From the day of astronautics. Skills of evaluative independence

Gulya Shaimardyanova

Program content:

Introduce children to the history of the Cosmonautics Day holiday;

Expand, clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Cosmonautics Day” (space, spaceship, cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, cosmodrome, porthole, flight, spacesuit);

Practice neat cutting and pasting;

Develop spatial imagination, fine and gross motor skills;

Foster curiosity and pride in your country.

Material: pictures depicting a portrait of Yu. Gagarin, V. Tereshkova, A. Leonov, dogs Belka and Strelka, illustration of rockets; sheets of purple cardboard or of blue color, with pre-made sprays yellow color, depicting stars; rectangles of white paper 16.5x6 cm, squares of yellow paper 3x3 cm (3 squares for each child), pencils, glue, brushes, scissors, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

Since ancient times, people have loved to look at the night sky, at the stars, and they were very interested in what they really were like! To fly into space, people built a space rocket. And the first to fly into them were not people, but animals: rats, and then dogs. Take a look at this picture. ( Show). On it you can see the first dogs that flew into space and came back. Their names are Belka and Strelka.

And only after other dogs had successfully flown into space did the first man go there.

Many years ago, on this very day, April 12, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew into space ( display of a portrait of Yuri Gagarin). When the astronaut got into the rocket, the countdown began: “Five, four, three, two, one, START!” The rocket took off from the ground, fire bursting from its tail - its engine was working so hard. And the rocket flew high into the sky.

In a space rocket

With the name "East"!

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Since then, on this day every year we celebrate Cosmonautics Day - a holiday of astronauts and everyone who helps them fly successfully into space.

And after 2 years, a woman visited space - Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova ( showing a portrait). And after another 2 years, the first human exit into open space. The first cosmonaut to go into space was Alexei Leonov ( showing a portrait, he spent 10 minutes outside the ship and showed that it is possible to work in outer space.

What do you think astronauts should be like? ( hardy, resourceful, courageous, hardworking, quick-witted)

What kind of journey do astronauts make? ( cosmic)

What do astronauts fly into space on? ( spaceships or rockets) (Show illustration)

Where do spaceships launch from? ( from the cosmodrome)

Today you and I will play as astronauts: we’ll go on a flight in a spaceship. First let's build the rockets for our flight. To do this, take rectangles of white paper, fold them in half so that the long sides coincide and draw the outline of our rocket with a pencil.

Then we will cut out the rocket along the contour.

Now let's cut out circles from squares of yellow paper, smoothly cutting off all the corners - these are the windows of our rockets.

Let's glue the rockets onto a sheet of cardboard, then the circles - the portholes.

Our rockets are ready!

“Rocket” (physical education)

And now you and I, children, are flying away on a rocket (Marching in place)

Rise up onto your toes, and then your hands down (Rise up onto your toes, hands up, palms folded. Hands down through the sides)

One, two - stretch, a rocket is flying up (Rise on toes, arms up, palms folded, run on toes in place)

And now it's time to say goodbye

And return to Earth.

Astronauts, take your places!

Let's start the ships!

Here we are at home again!

Did you like the lesson? What interesting things did you remember? (children's answers)

And I liked the way you worked. Our lesson is over, thank you everyone!

Drawing lesson in a preparatory group on the topic “Space”

Lesson topic: Cosmonautics Day
Target: Develop the ability to reflect your ideas about space in a drawing.
1. Continue to expand children’s understanding of the diversity of space. Tell children about interesting facts and space events.
2. Give children the idea that the Universe is a lot of stars. The Sun is the star closest to Earth. Clarify ideas about planets and constellations.
3. Give children knowledge about human exploration of outer space, the importance space research for the life of people on Earth. Introduce the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin.
4. Foster a sense of pride for your homeland.
It's so cool in space!
It's so cool in space!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Slowly swimming!
It's so cool in space!
Sharp missiles
On enormous speed
They rush here and there!
It's so wonderful in space!

It's so magical in space!
In real space
Been there once!
In real space!
In the one that saw through,
In the one that saw through
Paper telescope!
O. Akhmetova
One of the topics that is very interesting for children preschool age, this is space. Space is mysterious world stars, planets, and other objects. From childhood, children see that day gives way to night. The sun shines in the sky during the day and the moon at night. And the sky is strewn with many stars.
What can you tell children about space?
On April 12, Russia celebrates Cosmonautics Day to commemorate the first space flight, committed by Yuri Gagarin.
The starry sky has always attracted the eyes of people, beckoning with its uncertainty. People dreamed of learning as much as possible about space. This is how time began space rockets, satellites, lunar rovers...

Our Earth is a huge ball on which there are seas, rivers, mountains, deserts and forests. And also people live. Our Earth and everything that surrounds it is called the Universe, or space. In addition to our blue planet, there are others, as well as stars. Stars are huge balls of light. The sun is also a star. It is located close to the Earth, so we see it and feel its heat.

In addition to the Earth, there are 8 more planets in the solar system, each planet has its own path, which is called an orbit.

To find out what a person will have to face in space, scientists sent animals for “reconnaissance”. There were dogs, rabbits, mice, even microbes.

Dogs are smarter animals than mice, but not all dogs were suitable for testing. Ordinary mongrels came closest. The first dog, Laika, was sent into space in 1957. Then Belka and Strelka flew into space. In 1960, on August 19, they were launched into space on a prototype spaceship"East". They stayed in space for more than a day and returned safely.
The first cosmonaut was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. On April 12, 1961, he flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft and circled the Earth in 1 hour and 48 minutes. Came back alive and healthy.

An astronaut is a person who experiences space technology and works in space. Now there are astronauts in many countries.
The first spacewalk was made by Alexei Leonov in 1965.

And the first female cosmonaut was Valentina Tereshkova, who flew into space in 1963.

To fly into space, you need to study a lot and study well, be persistent, patient, and enduring.
The space theme contains a lot of ideas for drawings and our children preparatory group shared their impressions of space.

FULL NAME: Belova Svetlana Pavlovna

Place of work: "Secondary school No. 6" - branch of MBOU "Secondary school No. 7"

Subject, lesson type: Fine art, lesson on learning new material.

Lesson topic: Space world.

Target: Studying unconventional techniques drawings (“spraying”, wax crayons, soap bubbles).


Educational: expand knowledge about space and its various possibilities art materials, about the colors of space, intensify cognitive activity.

Educational: nurturing a sense of beauty, the ability to express one’s attitude to the world around us with the help of color, to promote patriotic education children.

Educational: development creative imagination, ability to analyze, compare, children’s activities.

Requirements for the results of mastering new material

Personal results mastering new material :

1) development creative potential child, activation of imagination and fantasy;

2) development of ethical feelings and aesthetic needs, emotional and sensory perception of the surrounding natural world and works of art; awakening and enriching the child’s feelings, sensory abilities of children;

3) nurturing children’s interest in independent creative activity; development of the desire to bring beauty to the surrounding reality; development of cooperation skills in artistic activity.

Meta-subject results mastering new material:

1) development of productive design thinking, creative potential of the individual, the ability to think originally and decide independently creative tasks;

2) development of visual-imaginative thinking, the ability to respond to what is happening in the world, in the immediate environment, the formation of ideas about outer space and bodies;

3) development of a conscious approach to one’s own creative activity;

4) developing the ability to compare, analyze, summarize and transfer information from one type of artistic activity to another;

5) development of spatial perception of the world; formation of the concept of natural space and environment different nations;

6) mastering the expressive features of the language of various arts; development of interest in various types art;

7) formation of a holistic, harmonious perception in children;

8) education of moral and aesthetic feelings.

Subject results development new material:

1) the formation of a sustainable interest in fine art;

2) development of an individual sense of form and color in the fine arts, conscious use of color and form when performing practical work;

3) manifestation of emotional responsiveness, development of fantasy and imagination of children;

4) use in your own creative work color fantasies, shapes, compositional solutions and images.

Material: Paper, templates, Toothbrush, wax crayons, watercolor. Sheets of dark paper, plastic cups. Liquid dish soap, straws. Colored paper, scissors, glue, brushes .

Visual range: methodological tables “Color Wheel”, illustrations, electronic presentation .


    Organizing time. Checking readiness for the lesson .

Teacher: Hello guys! Let's start our art lesson. There are smiley faces on your desks. Pick up the one that shows me your mood.

Teacher. The topic of our lesson: “Space world”. And today in class we will learn a lot about space, about the various possibilities of art materials, about the colors of space.

II. Learning new material

introduction teachers:

Man's desire to understand the world around him is known and ineradicable. And one of the brightest pages of this process is the desire to fly above the earth, look from the sky at the cradle of humanity, to find out what is there, further, in the boundless expanses of the Universe.

Teacher. Guys, do you like to travel? I love you too, and today I want to go with you to space trip, to unknown planets. I announce a flight readiness check. To do this, we divide into three groups, appoint captains of three crews and give a name to your ships.


I wish you an exciting and rewarding journey. I begin the pre-start countdown: 5-1, start!

Here is the first planet: "about space"

April 12, 1961. This date has forever entered the history of mankind. Spring morning a powerful launch vehicle launched the first ever Vostok spacecraft into orbit, carrying the Earth’s first citizen cosmonaut Soviet Union Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on board. The first flight lasted only 108 minutes, and these minutes were destined to become stellar in Gagarin’s biography.

Gagarin's flight was the first, but far from the last; it was only the beginning of the great era of astronautics.

No modern equipment can accurately convey what is seen in space. Only the human eye and the artist’s brush are able to convey to people the beauty of our Earth, revealed from cosmic heights.

Artist-cosmonaut Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov is a pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, the first person in the world to go into outer space. Honorary Member Russian Academy Arts, member of the Academy Fine Arts USA.

He depicts space in his paintings as he saw it and as he imagines it.

When looking at the paintings, pay attention to their composition and color scheme. And A. Leonov was the first cosmonaut to notice in space, and then depict the moment when the fiery red disk of the Sun had just risen from the horizon. “The Earth’s horizon looks especially beautiful. It is contrastingly divided into several bright layers. The Earth itself has a bright red line. After it's warm tones fawn line with yellowness. The next one is a blue ribbon, which turns into dark purple and then into a black, velvety sky.” - recalled A. A. Leonov.

Second planet " Question answer"

What do you think is there, far above us, in the blue valley of the sky? (Stars). What are stars? What are they? They are different in size and temperature. This - fireballs. Some are hotter, others less so, so the colors are different. The hottest are white, less hot are blue, then yellow, red. Name the planets. (Mercury, Venus, Saturn...). What else can you find in space? Let's guess the riddles:

From which bucket?
They don't drink, they don't eat,
Do they only look at him? (Big Dipper)

A yellow plate hangs in the sky.
The yellow plate gives everyone warmth. (Sun)

A fragment from the planet
Rushing somewhere among the stars.
He has been flying and flying for many years,
Space... (Meteorite)

In space through the thickness of years
An icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the object's name is... (Comet)

Planet blue,
Beloved, dear,
She's yours, she's mine,
And it's called... (Earth)

Lights the way at night,
Doesn't let the stars sleep.
Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,
There is light in the sky for us... (Moon)

Third planet: "Physical Minute"

And now we are with you, children,

We're flying away on a rocket. (Children are marching)

Let's rise on our toes (Stretch, raising your arms above your head, clasping them).

And then hands down (Hands down).

One, two, three, stretch (Stretch).

Here's a rocket flying up! (Run in circles).

Children pretend to fly in a spaceship (look through binoculars, pretend to be weightless).

III Practical work

The fourth planet "Creative"

In order for the ship to take off and for us to return home, we need to complete the task.

First ship performs the work using the “spray” technique (Apply templates and apply the spray with a brush).

Second performs the work using techniques - wax crayons and watercolors.

Third- soap bubbles. (Add gouache and a little to a glass of water detergent, stir with a cocktail stick, and then blow so that the foam rises. Take the sheet and cover the glass, then carefully lift it up. Is there a fingerprint left? Here is the first planet. Children print 2-4 planets on a sheet of paper. Then, when the print dries, children draw or cut out travelers, astronauts, and planet inhabitants from paper.

Guys, think about the color scheme of the drawing. Use bright, ringing colors and unusual combinations of them, which creates originality and fantasticness.

IV. Bottom line

Fifth planet "Ultimate"

Well done! Our spaceship successfully landed on the planet. I ask the captains to report on the results of the work. The guys hang out their work. They can exchange experiences and visit different ships and perform their work.

We have completed our journey. I propose to summarize our lesson together.


Guys, how did you feel when you returned from your trip?

What painting techniques did you use?
- What, in your opinion, was the most interesting, difficult, what still needs to be worked on?

Teacher. I am very happy for those whose mood has changed.

– It’s great, today we visited extraordinary outer space and learned a lot of new things about space. Maybe someday it will be possible to go on a tour on a starship and actually wander around, look, and bring back souvenirs. In the meantime, we have the opportunity to draw, dream about it, and admire the works. I wish you in the future creative success.

Cleaning the workplace.

List of used sources:

    Gilberg L. A. From aircraft to orbital complex. - M.: Education, 1992.

    Leonov A.A. I’m going into space. - M.: Malysh, 1980.

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Photo gallery: Beautiful drawing for Cosmonautics Day - step by step with paints and a brush, pencil - for children of grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - Step-by-step master classes on drawing for Cosmonautics Day with photos and videos

It is much easier for children of any grade to get acquainted with Cosmonautics Day with interesting stories and entertaining creativity. Therefore, students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 should be asked to draw a rocket, alien plate or a real astronaut. Cool and beautiful images will help children invent their own space stories. You can create a drawing for Cosmonautics Day with pencils, paints, and brushes. It is important that the child is comfortable working with the materials, and that the topic itself is truly interesting to him. In the indicated photos and video master classes you can find detailed descriptions that children will understand.

A simple pencil drawing for Cosmonautics Day step by step - for children in grades 3, 4, 5

For children studying in primary school or just transitioning to high school, easier to draw unusual characters with smooth lines. Such a simple drawing for Cosmonautics Day for children will be feasible and will not cause difficulties when transferring from the example. In addition, they can color it at their own discretion, which does not limit the flight of thoughts and imagination of schoolchildren. Light and very interesting drawing On Cosmonautics Day, even those children who have difficulty drawing images of people will be able to draw with a pencil.

Materials for creating a simple drawing for Cosmonautics Day for students in grades 3, 4, 5

  • regular pencil of medium softness;
  • eraser;
  • A4 sheet of paper.

Step-by-step master class on creating a simple drawing for Cosmonautics Day for children

Cool drawing with a brush and paints for Cosmonautics Day - for children of grades 5, 6, 7

A cheerful astronaut is more suitable for depicting a baby, children high school You will be more pleased with the drawing for Cosmonautics Day using paints in the shape of a rocket. They will be able to color it themselves in different ways. aircraft, and fire, and the surrounding space. If desired, you can supplement the picture with distant silhouettes of planets. It’s not at all difficult to create such a drawing for Cosmonautics Day with a brush, but it’s better to use watercolor: it goes on more softly and with its help it’s easier to achieve smooth color transitions for space.

Materials for creating a cool drawing with paints for Cosmonautics Day for children in grades 5, 6, 7

  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • regular pencil, eraser;
  • set of watercolor paints.

Step-by-step master class on creating a drawing with paints for Cosmonautics Day for schoolchildren

Universal drawing for Cosmonautics Day for children of grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

All schoolchildren will like this cool rocket, but there is another drawing that will definitely please the children. The beautiful UFO saucer will be depicted by children with no less interest and admiration. Such a drawing for Cosmonautics Day in 4th grade will amuse students, but schoolchildren in 6-7th grade will force them to show maximum imagination to obtain a non-standard picture. For example, they can add new attention-grabbing elements to a drawing for Cosmonautics Day step by step. A UFO may be carrying away a cow or an alien may be looking out of it. There are many options for refining the image, you just need to come up with your own story.

Materials for creating universal drawings for schoolchildren

  • sheet of A4 watercolor paper;
  • regular pencil;
  • eraser;
  • a set of paints or crayons for drawing.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a universal drawing for children in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Video master class on creating a colorful drawing for Cosmonautics Day

A cool plate can be depicted in a slightly different way. The attached video also presents her idea for creating a drawing with a UFO:

A colorful image on a space theme will be the best decoration for your school office for Cosmonautics Day. You can give this task to children of average or primary school. A similar idea can be used to hold an image competition among students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. You can draw a drawing for Cosmonautics Day with paints, brushes, and pencils. Among the proposed photos and videos of master classes, the most attractive and original ideas, which will be simple for step-by-step implementation by all schoolchildren.

Cosmonautics Day. The world in which we live is huge and vast. Space has neither beginning nor end, it is limitless. If you imagine a rocket ship with inexhaustible reserves of energy, then you can easily imagine that you are flying to any end of the Universe, to some very distant star. So what's next? And then the same endless space.

We live on one of nine planets orbiting the Sun. Planet Earth is the only one in the solar system that has life. On other planets there are no conditions for air life, a suitable temperature for the existence of living organisms. There is only one person revolving around the Earth. natural satellite The Moon, as well as many artificial satellites and their debris.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky Exactly one hundred years before the first artificial satellite, in September 1857 Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was born. Working as a teacher at a provincial school, in free time he read, thought, calculated, fantasized, dreamed of man's conquest of space. In his mind's eye he looked through a century and saw multi-stage rockets, automatic control of spaceships, solar system, orientation interplanetary spacecraft in outer space.

GENERAL DESIGNER OF SPACESHIP So that calculations and formulas are embodied in spacecraft, so that a person can really break away from the Earth and go out into space, should have come general designer spaceships, a man of extraordinary energy, creative and organizational talent, coordinating the work of the largest teams creating rocket and space systems. Such a designer was Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin The launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite marked the beginning space age, and on April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft with a man on board took off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, who opened the road to space, flew around Earth in 108 minutes and landed in a given area. And behind every minute of its flight there is search, hard work of designers, engineers, workers of all specialties. Man's long-standing dream of gaining wings and flying above the Earth has come true.

German Stepanovich Titov Together with Yuri Gagarin, he mastered the Vostok-1 spacecraft and on April 12, 1961, the backup German Stepanovich Titov was ready to fly into space. Both cosmonauts went to the cosmodrome in spacesuits, completely ready for an unprecedented launch. Only after Gagarin’s “Ready for launch!” "Titov took off his helmet and turned into an observer.

The first manned spacewalk On March 18, 1965, the flight of the Voskhod-2 spacecraft began, the commander of which was cosmonaut P.I. Belyaev, and the co-pilot pilot-cosmonaut A.A. Leonov. A television broadcast was broadcast from the ship about the first manned spacewalk, and a film was made called “In a spacesuit above the planet.”

Spacesuit A spacesuit (from the Greek skaf boat, boat and andros man) is individual equipment for a person who works in conditions other than normal. The equipment set includes a shell, helmet, gloves, boots. Initially, this was the name for the clothing of a diver who descends to great depths. Later, when people began to actively explore space, the cosmonaut’s clothing began to be called a spacesuit. As in the cabin of a spaceship, a microclimate is created for a person in a spacesuit; tubes with a breathing mixture ensure normal breathing, special system thermoregulation creates a normal body temperature. The astronaut's suit has rubber chambers that fill with compressed air when overloaded. squeezing the body. The spacesuit, like the ship’s cabin, protects against low pressure and radiation. The cabin is connected to the Earth, and the suit is equipped with a microphone and sensors from equipment located at an observation post on Earth. The suit performs the same functions as the cabin.

Movement of bodies in space There are no gravitational forces in space. Therefore, it is enough to impart speed to some body (i.e., give impulse), and it will move in a given direction for an infinitely long time, until it collides with some other body. The body maintains speed only in the absence of resistance forces. This movement is called the phenomenon of inertia.

In our country, the first artificial satellite was launched to fly around the Moon, it was photographed back side, a soft landing of the automatic station on the surface of the Moon was carried out, the first samples were delivered lunar soil... But the first to visit the Moon were... American astronauts.

The return of astronauts to Earth The ascent into outer space is difficult and unsafe, but, perhaps, the return to Earth is no less difficult. Everyone watching the flight wishes the astronauts a soft landing. “Soft” means that the spacecraft’s descent module must land at a speed of no more than 2 m/s. Only then will the structure of the apparatus, the instruments in it, and most importantly, the crew members not experience a sharp, hard shock.