Numerical and verbal comprehension test. Verbal test: an important stage of job selection

Half of the test questions are mathematical, the other half are verbal. Mathematics includes examples of calculating proportions, percentages, area, productivity, time, as well as finding segments, mixtures, histograms, diagrams, and working with graphs. The list shows that the examples are at school level, there are no higher mathematics, derivatives, integrals, etc. However, you should not relax in advance, given the testing conditions.

Verbal tests include two types of questions: assessing the correctness of statements and analyzing text. The short text is accompanied by several statements that are marked as “true,” “false,” or “not enough information.”

Simple examples give an understanding of the tests.

For example, there is initial data that there were 100 residents of the house in such and such a year and their number was growing at a rate of 4% per year. To answer, you need to calculate how many people there are in the city after five years.

For example, there is a text that says that a complete inventory of the library was recently carried out, after which a shortage of two dozen books was revealed, and five books were unaccounted for. The first statement says that because of the check, books were found, and it is correct, and the second assumption indicates that the books disappeared due to the negligence of the librarian, and here the correct answer is that there is not enough information, since based on the text it is not known why exactly the books disappeared .

Passing the SHL test is more difficult than the examples above suggest. These tasks are unlikely to be encountered in real testing - the examples there are more complicated, but the essence is similar.

Help in passing tests

There are no magic recipes for passing the SHL tests or any cheat sheets, but there are some common-sense tips that can help you figure out how to best prepare for the test.

Constant practice. Examples of logic and mathematics problems are best solved regularly, every other day or several times a week. The tasks are not particularly difficult, but require maximum concentration and automaticity. If you start to reason about each example, then success is hardly possible.

"Timing" Over the past couple of years, tests have become increasingly more difficult, especially in terms of time constraints. Previously, the task was given a minute, now it’s thirty seconds. This is due to the constantly increasing number of applicants. To protect yourself from an unpleasant surprise during the testing itself, it is better to prepare, gradually reducing the amount of time.

Search for information. There are frequent searches on the Internet about how to correctly pass the SHL test, and there is nothing negative about this; on the contrary, the more data about the upcoming test the applicant finds, the better prepared he will be. Of course, you don’t need to collect a bunch of “garbage”, you need to sift out the incoming information, but before there was no such excellent source of knowledge, and not using it is stupid.

Skip difficult examples. If it is possible to skip some tasks and move on to the next, and it usually is, then you should use it. The only condition is the ability to instantly assess the level of difficulty of a task, otherwise you can endlessly scroll through the list. The ability to quickly evaluate an example must be developed in advance.

Minimal technical assistance. Some companies conduct testing online, others directly in the office. You shouldn’t think that it’s much easier at home - time is still limited, but theoretically you can search for data on the Internet, use counting programs, etc. In the office, most often they don’t even allow you to use calculators, and you need to be prepared for this by practicing the solution as an example with only a pen and a piece of paper.

Memory training. To solve numerical tests, you need to do simple calculations in your head, complex calculations on a piece of paper, but with verbal tests the situation is different. There is a text of 500-600 characters, roughly speaking, one paragraph, and statements are given for evaluation. If you constantly re-read the text, there will not be enough time to answer, so you need it to be imprinted in your memory, and the remaining time should be used to evaluate the statements.

Creating "interference". Passing the “exam” in the office can be complicated intentionally or accidentally by ambient noise or any ongoing processes, which, when combined with the nervousness of the competitor himself, can lead to a complete failure of the test. It would be a good idea to practice at home by turning on music and asking your family to talk loudly nearby. The ability to concentrate in any conditions will become indispensable.

Since the next attempt is given in at least six months, you should find out in advance how to pass the SHL test competently. To do this, you need to spend a lot of time, especially the first time, but subsequent tests will be more successful, and preparation will take less time.

Best regards, worldcompanyjob team

The SHL verbal test is usually given a short passage of text followed by statements. There can only be one correct answer. The following SHL test example requires you to read the text and answer whether the statements are faithful, unfaithful or can't answer those. :

A - Correct(The statement is true, it is clearly stated in the text or logically follows from it) Select it if you agree with the statement.

B - Incorrect(The statement is incorrect or cannot logically follow from the text.) Choose it if you do not agree with the statement

C - Can't answer(It is impossible to determine whether a statement is true or false without additional information.) Choose it if you cannot attribute the statement to any faithful neither to unfaithful.

Now read the passage:
... Many organizations find it beneficial to hire students for the summer. Full-time staff prefers to take regular vacations during the summer months, which means additional employees are needed. In addition, some companies are busiest in the summer. Summer placements also involve students who may return to qualified staff roles upon successful completion of their studies. After making sure that the student is working and studying properly, the organization encourages his work on a permanent basis. The company pays the student a flat rate without additional payments for sick leave and vacation....

Statement #1 . During the vacation period, the work of regular staff may be temporarily assigned to students.

Dear friends!

  • If you are soon to take “Verbal-Numeric” testing SHL, Talent-Q, Ontarget Genesys,
  • If you are afraid of failing and are looking for how to prepare
  • If there is little time left,

then I hasten to inform you that it is possible to prepare online professionally.

Quickly and simply, using effective online training, you will train your skills in 2-3 days and pass the tests the first time! A stable skill appears after solving 30-40 tests.

Listen to the 6-minute interview immediately after testing and training in our system.

In the interview, we talked about the online program Roboxtest V.8, which is a platform for versions of MAXIMUM 875, BIG4, FMCG, NGK.

Our team has developed a unique computer program Roboxtest V.8. It is as close as possible to real testing - the process itself takes place directly in the browser, with a limited amount of time. I invite you to take a trial verbal test and see everything with your own eyes. A complete database of tests (more than 100 tests at the moment - about 1500 questions) is also available. To do this, contact me. Contacts are below.

All preparation will take place online. Each test has correct answers and solutions without a time limit. The program works directly from the Google Chrome, FireFox, Mozilla, Safari browser.

Attention! At the moment, the program is not compatible with Internet Explorer (not all the functionality).

(Works with Google Chrome, FireFox, Mozilla, Safari.)

At the end you will see a report similar to what employers see - in percentages and percentiles. This will allow you to soberly assess your strengths. Since the preparation takes place online, it is possible to compare yourself with other people who have taken this test - this is important, because this is how employers look at you.

The system will also identify your strengths and weaknesses and tell you what to pay more attention to.

Now the database contains more than a hundred different tests (more than 1,500 questions) - mainly ability tests - verbal, numerical, abstract-logical. But, most likely, you are not solving the entire database. Something else is important here - skill.

As experience shows, it is enough to achieve a level of 80-90 percent and at least 60 percentiles for each type of test in order to successfully pass real testing the first time.

People who prepared using our system solved an average of 30-40 tests. Here again, individually, one candidate really wanted to get the position - he solved 152 tests!!! And I passed the real test successfully!!!

There are also knowledge tests - English - 2 levels, RAS, IFRS - for preparation for the Big Four.

If you are interested in training in our system, please contact me. Without payment, the system will block you within a few hours after registration.

Sincerely, Panteleev Stanislav.

[email protected]

The tasks you will solve cannot be called difficult. These are not matrices and integrals, not complex mathematical logic. The purpose of testing is to measure your psychometric data.

The whole difficulty lies only in the time that you are given and the passing scores that are assigned by employers and testing companies. You don’t know anything about them, and you don’t know about the types of tasks. In this article we will lift the veil of secrecy and show you what will await you during testing.

An example of a testing company report for an employer

Your results will be compared with those of other candidates. This is what the test result looks like for an employer using the example of testing the Talent-Q system.

Draw conclusions. You will be compared with a normative group and, based on these results, you will be invited for an interview or not.

To get an interview, be sure to train hard! See what types of tasks exist, find your own materials or use ours. The formula here is simple: “Training = Success”

Numerical test and its varieties. Examples and solutions

Example of a problem with a graph

How many thousand more cars were imported in the second quarter of the second year than in the first year for the same period?
The graph shows that in the second quarter of the second year, 600 thousand cars were imported, in the second quarter of the first year – 425 thousand.
We calculate the difference 600-425=175 thousand cars
175 thousand cars

Example problem with diagram

It is no secret that the level of power of the financial system of any country is assessed based on the size of its gold and foreign exchange reserves. Of course, the greater the reserves, the higher the level of economic stability to various financial shocks.
The charts below show the change in the size of such reserves (in billions of US dollars) for the world's five largest economies: China, the United States, Japan, the European Union collectively (EU), and the Russian Federation. Note that the data reviewed relate to the period 2010-2013.

How many times are China's gold and foreign exchange reserves in 2010 greater than Russia's in 2011?


The gold and foreign exchange reserves of China in 2010 amounted to $2,000 billion, the Russian Federation in 2011 - $400 billion.


Example of a problem with a table
At the 2004 Olympic Games, athletes from five countries won the most gold, silver and bronze medals: the USA, China, Russia, Australia, and Japan. Question: How many gold medals did the Russian team lack to take first place in the team standings in terms of the number of gold medals not counting silver?

Comment: places in the standings are distributed according to the total amount of awards


For Russia to take first place in gold medals, it needs to overtake the United States and collect 36 medals. That is, we lacked 36-27 = 9 medals


Example of a problem involving percentages

In January 2012, the price of a men's suit increased by 25%, and in March 2013, at a sale, it became 16% less than the price raised and currently stands at $336. By what percentage overall did the price of a suit fall or rise during the period mentioned above?


Let us denote by x the initial price.

Then the price in January 2012 was 1.25*x;

Price in March (1-0.16)*1.25*x=$336



The price rose by 5%.

Example of a mixture problem

From two salt solutions - 10 percent and 15 percent, you need to create 40 grams of a 12 percent solution. How many grams of each solution should I take?


Let us denote by x the mass of the 10% solution, and by y the mass of the 15% solution.

Then we can create 2 equations:

The total mass of the solution is 40 grams, that is

The following equation will determine the salt content of solutions:


So, we have a system of 2 equations. We express x from the first equation and substitute it into the second.




10 percent 24 grams, 15 percent 16 grams.

Verbal logic test. Example and solution.

Example of a verbal logic task

There is an international classification of diseases (ICD-10) accepted throughout the world; it includes hundreds of different diseases. Many psychiatrists from different countries around the world (for example, American doctor Kimberly Young) demand the inclusion of cyber addiction (computer addiction) as a disease in the next edition of the ICD. At the moment, the closest existing diagnosis is gaming addiction, but the description of this disease refers exclusively to the use of slot machines, there is no talk about personal computers.

Question 1: Cyber ​​addiction is a disease recognized throughout the world.

Answer: False.

Explanation: since psychiatrists from different countries demand the inclusion of cyber addiction in the next edition of the ICD, we can conclude that this disease is not yet recognized throughout the world.

The story of Stanislav Panteleev. Tests at P&G

I will tell you about my experience, and you yourself will draw conclusions from this. In 2008, I graduated from the Ural State University with a degree in economics and management with a specialization in anti-crisis management. In our final courses, we had a powerful ad from the Big Four (E&Y KPMG Deloitte PwC). Many from my course went to work there. 90% left within the first year. I chose a different path for myself - sales. The first company I went to was P&G. I filled out the form in the Taleo system, uploaded my resume, waited for the call, and now I’m testing at the P&G branch in Yekaterinburg. The first impression is that the tasks are easy, but time flows inexorably. There were three of us candidates for the Sales position at P&G. I worked through everything carefully and was stuck on some tasks. I remember there was some problem about how many and what kinds of objects of different sizes would fit into a warehouse - I sat on it for about 10 minutes and realized that I couldn’t solve it. At one point, my rivals asked me, “Will you have time?” I said that I would have time, but for the rest of the time I was just running around with answers from the idiot. The results were in 20 minutes. Stanislav "No." I was very upset then. I’ve never had problems with such simple tasks, but here I’m going to fail and ruin my career. A few days later I came back to life and realized this simple thought - I’ll find textbooks, download tests, and start preparing. But it was not there. There were virtually no online tutorials on how to prepare for such seemingly simple tasks. Tests too. As a result, there are scarce resources for preparation. And my career meant a lot to me at that time. This includes money, professional growth and social significance. There was a resource from Vadim Tikhonov, but I didn’t want to pay for tests at that moment. It seemed to me that everything could be downloaded. As a result, I spent a lot of time and began to compose my tasks based on what I remembered and what else I came across. I started asking my friends and acquaintances who also faced this problem. This is how I met Marina Tarasova, who greatly helped me in my preparation. At that time, she already had extensive experience in developing tests for assessing and qualifying personnel, including training tests for admission to international companies. Next were the companies Mars, KPMG, E&Y, Unilever. Everywhere I passed these tests with a bang! It was only necessary to master the principle. The training helped me, and it will help you too. Our tests are paid because we spend a lot of work to create them - work for the result. You have probably encountered the fact that there is very little information on the topic of preparing for testing. We are filling this gap. A lot of new things come from you, dear clients and readers. Every month we update the tests in accordance with new information and trends in the candidate testing market. These include new tasks, new types of tasks, examples of solutions and other updates. As a result, we have created a small but very useful resource for your test preparation. We are ready to hear your wishes, comments and reviews on our website. To do this, contact a “consultant” and we will contact you.

The verbal test is perhaps the most difficult of all those encountered in employment. The difficulties are not due to impossible tasks, but due to the unusual presentation of the material. Such tests are just beginning to be given to our students, and even then not everywhere, what can we say about the older but active generation, who are now “over thirty.” Those who studied in Soviet schools and universities received a good education, which was proven by thousands of emigrants who became successful engineers, businessmen, and scientists abroad, although our former fellow citizens had to compete with specialists who graduated from Ivy League universities, prestigious European universities, etc.

Now our standards are approaching Western ones, and rightly so, because the best conditions for work and career are in foreign transnational corporations with representative offices in Russia and the CIS countries. Many domestic companies also use testing when hiring new employees, and the most important stage of selection is verbal and numerical tests.

Scales: intelligence level (IQ)

Purpose of the test

The technique is intended to assess intellectual abilities and determine the extent to which the subject has non-standard thinking. For the study of people from 18 to 50 years old with at least secondary education.

Test instructions

You have exactly 30 minutes to complete the test. Don't stay too long on one task. Perhaps you are on the wrong path and it is better to move on to the next task. But don't give up too easily; Most tasks can be solved if you show a little persistence. Continue to think about the task or give up trying and move on to the next one - common sense will tell you. Remember that towards the end of the series the tasks generally become more difficult. Any person is able to solve part of the proposed tasks, but no one is able to cope with all the tasks in half an hour.

The answer to the task consists of one number, letter or word. Sometimes you have to choose from several possibilities, sometimes you have to come up with the answer yourself. Write your answer in the space indicated. If you are not able to solve the problem, you should not write the answer at random. If you have an idea, but you are not sure about it, then write down the answer anyway.

The test does not contain “tricky” tasks, but you always have to consider several solutions. Before you start making a decision, make sure you understand exactly what is required of you. You will waste your time if you take on a solution without understanding what the problem is.


The dots indicate the number of letters in the missing word. For example, (. . . .) means that the missing word has four letters.
. To solve some tasks you will need to use a sequence of letters of the Russian alphabet without the letter “ё”.


1. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


2. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

GO (...) CAT

3. Solve anagrams and eliminate the extra word.


4. Find the common ending for all the words listed.

5. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


6. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

SNA (. . .) OVA

7. Eliminate the unnecessary word.


8. Find the common beginning for the following three words.

9. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


10. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

PE (. . .) OL

11. Eliminate the extra word.


12. Find the common beginning for the following three words.

13. Find a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

TA (...) AT

14. Find a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


15. Eliminate the extra word.


16. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

BAL (...) FOOD

17. Find the common ending for the following words.

18. Eliminate the extra word.


19. Find the common ending for all the words listed.

20. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


21. Find a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

DIK (. . . .) EC

22. Eliminate unnecessary words


23. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


24. Find the common ending for all subsequent words.

25. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

SA (. . .) HE

26. Eliminate the extra word.


27. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


28. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

U (. . .) b

29. Eliminate the extra word.


30. Find the common ending for all subsequent words.

31. Find the common ending for all subsequent words.

32. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


33. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.


34. Eliminate the extra word.


35. Find the common ending for all subsequent words.

36. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

KAB (. . .) OSHKO

37. Eliminate the extra word.


38. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


39. Find the common ending for all subsequent words.

40. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


41. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.


42. Eliminate the extra word.


43. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.

FINGER BONE (. . . . . .) Arachnid

44. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

GA (. . .) REL

45. Find the common ending for all subsequent words.

46. ​​Eliminate the extra word.


47. Find the common ending for all subsequent words.

48. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

G (. . .) OZHA

49. Find the common ending for all subsequent words.

50. Eliminate the extra word.


Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

1. GAS.
3. BELLY. (All other words denote sports games: hockey, tennis, football.)
5. LAMA.
6. ROW.
7. PUSHKIN. (All other words are the names of the singers: Sobinov, Chaliapin, Caruso.)
9. KEY
10. JUICE. .
11. FLOWER GARDEN. (All other words denote means of communication: mail, radio, telegraph.)
12. WATER.
13. Feast.
14. ABUSE.
15. CHERRY. (All other words contain the letter A: orange, cabbage, zucchini, pear.)
16. BES.
17. OL.
18. CHAIR. (All other words denote flowers: buttercup, tulip, violet, rose.)
19. OM.
20. SCAT.
21. IMAGE.
22. NUT. (All other words denote dog breeds: shepherd, bulldog, poodle.)
23. SHAFT.
24. IS.
26. PARIS. (All other words are names of rivers: Thames, Volga, Niger.)
27. GATE.
29. BELGRADE. (The remaining words contain the letter O: Oslo, Tokyo, Toronto.)
30. AIKA.
31. INA.
33. CAT.
34. DOLPHIN. (The remaining words are eagle, sparrow, lark.)
35. OT.
36. LUK.
37. EINSTEIN. (The remaining words are the names of famous writers: Dickens, Chekhov, Balzac, Tolstoy.)
39. ENA.
41. TOL.
42. TV. (The remaining words are mosquito, termite, mosquito.)
44. MAC.
46. ​​SEMAPHORE. (The remaining words are goat, beaver, horse.)
47. EN.
48. HORN.
49. OL.
50. VIOLIN. (The remaining words are brother, sister, mother, granddaughter.)

Processing test results

Plot the number of correctly solved problems on the horizontal line of the corresponding graph. Then draw a vertical line until it intersects with the diagonal line. From the intersection point, draw a horizontal line to the left. The point on the vertical axis corresponds to your IQ (intelligence quotient). The most reliable and reliable results indicating your abilities are obtained in the range from 100 to 130 points; outside these limits, the assessment of results is not reliable enough.


Verbal intelligence test by G. Eysenck (IQ Test) / Almanac of psychological tests - M., 1995. P.35-46