What is chromium? Chrome is a refractory metal, but very useful in construction.

Modern antiviruses have already learned to block autorun.inf, which launches a virus when a flash drive is opened.
It has been walking around the network and from flash drive to flash drive for quite some time. new type viruses of the same family, simply another Trojan. Infection with them can be immediately detected with the naked eye without any antiviruses, main sign- This all folders on the flash drive turned into shortcuts.

If there are very important files on the flash drive, the first thing you will do is rush to open all the folders (shortcuts) one by one to make sure the files are present - This is not worth doing at all!

The problem is that these shortcuts contain two commands, the first is to launch and install the virus on the PC, the second is to open your precious folder.

We will clean the flash drive from such viruses step by step.

Step 1: Show hidden files and folders.

If you have Windows XP, then go to the path: “Start-My Computer-Tools Menu-Folder Options-View Tab”:

On the “View” tab, find two parameters and execute:

  1. Hide protected system files(recommended) - uncheck
  2. Show hidden files and folders - select the switch.

If you have Windows 7, you need to go a slightly different path: “Start-Control Panel-Appearance and Personalization-Folder Options-View Tab”.

You need the same options and need to enable them in the same way. Now your folders on the flash drive will be visible, but they will be transparent.

Step 2. Cleaning the flash drive from viruses.

An infected flash drive looks like the image below:

In order not to delete all files from the flash drive, you can see what any of the shortcuts launches (usually they launch the same file on the same flash drive). To do this, you need to look at the properties of the shortcut, there you will find a double launch - the first opens your folder, and the second launches the virus:

We are interested in the “Object” string. It is quite long, but it is easy to find the path to the virus in it, most often it is something like 118920.exe in the Recycle folder on the flash drive itself. In my case, the double run line looked like this:

%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c “start %cd%RECYCLER\6dc09d8d.exe &&%windir%\explorer.exe %cd%support

Here is the same path: RECYCLER\6dc09d8d.exe- a folder on a flash drive and a virus in it.
We delete it along with the folder - now clicking on the shortcut is not dangerous ( if you haven't run it before).

Step 3. Restore the previous appearance of folders.

1. Delete all the shortcuts to our folders - they are not needed.
2. Our folders are transparent - this means that the downloader virus has marked them as system and hidden. You cannot simply disable these attributes, so you need to use the attributes reset via the command line.

There are 2 ways for this:

Open “Start” - “Run” - Enter the CMD command - press ENTER. A black command line window will open in which you need to enter the following commands:

  • cd /d f:\ press ENTER, where f:\ is the letter of our flash drive (may differ from the example)
  • attrib -s -h /d /s press ENTER - this command will reset the attributes and the folders will become visible.

1. Create text file to flash drives.

2. Write a command attrib -s -h /d /s into it, rename the file to 1.bat and run it.

3. If you are unable to create such a file, you can download mine: .

If there are a lot of files, it may take time to execute the command, sometimes up to 10 minutes!

4. After this, you can return to the first step and restore the previous appearance of the folders, that is, hide system hidden files.

How to check if your PC is a virus carrier?

If you suspect that it is your PC that is spreading this virus across flash drives, you can view the list of processes in the task manager. To do this, press CTRL+ALT+DEL and look for a process with a name similar to FS..USB..., instead of dots - some letters or numbers.

Source this process Neither AviraAntivir, nor DrWeb CureIT, nor Kaspersky Removal Tool are removed.

I personally removed it with F-Secure with a trial version, but it is hidden in the form of a driver and you can find it using the utility Autoruns.

If you delete a virus from a flash drive, and the folders become shortcuts again?

I’ll say right away that I didn’t have such a situation. I don’t know exactly how to treat it. I see three ways out of the situation:

  • demolish Windows (1.5-2 hours, the fastest way);
  • install F-Security, Kaspersky, Dr.Web (trial versions) one by one and scan the computer with “full scans” until we find a virus (usually 3-4 hours, depending on the power of the PC and the number of files);
  • burn DrWeb LiveCD to a disk or flash drive, boot from it and study the computer.
  • F-Secure Online Scanner (will ask you to run the Java module, you must agree)

You can download trial versions of these antiviruses for 1 month, update their databases and check your PC using them.

It seems like that’s it, contact me - I’ll always answer, sometimes with a delay.

“I can add that there are also viruses such as Sality (Sector XX - where XX numbers like 05, 15, 11, 12 are modifications, it is not clear who creates them) corrupts executable exe files... with such viruses I have invented my own way of fighting using the same Dr.Web CureIt! having in hand a WinXPE system recorded on a 700 meter CD-R... loading the system from disk and using not hard memory, but RAM.

Works great. The disk inserted loading from the disk, turned on, put in a flash drive with a pre-recorded “FRESH” CureIt!... and voila.. I ran the entire hard drive for the presence of muck. What’s most interesting is that during this process, as with the Life CD from the Web, the viruses “sleep”, i.e. The system is not loaded, and it’s somehow more convenient with the operating system.

Chrome plays decisive role in regulating blood sugar levels: it is integral part the so-called glucose tolerance factor, which, along with insulin, ensures that after a meal the blood sugar level does not rise too quickly and does not fall again too quickly.

Are your blood sugar levels elevated? Do you have high cholesterol or cataracts? Are you gaining weight? These symptoms are often the result of a lack of chromium in the body.

Undoubtedly, chromium occupies central place in sugar metabolism.

Although many years of practice show that limiting carbohydrate intake is the easiest, most reliable way general health improvement, allowing you to bypass the disease, the best remedy for its dietary treatment is chromium.

To reduce insulin resistance

When taken regularly, this micronutrient has significant therapeutic effects on a wide range of health problems that are caused or aggravated by insulin resistance - including:

If you are overweight

In addition to switching to a low-carb diet, taking supplements with chromeThe best way, which will reliably help you get rid of unwanted fat. As studies have shown, chromium operates in several directions:

  • By reducing sugar cravings, chromium makes it easier to stick to a low-carb diet.
  • Even without compliance, the mineral can increase the overall musculoskeletal mass of the body, which in turn speeds up metabolism and burns excess fat.
  • Chromium helps prevent muscle loss if you intentionally restrict your caloric intake.
  • The mineral helps burn calories during exercise, making weight loss even easier. Workout also increase emissions chromium from the body, increasing your need to take supplements.

To lower cholesterol levels

Inclusion chromium In a nutritional supplement program, it helps increase blood levels of artery-cleaning HDL cholesterol while lowering levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. The total cholesterol concentration also decreases.

This reduction is even more dramatic when a small amount of niacin is added to the chromium, the researchers report.

To relieve headaches and strengthen bones

Therapeutic value chromium in other areas is not as firmly established as in the cases of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension, but it may apply to many other diseases:

  1. It may relieve chronic headaches and help treat acne, which appears to be partly due to impaired insulin metabolism.
  2. Chromium strengthens bones by increasing dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) levels, so it may be part of a treatment program for osteoporosis.
  3. And although we cannot say that chromium prevents glaucoma, it can (along with) suppress the increase in intraocular pressure.

Consequences of shortage

More than 90% of Americans, for example, are deficient in chromium. And as often happens, those who need it most have the least of it. Failure chromium has a self-sustaining character. When your body is low in this microelement, you are more drawn to sweets.

But the more sugar you eat, the more to a greater extent reserves are running low chromium. Considering that the average American consumes about 150 pounds (68 kg) of sugar and corn syrup annually these days, it is not surprising that problems with insulin resistance and deficiency chromium have become so widespread.

If you have excess weight, it is very likely that you are insulin resistant. Obesity is both a cause and a consequence of this metabolic disorder. Insulin metabolism disorders and obesity are equal risk factors for heart disease.

Chromium deficiency also increases the likelihood of developing heart disease.

Short of taking supplements, there is not enough good ways restocking chromium in organism.

True, mushrooms, barley and whole grain products contain this trace element, but only if they are grown on rich chrome soil. Seafood and meat are also considered good food sources, but again the animals must be fattened on rich chrome diet.

In life modern society The Internet is gaining popularity like an avalanche, and for most users it is extremely necessary. Through the network we communicate with each other, make purchases, send and receive various data. Surely everyone who has ever gone out into global network, knows what is needed for this special program– browser. The browser is a kind of guide to virtual world. Its task is to convert information from hypertext markup language (HTML) into a format familiar to humans.

Browsers exist huge variety. They all differ in some way, for example, speed, support additional extensions and plugins, interface, security level and so on. Among the wide selection, the browser stands out clearly Google Chrome. As you can guess from the name, its developer is a famous search giant.

Google Chrome has a multilingual interface (53 languages) and is distributed free of charge. There are versions for , Linux, OS X, as well as for mobile operating systems iOS and Android. The browser is under active modernization, and developers regularly release new versions with a number of improvements and elimination of identified errors. The product is very popular all over the world, according to some data it occupies more than half of the market. Like most of its analogues, Google Chrome has a number of features that make it stand out from the crowd.

Main features of Google Chrome

  • Multiprocess architecture. The program is designed so that each open tab or window is a separate process. Thanks to this isolation, tabs or windows do not interfere with each other’s work, that is, if one tab is frozen, there is no need to restart the entire application. This is also practical from a security point of view, because if an attacker gains remote access to any of the tabs, others will not be available to him.
  • Lots of extensions. An abundance of different plugins allows you to increase the efficiency and ease of use of the browser. This creates mass additional features ordinary users and web developers. Their installation is not difficult, extensions can be easily managed and, if necessary, activated or disabled.
  • Traffic savings and speed. Unique technology data compression ensures high page loading speed and saves traffic. This is especially true on mobile devices, where the amount of Internet traffic is often limited. To ensure high speed, the application is equipped with unique algorithms for reading JavaScript code and proactive DNS analysis.
  • High integration with services. Google Company has many different services, including Email Gmail, Google Drive cloud storage, YouTube video content service and many others. If you use them through Google Chrome, then the user has access to more advanced options. For example, to upload a file to cloud storage, you just need to drag and drop it into Google Chrome, which is not available using other browsers. The browser can translate page text into different languages by using Google Translate. Synchronization of bookmarks and credentials between devices is organized at a decent level.
  • Ease of use. The application combines elements of simplicity and functionality. Even a beginner can get along with its concise and intuitive interface. It is worth noting the ease of managing bookmarks; they can be grouped into folders and moved simply by dragging and dropping. If desired, the user can make the bookmarks bar more accessible by placing it under the address bar. The main element of the interface is the tab bar, it is located at the very top, above the address bar. Tabs are implemented in the form of neat shortcuts with the name of the loaded page. By simple movement aside, the tab can be opened in a new window. Distinctive element browser is a quick access page. It displays the most frequently visited sites in the form of tiles, and a little above the search bar. The Quick Access page appears when you open a new tab or window, and can also be used as your home page.

Security in Google Chrome

The level of security in the browser deserves special attention. Google has traditionally placed special emphasis on security. The application implements a system of blacklists for resources with virus threats; when attempting to visit them, the user receives notifications. For those who do not want to leave the history of the pages they visit, there is an “incognito” mode. In this mode, cookies are not even saved; only files downloaded by the user and added bookmarks will survive. Thanks to active support from the developers, new versions of the program are regularly released with the elimination of detected defects.

P.S. Google Chrome can be an excellent assistant for people with completely different needs, from ordinary users to advanced professionals. With its ease of use, broad functionality and deep integration with branded services, it has conquered millions of users around the world and is the leader in popularity among other analogues.

Video on the topic: “Features of the Google Chrome browser and security”

You can often come across such a thing as a “chrome surface,” and stainless steel is familiar to almost every inhabitant of the planet. What do they have in common? The correct answer is chrome. Let's find out what chromium is and where it is used, what its properties are and its role in human life.

Chrome is a hard metal that has a bluish-gray color. Located in the 6th group of the 4th period of the periodic table. It has atomic number 24 and designation Cr.

Physical properties of chromium

The melting point of chromium is 2130 degrees Kelvin and the boiling point is 2945 Kelvin. The metal has a cubic crystal lattice and hardness 5 on the Mohs scale. Chrome is one of the most hard metals(V pure form) and is second only to uranium, beryllium, iridium and tungsten. Purified chrome is easy to machine.

Chemical properties of chromium

Chromium has several oxidation states that significantly affect its properties and color.

  • Oxidation state +2 - has a blue color and is a very good reducing agent.
  • Oxidation state +3 - amphoteric oxide of green or purple color.
  • Oxidation state +4 - a very rare compound, does not form salts and has a common color - silver.
  • Oxidation state +6 - a very strong oxidizing agent, hygroscopic and very toxic. Chromates of this oxide have yellow, and dichromats are orange.

As simple substance stable in air. Does not react with sulfuric and nitrous acids. At temperatures above 2000 degrees Celsius, it burns and forms green chromium oxide.

There are compounds of chromium with boron, carbon, nitrogen and silicon.

Application of chromium

  • Chromium is used to create stainless alloys. The stainless steel we all know is created using chromium.
  • Chrome is used as an electroplating coating. You've probably seen chrome-plated metal surfaces. They can be recognized by their beautiful mirror shine. Chrome-plated products are less susceptible to atmospheric corrosion (do not rust).
  • Various chromium alloys are used to create nozzles for aircraft and rocket engines, as well as for the production of plasma torch nozzles.
  • Heating elements are made from an alloy of chromium and nickel.
  • Various dyes are made from chromium compounds, as well as compounds for tanning leather.

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