What does the expression "original man" mean? Where does the expression “man is a wolf to man - homo homini onstrum”? What does the saying “man is a wolf to man” mean?

Man is a wolf to man (homo homini onstrum) - a theory that rather insults wolves, because, realizing their strength and impunity, rejecting the moral and written rules of society, putting the rule of the strong and the law of the jungle at the forefront, people in the struggle for existence turn into such monsters , in comparison with which animals are lambs of God.

    “A small group of ordinary people is standing on the bank of the Fontanka and, looking into the distance, at the bridge crowded with a black crowd, they reason calmly, indifferently:
    - Thieves are drowned.
    - Did you catch a lot?
    - They say - three.
    - One, a young man, was killed.
    - To death?
    - How then?
    - They must be beaten to death, otherwise they will not survive...
    A solid, gray-haired man, red-faced and somewhat like a butcher, says confidently:
    - Now - there is no trial, which means we must judge ourselves...
    Some sharp-eyed, shabby little man asks:
    - Isn’t it very simple - if you do it yourself?
    The gray-haired man answers lazily and without looking at him:
    - Simpler is better. Hurry, the main thing.
    - Chu, howls!
    The crowd fell silent, listening. From afar, from the river, comes a wild, melancholy cry. (newspaper " New life" No. 207 January 3, 1918)

    “Then the Jews were forced to undress and were taken through passages in the embankment to the edge of the ravine, to opposite side which had a machine gunner sitting on a specially equipped wooden platform. Under the merciless dagger fire of a machine gun, zealous Kyiv policemen drove confused, naked, completely distraught people with sticks, whips, and kicks, not allowing them to come to their senses and orient themselves. Heartbreaking sobs, screams of policemen: “Hurry up, move!”, pleas for help, curses to the executioners, prayers drowned out by the cheerful melodies of waltzes rushing from the loudspeakers, the rumble of the engine of an airplane circling over the yar...” (M. V. Koval “The Tragedy of Babyn Yar... ")

    “Railway companies also used live targets to entertain passengers. When the train came within gunshot of the herd, it slowed down or stopped, the windows were rolled down, and passengers were encouraged to exercise using guns and ammunition provided by the company. Men and women did not miss the opportunity to have fun. The carcasses of the animals usually remained on the plain, except that sometimes some train attendant cut off several tongues, which were prepared for the ladies and gentlemen during the next meal in recognition of their dexterity ... A bloody massacre unleashed by skin hunters, as well as simply “sportsmen” which began to penetrate the West, took the lives of 3 million 158 thousand animals! In 1887 English naturalist William Mushroom, who drove across the prairies, wrote: “Buffalo trails were visible everywhere, but there were no living bison. Only the skulls and bones of these noble animals whitened in the sun” (“The End of the Buffalo Trail.” “Around the World” No. 7 1988)

The origin of the aphorism “man is a wolf to man”

The expression is taken from the comedy of the Roman writer Titus Maccius Plautus “Donkeys” (“Asinaria”)
"Mercator:...Sed temen me
Numguam sed tamen me numquam hodie induces, ut tibi credam hoc argentum ignoto.
lupus est homo homini, non homo, quom qualis sit non novit"
“Merchant:...But you can’t convince me to give you money without knowing it. No! A man is a wolf to each other, the more he is a stranger.”

Titus Maccius Plautus (c. 254–184 BC) and his comedy "Donkeys"

Roman poet, playwright. There is very little information about his life. Judging by several of his works that have survived to this day, he was well acquainted with the world of the Roman theater, its scenes, customs, and spectators. He wrote about one hundred and thirty comedies, twenty of which have survived. Plautus is considered the predecessor of Aristophanes and Shakespeare. The plots of Plautus' comedies are taken from life Ancient Greece, but with so many local details, folk Italian puns, ambiguities and jokes of every kind that there was almost no Greek left there. The comedy “Donkeys”, consisting of a prologue, five acts and fourteen scenes, dates back to the period of Plautus’s late work:

“The old father, who lived under the authority of his wife,
The son in love wanted to get some money.
Liban and Leonidas, agile slaves,
They skillfully managed to obtain twenty mines,
He cheated the merchant that he came to pay for the donkeys.
And the son and father took the money to the girlfriend.
A rival suddenly appeared and immediately betrayed them.”

Use of the phraseological unit “man is a wolf to man” in literature

- “Quid est homini inimicissimum? Alter homo (Who is the most hostile to the human being? Another person"(Publius Sirus "Sentences")
- “April was terrible. It was a month of some kind of indescribable panic. Everything around was clouded, confused, neither my ears nor my eyes could believe it. And through all this turmoil one stream clearly passed through: homo homini lupus. Something incredible and unheard of was said, shouted, and even published.”(M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin " All year round. May Day")
- “How striking is the difference between the present coastal shipping, honest and comradely, and the former vagrancy of the clumsy pirate ships, whose motto was homo homini onstrum.”(V. Hugo “Toilers of the Sea”)
- “Only Stebelsky, sitting on the floor, in the very place where he usually slept, calmly continued to eat his bread, snacking on small pieces of sausage, and when there was complete, deaf silence in the cell, he turned to Andrei and waved his hand around the cell , said: - Homo homini lupus estl"(Ivan Franko)
- “He opened his diary and wrote: “The sun of Russian poetry has set. Our northern bard Pushkin is gone. Along with him, poetry disappeared. Yes, it is not needed in our mercantile times. "Homo homini lupus est"(B. M. Eikhenbaum, Route to Immortality")
- "Peace Congress in currently- error. We seem to have moved far away from civilization. Hobbes was right: homo homini lupus"(G. Flaubert)

Alexander Sergeevich, just a minute! Tell Zinaida Mikhailovna that...

I can’t tell Zinaida Mikhailovna anything, she left.

Where did you go?

With my lover to the Caucasus!

What about your lover? And you talk about this so calmly? YOU ARE AN ORIGINAL PERSON!

(dialogue from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”)

What does the expression “ original person"? Here main characteristic a person is his originality, that is, what distinguishes him from others, makes him noticeable, stand out and memorable. Original people They can be both held in high esteem and outcasts from “decent” society. But in any case, they know about them, talk about them, discuss them (and maybe even condemn them), admire them, are surprised, and even fear them. How do people show their originality? Through appearance(clothing, hairstyle, makeup, etc.), through expressing original thoughts, through performing actions, behavior or activities.

Examples of some famous “originals”: ​​Zhanna Aguzarova, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Lady Gaga, Elton John, Johnny Depp, David Lynch, Quentin Tarantino, Freddie Mercury. Agree: whether we like them or not, all these people distinguished themselves in some way, showed themselves in an unusual way and became famous figures modernity.

We remember original people, sometimes for the rest of our lives. And if this is one of our friends, acquaintances, or perhaps relatives, then there is a great opportunity to communicate with interesting person, see or hear something unique, special, inimitable! Or perhaps you can be considered an “original”? If you have your own personality in every sense, know how to think unconventionally, or even non-standardly, do not like banalities, trivialities, typicality, are not afraid to be different from others and show your individuality, admit that in addition to traditional views, there are others - then welcome to the club!

In one art school there was a teacher, as they said, with his own oddities, but the students loved him for his originality. Once, at an exhibition of his works, after the “creations” were approved by critics, he put them in a pile and set them on fire, everything burned, and he looked and quietly rejoiced! Nobody understood why. But everyone remembered the “original” for a long time, and there were so many discussions!

In a small Ural town there lived a seemingly ordinary boy: he went to school, hung out with friends. Yes, one fine day he began to show his strangeness: he grew long bangs, dyed his hair black, began to wear black tight-fitting clothes and... sew (yes, with the girls in labor lessons)! At school I became a “black sheep” and didn’t fit in general standards, violated accepted standards in clothing and behavior. Someone twisted their finger at their temple, someone looked at him contemptuously, but everyone knew who he was. Years have passed... The original boy now lives in the glorious city of Moscow - he is a clothing designer of a famous brand, has his own weight in the field high fashion. And I retained my love for black. But he claims that a woman should look “delicious”!

My son is an original person. He draws horses with a very long muzzle, occupying almost the entire space of the sheet. The horse's eyes are at the top, and the nostrils are at the bottom, there is also a small round body and legs at the side - I have never seen a more original and beautiful horse! And his square dogs! This is simply a masterpiece! A huge dog on the entire page, consisting of almost one head with cunning eyes and smiling! He composes unusual dance moves especially for me and writes “Mom, I love you” from right to left! At school they don’t understand him much...

An original person is a free, independent person, who has the courage to openly express his originality and originality, who is not afraid of being branded “strange, eccentric”, who has his own distinctive features, zest, feature! Well, how will you feel if you are called original?

We say: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul.” To a large extent this is true. If you know how to observe, you can easily understand what a person's eyes say. Sometimes you can even understand the character by their shape.

Lillian Glass paid great attention to this issue in her research.

Then read and remember.

What does glance mean?

  1. Surprised eyes. When a person is surprised, he opens his eyes wide, so that the whites of his eyes are visible. At the same time, the eyebrows rise high, and the jaw, on the contrary, drops. By paying attention to the combination of these signs, you will understand that the person is surprised.
  2. Frightened eyes. From fear, a person also opens his eyes wide, raises his eyebrows and brings them to the bridge of his nose.
  3. Angry eyes. If a person narrows his eyes and looks intently at another person, this is a sign that the person has made him angry.
  4. Looking too closely d may indicate sexual appeal or hostility.
  5. Hesitant eyes. If a person simultaneously frowns, squints his eyes, and raises his eyebrows. This look in the eyes happens to those who cannot make a decision.
  6. Shocked or surprised eyes. When a person is surprised and cannot believe what he is being told, he raises his eyes to the ceiling.
  7. Shy eyes. When a person is embarrassed, he glances surreptitiously or looks from under his brows.
  8. The eyes are sad and bashful. If a person is sad or ashamed of something, he looks at his feet, afraid to meet someone’s gaze.
  9. "I didn't do it" eyes. When a person is falsely accused, but he did not do it, he and he have no feeling of guilt - he looks straight. If he is deceiving, then the person does not make eye contact during the conversation.
  10. Eye tic. An eye tic may appear in a person if he is in a state of stress and nervous tension for a long time.
  11. Too much frequent blinking - a sign of nervousness and strong excitement. Appears when a person is in a neuroticizing situation for a long time.

Here it is interesting picture about the expression of the eyes and what they mean.

Hello. Tell me, please, what does the phrase “all people are equal before God” mean? So everyone should be treated as equals? So, one person is no worse and no better than another? And the second question is whether you need to respect yourself and how to respect yourself? Thanks a lot. Sergey.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko answers:

Hello, Sergey!

This means that the Lord looks at a person’s heart, and not at some external signs. The Lord does not care what nationality a person is, what position in society he occupies, whether he is a man or a woman, etc. Each of us is created in the image and likeness of God. In this sense, we are truly equal, and that means one person is no worse or better than another. All people are sinners, but even a great sinner can repent and become a great saint - remember, for example, the story of the Venerable Mary of Egypt (you can read her life, for example). We can only judge ourselves, and this judgment must be very strict. We must remember not so much about our merits as about our sins, and we must repent of these sins before God and try to correct them. We need to respect the image and likeness of the Lord in ourselves, and this respect must be manifested in our behavior: we must behave in such a way that this image is not distorted by passions and sins.

Sincerely, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko.

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