Annual regional test in physics.


1. The figure shows graphs of the distance traveled versus time at straight motion for bodies A and B. Based on these graphs, it can be argued that...

2. The figure shows two balls of the same size, made of different materials. The balls are in a state of equilibrium in the liquid. Which of the balls, A or B, is more dense?

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A 1 = A

A 1 < A 2 twice, because the movable block gives a double gain in strength

A 1 < A 2 three times, because the block system shown in the figure gives a gain in strength three times

A 1 < A 2, because in the second case extra work is spent to overcome friction in the blocks.

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b And d

5. How many degrees will a piece of copper weighing 2 kg heat up due to the energy released when burning 10 g of kerosene, if there is no energy loss? The specific heat capacity of copper is 400; The specific heat of combustion of kerosene is 4.6∙1070 "style="border-collapse:collapse">

6. The nucleus of a lead atom consists of 207 particles; There are 82 electrons moving around this nucleus. The number of neutrons in the nucleus of a lead atom is

7. In which of the circuits shown in the figure will the fuse blow when the key is closed?

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8. The electric iron is powered by a 220 V electrical network and consumes 1 kW. Find the current in the iron's heating element.

9. A magnetic field exists near...

permanent magnets

electrically charged bodies

permanent magnets, conductors through which flows electricity, and electrically charged bodies

permanent magnets and conductors through which electric current flows

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will increase by 2 α

will increase by α

will decrease by α

Will not change

Last name, I.O.

"___" May 2006


1. The figure shows a graph of the distance traveled versus time during rectilinear motion of the body. Based on this graph, it can be stated that the speed of the body is equal to

2. The figure shows two vessels filled with kerosene and water and separated by a narrow tube with a tap. The tap is closed. The density of kerosene is 800 kg/m3, the density of water is 1000 kg/m3. If you open the tap, then...

fluid levels in the vessels will remain the same

the fluid level in the left vessel will increase, and in the right one it will decrease

the fluid level in the left vessel will decrease, and in the right one it will increase

To answer the question, you need to know the cross-sectional area of ​​the vessels

3. A person lifting a load using only a rope does work A 1 . When lifting the same load to the same height with the help of a movable block, it does work A 2. On practice Always …

A 2 = , because in the second case the person pulls the rope with force

A 2 = A 1, because using the block does not give any gain in work

A 2 = 2 A 1, because to raise the load to a height H, a person has to pull out the end of a rope of length 2 H.

A 2 more A 1 for the amount of work done by the friction force in the block

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5. To melt 0.1 kg of lead taken at the melting temperature, it is necessary to expend 2.5 kJ of heat. Determine the amount of heat released during the crystallization of 10 g of lead.

6. 30 particles in the nucleus of an iron atom are neutrons; There are 26 electrons moving around the nucleus. Determine how many particles make up the nucleus of an iron atom." height="34"> 7. The resistance of each resistor in the electrical circuit shown in the figure is 4 ohms. Find the resistance of this circuit.

8. Determine the resistance of the incandescent lamp filament. The lamp power is 100 W, the lamp is designed to operate in a household electrical network with a voltage of 220 V.

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molecules (atoms)

opposite in sign electric charges

different names magnetic poles

a And c

b And c

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11. The scale division value of the speedometer shown in the figure is equal to

1) 2 km/hkm/hkm/hkm/h

Annual regional test in physics

student(s) of grade 8 “___” of secondary school No. ___ of the city (district)_________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Last name, I.O.

"___" May 2006


1. The figure shows graphs of the dependence of speed on time during rectilinear motion for bodies A and B. Based on these graphs, it can be stated that...

Based on these graphs, it is impossible to compare the paths traversed by bodies

both bodies travel the same distances in equal periods of time

body A travels three times less distance during movement than body B

body A travels three times as far as body B during its movement

2. The figure shows two identical balls placed in different liquids and in a state of equilibrium. Which liquid has a lower density: A or B?

The densities of the liquids are the same

The density of liquid A is less than that of liquid B

The density of liquid B is less than that of liquid A

Without knowing the masses of the balls, it is impossible to compare the densities of liquids.

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A 1 = A 2, because simple mechanisms do not provide benefits in work

A 1 > A 2 because the length of the inclined plane is greater than its height

A 1 < A 2, because when lifting a load along an inclined plane, the worker acts on it with less force than when lifting it vertically

A 1 > A 2, because lifting a load along an inclined plane consumes energy to overcome the friction of the load on the plane.

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5. A heated steel part weighing 200 g is immersed in 5 kg cold water. By the time thermal equilibrium was reached, the water temperature increased by 0.2 ºС. By how many degrees did the temperature of the part decrease? The specific heat capacity of steel is 500 J/ (kg ·ºС); specific heat water is equal to 4200 J/ (kg ·ºС).

6. The nucleus of a beryllium atom consists of 9 particles, 5 of which are neutrons. How many electrons are moving around this nucleus?

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Only in circuit a)

Only in circuit b)

Neither in circuit a), nor in circuit b)

Both in circuit a) and in circuit b)

8. An electric kettle is powered by a 220 V electrical network, the current strength in the heating element of the kettle is 4 A. The heating element of the iron releases heat in 1 minute equal to...

9. The electric field exists...

only near stationary electric charges

only near moving electric charges

near moving magnets and electric charges

near stationary or moving electric charges

10. The figure shows a ray incident on a plane mirror at an angle of 45º. The back surface of the mirror is blackened. If the mirror is turned horizontally with the reflective surface down, then...

the reflected beam will be directed vertically downwards

the reflected beam will be directed downward, at an angle of 45º to the vertical

the reflected beam will be directed upward, at an angle of 45º to the vertical

no light will be reflected

11. The division value of the scale shown in the figure is...

Annual regional test in physics

student(s) of grade 8 “___” of secondary school No. ___ of the city (district)_________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Last name, I.O.

"___" May 2006


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any of the methods shown in the pictures

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5. To evaporate 3 kg of water at boiling point, 6750 kJ of heat is required. Find the amount of heat that will be released when 300 g of water vapor condenses.

6. The nucleus of a chlorine atom consists of 35 particles; There are 17 electrons moving around the nucleus. How many protons are in the nucleus of this atom?

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8. The resistance of the heating element of an electric stove is 44 Ohms. The stove is designed to operate on a 220 V network. Determine the power consumed by the electric stove.

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mutual penetration of atoms of one substance between atoms of another

transforming lead atoms into gold atoms

transformation of gold atoms into lead atoms

repulsion of gold atoms and lead atoms from each other

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α / 2

Decimal prefixes


Boiling temperature

Melting temperature

Specific heat

s, kJ/(kg °С)

Specific heat melting




Normal conditions


Ethyl ether


We wish you success!

Part 1


Give the correct circuit diagram to measure the electrical voltage across a resistor. R 2 when connecting two resistors in series R 1 and R 2 .

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

Part 2

Write down the answers to the tasks in this part in the answer form to the right of the task number B1 - B5. Write each letter in a separate box in accordance with the examples given.

Instructions for completing tasks

For execution test work 40 minutes are given. The work consists of two parts and contains 15 tasks.

Part 1 contains 10 tasks (A1 – A10). For each task A1 - A10 there are 4 possible answers, of which only one is correct. When completing these tasks, you must indicate the number of the correct answer.

Part 2 contains 2 more difficult tasks(B1 – B2). For tasks B1 - B2 you need to give a short answer.

Read each task carefully and the suggested answer options, if any. Answer only after you understand the question and have considered all possible answers.

Complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. If a task is difficult for you, skip it. You can return to missed tasks if you have time.

Below is reference information that may be needed when performing the work.

Thermal characteristics substances

(at normal atmospheric pressure)

Decimal prefixes


Boiling temperature

Melting temperature

Specific heat

s, kJ/(kg °С)

Specific heat of fusion

Specific heat of vaporization




Normal conditions


Ethyl ether


We wish you success!

Part 1

When completing the tasks of this part, in the answer form, under the number of the task you are performing (A1 - A10), put the sign X in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer you chose.

A 1. A frightened hare can run at a speed of 20 m/s. Fox in 3 minutes

overcomes 2700 m, and the wolf can chase prey at a speed of 54 km/h.

Select true statement about the speeds of animals.

1) A hare can run faster than both a fox and a wolf.

2) The hare runs faster than the fox, but slower than the wolf.

3) The hare runs faster than the wolf, but slower than the fox.

4) The hare runs slower than both the wolf and the fox.

A 2. Three bodies of the same volume are completely immersed in three different liquids. The first liquid is oil, the second is water, the third liquid is mercury. On which body does the smaller Archimedean force act?
1.On the first 2.On the second 3.On the third 4.The same Archimedean forces act on all three bodies.

A 3 On the construction yard there are four wooden beams of the same volume 0.18 m3 made of pine, spruce, oak and larch. The densities of these wood species are presented in the table. The mass of which beam is more than 100 kg, but less than 110 kg?

Density: oak - 900 kg/m3, spruce - 600 kg/m3, larch - 700 kg/m3.

1) oak 2) spruce 3) larch 4) pine

A4. “The distance between neighboring particles of matter is on average many times greater than the size of the particles themselves.” This statement corresponds...

    only models of the structure of gases 2) only models of the structure of liquids 3) models of the structure of liquids and gases 4) models of the structure of gases, liquids and solids.

The figure shows a graph of the temperature T of a substance versus time t. IN starting moment For some time, the substance was in a crystalline state. Which point corresponds to the end of the solidification process of the substance?

1)1 2) 2 3) 3 4)4 5)5 6)6 7)7

A6. In a metal rod, heat exchange is carried out mainly by...

1) Radiation

2) Convection

3) Thermal conductivity

4) Convection and radiation

A7. The figure shows three pairs of light identical balls, the charges of which are equal in magnitude. The balls are suspended on silk threads. The charge of one of the balls is shown in the figure. In what case is the charge of the second ball positive?

1) only A 2) only B 3) only C

4) A and B 5) A and C 6) B and C

A8 . The table presents the results of a study of the dependence of current on voltage at the ends of the resistor. What is the resistance of the resistor?

1) 0.5 Ohm2) 2 Ohm3) 8 Ohm4) 32 Ohm

A9. The figure shows diagrams of three electrical circuits. In which of them the light does not light? Electrical keys are open everywhere.

    A2 only) B3 only) A and B4) B and C

A10.A 13 No. 850. Item ABCD reflected in a flat mirror. Image A 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 of this item in the mirror is correctly shown in the picture

1) 12) 23) 34) 4

Part 2

Write down the answers to the tasks in this part in the answer form to the right of the task number B1 - B2. Write each letter in a separate box in accordance with the examples given.

Establish a correspondence between the graphic and verbal (verbal) description of the movement of the body during its rectilinear movement. For each element of the first column, select a statement from the second column and enter it in the table under the numbers indicating the selected statements. Numbers in the answer may be repeated

AT 2. Match the units of measurement of physical quantities with the quantities themselves. For each element of the first column, select a statement from the second column and enter it in the table under the numbers indicating the selected statements. Numbers in the answer may be repeated


V genitive case

Text No. 1. (l) (mg)

S=_______ m, l=_______ m, m=__________ kg.

text No. 2.


1) weight of the unloaded lift; 2) the traction force of the ship lift; 3) the weight of the vessel being lifted; 4) the mass of water in the lift; 5) height of the ship lift; 6) dam mass


5. Which parameter in Figure 2 has the value 104 m?Circle the number of your chosen answer:

1) the distance from the downstream to the upstream; 2) the height to which the lift rises when transporting the vessel; 3) the distance covered by the lift when transporting the vessel; 4) the height of the upstream rise above the downstream

g = 10 N/kg.

6. The weight of the loaded lift is ___________________kN.

7. Imagine that Figure 1 is a diagram of the operation of the ship lift at the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station.

Enter the appropriate values: A) S= ___________ m, l=___________ m;

B) the ideal gain in strength when using a boat lift is ____________.

8. The traction force lifting a loaded hoist is _________________ kN.

9. The lift lifted a ship weighing 500 tons onto the turntable.

A) Useful work lift is equal to _________________ MJ.

B) The work expended on the lift is ___________________ MJ.

B) The efficiency of the lift is equal to ___________________%.

10. How will the values ​​of the indicated physical quantities change when transported by a ship lift? greater mass compared to a vessel of smaller mass, if their volumes are equal?


A) ideal gain in the strength of the ship lift B) efficiency of the lift

IN) mechanical work ship lift D) mass of water in the lift

text No. 3.
d h

11. : 1) force 2) length 3) mass 4) calculation


A) Gain in strength when using a screw

B) Circumference


14. In the empty cells in Figure 5, insert the numbers from 1 to 4 in increasing order of the force that must be applied to screw in the screw.


text No. 4.

If we assume that the screw shown in Figure 6 rotates at a constant speed, filling Container A with water, then the dependence of the height of the water column in the container and in the reservoir on time can be represented using the graphs in Figure 7.

16. Container heightA. U show both answers.

17. If ContainerA 3 .

18. The water level in the reservoir will drop by 20 cm in ______________min.

Awater is equal to ___________ min.

Acompletely with water



Last name, first name________________________________________________student___ 8__ grade

in the genitive case

School No.________________________________ Cities (villages, towns)_____________________

Read Text No. 1 and complete tasks 1-2.

Text No. 1. The inclined plane is a simple mechanism and is a flat surface set at an angle to the horizontal. It allows you to lift a load by applying a traction force (F) to it that is noticeably less than the force of gravity (mg) that acts on this load (Figure 1). Ideal gain in strength when using an inclined plane equal to the ratio its length (l) to the lifting height of the load (S); or the relation of gravity (mg) to the traction force (F) acting on the load.

For all its simplicity, the inclined plane played a huge role in the history of mankind. With its help, for example, the famous Egyptian pyramids. For the construction of the Khafre pyramid alone, 143 m high, more than 2 million stone blocks were raised from a half-kilometer-long inclined plane of cobblestones. average weight about 2300 kg each.

1. Imagine that Figure 1 shows the moment of lifting one stone block to the top of Khafre's pyramid. Enter the appropriate values: S=_______ m, l=_______ m, m=__________ kg.

2. Calculate and indicate the value of the ideal gain in strength when using an inclined plane that led to the top of Khafre’s pyramid:________________

Provide your answer to the nearest tenth.

Read Text No. 2 and complete tasks 3-10.

text No. 2.
The only ship lift in Russia is located on the Yenisei River at the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station. It consists of an outport, a lower approach channel (overpass), a ship-carrying chamber (lift) and a turntable. Locks are used to transport ships through other hydroelectric power stations in the country. The ship's chamber is a platform weighing 4,500 tons, moving along a rail track using electric traction (Figure 2). To load the vessel, the platform is lowered into the tailwater 1 below the water level, the vessel enters the lift, after which the platform begins to move up the overpass. In this case, the vessel is transported “afloat”. The mass of the platform with water and the ship is always the same and amounts to 8,100 tons.

Pool - here: part of a reservoir or river adjacent to a dam.

3. The values ​​of which two physical quantities are indicated in Text 2 (including the figure for it)?

Circle the numbers of your chosen answers.:

1) area of ​​the turning circle 2) power of the ship lift 3) mass of the vessel being lifted 4) mass of the loaded lift 5) height of the trestle 6) length of the ship-carrying chamber

4. What is the name of the inclined plane in Figure 2, which is used in the operation of the ship lift? __________________________

5. Which parameter in Figure 2 has a value of 117 m? Circle the number of the selected answer: 1) distance from the tailwater to the turntable; 2) the height to which the lift rises when transporting the vessel; 3) the distance covered by the lift when transporting the vessel; 4) diameter of the turntable.

In tasks 6-9, enter the values ​​of physical quantities, takingg = 10 N/kg.

6. The weight of the unloaded lift is _______ kN.

7. Imagine that Figure 1 is a diagram of the operation of the ship lift at the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station.

Enter the appropriate values: A) S=_____m, l=______ m;

B) the ideal gain in strength when using a ship lift is equal to.

8. The traction force lifting an unloaded hoist is ________ kN.

9. The lift lifted a ship weighing 1000 tons onto the turntable.

A) The useful work of the lift is _____ MJ. B) The work expended on the lift is ______ MJ.

C) The efficiency of the lift is ________%. Round the answer in percentage to tenths.

10. How will the values ​​of these physical quantities change when a vessel of smaller mass is transported by a lift compared to a vessel of greater mass, if their volumes are equal?

If the value increases, put , if it decreases -↓ , if the value does not change - 0.

A) Efficiency of the lift B) Mechanical operation of the ship lift C) Mass of water in the lift

D) ideal gain in the strength of the ship lift

Read text No. 3 and complete tasks 11-12.

text No. 3.
Screw - simplest mechanism, the thread of which is inclined plane, repeatedly wrapped around the rod (Figure 3). The ideal gain in power of such a mechanism is equal to the ratio of the circumference to the diameter d (rod diameter) to distance h between two adjacent threads, which is called the thread pitch.

11. Physical quantity, found in Text No. 3.Circle the number of your chosen answer.: 1) screw 2) mechanism 3) force 4) density

12. Establish a correspondence, enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.

physical quantity Calculation formula

A) Circumference

B) Gain in strength when using a screw

13. Using Figure 4, answer the questions..

represent the answer accurate to an integer value:

A) the diameter of the rod is _____ mm.

Present the answer to the nearest tenth:

B) the screw thread pitch is ___________mm.

Present the answer accurate to an integer value:

C) ideal gain in strength when used

14. In the empty cells in Figure 5, insert numbers from 1 to 4 in order of decreasing force that must be applied to screw in the screws.

5. The actual gain in strength when using a screw is always less than the ideal one. Explain with physical point view, what this is connected with.______________________________________________________________

Read Text No. 4 and complete tasks 16-20.

text No. 4.
The Archimedes screw is a mechanism consisting of a hollow tube inclined at an angle to the horizon with a screw inside, which is usually rotated using a wind wheel or manually (Figure 6). The lower end of the screw, turning, collects a certain volume of water. It slides up the pipe and eventually spills out, filling, for example, irrigation canals.

If we assume that the screw shown in Figure 6 rotates at a constant speed, filling Container A with water, then the dependence of the height of the water column in the container and in the reservoir on time can be represented using the graphs in Figure 7.

In tasks 16-19, enter the values ​​of physical quantities.

16. Container heightAfor water it is equal to ____ cm, or ____ m. U show both answers.

17. If ContainerAhas the shape of a cube, its volume is ___________m 3 .

18. The water level in the reservoir will drop by 10 cm in ______________min.

19. Time to completely fill the ContainerAwater is equal to ___________ min.

20. If you do not change the position of the screw shown in Figure 6, will you be able to fill the Container?Acompletely with water? Check one answer and provide a physical justification based on Figure 7: Yes □ No