What is known about the beauty from Lipetsk, whose desire to surprise her husband turned into death. Why is it important for a person to have a desire?

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Wish or lust- an average degree of will, between simple organic desire, on the one hand, and a deliberate decision or choice, on the other.

Desire (specific need)- need that has taken specific form according to:

IN cognitive sphere desire corresponds to an idea, just as desire corresponds to a sensation, and choice corresponds to an abstract thought. Desire itself is a passive state of the soul (connecting the area of ​​the will with the area of ​​emotional feelings or emotions); but a mental subject (normal) can relate to these states actively, strengthening or weakening their tension.

IN Slavic languages desire was originally associated with grief (cf. Zhelya)

See also

  • A Streetcar Named Desire A Streetcar Named Desire)
  • Lust (film) "() - a film by Taiwanese film director Ang Lee.
  • Wishlist (wish list)

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  • // Philosophy of desire. Collection of articles. SPb.: Publishing house of the St. Petersburg State. Univ., 2005. pp. 48-54
  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Passage describing Desire

Although it was not entirely clear what exactly the painter wanted to express by representing the so-called King of Rome piercing the globe with a stick, this allegory, like everyone who saw the picture in Paris, and Napoleon, obviously seemed clear and liked it very much.
“Roi de Rome, [Roman King.],” he said, pointing to the portrait with a graceful gesture of his hand. – Admirable! [Wonderful!] – With the Italian ability to change his facial expression at will, he approached the portrait and pretended to be thoughtfully tender. He felt that what he would say and do now was history. And it seemed to him that the best thing he could do now was that he, with his greatness, as a result of which his son played in the billbok the globe so that he would show, in contrast to this greatness, the simplest fatherly tenderness. His eyes became misty, he moved, looked back at the chair (the chair jumped under him) and sat down on it opposite the portrait. One gesture from him - and everyone tiptoed out, leaving the great man to himself and his feelings.
After sitting for some time and touching, without knowing why, his hand to the roughness of the glare of the portrait, he stood up and again called Bosse and the duty officer. He ordered the portrait to be taken out in front of the tent, so as not to deprive the old guard, who stood near his tent, of the happiness of seeing the Roman king, the son and heir of their beloved sovereign.
As he expected, while he was having breakfast with Monsieur Bosse, who had received this honor, in front of the tent the enthusiastic cries of the officers and soldiers of the old guard who had come running to the portrait were heard.

Every desire that is born inside a person is a building block of his personality. It indicates goals, thoughts, intentions. It is important to listen to your dreams and catch the moment in time if the voice that dictated them suddenly died down.

What is desire?

Desire is inner feeling the need to do or possess something. This concept is characterized by:

  • Mindfulness. Understanding what you want.
  • Motive. Understanding why this desire arose and what its fulfillment will bring.
  • Methods of implementation. Knowing how to achieve your plans.

If these three conditions are met, then the dream can come true.

Wanting is not harmful, but not wanting is harmful!

Desires are driving force, forcing people to live and achieve goals. Most common reason personal crisis is that a person does not know what he wants. Once you fall into this trap, it is difficult to get out of it. From time to time, everyone experiences short-term bouts of “not wanting anything.” They are expressed in the fact that it is difficult to determine what one would like at a particular moment in time. At this time, the brain begins to automatically sort through options: food, leisure, sleep, etc. If none of them finds a response, boredom, confusion, and depression sets in. It is important not to confuse this condition with laziness.

Wanting is useful for the following reasons:

  • At the moment of fulfillment of a desire, a person experiences a feeling of joy and happiness.
  • Desires motivate activity. For example, a dream of traveling leads to a person looking for a higher-paying job and organizing his time more compactly.
  • A feeling of meaning in life appears.
  • The ability to fulfill desires increases self-esteem.

What does the absence of desires mean?

A person always has desires, just negative thoughts and psychological blocks can obscure them. To open them, you can do the “Winning the Lottery” exercise. You need to imagine that you won a large sum and write on a piece of paper how your life would change after that. Attention, this should not be a shopping list, but a list of actions with approximately the following points:

  • I would take a vacation and go on a tour of Europe.
  • I would quit my job and open a shoe store.
  • I would get divorced and move to another city.
  • I would like to get an apartment in the center.

It will be useful to highlight intangible desires with a marker. This exercise helps you understand what you really want. For example, dismissal will indicate that a person does not like his job, divorce - dissatisfaction with the relationship. The purpose of the exercise is to understand that you can change your life without waiting to win the lottery.

What do desires say?

Desires and actions (or inaction) to realize them can say a lot about a person.

Optimist or pessimist

Often the reason why a person refuses to wish is a lack of faith in himself and the fulfillment of his dreams. Disbelief can be exacerbated by constant complaints about the impossibility of getting what you want. This leads to the formation of internal blocks. Even if a pessimist gets what he wants deep down, he will not be able to take advantage of it or will not even notice it.

For optimists, everything is different. They are looking for opportunities. Such people are open to new things, adapt to changes more easily, tolerate failures more easily and recover from them faster. Even if fulfilling a desire requires effort from them, they are able to achieve success.

Strength of character

To fulfill your desires, you need patience, determination, and resistance to stress. These are important character traits. And it is precisely their absence or underdevelopment makes a person refuse to get what he wants. To motivate yourself, you can make a wish list and celebrate when they come true.

Interests and values

By what a person wants, you can understand what he is interested in and what is most valuable to him. This is especially important when people start relationships. It is enough to ask what a person would like to achieve in the near future, and you can understand what he is most interested in. Someone will name promotion by career ladder, someone wants to start a family. The third will talk about planning a trip or saving for an apartment.

What happens if you don't fulfill your desires?

If you do not make your dreams come true, you may encounter the following problems:

  • Collapse of self-esteem. Constantly ignoring desires at a deep level can mean that a person simply does not believe that he is worthy of their fulfillment. This indicates low self-esteem.
  • Depression. Constant failures lead to depression. A person gives up and loses motivation. The desire to even want anything disappears.
  • Closedness. It is difficult for a person whose wishes are not fulfilled to communicate with more successful people. That’s why he most often refuses to communicate and sees friends and family less often.

What to do if wishes are not fulfilled?

It happens that desires for a long time are not fulfilled. This causes even the most ardent optimist to lose faith. There are several ways to correct the situation:

  • Don't make yourself dependent on your desires. There is a philosophical thought: “A person should control desires, and not vice versa.” Failure to fulfill a dream should not be viewed as collapse, loss, or failure. If your desire comes true, it will be great; if not, there are dozens of others that you can start realizing now.
  • I understand that I didn’t really want to. It will be useful to replay in your head what will happen if your dream does not come true. This technique helps to reveal true desires, find new ways to realize them, release fears and defeat them.
  • Make a list of small joys. Next you need to act so that as much as possible more items on this list have been achieved. This will help keep your spirits up.
  • Smash big goal to small, easily achievable ones. If you consider buying an apartment as one big desire, then it seems that the goal is difficult to achieve. But if you try to consider the options (mortgage, cutting expenses, borrowing from friends), put real terms, you can get a home in a couple of years.

The most important desire that a person should have is to realize own dreams. This is not only a path to happiness, but also a way to maintain good mental health.

Galina R. dreamed of making a surprise for her husband and, secretly from him, was saving money for breast augmentation surgery. Having collected the required amount, the girl went to the plastic surgery clinic. But the doctors did not even have time to begin the operation: Galina’s body responded inadequately to the local anesthesia, and the girl’s heart stopped.

When the doctors realized that the patient had no pulse, they panicked. As a result, resuscitation was delayed, and Galina’s brain did not receive oxygen for about three minutes - this time is enough for irreversible changes. The girl fell into a coma and died thirteen months later without regaining consciousness.

During this year, Galina's loved ones went through hell. Friends and relatives believed that sooner or later the girl would come to her senses, and even left encouraging messages on her page in social network. Galina's parents collected money for treatment abroad, but did not have time to take their daughter abroad. The girl left behind two small children.

We all hoped and believed in a miracle... That you would be able to return to us... God took you to himself... Know that we loved you... May you rest in peace

Christina K.

A criminal case has been initiated into the incident. Doctors are accused of providing services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of a person through negligence. It is not yet known which of the doctors who performed the operation will be punished.

Desire ♦ Desir Potential ability to enjoy or act. One should not confuse desire with need, which is by no means the collapse, limit or impossibility of desire. Desire as such does not need anything (need... ... Philosophical Dictionary Sponville

Will, desire, hunting, readiness, thirst, greed, lust, lust, impatience, itching, itching; desire, attraction, impulse, urge, appetite, pursuit, demand, tendency. The desire is hot, spiritual, burning, irresistible, immoderate, fiery,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

Mystery of feelings * Memory * Desire * Dream * Enjoyment * Loneliness * Waiting * Fall * Memory * Victory * Defeat * Glory * Conscience * Passion * Superstition * Respect * ... Consolidated encyclopedia aphorisms

wish- an experience reflecting a need that has turned into effective thought about the possibility of having something or accomplishing something. Having a motivating force, J. sharpens the awareness of the goal of a future action and the construction of its plan... Great psychological encyclopedia

It fell. Wed. Ural. To whom l. I really wanted something. SRGSU 3, 118. Cutting off anyone’s desire is of no use. Kar. Discourage all desire for anything. SRGK 4, 321. Burn with desire. Razg. To want something very strongly, irresistibly. F 1, 123 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

wish- barren (Pushkin); insanely passionate (Ldov); stormy (Balmont); fast-flying (Rathgauz); imperious (P. Solovyova); rough (Gorky); wild (Gorky, P. Solovyova); burning (Gorodetsky, Corinthian); cherished (V. Kamensky); sultry (Mei); radiant... ... Dictionary of epithets

Subjective characteristics motivational process, in which the key experience of the subject is his goal orientation... Psychological Dictionary

DESIRE, I, cf. 1. Attraction, desire to accomplish something, to possess something. J. study. Zavetnoye Burn with desire. Fulfillment of desires. J. success. With all the desire (although I really want to). 2. Request, wish. Fulfill my last wish... ... Dictionary Ozhegova

English wish/desire; German Wunsch. 1. In psychology, a motivated impulse, usually aimed at specific object and motivating action to achieve desired goal or preventing an undesirable event. see ASPIRATION. 2. In… … Encyclopedia of Sociology


  • Desire, Richard Flanagan. 1850s. The distant lands of Tasmania are engulfed in the fire of colonization. The last of the fierce tribes that have fought the whites for so long are on the verge of extinction. The unfortunate orphan Matinna finds herself in a family...
  • Desire, Amanda Quick. The novel takes place in cruel and romantic times. The beautiful gardener Lady Clara must get married, her flower island - the Island of Desire - needs a lord and protector. And he appeared!...

Barren (Pushkin). Crazy-passionate (Ldov). Stormy (Balmont). Fast-flying (Ratgauz). Powerful (P. Solovyova). Rough (Gorky). Wild (Gorky, P. Solovyova). Burning (Gorodetsky, Corinthian). Treasured (V. Kamensky). Dictionary of literary epithets

  • desire - noun, number of synonyms... Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • desire - DESIRE, DESIRE, -I; Wed 1. Internal desire to achieve something, to possess something. Zavetnoye Hot, uncontrollable. Burn with desire. Restrain your desires. J. know as much as possible. J. tell a friend about everything. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • desire - -I, cf. 1. Internal desire, attraction to accomplish something, to possess something. Burn with desire. Restrain your desires. □ At night, sitting in the yard, on a woodpile, I felt a persistent desire to tell someone about my grandmother. Small academic dictionary
  • desire - DESIRE, desires, cf. 1. Internal attraction, the desire to achieve something, to own something. To have a desire (to desire). Burn with desire. The desire for revenge did not leave him. An irresistible desire for fame. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • desire - spelling desire, -I; but: Cape Zhelaniya (geographical) Spelling dictionary Lopatina
  • desire - DESIRE, I, cf. 1. Attraction, desire to accomplish something, to possess something. and. study. Cherished Burn with desire. Fulfillment of desires. J. success. With all the desire (although I really want to). 2. Request, wish. Fulfill my last wish. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • Desire - In psychology, an experience characterized by a more or less conscious idea of ​​the desire to perform some act (action). The implementation of this act is experienced as satisfaction... Big Soviet encyclopedia
  • DESIRE - DESIRE - English. wish/desire; German Wunsch. 1. In psychology - a motivated impulse, usually directed at a specific object and encouraging action to achieve a desired goal or prevent an undesirable event. see ASPIRATION. Sociological Dictionary
  • desire - Desire, desires, desires, desires, desire, desires, desire, desires, desire, desires, desire, desires Grammar dictionary Zaliznyak
  • desire - desire I cf. Internal attraction, the desire to achieve something or to possess something. II Wed. Strong love feeling with a predominance of sensual, physical attraction; passion I 2. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • DESIRE - (English wish; desire) - one of the forms of motivational state. The word "J." widely used in both scientific and folk psychology. It is noteworthy that in the developed... Big psychological dictionary
  • Desire - Or lust - an average degree of will, between simple organic desire, on the one hand, and a deliberate decision or choice, on the other. In the cognitive sphere, desire corresponds to an idea, just as desire corresponds to a sensation, and choice corresponds to an abstract thought. Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron