May Night or the Drowned Woman. Dead souls history of creation

The preface comes from the perspective of a beekeeper who was originally from Dikanka. He talked about gatherings in winter, and these gatherings were like a real holiday.


Khoma Brut, to his misfortune, met a witch who saddled him like a horse and rushed across the fields on horseback. Having managed to free himself, the guy managed to climb onto the old woman herself and began to beat her with a log.


This play satirically shows the process of marriage, or more precisely, matchmaking and choosing a groom. Agafya, who spent almost thirty years as a wench ( merchant's daughter) everyone convinces that it’s time to start a family. The same thing happens with the future Oblomov - Podkolesin

Enchanted place

The story tells the story of the life of a grandfather who found himself in a very mysterious circumstances. The man (already at an advanced age) finds himself in an “enchanted place.”

Diary of a Madman

9th grade official Aksentiy Ivanovich Poprishchin is painfully trying to understand: why is he a titular councilor, and not, say, a count?

Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his aunt

The main character of the story in my youth was an obedient child and student, invariably deserving praise from his parents and teachers. Having successfully completed school, he enters the infantry regiment and serves there regularly until he is 40 years old.


Ikharev is a person who is very clever, and very careful not to behave too carelessly. When he appeared in a city tavern, he first tried to find out all the information he needed simply from the inn's servant.

The history of the creation of the story Taras Bulba

The idea of ​​creating the great work "Taras Bulba" appeared to the writer around 1830. It is worth noting that the creation of this work it took more than ten years

The history of the creation of the Inspector

The history of the creation of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's play "The Inspector General" is curious and funny. It begins in 1835. Nikolai Gogol had his own assumptions about the future of Russian literature. He firmly knew that the comedy genre in literature should be


One landowner wants to sell his stroller to a general who has arrived in the town. He invites him and the participants of the party to his place the next day, but he himself forgets about it.

May Night or Drowned Woman

May Night, or The Drowned Woman, a story by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol written in the period 1829-1839. Disclosure of the theme of evil spirits in Gogol's works was found in many of his works. May night belongs to the collection Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka

Dead Souls

The story is about a gentleman whose identity remains a mystery. This man comes to a small town, the name of which the author did not voice, in order to give free rein to the reader’s imagination. The character's name is Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov.

Dead souls history of creation

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol began his painstaking and conscientious work on the poem “ Dead Souls"in 1835. The writer dreamed of creating some kind of majestic and comprehensive work about Russia


“Mirgorod” is a continuation of the collection “Evenings on the Farm...”. This book served as a new period in the author’s work. This work by Gogol consists of four parts, four stories, each of them is different from the other

Nevsky Avenue

The topic of St. Petersburg was touched upon by many writers of the 19th century. Gogol's "Nevsky Prospekt" was written in the period 1833-1834 and was included in the collection Petersburg Stories. Grade 10


The story introduces us to the extraordinary episode that happened to Kovalev. One day while having breakfast, the hairdresser finds a nose in a loaf of bread that belonged to the major.

Christmas Eve

The story begins with the events taking place on the pre-Christmas night. The youth have not yet started singing carols, but they are flying high in the sky devilry-this is a witch with a devil

Petersburg stories

The cycle “Petersburg Tales” includes five stories: “Nevsky Prospekt”, “Overcoat”, “Nose”, “Portrait” and “Notes of a Madman”. The story “Nevsky Prospekt” begins with a colorful description of the main street of St. Petersburg.

The Tale of Captain Kopeikin

“The Tale of Captain Kopeikin” is one of the parts of N.V. Gogol’s work “Dead Souls”, namely the tenth chapter, and is a story by one of the heroes of this work about a certain soldier

The story of how Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich quarreled

“The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich Quarreled” by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol begins with an introduction to the characters. It happens in Mirgorod. To the reader sequentially


Chartkov is a man who lives very poorly, and every next day he thinks about where to get money and how to live this day as economically as possible. Chartkov doesn’t stand out in anything special, but he has the ability to draw pictures

Missing certificate

On behalf of the hetman, Foma brought a letter to the queen herself, but he could not help but stop at the fair to buy tobacco for himself, and there he met a Cossack. Celebrating acquaintance (glass by glass)


1835 Russia. Gogol writes his play "The Inspector General". The essence of the plot of "The Inspector General" is that in a certain locality N a certain gentleman appears while passing through. His local residents They are mistaken for an auditor who is expected from the capital itself any day now.


The young prince, who was born and raised in old Rome, leaves to study in Paris. A progressive European city amazes and captivates a young man with its brilliance, ebullience of passions, sciences, and politics. Restaurants, cafes, shops, theaters - everything sparkled and beckoned.

Sorochinskaya fair

Here Gogol describes the nature of Ukraine and how traders travel to Sorochinsk fair. Our hero Solopiy Cherevik is heading there with his beautiful daughter named Paraska

Old world landowners

The descriptions with which the story begins are very beautiful and appetizing. Food is practically the only thing that old people care about. All life is subordinated to it: in the morning you ate this or that

Terrible revenge

Danilo learned that his father-in-law is an evil sorcerer. He sentenced him to death penalty, but Katerina, succumbing to the speeches of her old father, deceived her husband and let the criminal go

Taras Bulba

Two sons come to the colonel. Two healthy and strong guy, were embarrassed by their father’s ridicule about their clothes. The father greets his eldest son with cuffs instead of greetings. The mother protected her youngest son from such a paternal greeting


The main character, Akaki Akakievich, has a torn coat; it cannot be repaired, so he has to sew a new one. He spends about forty rubles on this, while saving on food, candles and linen.

We had to be delayed because the careless coachman Selifan did not warn in time about the malfunction of the chaise. We had to wait five or six hours for the hastily found blacksmiths to repair it. When the britzka left the city very late, it had to wait out the funeral procession. The prosecutor was carried to the cemetery, whose death was unwittingly caused by Chichikov himself. Now he lowered the curtains on the windows of the carriage and hid until the procession passed by.

Having passed the city barrier, the chaise rolled along high road. After two lyrical digressions- about this road and about the unpleasant, but always alluring Rus' - Gogol introduces the reader to the biography, explaining the purpose of his purchase of dead serfs.

Chichikov - main character « Dead souls» Gogol

Chichikov's father and mother were poor nobles who owned a single serf family. His sick parent did nothing but just shuffle around the room and tug at his son’s ear. When Chichikov was very young, he was taken from the village to an old relative in the city and sent to school there. The father, parting with his son forever, advised him to please teachers and bosses and save a penny, because “this thing is more reliable than anything else in the world, you can do everything and ruin everything in the world with a penny.” (See Chichikov's childhood.)

The father's instructions sank into the boy's soul. Although not distinguished by outstanding talents, young Chichikov became the most exemplary student in his class in terms of behavior. Thanks to ingratiating himself with his teachers, he received an excellent certificate. Already at school, he showed a very inventive acquisitiveness: having bought food at the market, he sat in the class next to those who were richer, and as soon as he noticed that a friend was hungry, he stuck out from under the bench, as if by chance, a corner of a gingerbread or a roll and took it. him money, in accordance with his appetite.

After leaving school, Chichikov entered service in the government chamber. At first he was paid the lowest salary. But Chichikov managed to flatter his elderly boss, who had an ugly, pockmarked daughter. Chichikov pretended that he was ready to marry her. He even moved into his boss’s house and started calling him daddy. The boss got him a promotion, but immediately after that Chichikov skillfully hushed up the matter of the wedding, as if there was no talk of it.

The lively and cunning Chichikov began to quickly rise in rank. Everywhere he mercilessly took bribes, but he did it secretly and cleverly: he never accepted money from a requester himself, but only through subordinate clerks. Having joined the commission for the construction of a government building, Chichikov managed the matter in such a way that the structure did not go beyond the foundation, and he and his comrades acquired beautiful houses of their own.

The authorities, however, perked up and sent them a strict military man as their new chief. Chichikov involuntarily had to leave his bread-and-butter position. He spent some time in low positions, but soon joined the customs office. Here he showed unheard-of efficiency and truly a dog's instincts. Not a single smuggler western border couldn't fool him. Chichikov's talents were noticed here too. For a long time he demonstrated complete incorruptibility. But when his superiors, pleased with his success, made him the head of a team to fight against one large smuggling company, he entered into a conspiracy with him and began to facilitate the transportation of illegal goods, earning hundreds of thousands from it.

However, this enterprise of Chichikov was also upset due to the carelessness of one assistant. Having barely escaped criminal trial, Chichikov lost almost everything he had, lost his job, and only with difficulty got a job as an attorney. One day one of his clients, a bankrupt landowner, decided to mortgage his ruined estate to the state guardianship council. The treasury gave money as security to the peasants - two hundred rubles per capita. Chichikov suddenly learned that his client would receive these amounts not only for living serfs, but also for dead ones, because before the financial census (audit) carried out every few years, all peasants were formally listed as alive. A thought flashed through Chichikov’s fraudulent mind: to travel around Russia, buying from landowners cheaply, and where, out of friendship, taking away, for free, dead peasant souls. Then Chichikov hoped to pledge them wholesale, as if they were alive, to the guardianship council and get a rich sum.


Sorochinskaya fair

The action takes place at a fair in the town of Sorochynets. Residents of surrounding villages gather for it. Solopiy Cherevik and his daughter Paraska come to the fair. At the fair, a boy wooes her, Cherevik agrees, but his wife opposed such a hasty decision. At the fair, a red scroll is noticed - a symbol of a curse. According to legend, every year the devil in the guise of a pig looks for a scroll at the fair. Cherevik began to tell this story to his guests, when suddenly a window frame broke in the house and a pig’s face appeared. Everything in the house was mixed up, the guests fled.

The evening before Ivan bathed. A true story told by the sexton of the *** church.

The beautiful daughter of the Cossack Korzha fell in love with the boy Petrus. But Korzh drove him away. And it was decided to marry the daughter to a rich Pole. Petrus meets Basavryuk in a tavern. As it turned out, he turned into a man in order to tear off treasures with the help of young people. Petrus, not knowing, agrees to help him find a fern flower on the night of Ivan Kupala. As a result, Petrus encounters all sorts of evil spirits and witches in the forest. After this he begins to go crazy. People who once ran to Petrus’s house find only ashes in his place. In it, the local commissioner orders consent to Levko’s marriage to Hanna.

May Night, or the Drowned Woman

The story is about two lovers - Hanna and Levka. His father is against the marriage. Levko tells the girl a story about a young lady who was not loved by her witch stepmother. Pannochka threw herself into the water and became the leader over the drowned women. Levko says goodbye to Ganna. After some time in the darkness, he hears a conversation between his lover and a man who scolds Levko. The stranger turns out to be his father. Levko and the boys decide to teach him a lesson. A stone flies into the house towards the head. Instead of the instigator, Kalenik was caught by mistake. And the hero goes to the lady’s house, sings a song and agrees to play a game. He unmistakably distinguishes a witch among drowned women. As a reward from the lady he receives a note addressed to his father-head.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve traditional time for carols. All the young boys and girls are taking to the streets. The blacksmith Vakula is in love with the daughter of the Cossack Chub, who is quite rich. The devil, who hates the blacksmith, steals the moon in the hope that he will not go to Oksana in the dark. Vakula nevertheless goes to Chub’s house, where the beautiful Oksana mocks him. She declares that she will become the blacksmith’s wife if he brings her little slippers like the queen’s. Chance helps Vakula. He manages to catch the devil. He orders him to take him to St. Petersburg for some little slippers. The blacksmith manages to get a reception from the queen, she gives him the treasured shoes. The whole village rejoices at Vakula’s return, and he marries Oksana.

Terrible revenge

Many guests gathered at the wedding of the son of Yesaul Gorobets. Among them are Danilo Burulbash with his wife Katerina and little son. At the height of the wedding, Gorobets brought out two icons to bless the newlyweds. At that moment a sorcerer appeared in the crowd, but immediately disappeared, frightened by the icons. The next day, when the heroes returned home, Katerina tells her husband about her dream that her father was a sorcerer. Danilo decides to check on his father-in-law and watches him in his house. The fears are confirmed, the sorcerer is chained in the basement, and Katerina renounces him. But, having pity, he lets him go. The Poles help the sorcerer, they burn the surrounding area, and Danilo is killed in the battle. Then the sorcerer, coming to Katerina in a different guise, kills her. The sorcerer then goes to the Carpathians, but he himself suffers death along the way.

Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his aunt

Ivan Fedorovich Shponka, who served in an infantry regiment, receives news from his aunt that she is no longer able to look after the estate. The hero receives his resignation and goes to Gadyach. On the way to the tavern, the hero meets Grigory Storchenko. The aunt, whose meeting turned out to be very warm, sends Ivan Fedorovich to Khortyn for a deed of gift. There he again meets his friend Storchenko, who should have the document for the estate. Storchenko tries to assure Shponka that there was no deed of gift. The hospitable owner tries to divert the conversation to other topics and introduces Ivan Fedorovich to his young ladies-sisters. Returning to her aunt, Shponka tells her about the quirky Storchenko. The relatives decide to go to him together. This concludes the story.

Enchanted place. A true story told by the sexton of the *** church

The action takes place in a village. The head of the family left to trade, leaving his wife, young sons and grandfather at home. In the evening, the Chumaks, old acquaintances of my grandfather, arrived at the house. The feast began. Grandfather started dancing. But suddenly, having reached specific place, stopped and could not move his legs. He began to look around - he could not find out where he was, everything seemed unfamiliar. Grandfather identified a path in the darkness and suddenly saw a light. I thought it was a treasure and decided to leave a note in the form of a broken branch at this place. The next day the grandfather went to look for that place, but it started to rain and he had to return home. The next day, the grandfather discovered that place and began to dig it. Suddenly, an evil spirit overpowered everyone, voices were heard, and a mountain loomed overhead. With the cauldron dug out, the grandfather rushed to run. But there was nothing in it except garbage. Grandfather decided that the place was enchanted and never went there again.