Tasks for conducting the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad. We wish you success! Dear Olympiad participant

Game (type of activity) A game, a type of unproductive activity where the motive lies not in its result, but in the process itself. I. accompanies humanity throughout its history, intertwined with magic, cult behavior, sports, military and other training, art, especially its performing forms. I. are also characteristic of higher animals. I. is studied by cultural historians, ethnographers, psychologists (in particular, in connection with child psychology), historians of religion, art historians, and researchers of sports and military affairs. In mathematics game theory I. is defined as a mathematical model of a conflict situation. The origin of I. was associated with magical-cultic needs or the innate biological needs of the body; was derived from labor processes (G.V. Plekhanov, “Letters without an address”).

I.’s connection with training and rest is simultaneously due to its ability to model conflicts, the resolution of which in the practical sphere of activity is either difficult or impossible. Therefore, exercise is not only physical training, but also a means of psychological preparation for future life situations. As an abstract model of conflict, history easily turns into a form of expression of social contradictions (the transformation of “fans” at the hippodrome into political parties in medieval Byzantium, children’s games as models of social conflicts in the “adult” world).

The special mental attitude of the player who simultaneously believes and does not believe in the reality of the conflict being played out, the duality of his behavior, makes I. related to art. The question of the relationship between I. and art was posed by I. Kant and received a philosophical and anthropological justification from F. Schiller, who saw in I. a specifically human form of life activity primarily “... a person plays only when he is, in the full sense of the word, a man, and he is fully human only when he plays” (Collected works, vol. 6, M., 1957, p. 302). The genetic connection between art and history was also noted in positivist concepts of the origin of art (for example, in the theory of syncretic primitive art and the origin of art from ritual and “action” by A.N. Veselovsky). Both games and art, pursuing the goals of mastering the world, have a common property - the solution is proposed not in a practical, but in a conditional, symbolic sphere, which can later be used as a model of practical behavior. However, there is a significant difference between performance and art: performance represents mastery of a skill, training, and modeling of activity; a distinctive feature of performance is the presence of a system of rules of behavior.

Yu. M. Lotman.

In psychology, the first fundamental concept of instinct was developed by the German philosopher and psychologist K. Gross (1899): in animal intelligence he saw a preliminary adaptation (“pre-training”) of instincts to the conditions of future life. Before him, the English philosopher G. Spencer expressed his view of energy as a manifestation of “excess strength.” A significant amendment to Grosz’s teaching was the theory of the Austrian psychologist K. Bühler about “functional pleasure” as an internal subjective cause of instinct. The Dutch zoopsychologist F. Buytendijk came up with the opposite theory of Gross, believing that instincts are not based on instincts, but more general ones. the original drives behind the instincts (the drive to liberation, the drive to merge with the environment and the drive to repeat). In the psychoanalytic concept of the Austrian doctor S. Freud, I. are considered as the realization of desires repressed from life.

In Soviet psychology, an approach to psychology was developed as a socio-historical phenomenon (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, etc.). In particular, children's games are considered as a form of inclusion of the child in the world of human actions and relationships, arising at such a stage of social development when highly developed forms of labor make it impossible for the child to directly participate in it, while the conditions of upbringing form in him the desire to live together with adults.

Lit.: Plekhanov G.V., Soch., vol. 14, M., 1925, p. 54-64; Leontyev A. N., Problems of mental development, M., 1971; Groos K., Die Spiele der Tiere, Jena, 1896; his, Die Spiele des Menschen, Jena, 1899; Bühler K., Die Krise der Psychologie, Jena, 1929; Buytendijk F. J., Wesen und Sinn des Spiels, V., 1934; Huizinga J., Homo ludens, L., 1949. See also lit. at Art. Children's games.

I. B. Daunis.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “Game (type of activity)” is in other dictionaries:

    Modern encyclopedia

    A game- GAME, a type of activity whose motive lies not in its results, but in the process itself. In the history of human society, it has been intertwined with magic, cult behavior, etc.; closely related to sports, military and other training, art... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Game (meanings). A game is an activity that involves psychological involvement in a certain process. Contents 1 Animal play 2 Children's games ... Wikipedia

    a game- ы/, pl. and/games, games, w. 1) (with whom, at what, only units) Passing time for the purpose of entertainment, fun, relaxation, etc. Playing hide and seek. Card game. Playing with children. Synonyms: entertainment, amusement 2) ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    A type of unproductive activity, the motive for swarming lies not in the results, but in the process itself. Already in Plato one can find individual judgments about the gaming cosmos. Aesthetic “state I.” noted by Kant. Schiller presented relatively... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    A concept that captures a processuality that is self-sufficient both in the ontological (since the mechanism for the implementation of I. is the free self-expression of the corresponding subject or in post-nonclassical phenomena) and in the axiological (I. does not have... ... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia

    a game- a form of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, fixed in socially fixed ways of carrying out objective actions, in subjects of science and culture. In I. as a special historical... ...

    Y; pl. games, games; and. 1. to Play (1, 3 6 digits). I. children stopped. Intervene in a child's game. I. with a child, a dog. I. on the violin, on the piano. Virtuoso and. pianists. Listen to the brass band play. I. the actor in the role of Othello is wonderful. AND.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    GAME, GAME ACTIVITY- (English play) one of the types of activity of humans and animals. I. form of life activity of young animals that arises at a certain stage in the evolution of the animal world (see Play in animals). Children's I. historically emerged type of activity... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

    Game is a type of cultural human activity. In addition, the words “game” and “games” can mean: A game in game theory is a mathematical formalization of the interaction of several participants (players). A game in transactional analysis looks like... ... Wikipedia


  • Board game "Cranium" (C 1939121) , . The goal of the game Kranium is to reach the center of the field faster than the opposing team. To move around the field, the team completes tasks depending on the color drawn. The game features the following...

Olympiad tasks for the school stage of the All-Russian

Olympiads for schoolchildren in physical education

in the 2014/2015 academic year



in the subject "Physical Education"

Instructions for completing tasks

You are offered tasks that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools in the subject “Physical Education”.

The tasks are combined into 3 groups:

1. Closed form assignments, that is, with suggested answer options.

Quests are presented in the form of incomplete statements that may be either true or false when completed. When completing these tasks, you must choose the correct completion from the proposed options. Among them there are both correct and incorrect endings, as well as partially corresponding to the meaning of the statements. The correct one is the one that most fully matches the meaning of the statement.

A number of tasks are graded if all credit options are ticked. This condition is specified in the task: “check all positions.”

The selected options are marked by crossing out the corresponding square on the answer form: “a”, “b”, “c” or “d”.

Read the tasks and suggested answer options carefully. Try not to guess, but to logically justify your choice. Skip unfamiliar tasks. This will save time for other tasks.

Subsequently, you can return to the missed task.

Correctly completed tasks in this group are scored 1 point. Tasks with several possible answers are scored 0.5 points if not all options are indicated, or 0 points if the wrong position is indicated.

2. Open-ended tasks, that is, without suggested answer options. When completing this task, you must independently choose a definition that, completing the statement, forms a true statement. Enter the selected definition in the appropriate column of the answer form.

Correctly completed tasks in this group are awarded 2 points.

3. The task is in a form that involves a graphic representation of movements-components of physical exercises. Drawings are done on the answer sheet.

Records must be legible. The jury evaluates each position you submit.

Completely completed tasks in this group are worth 3 points.

Monitor task completion time.

Full completion of the third group of tasks will require more time.

The task completion time is 20 minutes.

Be careful when making notes on your answer sheet. Corrections and erasures are scored as an incorrect answer.

Fill out the questionnaire in the answer form: write your last name, first name, patronymic and the class you represent.

School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

Physical education 7-8 grade

1. The ancient Olympic Games got their name because

competitions were held...

A. ...at the foot of Mount Olympus.

b. ...in a place called Olympia.

V. ...in honor of the Olympian gods.

G. ...after the lighting of the Olympic flame.

2. Physical exercise is...

A. …natural movements and modes of transportation.

b. ...movements performed in physical education lessons.

V. ...actions performed according to certain rules.

G. ...complex motor actions.

3. Physical activity of exercises, characterized by increasing frequency

heart rate up to 150 - 180 beats per minute is estimated as...

A. ...easy.

b. ...average.

V. ...big.

g. ...very large.

4. Complex and diverse changes occurring in the human body during

throughout life are united by the concept...

A. …physical education.

b. …phylogenesis.

V. …physical development.

G. ...physical perfection.

5. A type of human culture focused on optimizing natural

properties of people is designated as...

A. …physical education.

b. ...physical exercise.

V. …physical training.

G. …Physical Culture.

6. The subject of training in physical education is...

A. ...exercise.

b. ...motor actions.

V. ...physical education knowledge.

G. ...education methods.

7. The main specific means of physical education is...

A. ...hardening.

b. ...keeping a daily routine.

V. ...physical exercise.

G. …solar radiation.

8. Motor skills are usually called...

A. ...the ability to perform an exercise without activating attention.

b. ...correct execution of motor actions.

V. ...the level of mastery of movements when activating attention.

G. ...ways to control motor actions.

9. Preparatory exercises are used if...

A. ...the student is not physically developed enough.

b. ...there are no supporting elements in the engine fund.

V. …it is necessary to eliminate the causes of errors.

G. ...the method of holistic analytical exercise is used.

10. Which of the proposed definitions are formulated incorrectly?

A. Strength is demonstrated by the ability to overcome resistance


muscle tension.

b. Explosive power determines the ability to reach maximum


muscle tension in a minimum amount of time.

V. Speed ​​is the quality on which the

running speed.

G. The level of manifestation of general endurance is determined by aerobic

capabilities of the body.

11. When performing exercises, you should not inhale while...

A. ...bending the body back.

b. ...crossing arms.

V. ... body rotations.

G. ...raising your arms to the sides.

Check all items.

12. Exercises are not effective in shaping your physique.


A. ...helping to increase muscle mass.

b. ...helping to increase the speed of movement.

V. ...helping to reduce body weight.

G. ...formation of correct posture.

13. Distribute swimming styles according to increasing speed of movement in the water.

1. On the back. 2. Breaststroke. 3. Butterfly. 4. Rabbit.

A. b. V. G.

14. The technique with which a basketball player takes possession of the ball is designated


15. To remember and subsequently perform complexes independently

exercises, their content is written in the form of pictograms.

Draw pictures of the movements:


Tilts to the side

Forward bends

Torso rotations



Swing right leg to the right

Right leg swing back

You have completed the task.




7th – 8th grade


Full Name_____________________________________________________



Test questions according to the instructions for the test:

1 a b c d

2 a b c d

No. Answer options No. Answer options

question question

1 a b c d 9 a b c d

2 a b c d 10 a b c d

3 a b c d 11 a b c d

4 a b c d 11 a b c d

5 a b c d 12 a b c d

6 a b c d 13 a b c d

7 a b c d 14

8 a b c d 15

Description Image Rating


Tilts to the side

Forward bends

Torso rotations



Swing right leg to the right

Right leg swing back

Grade ( terms and sum) _____________

Jury signatures


assessing the quality of fulfillment of theoretical and methodological tasks

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, 2014-15.

School stage


1. b 9. a

2. at 10. at

3. c 11. b, c

4. c 12. b

5. g 13. 4, 3, 1, 2

6. b 14. catching

7. at 15. Pictograms:

8. g

Description Image Rating


Tilts to the side

Forward bends

Torso rotations



Swing right leg to the right

Right leg swing back

Closed form assignments are valued at 1 point.

Tasks with more than one correct answer are graded at:

1 point if all “correct” answers are indicated;

0.5 points if not all “correct” answers are indicated;

0 points if, along with “correct” answers, “incorrect” answers are marked.

Changing the order of numbers in task No. 13 is assessed as incorrect


Assignment in open forme. A “correct” statement is scored at 2 points.

Tasks involving graphic representation.Every "correct"

the image is rated at 0.3 points. No mirror image

Not Evaluated. A fully completed task is assessed at– 3 points.

The final grade is represented by the sum of assessment points of completed


Closed form assignments - 13 points

Open-ended assignment - 2 points

Listing tasks: - 3 points

The maximum possible amount is 18 points

Practical part


Acrobatic exercise

I.p. – crouching emphasis Points

1. Backward somersault with feet apart…………………………….. 3.0

2. Bend forward, arms to the sides…………………… 1.0

3. Emphasis crouched and, with a push of two, a stand on the head and hands


4. Lower yourself into a crouching position and somersault forward………………….. 1.0

5. Long somersault and ………………………………………………… 1.0

6. Jump up bending……………………………………. 1.0


Acrobatic exercise

I.p. – crouching emphasis. Points

1. Back somersault………………………………………………………. 2.0

2. Roll back into a shoulder blade position (hold)…………………. 1.5

3. Roll forward to lie down and “bridge” (hold)………………………. 2.5

4. Turn point-blank while standing on your right knee, left back……………. 2.0

5. Swing with your left hand, crouching and somersaulting forward……………………. 1.0

6. Jump up bending…………………………………….. 1.0



Boys, Girls

The competitive test consists of performing technical and tactical actions

volleyball games: serves through the net from the front side to different three zones of the court

opponent, where in the center of each zone there is a standard gymnastic hoop.

The participant performs 3 low and 3 high serves. For performing a bottom serve (with

provided that the ball flies over the net and lands within the volleyball court)

3 points are awarded. For performing the top serve (provided that the ball flies

through the net and falls within the volleyball court) – 5 points. When hit

ball the diameter of the gymnastic ring, the participant is given an additional one

point. No points are awarded to the participant for serving into the net or out of bounds.


Boys, Girls

At a distance of 5 m from the line of installed balls, 4 control balls are installed

racks; the distance between them is 1 m.

The player's movement begins at a signal from the starting line. The participant must apply

kick on goal, come back, run around the post and hit the second ball, come back,

run around the counter and hit the third ball, etc. hit 5 balls and

run around 4 racks. Finish the exercise at the finish line.

Penalty: If a participant misses the goal, he must run to the goal line and

touch the side gate post and return to the starting position. If he didn't run around

stand – receives a 5 second penalty. If he does not touch the side goal post - a penalty of 10 seconds.

The exercise is considered completed if he hits all 5 balls into the goal and

crossed the finish line.

The winner is the one who spends the least amount of time completing this task.

exercises and hit the ball into the goal the most number of times


Boys, Girls

Tests in this sport are carried out in the 1000m race for both boys and girls. The running result is recorded.

9th grade

Question No. 1

Why is the well-known rule Write zhi-shi with “i” better in this formulation

see rather than hear?

It is better to see this rule in this wording (in print or

written) than to hear, because in the combination “zhi-shi” the letter “i” is in place

the sound [s] is pronounced. The same sound usually sounds in the combination “through and” (if it

pronounced continuously, without pause).


1. It is indicated that “zhi-shi” is pronounced with [s] – 3 points

2. It is indicated that “through and” can be pronounced with [s] – 5 points

Total: maximum - 8 points

Question No. 2

In F. Gladkov’s work “Volnitsa” there is the following phrase:

As soon as the merchants burst into the market with a roar and the ringing of bells

square, the shops were hastily closing, and the hawkers were scattering to different


Find the spelling error that changes the meaning of the word.

Why should this word, in the meaning that the author has in mind, be written differently? WITH

What causes this error to appear?

1. Word hawker denotes lotto players, and the writer talks about sellers with

tray, that is about hawkers. (3 points)

2. In accordance with the basic principle of Russian spelling, the same

morpheme in different words should be written the same way, however, historical alternations on

letters are transmitted ( tray - hawker- alternation at the root c/h); hawker- suffix -

shnik- always written through w (domino - domino). (4 points: 3 for describing the principle,

1 per rotation)

3. The appearance of this spelling error is explained by the fact that in place

letter combinations chn in many everyday words it was and is pronounced [ shn],

so the pronunciation of the word hawker coincided with the pronunciation of the word hawker. So

Thus, failure to distinguish the pronunciation of words led to a spelling error. (3 points)


1. Different lexical meanings of words are indicated hawker And hawker(3 points).

2. The word-formation justification for the rules for writing these words is given:

(4 points: 3 points for describing the principle, 1 point for alternation);

3. The reasons for the error are explained: non-distinction in the pronunciation of words. (3


Total: maximum - 10 points.

Question No. 3

Read D. Minaev’s poem “Pedagogical Sentence” (1862). Speech in

It mainly deals with letters that were excluded from the Russian alphabet:

The letter is pathetic! Tramp

You came to our language,

The clerk himself behind the paper

I'm used to cursing you

They only called you for you

We are all illiterate;

Where people ____________ wrote,

It was a sin to put _____________.

Even chosen by my brothers

Teachers (shouts: get out!)

They baked the letter __________________

From time immemorial".

“Just like with a Russian person

You have no blood connection

Then go to your Greeks..."

But ________________ suddenly stubbornly said:

“The world is ungrateful to me!”

The lady is torn, covered in sweat:

“Even _________________ Bulgarin himself

The century was written through _____________________.

Your faithful maid

Don’t drive me away...” (sharp ringing).

And the unfortunate Greek woman

They carry him out in their arms.

1. Write in the text the words that should be in place of the gaps.

2. Which letters named in the poem were excluded from Russian


3. When did this happen? Name the time period and events.

4. Which letters, not mentioned by D. Minaev, were also eliminated at this time?

5. The name of which letter, excluded from the alphabet, had fluctuations in

grammatical gender?

6. Write the Old Church Slavonic names of the Cyrillic letter that should

be at the place of the gap, and the letter that began to denote on the letter

the corresponding sound when the letter is eliminated.

E, or "is"

2. Letters were excluded Ѳ And ѣ (fita And yat).

3. The result of the graphics and spelling reform of 1917-1918. Additionally it can

be indicated that the decision to eliminate these letters from the alphabet was made

came into force by decree of the Provisional Government in the summer of 1917.

4. Also excluded i And ѵ (others like it or u-decimal And Izhitsa).

5. Yat is a masculine or feminine word: yatem, yatyu.

6. "e" there is(or There is); "f" - damn(or fert).


0.5 b. – for correctly inserted words (do not count 0.5 points if the word contains

F dd she made a spelling mistake) – maximum 3 points;

0.5 b. – for each correctly named letter in the answer to questions 2 and 4 –

maximum 2 points;

1 point for indicating the reform of 1917-1918. It is possible to add 1 more point if

the student will indicate that the decision to eliminate these letters from the alphabet was made

Spelling commission of the Academy of Sciences in 1904-1905. or what is the solution

came into force by decree of the Provisional Government in the summer of 1917 -

maximum 2 points;

1 b. - an indication of the name of the letter that had hesitation in grammatical gender in

question 5;

1 b. – for writing the name of each letter in the answer to question 6 – maximum 2


Total: maximum – 12 points.

Question No. 4

In the 1725 Russian translation of Apollodorus's work "On the Gods" the word pentathlon

left without translation. During the 18th century, this word took on the form pentacle And

pentathlon. At the end of the 19th century, this word was finally translated into Russian.

Questions and assignments.

1. How exactly was this word translated into Russian at the end of the 19th century?

2. Explain the differences in Russian formatting of the foreign language words specified in the task

1. What is the meaning of the verb insult in this context?

2. What is the modern meaning of the verb insult?

3. What is the difference between these verb meanings?

4. Name (the source of feeling) the reason for the writer’s grief.

1. Insult– here: ‘to make you feel sorrow, to make you sad’.

OFFENSIVE – ‘4. To sadden, upset, cause mental suffering’ [Dictionary

Russian language XI – XVII centuries. - 13: 96].

2. Insult– usually: ‘cause moral damage, seriously offend, extremely

humiliate someone'.

3. The difference between these verb meanings: a) 1st meaning is closer to

producing noun sorrow, it is directly derived from sorrow, and the connection with it

2nd meaning - only indirect (humiliation is the source sorrow, but not

the only one); b) source sorrow in the 1st value there can be not only

purposeful action of the person, but also illness, trouble etc., and the source sorrow in the 2nd

meaning can only be a purposeful action of a person/persons.

4. This is the illness or persistence of the sister’s illness, and not purposeful actions


1. The meaning of the word in context is indicated - 2 points.

2. The modern meaning of the word is indicated - 2 points.

3. Explanations are given for the difference in meaning of words - 4 points.

4. A correct understanding of the phrase as a whole is given - 2 points.

Total: maximum -10 points.

Question No. 6

Read the famous lines of V.V. Mayakovsky:

Across the sky

the clouds are running,


the darkness is compressed.

Under the old


the workers are lying down.

And he hears

proud whisper


And under

And above:

"In four

of the year



garden city!

(V.V. Mayakovsky. “Khrenov’s story about Kuznetskstroy and the people of Kuznetsk”)

Questions and tasks.

1.What part of speech are the highlighted words and what syntactic

What– interjection (part of the interjection combination Well)).

Well, what can you sow?(The question is about what crop it is time to sow - rye, oats and

What– interrogative pronoun, sentence member - complement).


0.5 points for punctuation options (2 points), 1 point for

explanation of meanings (4 points), 0.5 points each for indicating members of a sentence of words, role

which changes when signs change (2 points), 0.5 points for indicating the part of speech

words whose role changes when signs change.

Total: maximum 10 points.

Question No. 10

Read the Old Russian text, translate into Russian and answer the questions


With many lets I will supply the Lord BgŤy to the Venerable Basil, ąmultiple

Prince of the sons, there are many regions, and multiply envy in them, and to these

the nobles grow up, and as the nobles grow, pride comes, and wealth comes

there is abundance in their treasures, and what they say about wealth is not true.

(Word of Commendation by the Philologist Chernorizets to the Holy Great Martyrs Prince

Mikhail Chernigovsky and boyar Fedor)


1-2. Highlight the historical roots in the word

supply and the nobles and select

words of modern Russian language with given historical roots, define

original meaning of the root.

3. Highlight the historical root and suffix in the word

treasures, determine

suffix meaning. Choose words of modern Russian with the same suffix.

After many years the Lord God took care of the descendants

Saint Basil, the sons of the princes multiplied, and the regions multiplied with them

envy increased, at the same time conceit increased, and with conceit and

pride; came an abundance of riches in their treasuries, and with wealth came

not true.

Supply: supply - root - bd-: Wed. watch, vigilant, meaning -

‘take care (care)’; Wed modern supply;.

nobility - root vel(s)'big'; Wed giant, size.

treasures - root shelter / roofs; the word is formed using a suffix –search(e) with

the meaning of the place; compare: trade - marketplace, run away - refuge, store - storage.


For translation - a maximum of 6 points (points are deducted for lexical errors), for

answer to question 1 – 2 points, answer to question 2 – 2 points, answer to question 3 – 2 points.

Total: maximum 12 points.




In total, the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2017-2018 includes four stages on the scale of school, municipal, regional and final subject competitions; The score for passing to the next stage is set by the organizers of the event and the commissions of the Olympiad. The number of competition participants is steadily growing and amounts to over 6 million people. Any talented student who studies at a Russian educational institution can become a participant in the competition.

What is the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

The All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren is a system of annual subject Olympiads for students in state, municipal and non-state educational organizations that implement general education programs.

The beginning of the development of the popularity of the Olympiad can be considered the 19th century, when the Astronomical Society of the Russian Empire held “Olympiads for students.” The USSR continued the tradition. Since the 1930s, the country has held olympiads in mathematics, physics and chemistry. Since the 1960s, all-Union and all-Russian competitions have been organized. Other general education school disciplines (computer science, life safety and others) began to enjoy popularity at the end of the last century.


The organizer of the competition is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which approves the composition of the Central Organizing Committee and the Central Educational and Methodological Commissions. The compilation of the texts of the Olympiad assignments is carried out by the Central subject-methodological commissions, whose composition is approved by the Russian Education Agency. The organizers of the competition approve the composition of the jury, which evaluates the results of the Olympiad tasks. And the winner of the regional competition will go to the All-Russian stage.

Every student at a Russian educational institution can take part in this competition. The All-Russian Olympiad in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, computer science, life safety, literature, foreign languages ​​and other subjects is a unique opportunity for a schoolchild to take part in a competition, show their knowledge, test their level of preparation, try their hand at solving various problems. difficult tasks of the competition. Such competitive learning stimulates the child not only to acquire new knowledge, but also to deepen the knowledge already accumulated.

The student’s parents submit a preliminary mandatory application for the child’s participation in the event, and also agree to publish the student’s Olympiad work on the World Wide Web (subject to the child winning at any level of the competition), indicating the student’s full data (last name, first name, patronymic, class, subject, subject of the Russian Federation). Familiarization with the Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is mandatory.

The main goal of the competition is to identify talented schoolchildren. There is also a pleasant bonus - winners and runners-up who score a certain number of points based on the results of the competition receive a unique chance to be admitted without competition to any higher educational institution in the Russian Federation in the field of the competition subject. Another form of encouragement could be equating a prize to a score of 100 points on the Unified State Exam (USE) in a core subject. So it all depends on the student’s level of preparation.

Academic subjects

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2017-2018 is held in 24 general education subjects:

  1. Mathematics
  2. English language
  3. German
  4. Chinese
  5. French
  6. Italian language
  7. Spanish
  8. Russian language
  9. Physics
  10. Computer Science and ICT
  11. Biology
  12. Chemistry
  13. Geography
  14. Astronomy
  15. Ecology
  16. Story
  17. Literature
  18. Economy
  19. Social science
  20. Right
  21. Technology
  22. Art (world artistic culture)
  23. Fundamentals of life safety.
  24. Physical Culture

Dates of the Olympiad 2017-2018

The school stages of the 2017-2018 All-Russian Olympiad are held in local schools at the beginning of the school year, in October. Municipal tours start in early December and continue until the New Year. Then the schoolchildren are given a break - the regional stage begins at the end of January and ends in mid-February. The dates of the final round change annually. For the 2017-2018 Olympics, these dates are still unknown. The All-Russian Olympiad in Moscow began on October 4, 2017 in the subject “Astronomy”.

Stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

The competition consists of four stages: school, municipal, regional and all-Russian.

School tour

The school tour is conducted by educational institutions in October-November. At this level, students of grades 5-11 try their hand (students of grade 4 of general education institutions can also participate in competitions in Russian language and mathematics). At the same time, if the student is well prepared, he can take on a thematic assignment for a grade higher (for example, an eighth-grader can participate in a competition for ninth-graders).

Municipal stage

The municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad is held by local government educational bodies in November-December. The winners of the school round or the students who won the municipal round of the previous year in subjects (if they continue to study at this school) take part in the city Olympiad.

Regional stage

The organizers of the regional stage are the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the educational sphere. Held in January-February. At this level, participants are students of grades 9-11 of educational institutions, winners and prize-winners of previous stages and the first stage, if the school is located outside the Russian Federation.

Dear Olympiad participant!

The school mathematics Olympiad is held in one round.
There are 5 tasks of varying difficulty levels.
You are not presented with any special requirements regarding the execution of the work. The form of presentation of solutions to problems, as well as methods of solution, can be any. If you have any individual thoughts about a particular task, but you cannot complete the solution, do not hesitate to express all your thoughts. Even partially solved problems will be awarded the appropriate number of points.
Start solving problems that you think are easier, and then move on to the rest. This way you will save work time.

We wish you success!

School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics

5th grade.

Exercise 1. In the expression 1*2*3*4*5, replace “*” with action signs and place the brackets like this. To get an expression whose value is 100.

Task 2. It is required to decipher the notation of an arithmetic equality in which numbers are replaced by letters, and different numbers are replaced by different letters, and identical ones are replaced by identical ones.

FIVE - THREE = TWO It is known that instead of a letter A you need to substitute the number 2.

Task 3. How can you use a cup scale without weights to divide 80 kg of nails into two parts - 15 kg and 65 kg?

Task 4. Cut the figure shown in the figure into two equal parts so that each part has one star. You can only cut along the grid lines.

Task 5. A cup and saucer together cost 25 rubles, and 4 cups and 3 saucers cost 88 rubles. Find the price of the cup and the price of the saucer.

6th grade.

Exercise 1. Compare fractions without reducing them to a common denominator.

Task 2. It is required to decipher the notation of an arithmetic equality in which numbers are replaced by letters, and different numbers are replaced by different letters, and identical ones are replaced by identical ones. It is assumed that the original equality is true and written according to the usual rules of arithmetic.


Task 3. Three friends came to summer camp to relax: Misha, Volodya and Petya. It is known that each of them has one of the following surnames: Ivanov, Semenov, Gerasimov. Misha is not Gerasimov. Volodya's father is an engineer. Volodya is in 6th grade. Gerasimov studies in the 5th grade. Ivanov's father is a teacher. What is the last name of each of the three friends?

Task 4. Divide the figure along the grid lines into four equal parts so that each part contains one point.

Task 5. The jumping dragonfly slept half the time of every day of the red summer, danced for a third of the time of every day, and sang for a sixth of the time. She decided to devote the rest of her time to preparing for winter. How many hours a day did Dragonfly prepare for winter?

7th grade.

Exercise 1. Solve the puzzle if you know that the largest digit in the number STRONG is 5:


Task 2. Solve the equation│7 - x│ = 9.3

Task 3. After seven washes, the length, width and thickness of the soap were halved. How many washes will the remaining soap last?

Task 4 . Divide a rectangle of 4 × 9 cells along the sides of the cells into two equal parts so that you can then make a square from them.

Task 5. The wooden cube was painted white on all sides and then sawn into 64 identical cubes. How many cubes were colored on three sides? On both sides?
On the one side? How many cubes are not colored?

8th grade.

Exercise 1. What two digits does the number 13 end with?

Task 2. Reduce the fraction:

Task 3. The school drama club is preparing to stage an excerpt from A.S.’s fairy tale. Pushkin about Tsar Saltan, decided to distribute the roles between the participants.
“I will be Chernomor,” said Yura.
“No, I will be Chernomor,” said Kolya.
“Okay,” Yura conceded to him, “I can play Guidon.”
“Well, I can become Saltan,” Kolya also showed compliance.
- I agree to be only Guidon! - said Misha.
The boys' wishes were satisfied. How were the roles distributed?

Task 4. In an isosceles triangle ABC with base AB = 8 m, the median AD is drawn. The perimeter of triangle ACD is 2m greater than the perimeter of triangle ABD. Find AC.

Task 5. Nikolai bought a general notebook of 96 sheets and numbered the pages from 1 to 192. Nephew Arthur tore out 35 sheets from this notebook and added up all 70 numbers written on them. Could he have succeeded in 2010?

9th grade.

Exercise 1. Find the last digit of 1989 1989.

Task 2. The sum of the roots of a certain quadratic equation is 1, and the sum of their squares is 2. What is the sum of their cubes?

Task 3. Using three medians m a, m b and m c ∆ ABC, find the length of side AC = b.

Task 4. Reduce the fraction .

Task 5. In how many ways can you choose a vowel and a consonant in the word “kamzol”?

Grade 10.

Exercise 1. Currently there are coins of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles. List all sums of money that can be paid with both an even and an odd number of coins.

Task 2. Prove that 5 + 5 2 + 5 3 + … + 5 2010 is divisible by 6.

Task 3. In a quadrangle ABCD diagonals intersect at a point M. It is known that AM = 1,
VM = 2, SM = 4. At what values DM quadrilateral ABCD is it a trapezoid?

Task 4. Solve the system of equations

Task 5. Thirty schoolchildren - tenth and eleventh graders - shook hands. It turned out that every tenth grader shook hands with eight eleventh graders, and every eleventh grader shook hands with seven tenth graders. How many tenth graders were there and how many eleventh graders were there?