How to escape from a flood. Protection measures


Many have heard about World Flood, but not everyone realizes how powerful and dangerous it is. Any flood can take away a lot of human lives. Therefore, to ensure the safety of your loved ones and yourself, you should know the basic rules of surviving a flood.

Conventionally, floods can be divided into 2 types:

1. A rapid or gradual increase in water level as a result of external reasons(snowmelt, storm, obstacles in the form of mudflows, rockfalls, rock collapses, glacier melting, etc.);
2. Breakthrough of artificial and natural dams.

In the first case, the flood grows at a more or less high speed, with an increase in which the element inflicts powerful water hammer, sweeping away large buildings, vehicles, infrastructure facilities. In the second case, water hammer is almost always inevitable, since the flood is caused by a one-time breakthrough of a huge mass of water.

Water hammer is intensified by ice floes, fragments of trees, structures and other objects pulled into the flow. Flow speeds above 4 meters per second are critical and indicate a serious natural disaster with an increased likelihood of fatalities. In addition, exceeding a two-meter rise in water also often ends tragically. Dangerous floods last for several weeks, and their consequences take months to resolve.

It's better to prevent flooding

It is advisable for residents who live in regions prone to rising water or where dams exist to prepare for flooding. First, you should study escape routes and identify heights that can become a safe haven. Family members, relatives, relatives and neighbors must be informed about such places.

After that, provide access to . Locate boat stations, put together a raft on backyard, prepare logs in the form of a catamaran (they can be used as a gazebo in usual time) or buy a boat. Next, create . It should contain medications, including anti-shock medications, food supplies, clothing, warm clothes, signaling devices, communication devices and drinking water. Everything must be packed in waterproof bags. Documents must always be kept in a waterproof bag so that they can be attached to the NZ.

At the first sign of danger, leave the area of ​​possible flooding. It is better to go further away, but, as a last resort, use pre-marked hills. In case of sudden natural disaster use watercraft. If nothing can be done, go up to the attic or roof, to powerful tall trees and signal to rescuers if possible. Naturally, you must have your CV and documents with you.

It is highly advisable to do the following before leaving:

Turn off the gas;
Turn off the power supply using the central switch;
Turn off the fire in the stove;
Lock the doors and windows (you can also board them up);
Pin important items(it is advisable to foresee this in advance).

Anything that you cannot take with you due to its size or large mass, move to the top floor, attic.

Panic is man's first enemy during a natural disaster. Don't make a fuss. Calculate your steps. Give distress signals by all available means depending on the time of day - flags, flashlight, mirror, smoke bombs, etc. After the rescuers arrive, get into the craft in an orderly manner and sit as quietly as mice. At a time like this, everyone’s nerves are on edge, don’t get in the way—you’ve almost been saved, give a chance to save others.

If someone is drowning

At the first opportunity, rescue drowning people and those in distress. Your loved ones could also be in their place. If you have rope or floating material, throw it to the drowning person. But when too fast current be aware that once you set sail for rescue, you will not return to old place. Therefore, consider the direction of the current and, before rushing into the elements, figure out where you can safely stop and wait out the flood or wait for rescuers.

If a drowning person panics or loses consciousness, you should swim up to him from behind and transport him by the hair or by grasping the head under the chin from behind (the drowning person's face should be above the water).

The flood has passed, but the danger remains

Be careful after a flood:

Make sure the building or structure is strong and will not collapse.
Upon entering, ventilate the premises and dry things.
You can turn on electricity or gas only after examining the wiring and gas pipeline by specialists.
kindle open fire it is impossible before inspecting the wiring and pipeline.
Make sure the water supply and sewerage are in good working order.
Pump out the water from the basement.
Clean out the wells.
Do not drink tap water or food products who were affected by the flood.
Inform your neighbors about the above actions: what difference does it make if you are competent if your neighbor’s gas pipeline explodes?

Learn to swim, prepare for the possible as if it were inevitable, have courage, patience and do not panic under any circumstances! All will pass.

Flooding is the inundation of an area due to heavy rainfall, river floods, exposure to wind, or intense melting. large quantity snow and many other factors. People living in areas prone to this natural disaster should try to protect themselves and their loved ones as much as possible. They should know what to do during a flood.

It is necessary to study the terrain, have an idea of ​​what area can be flooded during a flood, and know the shortest routes to safe places. Documents and the necessary supply of food, medicine, water and clothing should always be ready. Flooding is a serious natural disaster that can cause numerous casualties. When danger approaches, residents should think first not about how to fight the flood and preserve property, but about how to save their lives.

If it is impossible to evacuate independently, people should wait for organized rescue, but at the same time it is necessary to observe a number of certain rules. Residents should climb to the upper floors of buildings, attics, and roofs. To attract attention rescue teams should be posted on outside buildings have a large panel, and in the dark, give light signals. To increase the chances of salvation, a person must clearly understand how to behave during a flood.

When the rescue team approaches, victims must act quickly and coordinatedly. Panic can lead to death. When moving into a rescue boat, you must not rock it, overload it, or sit on the edges. You should strictly follow the instructions of the rescue team and remain calm. If a person finds himself in the water, he must remove heavy shoes and clothing and swim with the flow. If possible, you should try to grab a pole or tree and try to hold on.

A person should know how a flood occurs in order to accept necessary measures and save your life. Self-evacuation from a flooded area is permissible only in the following cases: advance warning of danger, continuous rise in water levels, the need for urgent medical care and the threat of flooding of the upper floors and attics.

People need to not only know how to escape from a flood, but also how to behave correctly after the water subsides. You should not enter buildings that were located in a flood zone until you are sure that they will not collapse. The building may have damaged gas pipes and broken electrical wires, so do not turn on electrical appliances or light matches until the relevant services have checked the safety of the house. Knowledge of the rules of behavior during a flood and coordinated actions of rescue teams and victims will help the population avoid large casualties.

Flooding is one of the most merciless natural disasters. It can start unexpectedly and go from minor to catastrophic in a matter of hours. Flood survival is based on the ability to pull yourself together and strictly follow the basic rules.

1. Assess the situation

If a flood begins, it is extremely important to correctly assess the situation and understand how much time you have. If flooding occurs as a result of large amounts of precipitation (there is heavy rain) - this means you have some time to prepare your home and evacuate. If the water moves quickly and the source is unclear, evacuation should occur as quickly as possible.

In general, if you live or find yourself in an area where flooding may occur, high probability, important:

a) know where you can go in case of an emergency - where there is the most elevated terrain nearby. If you are in a concrete house, go up to at least the third floor or higher. Concrete structures are the most resistant even in the event of severe floods. If you have the opportunity to get to the roof, go there immediately. If you find yourself far from tall buildings, look for elevations, hills that you can climb.

b) always be able to pack things quickly. Do not put documents and warm clothes far away, always have several cans of canned food and bottled drinking water on hand - in case of severe flooding, it would be good to have a supply of water and food for 2 days. Make sure that the first aid kit always has the necessary medications, and that the first aid kit itself can be quickly equipped and taken with you.

c) have life jackets available for the whole family.

2. Prepare

Let's say you hear about the possibility of flooding on the radio or TV, and you have some time to prepare your home and get ready. Don’t try to take a lot of things with you, take only the essentials: documents, money, first aid kit, warm clothes, food and water. Pack documents with money in waterproof film or a plastic bag.

Don't forget about our little brothers: prepare a carrier for your cat and a leash for your dog, take food and medicine with you.

Try to quickly distribute all the small things in the house into drawers and cabinets, move everything valuable as high as possible - under the ceiling, to the second floor, etc.

Close all windows and doors. If there are floating boats outside the house large objects, try to tie or secure them somehow. Turn off the electricity and turn off the gas. Turn off the stoves.

Stay calm and act clearly, do not allow yourself and your family to panic. Explain evacuation rules to your family clearly.

3. Evacuate

As said earlier, look for high ground. The second, third floor of a house, roofs of buildings, hills and mountains - the higher you are during a flood, the greater your chances of survival. If there is an organized evacuation in your area, listen to the rescuers and do not try to act on your own.

4. Behave properly

Once on high ground, it is important to constantly show signs of distress. During daylight hours, wave sheets of fabric and wave your arms. At night, use a flashlight for signals.

If you have not yet been evacuated, but the water is already close and a collision with it cannot be avoided, get rid of all heavy things and warm clothes - everything that can pull you under the water. Try to catch something from the water that you can grab onto and float (for example, a board). Once in a stream of water, try to cling to trees and poles. Try to remain calm - this will allow you to soberly assess the situation and increase your chances of survival. Being in a panic, a person cannot make adequate decisions, and it is an incorrectly assessed situation and incorrect actions that are the cause of most deaths during floods.

IN extreme situation it is extremely important to be able to provide first aid to yourself and others medical care, this is especially true for fractures and bruises, which are especially likely during an earthquake. You might find it useful.

These are the main actions in case of flood. Remember that in emergency You should also listen to the radio: it will broadcast basic forecasts and recommendations from emergency services - follow them, because It is in your best interests to quickly get into the hands of rescuers.

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What is a flood? Each of us is familiar with this cataclysm to one degree or another. At least from the lessons of life safety, we clearly learned that a flood is the inundation of an area due to a rise in the water level in the river or due to heavy rainfall. But hardly anyone can remember what to do in case of a flood. Latest tragic events in the world showed us that we should know the rules of salvation as “Our Father...” Hardly anyone remembers them. There is the Ministry of Emergency Situations! Everyone will be found and saved. But in such, let’s say, an extreme situation, you also need to not lose your head and not give up. Therefore, I think it would not be amiss to remind them again.

What to do in case of flood? Our tips will help:

Tip 1 - Always be prepared

Recent events have shown that you need to know the nature of the area in which you live. If this is an area of ​​possible flooding, then you need to always keep your ears open. Money, documents, and valuables should be kept in one safe place so that in the event of a flood you do not waste time searching for and collecting the necessary things. Don't forget about these necessary things, like ropes, lifebuoys, boats.

Tip 2 - Stay up to date with the latest news

If there is a potential risk of flooding, it is necessary to constantly monitor the latest news on television, radio or the Internet. In case of danger, important messages and safety requirements will be transmitted.

Tip 3 - Turn off electricity and gas

If you are not swimming yet, then you urgently need to turn off all communications. After all, everyone knows what will happen if water is connected to current. The consequences will most likely be fatal. It is also recommended to close all windows and doors, because, as they say, “God protects the careful.”

Tip 4 - If you are already sailing...

Make maximum use of any available means that will help you stay afloat (balls, plastic bottles, inflatable rings). If someone nearby asks for help, under no circumstances give them a helping hand. This way you will not save a drowning person, and you yourself may drown. For these purposes, it is best to use belts or boards, even in strong currents, they will help drowning people stay afloat.

Tip 5 - If you are in a secluded place already

Only in the most extreme cases, when you, having assessed the situation, understand that there is nowhere to wait for help, and the elements will inevitably take your home under water, swim. You must first remove your clothes and shoes. Then inhale more air, grab onto some floating object in the water and just float with the flow, do not forget that the water can carry you very far. The main thing is not to panic. It's a stupid, fabulous recommendation, but panicking is the last thing you should do. If you remain calm (I myself don’t quite understand how to do this in similar situation), then your chances of survival will increase significantly.

Tip 6 - What to do after a flood

Ventilate the room; gases may have accumulated in it.

Do not turn on electricity or gas

Check if the area is safe for falling objects

Check the serviceability of electrical wiring, sewerage and gas supply systems

Throw away food that has been in contact with water. They can be dangerous.

All items that have been flooded must be disinfected

The consequences of floods are: mass epidemics, destruction of crops and livestock, destruction of houses and communications, loss of life.

The most devastating floods in the world:

1737 India. As a result of the surge, 300 thousand people died.

In 1887, in China, the water level of the Yellow River rose by 20 meters. About 1,000,000 people died. This flood is considered the most tragic in history.

1900 USA. The surge flooded the city of Galveston. 6,000 people died.

year 2009. Philippines. After 2 tropical downpours, mudflows formed. More than 3 million people were affected.

How to escape during a flood Many regions of Russia are prone to floods. Even the residents major cities may end up in a flood zone. This danger can also catch tourists on vacation in other countries. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know how to help yourself and others in the event of such a natural disaster. The following signs can warn of an approaching flood: prolonged heavy rains, rising water in rivers and flowing lakes, anxiety and restlessness in the behavior of pets. As soon as you notice a flood approaching, immediately notify your family, friends, and neighbors about it. Quickly gather yourself and help women, children, elderly and sick people gather. Take with you only the most minimum required: money, valuables, documents, food supply for 1-2 days, survival kit. Try to leave the suspected flood area as quickly as possible. Not only your life, but also the lives of those who happen to be next to you depends on the speed of your actions. When choosing a driving route, only take roads that pass through elevated areas. If you need to hide somewhere, choose mountains, hills, plateaus. In the city - the upper floors and roofs of high-rise buildings. If the flood finds you far from populated areas, you will need warm clothes, knives, weapons, flashlights, and first aid kits to survive. Make sure you have a charged mobile phone. If possible, get out of the disaster area by car or boat. If for some reason you cannot leave the flooded area, collect the necessary things and pack them in waterproof bags. Climb to the roof of a private house or to the upper floors of a high-rise building. Do not forget to make sure that the structure is reliable - during a flood, unreliable and weak buildings collapse. Immediately after this, take care of preparing a raft from available materials - wooden furniture, boards, empty bottles. Be sure to secure the raft so that it does not get carried away. Collect stock plastic bottles, canisters, balls - they will help you avoid drowning if you find yourself in the water. Try to turn off the gas and electricity, or even better, turn off the power to the entire house. This will protect you from getting hit electric shock. Report yourself to rescuers or the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This will speed up your salvation. Don't forget about those who, by the will of fate, ended up next to you. Help the sick, elderly, women and children. From products, take something that does not take up much space, does not require cooking and can not spoil for a long time. These are canned goods, chocolate, candies, sausage and cheese, lard, dried fruits. For the sick, take the necessary medications, for children - baby food. Try not to get wet. Do not go into the water unless absolutely necessary. Hypothermia from prolonged exposure to water is main danger for life and health. Even in warm weather you are taking risks. How to behave during a flood Flood is significant flooding of an area caused by a sharp rise in water in rivers, lakes or the sea. They usually happen suddenly and can last 2-3 weeks. Flooding is caused by melting snow, heavy rainfall, and more. You will need a boat, a lifebuoy, a rope, a ladder, signal equipment, a first aid kit, a supply of water and food Instructions 1 Find out if your locality in a possible flood zone. And if yes, then worry in advance and find out what routes the evacuation will take. Prepare boats, rafts, lifebuoys, ropes, ladders, and signaling devices in advance. 2 If there is a risk of flooding, turn off the gas, water and electricity before leaving the house. Take the necessary clothes, documents, valuables, first aid kit, supplies drinking water and products for 3 days. Put those things that you cannot take with you on the upper floors or in the attic. 3 Close the first floor windows and board them. This will prevent debris from entering the house and protect the glass from possible breakage. If you can, evacuate your pets. 4 If evacuation is not possible, go up to the attic or roof of the house. Tie children and weakened people to you or to the stove heating pipes. Attract the attention of rescuers with pieces of colorful or white fabric tied to an antenna or stick, and at night, give a signal with lanterns or torches. Do not climb trees, poles or weak structures as they may be washed away. 5 During a flood, provide first aid to victims. Save people cut off from others by the flood. 6 Use car tires, wheels, tables to stay on the water. Jump into it only at a moment when there is no hope of salvation. Take off your shoes and loosen tight clothing if there is a risk of ending up in water. Take a breath before you hit the water, grab the first floating object you come across and float with the flow, remaining calm. 7 After the flooding is over, check whether your house is in danger of collapsing. Do not use open flames. Check to see if any electrical wiring is exposed or if there is a gas leak. Do not eat food that has been in flood waters. Also test the water before using it for contamination.