The Emperor's Scarlet Guard Star Wars. Steel Emperor's Guard

Emperor's Royal Guard

Manufacturer of guards: Genlte Giant 2 pcs.

Limited Edition: 0877 /3500 and 3472 /3500

Emperor's Throne

Tron Manufacturer: Sideshow

Scale: 1/6

Imperial Scarlet Guard - the most formidable military unit in the Empire. She obeys only himself and is fanatically devoted to him personally. The Emperor's Guard does not strive for orders and privileges. The purpose of their life and the most desired cause of death is service to Emperor Palpatine and him.

The Guard was created during the time of the Old Republic shortly before the Clone Wars, as special unit Guardians of the Senate, and were called the Scarlet Guard. The new connection consisted of best soldiers Republican army, but not from the clones. The establishment of a detachment of personal bodyguards was prompted by an incident involving an attempt on the lives of Chancellor Palpatine and several senators. Only the quick and effective actions of Jedi Ronhar Kim from Naboo saved the Chancellor from death.

Kir Kanos

Personnel for the highest military unit in the Galaxy were selected extremely carefully. Only the best representatives of military academies were accepted into the Guard after lengthy checks. Warriors were selected who met strict criteria physical strength, mental abilities, personal loyalty to Scythe Palpatine and the New Order was sometimes tested and Force sensitivity was required. At the same time, the Guard itself had its own hierarchy, highest level which was a layer of elite elites - the Imperial bodyguards.

More detailed information on the Scarlet Guard can be gleaned from p.

It is worth mentioning separately detailed review dedicated to the emperor himself.

I wanted to collect this composition after I saw something similar in the famous collection.

My version

But with a few clarifications - I don’t like the image of the emperor. Perhaps the black shapeless robe and the embittered face covered with burns quite clearly conveys the image of universal evil, but I cannot imagine that the Emperor of the Galaxy should be such an ascetic. At a minimum, they could choose appropriate clothes, add a crown or mask as a symbol of power, and so on... Yes, and from personal political beliefs I would like to see another person there.

And when I saw that the sides released the throne separately, I immediately realized that I needed to assemble a diorama.

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) it is almost impossible to find statues of guardsmen from Attacus, they are expensive, and their size is not small. And here are the figurines from Genlte Giant I really liked it. And the price is reasonable, there are still some on sale, and the size is just right. By the way, I can’t help but boast that statue 0877/3000 I somehow grabbed for $16.50! Such miracles happen on eBay. True, rarely. Until it arrived, I completely thought that something was broken in it, but with the exception of a few spots with peeling paint, everything is in order.

The Roman emperor had personal guards. Several cohorts of 1000 warriors each. They were called Praetorians. These were the only people who were allowed to be in Rome with weapons in their hands.

The army, as a rule, fought on the outskirts of the empire and the Praetorians soon realized that there was no one in the capital who could resist them. Already the second Roman emperor, Tiberius, was faced with a conspiracy by his superior praetorian guard Sejanus, and the third, Caligula, was simply killed by conspirators under the leadership of the praetorian tribune Cassius Chaerea.

And from that moment on, no emperor could become one or maintain his power for any long time without the support of the Praetorian Guard. Moreover: many emperors came from the Praetorians.

Something similar happened in Russia during almost the entire 18th century after the death of Peter the Great. The Guard overthrew Russian emperors, put others in their place and this continued until the Decembrist uprising, which, as we know, was also an uprising of part of the guard.

Starting from the reign of Nicholas the First, who just suppressed the Decembrist uprising, the authorities never again allowed the omnipotence of the guard. She always had something to oppose: since then, troops and Cossacks have been stationed in the capital, the police have been strengthened, secret investigation etc.

Supreme Russian authorities Since then, she has always professed the principle of “divide and conquer” and never again allowed such concentration military force in the capital and its environs within one department.

The Bolsheviks also understood this well. Therefore, contradictions and competition between the GPU/NKVD troops and the army have always been inspired. And after the division of the NKVD into the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs - between them.

Suffice it to remember how much attention Brezhnev paid to maintaining parity between Andropov (KGB) and Shchelokov (Ministry of Internal Affairs) and never allowed one of them to gain the upper hand.

Even Yeltsin, having forgotten for a moment these basics of power, was about to create a monster in the form of a united KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the leadership of Barannikov, but he immediately came to his senses and abandoned this idea.

And only our wise leader Putin went to recreate the Praetorian, sorry, Russian Guard: the only serious armed forces in the capital and in the surrounding area 100 km around it. Who can do anything to oppose her in the capital?

Police? No! After it was taken from her internal troops and riot police, and transferred them specifically to the Russian Guard, does not have serious forces. You can’t take operatives of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate armed with PMs seriously.

FSB? Where is it: at most a special forces battalion...

Army? Her main strengths are far away. Much further than the Kadyrovites, who are part of the Russian Guard, by the way. Kadyrov’s men in their Cayennes will be in the capital during daylight hours: they left in the morning and are already in Moscow in the evening. This does not count those who are already in the capital...

FSO? The main forces are scattered at security facilities throughout Russia. I think that in Moscow no more than three or four battalions can be brought into battle.

This is against the Peresvet detachment (formerly the 55th division of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), located right in Moscow, on the Leningradskoye Shosse. And several more divisions of the Russian Guard, located a couple of hours drive from Moscow!

And if the idea that he is the only support and guard of the throne has not yet occurred to Zolotov, then he has especially smart assistants and subordinates from Chechnya who will soon explain this to him. If it hasn't already been explained.

And if so, this means that he, Zolotov, the head of the emperor’s Praetorian Guard, can demand from Putin significantly greater privileges and consideration of opinions than is the case now.

And what can Putin object to him when he points the gun at him? Ask, as in your favorite joke: “What time is it?” Hehe... Security, as they say, quickly turns into a convoy...

Zolotov himself, judging by what they say about him, frankly speaking, is not an intellectual. And it’s unlikely he’ll get to that point himself. But precisely because of this position, he is in a certain vacuum of communication in Moscow.

It is clear that the leadership of other law enforcement agencies are not Schopenhauers either, but their self-esteem does not allow them to seriously communicate with a person who, as he says, former boss Korzhakov (who hired him as a mechanic) “forgot the letters.”

And this is what I think... This is his “challenge to a duel” of Navalny. This is a purely Chechen approach: “Let’s go out and talk like man to man.” Russian generals don't behave like that. Especially in relation to those arrested...

The vacuum of communication was filled by Zolotov with glorious Chechen fans of fighting without rules, masters of pankration, broken ears and stabbing. This is their code of honor. It was in front of them that he considered himself humiliated, slandered, and according to their rules, this insult can only be washed away by a fight...

It is characteristic that the first (and so far the only!) official who supported Zolotov on this issue was Ramzan Kadyrov.

But, unlike Zolotov, the Kadyrovs, Delimkhanovs and Dauds are smart, experienced guys with colossal restraint and cunning. The Chechens have not forgiven the Russians for anything. Neither the 19th century nor Stalin's deportation, not two Chechen wars already in our time. No need for illusions.

And I cannot be particularly worried about this, being myself, in some way, a victim of a similar deportation. In a sense, I understand this attitude of theirs...

And why, in fact, could a Georgian rule over the Russian people, but a Chechen cannot? Anyone can rule these people. Even Putin.

Composer Yuri Poteenko Editing Alexey Maklakov, Marina Vasilyeva Cameraman Sergey Machilsky Screenwriters Sergey Dyachenko, Marina Dyachenko, Sergey Snezhkin, more

Do you know that

  • The series is based on the novel of the same name by Mikhail Bulgakov.
  • According to the plan, the series was supposed to have 10 episodes, but in the end it was reduced to 8 episodes, and a song by Mikhail Shufutinsky was inserted into the end credits, which caused a conflict with the screenwriter.
  • The performers of the roles of Alexei Turbin and Viktor Myshlaevsky, Konstantin Khabensky and Mikhail Porechenkov, play the same roles in the Moscow Art Theater play "The White Guard".
  • Initially, the creators of the series planned to also shoot a full-length version of the film.
  • To give the streets of Kyiv the necessary appearance, decorators covered the windows with wooden covers, and the monument to Bulgakov was hidden behind a fence.
  • The producer of the series, Alexander Rodnyansky, played Myshlaevsky in the play “Days of the Turbins.”
  • The role of Myshlaevsky could be played by Vladimir Mashkov.
  • Before "The White Guard" Alexander Rodnyansky and Marina and Sergey Dyachenko worked on projects " Inhabited island" and "Inhabited Island: Brawl".
  • The song “Hello, summer residents, hello, summer residents,” performed by Konstantin Khabensky, sounded in the film “Days of the Turbins,” filmed in 1976.

More facts (+6)


Beware, the text may contain spoilers!

December 1918. Kyiv is occupied by German occupation forces, and power over the city belongs to Hetman Skoropadsky. Petlyura’s army is approaching the city, and fighting is already taking place in the streets. The Turbin family - Alexey, a military doctor, young Nikolka and Elena - is in anxious anticipation of further events.

Elena's husband, Captain Sergei Talberg, comes home for a short time. He reports that the Germans are leaving the city, and Kyiv is left defenseless against the Petliurists. Sergei himself packs his things and leaves for the station to leave the country along with the Germans. In parting, he reports that he will soon arrive on the Don to see General Denikin, who is gathering troops to attack the Bolsheviks.

After Sergei's departure, family friends gather at the Turbins' house. Lieutenant Myshlaevsky, who returned from the cordon, arrived one by one, second lieutenant Stepanov, nicknamed Karas, and lieutenant Shervinsky, an adjutant at the headquarters of Prince Belorukov, who is also a longtime admirer of the beautiful Elena. Over dinner, friends talk about the future of the country and the current situation and think about what will happen to them next, because the situation seems hopeless.

Soon, military units were formed in the city, assembled to protect against Petliura’s troops. Alexey Turbin takes over as a divisional doctor, and Karas and Myshlaevsky receive positions as officers in Colonel Malyshev’s mortar division. Nikolka becomes a corporal in an infantry squad.

Suddenly, Hetman Skoropadsky and Prince Belorukov flee the city, forgetting about their promises to lead military formations. The city's defenders are left without commanders, and some officers dismiss their subordinates, seeing the futility of attempts at defense. One of these officers was Colonel Nai-Tours, who heroically tried to organize the defense of Kyiv, but saw no hope. Other formations continue to unsuccessfully fight an enemy that is noticeably superior to them in strength.

Alexey Turbin faces a difficult choice: continue to defend the city from the Bolsheviks without a chance of victory or try to return to ordinary life without endless battles and political strife.

The predecessors of the Imperial Guards were the Senate Guards of the Old Republic. When Palpatine became Supreme Chancellor, he created an entire order of bodyguards that reported only to him personally. Not everyone who wanted to join the guard was accepted. Most of the future guardsmen were battle-hardened fighters of elite stormtrooper units. The Imperial Guard is the pinnacle of the Imperial Stormtrooper's career. With the exception of the Emperor himself and a few of Palpatine's closest advisers, no one knew the exact number of the Guard.


Imperial Guard

The Imperial Guard is one of the most formidable military formations. She obeys only the Emperor himself and is fanatically devoted to him personally. The Emperor's Guard does not strive for orders and privileges. Their purpose in life and most desired cause of death is service to Emperor Palpatine and his Empire.

The Imperial Guard never openly took part in hostilities. However, in order to maintain combat readiness, some guardsmen served in regular detachments under the guise of simple stormtroopers and wore the same uniform as ordinary soldiers of the Empire. Usually all guardsmen served in one unit, and were not scattered throughout different parts. It is said that not a single guardsman died in battle during “training.”

While some guardsmen served in the Empire's stormtroopers, others carried out Palpatine's orders: they organized secret attacks, destroyed assassins and eliminated the Emperor's enemies. They protected the emperor's palaces and temples and the cloning cylinders on Byss. Only the Emperor himself knew about their missions, and he very rarely appeared without at least two guardsmen accompanying him. Occasionally, the Guardsmen accompanied the most important individuals of the Empire, such as one of the twelve Grand Admirals or Grand Moffs. But such accompaniment took place only if there was a corresponding order from Emperor Palpatine.

Training Center

The training center and headquarters of the guard are located on the planet Yynhorr (eng. Yinchorr). Future Guard soldiers had to be tall, have excellent physical training, outstanding intelligence. Moreover, and most importantly, all Guardsmen must be loyal to Emperor Palpatine. Future guardsmen were subjected to a lot of tests to determine their endurance and reflexes in battle. Each new guardsman learned to fight using two short knives with pointed blades. The education and training of a Guardsman lasted one standard year. The Imperial Guards fought each other in endless duels, thus honing and improving their skills. Defeat for a guardsman, even in training, most often meant his death. Seeing his partner's skill and strength, the imperial guard had to reach his level, and seeing his weaknesses, he had to overcome his own shortcomings. The training took place at the Shkval arena. Of more than 40 candidates, only a small part survived to the final test in the face of Emperor Palpatine himself. In this test, candidates for the Guard had to prove their loyalty to the Emperor by fighting their partner until one of them died.

The training center on Yynkhorr was headed by Master Ved Kennede, who himself once served in the guard. Palpatine recognized him as one of the most best warriors and was given the honor of becoming the senior instructor of his entire guard. Guardsman's identity for ordinary people is a secret. Their faces and names are known only to Emperor Palpatine and other guardsmen. According to tradition, guardsmen called each other brothers.

Weapons and organization

IN Imperial Guard have their own ranks. The best of the Guardsmen are called High Imperial Protectors. Imperial Sovereign Protectors). Their armor looks much more ceremonial than the armor of ordinary guardsmen, and is also decorated with ornaments. Some say the Protector's abilities have been enhanced by Dark Side Strengths.

The usual weapon of the Imperial Guard is a two-meter power pike, more like a harmless addition to ceremonial armor, but in the capable hands of any of the Imperial Guard turns into deadly weapon- as deadly as the heavy blaster pistols hidden in the folds of red cloaks.

After the death of Emperor Palpatine, the ranks of the Guard quickly dispersed. The Rebel Alliance has long believed that almost the entire guard died along with their master on the second Death Star. But the Imperial Guard survived. Some guardsmen followed the military leaders who became the new leaders of the Empire. Other guard warriors retreated to the worlds in the center of the Galaxy to later take their place next to the revived Emperor. ABOUT future fate Little is known to the guardsmen. They say that they tried to seize power in some worlds of the Core, committed mass suicide, etc. It is possible that some guardsmen serve in the assault units of the Empire, others could hide in the Outer Regions.


The red attire of the Imperial Guard consists of a wide cloak, helmet and armor. The flowing ceremonial cloaks were designed so as not to interfere with the movements of the warriors in battle. The uniforms of the guardsmen were based on the uniforms of the Solar Guard from Thyrsus and the Death Guard from Mandalore. These ancient bands of warriors were renowned for their ferocity and courage. The brilliance of the armor of the Imperial Guard made even the bravest opponents tremble with fear. The external, ceremonial appearance of the guards' armor is deceptive. Although it is thin and smooth, it is much stronger than stormtrooper armor.


Code Insignia Ranks
1 - -
2 - -
3 General of the Guard (FG)
4 - -
5 - -
6 Colonel General (CG)
7 Lieutenant General (LG)
8 Major General (MG)
9 Brigadier General (BG)
10 Oberst (HC)
11 Colonel (COL)
12 Lieutenant Colonel (LC)
13 Major (MAJ)
14 Captain (CPT)
15 Lieutenant (LT)
16 Sub-Lieutenant (SL)
17 Corporal (CPR)
18 Sergeant (SRG)
19 Private (PRV)
20a- -
20b- -


Imperial Guard (Star Wars)

Imperial Royal Guard(English) Imperial Royal Guard) - fictional unit imperial army from the Star Wars universe. This unit served as bodyguards under Emperor Palpatine.

History and traditions of the Guard

The predecessors of the Imperial Guards were the Senate Guards of the Old Republic. When Palpatine became Supreme Chancellor, he created an entire order of bodyguards that reported only to him personally. Not everyone who wanted to join the guard was accepted. Most of the future guardsmen were battle-hardened fighters of elite stormtrooper units. The Imperial Guard is the pinnacle of the Imperial Stormtrooper's career. With the exception of the Emperor himself and a few of Palpatine's closest advisers, no one knew the exact number of the Guard.

Imperial Guard

The Imperial Guard is one of the most formidable military formations. She obeys only the Emperor himself and is fanatically devoted to him personally. The Emperor's Guard does not strive for orders and privileges. Their purpose in life and most desired cause of death is service to Emperor Palpatine and his Empire.

The Imperial Guard never openly took part in hostilities. However, in order to maintain combat readiness, some guardsmen served in regular detachments under the guise of simple stormtroopers and wore the same uniform as ordinary soldiers of the Empire. Usually all guardsmen served in one unit, and were not scattered among different units. It is said that not a single guardsman died in battle during “training.”

While some Guardsmen served in the Empire's assault forces, others carried out Palpatine's orders: organizing secret attacks, destroying assassins and eliminating the Emperor's enemies. They protected the emperor's palaces and temples and the cloning cylinders on Byss. Only the Emperor himself knew about their missions, and he very rarely appeared without at least two guardsmen accompanying him. Occasionally, the Guardsmen accompanied the most important individuals of the Empire, such as one of the twelve Grand Admirals or Grand Moffs. But such accompaniment took place only if there was a corresponding order from Emperor Palpatine.

Training Center

The training center and headquarters of the guard are located on the planet Inchhorr (eng. Yinchorr). Future Guard soldiers had to be tall, have excellent physical fitness, and outstanding intelligence. Moreover, and most importantly, all Guardsmen must be loyal to Emperor Palpatine. Future guardsmen were subjected to a lot of tests to determine their endurance and reflexes in battle. Each new guardsman learned to fight using two short knives with pointed blades. The education and training of a Guardsman lasted one standard year. The Imperial Guards fought each other in endless duels, thus honing and improving their skills. Defeat for a guardsman, even in training, most often meant his death. Seeing his partner's skill and strength, the imperial guard had to reach his level, and seeing his weaknesses, he had to overcome his own shortcomings. The training took place at the Shkval arena. Of more than 40 candidates, only a small part survived to the final test in the face of Emperor Palpatine himself. In this test, candidates for the Guard had to prove their loyalty to the Emperor by fighting their partner until one of them died.

The training center on Yynkhorr was headed by Master Ved Kennede, who himself once served in the guard. Palpatine recognized him as one of the best warriors and gave him the honor of becoming the chief instructor of his entire guard. The identity of the guardsman is a mystery to ordinary people. Their faces and names are known only to Emperor Palpatine and other guardsmen. According to tradition, guardsmen called each other brothers.

Weapons and organization

The Imperial Guard has its own ranks. The best of the Guardsmen are called High Imperial Protectors. Imperial Sovereign Protectors). Their armor looks much more ceremonial than the armor of ordinary guardsmen, and is also decorated with ornaments. Some say that the Protectors' abilities have been enhanced by the Dark Side of the Force.

The usual weapon of the Imperial Guard is a two-meter power pike, more like a harmless addition to ceremonial armor, but in the capable hands of any of the Imperial Guard turns into a deadly weapon - as deadly as the heavy blaster pistols hidden in the folds of red cloaks. The Imperial Royal Guards were sometimes armed with light poles.

After the death of Emperor Palpatine, the ranks of the Guard quickly dispersed. The Rebel Alliance has long believed that almost the entire guard died along with their master on the second Death Star. But the Imperial Guard survived. Some of the Guardsmen followed the warlords who became the new leaders of the Empire. Other guard warriors retreated to the worlds in the center of the Galaxy to later take their place next to the revived Emperor. Little is known about the further fate of the guardsmen. They say that they tried to seize power in some worlds of the Core, committed mass suicide, etc. It is possible that some guardsmen serve in the assault units of the Empire, others could hide in the Outer Regions.


The red attire of the Imperial Guard consists of a wide cloak, helmet and armor. The flowing ceremonial cloaks were designed so as not to interfere with the movements of the warriors in battle. The uniforms of the guardsmen were based on the uniforms of the Solar Guard from Thyrsus and the Death Guard from Mandalore. These ancient bands of warriors were renowned for their ferocity and courage. The brilliance of the armor of the Imperial Guard made even the bravest opponents tremble with fear. The external, ceremonial appearance of the guards' armor is deceptive. Although it is thin and smooth, it is much stronger than stormtrooper armor.


Code Insignia Ranks
1 - -
2 - -
3 General of the Guard (FG)
4 - -
5 - -
6 Colonel General (COL-GEN)
7 Lieutenant General (LT-GEN)
8 Major General (MAJ-GEN)
9 Brigadier General (BRIG-GEN)
10 Oberst (HC)
11 Colonel (COL)
12 Lieutenant Colonel (LT.COL)
13 Major (MAJ)
14 Captain (CPT)
15 Lieutenant (LT)
16 Sub-Lieutenant (SUB-LT)
17 Corporal (CPL)
18 Sergeant (SGT)
19 Private (PVT)
20a - -
20b - -
