paul, as if he said: “Let every soul obey the sovereign rulers, for no sovereignty was created by God; By the same token, if you resist the authorities, you are resisting God’s command.” This apostate is named. Once Paul the Apostle spoke, even if you despised these words: “Rabbi! listen to your masters, not working before your eyes, not as people-pleasers, but as God, and not only to the good, but also to the obstinate, not only for anger, but also for conscience.” This is the will of the Lord - the hedgehog, who does good, suffers. And even if you are righteous and pious, why did you not deign from me, the obstinate ruler, to suffer and wear the crown of life? How could you not be humbled by your servant Vaska Shibanov? Even so, he observed his piety: before the king and before all the people, standing at the gates of death, and for the sake of kissing you on the cross, he did not deny you, and, praising you in every possible way, he died for you in vain. You were not jealous of this piety: For the sake of one small word of anger, you destroyed not only your own soul, but also your parents’ souls; Having transgressed the kiss of the cross with the treacherous custom of a dog, you have united yourself with the Christian enemy, and to that, without looking at your malice, you have spoken with feeble-minded verbs, like throwing stones into the sky, absurd verbs; and you rejected such a thing to do to your master. Your Scripture was quickly accepted, understood and understood, and since then you have put the poison of the asp under your lips, filled with honey and honeycomb according to your mind, and found in the bitterest way, according to the prophet who says: “ their words fade away more than oil, and they are arrows.” And you wrote: in Israel they beat the commanders given to us by God against our enemies, and with various deaths they dissolved them, and they shed their victorious holy blood in the churches of God, and with the martyr’s blood of Prague They stained me with the church, and on their own good-willed souls and for us they lay down torment, and death, and persecution unheard of since the beginning of time, and I conceived this treason and sorcery, and other inappropriate things, imposing on the Orthodox, - and you wrote and spoke falsely, like your fathers The devil taught you to eat, because Christ said: “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the lusts of your father.” But we have not beaten the strongest in Israel, and we do not know who are the strongest in Israel, since the Russian land is ruled by God's mercy, and the Most Pure Mother of God by mercy, and all the saints by the prayers, and our parents by blessing, and follow us as their sovereigns, and not by judges and voivodes, below ipatas and strategists. Below, the governors dissolved their existence with various deaths. But with God’s help we have a multitude of commanders and have eliminated you from being traitors; but you are free to grant mercy to your slaves, and you are also free to execute them. And you also wrote, because you don’t even want to stand before an unwashed judge, but you believed heresy on a person, and like the Manichaeans of heresy, you wrote this to malice: how they will curse whores, that Christ should possess heaven , to be an autocratic man on earth, but to be a devil in the underworld, you too preach the future judgment, and here he despises God’s punishments for coming sins for the sake of human beings. I confess, and to everyone, that not only there is torment for those who live evil and transgress the commandments of God, but also here, for their evil deeds, God’s righteous wrath drinks the cup of the Lord’s wrath and suffers from various punishments. I believe in the Terrible Judgment of Savior. The same with all things - possessing Christ of heavenly and earthly and underworld, as if possessing the living and the dead. We Christians believe in the Trinity of the glorified God of our Jesus Christ, as the Apostle Paul said: “For the Imams of the New Testament, the intercessor of Christ, who is seated at the right hand the throne of majesty on high, who, having opened the veil of our flesh, always preaches about us, who, by their will, suffered, cleansing the New Testament with their blood.” Christ said the same thing in the Gospel: “Don’t be called a teacher, for there is only one teacher—Christ.” We Christians know the representatives of the three-numbered Deity, in the same knowledge that Jesus Christ, our God, was brought; so is the Christian intercessor, honored to be the Mother of Christ God, the Most Pure Theotokos; and then we have representatives of all the heavenly powers, the archangels, just as the archangel Michael was the representative of Moses, Joshua and all Israel, so we have representatives of Michael and Gabriel and the rest of all the heavenly incorporeal ones; prayer books to God, imams, prophets, and apostles, and saints, and martyrs, the face of the saints and the confessor and the silent, husbands and wives - behold, we have representatives of the Christian. Is it bitter and dark, as if to stand before the evil and do good? This is sweetness and light. Even if those under his rule do not obey the king, the internecine warfare will never cease. Behold, malice usually grabs itself, not realizing that the light is sweet. Who has placed a judge or ruler over me? Or will you give me an answer for my soul on the day of the Last Judgment? After all, this is the guilt and the head of the entire work of your malicious intent; First of all, lay down a council with the priest and Seliverst, so that I may be sovereign in words, and you and the priest will be sovereigns in all actions. For this reason all this has come to pass. Remember: when did God put Israel out of work, and when did He appoint a priest to rule over the people or many soldiers? But make one Moses, like a king, ruler over them; He was not commanded to hold the priesthood, but Aaron, his brother, was commanded to hold the priesthood, but he was not commanded to do anything to the human structure. When Aaron created the human system, then he led people away from God. Look at this, as it is not proper for a priest to do royal work, as Dathan and Aviron want to seize power for themselves, and as they themselves perished, it is becoming for you to be a bolyar. After this, Joshua came to judge Israel, and Eleazar the priest, and from that time even until Elijah ( So A; IV Liya ) the priest and the ruler, the judge, Judah, and Barak, and Ephthah, Gideon, and many others: and what advice and victories were given to those who opposed them, and Israel to the salvation! When Elijah the priest took upon himself the priesthood and the kingdom, even though he himself was righteous and good, but because of both wealth and glory fell to him, and because his sons, Ophnia and Phinehas, strayed from the truth, and because he and his sons perished by an evil death, and will all Israel be conquered until the days of King David? Do you see how it is not proper for a royal ruler to be priestly and rank-and-file? How come, dog, you can’t judge even that? Let’s begin to have a judgment about this: should the proud sit down to teach the slave to the master, or is it not pride - my dominion and his own yoke of labor? It is rejected, as if you command me to do my will, and teach, and denounce, you admire the teaching rank, as the divine Gregory said to those who hope in their youth and always hold on to being a teacher: “You first taught the old man, or taught the faithful, no honor whatsoever. For this reason, Danil is here, and Onsitsa and Onsitsa are a young judge, and a proverb in the language, everyone is ready to offend in return. But neither the law in the church is flexible. Just as not a single gusset creates spring, not a single letter from a land surveyor, or a single ship, the sea,” so too are you, ordained by no one, having admired the teaching rank. condemn your brother in the great monastery, who lived in drunkenness, fornication, and other incontinence, and thus died. Ivan sang about him, and as he saw himself, he was delighted in a vision, brought before the great city, and our Lord Jesus Christ sitting on the throne, and with the gathering of many angels around the upcoming one, and the soul of her deceased and brought to Ivan, and condemnation from him asking an angel what place he will command them to move into; I exist to him without answer. And when he approached the one leading him to the gates of Jesus, he was forbidden to enter with a word. The voice of Jesus spoke to him from afar: “Has the Antichrist sat down, taking away my judgment?” So, because of his voice, I was persecuted like a gate, and the gate was closed, and the manatka was taken off - which is for us to receive great notice - and therefore I suffered for fifteen years in the desert, lower than a beast, I see no more than a man, and so, because of such suffering, I was worthy of this the same vision and manatya, and barely received forgiveness. Look, O poor man, how you do not condemn, but rebel, and how terribly you suffer, even if you are a righteous man. Why should Colma suffer even more, who commits much wickedness, and God’s judgment is admiring on everyone? Thou hast despised all of them. The Prophet said: Woe to the house that has a wife; Woe to the city they have many. In the kingdom of many, possession is like female madness: just as a wife cannot control her desires, sometimes in one way, sometimes in another way, so in the kingdom of many there is possession; Even if they are strong, even if they are wise, even if they are reasonable, one is like this, and another is another. Answer me: have you, being a Christian, become so accustomed to serving a Christian sovereign? and is this the kind of honor that is like giving back from God to this ruler, as if you vomited poison by demonic custom? How then do you call these willing traitors? Just as in Israel the hedgehog and Abimelech were from Gideon’s wife, that is, concubines, and agreed with lies, and hid flattery, and in sheer laziness beat up 70 sons of Gideon, who were from lawless wives to him, and Abimelech, the king, so too are you dog-like With your treacherous evil custom, you want to destroy the rest of the kings in the kingdom, and even if not from a concubine, but from the kingdom of a distant tribe, you want to reign. And are you so willing to eat and lay down your soul for me, who, like Herod, sucked the baby with milk, and wanted to deprive me of this light through a destructive death, and to lead someone else’s kingdom into the kingdom? Do you lay down your life for me and wish well? And do you want to do this to your children? Do you give them scorpion to kill eggs, or give them a stone for fish? If you, evil beings, know how to give good gifts to your children, and if you are called good-willed, then why don’t you bring such good gifts to our children, as if they were your own? But because of the habit of their ancestors, they commit treason, like your grandfather, Prince Mikhailo Karamysh, with Prince Andrei Ugletsky against our grandfather, the great sovereign, conceiving treacherous customs, just as Prince Dmitry, grandson against our father, has many blessed memories of the great sovereign Vasily He intended destruction and death; so are your mothers and grandfathers ( So A; IV grandfather.) Vasily and ( So A; And B and no. ) Ivan Tuchkin, many blasphemous and reproachful words were said to our grandfather, the great sovereign Ivan; Likewise, your grandfather, Mikhailo Tuchkov, on the death of our mother, the great Queen Helen, spoke about her to our clerk, Elizar Tsyplateva, many arrogant words; - and yet you are the offspring of the fiend of vipers, and therefore you have regurgitated poison. That's enough of a decree, for the sake of which, according to your evil mind, turn to the opposite. But your father, Prince Mikhail, suffered a lot of persecution, and he became a god - he did not commit such treason that you. And you wrote as if you were immortal, and I don’t think that you are immortal, since the death of Adam is a common duty for all people. Like a teacher. Having admired the rank, I deny this to the Apostle James: “Be not too many teachers, brethren, who teach that greater sin is acceptable, for we all sin much. Whoever does not sin with a word, these are perfect men and strong, whoever has bridled the mouth.” To the Apostle Paul saying: “Having the form of godliness, but rejecting its power, always learning and never being able to come to the true mind, as Ananias and Omri resisted Moses, in the same way you resist the truth.” As then, so it is now; Otherwise, the grace of God is perfected in weakness, and your malicious rebellion against the church will be scattered by Christ himself. See also the ancient apostate Jeroboam the son of Vash, how he retreated from the ten tribes of Israel, and created a kingdom in Samaria, and retreated from the living God, and worshiped the calf: and how the kingdom of Samaria was disturbed by the lack of control of the kings and soon perished. But Judah, even if it is not enough, is terrible to remain until the fulfillment of God, as the prophet said: “As fierce as the youth Ephraim,” and again, he also said: “The sons of Ephraim, dancing and singing bows, returned on the day of battle, not keeping the commandment of the Lord, and not deigning to walk in His law.” “Man, stay with the army; If you fight with a person, he will overcome you or you will overcome him; If you fight with the church, then the church will overcome you in every way, because you cruelly attack the foundation, you step on it, but you also bloody your nose. The sea foams and rages, Jesus’ ship cannot be sunk, it stands on rocks. Imams are instead of the helmsman of Christ, instead of the rower - apostles, instead of the shipman - prophets, instead of rulers - martyrs and saints; And this, then, is everything that has, even if the whole world is indignant, but we will not be afraid of defilement: you create me brighter, but you bring about your own destruction. As the apostle said: “You have mercy on everyone with judgment, but save everyone with fear, with admiration from the fire.” Do you see how the apostle commands salvation through fear? In the same way, pious kings often experienced the most evil torment. So, according to your crazy mind, there is only one king to be, and not according to the present time? So are the robbers and the thieves torments of innocence? Even more evil than these are the evil intentions. Then the entire kingdom will be corrupted by disorder and internecine warfare. And is this what befits a shepherd, if he does not consider the disorder of his subjects? And it is always proper for a king to be observant, sometimes the meekest, sometimes the ardent, to the good there is mercy and meekness, but to the evil there is rage and torment. If he does not have this, then he is not a king; Tsar for there is no fear of a good deed, but an evil one. If you want not to be afraid of power, do good; If you do evil, be afraid: you don’t carry a sword for revenge against the villain. In the message of the divine Dionysius about Polycarp of Izmir, there is a vision, praying for the heretics who have crushed the divine service, for their destruction, and in what form, not as if in a dream, but in reality , standing in prayer, and seeing the angelic ruler, sitting on a cherubic blanket; and the earth was filled with a great abyss, and the serpent from there yawned fearfully; By him, like a condemned man, the rune is opaquely bound by property and is drawn to the abyss thereof, and the hedgehog creeps towards them ( And the downfall.) byahu, he will fall into the abyss. Saint Polycarp was so kindled by the green rage and anger that I left him with the sweetest vision of Jesus and diligently watched the destruction of those people. Then, even then, the angelic ruler came down from the cherubic lashes, and I eat their husbands by the hands, and present your lashes to Polycarp and say: “If it is sweet for you, Polycarpe, beat me, as before, for the sake of these, give your lashes to the wounds, and all I will accommodate you for repentance.” And even if such a righteous and holy husband, and righteously praying for destruction, does not listen to the angelic ruler, how much more than you, a stinking dog, an evil traitor, unrighteous, praying to the evil will, will not listen; As the Apostle Jacob said: “You ask and do not receive, you ask evilly.” Why, dog, are you sick, having committed such evil? What will your advice be like? More than feces stink. Or do you think that you should be righteous, even if the evil spirits of your like-minded people were committed by overthrowing the monastic garb and fighting the Christians? Or is this a warning to you, like an involuntary tonsure? But this is not true, this is not true. How the Climacus said: I saw, unwillingly, those who came to monasticism and, more than the water ones, reformed (( So B; And those who have reformed, And those who have reformed.)). Why isn’t this word more precious? You found many people who were also tonsured, not even a mile away from Timokhin, and who did not straighten the monastic image, and I say even to the kings. Even if someone dared to do this, they crawled with nothing, but rather came to the worst bodily and mental destruction, like a prince great Rurik Rostislavich Smolensky, tonsured by his son-in-law Roman Galichesk. Look at the piety of his princess: he wanted to take her out of her involuntary tonsure, but she did not desire the fleeting kingdom, but was tonsured into the schema. Rurik took his hair and shed a lot of Christian blood, and plundered holy churches and monasteries, and tortured abbots and priests and monks, and until the end of his reign we could not hold on, but his name was lost without a trace. In the same way, in Constantinople you will find a lot of this. Do you maintain such piety as you do by your evil customs and create wickedness? Or think that you are Abner, the son of Nir, the bravest in Israel, writing such writings with an evil custom, in pride, in shame. But then what happens? And when Joab killed Sarai, and then he became poor ( So B; IA has become impoverished.) Israel. Didn’t the bright victories with God’s help show the opposite? You are boasting in vain. Look at this one who has created something like you; if you love old sayings, then ( So A; IB ta. ) and apply. Because his courage was dishonest, because he was dishonest with his master, because he had Saul’s girlfriend Respha, and I spoke to him about this to Saul’s son Memphiox, and he became angry, retreat from Saul’s house, and thus perish; You have become like him, proudly desiring excessive honor and wealth. Just as Abner did not reconcile the encroachment of his master, so too you, who have been given to us by God to encroach on the cities and villages, encroach upon the same wickedness that you create in a rage. Or would you suggest that Davydov cry for us? No matter, the Tsar, you are righteous, not even committing the murder of the Sitsev; the wicked is in his destruction and destruction. Look, how abusive courage does not help, if someone does not honor the master. But I will also suggest to you Ahithophel, like you, the cunning advice of Absolom against his father, and how shocked this last thing is: the only elder with his mind, his advice crumbled, and all Israel was quickly defeated by the smallest people; he found a disastrous end by strangulation. But you, traitors, even though you cry out the demon of truth, and do not accept, as it was said above, you ask for sweetness for the sake of sweetness. I wish, because I do my royal duties and do nothing higher than myself; Moreover, you are proud, hesitant, even though you are a servant, you admire the holy rank, teaching, and reprimanding, and commandingly. We do not conceive vessels of torment for the Christian race, but rather for their sake we desire against all their enemies, not only to the point of bloodshed, but even to the point of death; those who are subject to their goodness are given good things, while evil is given to the evil ones; not wanting, nor wanting, but out of necessity, for the sake of evil, they commit crimes and punishment, as it is said in the Gospel: “When you are old and have lifted up your hands, he will girdle you and lead you, even if you did not want to.” You see, how many times, and unwillingly, punishment happens out of necessity to lawbreakers. But those who scold and trample upon the angelic image, who agree with the caresser, do not know, perhaps the remains of your evil advice; We have no dissenting boys, develop friends and advisers. We have no destroyers of our soul and body. And behold, the child again remembered; and for this reason, I did not want to be in teaching, in your will, and for this reason you call persecution from me. You, rulers and teachers, always want to be like a child. We trust in the mercy of God, before we die to the extent of the age of fulfillment of Christ and, except for God’s mercy and the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, we do not demand teaching from people; Below it is similar to having power over a multitude of people without demanding reason. Oh, the priests of Aaron are like the barking of a dog or the vomiting of a viper. You wrote like this. After all, how can their children create such inconvenient things as their parents, and how can we, the possessed kings, turn away from this foolishness and create? You wrote this all out of malice and dog-like intent. And if you wanted to put your scripture with you in the grave, you have put aside the last Christianity; Because I commanded the Lord, you do not resist evil, but you, even the usual, the hedgehog and the ignorant do not do, and you have rejected final forgiveness. And for this reason, it is not like singing over you. In the present homeland, in the land of Bethlehem, the city of Volmer is called our enemy Zhigimontov, for this reason he committed his malicious treason to the end. And having hoped to receive many rewards from him, so it is; because you did not want to be under the right hand of God and the power given to us by God and to be guilty of our commandment, but to live in the willfulness of autocracy, for this sake you also sought out a sovereign, who, according to your own evil, social desire, who are in control of nothing, even though we command from everyone I am, and not the one who commands. And since the Synclite was born from error, then we are not known, more than you. Such are the Moabites and the Ammonites: just as they came from Lot, from the son of Abraham, and always fought against Israel, so you also came from the ruler’s tribe, and constantly counsel evil against us. What did you write then? Having commanded in a rather disgusting manner, as if it were a malicious evil trick: in a way it is cunning, in a way it is affectionate, in a way it is proud, it is in a terrible way, daring beyond measure, like a locum tenens; like you wrote to us, like a thin slave and a meager mind, like you, who escaped from your hands, like an absurd psyker, you said the same thing, likewise you, out of your own malicious desire, deliberately, and out of your mind, frantic with the demonic in likeness, hesitating, you wrote. How come you are not ashamed of the evildoers, naming martyrs, without judging why someone is guarding? I cry to the Apostle: “Whoever is unlawfully tortured, that is, not for faith, will not be married”; to the divine Chrysostom and the great Athos, in their confession, saying: “For they are tormented, and thieves, and robbers, and villains, and adulterers, such are not blessed, since sin is for the sake of their torment, and not for God’s sake”; to the Apostle Paul saying: “It is better to suffer for good than to suffer evil.” Do you see that everywhere he does not praise those who commit evil torment? With your vicious custom, you have become like a viper, belching out poison. What about man’s obedience and the crimes of time, but he tries to cover up his own evil betrayal with demonic intent and the flattery of his tongue? Is it really contrary to reason to live in the present time? Remember, too, during the reign of the great Constantine, how, for the sake of the kingdom, he killed his son, born of himself. And Prince Theodore, your ancestor, shed a lot of blood in Smolensk on Easter? And they are due as saints. And what about David, who was found by God according to his heart and desire, and what did David command, that everyone should kill Usein, and the lame and blind, who hated the soul of David, when they did not accept him into Jerusalem. How can you count these as martyrs, since they did not want to accept the king given to them by God? Why don’t you judge this, who is a king in piety and in weakness ( So A; The Central Bank is silent.) show your strength and anger. Or are the current traitors not equal to the evil they have created? But more and more evil: they forbade the coming and did not succeed in anything, but what was received from them, given by God to them, was born to them in the kingdom of the king, breaking the oath of the cross, rejecting and, to the greatest extent possible, committing evil and in word and deed and secret intentions. The Apostle Paul - daring this, you appeared to him as a teacher, as in the fourth summer you reached heaven, and heard the paradise of the unknown to others, and went through a larger circle by preaching, but not after baptism, this speech: either show some instruction or condemn. If he renounces, may a person be satisfied with what he loves. And this is the law of man. Hatred and covetousness did not show up, the second idolatry. Condemn fornication just as bitterly, as without a body and without flesh. The Prophet David said: “But God said to the sinner: have you ever told my justifications and accepted my covenant with your lips? You hate punishment and reject my words. If the thief understands, live with him, and consider your share with the adulterer.” An adulterer is not of the flesh, but an adulterer of the flesh and treason. In the same way, you and the traitors assumed your participation. “Your lips are multiplied with malice, and your tongue is entwined with flattery; you set your brother slandering, and cause your mother’s son to stumble.” Every Christian is a brother and the son of his mother, since in one baptismal font we have all been born from above. “You have done this and kept silent, you have exalted iniquity, so that I will be like you, and I will expose you and bring your sins before your face. Understand this to the one who forgets God, but there is no time to kidnap and he will deliver.” The answer was given to the universe and Russia of the reigning glorious city of Moscow, the degrees of the honorable threshold, a strong commandment and a word from the summer from the creation of the world in the summer of 7072, July on the 5th day.

2nd lengthy edition

Letter of the Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich of All Russia to the land of Bethlehem in the city of Volmer to Prince Ondrei Kurbsky, chapter 79. Our God is the Trinity, as before the century and now is, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, below the beginning and below the end, about him we live and move, it is through him that kings reign and are powerful to write the truth, to whom the birth of the only begotten son and the word of God was given by Jesus Christ, our God, the victorious banner and the honorable cross, and there is no one who is victorious, to the first in piety, Tsar Kostyantin and to all the Orthodox Tsar and the maintainer of Orthodoxy, and from the sight of God’s word everywhere, the divine servants of God’s word filled the entire universe like eagles flying around, even a spark of piety reached the Russian kingdom. Autocracy, by the will of God, was initiated by the Grand Duke Vladimer, who enlightened the Russian land with holy baptism, and the Grand Duke Vladimer Manamakh, from whom I received the most worthy honor from the Greeks, and the brave great sovereign Alexander Nevsky, who showed a great victory over the godless Germans, and the praises of the worthy great sovereign Dmitry, who, beyond the Don, showed a great victory over the godless Hagarians, even to the avenger of the untruths of my grandfather, the great sovereign Ivan, and to the ossified ancestral land of the finder, the blessed outlines of the father of our great sovereign, Prince Vasily, even to us, the humble scepter of the Russian kingdom. We praise him for his great mercy that has come upon us, even though he did not allow our right hand to become stained with the blood of our tribe, since we did not seize the kingdom under anyone, but by God’s will and the blessing of our ancestors, just as we were born into the kingdom, so we grew up and became king by God’s command. I took my own blessing from my parents, not someone else’s. This Orthodox Christian autocracy, which has commanded many dominions, gives us a Christian humble response to the former Orthodox true Christianity and our content to the boyar, adviser and governor, now the criminal of the honorable and life-giving cross of the Lord and the destroyer of the Christian and to the Christian enemies, the retreater of the divine icon. leniya I trampled upon all the sacred commandments and holy temples, devastated and desecrated and trampled upon the illuminated vessels and images, like the Isaurian, Gnoetic and Armenian, to this uniter of all, Prince Ondrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky, who with his treacherous custom wanted to be the ruler of Yaroslavl, know and exist. About the prince, if you imagine having piety, your only begotten; Have you rejected your soul? Why would you betray her on the day of the Last Judgment? Even if the whole world has come to you, and then death will delight you in every possible way. Why did you betray your soul on your body, and if you were afraid of death because of your demons and friends on high and observers of a false word? And just as you infuriate the whole world, so do your friends and ministers, who rejected us by transgressing the kiss of the cross, imitating demons, on the multifarious waters, everywhere, nets flying and demonic customs in every possible way. observing walking and speaking, deeming us to be incorporeal and from this many reproaches and reproaches against us and the whole world who disgrace and bring to you you, but you gave them a lot of reward for this atrocity with our land and treasury, calling them falsely servants, from These demonic rumors naturally filled me with rage, like a viper of deadly poison, and having become enraged at me, having destroyed my soul and the destruction of the church, I naturally began not to think righteously, having become enraged at a man, I would attack God; sometimes it is human, and even wears purple, but sometimes it is divine - Or think, damned. How can you be saved from that? Nikoli! If you fight with them, then you will trample on the church and trample on the icons, destroy Christians, and even if you do not dare to use your hands, you will create a lot of this evil with your thoughts and your deadly thoughts. Think about how, with a vile coming, the flaccid infant land will be erased and torn to pieces by horse feet! When will it be winter? This is the most malice that is being committed. And this is because your wickedness is intentional, so as not to be likened to Herod’s fury, the hedgehog of the murder of babies on display! Do you consider this to be piety, as good as doing evil? Even if there were many more of us fighting against Christians, against Germans and Lataons, this would not be true, if only there were Christians in those countries, and we are fighting according to the custom of our ancestors, as has happened many times before; Now we know that in those countries there are no Christians, other than the smallest servants of the church and hidden servants of the Lord. Moreover, Plitov’s war was perpetrated by your own betrayal and unkindness and unconscionable negligence. You, for the sake of your body, destroyed your soul, and for the sake of fleeting glory, you despised flightless glory, and, enraged at man, you rebelled against God. Understand, poor man, from what heights and into what an abyss you have descended in soul and body! And what was said to you, “Even if you have it, it seems, will be taken from him,” will come to pass on you, all your piety, which you destroyed for the sake of pride, and not for God’s sake. Those who exist there, those who have reason, can understand your evil poison, as if you wanted fleeting glory and wealth, you did this, and not running from death. Even though you are righteous and pious, according to your voice, because you were afraid of death, which is not death, but acquisitions? Last but not least die. If you were afraid of the false renunciation of a mortal, according to your friends, satanic servants, a villainous lie, then it is clearly your treacherous intention from the beginning to the present day. Why did you despise the Apostle Paul, as if he said: “Let every soul obey the rulers who predominate: for the peak of dominion is not created by God; By the same token, one who resists the power of God resists the commandment”? Look at this and understand that if you resist power, you resist God; and if anyone resists God, this apostate is called a bitter sin. And this is what is said about all power, for it is through blood and battle that one gains power. Understand what has been said above, that the kingdom was not received by admiration; at the same time, he opposes the power of God! Just as the Apostle Paul once said, even if you despised these words: “Rabbi! Listen to your masters, not just working before your eyes, like people-pleasers, but like God, and not only to the good, but also to the obstinate, not only for anger, but also for conscience.” For this is the will of the Lord - if you do good, you should give joy. And even if you are righteous and pious, why did you not deign from me, the obstinate ruler, to suffer and inherit the crown of life? But for the sake of temporary glory, and the love of money, and the sweetness of this world, you trampled all your spiritual piety with the Christian faith and law, you became like the seed falling on the stones and growing; and the sun shone with heat, abiy, for the sake of a false word, you were tempted, you fell away and you did not create fruit; Because of all the false words you have made the path of one who falls; Even though I have given all my word to God, true faith and direct service to us - the enemy has snatched all this from your heart and made you walk according to his will. All divine scriptures confess the same, as they do not command a child to resist his father and a slave to resist his masters, except by faith. And if from your father, the devil, you have concocted many false words, as if for the sake of faith you have escaped, and for this reason, as the Lord my God lives, as my soul lives - as if not only you, but also all your accomplices and demonic servants cannot to find this in us. Moreover, we hope that the words of God incarnate and His prestige mother, the Christian intercessor, Midostia and all the saints with the prayers, will not only give you an answer to this, but also against those who trampled the holy icons, and the whole Christian divine mystery, those who rejected and retreated from God - to them You lovingly united - expose their words of wickedness and reveal and preach piety, like the grace that has come, How can you not put your servant Vaska Shibanov to shame? For he maintained piety, both before the king and before all the people, standing at the gates of death, and for the sake of the kiss of the cross he did not deny you, and praised you and did everything for you and died in vain. You were not jealous of this piety: only for the sake of my word angry, not only your only soul, but you also destroyed your ancestors’ souls, because by God’s will, God entrusted them to work for our grandfather, the great sovereign, and they, giving their souls, served until their death, and you, their children , they also ordered our grandfather to serve his children and grandchildren. And you forgot everything, you transgressed the kiss of the cross with your treacherous dog custom, you united yourself with the Christian enemy; and besides, without considering his own malice, he spoke with gray and feeble-minded verbs, as if throwing stones at the sky. You speak absurdly, and you are not ashamed of the servant of your piety, and you rejected what you did to your master. Your scripture was quickly accepted and carefully understood. And since then you have put poison under your lips, filled with honey and honeycomb, according to your mind, but the bitterest ashes are found, according to the prophet who says, “They have softened their words more than oil, and they are arrows.” So you have become accustomed, being a Christian, Is it like serving a Christian sovereign, and is it such an honor to reward a given ruler from God, as if by demonic custom you regurgitate poison? The beginning of your writing, l, even without understanding, you wrote it, thinking like Navat, because it is not about repentance, but above human nature you think to be a man, like Navat. Even as you have appeared to us in Orthodoxy as the most luminous, you have written this, and this is how we are then, and so we believe now, by true faith, I live and truly live in God. And even if you understand the opposite, you have a conscience that is impregnated, thinking of navadian things, and not understanding the word of the Gospel, which is said: “Woe to the world because of temptation, You must eat if you do not come with temptation; woe to the man to whom temptation comes. If only he could have a millstone tied around his neck, I would drown in the abyss of the seas.” And much of your blind malice, unable to see the truth, imagine yourself standing at the throne, my mistress, and always serving with the angels, eating the lamb with your own hands and slaughtering the privilege for worldly salvation, and I will correct all this with my evil-loving advisers, with many evil thoughts on us languor of heroism? and for this reason, the hedgehog of my piety from my youth, like a demon, was shaken, and the hedgehog from God the power given to us and from our ancestors, was taken away from us under our own power. Is it a leper conscience that you should hold your kingdom in your own hands and not let your workers own it? And is he opposed to this with reason, if he doesn’t want to be a worker and own his own? But is Orthodoxy the most luminous, which possesses slaves and is commanded to be? This is because it is from outsiders. And about the hypothetical and about the church, even if there is a small sin, but this is from your temptation and betrayal; Moreover, man is not a man without sin, only one God; and not because you, because you want to be higher than man, are equal to angels. And what can we say about godless people! Since all their kingdoms do not belong to whatever their workers command, they do. And the Russian Empire from the beginning is owned by all the states themselves, and not by the boyars and not by the nobles! And in your wickedness you could not judge, calling piety against the authority of the so-called priest and yours, the wickedness of commanding the autocracy to exist! And this, according to your mind, is wickedness, even though God has given us the power to rule over it. I don’t like being under the power of a priest and your atrocities! Did I mean “resisting”, as if your malicious intent then, by the grace of God, I did not allow the Most Pure Mother of God to attack and all the saints with the prayers and blessings of my parents, to destroy myself? And what evil did you suffer then! Behold, the most expansive word will inform you in advance. If you think about this, as if the church tradition is not like that, they will be thunderstruck, behold, for the sake of your evil intentions, because I have lost my spiritual and restful life, and the burden, according to the Pharisees’ custom, is poorer to bear, lay it on me, but you yourself will not touch a single finger; and for this reason, the leadership of the church is not firm because of the royal reigns that you have allowed, but because of your evil intentions, running in the Game of the infirmities of mankind; For the time being, many people, as a result of their destructive intentions, turned away from wickedness, and for that sake, - just as Matv tolerates mockery of children in every possible way, for the sake of infancy, and when he committed both. If they will, then they will reject this, or because of their parents they will become despondent in their minds, or if God allows Israel to make sacrifices, only to God, and not to the devil - for this reason I created, descending to their weakness, just so that we, they knew their sovereigns, and not you, traitors. And how do you get used to cooling off? And did He sit down and appear opposite to you, even though He did not allow you to destroy yourself? And what did you mean, contrary to your reason, your soul, the kiss of the cross, did you create it, false for the sake of the fear of death? You yourself are not doing this, but you are advising us to do this! For this reason you are wise in the navadian and pharisaical ways: in the navadian way, you command to be a man above nature; The Pharisees' way of life is not to create, but to command others to create. Moreover, these diarrhea and reproaches, as they began naturally from the beginning, and now you do not stop, in every way the devil of the beast burst into flames, you commit your treason; Is your voluntary, direct service worth it, even if you slander and reproach? Befitting the poor, he hesitates, and God’s judgment admires the former God’s judgment with his evil, self-willed presentation, as his superiors, the priest and Alexei, expounded nature, the dogs condemningly And for this reason, resisting God, like the saints of all the venerable ones, like those in fasting and in for those who have labored have shone with mercy, even though they were rejected by sinners; You will find in them many who have fallen and risen (the uprising is not poor!) and who have given a helping hand to the suffering, who have been mercifully raised from the ditch of sin, according to the Apostle, “like brethren, and not like those who have enemies,” - the hedgehog you have rejected! And I suffered from the demons and I suffered from you. So, dog, do you write and get sick, having committed such malice? Why would your advice be like stinking feces? Or do you think it was righteous to be done by your evil like-minded people, who brought down the monastic garb on the Christians to fight? Or is this a warning to you, like an involuntary tonsure? For there is no such thing. How wretched is Climacus: “Have you seen those who came to monasticism against their will and corrected themselves more than freely?” Why don’t you imitate this word, even if you are pious by nature? You have found many saints, even not a mile away from Timokhin, who have not trampled upon the monastic image, and I say even to the kings. If only this daring woman opened this, having used nothing, but even more so in the bitterness of bodily and spiritual destruction she came, like the great prince Rurik Rostislavich of Smolensk, tonsured by his son-in-law Raman of Galicia. Look at the piety and his princess: I wanted to take her from involuntary tonsure, but in her desire for the fleeting kingdom she is even more worthless - having tonsured herself into the schema; He, having cut his hair, shed a lot of Christian blood and plundered holy churches and monasteries, abbots and priests and skulls, which is why it was not possible to hold on to the end of his reign; but his name also disappeared without a trace, and in Constantinople you found the greatest number of this: their noses were cut off; and who, in my former clothes and having rushed into the kingdom again, am here more bitterly accepted than death, and there I have suffered endless torment, even though I did this for the sake of selfishness in pride. This is what God’s judgment expects from those who rule, and even more so from slaves, who have trampled on the image of the angels! Many, even in these years, were tonsured from the Great Synclite; more than the first, they dared to do this, and even if in the previous paki prshadosha, do you maintain such piety, even if you create this wickedness with your wicked custom? Or imagine that you are the one who blows r sgn Nirov, who is the bravest in age; or are you creating wickedness through your evil custom, or are you imagining that you are proud to write? And from that, what would there be? When Joab, the son of Sarai, killed him, then Israel became impoverished. Didn’t God show off the blessed victories of God with help against the enemy? Look at this one too, who is like him who created him; If you love old words, we will apply this to you; that his wicked courage will help him, the wickedness of his master, the wickedness of Saul’s friend Nslru, and I told him about this to his son Saul Mthios, but he became angry, retreat from the house of Saul and thus perish Him and you, in the likeness of my wicked custom , desiring proudly above honor and wealth, as if Abner had not befriended the encroachment of his master, then you too from God have given away cities and villages, encroaching on him, likewise wickedness, beating yourself, creating Or shall we offer the lament of the Davids? Neither is this righteous king, and even though he committed murder, he saw death in his own destruction. Look, how abusive courage does not help, if someone does not honor the master. But I will also offer you Ahithophel, who is like you, slyly giving advice to Absolem against his father? and how this one old man was subsequently shocked by the wisdom of his advice, as his advice fell apart, and all Israel was defeated by the least people. He strangled a disastrous end, but then, as is now the custom, the grace of God is perfected in weakness, and Christ himself scatters your malicious plots and rebellions against the church. And look also at the ancient apostate Jerovaam the son of Navadash: how you retreat with the ten tribes of Israel, and create a kingdom in Samaria Samria, retreat from the living God and worship the calf, and how the kingdom was in turmoil, and Samaria was in turmoil due to the lack of control of the kings and would soon perish; But Judah, even though it may be little, is threefold. and remain until God’s will, as the prophet said: “Ephraim, fierce as a youth”; and once again it was said: “The sons of Ephraim, you who burn and sing onions, when you return on the day of battle, do not keep the commandment of the Lord and do not deign to walk in His law.” “Man, stay with the army: if you fight with a man, he will overcome you, or you will overcome; If you are fighting with the church, then everything will overcome you, cruelly, because you are against the goad: you will not step in, you will bleed on your nose, but the sea foams and rages, Jesus’ ship cannot move, it stands on a rock; imams are the helmsman of Christ; instead of the rower - apostles, instead of the feeder - prophets, instead of rulers - martyrs and saints; And this is why we all have, even if the whole world is indignant, but we will not be afraid of the filthy spirit: for me to create the brightest, but bring about your own destruction.” below wordless humility As the apostle spoke! “Have mercy on everyone with judging, but save on everyone with fear, from the fire of hostility.” Do you see how the apostle commands us to save through fear? In the same way, many times pious kings encountered the most evil torment. How, in your crazy mind, can it be the same as a king, and not in the present time? Then the thieves are not to blame for the torment of the Tatie? Moreover, the worst of these evil intentions: then the whole kingdom is in disarray and is being corrupted by internecine warfare. And how is it fitting for a shepherd not to consider the disorder of his subjects? How come the martyrs were not ashamed of the villains? , without stopping, but who will suffer? I cry to the Apostle: “Whoever is unlawfully tormented, that is, neither faith nor crown,” to the divine Chrysostom and the great Athos, who in all their confessions say: those who are tormented are the same. And the robbers and the villain and the adulterer, are these then the blessed ones? Because sin, for the sake of one’s own, was tormented, and not for God’s sake, for the sake of the Divine, the Apostle Peter said: “It is better to do good to suffer than to suffer evil to those who speak evil.” But with your evil custom, you are similar to the regurgitation of vipers. over the pouring out, nothing of obedience, and law-breaking, and time, reasoning, their evil treason, demonic intentional, the flattery of the tongue is covered with desire. Is it contrary to reason, even after the real Change of life? Remember also the great Constantine as a king: how, for the sake of the kingdom, he killed his own son, born of himself. And Prince Fyodor Rostislavich, your ancestor. in Smolensk on Easter he shed colics of blood! And in the saints it is due How slaughter and Davyshch was found according to God’s heart and desire, like Paul and David, and everyone kills the usen and the lame and the blind, and those who hate the soul of Davydov, without ever hiding him in Jerusalem How many wretched, disrespectful people become votchinniki, as if God did not want the king given to them to be accepted? How can you understand this, since such is the piety of the king on his weak child, showing his strength and anger? Or have today’s traitors not created the same evil? But even more evil. They forbidden the arrival and achieved nothing; This, and this one from them, given to them by God, and born in their kingdom, broke the oath of the cross to the king, answered, and did as much evil as possible, in every possible way, in word and deed, and with secret intent; and why are they more like these evil executions? If you say: “It is obvious, but this is not obvious.” Therefore, your custom is the most evil; as man apparently has goodwill and service, from your hearts come thoughts and evil deeds, mortal destruction and ruin; With your lips you bless, but with your heart you curse many who have found themselves in the kingdom of kings: you have corrected your kingdom in all sorts of disorder and have rebutted evil minds and evil deeds. For the good there is mercy and meekness, for the evil there is rage and torment If you don’t have this, there is no king, there is no king, for there is no fear good deed , but angry. Do you want to not be afraid of power? Do good; If you do evil, be afraid, for you do not carry a sword - for revenge as an evildoer, but for the praise of virtue. If you are good and right, since you had a scorching flame in the siglit, you did not extinguish it, but rather kindled it? Where was it with the advice of your mind that you would tear out the evil advice, but you filled it with tares! And did the prophetic word come to you? behold, you are the all-manifest fire, and you walk in the light of the flame of your fire, which you kindled for yourself. Why then are you not equal with this traitor? As if he, the ruler of all, for the sake of wealth, went into a rage and betrayed him to be killed, hanging out with the disciples, having fun with the Jews, so you, being with us, eat our bread, and serve us in agreement, being angry with us in hearts gathered How much have you fulfilled the kiss of the cross, if you want good in everything without any cunning? And what is more evil than your cunning and intentions? As if someone wise said: “There is no head greater than the head of the serpent,” and there is no other to bear your malice. Why then is the teacher of my soul and my body? Who will put you as a judge or ruler over us? Or will you give an answer for my soul on the day of the Last Judgment? To the Apostle Paul, who said: “How can they believe without one preaching, and how can they preach and not be sent”? And behold, it happened at the coming of Christ: from whom were you sent? And who ordained you, as you exalt the rank of teacher? The Apostle James denies this: “Be not too many teachers, brethren, knowing that sin is more than acceptable, since we sin much in words: so let us not sin in words, and this is a perfect man, strong enough to bridle his whole body, and we put reins in our mouths with a horse, so that they obey We turn their whole body to us. Behold, the ships, the capitals of existence, imprisoned by the cruel winds, turn into a small breadwinner, as they want: so the tongue is small, and the great one boasts. This small fire burns the colic thing! And the tongue babbles untruth; Thus the tongue also dwells in our souls, desecrating the whole body and scorching the hearts, and we are scorched by Gehenna; All the evil nature of animals and birds, reptiles and fish are tormented and martyred by human nature; But no one can torment a person’s tongue, for evil is uncontrollable and full of deadly poison. With this we bless God and our father, and with this maple men who were in the likeness of God; from the same lips comes the blessing and the oath. It is not proper, my beloved brethren, for such a thing to happen. When does the source of the same water flow away sweet and bitter? When, my brethren, can a fig tree create an olive tree, or a syukwi vine? So, not a single source creates glory and sweet water. He who is wise and evil in you, let him show his deeds from a good life, in meekness and wisdom. If you have bitter envy and faith in your hearts, do not boast about it; lie about the truth. There is no wisdom It comes from above, it is earthly, spiritual, demonic. Where there is envy and zeal, there is disorder and every evil thing; and the great wisdom is pure, then humble and meek, well-behaved, full of mercy, good fruits, foolish and unhypocritical. The fruit of righteousness is sown in humility by those who create peace. Where do the battles and quarrels in you come from? Is it not from here, from the delights of your warriors? You desire, but you do not have it: you kill, and you envy, and you cannot take advantage; you fight and fight, and don’t have it, don’t ask in advance; ask, and do not accept, ask evilly, so that you may live in your desires, draw closer to God, and draw closer to you; cleanse the ore, sinners, and cleanse the hearts of the double-minded. And do not slander one another, brothers; If you slander or condemn your brother, the law is slandered and the law condemns; If you condemn the law, bring it to the law, but the judge is the only lawgiver, the judge who can save and destroy. Who are you, condemning a friend?” Or do you think that this pious lordship will take over the kingdom from an ignorant priest, from villainous, treacherous people, and the king commanded to exist? And is this contrary to reason and conscience is leprous, to judge the ignorant and increase the evil people, so that the king given by God will reign? You will find it nowhere. Why should the kingdom not be ruined, even if it was from the priests that it ruled? Why did you revoke the kingdom of the Greeks who destroyed I obeyed the Turks? Is this the same destruction you advise us? And let this destruction be even greater on your head. To this and to this you are like, as the Apostle writes to Timothy, saying: “Child Timothy, know that in the last days cruel times will come, there will be people who are self-loving, lovers of money, greedy, proud, blasphemers, angry with their parents, ungrateful, unloving, unloving.” , bride-guardians, prescriber. incontinent, necrotic, her well-loved, traitor, presumptuous, exalted, possessing the image of piety, but rejected its power and turn away from these, driven by various lusts; always learning, and never can the truth come into the mind powerfully. Just as Aianius and Omri resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth, men who are corrupted in mind and inexperienced in faith. But they do not prosper more than about me; for their madness will be evident to everyone, just as they were.” Or is it light for the priest and the proud, crafty slave to rule, but to the Tsar only the chairman of the kingdom and the honor of being, and the power of the Vichim better to be a slave? And did the darkness that was brought to the king sit down? What can an autocrat be called if he doesn’t build it himself? As the Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians: “In a few years the heir is a child, in no way better than a slave, but he has lords and guardians, until the Father’s command.” But we, by the grace of Christ, have reached the age of the Father’s decree, and it is not good for us to be under rulers and guardians. Do you say, then, that I am writing this and that same word? Because all your deeds are due to evil intentions, because you should advise the priest, so that I can be the sovereign, and you and the priest will rule: for this reason, all this has happened, and to this day you do not stop, conceiving evil advice. Remember, when God, drove Israel out of work, having always ceased to rule over people, or many a number of peaks? But set one Moses, like a king, as the ruler over them: he commanded him to ordain her, but he commanded Aaron his brother to ordain, not to create anything for human structures: when Aaron created human structures, then the people took away from God. See this, as if not but it is necessary for the priest to do the royal work. So Dafap and Aviron wanted to seize power for themselves, and they themselves perished, and what kind of destruction did they bring upon Israel? Well done to you, boyars! After this, there was a judge for Israel, Joshua, and Eliozar the priest, and from then on, even until the priest Leah, he had a judge: Nuda, and Barak, and Euphae, and Gideon and many others, and what were the councils and victories against which he set forth, Israel's Savior! When Leah the priest took upon himself the priesthood and the kingdom, even though he himself was righteous and good, but before both fell into wealth and glory, as his sons Athens and Finios fell from the truth, and as he and his sons perished by an evil death, and all Israel would be defeated until the day of King David! Do you see how it is indecent for the royal rulers to live in rows of things? in the Roman kingdom, and in the new grace, in Greek, it happened according to your evil desire. Like Augustus, the Caesar of the whole universe, possessed: Alamnia, and Dalmatia, and the Italian places, and Gotva, I Saurematy, and Athenaeum, and Sir and her, and Cilicia. and Asibe, and Abone, and Interfluve, and the Cappadocia country, and Damascus, the city of Erosalim, and Alexandria, give Egyptian power to the Persian power; all this has been a single power for many years; even before the first in piety of the great king Constantine Flafla. And after him, divide his children into power, in Constantine in Constantinople, Constantine in Rome, Koyasta in Dalmatia, and from then on, Greek power is divided and poverty is accepted And again, in the kingdom of Markiae in Italy there are many princes and locums rise up like our malicious intent; to the kingdom of Leo the Great, possessing two places each, as in Africa and Zinir there are many others. and from then on, all the buildings and kingdoms of the Greeks were arrested: I was only exercising power and honor and wealth, but was corrupted by internecine warfare. And will you please these people, is this what it is for them? But what about the speech of the prophet of God? People are the Lord their God, as the prophet Isaiah said: Why are you still vulnerable, even more iniquity? Every head and illness, and every heart and sorrow From the leg even to the head there is no integrity on them, below is a scab, below is an ulcer, below is a wound. there is no plaster to bear, below the oil also your Earth is empty and for your sake it was created by fire. your countries will devour others before you. and cabbage is corrupted by people and strangers. The village of Zion will remain, like a village in the grapevine, like a vegetable storehouse in a vertograd. What is the harlot, the city of faithful fetters, full of judgment; There is truth in him, and there is a murderer in him now. Your silver is not skillful, your innkeepers will mix wine with water, your princes do not believe, they made promises, they love bribes, they persecute rewarding the orphans without judging, in court they bring widows who do not eat. For this reason, thus says the Lord, the lord of hosts, the mighty of Israel; “O woe to the mighty in Israel! My wrath against the enemy will not cease, and I will execute my judgment against my enemies: I will bring my hand against you, and I will burn you into purity, I will destroy the unbelievers, and I will take away all the wicked from you, and I will humble all the proud. And I will make your judges as they were before, your counselors as they were from the beginning; and from now on you will be called the city of righteousness, mother city, faithful Zion. He will be saved through fate and through alms. And the iniquity of sinners will be erased together, and the remaining masters will die, they will be ashamed of their deeds, which I advised, and they will be ashamed of their idols, from their own creation, and they will be ashamed of their heirlooms, because of their desire. They will be like gardens that have swept away their leaves, and like a hillock that has no guilt, and their strength will be and their stems will be plucked up, and their work will be like sparks of fire, and they will be burned by iniquities and sins together, and they will not be extinguished.” Then to the kingdom of Aspimarov and Filipikov and Theodosius the Braded Adramic, the Persian Egyptian power and Damascus from the Greeks, who also possessed under Constantine the Gnoetezny, the Scythian who was deposited, therefore, into the kingdom of Lvv Armenin, and Michael of Ammore and Theophilus of Rome with all Italy from the Greek kingdom for that same reason, choosing for themselves a king from Latin from the interior of Phrygia, and there, in many Italian countries, he set up a king and a prince, a ruler and a locum tenens. And just as Nastria, Spain, and Dalmatia, and the French, and the high German language, and the Poles, and the Litaons, and the Goths, and the Vlachs and the Mutyans, likewise the Serbs and the Bulgarians, retain power, having established and torn away from the Greek kingdom : And from this the Greek kingdom is coming to ruin; in the kingdom of Michael and Theodora, the queen of the pious, the city of God, Jerusalem, became the land of Palestine and the countries of Phinics and Persians; From everywhere the reigning city began to remain in oppression, and from everywhere, frequent presence and warring troops in the often wavering, eparch, sigklit everything does not cease from all its evil of the first custom, in no way about the village of the ruin of the kingdom, the providence deems the same and you, likewise, with your evil I desire, beyond measure, glory and honor and wealth, for Christian ruin! The Greeks collected the same tribute from themselves in many countries; later. for the sake of disorder, and not for the sake of God, like your evil evil advice, the tributes themselves began to be given, and so the Great Reigning City remained in oppression, even until the kingdom of Alexei, called Dukas Marzuphlus, under him the Reigning City was quickly taken from the flasks and quickly captured The poorest captivity; and so all the splendor and beauty of the Greek power perished. Then Michael the first Palaeologus expelled Latin from the Reigning City, and again the wretchedness of the kingdom was erected, even until the years of Tsar Constantine, by the name of Drogmas, with him, a sin for the sake of our Christian people, the godless Magmet Greek extinguish the power, and, like the green wind and storm, create everything without a trace. Look at this and understand how the government is composed of different principles and powers; and even then the kings there were obedient to the dioceses and the council, and to what destruction they came. Is this your advice for us to come to such destruction? And why is piety so good that it does not build a kingdom, that evil-doing people do not take taxes and bring taxes to the ruin of foreigners? Or do you say that the apostolic teaching is so important? Both good and practical! Another is to save one’s soul, and another is to strive with many souls and bodies: for another there is an envoy’s sojourn, another for cohabitation in a common life, another for hierarchical power, and another for a royal rule. to the bird, I neither reap nor gather into the barn; in general life, even if they have renounced the world, but they still have structures and care, the same punishments; If they are not careful about this, then the common life will be ruined; the hierarchical power requires the green prohibition of the tongue, but for the blessed wine and rage, and glory, and honor, and decoration, and presiding, which is indecent for a monk; to the royal rule - fear, and prohibition, and curbs and the ultimate prohibition, due to the madness of the most evil people of the wicked. Therefore, understand the difference between envoyship and community life; You have seen with your eyes, and from this you can understand that this is. Moreover, the prophet said: “Woe to the house, whose house the wife owns; woe to the city, whose house is owned by many.” You see, the possession of many is like the female madness: even if they are not under one single authority, they may be strong, they may be brave, they may be intelligent, but they are also like female madness. Behold, you have indicated how good it is for us to sit in sin and rule the kingdom past the kings: from this many can understand, those who have understanding. Remember: “Do not apply your heart to the desire for property, gold, if you are afraid of it.” Who are these verbs? But are the kings in power? Wouldn't he have some gold? He doesn’t look at gold, but always has a mind for God and a military formation. Since you have become like Giosius’s leprosy, since he sold God’s grace to gold, so you, for the sake of gold, have raised it up on Christians. In the same way I cry to the Apostle Paul: “Beware, dogs, watch out for the evildoer, as I have spoken to you many times, now I weep, I say for the understanding of the cross of God, for whom God is the womb, and the word in their cold, which is wise on earth. And as if you were not called an enemy of the cross of Christ, for the sake of glory and honor of this fleeting light, wanting to enjoy, despising the future ever-flowing, with your crucifixion custom, having grown accustomed to treason from your ancestors, at many times choosing evil in your hearts, “poisonous my bread, magnify your heel against me,” have you armed yourself with war against Christians? No, then let the most victorious weapon, the cross of Christ, by the power of Christ our God, be your opponent. What then will you call these willing traitors? For in Israel, the hedgehog with Abimelech from Gideon’s wife, that is, the concubines, having agreed with lies, concealed flattery and flattery, in one day they killed 70 sons of Gideon, the hedgehog from his lawful wives, and the king of Abimelech; In the same way, with your evil, treacherous dog custom, you want to destroy the kings worthy of extermination in the kingdom, and even if not from a concubine, but from the kingdom, you want to reign the dissolved tribe. And do you sit down with good will and lay down your soul for me, who, like Herod, sucking the baby’s milk, did you sit down with a destructive death and want to deprive this light, taking someone else’s kingdom into the kingdom? Do you therefore trust my soul and desire it well? And this is what you want to do to your children. Will you always give them scorpia in the eggs, or a stone in the fish? Even if you, evil beings, know how to give good gifts to your children, and even if you are called good-willed and good, why don’t you bring such good gifts to our children, as you would to your own? But because of the habit of committing treason from your ancestors, like your grandfather, Prince Mikhailo Karamysh, with Prince Andrei Ugletsky against our grandfather, the great sovereign Ivan, conceiving treacherous customs; in the same way, your father, Prince Mikhailo, with the Grand Duke Dmitry, his grandson, plotted many destructive deaths against our father, the great sovereign Vasily Ivanovich of blessed memory; Likewise, your mother and your mother’s grandfather Vasily and Ivan Tuchko spoke many dirty and reproachful words to our grandfather, the great sovereign Ivan; Likewise, your grandfather Mikhailo Tuchkov, at the repose of our mother, the great Queen Helena, brought to our clerk Elizar Tsyplyatev much arrogant glory, saying, - because you gave birth to the offspring of vipers, therefore you vomit poison. That's enough of your decree, for the sake of which, according to your evil mind, the conscience of a leper is found to be co-operative. Do not imagine that my power is not for anyone else. And to your father, Prince Michael, there was a lot of persecution and squalor, and such treason that you did not commit And you wrote: “Why were they beaten by the mighty in Israel, commander, given by God to us against our enemies, they tore me apart with various deaths “They shed their victorious holy blood in the churches of God, and with the blood of martyrdom they stained the Pragues of the Church, and against their voluntarily willing souls, who lay down their souls for us, I conceived unheard-of torment, death and persecution, with their betrayals and sorceries and other unspeakable acts against the Orthodox,” - and you wrote and lied falsely, as your father the devil taught you to eat; Before Christ said: “You are your father, you want to do the work, He was a murderer from time immemorial, and in her truth stands as if there is no truth in him, but when he speaks a lie, from his own the verb: for his father is also a lie.” And the mighty ones are the Israelites they did not beat, and we did not beat, who is the strongest in Israel, since the Russian land is ruled by God's mercy, and the Most Pure Mother of God by mercy, and all the saints with prayers, and our parents with blessings, and follow us, our sovereigns, and not judges and governors, and the hedgehog ipates and strategists. And even though we were torn apart by various deaths, our governors were torn apart by God’s help; with God’s help we have many governors, and apart from you, traitors. But I am free to pay my slaves, and I am free to execute them. No blood was shed in the churches, but I am the Victorious and holy blood in my land in present time , - nothing has been revealed, Prague is unknown to the church, - our strength and mind are very strong and our minds perceive, as those who are under our control show their service to us, they are decorated with all sorts of God’s churches, shining with all the blessings, since after your demonic powers we created, not only Prague and the platform and the vestibule, but also the vestibule, as much as everyone can see it, there are foreign decorations. We do not stain any church pragues to the level; At this time we have no martyrs for the faith; those who are willing and lay down their souls for us truly and not flatteringly, with her tongue speaking good, but with her heart gathering evil, and praising the soul, and not lavishly but reproachingly, like a mirror, always looking, and then she sees what he is like, and when he departs, Abiy will forget what he is, whenever we find someone, liberation of all evil ones, but he performs his direct service to us and does not forget the services entrusted to him, like in a mirror, and we reward him with all sorts of great salaries; and those who are found in the opposite, those who are above reham, then through their own fault they accept execution. And in other lands you see yourself, the trees become evil and evil: the din is not like this. Then, with your evil custom, you have established traitors to your loved ones; but in other lands they don’t like the people who see them and they don’t like them: they execute them, and thus they are established. But we did not intend torment and persecution and various deaths for anyone: and if you remembered about treason and sorcery, - otherwise such dogs are executed everywhere. we slander the Orthodox, - and even then you have become like a deaf asp, according to the prophet who says: “As a deaf asp stops his ears, even if he does not hear the voice of the adversary, yet he is obedient to the wisdom of wisdom, since the Lord crushed their teeth in their mouths, and crushed their limbs with his brow.” There is"; But if I lie, about whom else will the truth be revealed? This is what they do, traitors, but they are not rebuked, according to your malicious intent? Why are you reproaching us for these reasons? Do they want the power of their workers, or their thin rags, or if they are satisfied? Which one? Isn't your mind subject to laughter? The hare needs a lot of is, and a lot of howls at the enemies: how stupid it is to execute those under power who have reason. And as for the above, what evil has suffered from you from your youth even until now, to expose in the most extensive way. This is what he reveals (even if you are still a youth of this age, but you can see it either way): when our father, the great Sovereign Vasily, was captured by God’s destinies in the purple of an angelic slumber, he left everything perishable and the fleeting earthly kingdom, coming to the heavenly age of never ending and to come to the Tsar the Tsar and the Lord the Lord, but I will be left with my only begotten brother, the deceased George, for I have lived for three years, but my brother has lived only one summer, but our pious parent, Queen Elena, has been left in poverty and widowhood in the Sitsevs, as if I am in captivity from everywhere, from the slaughter of foreigners language from the circle of those presiding, uncompromising abuse is accepted from all the language, Lithuanian, and Poles, and Perekop, and Adchitarkhan, and naked, and Kazan, from you traitors, troubles and sorrows and various types are accepted, as if like you, a mad dog, prince Semyon Velskoy and Ivan Lyatskoy fled to Lithuania and there, galloping wildly, both to Constantinople, and to the Crimea, and to the naked people, and from everywhere, raising up the Orthodoxy of the army; but nothing successful? I intercede with God, and the Most Pure Mother of God, and the great miracle workers, and our parents with prayers and blessings, all this advice, like Ahitafel, crumbled. Likewise, then our uncle, Prince Ondrei Ivanovich, a traitor, attacked us, and with those traitors he went to Veliky Novgorod (others whom you praise! You call them willing and willing to lay down their souls for us!), and at that time they retreated from us, and they kissed our uncle Prince Andrei, and in the heads of your brother Prince Ivan, Prince Semyonov’s son, Prince Petrov Lvov Romavovich and many others; And so with God’s help, that advice was not accomplished, Otherwise, is it the goodwill of those whom you praise? And is this how they lay down their souls for us, if they wanted to kill us, but take away our uncle? Then, by an unfaithful custom, they began to give up our fatherland to our enemy the Lithuanian king, the cities of Radogozh Starodub, Gomei; and is this what people want? When there is no one to destroy the earth from the whole earth and bring glory into loveliness, and then the foreigners will be mixed with love, so that they will destroy them unconsciously! In the same way, destined by the destinies of God to be, our most honorable mother, Queen Helena, passed from the earthly kingdom to the heavenly one; We are related to the saintly brother George, and having left our parents, and from nowhere we have industrial hope, and the most pure Mother of God, the mercy and prayers of all the saints, and the blessing of our parents, we have placed hope in me. having acquired a kingdom without a ruler, we are not worthy of any good-willed industry for our sovereigns, but they themselves are mixed with wealth and glory, and so they die on each other. And you will create a Christmas tree! How many boyars and up to the brokhots of our father and the governor of the hut! And you delighted yourself with the courtyards and villages and estates of our uncles and settled in them! Our mother’s treasury was transferred to the Great Treasury, furiously kicking and piercing wasps; and explained something else to myself. And your grandfather Mikhailo Tuchkov did just that. And so Prince Vasily and Prince Ivan Shuisky acted arbitrarily in my care, and so they reigned; That is, all those who were the main traitors to our father and mother, after being caught, they were reconciled and reconciled to themselves. And Prince Vasily Shuisky is at our uncle Prince Andreev's courtyard, the host of the Jews, our father and our neighbor's clerk. Fyodor Mishurin was confiscated, disgraced, and killed; and she imprisoned Prince Ivan Fedorovich Velsky and many others in different places, and armed herself for the kingdom, bringing Metropolitan Danil from the metropolis, and sending him into captivity: and thus she improved her desire in everything, and immediately began to reign over us, with our only begotten brother, who died in holy George, it was started like foreigners, or like the most wretched child. Yakov suffered in clothing and in hunger! In all this there is no will; but not all by my own will and not by the time of my youth. I will remember one thing: we were in our youth playing as children, and Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Shuisky was sitting on a bench, leaning his elbow on our father’s bed, putting his leg on the table, but he didn’t bow down to us, not only as if parental, but also domineering, as if a slavish lower principle was found. And who can bear such pride? How can we eradicate such poor, many sufferings that we suffered in our youth? Many times I died against my will. What about the treasuries of the parental estate? All delighted with the crafty intention, as if the children of the boyars received salaries, and took everything from them for bribes; and complaining about them inappropriately, not accommodating them according to their merits; and took the countless treasury of our grandfather and father for yourself; and so in that treasury of ours she forged for herself vessels of gold and silver and placed the names of her parents on them, as if it were their parental acquisition; and all people know: during our mother’s time, Prince Ivan Shuisky had a fur coat that was green on martens, and even those were old; and if they were old, and it was better to forge the courts, otherwise it would be better to change the fur coat, and in the end the courts would be forged. What about the treasuries of our uncles and talk, but admire everything to yourself. For this reason, they attacked the towns and villages, and thus, to the most bitter torment, they plundered the various types of property of those living without mercy. Who can prevent harm from them to the neighbors? He created all those who were subject to him, like slaves for himself, and created his own slaves, like nobles, to rule and build, and instead of this, he created a lot of unrighteousness and disorder, and he took an immeasurable bribe from everyone, and he did and said everything according to the reward. And so to them who lived for a long time, but I was thriving in summer, and did not like to be under the power of a slave, and for that he sent Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Shuiskaya away from himself to serve, and ordered his boyar, Prince Ivan Fedorovich Velsky, to be with him. And Prince Ivan Shuisky, having bewitched all the people to himself, brought them to a kiss, came military to Moscow, and our boyar Prince Ivan Fedorovich Velsky and other boyars and nobles were taken over by his advisors Kubenskaya and others, before his arrival, and exiled him to Beloozero and killed ; and Metropolitan Jasaph was driven from the metropolis with great dishonor. The same Prince Andrei Shuisky with his like-minded people came to our hut in the dining room, in a frantic custom in front of us, they seized our boyar Fyodor Semenovich Vorontsov, tore him off, disgraced him, took him out of the hut and wanted to kill him. And we sent Metropolitan Macarius to them, and our boyars Ivan and Vasily Grigorievich Morozov with our word so that they would not kill him, and they alone, at our word, sent him to Kostroma; and the metropolitan was pushed back and the manatya on him was torn from the springs, and the boyars were pushed into the ridge. Or were they willing, that the boyars of ours and those pleasing to us, contrary to our command, were repossessed and beaten and tortured with various torments and persecutions? And is it right to lay down your soul for your sovereigns, even if our state has a army to come before us as a host of Jews, and with us, the sovereigns, to exile as a slave, and for the sovereign to beg from the slave? Is direct service any better? Truly the whole universe will laugh at such truth. Because of their persecution, what can we say, what happened then? From the death of our mother until that summer, 6 years and half of this evil did not cease! For us, five years of age are passing, and so we ourselves wanted to build our kingdom, by God’s grace we began to build our own. Since human sin always irritates God’s grace, and so sin happened for our sake, I will prostrate myself to God’s wrath, burning the reigning city of Moscow in a fiery flame, and our treacherous boyars, called martyrs from you (I will change their names), as if the time was successful for their betrayal. ameliorating the malice, whispering to the people of the poorest minds, as if our mother, Princess Anna Glinskaya, with her children and people, took out human hearts and burned Moscow with such sorcery; Yes, as if we also knew that advice from them; So those traitors, at the instigation of our boyar Prince Yury Vasilyevich Glinsky, shouted out, the people, according to Jewish custom, having taken away the holy great martyr Dmitry Selunsky from the borders, dragged them out, in the cathedral and apostolic church, the Most Pure Mother of God against the metropolitan place was inhumanly killed and the church was filled with blood and, having dragged him dead to the fore the doors of the church, and put him in the market place, like a condemned man. And this murder in the church is known to everyone, but you, dog, are lying! At that time, we, living in our village of Vorobyovo, were persuaded by those traitors to kill us because it was as if we were burying Prince Yuryev’s mother, Princess Anna, and his brother Prince Mikhail from them. How can this wisdom not be laughed at! Why should we ourselves be the igniter of our kingdom? And so much of the acquisition, the blessing of our ancestors, is lost among us, and cannot be found in the universe. Who is mad or who will become angry like this, become angry with the slaves, and destroy his acquisitions? And he would have fired them, but saved himself. Your dog's betrayal is exposed in everything. Likewise, at such a height, Saint Ivan the Hedgehog, sprinkled water - this is clearly madness. And is it so good for our boyars and governors to willingly serve us, even in such meetings of dogs, without our knowledge, to kill our boyars, and even within our blood line. And is this how they lay down their souls for us, if they want to let our souls leave this world for every hour into this age? We consider the law sacred, but we don’t want to go on the journey with us! Why, dog, do you boast in pride and praise other traitorous dogs with their abusive courage? To our Lord Jesus Christ, who says: “If the kingdom itself is divided into this, that kingdom cannot stand.” How can an abusive love bear against the enemy, if the kingdom is corrupted by internecine warfare? How can a tree bloom if the roots are dry? So it is: if there is no good in the kingdom before the building of the kingdom, how will the war be put in place? Even if the leader does not multiply the regiment. zo ob. asserts, then we will run a lot more often than we can win. But you, having despised all this, praise only courage; about the purpose of courage to take place, this believing in nothing, and appearing not only to confirm courage, but even more so to destroy. And showing this as if you are nothing: a traitor in the house, having no reason to stay in the military, since you want to establish courage through internecine warfare, self-will, it is impossible for him to be. And at the same time, this former dog Alexei, your boss, was in our kingdom court, in our youth, we do not know what custom was established among the botniks, but we saw such betrayals from our nobles and thus took this from the rot and taught from the nobles, and expect direct service from him. What honors and wealth did I not fill him with, not only for him, but also for his family! What kind of righteous service did you receive from him? Hear in advance. Therefore, for the sake of spiritual advice, for the sake of salvation for the sake of my soul, I received priest Selivester, and expecting that he, for the sake of standing at the throne of the mistress, will protect his soul; and he, having trampled upon the sacred vows and heretania, like the angels at the mistress of the throne of the throne, where the angels wish to come close, where the lamb of God is always devoured for worldly salvation, and never devoured, - and even if he is in the flesh, he was granted seraphic service with his own hands , and this has all been trampled down, by evil custom, from the beginning, as if it were a good thing, following the divine scripture; I saw in the divine scripture how it is fitting to submit to a good mentor without any reasoning, and to him, for the sake of spiritual advice, I obeyed in hesitation and in blindness; He, having admired the power, like Elijah’s priest, began to copulate in friendship like the worldly. Then, with the congregation, all the archbishops, and bishops, and the entire sacred cathedral of the Russian Metropolis, and even in our youth, what was done to us, against you, our boyars, our disgraces, the same from you, our boyars, which are contrary to us and misdeeds, for I myself apologized to my father and pilgrim, before Macarius, Metropolitan of All Russia, in everything in that council; He rewarded you, his boyars, and all the people for their misdeeds and will not remember this in the future; and so we are all of you, as if we are good, to keep you in good spirits. You did not abandon your first evil custom, but returned to the first, and again often served us with evil advice, and not true, and did everything with intent, and not with simplicity. In the same way, Selivestr became friends with Alexei and began to advise us, thinking that we were unreasonable beings; and so, instead of spiritual ones, the worldly one began to advise, and so little by little, all of you boyars began to lead into self-will, taking away our power from you, and bringing you into opposition, and in honor you are not equal to us, but the young children of the boyars are with you in honor appropriately. And so, little by little, this anger became stronger, and you began to lament towards the estates, towards the cities and towards the villages; even our great sovereign’s grandfather gave away the code that the patrimony collected from you and to which patrimony there is no need to be given from us, and he gave away those patrimony like the wind in an inappropriate manner, and then he destroyed our grandfather’s code, and reconciled those many people to himself. And then his like-minded prince He let Dmitry Kurletev into our sigklitia; approaching us with a crafty custom, spiritual for the sake of advice, as if he were doing it for the sake of the soul, and not with craftiness; and thus, with that like-minded person, she began to confirm her strong advice, did not leave a single authority, where she did not install her own saints, and thus improved her desire in everything. Therefore, with that like-minded person from our ancestors, the power given to us was taken away from us, so that you, our boyars, according to our salary, will honor the chairmanship with honor; For this is all in its power and in yours, as it suits you, and as it pleases you; therefore, strengthened by friendships, and all the power of his will, torturing nothing from us, as if to carry us, all the buildings and affirmations of his own will, and creating his advisors' desires. But what even advises good to us, all this is indecent We did it to them, but they, even if it was indecent for them to do it, they, even if it was obstinate and depraved, I advised, but this is all good that I did! And so, lower in the external, lower in the internal, lower in the smallest and worst, lower, I say yes, habitation and sleeping, everything is happening not according to their own will, but according to their desire; we are like an abiding baby. Isn’t this contrary to reason, if you don’t want to be a baby at a perfect age? The same therefore, and this is established: this, there is no opposition to us to a single hedgehog from his worst advisers then there was a need to speak, but all this was happening as if it were evil, as it was written in your written document; from his advisers, even if someone is worse than us, but as a ruler or as a brother, - as if for the worst, arrogant words were not worn out, and this was all piously imputed; Whoever creates little obedience or peace for us will suffer persecution and torment; If anyone irritates us with something or causes oppression to us, to him will be wealth and glory and honor; and if not, then there will be destruction for the soul and ruin for the kingdom! And so we are in constant persecution and oppression, and such evil is not only from day to day, but from hour to hour; and because it is contrary to us, this one has increased, and because it is obedient and submissive to us, this one has diminished. Such then is Orthodoxy shining! Who can count in detail, even in everyday life, and in life, and in peace, the same in the church service and in all his life and persecution and oppression? And so it is with this that it happens: thinking that the spiritual for the sake of the benefit of the chintz or the oppression they create for us, and not for the sake of guile. The same, according to God's structure, with the cross-bearing banner of the entire Orthodox Christian army, the Orthodox intercession for the sake of Christianity, we moved to the fearless language of Kazan , and so by the ineffable mercy of God, who gave victory to that unsermon language, we returned home with all the army of Orthodox Christianity in good health; So why should I say goodwill towards myself from you who are called martyrs? So wretchedly: like a prisoner, having put him into a ship, he was lucky with the smallest people through a fearless and unfaithful land! If the almighty right hand of the Most High had not protected my humility, I would have struck my stomach in every possible way. Such is the kindness towards us, for whom you speak, and how they lay down their soul for us, even though they are trying to betray our soul into foreign hands! The same, for us who came to the reigning city of Moscow, God’s mercy multiplied for us and then gave us an heir, the son of Demetrius. Little time has passed, for the rulers of life were not able to do so, but we were not possessed by the power of power and were exhausted. Then the well-wishers so called from you staggered around like drunks with the priest Selivester and with your boss and Oleksei, thinking us into non-existence, forgetting our good deeds and the hedgehog and their souls, who kissed the cross of our father and us, except our children, You can’t look for another sovereign: they want to reign for themselves, who are separated from us by a tribe, Prince Volodimer; You want to destroy our baby, given to us by God, like Herod, by making Prince Volodimer king. Because even in the external writings of the ancients it was said, but it is also proper to say: “The king does not bow to the king, but the only one who died, the other possesses.” Behold, we living beings have enjoyed such goodwill from our subjects: what will happen to us! The same by God's mercy, which healed us, and so this advice fell apart; But the priest Selivester and Alexei never ceased, advising all evil, and creating the bitterest oppression; For us, persecution of all kinds is deliberate for those who are willing, but for Prince Volodymer, his desire is affirmed in everything; The same hatred aroused our Queen Anastasia and likened her to all wicked queens; Our children are below to remember Mogosh. The same dog, the traitor of the old Rostov Prince Semyon, who by our mercy, and not by his own leisure, was worthy to be synclisted from us, by his treacherous custom to the Lithuanian ambassadors, Pan Stanislav Davoin and his comrades carried our thoughts, reproaching us and our queen and our children; And we discovered that villainy, and still mercifully carried out our execution on him. And after that, priest Selivester and with you his evil advisers began to take great care of the dog and help him with all the good things, and not only to him, but to his whole family. And so, henceforth, it is a good time for all traitors to improve; From now on we are in great oppression; from them, in one, you were: it was revealed that you and Kurletev wanted to judge us about Sitsk. The same war that broke out against the Germans - about this he will reveal the most extensive word in advance - but then Selivester and with you his The advisors are so cruel to us, and for the sake of our sins, the illnesses that happen to us and to our queen and to our children, and this is all due to them, as if for their sake, even for our disobedience to them! How can I remember the merciless journey from Mozhaisk to the reigning city with our queen Anastasia and her weakness from Mozhaisk? Just for the sake of a small word, it is indecent. Prayers and walks through holy places, and offerings and vows to shrines for spiritual salvation, and for bodily health, and for one’s well-being, and for us and our queen and our children, and all this was taken from us by your crafty intentions , medicine and cunning, for the sake of health, below remember then by. advisers, inflicted their merciful anger: they did not impose the death penalty, but different places They sent it out.. But priest Selivestra, having seen his advisers in vain, left of his own free will, but I released his blessing to us, not ashamed, but as if I did not want to judge here, but in the future, before the lamb of God, the hedgehog , always serving and despising the evil custom, create evil for me: there I want to accept judgment, as much as I have suffered from it mentally and physically. For this reason I created his child and to this day he will remain in prosperity, although it is not in vain that our face is visible. And even if, like you, who says it’s laughter to wag your ass? And because you still don’t fully understand the Christian rules of the Christian Church, how it is appropriate for a mentor to repent; because the rumors were already weaker, demanding a teacher for the summer, and now they are quickly demanding milk, and not strong food; For this reason, this is what he says; and for the sake of priest Selivester I did not do anything evil, as above. And if we change the things of the world, even those who exist under our power, we have changed them, and so we have created them: from the beginning we touched not a single one with the final punishment; Therefore, everyone who has not ceased to join them is ordered to separate from them; and do not pester them, and having laid down this commandment and confirmed it with a kiss on the cross; and from now on, from the martyrs you called and those who agreed with them, our commandment was taken into account and the kiss of the cross was transgressed, not only leaving behind those traitors, but also beginning to help them with pain and provide in every possible way, in order to return them to the first rank and bring the cruelest on us intent; and even though unquenchable anger has appeared and unyielding reason has been exposed, for this reason the guilty person has received such a judgment. So, according to your mind, “I found myself in opposition, understanding,” even though I did not obey your will? Because you yourself have a fickle and cross-crime conscience and have exchanged little for the sake of the shine of gold, so you advise us! For this reason I say: O Judas’ curse, this desire! Deliver from him, O God, our soul and all Orthodox Christians! Just as Judas, for the sake of gold, betrayed Christ, so too you, delighted for the sake of this world, gave up Orthodox Christianity and us, your sovereigns, to nature, forgetting your souls, breaking the kiss of the cross. In the churches, as if you are lying, this there was no. Behold, as above, for the sake of the guilty, I accepted execution for their own faults, and not because you are a liar, calling the dissimilarity of traitors and fornicators martyrs and their blood victorious and holy, calling other resistant strongmen, and calling our apostates governors, their goodwill and laying down their soul for us: this is all revealed, as it is above the rivers. And you cannot say that there is no slander, but this treason is known to the whole universe, if it is desired, and the tongue of the barbarians can be curbed and the self-witnesses can be found with an evil deed, which I will buy from the creator in our kingdom and in the embassy passages of those who come. But this was, otherwise, for all those who were in our consent to enjoy and grow rich, all good and freedom, and no evil is first remembered by them, in the first place of their wealth and honor. And what else? And you rise up against the church and never cease to persecute us with all kinds of bitterness, adding all sorts of foreign language against us, persecution and ruin of Christianity: as if above, they were angry with man, armed themselves against God, naturally, and for church ruin; persecution - as the divine Apostle Paul said: “But, brethren, even though I preach circumcision alone, I am still persecuted, for the temptation of the cross has been destroyed. But yes, those who are dispelling will tremble! And even if, instead of the cross, circumcision was then required; So you, too, instead of sovereign ownership, need self-will. There is something else freely; Why don’t you stop persecuting yet? Because everything is known to you in the most extensive way, so that your mind can be opposed to it: understand the conscience of a leper! From the godless, what can we say, that nothing in the universe has been found like according to your demonic desire! And this whole thing has been revealed, even from you called strong and a commander and a martyr, if anything befits them is true, and not like you, like Antetru and Hennea and the traitor of Troy, having lied and lied a lot. Goodwill and the placing of their souls above is said to be; Their licking and evil is manifest to everyone in the entire universe. But I do not strive to bring light into darkness, and I do not call sweet things bitter. But is it light or is it sweet to own a slave? Is it darkness and bitterness that God gave to the king to rule, about whom a lot of words were spoken at length in advance? Everything is one, using different words, you wrote according to your unconditional letter, praising even the slave of your rulers. I strive with zeal to guide people to the truth and to the light, so that they may know the one true God, glorified in the Trinity, and the sovereign given to them by God; and let them cease from internecine warfare and obstinate living, in the image of which kingdoms are corrupted. Is it so bitter and dark that the evil ones should stop and do good things? But behold, there is sweetness and light! Even if those under power do not obey the king, they will never stop fighting among themselves. Behold, the malice of the custom is a hapati for itself! Without understanding what is sweet and light, and what is bitter and darkness, he teaches others. How is this sweet and light, how do we stop doing good and doing evil through internecine warfare and self-will? The essence has been revealed to everyone, that there is light, but darkness, and there is bitterness. About the guilt and anger of our subjects before us. Hitherto, the Russian rulers were not tortured by anyone, but were free to pay and execute those under their control, and did not sue them. in front of no one; It is also proper to speak about their wines, but it is said above. You call corruptible people “representatives”, similar to Elin’s whore talk: as if they were likened to God by Apollo, and Dius, and Zephs and other numerous nasty people, as the same name Gregory said in theology, writing in his solemn words. “I do not share the birth and theft, the judge of Crete, the tormentor, and the young men, the voices and the clothes and the dancing are armed, the crying voice of God is covering, as if the father of the hater of children was hiding; I would cry fiercely like a baby, like a stone swallowed up. Neither the Phrygian cutting and squeaking and dancing. And how mad are these people? Neither Dionysius, nor afraid of the whip and without the time of birth, like the other verbs before; and with this madness we worship Semelia with respect and prayer; and the Lacedonian youths with shaved wounds, in whose image the goddess is revered. Where is Ekati dark and terrible dreams and Trofinieva on the land of play and magic? Below Osirod's languor, another misfortune is that we are Egyptians, below Isis in cruelty. It is always special to them: who needs it, and triumph and common for all wickedness. Otherwise, it is fierce, if good deeds are done for the glory and praise of the creator and the divine likeness, how powerful is the desire to be every passion that feeds on the inner man, but the gods will establish assistants of the passions, so that not only will sin be innocent, but it will be divinely tossed in such flowing, the answer is worshiped. The most nasty Hellenic deeds, the gods worshiped from passions, fornication and rage, incontinence and lust, reluctance. And as soon as anyone is possessed by any passion from them, he chooses God for himself like his passion, and believes in him, like Heraclius for fornication, Crown of hatred and enmity, Aris of rage and murder, Dionysus of humming and dancing, and others the gods were worshiped from passions.” With this you too, according to your desire, become like corruptible people, daring the representatives to name them, but in the name of glory, I do not tremble. Just as the Hellenists, like their passions, reverence the gods, so you, like your betrayal, praise traitors; just as passion that is hidden by God is revered, so your betrayal is covered up and the truth is honored. We, Christians, believe in the Trinity of our glorified God Jesus Christ, as the Apostle Paul said: Imams for the New Testament of the intercessor of Christ, who sits at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty on high, who, having opened the veil of our flesh, always preaches from us, about their will Nostrada, cleansing with the blood of his New Testament. Christ said the same thing in the Gospel: “Do not be called a teacher, for there is only one teacher, Christ.” We, Christians, know the representative of the three-numbered deity, in her the knowledge of the bringing of Jesus Christ as our God, as well as the Christian intercessor, who was made worthy of being the mother of Christ God, the Most Pure Mother of God, and then we have representatives of all the heavenly powers, archangels and angels, like Moses Michael the Archangel became the representative to Joshua and all Israel; the same in piety in new grace to the first Christian king, Constantine, the invisibly intercessor Michael the Archangel walked before his regiment and ran away from all his enemies, and from then on even to this day he helps all the pious kings. Behold, we have representatives, Michael and Gabriel and the rest of all incorporeal ones; We have prayer books for the Lord: prophets and apostles, saints and martyrs, saints and confessors and silent men, husbands and wives. Behold, we have Christian representatives. As for corruptible men, we do not know them; their representatives will name them. But only this is not appropriate for our subjects, but for us, the king, it is not appropriate for us to be called representatives: even if we wear purple, adorned with gold and beads, we are still subject to corruption and human weakness. You are not ashamed of corruptible and treacherous people who are representatives of the name. To Christ who says in the Gospel: “Things that are high among men are an abomination to God.” The same applies to changeable and corruptible people, not only by admiring human heights, but by admiring God’s glory! Like the Hellenes and those who have come into a frenzy of madness, likened to the demonic: according to their passion, choosing corruptible and changeable people, you praise them, as the Hellenes revered their gods! And how do you cut yourself and praise yourself with all sorts of harm, in honor of God; Oviy, who has given in to every passion, is subject to God. As the divine Gregory said: this is desecration and the ferocity of your faith; the same thing befits you. Since they followed your god with their most vile, so it is fitting for you, your treacherous friend, to suffer their passions and perish. For the Hellenes, who are incomparably corruptible people are called martyrs, and for this reason it is fitting for you to celebrate feasts, martyrs of cutting, suffering, and dancing, and humming bring your own. As Elini, the same befits you; How did they suffer, and for you are the feast days of their martyrs to suffer! And you also wrote that those “representatives of the proud kingdoms ruined and created them under our help in everything, but they had your fathers in their work before,” - this is reasonable, there is only one kingdom of Kazan; Astrohani was near your thoughts below, not exactly the matter. Let me begin to denounce this abusive courage from above. Madness! How proud you are, boasting! How is it that your ancestor and father and uncles, in what mind there is courage and thought, care, as all your courage and wisdom are not like a single dream vision of them, and such brave and wise people are forced by no one, but want their own desires for the chosen courage, and not like you, who are forced into the army and grieve over this, - and such brave 13 years before our age could not protect Christians from the barbarians! According to the Apostle Paul, he said: “I am like you, boasting foolishly, because you force me, you accept power, you fools, even if someone devours you, if someone beats you in the face, if someone is magnified; out of annoyance I say.” It has been revealed to everyone how evil the suffering was then from the Orthodox barbarians, and from the Crimea, and from Kazan: half the earth was empty. And when you began, with God’s help, to fight against the barbarians, when the first ambassador to the Kazan land was your governor, Prince Semyon Ivanovich Mikulinsky and his comrades, what did you say? Behold, as if in our disgrace we sent them, to execute them, but not for our own cause. Otherwise, is courage lost to put service in disgrace? And is this how to punish the proud kingdom? The same, how many times have you walked to the Kazan land, when you didn’t go with compulsion, but with desire? But you always go to the poor meeting! When God shows us His mercy, and subdue that barbarian race to Christianity, and then why don’t you want to fight with us against the barbarians, as if more than fifty thousand of you, for the sake of reluctance, were not with us! And is it such a way to destroy the proud kingdoms, instill foolish words among the people and turn them away from battle, like Unosh of the Ugric? How, even during your stay there, you were always corrupted by the council, and when you had wasted your supplies, how, after standing for three days, you wanted to return to your own! And you always don’t want, in many ways, to remain similar to time to wait, below your heads to spare, below the battle of victory, looking, exactly: either having won, but rather, or the defeated former, return to your own as soon as possible. The same and many similar warriors, for the sake of a quick return, left behind, even as a result of this there was a lot of shedding of Christian blood. Why, even at the very moment of taking the city, if you had not been held back, how in vain did you want to destroy the Orthodox army, it is not the right time to start a battle? The same thing, after the capture of the city by God's mercy, instead of building on it, you robbed it. Is it so arrogant to destroy kingdoms, why are you, in your madness, boasting? Even if you say truly, it is worthy to eat, since everything, like a slave, was done with compulsion by nature, and not by desire, especially with grumbling. Why is it commendable to eat, even though you want to do battle? It is at hand that you create this kingdom for us, just as we have been multiplied by seven; years between these kingdoms and our own state, the abusive ferocity never ceases! Whenever Alekseev and your dog power appeared, then our kingdom and state obediently obeyed in everything, and multiplying ten thousand abusive ones comes to the aid of Orthodoxy. Just as you have ruined the proud kingdoms and created them at our hands, so is our providence and care for Orthodoxy, and so is the mind contrary to your malicious intent! and from the Crimea, in empty places, where there were wild animals, cities and villages settled down. What about your victory, Dnieper and Don? How much evil depletion and destruction has been committed by Christians, but not the slightest annoyance to those who resist! What can we say about Ivan Sheremetev? It was through your evil advice, and not through our will, that such destruction happened to Orthodox Christianity. Even so, such is your voluntary service, and so proudly you destroy kingdoms and create them at our disposal, as if they had been revealed above. About the German cities you say that through the diligence of the minds of our traitors, they were given to us from God. But how were you taught by your father the devil to tell all lies! A fight against the Germans: then they sent their servant Tsar Shigaley and their boyar and the governor, Prince Mikhail Vasilyevich Glinsky, and their comrades to fight the Germans, and from that time on, from the priest Selivester and from Alexei and from you, what aggravation of verbal suffering, it is impossible to say in detail! No matter how sorrowful our co-creator is, all this German happened for the sake of it! When you are envoyed for the summer to the German cities - then you are in our fatherland, in Pskov, for your own sake, and not by our message - multiplying our seven messages to our boyar and governor, to Prince Peter Ivanovich Shuisky and to you poslahom; You are one with the smallest people, and by our many remembrances you have taken many fifty cities. Otherwise, is it the diligence of your mind that took the city with our message and reminder, and not according to your mind? How can I remember the German cities of the counter-contradictions of the priest Selivester, who can admire even the sire and the widow, who do not heed the court, - you, who wish to be evil against Christianity, constitute them! We know the Antichrist: you are doing something similar to him, advising evil against the Church of God. From those who were violent in Israel and about the shedding of your blood, I wrote; We don’t create any kind of tricks, and moreover, you yourself don’t accept contradictions, but you love tricks. And we do not know the sunklit, from the error of giving birth: much less is there one in you; Moabite and Amonite are you. Just as they came from Lot, from the son of Abraham, and always fought against Israel, so do you: who came from your tribe, and you constantly advise destruction against us. What did you write, even if you bring a judge or teachers. - Your power is of no use, since you have commanded so despicably, And it’s like demonic evil! It is sly and affectionate, but it is proud and terrifying; the same slaughter and you: you succumbed to the slaughter of pride, above - measures, like a locum tenens, as if creating promises, you wrote to us; he became like his worst slave and his meager mind. As if he had escaped from our hands, like a psy, absurd in his words; in the same way, out of your malicious, treacherous, dog-like desire and intent, you, having stepped out of your mind in a frenzy, like a demon, hesitating, wrote the same prophetic word: “Behold, the lord of hosts will take away from Judea that which strengthens and strengthens Jerusalem, the strength of bread and the strength of water; a strong giant, and a warrior, and a judge, and a prophet, and a guardian of an elder, and a ruler of fifty, and a wondrous counselor, and a wise artist, and a wise novice. And I will make young men rulers over them, and scolders, and possess them. And men will fall, man to man, and man to his neighbor: the youth will fall upon the elder, and the dishonest man will fall upon the honest man, as if he had his brother or his father’s companion, saying: “Imashi the robe, thou shalt be our chief leader, and let my goodness be in thy region.” " And answering on the day, he says: “I will not be old, for there is neither bread nor robe in my house: I will not be old by this people, for Jerusalem has been abandoned, Judea will be ruined, and their people will not submit to the iniquity of the Lord. The glory of them will humble them, and the coldness of their faces will resist them; She proclaimed and revealed her sin, like Sodom’s. Woe to their souls, having already conceived the evil advice within themselves, they decided; Let us bind the virtuous, for it is indecent for us to eat. For the fruits of their deeds will be consumed. Woe to the wicked, evil will befall him according to the deeds of his hand. My people, your servants reap you tormentingly and possess you. My people, those who screw you will fly, and the path of your feet will be disturbed. But now the Lord will stand for judgment and the Lord will bring his people to judgment: the Lord himself will come to judgment with the elders of the people and with his princes.” And like the Areopagite’s letter to Dimophilus the monk: Dimophilus, and if anyone else is hostile to the truth, is not forbidden , and the good one gets used to it and is pleased. How is it not fitting, then, for a good speech about the salvation of the remaining and the dead to rejoice and the life of the dead? For this reason, and for the sake of it, the hedgehog receives what is barely returned from error, and raises up the good angels to joy, and the good is not about the grateful, and its sunlight shines on the evil and the good, and lays down its very soul for those who run away. But you, as your writings show, and who came to the priest, said that you were ungodly and sinful, and you do not know how you have risen up and rejected you; the same one who prayed and confessed to come to the healing of the evil ones; You were not horrified, but you also annoyed the good man who was hanged with ferocity, having mercy on the repentant being and judging the wicked; and the end of “coming out” of the rivers of the priest with similar ones, you jumped up not existing righteously with the undesirable, and you bound the Holy of Holies, I write to us, as if you wanted to corrupt the sacred providence, you provided it with something else, preserving it. Now, therefore, hear ours: there is no righteous priest, a servant who has run away from you, or a slave who bought you is guilty of doing something, even if she is considered to be considered divine, and otherwise, what the renounced will be convicted of having done. Even if there is a limit and a rule for the most divine and unruly ones, the coming out has no glory for the sake of the well-begotten destruction of the order. If God is not divided within himself, what will become of his kingdom? And if there are God’s words, like the words of the court, the sacred messengers, and the prophets and the sacred rulers of the court of divine destinies, from those the divine butt of years through the servant, when there is time, accustomed to being pleasing, you have been vouchsafed. Or does he cry out to the illuminated images? For it was not easy to beat everyone, quite the holy of holies; The priestly fertilizer brings nearer to all, and the same priestly fertilizer, follow this ministerial fertilizer too; But they are excommunicated by an accomplished saint, who has been called a monk, by doors that cannot be entered, and they are committed to them and are presented not to their people, but to the rank and understanding of their own, more so by people than by the priesthood and those approaching. For this reason, for the sake of the hanging ranks, the authorities consider it sacred to commune with them as divine, others, preferring to the inner ones, hand over their prostration; for they also lie about the divine image of the ever-present altar, they hear the divine light revealed to them, what is happening faithfully but the images of the divine and for everything, an obedient saint and sacred people and a cleansing rite, they express the sacred heritage, even the most pure preserved for good, until you died painfully; denouncing the holy of holies, you forced the unwilling; You have recited, you observe the sacred even more, and you have seen, and you have heard, and you have seen something about the applied priest, as you have seen below the truth of the word, on this day interpreting the return to those who hear, and if the linguistic authorities begin to take something, He was not commanded by the king to suffer righteously. And even if the prince is someone who justifies someone or condemns someone, he dares not, as I say, to annoy or even begin to injure those who have not been convicted in court? But you, a man, are ridiculous, but you are meek and good and on his hierarchical statutes. But this is fitting to say, when someone begins more than the property, both in a graceful manner, thinking, for below this is powerfully consumed. What is there no place for this to happen in the absence of God? What is Saul imitating? What is tormenting the demon, truly glorifying God and the Lord? But every bishop who is a stranger is rejected by theology, and every one in the rank of his service shall not be, and there is only one first priest in the Holy of Holies, and one in the summer in all things according to the law of sacred superior purity. And the priests shroud the saints, and the Levites shall not touch the saints, lest they die. And the Lord was angry with rage at the boldness of Uzziah, and Mary became a leper, having begun to lay down the rule for the lawgiver, and the demons rushed upon the sons of Skevin, “not listening to their speech, and this flowing, and not speaking to them, and these prophesying,” and in wickedness the calf was devoured and like killing a dog. And simply say, the All-Perfect One does not tolerate the lawless God's truth ; to those who say to them: “In your name I have done many mighty things,” “I know you not,” he answers, “Get thee behind me, you workers of iniquity.” The same cannot be said, as he speaks words, lower than the righteous, persecute not according to wealth. Listen to what everyone deserves, and not to the highest and deepest thoughts, but to understand the only thing that has already been revealed. Why, you say, is it not proper for someone to be a priest, or to do something about other things that are being denounced? Do you dishonor God with one person who boasts of breaking the law for just one year? And how did the priests express God’s judgment? How can they proclaim divine virtues to people without seeing their power? or how can they enlighten them in this way now? How then do they preach the divine spirit, if there is a holy spirit, true faith in them? I will answer them to this, for it is not the enemy who is harassing, but I tolerate you for covetousness. And for the skin of those who are with God, there is fertilizer, the most visible of God, the brightest of all, and the most enlightening and closer to the true light. Do not take it into places, but bring it closer to the God-pleasing nature. Even if the priest's fertilizer is enlightening, he has completely fallen away from the priestly rank and power, even though he is not enlightened, since even more so the unenlightened one is daring in my opinion of the sacred ones, who has begun to do so, and without fear, he is ashamed of the divine presence of persecutors, not wanting to see God, who is reasonable in himself. , and does not deceive, below the false one who is called from that father, the foul one has his own blasphemy (not because the imam said prayers) against the divine banners and Christ-like verbs: “Behold, this is a priest, but a mean and flattering scoffer of himself and a wolf against the divine people, clothed in skin But this Dimophilus to correct the righteous Even if the theologian commands the unjust to persecute the righteous, the righteous is to persecute, when he wants to reward you according to his property, the righteous with everything is worthy of persecution, since the angel will reward righteously, even though he excommunicates according to his property, not from us, O Dimophilus, to the same to us from God, and to the same still superior angels Simply declaring, in all that exist, the first names of the second are rewarded according to the inheritance from all the decency and righteous providence, just as others, who have begun from God, are rewarded last to themselves and the obedient, and even according to the inheritance About Dimophilus let him excommunicate the word of rage and lust for property, and let him not offend his rank, but let the lesser one rule over the first word. But why, the crafty one, for the sake of a reminder, will the whole summer be foolishly get together before the king? Well, they came before the winter time, and how many Christian people they destroyed then! Is it true that the efforts of our traitors, and it is good for you too, to destroy the Christian people! Then I greeted you with your boss Alexei and very much with many people; You barely took only one Viljan, and there are many of our family who are kicking. Also, then you will be afraid of the Lithuanian army like childish scarecrows! Under Paidu, by our command, you willy-nilly go, and what work you have done as a warrior and you will not have time for anything! Such is the diligence of your mind, and such is your diligence to establish in nature before the solid cities of the Germans! And if it weren’t for your malicious piercing, and with God’s help, all of Germany would have become Orthodox. The same Lithuanian language and Gotvinian and many other languages ​​were raised to Orthodoxy. Behold, the diligence of your reason and such desire has established Orthodoxy? But we will not destroy you all together; and he lives everywhere as a traitor, execution and disgrace, to which land you went. There, about this, the most extensive manifestations were weighed. And for such your services, which were above all, worthy of many executions and disgrace, but we still repaired our disgrace for you with mercy; If it were for your dignity, you would not have gone to our enemy, and in such a matter, in which our city you would have been lost, and it would have been impossible for you to create an escape, if we did not believe you in it. And we, believing you, sent you to that homeland of yours, and you, as in your custom of Sabatsky, committed your treason. You are immortal, considering that Adam’s sin is death, a common duty for all people: even if I wear purple, but in both cases, as in everything We are like every man with infirmity, he is endowed with it by nature, and not as you philosophize, if you command us to be above nature, but about every heresy, as if above. I thank my God, I can partially establish my goodness according to God’s gift, as much as there is power. These things are subject to man, as if they were cattle. If this is so, then there is already a vapor in men, I have no soul: behold, the heresy of the Sadducees! And behold, you are furious, writing madly. I believe in Savior’s Last Judgment. those who want to please the souls of men with their geles, and they themselves have done, each against their cause, all together in one face will be separated in two: the kings and the worst child, like brethren, will be tortured, each against their cause. to appear before the court of law. - You believe in heresy against people, you yourself are like a Mangeist writing an evil heresy. As if they were slandering that Christ should possess the earth and be autocratic to be a man of the underworld, how can I be the future judgment of the devil, who here confess God’s punishment for transient sins for the sake of human beings, despising I confess and we, not only the torment of those who live here, who commit crimes commandments of God, but even here God’s righteous wrath for their evil deeds, they drink the cup of God’s wrath with manifold punishments, they suffer after the departure of this light, the bitterest accepts Sipe I believe in the Last Judgment of Spas, the same who possesses Christ with all the heavenly and orderly things of the underworld, as if possessing the living and the dead , and everything in heaven and on earth and the underworld will take place by the will, the advice of the stepfather and the blessing of the Holy Spirit, otherwise, this torment is accepted, because it is like Manichaean, as if he had spoken of whores about the evil judgment of Savior, if we do not want to appear before Christ To give an answer to God about your sin, everything that is hidden in the secret I believe that all sins, voluntary and involuntary, are accepted by the court, like a slave, and not only about your own, but also about those under your control, to give an answer, if my negligence sins; How is it that your mind is not subject to laughter, since even if the rulers of decay involuntarily drag the multitudes to judgment, how can you not obey the king, the king and the Lord who rules all? And if someone is mad and doesn’t want to, where can he hide from God’s wrath? Even though I am possessed by the most exalted, even holding water and sea in the air, challenging God’s wisdom, he has breath in the hand of all beings, as the prophet said: “If I ascend into heaven, there you are; Even if I go to hell, you are there. If I take my wings early and dwell in the last seas, then your hand will guide me and your right hand will hold me. My bone is not hidden from you, which you have created in secret, and my composition is in the depths of the earth.” Sitsa, I believe in the unwashed judgment of Savior, And from God’s almighty right hand, where can anyone hide, living and dead? All is naked and open to all Christ, the true God of our adversary, who persecutes us, just as the scripture says: “The Lord resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Let us therefore begin to have reason for this, who is proud: I am a slave who is not guilty of God, I command you the desire to create your own; Are you, by God’s command of my rule and your yoke of work, sweeping aside, as the Lord commands me to do my will, and you teach, you denounce, and you impose the rank of teacher on yourself? How did the divine Gregory speak to those who hope in their youth and always strive to be a teacher: “You taught the old man beforehand: or do you believe in teaching neither from age nor from disposition, having no honor? And therefore Danil and Onsitsa, the young judge, and the parable in language: everyone who offends is ready in return, but not the law of the church is meager. As if not a single gusset creates spring, not a single letter from a single landowner, not a single ship at sea.” It’s the same for you, you were ordained by no one, and admired the rank of teacher. Do you sit proudly, as if a master teaches a slave, or sit proudly, as if you command a slave? And maybe even this ignorant person can understand. Like gee, dog, you can’t even judge that, like three patriarchs gathered with many saints to the wicked King Theophilus, and a polysyllabic scroll of poslash; and such blasphemy, as if you did not write, even though King Theophilus was wicked: it is especially fitting for the pious to speak most humbly, so that you yourself will receive mercy from God. But I believe in Christ my God, as if I have not committed such sins with the movement of my heart; and even if they have power and do not blaspheme the wicked, who are you, admiring the rank, and a frantic hooligan? And you want to establish the law of God by necessity - and with your malicious desire you trample all the apostolic traditions; to the Apostle Peter, saying, not as possessing a number, but as an example of a flock, not with need, but with will, not by profit; You despise all this. You persecute people: aren’t you a slaughtered priest, Alexei’s messengers? Why should we advise Bishop Theodosius of Kolomna to stone the people of the city of Kolomna? And his god is a bastard, and you drove him away from his throne. What about our treasurer Nikita Ofonasevich? Why is it in vain that your stomach is shattered, while you yourself have been imprisoned for many years, in distant countries, in greed and nakedness? And if all your persecutions are wiped out, who is satisfied for the multitude of them, both church and worldly! Those who obey us little, persecute them all. Or is it righteous that when you stitch together snares and snares, you act like demons? For this reason, it is even more lawless, because like the Pharisees you create a kichepito: appearing righteous outside, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness; So you too, outside as if for the sake of correction, you, who are a man, are fulfilling your unrighteous desire of anger inside; and this persecution of yours is reasonable to everyone. Torment is not only to the point of view, but also a movement of the heart, as in the words: “Your eyes have seen what I have not done, and in your book everything will be written,” not only are you his judge, as in the Eldership it was said about Ivanna Kaloveg when his brother condemn the one living in the great monastery for drunkenness and fornication and other disobedience, and thus died. He lamented about this, how, in the form of a vision, our Lord Jesus Christ was brought before the great city, seated on the throne, and a multitude of angels were gathered around those present, and the soul of her deceased was brought to Ivan, and the condemnation of her from him by the forgiving angel, which the place will command them to move in, but I exist without answer. And when he approached, leading him to the gates of Jesus, he was forbidden to enter with a word, and the voice of Jesus spoke to him from afar, “Is there an Antichrist, delighting the court of my God?” , hedgehog is the protection of God. To him, who was awakened by the vision and the mantle, you did not receive more information, but to him, for these 15 years, I spent 15 years in the desert, lower than the beast, not having seen much of a person, and because of such suffering I was granted the same vision, the mantle and forgiveness was received. Look, poor man, that you do not condemn, but are filled with fear, what a terrible joy it is, even if the righteous man will even more so reflect, who has done a lot of wickedness and God’s judgment on us is admiring, and the proud with forgiveness is terrifying, and not lamenting with mercy. And what about lamentation? How much more will the one who condemns suffer? You bring Christ our God between me and you, who judges, and for that reason I do not sweep away this judgment. He, our Lord God Jesus Christ, the righteous judge, has tested hearts and wombs, and even if anyone thinks that in the blink of an eye, all that is naked is open to him, and nothing can be hidden from his sight; everything that is known to him is secret and hidden; and behold, this is the news, for which cause you rise up against me, and that you will first suffer from me, and even then, because of your madness, revenge will be rewarded to you with mercy. But in both cases, you are the beginning of temptation, since as the prophet spoke, you think of me as a worm, and not a man, and you talk about me, sitting in the gates and about me, drinking wine from others; and therefore with all your affectionate advice and intentions,. the true judge is Christ our God, and you have brought the judge of Christ, but you have brushed aside his deeds: for he who says: “the sun will not set on wrath” without forgiveness, and you deny praying for those who create misfortune. But you did not foolishly accept evil and persecution from me, and I did not bring troubles and misfortunes upon you; and some of the punishment for you was not enough, and even for your crime, since you agreed with our traitors, the lies and betrayals that you committed, they did not look up to you; and whoever you committed your crimes, and we inflicted punishment on those of your faults. Even if we have fallen from grace, for the multitude of them you cannot see, how can the whole universe write up your betrayals and oppressions, zemstvo and special, that you have committed against me with your malicious intent? But you were not deprived of all this, and you were not driven away from God’s earth , but you yourself are deprived of everyone, and you rebelled against the church, like Eutropius, the church was not sold because he was sold, and he himself was torn away from the church of God; It’s the same with you: it wasn’t God’s earth that drove you away from itself, but you tore yourself away from it and you rose up to destroy it. Evil and uncompromising hatred - what did you repay? I lead you from your youth, and we are unaccustomed to our establishment, and until your current betrayal, I breathe in every possible way for our destruction, and worthy torment for your evilness is not a sigh. I sat down with evil, irreconcilable hatred, leading you about our evil head advising, and in such an approach and the honor of many names is higher than your father, who everyone sees in what honor and wealth your parents lived, and what kind of squalor your father, Prince Mikhailo, lived in. what was his salary and honor and wealth, and everyone knows. what kind of person are you in front of him, and since your father had village leaders, since your father was a boyar with Prince Mikhail Kubensky, and as an uncle, you are ours: we are worthy of you in honor. Isn't honor and wealth and reward enough? In all respects you were better than our father in salary, but in courage you were worse than him: you passed away through treason. And did you become your good and beloved, who always set snares and stumbling blocks, and of course, like Judas, you taught the soul to destroy? yours, shed by foreigners for us, because of your madness, cries out at us to God, and since it was not shed from us, this is subject to the same laughter, since it was spilled from someone else, and cries out against someone else. you; If only you had not created this. then if you were a Christian, but a barbarian, But this is indecent for us. How much more, our blood cries out to the Lord for you, shed from you: not with wounds, nor streams of blood, but with many sweats and labors, a lot of aggravation, foolish, but much more We are weighed down by you more than our strength! And because of your much bitterness and oppression, instead of blood, many of our tears and sighs and heartfelt groans were poured out; and from this I have accepted the loins of my heart, because you have not worthy me of ultimate love, because you have not grieved me for our queen and for our children, for you are crying out to my Lord God, even more so than your madness, for you have shed your blood for Orthodoxy. , otherwise, desiring honor and wealth. God knows this is unpleasant to eat; Moreover, he imputes strangulation, and to die for the sake of glory; my oppression, and instead of the blood shed from you, I have shed all insult and bitterness, and the obstinate life does not cease with your evil sowing of bitterness; therefore, especially against you, it incessantly cries out to God! But you tested your conscience not true, flatteringly, for the sake of the truth you did not find it, since you tested one army, and because of our head of your wickedness, you despised it; therefore, you imagine and are innocent of being. “Blessed victories, glorious victories” when did you create? When we sent you to your homeland, to Kazan, to subjugate the disobedient us; But you, in this place, brought our innocent ones to us, and will lay treason on you; You sent your message to them; you have created no evil. And when our enemy, the Crimean couple, came to our homeland, to Tula, and then we sent you a message, we were afraid of him and returned to our own, but his governor Akmogmet Ulan left not many people with many people, but you have no food and threads to our governor, who Prince Grigory Temkin, and go. follow them, they left you in good health, even if you endure many wounds, but otherwise you will not create any good victory. How bad is it, under the city of Nevlem: five thousand and four thousand were not beaten, but not only were you victorious, but I myself returned from them, but they sang nothing. Is this glorious victory and victory glorious and praiseworthy? for you are writing to praise me! And yet you matured a little when you gave birth, and you knew a little about your wife, and you left your fatherland, but you always took up arms against our enemies in our distant and roundabout cities, you endured all natural illnesses, and You were often wounded by barbaric hands, and in various battles, and your whole body was already crushed by wounds - and this was all revealed to you then, when you and the priest, with Alexei, owned. If it wasn't good, why did they do it in the first place? Even if you did it naturally, having done it yourself with your own power, do you lay words on us? Even if we had done this, it would be marvelous: but still, this should be our command in your service. Even if you were a battle-bearing man, you would not have exhausted the labors of battle, but you would have stretched out even more to what was before... If you had exhausted the labors of battle, then for this reason you have appeared as a runner, as if I had not endured the labors of battle, for this sake I will Rest in peace This worst of abuses of yours are not considered by us, even though I knew your betrayals, even though you reproached our head, you were despised, and because you were one of our most faithful servants in glory and honor and wealth. And if it were not so, then what kind of executions were you worthy of for your malice! And if we had not had our mercy on you, it would not have been possible for you to be driven away to our enemy, if only our persecution would have been as great as you wrote according to your evil mind. Branny, I know all your deeds, I don’t think I am an unreasonable being, inferior in mind, as if your bosses, priest Selivester and Alexey, spoke inappropriately, below, think of me as childish scarecrows to frighten me, as if you deceived him with priest Seliverst and Alexey with wicked advice, below I imagine that today you are a co-creator. As in the parables, it was said: “If you take her, try to take her.” Calling upon God, the bribe-eater; truly, that is, the rewarder of all deeds, good and evil; Isn’t it just appropriate for a person to have no doubt about how and against what deeds someone will accept retribution? Show your precious to the linden tree. Who wants to see such an Ethiopian linden tree? Where then will the truthful one, who has the eyes of the devil, find a husband? I say more than once, but I will once offend someone from the infidels: his sorrow will not be, as from the church he is one of the godless deceptions committed even on the day of Hilario. I need to pray from both splendor and to accept God as a saving helper, when I grow up, but in myself I have not suffered before this, as when I showed some kind of knot and showed grief, lying down to sleep, because I had evil in my life (it was evening); About midnight (besides at that time one can wake oneself up with divine singing) one rises, below the dreams that exist and are constantly dreamed of in confusion. Standing, however, in a divine conversation, you grieve dishonestly and I regret that you should not be righteous, saying, “if there were men who were godless.” corrupted by the right ways of the Lord. And these words, praying to God by burning some, promise in the end the unmerciful ones will take away the belly. This river, the verb, you see the word, you go out to the house, in it you stand, searching for the flesh, first and at the top I am divided into two halves, and some kind of fire much is old, bear with him. and then (apparently for fear of other unveiled places) from heaven there is no shadow, let the previously worn Heaven itself openly, and on the shoulder of the heavenly Jesus, as an immortal man, appearing as an angel ahead of him And this, therefore, seen from above in him, will reveal to the Dolu elderly, Karp, you see, speech, in the earth itself there is a free earthly abyss, both dark and divided; and the men of their slaughter, they curse them, before him the abysses stand on their lips, trembling, touched, as much as they can bear from their feet of inconstancy. We must take advantage of the abyss and struggle on their feet. When we overcome it, it turns both aggravating and enticing; when you hit your teeth with your teeth, or with your teeth, and always throw those who are plotting into the abyss. To be a kind of husband among the serpents, standing up against men, wavering together and ordering them to graze, and they too, not wanting to graze, but wanting from evil, little by little we are forced together and obey the Verb spe bo Karp, the joyful fate of the heavenly ones but do not break and suffer from the cold and suffer, as if you have no longer fallen, and rise up against them many times with prophetic things, and become exhausted, and grieve and curse. I arose when I saw the sky, as I had first seen, Jesus lived the former, rose up from the throne of heaven, and even before those who descended, and the hand of the good tribute, the angel who was his fellow angel, was held by men from there; and rexha to Karp. With Jesus’ outstretched hand, be with me, etc., I am ready to suffer seven times and again for the people being saved, And this is kindly to me, not to another person who sins, Behold, if there is goodness in the imash, even in the abyss of his stay lure him into the abyss of the serpents, hedgehogs with God and good and philanthropic angels. This is the essence that every time they hear the true Faith of being. And if such a righteous and holy husband prays for destruction, he does not listen to the angelic ruler, stab him more than you, the stinking dog, the demonless traitor, will not the righteous one who prays to the evil will listen, as the divine Apostle James said: “Ask and do not accept, ask for evil” of the Great Hieromartyr Polycarp, a vision, which I pray for heretics, who have crushed the divine service, for the pernicious, and in what form, not as in a dream, but in reality, standing in prayer, the ruler of Agtel, sitting on a cherubic plait, and the earth has fallen into slaughter the great heap, and the terrible serpent that breathes from there; And yet, as if by a woman’s hand, the bondage of those who have it and those who are drawn to the abyss is disgraced, and others are trying to graze in that abyss. The holy man Polycarp was kindled by the green rage of anger, leaving him with the sweet vision of Jesus, and diligently looking at the destruction of the man, then the angelic ruler came down from the cherubim and the men took him by the hand, present the shoulders to Polycarp and said: “If it is sweet there is, Polycarpe, beat me, even before this, for the sake of my splashes, I put my breath on the wounds, so that I can put everything into rest.” , the malicious traitor, the unrighteous, the evil will of the one who prays will not listen, as the divine Apostle James said: “You ask and do not receive, ask evilly, so that you may live in your desires.” Otherwise, I believe in my God: “Your illness is on your head and brother.” About the Reverend Prince Theodore Rostislavich, I preferably accept this for the court, even if there is a relative of you, since the saints lead us to do righteousness even after death and see it between you and us, even from the beginning to this day, even then they will judge righteously, And even as our queen Anastasia, whom you liken to Eudokeus, how, in opposition to your resident evil, unmerciful intentions and desires, did the holy reverend prince Theodore Rostislavich, by the action of the holy spirit, raise up our queen from the gates of death? And this is especially obvious, as if it does not help you, but extends its mercy to us unworthy. The same and now we trust in his ability to be for us, and especially not for you, since “even though the children of Abraham were quicker, the works of Abraham were quickly done; For God is able even from the stone to raise up children for Abraham.” Not all the children of Abraham who came from Abraham’s seed are due to Abraham, but to those who live in the faith of Abraham, these are Abraham’s seed. With sophisticated thoughts we create thoughts into nothingness, and we do not cast down our feet on such benefit and degree; Our strength is so strong that we test the strongest mind, and on a firm level, having established our feet, we stand motionless. There are no one driven out from us, unless they themselves have broken away from Orthodoxy, beaten and imprisoned for their own wines, as if they were above, for this reason priyasha. And since the innocent one speaks, behold, you commit malice above all, as if you have created evil, you want to have an unforgiven sin. Not because sin is the creator of evil, when it is committed, but when, after the creation and knowledge of repentance, there is no repentance, then sin is the most evil, even though a crime like the law is established. It is not a matter of joy to overcome these people, but to see those who are subject to their treason and still execute them for their treason. But otherwise, it is appropriate to grieve about this, as if one were to take up the evil spirit of the earth and resist the God-given ruler in everything. Those who were killed by their betrayals at the throne of the upcoming ruler , how is it possible to eat, moreover, even a person knows that you are traitors, even if you cry out without the truth and do not accept, as it was said above, you ask for sweets. For I do my own thing as a king and do nothing higher than myself. Moreover, you are proud, smitten, even though you are a servant, you admire the holy and royal rank, teaching, and forbidding, and commanding. We do not intend vessels of torment for the Christian race, but rather for them we desire against all their enemies, not only to the point of bloodshed, but even to the point of death. We give good things to those who are subject to our good ones, but to the evil ones evil is punished, neither although nor willingly, but out of necessity, for the sake of evil they commit crimes, and punishment occurs; as if it were spoken in Euaggelia: “Whenever you are in danger, you lay hold of your ore, and you will girdle and lead you, even if you did not want to.” You see, many times, even if I don’t want to, punishment for lawbreakers happens out of necessity. “Those who scold and trample on the image of the Angels, agreeing with a certain caresser” - dispel the remains of the evil of your advice! We have no dissenting boyars, other than your friends and advisers, even now, they are like a demon; “Woe to those who give evil counsel until dawn and persecute the light, so that in their counsel they may hide the righteous,” or as Jesus said to those who came to kill him: “Have you gone out against the thief with weapons and killed me?” I was with you all the days, teaching in church, and did not lay hands on me; but this is your hour and a dark region.” We do not have the destroyers of our soul and body. And behold, these are still childish thoughts, and for this reason, because you did not want to be in childhood, in your will, you call persecution. But you, rulers and teachers, always want to be like a child. We trust in the mercy of God, before we die to the measure of the age of the fulfillment of Christ, and, except for God’s mercy and the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, we do not demand teaching from people, for there is something lower than that, Even to rule a multitude of people, we require both reason. From the Kronovs, the wretched priest is like a barking dog or a viper spitting out venom; You wrote this inappropriately: why should a parent do this inconvenient thing to his child, and why should we, the king, who have reason, deviate from this, do this foolishness? You wrote this all with your evil, dog-like intent. And if you wanted to put your scripture in the grave, you have put aside your last Christianity. Even though you commanded the Lord not to resist evil, you also rejected the usual, ignorant, final forgiveness; and therefore it is not like singing over you. In our fatherland, in the land of Bethlehem, the city of Volmer named our enemy Zhigiment the king, - having already committed his evil dog treason to the end. And if you hoped from him to be granted much, it is like this, because you did not want to be under the right hand of God, and from God to your rulers given to us, you are obedient and obedient to being our command, but live in self-will; For this reason, you sought a sovereign for the sake of such a sovereign, who, out of his own evil desire, who owns nothing of himself, but who is worse than the worst of slaves, is commanded by everyone, and not commanded by himself. If you couldn’t be comforted, if you each cared about yourself, who would deliver you from the violent hands of those who offend or who annoys a son and father, together with us, inflicting wounds and inflicting wounds on us, we would have had to suffer, and if we hadn’t done much, we would have helped, and even more so We have offended the negligible, how can the imams not be ashamed, despising out of rage and lust and offended by the word, and even from the God-given beginning, the wicked and unrighteous disorderly expelled from within ourselves, and the discord and discontent raised up? In his blindness, our God-blessed lawmaker will not be worthy to preside over the Church of God, who has not already served well in this house, for neither is he a doctor, and there is no other doctor; and simply say, like the words of the verb: “Who is faithful in a little, and is faithful in many.” For I myself, according to lust and rage and the word, even according to inheritance, have separated you, and you are the divine servants and these priests, the sacred leaders are the priest and ordained by the commander of the apostles and the successors like the apostles. And if anyone sins in some practical way, let him correct himself regarding the purchased saints and not return to hold ranks upon ranks, let each one be in his own rank and in his service. Only from us about news and actions like yours. And the husband, as you say, is wicked and vile, inhuman, we don’t know how to cry and mourn for our loved ones. How do you think a saint from us is designed to be? For if all things are not good, we also need you to be, and even in us the service of everything is alien, and it’s time for you to seek God and the evangelicals of others and from those to believe more than to be accomplished and to be a cruel servant of kind inhumanity. Whenever we ourselves, as if from holiness at death and bygone, do not demand divine love for mankind, or have sinned greatly, as the word says, we sin according to the wicked, not knowing why we stumble, but I will justify myself and see for myself, but in truth we do not seeing? The sky was horrified and trembling at this, and not believing itself. And even if I had made them not yours, I wouldn’t have made them my own! Goodness and weight in writing, it was not for nothing that I obeyed, even if they didn’t force me from you, worthy of judgment, as Dimophilus does not perceive the good of all God, not to be a lover of mankind, below himself to demand the merciful or saving, but also the priests ordain the merits of piety to bear the ignorance of men and the mercifulness of God to create , but because he knew her well, like you too were burdened with weakness. And you walked along God’s luminous and fulfilling path, and even more so from a sinner, as the sanctified words say, from the best and even in that love he creates a decree, even the shortest herding of sheep. And he condemns the evil one for not forsaking a debt to a slave, and for those who have given honor to those who have taught us much grace, condemns the self-perception of his own, and I and Dimophilus need to be afraid of him, who in the wickedness of the very suffering is abandoned by the father, but does not forbid the disciple, for even with wickedness the Samaritans were worthy to condemn the one who drove them away. Behold, it has already been said a lot to persecute the ferocious message, woe betide the word, as if you took revenge not on yourself, but on God; evil, hearts, good? Retreat, not the imams of the bishop, who can forgive our infirmities, but who is kind and merciful, who neither calls nor shouts, and is meek, and there is cleansing for our sins. In the same way, your unzealous aspirations do not accept, even if you accept Thies and Elijah in the dark, our most divine priest teaches with meekness those who resist the teaching of God: teach, and not torment the ignorant, as we do not torment the blind, but also instruct. But you, who came into the world as a beginner, smote him in the face, rejected him, and, with much pain, he fiercely drove him away. Now, having been forced by many, it is worthy, but Christ, the good God, seeks him in the mountains and calls him who runs away, and having found himself barely on the frame will take off. And when we pray, we consult about evil and about ourselves, and who, in the needs of names, have offended some or started to act contrary to goodness, but have not done everything about it, although they have instilled in themselves malice or goodness, or divine virtues or fierce fulfillment and passion They will be, and these will be the good angels of the last and companions, and here and there, in all humility and in the freedom of all evil in the everlasting blessed world, they will inherit the chambers and will ever be with God, the greatest of all good things. These will fall away from the divine, together with their humility, and here and after death they will be together with fierce demons. For this reason, we also take great care to be good to God and to be with the sovereign always, and not to be separated from the evil one from the most righteous, even after suffering from our own wealth, whom I feared more than all and praying to be not involved in all the evil ones. In the same way, this is like you, Having already admired the teaching rank, like the divine Apostle Paul writes: “Behold, you are called a Jew, and have rested in the law, and have boasted in God, and have understood the will, having tempted the best, we teach from the law, hoping to be the leader of ourselves, the light of those who are blind and in darkness punisher to the insane, and teacher to the infant; Even if you teach others the image of truth in the law, do you not teach it to yourself? It was preached not to steal - steal; saying that you should not commit adultery, commit adultery; stingy the idol, steal the saint. Those who boast in the law have annoyed God by breaking the law. For your sake, the name of God is blasphemed among the nations.” And as the divine Gregory said: “Being a man, I will lead you to an unchangeable and corruptible nature and accept it, for I worship the one who gave it, and I betray it and righteously bear mercies, for I myself am merciful.” I am surrounded by infirmity, for I measure this too in measure. What are you saying, what are you laying down laws? O new to the Pharisee and pure by title, and not by will, and giving us a slander against our infirmities. Do you not accept repentance, do you not give tears? Yes, we will not fall into such a court! Aren't you ashamed that Jesus, the lover of mankind, accepted our weaknesses and suffered illnesses, not coming to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance, who desires mercy more than sacrifices, forsakes sins seventy seven times. How blessed is the height, if there were purity, not pride in the law, but above man and deciding by hopelessness of correction, just as there is evil abandoned unchastely and contempt unforgiven: then, let go of the reins, but crush firmly. Show me purity and accept insolence. Now I’m afraid, lest I bring pus into my body and cause it to be unhealed. Didn’t you accept David’s crap, but he prophetically gave him observance of repentance? Peter the Great, who suffered something human during the saved passion? But he also accepts, and heals the rejection three times by asking and confessing three times. Or did you accept neither the one who died with blood, because of your foolishness, nor the one who committed lawlessness in Corinth? Paul also affirmed love, in the form of correction, and why, accursed, he will be plunged into greater sorrow due to the burden of countless prohibitions. Shouldn’t young widows encroach on age for the sake of making the captive comfortable? Paul, behold, I am bold, you are a teacher to him, as if you have reached the fourth heaven and heard others and the unknown and have traveled a greater circle by preaching. “But not after baptism.” - This spoken instruction either show or do not condemn. If you renounce, let philanthropy prevail. And ki mi laws of that man-hating, even covetousness cannot be stopped, the second idolatry, fornication, so bitterly condemn, as without a body and incorporeal.” The Prophet David said: “To the heretic God said: “Forever you have told my justifications and accepted my covenant your lips? But you hate punishment and reject my words. If you see, daddy, you will share your share with him and with the adulterer.” The adulterer is the slaughter of the flesh; otherwise, as if he were an adulterer in the flesh, he committed adultery. In the same way, you and the traitors have decided to share your share. “Your lips multiply malice, and your tongue weave flattery. By slandering your brother and slandering your mother’s son, you are causing temptation.” And every son of his mother is a Christian, since he was all born from above in the same baptismal font. “This is what you did, but you kept silent and repented of iniquity, so that I will be like you: I will reprove you and bring your sins before your face. Understand this, who forgets God, so that he will not snatch away and will not deliver.” Given to the universe of the Russian reigning throne city of Moscow, the degrees of the honorable threshold, a strong commandment, that word, in the summer of July 7072, on the 5th day.