Abandoned mental hospitals in Russia and beyond. Courtyard on Malaya Sukharevskaya Square

There are 5 inputs/outputs, 3 of them are closed. Passages 1 and 2 – gates at both ends of the main corridor; 2 and 3 – ventilation shafts, in theory walk-through shafts, closed with blinds. Passage 5 is located in ventilation room No. 7 (where one of the ventilation shafts is located) and is a hole in the floor under a narrow tunnel with technical communications. Exit is through a communication hatch located outside the laboratory. Inside...

The laboratory was engaged in the study of soils, clays, and exploration of water wells. It has three rooms in its arsenal, equipped with analytical equipment, glassware and reagents. There is also a warehouse of samples, reagents and building materials. The laboratory building was preserved in very bad condition: damp and a lot of mold. There is also an abandoned building on the territory, which was a dormitory for workers and the administrative part of the geological station. In him...

A two-story office building in one of the courtyards of Moscow. There are bars on all the windows and a reed switch on the doors. Inside there are traces of unfinished repairs. Almost all the furniture has been removed. There are motion sensors on the floors that do not work. Climb through the window on the first floor. There is no security on the territory. If you behave quietly, local residents will not care about uninvited guests. As of October 2018, the condition of the object is not bad, the windows are intact, there are no traces of looters...

Abandoned police department and regional office of the Federal Migration Service. A two-story, inconspicuous building with broken windows and a gloomy courtyard in which several vehicles, including emergency trucks, are rotting away. Internal security is 3 out of 5, but visitors can be pleased with the rubble of passports, folders with criminal and administrative cases, cards for registering juvenile hooligans, applications for citizenship and the like. Lots of office space...

ATP owned by a government agency. Now the ATP territory has been sold, it is planned to demolish it and build a house or shopping center. On the territory there are hangars for fire-fighting and civil equipment, warehouses, a fuel and lubricants warehouse, a substation and other buildings. Everywhere is empty with rare exceptions. The guard sits at the checkpoint and watches TV.

One of the sites of the high-tech Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after A. A. Bochvar. The company itself is engaged in technologies for handling fissile and nuclear materials. This site was decommissioned several years ago and is now empty. It consists of several small renovated and, on the contrary, very neglected buildings, the purpose of which is difficult to determine. Some of them were used as warehouses...

An unfinished mental hospital in Pechatniki, or rather, what’s left of it. The building itself is surrounded by a fence, there is only one entrance, near the road. The building is two-story, with access to the roof. On the second floor in one room you can find newspaper clippings and black and white photographs. There is a lot of graffiti in the building, there is all sorts of rubbish and bones lying around. There is no security, but there are workers right outside the building’s fence who wouldn’t mind burning you down and calling the police. Near...

Today in my report I would like to talk about one interesting and rather gloomy abandoned place visited in the spring of this year. The closed children's hospital in Moscow is in very good condition - as many as 4 floors of offices, boxes, playrooms, an operating room and much more. Alas, during 2011-2013, many hospital facilities within the city of Moscow were downsized and demolished. They say that now there will be a hotel or office center, and the hospital has been attached to one of the large others. Well, for now I propose to walk along the corridors and feel the atmosphere of an empty and forgotten former hospital building.

This week I'm going on vacation, going on a long-awaited vacation to sunny climes. There will be no new reports for two weeks, so before leaving I decided to post something interesting. One spring day I decided to check one of the addresses in Moscow. There was no particular hope of getting to the site, because usually such places are either known to everyone and have been burned down thirty times, or are securely closed and guarded. But this time I was lucky. Jumping over the fence, he went to the building. After a short walk around, a solution was found. There will not be a long description, since all these descriptions have appeared in my journal many times. In a nutshell - a specialized children's hospital, closed at the end of 2012. The building is large, 4 floors, the rooms are in good condition, everything is actually in its place.

1. Let's start the inspection with the boxes on the first floor. We are greeted by good old friends from “Well, wait a minute.”

2. The building has 4 floors, so there is also an elevator. But since the power has already been turned off, we will take the stairs.

3. In the wards there are a lot of different medicines and medicines, scattered and no one needs.

4. This is what hospital floors look like. Quite clean, no trash. Unless a forgotten bright red umbrella looks lonely.

5. We reach the playroom on the second floor, there were also drawing clubs here. A children's wheelchair looks ominous and sad.

6. Since the place was not yet chosen by metal hunters and destroyers, all the devices are intact and not broken.

7. In doctors' offices - everything is as usual. Examination couches and medical posters.

8. The day was sunny, so the hospital rooms on the first floor were well lit.

9. We go to the left wing of the building. Here along the corridor there are endless isolation boxes.

10. Along the way we meet many medical instruments. A special set, doctors know best.

11. On each floor there are dozens of rooms, empty beds everywhere.

12. We go up the stairs even higher.

13. We find the former operating room. Now here you can find an operating table, special anesthesia equipment, strollers and much more.

15. Dried flowers evoke thoughts about the frailty of life.

16. On the other floor we meet wards for very young children. It’s even more sad here - empty cradles...

17. The walls of the floor are decorated with children's drawings. They are drawn, however, somehow not so hot. There were some “fox squirrels” and scary heroes from famous fairy tales.

18. There are different packages of syringes, as usual in such institutions.

19. Another photo of the operating room.

20. Let's take another walk around the floor. Nothing fun, and if it were still a cloudy day or night, I think it would become completely dark.

21. As I wrote above, a lot of cutlery has been preserved in the kitchen.

22. Everything looks so new that sometimes you are surprised. In the region, hospitals stand idle in wooden huts of the 19th century with a minimum of conditions, but here such strong buildings are demolished fully equipped.

24. Forgotten chessboard.

25. Operating room again. A bit reminiscent of the scenery for the movie "Saw".

26. In other rooms. In general, there are so many of them that I’m sure I haven’t covered them all yet.

27. You can also find backgammon in the games room.

28. There was also an X-ray room, but the door to it was locked. But the photographs are found in different places throughout the building.

29. And the assembly hall is open to visitors. But you can’t call him particularly handsome. They have set up a warehouse here for various things, they use it as a temporary archive, plus the carpet somehow spoils the picture.

31. Let's walk around the chambers a little more.

32. And let’s finish our tour of the facility.

This is the place, one of the best preserved this year in its category. But I won’t make you sad, be healthy and try to get sick less!

For several decades now, residents and guests of the northern outskirts of Moscow have been oppressed by the mere appearance of an abandoned building that looks like a gigantic ghost ship - the Khovrinskaya Hospital (KhZB). Its notoriety makes people avoid it, and some, on the contrary, are attracted by its gloom, mystery and terrible legends. What epithets did the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital know, photos of which make the blood run cold. It is called Umbrella by analogy with the gloomy closed corporation from the movie “Resident Evil”, Unfinished Construction, Nemostor, Khovrinka. The walls of this hospital have seen murders, suicides, dark romance, stalker parties, and, of course, more than a dozen drug addicts and alcohol lovers. And it all started with the grandiose plans of the Soviet authorities.

History of HZB

Most buildings from the times of the USSR are not particularly original and are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod. But not the Khovrinskaya Hospital, whose history, like itself, is shrouded in a trail of secrets and legends. The very unusual layout of the building in the form of a triangular biohazard cross is unlike anything else around.

The idea of ​​creating a grandiose hospital complex with 1,300 beds was born in the minds of the capital’s authorities in 1980. For comparison, at the current Research Institute named after. Sklifosofsky - 900 places. The Khovrino district was chosen for the construction of the complex, where at that time there was no hospital at all. Several eminent architects took on the creation and implementation of the project. Construction lasted 5 years, during which time it was decided to give the hospital to the Khovrinsky district administration.

As a result, by 1985, not far from the highway to St. Petersburg, a 10-story building in the style of post-war brutalism, maneuvering between practicality and aesthetics, had already risen. Since then, the era of HZB began: the history of the hospital was interrupted, giving way to numerous conjectures, legends, and rumors. The project was suspended and then completely closed. During Perestroika, no one cared about the unfinished monumental structure.

Why was the HZB abandoned?

A logical question arises: if the city, and then the region, needed the Khovrinskaya hospital so much, why was the building not completed? What exactly made the authorities freeze the project is not known for certain. Exists two main versions: lack of funds and problems with the foundation.

It is said that the site of the building was previously a cemetery, but in fact the foundation was laid in the epicenter of a swampy landfill. The swamp was drained, but apparently incorrectly. This led to flooding of the basements of the structure during construction. It was not possible to correct the oversight of the designers; the chances of passing the acceptance committee were close to zero, since the hospital could collapse at any moment, burying all 1,300 beds along with equipment, staff and patients under the rubble. Having imagined the scale of a possible disaster, the project was banned and closed. The unfinished building was surrounded by a fence and barbed wire, a guard was posted, who after a short time withdrew, leaving the facility to the mercy of fate. That's when the fun began.

For some time, only the wind walked through the corridors of Khovrinka. And then he was joined by a certain sect of Satanists who called themselves Nemostor.

Useful for tourists:

The members of the sinister sect were mainly the dregs of society - drug addicts, tramps, alcoholics. But there were also several normal, but fanatical people. They were the first to sprinkle blood on the abandoned gigantic building. The sectarians settled in one of the basements, where they installed an altar and held their black masses with sacrifices. Dozens of animals, and according to some reports, people, have died at the hands of Satanists. Before the beginning of the new millennium, cases of missing people who were never found either alive or dead became more frequent in the KhZB area. Sacrificed by crazy fanatics to Satan, they disappeared from this world without a trace. When too many missing persons reports accumulated, riot police intervened. They say they raided the sectarians and blew up the basements, burying the followers of Satan under the rubble. Since then, their sinful, swollen bodies have been floating in basement lakes, and restless souls have been wandering through dark corridors. In fact, no one blew up anyone. The police actually staged a raid on the Satanists, after which they were detained and taken where they were supposed to go.

The idea of ​​Nemostor was then picked up by another company of devil worshipers - the Black Cross. These guys were doing their dark deeds on the fifth floor of the unfinished building, as the walls covered with satanic symbols eloquently tell. It is believed that they still live in the hospital in a secret room behind a sliding wall. But no one can confirm these rumors. However, how to refute it.

After the dispersal of the Nemostor sectarians, the hospital premises were filled with all and sundry. Homeless people, drug addicts, criminals, stalkers, photographers, and curious teenagers found shelter here. The gloomy Khovrinskaya Hospital protected its legends from external encroachment, so anyone who meddled into its bottomless depths was in great danger. In fact, the danger did exist and still exists. But it lies not in the embittered hospital spirit and ghosts, but in rotten structures, concrete failures, open shafts, and protruding reinforcement.

Rumors about numerous suicides committed within the walls of the KhZB are also not surprising. However, only one thing is a confirmed fact. In 2005, a sixteen-year-old boy, Alexei Krayushkin, stepped into an open elevator shaft from the eighth floor, suffering from unrequited love. A memorial plaque was erected at the site of the suicide, where his friends came to honor the memory of the teenager. But “unfinished construction specialists” claim that Krayushkin’s body was not found at the bottom of the mine, but in one of the utility rooms. An ominous inscription appeared above the doorway stating that the soul of “The Edge” rests here and entry into this room is prohibited. Curious violators of the ban claimed that they saw the translucent silhouette of a teenager easily passing through the walls.

The horror stories of HZB do not end there. Fans of dark romance and extreme sports constantly introduce stories about the Khorvin ghosts, mass deaths from falls into mines, and the dying howls of victims lost in tunnels into their conversations. The legends of Khovrinka flourish beyond time: strange cases born of the human imagination have happened and are happening within the walls of this hospital to this day. But this does not deter extreme sports enthusiasts.

Visiting Khovrinka and taking a photo near the famous inscription “This hospital is a land of miracles, I fell into it and disappeared there” is a great achievement among connoisseurs of stalking entertainment and teenagers. They are not afraid of accidentally tripping and falling, because the hospital is under the protection of the mythical god Raf, who protects visitors to the unfinished building from harm.

There is also a real “God Raf” - a private security company that took patronage of the building in 2011.

Demolition of Khovrinskaya Hospital in 2017

Parents of children and teenagers mutilated by Khovrinka have repeatedly stammered about the need to demolish the hospital. Even local residents who were accustomed to Umbrella’s neighborhood said that the city landscape would look better without the complex. Therefore, the news that the Khovrinskaya hospital would be demolished was received with a bang. The city authorities made this decision in 2015, promising to allocate about 1 billion rubles from the city budget for the relevant work. It will no longer be possible to save the hospital. The building, which stood abandoned for 30 years to the delight of winds, rains and swamps, is in extremely poor condition and cannot be restored. Therefore, the demolition of the KhZB is inevitable. Residential or commercial buildings may appear on the site of the world's largest long-term construction project. However, for now, the authorities’ plans exist only in oral form, and thrill-seekers continue to explore abandoned corridors and invent chilling legends.

Where is Khovrinskaya Hospital located?

The more tales appear around Khovrinka, the more its lifeless corridors attract lovers of everything unusual and mysterious, who quite naturally have questions about where the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital is located, and how to get there. In the northern district of Moscow Khovrino, everyone can tell you the way to the hospital. It is located near the Khovrino railway station and Grachevsky Park, exact address - st. Klinskaya, 2, bldg. 1. The gigantic building is overgrown with greenery, surrounded by a fence and in some places even barbed wire, but will this scare real adventure seekers?

Khovrinskaya hospital on the map

To accurately get into the complex, you can use navigation using Google or Yandex maps. The Khovrinsky abandoned hospital on the map shows an ominous biohazard sign. However, from a satellite the building looks quite harmless. And what impressions will remain after seeing the symbol of Soviet long-term construction with your own eyes, you will be able to understand when you visit this strange, legendary object.

You can talk about the Khovrinsky abandoned hospital for hours. Over the 30 years of its existence, this building has collected much more horror stories and legends than real facts. If you want to figure out for yourself what is truth and what is fiction, go on a chilling tour of Khovrinka. Just be careful, because an abandoned unfinished building does not forgive mistakes.

People once invested effort and money in these buildings, people lived and worked there, but now they look like ghosts. But such objects certainly attract with their mystery and give the city a certain charm

The editors of the ZagraNitsa portal have selected a collection of the most original “abandoned buildings” in Moscow.

Plant named after Likhachev

st. Avtozavodskaya, 23

Not everyone knows that ZIL was originally called AMO and was intended as a place for the production of Fiat cars. However, after the revolution, the plant was nationalized and for several years it was engaged only in car repairs, and only then retrained to produce domestically produced trucks. Likhachev developed the plant's turnover to 100,000 cars per year, and in the 1970s ZIL produced 200,000 cars annually. In the 1990s, production fell and the plant is now virtually abandoned. Theoretically, no one is allowed into the unused territory of almost 300 hectares, but in practice, of course, it is not guarded so well that those who wish to do so cannot get there.


Hadron collider "Accelerator"

Simferopol highway, 97 km

In Protvino, a city of nuclear physicists, the only collider tunnel in Russia is located at a 60-meter depth. Construction of the “Accelerator” began in the 1980s and almost completed construction in 1991, but was abandoned at the final stage. Over the past 25 years, many structures have collapsed. The fate of the collider is being discussed - some want to seek funds to resume construction, others insist on destruction. Scientists claim that disposal of the Accelerator can cause serious environmental consequences.


Courtyard on Malaya Sukharevskaya Square

Malaya Sukharevskaya Square, 6, p. 4

It is quite unusual that the courtyard in the very center of Moscow has not yet been rebuilt or used. The building, built in 1873, was once a significant decoration of Malaya Sukharevka, but 9 years ago there was a fire there, and the courtyard was greatly damaged. Now this is a favorite place for those who like to take photographs in dark colors.

Water park "Aquadrome"

Aminevskoe highway, next to Kuntsevskaya metro station

In the late 1990s, a large-scale water park was planned here. However, due to disagreements between developers and investors, construction stopped. Later, the Moscow authorities bought the ownership of the unfinished premises and sold it at auction in 2007. They are planning to build a large shopping center here, but so far things have not gone further than plans. But Muscovites like to spend time indoors, taking pictures and painting graffiti on the walls. They say that some episodes of “The Brigade” were even filmed here. Due to the emergency condition of the premises, accidents were recorded during visits.


VIEV Laboratory

st. Kuzminskaya, 10

The All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine existed for 85 years in the Kuzminki region. Later, the institution was moved to Ryazansky Prospekt, and the old building was abandoned. It is believed that over the years of operation of the laboratory, dangerous experiments on animals have been carried out here many times. Whether the corpses and the chemicals used were properly disposed of is not known for certain. The laboratory is currently being inspected and is being prepared for demolition.


School of Zoya and Alexander Kosmodemyansky

st. Zoe and Alexandra Kosmodemyansky, 3, p. 1

The building of the Kosmodemyansky school, opened in 1956, was moved to newer premises in the early 2000s. The old building was going to be reconstructed, but it never came to that. People without a fixed place of residence calmly settled in the school, even starting a fire there twice. If you are not afraid to meet them, you can even have an interesting time at school, finding things forgotten by students.


Ski lift on Vorobyovy Gory

st. Kosygina, 20

The 90-meter lift was supposed to serve as another exit from the Vorobyovy Gory station (then Leninskiye). The reasons for its closure and abandonment are not exactly known. They talk about landslides, lack of funding, etc. Now it is an increasingly crumbling “abandoned site”, with which there are currently no plans to do anything with it.

Photo: moscowalk.ru 8

"Blue tooth" - business center "Zenith"

Vernadsky Avenue, 82

“Blue tooth”, “iceberg”, “ice of ice”, “crystal” - all these are unofficial associative names of the unfinished Zenit business center with an original design. This is a rather gloomy building with elevator shafts and protruding fittings. The business center is now owned by the state and is waiting for its new owner.

Khovrinskaya hospital

st. Klinskaya, 2 building 1

Construction of the Khovrinskaya hospital lasted 5 years in the first half of the 1980s. There are various rumors about the reasons for its termination - mostly they talk about the suspension of funding. The layout of the building is quite original - the hospital was built in the shape of a star with three rays. Information periodically appeared that sectarians and Satanists were gathering in the building. In the early 1990s, a murdered girl was found on its territory. At the moment, it is quite difficult to get into Khovrinskaya - the hospital’s security has been significantly strengthened.


Cinema "Yerevan"

Dmitrovskoe highway, 82

There are quite a large number of abandoned cinemas in Moscow, one of them is Yerevan. The last time we watched a movie here was in the early 90s. Then art was slowly “pushed” by the hardware store and utility rooms. The Yerevan building has been empty for 10 years; its reconstruction is being discussed, but has not yet begun to be implemented.

Photo: mybb2.ru