Noble feelings. Nobility noble

Noble woman should not expect from another woman what she herself would not do.

Marguerite Valois

Unfortunately, smart people much more than noble ones. Boris Paramonov

Don't trust your first instinct - it is almost always noble. Talleyrand

Nobility of feelings is not always accompanied by nobility of manners. O. Balzac

Those people are noble who have given up the search for their own happiness and strive for the happiness of all sentient beings who sincerely suffer the suffering of other people. "Vikramacharita"

Everyone likes nobility, especially if it is accompanied by modesty. I. Goethe

Noble blood is an accident of fate; noble deeds characterize great things. C. Goldoni

Nobility is the willingness to act contrary to one's own interests. S. Dovlatov

The essence of nobility is to do things in secret that you will not be ashamed of if they are found out. X. Qazvini

Any noble deed seems impossible at first. T. Carlyle

What could be more honest and noble than teaching others what you yourself the best way You know? Quintilian

Everyone can become a noble husband. You just need to decide to become one. Confucius

The noble ones live in harmony with other people, but do not follow them; the lowly ones follow other people, but do not live in harmony with them. Confucius

A noble husband must beware of three things in his life: in his youth, when vitality abundant, beware of infatuation with women; in maturity, when the vital forces are powerful, beware of rivalry; in old age, when vitality is scarce, beware of stinginess. Confucius

A noble man blames himself, a small man blames others. Confucius

A noble husband thinks about the righteous path and does not think about food. He can work in the field and be hungry. He can devote himself to teaching - and accept generous rewards. But a noble man worries about the righteous path and does not worry about poverty. Confucius

A noble husband knows his superiority, but avoids competition. He gets along with everyone, but does not collude with anyone. Confucius

A noble husband does not strive to eat his fill and live richly. He is hasty in business, but slow in speech. Communicating with virtuous people, he corrects himself. Confucius

A noble husband does not expect deception from anyone, but when he is deceived, he is the first to notice it. Confucius

A noble husband helps people see what is good in them, and does not teach people to see what is bad in them. A short person does the opposite. Confucius

A noble husband values ​​duty above all else. A noble man, endowed with courage, but ignorant of duty, can indulge in robbery. Confucius

A noble husband, attached to the comforts of home, is not worthy to be called such. Confucius

A noble man awaits the dictates of heaven with dignity. A short man fussily waits for luck. Confucius

A noble husband endures adversity with fortitude. And a low man in trouble blossoms. Confucius

Noble man promotes people not according to their words, but does not discard them either Nice words, if they are said by an unworthy person. Confucius

A noble person thinks about nine things: to see clearly; about hearing clearly; about making his face friendly; that his actions should be respectful; about his speech being sincere; that his actions be careful; the need to ask others when in doubt; the need to remember the consequences of your anger; the need to remember fairness when there is an opportunity to benefit. Confucius

A noble man knows only duty, a low man knows only benefit. Confucius

A noble man makes demands on himself, a low man makes demands on others. Confucius

A noble person puts duty first. First he shows debt, then he acquires benefit, so people do not get tired of his acquisitions. Confucius

A noble man endures need steadfastly, but a low man becomes dissolute in need. Confucius

A noble soul stands above insults, injustice, grief, ridicule; she would be invulnerable if she did not suffer from compassion. J. Labruyère

We owe other noble feelings and generous deeds more to our natural kindness than to our intelligence. J. Labruyère

Truly noble people never boast about anything. F. La Rochefoucauld

Whoever strives to always live in the sight of noble people is truly a noble person. F. La Rochefoucauld

It is not easy to discern whether an honest, sincere, noble act is caused by decency or far-sighted calculation. F. La Rochefoucauld

Nobility is needed to serve friends. Menander

Nobility is a virtue of exalted character, the receptivity of the soul to words and deeds. Unknown Platonist

It is more noble to blame yourself than to justify yourself, especially if someone is right. F. Nietzsche

Nobility consists of good nature and an abundance of trust. F. Nietzsche

Noble deeds that are done in secret are most worthy of respect. B. Pascal

A truly noble man is not born with great soul, makes himself such with his magnificent deeds. F. Petrarch

In relation to a shameless person, nobility is excessive stupidity. Publilius Syrus

Nobility of manners is taught by examples. A. France

A noble husband, when in trouble, does not grieve, and when he finds himself at a feast, he does not shy away from fun. He is not shy in front of strongmen of the world This is why he has compassion for the poor and orphaned. Hong Zicheng

When we are paid for a noble act, it is taken away from us. N. Chamfort

We can have excellent taste in music, but we may not be able to perform it; we can judge poetry well without being poets and without having any poetic streak, but we cannot have a tolerable concept of goodness without being tolerably kind. A. Shaftesbury

Nobility is an internal culture that many people are deprived of.

I don’t even know... Nobility is defined on the verge of the subcortex of consciousness. This is how the look... and... posture... and in general, a fleeting glance is often enough to identify a person... To feel that wave of confidence and purity. So I’m writing and thinking - noble.. Right in front of me is a man, proud posture, aristocratic carriage of the head.. A sharp, intelligent look, it gives off a wave of confidence in any of his actions and words, i.e. still a noble person, a person confident in himself and loving his surroundings, as if giving himself to them; This is the person who will not betray, will help, will explain.. Who gives more for others than he receives himself..

How can you call a person noble who once loved, and then tries to denigrate the same person in the eyes of those around him, simply in order to get him out of the way? and this is a respected person among these people... the nobility of a person manifests itself under certain circumstances, as well as his baseness.
I think that a noble person should be honest, always ready to help in Hard time, tolerant of the shortcomings of others, forgiving of stupidity and respectful of wisdom.

NOBLE - good + clan - we can accept that this is a person who brings the good of his entire clan, many generations, accumulated and multiplied good. Origin doesn't matter. Due to circumstances, you can take a position, acquire a title, but...Nobility is an internal fulfillment; circumstances cannot make a noble person. Noble - a person with feeling self-esteem. Nobility is non-humiliation of another.
Nobility is the willingness to sacrifice oneself, the ability to put something above personal desires. A man with a certain internal rod, eyes radiating confidence - noble. External nobility of appearance is only a consequence of the internal.
Nobility is not clothing or posture. A person is defined by his actions. Words are the wind. Clothing is the outer shell. Only actions reveal the true essence of a person, thereby determining the degree of nobility, as well as intelligence. A noble person must first of all be forgiving. Condescending to the weaknesses and vices of others. The ability to forgive, although this does not mean that you do not need to be able to stand up for yourself. Whatever the origin and position, do not humiliate another with this, this is nobility. Respect for people. Intelligence special case nobility. Sacrifice. Generosity, and not only spiritual.
Nobility is when you give people everything you can and at the same time forgive these people because they do not reciprocate!

In general, actions and deeds, deeds and actions. And at the same time, less poking yourself in the chest, reveling in your nobility.

  • A noble woman should not expect from another woman what she herself would not do.Marguerite Valois
  • It is fitting for a person to have patience in his labors and suffering, and generosity towards human faults and mistakes.Catherine II the Great
  • True generosity is when ingratitude is forgiven.Coco Chanel
  • Unfortunately, there are far more smart people than noble ones.Boris Paramonov
  • The depth of a well, like the depth of a soul, can be measured by throwing a stone there.Nina Rubshtein
  • Noble people are vertebrates: they have softness on top, hardness deep inside. And today's cowards are mollusks: they are hard on the outside, soft on the inside.Gilbert Keith Chesterton
  • Don't trust your first instinct - it is almost always noble.Talleyrand
  • Generosity is an enzyme that heals our internal wounds, but ultimately leads to poisoning of the body.Jean-Paul Sartre
  • Nobility of feelings is not always accompanied by nobility of manners.Honore de Balzac.
  • If an insult is inflicted publicly, a woman willingly forgets it, she likes to suppress you with generosity, to show feminine meekness and mercy; but a woman will never forgive a hidden insult, because she cannot tolerate secrecy either in meanness, or in virtue, or in love.Honore de Balzac.
  • Truly generous people are always ready to show compassion if the misfortune of their enemy exceeds their hatred.Alexandr Duma
  • They brought in an old dog with broken legs. She was treated by kind dog doctors. The dog is much kinder than a person and more noble. Now she is my greatest and, perhaps, only joy. She guards me and doesn’t let anyone into the house. God bless her!Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya
  • Generosity is a gain, as it is a direct consequence of a life well lived.Max Fry
  • We are the most generous nation in the world. We are very generous. I'm proud that we are so generous. But despite our generosity, we should not boast about our generosity.George Bush
  • Those people are noble who have given up the search for their own happiness and strive for the happiness of all sentient beings who sincerely suffer the suffering of other people."Vikramacharita"
  • Everyone likes nobility, especially if it is accompanied by modesty.I. Goethe
  • Noble is not the one who beats his chest, but the one who modestly, without posturing, without wasting time, fulfills his labor duty day after day.Sergey Timofeevich Konenkov
  • Noble blood is an accident of fate; noble deeds characterize great things.C. Goldoni
  • A truly noble person is not born with a great soul, but makes himself such through his magnificent deeds.Francesco Petrarca
  • Nobility is the willingness to act contrary to one's own interests.S. Dovlatov
  • The essence of nobility is to do things in secret that you will not be ashamed of if they are found out.X. Qazvini
  • In order to perform noble deeds, it is not necessary to reign over land and seas.Aristotle
  • A generous person is characterized by the fact that he does not seek benefit for himself, but is willing to do good to others.Aristotle
  • Any noble deed seems impossible at first.T. Carlyle
  • What could be more honest and noble than teaching others what you yourself know best?Quintilian
  • Courage and nobility are close relatives that do not exist in this world; they are twins, but they are not on Earth. After they were convinced of the people's infidelity, they fled from human race to the edge of oblivion. A person with nobility does not consider it wise to part with this valuable commodity; a person with courage does not want to remain without this valuable quality.Alisher Navoi
  • Nobility means taking on the burden of the sufferer’s misfortunes and freeing him from torment. This means exposing your body to the thorns of his torment and blooming from their pricks, like a rose. Don’t tell anyone about this, don’t open your mouth, don’t remind the person to whom you have given a benefit, don’t even look him in the face.Alisher Navoi
  • Everyone can become a noble husband. You just need to decide to become one.Confucius
  • The noble ones live in harmony with other people, but do not follow them; the lowly ones follow other people, but do not live in harmony with them.Confucius
  • A noble husband must beware of three things in his life: in his youth, when vitality is abundant, beware of infatuation with women; in maturity, when the vital forces are powerful, beware of rivalry; in old age, when vitality is scarce, beware of stinginess.Confucius
  • A noble man blames himself, a small man blames others.Confucius
  • A noble husband knows his superiority, but avoids competition. He gets along with everyone, but does not collude with anyone.Confucius
  • A noble husband does not strive to eat his fill and live richly. He is hasty in business, but slow in speech. Communicating with virtuous people, he corrects himself.Confucius
  • A noble husband does not expect deception from anyone, but when he is deceived, he is the first to notice it.Confucius
  • A noble husband helps people see what is good in them, and does not teach people to see what is bad in them. But a short person does the opposite.Confucius
  • A noble husband values ​​duty above all else. A noble man, endowed with courage, but ignorant of duty, can indulge in robbery.Confucius
  • A noble husband, attached to the comforts of home, is not worthy to be called such.Confucius
  • A noble man awaits the dictates of heaven with dignity. A short man fussily waits for luck.Confucius
  • A noble husband endures adversity with fortitude. And a low man in trouble blossoms.Confucius
  • A noble person promotes people not according to their words, but also does not discard good words if they are spoken by an unworthy person.Confucius
  • A noble person thinks about nine things: to see clearly; about hearing clearly; about making his face friendly; that his actions should be respectful; about his speech being sincere; that his actions be careful; the need to ask others when in doubt; the need to remember the consequences of your anger; the need to remember fairness when there is an opportunity to benefit.Confucius
  • A noble man knows only duty, a low man knows only benefit.Confucius
  • A noble man makes demands on himself, a low man makes demands on others.Confucius
  • A noble person puts duty first. First he shows debt, then he acquires benefit, so people do not get tired of his acquisitions.Confucius
  • A noble man endures need steadfastly, but a low man becomes dissolute in need.Confucius
  • In relation to a woman, the phrase “knightly nobility” sounds rather unusual, but I am from own experience I know that women are endowed with this kind of nobility much more often than men, in the capital, at least. Men usually use the shield of chivalry to cover up cowardice and greed.Osamu Dazai.
  • A noble soul stands above insults, injustice, grief, ridicule; she would be invulnerable if she did not suffer from compassion.Jean de La Bruyère
  • We owe other noble feelings and generous deeds more to our natural kindness than to our intelligence.Jean de La Bruyère
  • Truly noble people never boast about anything.Francois de La Rochefoucauld.
  • It is not easy to discern whether an honest, sincere, noble act is caused by decency or far-sighted calculation.Francois de La Rochefoucauld.
  • Nobility is determined by actions, not origin.Merlin
  • It is more noble to blame yourself than to justify yourself, especially if someone is right.F. Nietzsche
  • Nobility consists of good nature and an abundance of trust.F. Nietzsche
  • Noble deeds that are done in secret are most worthy of respect.B. Pascal
  • In relation to a shameless person, nobility is excessive stupidity.Publilius Syrus
  • A noble husband, when in trouble, does not grieve, and when he finds himself at a feast, he does not shy away from fun. He does not shy away from the powerful of this world and has compassion for the poor and orphaned.Hong Zicheng
  • When we are paid for a noble act, it is taken away from us.N. Chamfort
  • Noble people don’t live long, and they have no place in politics at all!Elena Zvezdnaya.
  • We can have excellent taste in music, but we may not be able to perform it; we can judge poetry well without being poets and without having any poetic streak, but we cannot have a tolerable concept of goodness without being tolerably kind.A. Shaftesbury
  • A noble man is always more occupied with wisdom and friendship: one of them is a mortal good, the other an immortal one.Epicurus
  • And I didn’t believe in aristocratic nobility. A swineherd can also be noble. And even a princess is a pig.Galina Goncharova.
  • Nobility is born from suffering, friend,
    Is it possible for every drop to become a pearl?
    You can lose everything, just save your soul, -
    The cup would be filled again if there was wine.Omar Khayyam
  • Generosity is a restrained attitude towards other people's merits.Gennady Malkin
  • First we must be fair, and only then generous, just as we buy shirts first and then lace.Nicolas de Chamfort
  • Generosity in politics is often the highest wisdom; great empire and insignificant intelligence do not get along well.Edmund Burke
  • It is fitting for a person to have patience in his labors and suffering, and generosity towards human faults and mistakes.Ekaterina II Alekseevna
  • A generous heart is the best inspirer of the mind.Alexander Alexandrovich Bestuzhev-Marlinsky
  • Humanity cannot live without generous ideas.Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
  • ...Little things human life overcome by generosity.Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
  • Often it is not generosity that pushes us to help people, but the love for a quiet life.
    Jean de La Bruyère
  • The most guilty are the least generous, this is a general rule.Pierre Beaumarchais
  • Generosity is the ability to rise above the weaknesses of others and your own.Alexander Kruglov
  • Generosity is to meekly endure the mistakes of others.Democritus
  • Turn a blind eye to many things in the affairs of your household, friends, and especially enemies. Pickiness is always unpleasant, and as a character trait it is unbearable. Constantly returning to something unpleasant is a type of mania.Baltasar Gracian y Morales
  • A mediocre man is rarely magnanimous, and he is never so insolent as when he keeps a man of the highest dignity in his hallway.Jean de La Bruyère
  • Generosity neglects everything in order to take possession of everything.Francois de La Rochefoucauld.
  • If genius is the greatness of the mind, then generosity is the genius of the soul.Eduard Alexandrovich Sevrus
  • Beware of those you have forgiven!
    You will still be remembered for your generosity...Mikhail Mikhailovich Mamchich
  • There are people who, meeting their opponent who is happy in anything, are ready to immediately turn away from all the good that is in him and see only the bad in him; there are people who, on the contrary, most of all want to find in this happy opponent those qualities with which he defeated them and look for one good thing in him with aching pain in their hearts.Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

A noble man blames himself, a small man blames others.

My intentions are the most noble, but I rarely follow them.

It is pleasant to look at the noble ones; to be in them is a blessing. May he who does not see fools always be happy.

He is truly noble who easily forgives the errors of people and at the same time is so afraid of doing something bad, as if he had never forgiven anyone.

Guilt is a noble feeling well-mannered person. Only a fool and a dense moral ignoramus does not experience guilt.

Nobility is the willingness to act contrary to one's own interests.

Virtue is the first sign of nobility, I give names where less than value than actions.

Conclusions and quotes about nobility

Blessed is the one who knows nothing: he does not risk being misunderstood.

To be noble, you need to be very rich or have nothing.

A noble husband, attached to the comforts of home, is not worthy to be called such.

Free conclusions and quotes about nobility

The driving force of Heaven is incomprehensible. She bends and straightens, straightens and bends. She plays with heroes and breaks heroes. A noble husband is submissive even to adversity. He lives in peace and is ready for the vicissitudes of fate. And Heaven can't do anything about it.

You can expect anything from any of us; we are capable of actions both surprisingly noble and surprisingly base. And is there a person who has never secretly thought of tasting the forbidden?

Only the misfortune of a great soul tests nobility.

Nobility is understood only by the noble, but fear is understood by everyone.

A noble husband does not strive to eat his fill and live richly. He is hasty in business, but slow in speech. Communicating with virtuous people, he corrects himself.

A noble husband helps people see the good in themselves and does not teach people to see the bad in themselves. But a short person does the opposite.

Three mistakes are made next to a noble husband: speaking to him when words do not reach him is rashness; not to speak when the words would reach him is secrecy; and speaking without observing his expression is blindness.

A noble person knows how to subordinate his desires to his duties.

Evaluating worldly affairs, a noble man neither rejects nor approves of anything, but measures everything with justice.

A noble husband, when in trouble, does not grieve, and when he finds himself at a feast, he does not shy away from fun. He does not shy away from the powerful of this world and has compassion for the poor and orphaned.

Conversational inferences and quotes about nobility

Nobility is needed to serve friends.

A noble man makes demands on himself, a low man makes demands on others.

There are people who are capable of any noble and heroic deed, but cannot resist the temptation to tell the unfortunate person about their happiness.

A noble man knows only duty, a low man knows only benefit.

Those noble deeds that remain hidden are valued most highly.

Happiness does not lie in any kind of pleasure, but only in the honest and noble.

Every noble person is deeply aware of his blood relationship, his blood ties with the fatherland.

First you need to be honest, and only then noble.

All women deserve compliments. There is something noble in every woman. I've seen washerwomen move like queens.

Truly noble people never boast about anything.

Nobility obliges.

A noble husband values ​​duty above all else. A noble man, endowed with courage, but ignorant of duty, can become a rebel. A lowly person, endowed with courage, but ignorant of duty, can indulge in robbery.

Nobility of manners is taught by examples.

Everyone can become a noble husband. You just need to decide to become one.

Meaningful conclusions and quotes about nobility

It is not proper for noble men to scold like commoners.

When a person blushes, his nobler self begins to appear.

A noble husband thinks about what is right. A low person thinks about what is profitable.

A noble husband knows his superiority, but avoids competition. He gets along with everyone, but does not collude with anyone.

Education and nobility are two different things; it is not knowledge that ennobles a person, but the instrument that accumulates it is noble.

There is nothing nobler than putting others before yourself.

A noble husband does not expect deception from anyone, but when he is deceived, he is the first to notice it.

A noble man faces the wrath and mercy of his superiors with equal dignity.

A truly humane husband achieves everything through his own efforts.

Nobility is not in blood, but in character. Kind heart better than good blood.

At the heart of virtuous actions and the willingness to sacrifice one’s interests and oneself are the needs of a noble soul, generosity of heart and, to some extent, the selfishness of a strong nature.

Often we would have to be ashamed of our most noble deeds if others knew our motives.

There is a property by which you can once and for all distinguish a noble person. A noble person perceives any misfortune as retribution for his own sins. He only blames himself, no matter what grief befalls him.

When I look at my mother, I feel that I belong to a noble race... A race of people who want nothing.

When two noble hearts truly love, their love is stronger than death itself.

For inference status and nobility quotes

A noble husband is serene in his soul. A low person is always preoccupied.

A noble person is above insults, injustice, grief, ; he would be invulnerable if he were a stranger to compassion.

Noble people live in harmony with other people, but do not follow other people; lowly people follow other people, but do not live in harmony with them.

People who are supposedly noble hide their shortcomings both from others and from themselves, but truly noble people are well aware of them and openly declare them.

A noble man awaits the commands of Heaven with dignity. A short man fussily waits for luck.

A noble man endures adversity steadfastly, but a lowly man crumbles in trouble.

The passions of science and art owe discoveries, and the soul - nobility.

The lower you go in social circles, the more sincere and noble feelings you encounter.

A truly noble man is not born with a great soul; he makes himself such by his magnificent deeds.

But a noble spirit never finds pleasure in torturing the weak, but, on the contrary, strives to help and protect.

A noble husband thinks about the righteous path and does not think about food. He can work in the field - and be hungry. He can devote himself to teaching - and accept generous rewards. But a noble man worries about the righteous path and does not worry about poverty.

Nobility– the sublimity of the motives of human behavior, their “kinship to the good.” As a rule, nobility refers to natural good manifestations of a person’s inner essence, not conditioned by any laws, prohibitions, rules or regulations.

Nobility: 1) High moral qualities; greatness, sublimity. 2) High dignity, grace, beauty.
Small academic dictionary

  • Nobility is condescension towards those who are less gifted.
  • Nobility is the understanding that everyone deserves justice.
  • Nobility is kindness - towards those who need it most.
  • Nobility is spiritual purity, high morality and honesty.
  • Nobility is the willingness to lend a helping hand to everyone who needs it, it is a strong will and strong faith.
  • Nobility is the ability and willingness to be responsible for one’s words, deeds and decisions.

Benefits of Nobility

  • Nobility provides freedom - from base feelings, motives and actions.
  • Nobility gives strength - for good deeds.
  • Nobility ensures openness - a noble person has nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to hide.
  • Nobility provides independence - from the opinions of the crowd.

Manifestations of nobility in everyday life

  • One day, at a reception with Duke Gaston d'Orléans, his favorite striking gold watch disappeared. Someone present suggested: “We need to close the doors and search everyone!” The Duke replied: “On the contrary, gentlemen, everyone is free. Soon the clock will start striking and the one who appropriated it will be betrayed: he will be embarrassed...” (historical fact; 18th century).
  • Forgiveness. Forgiving a guilt is always an act of nobility.
  • Charity. A person who does charity acts nobly.
  • Religious ceremonies. The ritual of absolution after confession is a manifestation of divine nobility (mercy).
  • Correspondence of words and actions. The words of a noble man are consistent with his actions.

How to achieve nobility

  • Nobility is a combination of several high moral qualities person. To cultivate nobility in yourself, you need to work tirelessly; improve yourself by developing your best qualities and suppressing the worst.
  • Refusal to judge. By refusing to condemn someone, a person acts nobly; he doesn't put himself in highest position in relation to someone whom he could condemn.
  • Help others. By helping others, not necessarily those who are weaker or in need, a person learns to give; This is one of the manifestations of nobility.
  • Deliberate promises. A noble person will not take on impossible obligations, so as not to let down those who rely on him.
  • Empathy. Sensitivity to others, willingness to empathize and support - the behavior of a noble person.

Golden mean

Baseness, betrayal | antagonists of nobility


Snobbery, arrogance, pretentiousness | a game of nobility that has nothing to do with true nobility

Catchphrases about nobility

Truly noble people do not boast about anything. - La Rochefoucauld - A noble husband worries about the righteous path and does not worry about poverty. - Confucius - A noble man does not remember the old evil. - Chinese proverb- He is truly noble who easily forgives the errors of people, and at the same time is so afraid of doing something bad, as if he had never forgiven anyone. - Pliny the Younger - Noble King Arthur and his valiant knights The world of legends about noble knights of the past as retold by Andrey Efremov. Tournaments, feats and, of course, the search for the Holy Grail. Lewis Spence / Legends and knightly traditions of Brittany Lewis Spence - famous explorer oral creativity peoples of Europe. In the book you will find not only legends about noble knights and their exploits, but also information about their code of honor, the morals of the era, and the traditions of that time.