A quick test of who you are. Psychological test - on the topic “Who am I really?”

The exciting “Who Are You Really” test will reveal your hidden qualities. A detailed decoding of your answer will indicate how many masculine and how many feminine qualities are inherent in you, and whether nature has made a mistake.

How to take the “What kind of person are you really” test

To complete the task, allocate 7 minutes of free time, and answer 15 simple questions. Try to be as honest as possible, this way you will get a more accurate result. Don’t think too long or select answers; say the option that first came to your mind.

If you understand how to take the “What Kind of Person Are You Really” test, start taking it.

Questions from the “Who Really Are You” Test

Answer them only yes, no or I don’t know.

1. I make important decisions quickly.
2. I am counting on Hard time to help loved ones.
3. I like to be the life of the party.
4. I often sympathize with people.
5. I can always stand up for myself.
6. I'm worried about how I look.
7. I can adapt to any external circumstances.
8. I like to discuss friends or events that have happened.
9. My opinion is difficult to influence.
10. I always have a mirror at hand, and I often look into it.
11. I always try to take revenge on the offender.
12. I cannot remain silent if I see injustice.
13. I think that you need to brag about your successes less so as not to jinx it.
14. I'm a romantic.
15. I am all like my father in character.

Psychological test - on the topic “Who am I really?”

Psychological test - on the topic “Who am I really?” - You can pass if you are not afraid to get to know YOURSELF! You can use it as humorous, in general, decide for yourself... let's go. Tests do not always show true information; sometimes they can be done for fun.

It consists of 6 blocks of 5 questions. Your task is to take a piece of paper and write down: if the answer is yes - 1, or no - 0 to the questions of the block and put the number 1 or 0 depending on which number was greater within the block (for example, three zeros and only two ones, then you write “zero”). As a result, you should have 6 digits (6 blocks).

Test questions:

Block N 1
1. Do you consider yourself attractive?
2. Do you really strive to dress fashionably?
3. Do you think that appearance is the most important thing for a woman?
4. Do you think that a woman who does not use cosmetics loses a lot in the eyes of others?
5. Do you enjoy obvious success with men?

Block N 2
1. Is it easy for you to attract attention?
2. Do you like noisy society?
3. Do you like to visit restaurants?
4. Do you notice handsome men?
5. Do you smoke?

Block N 3
1. Do you think that a woman’s main task is raising children?
2. Do you like to do housework?
3. Are you with great pleasure do you host guests?
4. Do you like business men?
5. Do you consider yourself a thrifty woman?

Block N 4
1. Could you be the first to confess your love?
2. Can you hit a man?
3. Could you date two men at the same time?
4. Could you cheat on your loved one?
5. Do you think that a woman should provide for herself?

Block N 5
1. Do you believe in love?
2. Do you recognize love at first sight?
3. Do you easily adapt to the habits of your chosen one?
4. Do you consider yourself a romantic woman?
5. Do you think that a woman should forgive more often than a man?

Block N 6
1. In relationships with your friends, do you play first fiddle?
2. Would you be more than happy to hold a responsible position?
3. Do you think that a woman is in no way inferior to a man?
4. Are you interested in politics?
5. Do you like to subjugate a man?

"Who Am I Really" Test Answers:

111111 - cheerful optimist

011111 - proud daughter of the weak half of humanity

001111 - boy-woman

000111 - a tangle of contradictions

000011 - Mymra with May greetings

000001 - blue stocking

000000 - gloomy little pig

100000 - the princess and the pea

110000 - jumping dragonfly

111000 - Dunya launched into Europe

111100 - death to men

111110 - normal woman

111011 - real woman

111010 - lady, beyond all suspicion

111001 - darling with claims

111101 - vulgar seductress of easy virtue

000100 - hundred-rose log

000010 - God's dandelion is out of this world

000110 - a thing with a secret

000101 - Amazon

110001 - emancipated sybarite

110101 - cunning bitch

110011 - priestess of love in all its definitions

110110 - moth

110010 - sentimental fool

110100 - blowing beast

110111 - sex time bomb

001000 - venerable matron, guardian of the hearth

001110 - domestic cat with sharp claws

001101 - crocodile in a skirt

001010 - exemplary wife and mother

001100 - unsociable savage

001001 - aggressive housekeeper

001011 - self-affirming nature

101000 - little mouse

101111 - great worker

101101 - calculating egoist

101001 - you were a gentle woman - you became a snowy woman

101100 - wasted talent, enslaved by everyday life

101011 - a common woman not spoiled by male attention

101010 - femininity incarnate, the ultimate dream of any man

010010 - horny

010111 - lustful female with a fiery temperament

010001 - completely lost

010011 - lost sheep

010101 - criminal element with a dark past

010110 - cobra

010100 - exalted person

010000 - eccentric adventurer

011000 - “both want and inject”: a complex nature with low self-esteem

011011 - smart woman

011110 - woman, pleasant in all respects

011101 - impregnable fortress

011001 - a lady with character

011100 - man-hater

011010 - a poet's dream

100110 - grand coquette

100001 - woman without emotions

100101 - modern business woman

100011 - ordinary hysterical

100100 - eternal loser

100010 - a dreamer, a gentle and amazing creature

100111 - rare bird

P.S. We write our answers below...

To you, dear site visitors online psychologist website, you are invited to take the online test “Who are you in life” and find out who you are - Successful(3 degrees - “Prince” (“Princess”); “Blessed” “Lucky”;); Mediocre(“Golden mean of society” - “Lucky”, “Pokrainemerschik”, “Koekaker”) or Loser(“Unlucky”, “Loser”, “Frog (Goose)” - there are only 9 options for who you are in life.

Of course, many would like to be in life “Successful 1st degree (“Prince” or “Princess”), i.e. a person who easily, without stress, achieves his goals, almost always in good mood, is not sick and has everything he needs, in fact, everything he wants.

However, most people are "Mediocrity" of one degree or another ("Lucky", "Curious", and "Koekacker"). Also, quite a few people, especially in Lately, having heard the question - Who are you in life - they can openly declare themselves “Losers” various degrees(“Unlucky”, “Loser” and “Frog” (“Goose”) - the last one is an absolute loser.

For everyone who wants to change and become more in life high level than now, and subsequently rise even higher, an individual psychological online course: "From Frogs to Princes"— SIGN UP FOR A COURSE (or for a preliminary free consultation 18+)

The essence of the characters in the “Who are you in life” test: Successful (Prince, Prosperous, Lucky), Mediocre (Lucky, Pokraynemerschik, Koekaker), Losers (Unlucky, Loser, Frog)

In the presented to you online test“Who are you in life” uses conventional concepts (characters) - 9 in total, three levels of well-being and failure for, in fact, three basic life unconscious attitudes that characterize the type, lifestyle, scenario and fate of each individual person: Successful, Mediocrity and Loser.

Successful in life has, as mentioned above, three levels of well-being:
  1. Prince or princess- a person who is free from the script (not programmed), he is spontaneous, has many friends, good relationships with loved ones and in society, he takes responsibility for his thoughts, feelings and behavior, builds his own life and destiny.
    A 1st degree successful person is not prone to stress, depression, or anything at all. psychosomatic diseases, he always achieves his goals, moreover, he achieves them at ease, as if without straining at all. He has a broad worldview, he does not think in stereotypes and has no illusions. He lives in the present, caring about the future and not forgetting the past.

    He is a talent or a genius, easily and freely achieving extraordinary results. Geniuses are born, and every person is born a genius. Unfortunately, only a few know in which area they are a genius.

  2. Benefactor- a gifted person who achieves results through hard work, based on natural prerequisites, he directs his efforts to become someone, to achieve desired result, or to receive according to your achievements, your contribution. The beneficiary achieves results in one or two attempts, taking careful and justified risks and controlling the situation. He is often lucky.
  3. Lucky- a capable person who achieves results through long-term development of his abilities, is focused on owning, accumulating, having. “A lucky person lives in a world where “should” and “must” rule and there is little room left for “can” and “want”; he often achieves results after many attempts, and only sometimes he is lucky, takes risks with great care and on little things. He can easily slip into mediocrity and sometimes into failure. At times he suffers defeat and becomes despondent.

Mediocrity in life(“The Golden Mean of Society”) also has three degrees of success and failure:

  1. Lucky- such a person is sometimes lucky in life, and he is not far from the Lucky One - i.e. if desired, he can move to a higher level, to the area of ​​successes. Although it can just as easily come back.
  2. Extreme measurer- has the motto: “At least I have (achieved) something”...
  3. Koekaker- his essence is to somehow make ends meet...

Loser in life— 3 levels of unluckiness:

  1. Unlucky- a person who is still trying to do something in life, but because of internal installations and his relationship with himself, others and the world, he is not very lucky...
  2. Jonah- wants something, like it would be good... but except for conversations with subjunctive mood, there are no real cases in sight. Subconsciously he expects a miracle, wants to have everything for free, but does not want to lay a finger on his finger...
  3. Frog or Goose- an absolute loser who doesn’t seem to want anything, doesn’t strive for anything... so, he “smoke” the sky, wasting his life... He can often cause harm not only to himself, but also to the people around him... They usually stay away from such people...

So, take the test and find out who you are in life.

To the proposed test statements, quickly choose one of seven answer options.
If you want to get a reliable result and accurately determine who you are in life from 9 levels, then “don’t hover” over the questions, answer instantly, the first thing that comes to mind.

Keep in mind that the “Who are you in life” test is a therapeutic questionnaire, i.e. it is intended for subsequent online psychotherapy, psychoanalysis (transactional analysis), as well as for introspection and self-therapy, with the goal of changing the scenario of life and rising at least one step higher (with the prospect of further growth, of course...)

We start with the phrase: “IN LIFE I …”- further statement of the questionnaire... (and select “Uncertain” as little as possible)