Computer tests of psychophysiological examination. A set of computer programs for psychological testing

Psychophysiological testing is presented in the Boslab program as a separate tab and includes sessions designed to assess physiological parameters and their dynamics during stress tests, i.e. when performing tasks containing cognitive, emotional or sensory load.

The following set of signals is stored in sessions of this group:

· Cardiointervals (CI)

· Breath 1, Breath Duration 1, Exhalation Duration 1

· Skin conductance (SC), Skin conductance (logarithm) ( Ln PrK)

· Photoplethysmogram (PPG)

· Systolic wave amplitude (SWA)

· Pulse wave propagation time (PWT)

Stress Test – Cognitive Task

Monitoring physiological parameters during a cognitive task. Arithmetic calculation, selection of words according to the semantic criterion of similarity/difference (synonyms, antonyms), etc. are used as cognitive load. The therapist can choose any task that actively engages the functions of thinking, memory and attention.

The session contains two patient screens: a neutral image (landscape) to perform oral tasks and stimulus material – Gorbov’s red-black table.

Stress Test – Situation

The patient is asked to remember and describe a stressful situation. The situation must be significant for the person being examined, while at the same time not being psychologically traumatic. It is recommended to describe the situation out loud, since verbalization helps to actualize the experiences experienced “there and then.” For many people, speaking similar situation speaking out loud will already be sufficient for characteristic psychophysiological reactions to stress to appear. Usually there are visible signs: breathing quickens, the timbre of the voice changes, the posture becomes more tense, etc. The duration of testing should be 3-5 minutes. A patient “photo saver” screen containing a neutral image is used.

The patient screen “Stories” uses the SLIDESHOW tool, allowing you to present stimulus material (photos) to the test taker. This form of work is recommended when testing professional groups and allows you to present stimulus images on professional topics.

Stress test - video

Monitoring parameters while watching thematic video material of a stressful nature. Using the screen editor, the user can specify various video clips to be presented in a given session.


Monitoring parameters during rest. These are one-minute sessions that are used to assess recovery abilities. The test taker is given the task not just to sit passively, but to make the most of the upcoming minute of rest in order to recover and prepare for the next task.

Monitoring physiological parameters - visual stimulus

The session is used to monitor physiological parameters against the background of the presentation of a visual stimulus. The presentation of a stimulus in the Boslab program is implemented using a SLIDE SHOW screen and a label system. When starting a session, a background image appears on the patient's screen, which at a certain point is replaced by a visual stimulus, after which the background is displayed again.

Physiological Parameters Monitoring - Sound Stimulus

The session is used to monitor physiological parameters against the background of presentation of an audio stimulus. When the session starts, a neutral image is displayed on the patient's screen. At a certain moment the program beeps. The user can independently adjust the time of occurrence and duration of presentation of the sound stimulus, as well as select the sound effect.

Monitoring physiological parameters - arbitrary stimulus

The session is used to monitor physiological parameters against the background of the presentation of an arbitrary stimulus. By arbitrary we mean external (in relation to the software environment) stimuli, for example, a tactile or cold stimulus.

This session uses the labeling system integrated into the Boslab program. When recording signals, the user “puts a mark” at the moment the stimulus is presented. This label is then displayed on the graph when viewing the recording.

Evaluation of test results

The obtained data are assessed according to three criteria: 1) initial values ​​of the parameter, 2) the dynamics of its changes during stress testing (reaction to stress) and 3) the quality of recovery of the indicator during rest.

First, psychophysiological indicators are assessed at rest, then their dynamics are analyzed during stress testing; for this purpose, a graph of changes in the indicator is plotted based on average values ​​per session. IN ideally the graph will look like this:

That is, any indicator tested must: firstly, respond to stress, and secondly, return to the original level during rest. The assessment of reactivity and recovery is carried out taking into account the background values ​​of the parameter. Please pay attention to the following points:

· Was the background level over/underestimated?

· Was this change in background levels a response to the procedure or is it a chronic disorder?

· How pronounced did the indicator change under the influences?

· Which stimuli caused the greatest response?

· did the indicator recover during the rest session?

· was the recovery complete (to baseline or to normal values, if the background has been changed)?

· Are there delayed reactions, “stuckness” in the stress phase (situations when the reaction does not manifest itself during a stress test, but during subsequent rest)?

· How did the indicator behave during testing, how did it change in the last session relative to the beginning of testing (progressive increase in reactive changes with poor recovery or, conversely, adaptation, effective recovery)?

Know your character, your mind, your judgments, your passions. Until you know yourself, you cannot rule over yourself. There is a mirror for the face, but not for the spirit; let sober reflection about oneself be a mirror. You can forget about your outer appearance, but always remember about your inner appearance in order to improve and perfect it. Check how firm you are in prudence, how capable you are of activity, test your ardor, measure the depth of your spirit, weigh your abilities. (Baltasar Gracian y Morales)

In many religious, occult teachings, the basis is built on knowledge and improvement of oneself, one’s “I”. Lao Tzu said: "He who knows people is prudent. He who knows himself is enlightened. He who conquers people is strong. He who conquers himself is powerful."

It is also considered that to find out the world impossible without recognizing yourself.

Whoever has not studied man in himself has never
will not reach deep knowledge of people.
(Chernyshevsky N. G.)

Psychological tests will tell you a lot of interesting things about us and help you get to know people better.

Test- (from the English test - sample, test, research) in psychology and pedagogy, standardized tasks, the result of which allows you to measure psychophysiological and personal characteristics, as well as the knowledge, skills and abilities of the subject. (Great Soviet Encyclopedia)

You can laugh at some of the tests, it won’t hurt to think about others, some tests will help check your mental well-being, others will tell you the reasons for the problems that arise.
Psychological tests provide an opportunity to understand your psychological essence, find out your positive and negative qualities.
Well, besides everything, tests are an interesting and useful pastime.

According to experts, test results are unexpected for a person and can cause different emotions - from surprise to sharp rejection ( know yourself, once you know yourself, don’t be afraid ).

The section will contain psychological online tests with answers that can be completed for free, without SMS and without registration.

When answering questions, you should answer honestly and not think too much, in order to bring the result as close as possible to reality.

Free psychological tests online

1. Extrovert or introvert? Questionnaire - test by K. Jung.

3. How are you communicating with other people? Communication test.

5. I like critics, but what about criticizing? Test - how do you deal with criticism?

6. How do you feel about other people’s lifestyles, customs, opinions? Tolerance test, tolerance.

7. 60 - 90% of the population suffer from communication difficulties.

The program “Complex “Psychological Test” is designed to conduct psychological testing and analysis (interpretation) of testing results, as well as saving test results and client information in a database for their further use.
The program provides the following features:
· client registration with data saving in the database;
· conducting psychological testing according to the selected test
· data entry from the form (during written testing)
· viewing and printing interpretations of test results
· saving the test results of each client in the database for further viewing.

An example of the use of this product in an enterprise is an enterprise providing recruitment services. One of the selection criteria is the client’s professional suitability for the vacant position. Determining the client’s professional suitability is carried out through psychological testing and conversation with a psychologist. Moreover, psychological testing is carried out in writing, the results are processed using spreadsheet processors, and interpretation is carried out manually using literature. Such testing, and especially analysis of the results, takes a lot of time and therefore requires the involvement of additional personnel. The use of computer technology to automate testing and analysis of results could increase the efficiency of the enterprise and free staff from routine work.

2. Tests implemented in the program
Psychological tests included in the current version of the program:

Name: Characteristic questionnaire according to K. Leonhard - G. Smishek.
Questions: 88; answer options: 4;
Description: Reveals the following character accentuations: hyperthymic, projective, emocentric, dysthymic, neurotic, introjective, cyclothymic, stuck, pedantic, demonstrative.

Name: METHOD "16-FLO-105"
Questions: 105; answer options: 4;
Description: "Ball in the walls." A “profile” of the individual is built in the “factors - walls” coordinate system. The profile’s relationship to one of the 4 types of personality activity is also assessed, thereby clarifying the previously conducted study of the adequacy of a person’s self-actualization.

Name: Diagnosis of socionic personality type. Sociotype identifier No. 1.
Questions: 24; answer options: 2;

Name: Diagnosis of socionic personality type. Sociotype identifier No. 2.
Questions: 72; answer options: 2;
Description: It is necessary to determine the character of a person, as well as his inclinations. This is exactly what socionics does, by the way. Young science solves problems, paying equal attention to both the individual and his environment. IN communication space the personality of a person is placed, interacting with other personalities at all communicative levels.

3. Basic modules
The program is divided into main modules:
"Registration" - registering a new client, selecting a client from the list.
"Testing" - selecting a test and starting testing.
"Enter from form" - enter test results from the form.
"Results" - view a list of test results for the selected client.
"Interpretation" - displays the interpretation of test results, prints the document.
In the "Registration" module, a client is registered: selecting an already added client from the list or adding a new one. When adding a new client, the user must enter his full name, year of birth, select education and gender.
The "Testing" module consists of two parts: test selection and testing itself using the chosen method. After testing is completed, the test results are saved and the Interpretation window opens.
The "Interpretation" module is a group of modules, where each module represents a testing technique. This module outputs an interpretation of the test results, as well as prints a document with an interpretation of the test results, information about the client and company attributes.
The "Results" module provides the ability to view previously saved test results for the selected client; deletion is no longer possible desired results. The results list displays the name of the test and the date of testing for each result.
The "Input from Form" module allows you to enter test results from a form, i.e. at written testing. If the data is entered correctly, the results are saved and the "Interpretation" window opens.

4. Composition
PsyTest.exe - executable program file;
PsyTest.ini - program settings file
Results.dat - file of testing results records
Clients.dat - client records file;
PsyTest.hlp - help file when working with the program
PsyTest.cnt - help file structure file (contents)
Deleting these files will result in data loss and program inoperability.
Also in the \Test directory there are files containing questions, answers and interpretation, and other information for the tests.
It is possible to change the contents of these files while maintaining the structure, number of lines, and other rules, depending on the purpose of the file. Deleting (or incorrectly changing) any file from this directory will only lead to the inoperability of one or another test.
While the program is running, the following files can be created:
Clients.bak - a backup copy of the Clients.dat file, created when it is changed.
PsyTest.log is a program operation history file that contains information necessary for the developer to localize any errors encountered in the program.
Deleting these files will not affect the functionality of the program

5. System requirements
Optimal hardware requirements
2. Intel Pentium processor with a frequency of at least 166 MHz
3. RAM at least 64Mb
4. Free space disk space of at least 5 Mb
Minimum hardware requirements
1. IBM - compatible Personal Computer
2. Intel Pentium processor with a frequency of at least 75 MHz
3. RAM at least 32 Mb
4. Free disk space of at least 2Mb
Requirements to software computer
1. Installed OS MS Windows 95/98/NT/2000.

6. Installation of the program
To install the program, you need to run the program installation file. This is the PT-Setup.exe file.
During the installation process, you will need to specify the path to install the program, or confirm the default one.
During the installation process, the file will be expanded into program files, help files, and data files.
To start the program you must: Click the Start button in the taskbar; In the Programs menu, select the “Testing” section; In the list that appears, click on the item “Psychological test complex”

7. Possible problems
When using the program, questions related to testing may arise. If these questions are related to the functioning of the program, or any system error occurs, it is recommended to contact the developer. If the questions are related to the testing methodology, it is recommended, first of all, to carefully read theoretical material. If the issue is not resolved, it is recommended to contact a specialist this issue. If it is impossible to adjust the testing process due to insufficient functionality of the program, contact the developer. It should be remembered that all techniques available in the program were obtained from relevant literature sources.

8. How to contact me
Please send all questions, comments and suggestions by email

Modern working conditions, productivity and quality of work performed increasingly require applicants to have appropriate performance, personal, psychological and business qualities. For this purpose, many serious organizations use testing when hiring, especially in departments such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Railways..., banks, including Sberbank..., as well as large corporations.

Employment tests are carried out for accountants and managers, for police officers and firefighters, for pilots and machinists, for lawyers, and even for sales consultants...

On this page of the psychoanalytic website website you can go online and for free psychological tests, used when applying for jobs in various departments and organizations online and free of charge.

However, keep in mind that these are examples of tests used when applying for a job, because each employer can use its own testing, depending on the required personal, mental, emotional, moral and business qualities of the applicant for specific position or profession, in a specific enterprise or institution.
(Large corporations use SHL, Talent Q, Ontardent, Exect tests)

What psychological tests do applicants undergo when applying for a job?

Examples of basic psychological tests used when hiring in various departments, organizations and enterprises, such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations..., Banks (Sberbank), trade..., testing for the position of manager, chief accountant, policeman, firefighter, rescuer, sales worker (sales consultant), lawyer...etc. (career choice test)

Psychological tests

General psychological tests when applying for a job are not used as often as specialized ones for certain professions.
However, the results of flow rate tests nervous processes(temperament), character accentuation, memory, attention and attentiveness may be of interest to some employers.

  • Character test - (software version)
  • Temperament test - (software version)
  • Attention test (switching attention)

Verbal tests

A verbal test when applying for a job is the basis of an interview with an applicant for a position and profession where the applicant’s verbal (speech) abilities are required.

Math tests

Some corporations use mathematical tests when hiring to determine analytical skills applicant.

  • Math test (with answers)
Numerical tests

For some positions, such as accountant, employers use numerical tests when applying for a job.

  • SHL test

Logic tests

Logical tests when applying for a job provide information to the employer about the applicant’s ability to find right decisions in unfamiliar situations.
Logical thinking test

Emotional tests

Emotional stability, stress resistance - necessary indicators of certification - tests for employment and subsequent re-certification - of applicants and current employees in positions where you need to work with people, in dangerous, emergency and stressful situations (for example, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, trade...)

Personality tests

Main, widely used personality test when applying for a job, the SMIL test (Standardized Multifactorial Method of Personality Research) is used - also known as the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory (MMPI) and its abbreviated version MMPI Mini-Cartoon

Intelligence tests

The level, intelligence quotient (IQ) of an applicant is often the most important testing indicator when applying for a job where intellectual abilities future employee.

  • CAT test online (a short indicative questionnaire to determine the general mental abilities- sometimes used in the Central Operations Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
  • (with software processing of results)

  • Genius test (also known as the “Red Square” reaction test - sometimes used in the Central Operations Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Creative tests

In many modern organizations creative are required creative people, who sometimes must have organizational and even entrepreneurial abilities, so creative tests are also used when hiring.