Frequent blinking of the eyes. Label: reducing blink rate


Visual performance and visual fatigue of a PC user are closely related to the condition accommodation(the ability of the visual apparatus to focus on objects located at different distances) and convergence(bringing together the visual axes of both eyes on a fixed object) eyes. The basis for the development of CGD is the mechanism of overstrain of the accommodative apparatus of the eye. Due to the fact that text on electronic media is not presented in the form of solid lines, but consists of scattered dots and pixels, images on electronic media and paper are very different andeyes are unable to maintain focus. This leads to disruption and uneven contraction of the muscle that provides accommodation (ciliary muscle) and the development of accommodation spasm.

Increased strain on the eyes also causes uneven illumination and the distance from which the gaze moves from the keyboard to the screen. The McCullagh visual effect occurs - when you move your gaze from the screen to a black or white object, it “paints” the color that predominated on the screen.

Next reason , as studies of the development of GLC show, there is an excessive concentration of attention, which leads to decrease in blink rate. As a result, insufficient eye hydration due to a small amount of tear fluid.

An important criterion that influences the occurrence of computer vision syndrome is the gaze angle. This is the angle that is formed between two lines connecting the center of the screen to the eye and a horizontal line that can be drawn from the monitor. The likelihood of developing the disease is reduced if the gaze angle is more than 14 degrees.


  • arrangement of the place where there is a laptop or desktop computer, without taking into account ergonomic indicators: lighting, distance to the display, glare on it from the sun from a window or lighting fixtures, inappropriate image brightness;
  • the presence of visual deviations from the norm, congenital or age-related (astigmatism, myopia, farsightedness);
  • the absence of technological breaks in work leads to the fact that the worker begins to blink much less often in order to focus and maintain his gaze on the symbols on the computer monitor;
  • retyping large volumes of text, associated with the need to constantly refocus vision from paper to the monitor, highly complex graphic work performed on a computer;
  • interactive mode of operation.


Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is not considered a disease. It is interpreted as borderline, that is, the threshold of the disease. However, if the first signs of visual discomfort and fatigue (asthenopia) appear, they should not be ignored:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, itching, pain and/or pain when moving the eyes, reddened mucous membrane of the eyelid with inflamed blood vessels, lacrimation - symptoms of xerophthalmia (dry eyes);
  • at a later stage, pain in the eyes, a feeling of increased temperature around the eyes, and headache occur;
  • visual disturbances, such as blurriness of the visible object - it doubles or blurs, a veil is felt before the eyes; distorted perception of the shape or size of a visual image; it takes some time to switch from nearby objects to more distant ones; rapid eye fatigue during any visual work.


  1. Properly equip your workplace

The lighting in the room should be sufficient and uniform. If additional lighting is used, it should be low intensity and not directed at the screen or eyes. The workplace is positioned so that bright light sources are not located in the user’s field of vision. It is better to choose furniture with a matte finish. It is important to prevent light reflections from reaching the surface of the monitor. The chair should have lumbar support and be height adjustable. The center of the monitor should be 10–25 cm below the horizontal line of sight, the optimal distance from the monitor to the eyes is 50–70 cm

  1. Stick to work schedule

It is not recommended to work in front of the monitor for more than 6 hours in total and more than an hour without a break. But, given standard working conditions, it is quite difficult to adhere to these recommendations. Therefore, ophthalmologists suggest adhering to the “20/20/20” rule: every 20 minutes you need to take a break lasting 20 seconds, while looking at an object at a distance of six meters (20 feet). This helps to maximally relax the muscles that provide accommodation (that is, the ability of the eye to clearly distinguish objects).

  1. Use of glasses.

If a person suffers from nearsightedness or farsightedness, then the decision on the need to use corrective glasses can only be made by an ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist). But wearing contact lenses when working in front of a monitor for a long time is undesirable. This is due to the peculiarities of the formation of tear fluid. Despite the high quality of modern lenses, they interfere with normal eye hydration. The presence of fans and air conditioners in rooms can also cause dry eyes.

  1. Use artificial tears

The appearance of CVD is often associated with a deficiency of tear fluid caused by impaired secretion or increased evaporation. Therefore, the use of tear replacement solutions is recommended. At the first signs of dry eyes, solutions with a low degree of viscosity are prescribed. The frequency of their use throughout the day is determined individually. If the effectiveness of such drugs decreases and changes in the cornea are detected, the prescription of more viscous tear fluid substitutes is indicated. As a rule, when rationing or stopping work in front of the computer, the symptoms of computer vision syndrome gradually regress.


Possible consequences of computer vision syndrome:

  • pinpoint superficial keratitis (inflammation);
  • a decrease in the volume of accommodation (that is, the amount in diopters by which the lens is capable of changing its optical power) beyond the age norm;
  • development or progression of myopia if there is a predisposition (irregular shape of the lens or cornea, enlargement of the anterior-posterior axis of the eyeball, etc.).


  1. Laser stimulation of the ciliary body

This technique is based on transscleral non-contact exposure to the ciliary muscle using infrared laser radiation (1300 nm). The main point of application of MP at the tissue and organ level is the microvasculature. At the same time, the metabolic activity of both epithelial cells and the connective tissue of the ciliary body increases.

  1. Electrical stimulation of the ciliary muscle

Electrical stimulation of the neuromuscular system, causing motor excitation and muscle contraction and increasing the volume of muscle mass, simultaneously reflexively enhances the entire complex of metabolic and trophic processes aimed at providing energy to working muscles. Thus, electrical stimulation is a pathogenetically substantiated method for diagnosing and treating disorders of the hydrodynamics of the eye, spasm of accommodation, and myopia.

  1. Accommodation training

Working at a computer continues for a long time at close distances and therefore refers to static loads. A set of special exercises improves the nutrition of the ciliary muscle and lens.

  1. Drug therapy

It must be carried out after a thorough diagnosis and correction of hygiene and computer work habits. Drug therapy includes the following.

  • prosthetics of native tear film. In ophthalmological practice, “artificial tears” preparations are common, forming a stable film on the surface of the eyeball that protects the cornea from drying out while reducing blinking movements while working at the computer. Among the polymer bases of “artificial tears” preparations, methylcellulose derivatives, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinylpyrrolidone, sodium hyaluronate, chondroitin sulfate, polyacrylamide, various versions of carbomers, etc. are known.
  • antioxidant therapy. In ophthalmology, antioxidants such as emoxypine, tocopheryl acetate, vitamin C, A, and vixipin are widely used as inhibitors of free radical processes.

Ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category

State Clinical Hospital named after. I.V. Davydovsky

Alla Ivanovna Oleynik

“A person is born healthy if he had adequate nutrition in the prenatal period. Babies have clean internal organs. Have you noticed that when they are awake they blink very rarely? The iris takes up the majority of the visible portion of their eyes. Why? Because the cells, tissues, nervous system and brain of babies are not yet affected by the increased consumption of yin waters, sugar, fruits, Coca-Cola, sucrose, coffee, alcohol and the like.

I have observed drug addicts and people who consume too many raw vegetables, fruits and juices and have found that they blink fifteen to twenty or more times per minute. They are characterized by nervousness, irritability, hypersensitivity, categoricalness, as well as paranoid anxiety and panic fears. You can literally feel the tension in the air when you're around them. Most of the visible part of their eye is white, indicating a weakened nervous system and fluid accumulation in the body.

Healthy, “magnetic” men and women are calm and balanced. They blink very rarely. Their faces shine, their eyes radiate magnetism. Next to them you feel calm and relaxed. These are very positive, creative and courageous individuals, they are not subject to attacks of paranoia and fear. They see and accept reality, people and the world around them as they are.

Excess water in the cells of the body and brain causes involuntary blinking, through which excess fluid (yin) is removed from the body. Frequent blinking does not serve the function of moisturizing the eyes, eye muscles, nerves and lacrimal glands [as some believe]. It is caused by excess mucus and water in the eyes and body cells.

A healthy person blinks two or three times per minute. Blinking excessively indicates internal imbalance and health problems. Chinese medicine teaches us that blinking too much is a symptom of liver enlargement (excess yin), which is the main cause of nearsightedness (myopia).”

Test this teaching in practice. Watch people. Observe the symptoms, signs and characteristics of yourself and those around you. Theory without practice has no value. Start your research with yourself. How often do you blink? Do you suffer from nearsightedness or farsightedness? Are you satisfied with your health? How energetic are you? Do you get tired easily? Analyze why things are this way and not otherwise. You will definitely find reasons. After all, it’s your own health and vision! Why don't you do something for them right now?

Why does a person blink his eyes often? Scientists have long found the answer to this question. Blinking is an unconscious process; normally a person blinks every 4-5 seconds. This frequency is determined by the need to moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye and supply it with oxygen.

But this is not the only reason. Adults often blink in order to quickly orient themselves in a situation and collect their thoughts. Give yourself a little mental break. It is also noticed that we always blink when reading when we reach the end of a sentence or line.

Photo 1: If blinking causes discomfort and pain in one or both eyes, this is always a sign of unfavorable processes in the body. Source: flickr (Evgeniy).

Diseases that cause pain when blinking are often infectious. But pain when blinking can occur due to common colds.


If a foreign body enters the organ of vision, it may cause intense blinking of the eye. Therefore, you should carefully examine the visual apparatus and remove the speck. This can be done by rinsing the eye with clean water. In rare cases, it is not possible to remove the foreign body on your own and you have to contact an ophthalmologist.

Frequent blinking in adults

  • Emotional and psychological. People may blink frequently to add emphasis to words. It has also been observed that a person blinks frequently if he experiences severe emotional or physical fatigue.

This is interesting! A person lying on the move, in the absence of training, begins to blink quickly and unconsciously. And if a person is trained, then an uncontrollable desire to blink appears after consciously stopping the reflex during relaxation.

  • Dry eyes. Dry air or wind can cause this condition. Also, prolonged work at the computer can also cause dryness and, as a result, frequent blinking.
  • The appearance of diseases of the visual apparatus such as barley, conjunctivitis, keratitis or other diseases.
  • Tiki. This disease appears as a result of chronic neuroses. There are two types of nervous tics: primary and secondary. With primary tics, childhood disorders of the nervous system return. Secondary tic is associated with impaired brain activity.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals, metabolic problems, hormonal imbalances.
  • Tourette's syndrome. In this case, frequent blinking occurs along with uncontrollable sounds and obscene words. In this case, you need to contact a neurologist.
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking.
  • Negative reactions to taking medications.
  • Allergy.
  • Reaction to bright light. Under the influence of light and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, increased blinking begins.

Increased blinking in children

Photo 2: If a child has difficulty communicating with his peers or gets lost in the presence of adults, all this negatively affects his nervous system and is manifested by frequent blinking. Source: flickr (momof4mejias).
  • Entry of a foreign body into the child's organ of vision.
  • Decreased visual acuity. In this case, the child will squint to focus while looking at the object.
  • Dry eyes. Spending a long time at the computer or in front of the TV can lead to this problem.
  • Eye strain. If a child’s eyes experience tension as a result of heavy workload at school, extensive homework, or spending long periods of time in front of a computer or TV, he begins to blink frequently.
  • Blepharitis. This disease may appear as a result of a lack of vitamins, problems with the gastrointestinal tract or other diseases that are accompanied by decreased immunity.
  • Styes, conjunctivitis, keratitis or other eye diseases.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Tiki. If the cause of frequent blinking in children is nervous tics, then you should immediately contact a neurologist to find out the cause of the tics.
  • Psychological problems. Excessive criticism from adults negatively affects the child's psyche, which can manifest itself through frequent blinking.

Note! Eye blinking can occur in up to 18% of children at some point in their development. If such a tic goes away within a year, then in this case there is a “transitional” condition that does not need to be treated by the child.

What to do

If the cause of frequent eye blinking is normal fatigue, then you need to arrange a good rest for yourself and get a good night's sleep. With a very intense work rhythm, it is necessary to properly organize the day. Get up 30-40 minutes earlier and do a little exercise for your body. It is very important to go to bed on time, no later than 22:00. This daily routine will allow you to spend your energy more properly and stop excessive overwork.

If your eyesight is dry, leading to excessive blinking, you should limit the time you spend at the computer or in front of the TV. When working at the computer for long periods of time, take short breaks for yourself. While resting, close your eyes for a couple of minutes and let them rest.

If the cause of frequent blinking is bright light, then you need to eliminate the source of bright light. This can be either bright sunlight or bright artificial lighting.

If your child is very tired at school or due to extensive homework, which leads to frequent blinking, then take active walks in the fresh air for the child. Such walks will help relieve tension and stop frequent blinking.

If you notice that you are overly critical of your child and set high demands for him, become softer and more condescending to him during communication. Don't punish for small things and don't judge harshly for mistakes. After all, no adult is immune from mistakes. Praise your child at every opportunity and support him.

Note! If you see that the child is blinking intensely, then you do not need to focus his attention on blinking. This will only make the situation worse. Better give him a glass of water to drink and help him relax.

If any other reasons lead to discomfort, then you need to visit an ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Homeopathic treatment

The following homeopathic remedies are used in the treatment of eye diseases:

  1. (Sepia), Staphysagria, Aurum metallicum. These remedies are successfully used for styes on the eye and inflammation on the eyelids.

Despite the fact that most of our posts are devoted to online play, today we would like to touch on an interesting topic - offline bodies. We hope that you find this material interesting and perhaps you will use it in your home poker games. Today we will try to answer the question: Is it possible to determine opponent's strength or weakness? So, there is a myth that by frequent blinking of the eyes you can determine that a person is lying or hiding something. Actually this is not true. Often, frequent blinking does not symbolize deception, but a high level of stress. Of course, situations such as a high-stakes game, a job interview, or an important meeting with a business partner can be classified as stressful. Therefore, it is not surprising that your behavior in these cases will be noticeably different from everyday behavior.

Watch your eyes

Signs of stress come in many forms. One of them is blink rate. At first, these smallest details are not always easy to track, but experience works wonders. Please also note that this body can be easily hidden from opponents with the help of sunglasses, which I recommend everyone to use, especially if you are still new to offline.

In a normal state, a person blinks 10 to 15 times per minute. In a stressful situation this indicator can grow to 100 and even more. For clarity, I suggest watching the following video. You can feel free to skip to 1:58, to note for yourself how often the Labor Party representative blinks in his speech - Harriet Harman.

In the first 20 seconds of the interview, I counted 43 eye blinks. This figure is above average, which can be easily explained. Firstly, Harriet appears on television, and secondly, she is forced to answer awkward questions.

So, a high degree of stress is expressed in frequent eye blinking. But let's not forget, stress is not only negative. Excitement and agitation can also be caused by stress associated with some pleasant event.

In poker, this tell can mean that your opponent has either very strong, or very weak hand. In order to separate one from the other, be careful. If a particular opponent blinks a lot with a strong hand, then he is unlikely to do the same with a weak hand. Conversely, if he demonstrates a bluff, he is unlikely to behave the same way with a monster in his hands. Let's look at a few examples.

Ted Forrest at high stakes

Here's a look at Ted Forrest's play in the first season of the poker TV show High Stakes Poker: On the turn, Ted with the bottom match moves Jennifer Harman's bet, who calls with middle pair. So far everything is standard. On the river, Ted catches an ace and improves to two pair. We look carefully at his eyes, starting at 1:01. Within the next 10 seconds he blinks 10-12 times, this is an obvious body.

However, attention! In this game situation, Ted is strong, not weak. I specifically chose this hand to remind you that this number is a sign of stress, but not weaknesses. After watching several videos with Ted, I came to the conclusion that in his case this body symbolizes strength.

John Duffy at the WSOP Watch the video:

John Duffy and Gus Hansen are participating in the giveaway. On the river, Duffy bets with a pair of tens. In some ways, this is more of a bluff, given the board structure and Gus' possible hands. If you will skip to 0:37, you will notice that Dafi's blink rate has increased. A clear sign that he is stressed. If we add to this other details of Dafi's behavior, such as rubbing his neck and licking his lips, we realize that these are all clear signs of high levels of stress. Let's add more “forced smile” (0:59) John, and it will become clear to you that in this game situation Duffy is weak and does not want to get a call from Gus at all.

Paul Christopherson at the WSOP First, watch the video:

In this hand, amateur Paul Christopherson faced off against Australian player David Saab. On the turn, Christopherson ventured into a bluff reraise with J - 8 on an A - 3 - K - 2 board. Saab faces a difficult decision and ultimately decides to throw away top pair. Let's pay attention at Paul's eyes at 1:25. We don't see his gaze very often in this video, but for 3-4 seconds the frequency of his eye blinks increases greatly. Again a sign of enormous stress. Individual approach to each opponent

So, from all of the above, we can draw a logical conclusion that any body is very individual. If we are talking about the frequency of blinking of the opponent’s eyes, then this is more likely a sign of stress rather than weakness. But what kind of stress it is – positive or negative – is up to you to determine. Be careful. Good luck at the tables!

Do you think we can strongly trust the frequency of eye blinks?

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