How to explain to a child what a black hole is. Black hole: what's inside? Interesting facts and research

What are black holes?

Children, do you think you could ever see the effect of a vacuum in your room? When you do something, watch carefully because you may see dirt and crumbs start to move towards the vacuum cleaner. A black hole is like a vacuum cleaner, but only in space. However, it is not the powerful suction that causes things to fall into the black hole. The suction will not be strong enough. Instead, the black hole uses gravity to pull in everything around it.

How are black holes formed? Explanation for children

When big stars running out of fuel, she can no longer support her weight. Pressure from massive layers of hydrogen causes the star to shrink smaller and smaller. Eventually, the star will become smaller than an atom. Imagine, children, for a moment that the entire star will be crushed into a point smaller than an atom.

How can something be smaller, but retain the same amount of mass?

In fact, everything is very simple. Take a bottle-sized sponge, you can easily crush it in your hands. But here interesting point. If you do anything less by squeezing it, its gravity becomes stronger. Imagine kids, if you compress a star into the size of an atom, how powerful will its gravity become?

The gravity of a black hole is so powerful that it absorbs everything, even light that passes too close. That's right, not even light can escape a black hole.

The structure of a black hole. Astronomy for children

Black holes are made up of three main parts. The outer layer of a black hole is called the outer event horizon. Inside the outer event horizon, you can still escape the black hole's gravity because gravity isn't as strong there. The middle layer of a black hole is called the inner event horizon. If you didn't escape the black hole's gravity before you entered the inner event horizon, then you kids missed your chance. The force of gravity in this layer is much stronger and does not let go of the objects it grabs. At this point, you begin to fall towards the center of the black hole. The center of a black hole is called the Singularity. This strange word means a crushed star. The singularity is the place where the black hole's gravity is strongest.

How can you get into a black hole?

Think about the Earth. If you get too close to the Earth, you run into its gravity. On Earth, you could fly into space on a rocket again. However, if you fall into a black hole, then you children have no way to get out, since gravity is very strong.

> Black holes

What's happened black hole– explanation for children: description with photos, how to find the Universe in space, how stars appear, the death, supermassive black holes of galaxies.

For the little ones parents or At school must explain, what to perceive a black hole as empty place- a grave mistake. On the contrary, an incredible amount of matter is concentrated in it, which is confined in a small space. To explanation for children was more colorful, just imagine if you took a star 10 times more massive than the Sun and tried to squeeze it into an area the size of New York City. Due to this pressure, the gravitational field becomes so strong that no one, not even a light beam, can escape. With the development of technology, NASA is able to learn more and more about these mysterious objects.

Begin explanation for children This is possible because the term “black hole” did not exist until 1967 (introduced by John Wheeler). But before this, for several centuries it was mentioned about the existence of strange objects that, due to their density and massiveness, do not release light. They were even predicted by Albert Einstein in general theory relativity. She proved that when a massive star dies, a small dense core remains. If a star is three times the mass of the sun, then gravity overcomes other forces, and we get a black hole.

Of course it's important explain to the children that researchers are deprived of the opportunity to observe these features directly (telescopes find only light x-ray radiation and other forms electromagnetic radiation), so there is no need to wait for a photo of a black hole. But it is possible to calculate their location and even determine their size due to the influence they have on surrounding objects. For example, if it passes through a cloud interstellar matter, then in the process it will begin to draw matter inward - accretion. The same thing will happen if a star passes nearby. True, a star can explode.

At the moment of attraction, the substance heats up and accelerates, releasing it into space X-rays. Recent discoveries have spotted several powerful bursts of gamma rays, demonstrating that the hole is devouring neighboring stars. At this moment, they stimulate the growth of some and stop others.

The death of a star is the beginning of a black hole

Most of black holes appear from the residual material of dying large stars (supernova explosion). Smaller stars become dense neutron stars, which lack the massiveness to trap light. If the mass of a star is 3 times greater than that of the Sun, then it becomes a candidate for a black hole. Important explain to the children one oddity. When a star collapses, its surface approaches an imaginary surface (event horizon). Time on the star itself becomes slower than that of the observer. When the surface reaches the event horizon, time freezes and the star can no longer collapse - a frozen, collapsing object.

Larger black holes can appear after a stellar collision. After its launch in December 2004, the NASA telescope was able to detect strong, fleeting flashes of light - gamma rays. After this, Chandra and Hubble collected data about the event and realized that these flashes could be the result of a collision between a black hole and neutron star, which creates a new black hole.

Although in the process of education children And parents We've already figured it out, but one thing remains a mystery. The holes seem to exist on two different scales. There are many black holes - remnants massive stars. Typically, they are 10-24 times more massive than the Sun. Scientists constantly see them if an alien star comes critically close. But most black holes exist in isolation and simply cannot be seen. However, judging by the number of stars large enough to become black hole candidates, Milky Way There must be tens of millions of billions of such black holes.

There are also supermassive black holes, which are a million or even a billion times larger than our Sun. It is believed that such monsters live in the centers of almost all large galaxies(and in ours).

For the little ones it will be interesting to know that for a long time Scientists believed that there was no average size for black holes. But data from Chandra, XMM-Newton and Hubble show that they are there.

Perhaps supermassive black holes appear due to chain reaction caused by the collision of stars in compact clusters. Because of this, a lot of massive stars accumulate, which collapse and produce black holes. These clusters then occupy the galactic center, where the black holes merge and become a supermassive member.

You might already understand that you won't be able to admire the black hole in high quality online because these objects do not release light. But children will be interested in studying photographs and diagrams created based on the contact of black holes and ordinary matter.

Space objects
Issue 39

In a new astronomy video lesson, the professor will talk about how black holes are formed and why they are dangerous.

How black holes form

Black holes cannot be touched and you cannot walk through them. Black holes are regions in space-time that form a super-powerful attraction. Attraction bends space and time, which means that inside black hole there are no straight lines, the space is crumpled and intertwined. If a star forms near a black hole, the gravitational forces of the black hole will tear the star apart and it will disappear into the depths of the hole. If something falls into a black hole, it stays there forever. To overcome the powerful attraction of a black hole, it is necessary to develop a speed greater than the speed of light, but this, alas, is impossible. Scientists do not know exactly how supermassive black holes are formed, but with ordinary black holes everything is more or less clear. During the evolution of a star, hydrogen gradually burns out, and accordingly its amount decreases, which leads to the fact that the force of light pressure begins to exceed the force gravitational compression. The star greatly increases in size and turns into a red giant, which subsequently explodes. After the explosion, compression begins, then the star cools down and becomes not directly visible. But, if the mass of the red giant remnant exceeds the solar mass by 2-2.5 times, then its compression cannot stop, because gravitational force completely suppresses compression resistance, as a result this residue is compressed into a dense tiny body, as if closed in on itself. And it is at this moment of gravitational collapse (compression) that black holes are formed. As a result, it turns out that the mass is concentrated in such a small area that even the speed of light is not enough to leave its vicinity. Hence the first part of the name is black, since it can even absorb light. The second part - the hole - means that everything that falls into the region of the black hole becomes forever inaccessible to observation.

The part is affected by gravity before he even has time to see anything. Scientists carried out all the calculations for the simplest spherically symmetric black holes, whose radius equal to the radius Schwarzschild. Black holes, formed during the collapse of stars, have more complex characteristics. However, as the authors note, over time they become more and more...

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Narrated at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society. Astronomers believe that some supermassive black holes, located in neighboring galaxies, by at least two times, and maybe four times, ... The discovery could change the understanding of how galaxies first form and what role they play in the universe black holes. Late last month, a group of researchers led by Andrew Fabian Cambridge university...

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Bend, moving in a spiral towards its center - just like black holes, although for completely different reasons. If black hole operates thanks to its colossal force of attraction, a tool invented by Narimanov and Kildishev, ... (Tie Jun Cui) and Qiang Cheng brought it into reality by creating such a simulated " black hole", capable of capturing and absorbing microwave radiation. The device is a cylinder consisting of 60 annular layers of porous metamaterials...

That J0005-0006 and J0303-0019 formed shortly after big bang, having determined their mass black holes. The more heated dust is in a quasar, the more mass black holes(she has a lot of “food” for growth). Masses black holes J0005-0006 and J0303-0019 turned out to be the smallest of all known quasars in the young Universe. Recently...

Einstein-Rosen. These objects are hypothetical tunnels connecting different regions of space. Poplawski believes that the other end of the wormhole black holes connected to white hole(antipode black holes- a region of space into which nothing can enter). At the same time, conditions arise inside the wormhole that resemble an expanding Universe, similar to the one we observe...