Interaction between a speech therapist and a physical education instructor in the process of correctional and developmental activities. Forms of interaction between the teacher and the speech therapist

Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher in the correctional process for speech development in preschoolers

The methodological material is recommended for educators, speech therapists and other preschool specialists.
The joint work of the speech therapist and the teacher should be carried out in the following areas:
- timely examination of children in order to identify the level of their mental development, characteristics of memory, thinking, attention, imagination, speech;
- ensuring flexibility of pedagogical influences on students, taking into account the changing capabilities of students based on correctional work;
- planning individual work with each child;
- development of cognitive interests, cognitive activity based on mastering the surrounding reality;
- children’s mastery of communicative means of communication.
The interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher is especially necessary when organizing a personal approach to children, since during its organization it is necessary to create the following pedagogical conditions:
- see each child as a unique personality;
- design situations of success for each child in the educational process;
- study the causes of children's ignorance and eliminate them.

The interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher is also necessary because eliminating speech defects requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological and social. An integrated approach to overcoming speech impairment involves a combination of correctional pedagogical and therapeutic work, and this requires the interaction of a speech therapist and a teacher.
Unfortunately, such interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist is not implemented in many kindergartens. This depends on many reasons, but first of all on the management of the kindergarten, on the personal characteristics of the speech therapist and teacher, on their desire to improve the process of speech development of preschoolers.
Scientists have studied and investigated specific types of interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher.
So, together with a speech therapist, the teacher plans classes on speech development, familiarization with the outside world, preparation for literacy and preparing the hand for writing. Continuity in the work of a speech therapist and teacher involves not only joint planning, but also the exchange of information, discussion of children’s achievements, both in speech and in other classes. On the basis of such interaction, the teacher performs, in addition to general educational tasks, a number of correctional tasks, the essence of which is to eliminate deficiencies in the sensory, affective-volitional, and intellectual spheres caused by the characteristics of the speech defect. At the same time, the teacher turns his attention not only to the correction of existing deficiencies in the child’s development, to enriching ideas about the environment, but also to the further development and improvement of the activities of intact analyzers. This creates the basis for the favorable development of the child’s compensatory capabilities, which ultimately affects the effective acquisition of speech.
Compensation for a child’s speech underdevelopment, his social adaptation and preparation for further education at school dictate the need to master, under the guidance of a teacher, those types of activities that are provided for in the programs of a mass general developmental kindergarten. The teacher should pay special attention to the development of perception (visual, auditory, tactile), mnestic processes, accessible forms of visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, motivation.
An important aspect of a teacher’s work is the development of cognitive activity and cognitive interests in children. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiar lag in the formation of cognitive processes in general, which develops in children under the influence of speech underdevelopment, narrowing of contacts with others, incorrect methods of family education and other reasons.
Correct, pedagogically justified interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist, combining their efforts in the interests of speech correction in children, is based on the creation of a friendly, emotionally positive environment in kindergarten. The psychological atmosphere in the children's team strengthens children's faith in their own capabilities, allows them to smooth out negative experiences associated with speech impairment, and develop interest in classes. To do this, the educator, like the speech therapist, must have knowledge in the field of developmental psychology and individual psychophysical differences in preschool children. They need to be able to understand various negative manifestations of children’s behavior, and notice in time signs of increased fatigue, exhaustion, passivity and lethargy. Properly organized psychological and pedagogical interaction between the teacher and children prevents the appearance of persistent unwanted deviations in their behavior and forms friendly relationships.
The work of a teacher on speech development in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, prepares children to perceive material in future speech therapy classes, providing the necessary cognitive and motivational basis for the formation of speech knowledge and skills. In other cases, the teacher focuses his attention on consolidating the results achieved by children in speech therapy classes.
The task of the speech therapy group teacher It also includes daily monitoring of the state of children’s speech activity in each period of the correction process, monitoring the correct use of sounds assigned or corrected by a speech therapist, learned grammatical forms, etc. Particular attention of the educator should be paid to children with a late onset of speech activity, with aggravated medical history, and characterized by psychophysiological immaturity.
The teacher should not focus children's attention on the occurrence of possible errors or hesitations in speech, repetitions of the first syllables and words. Such manifestations should be reported to a speech therapist. The responsibilities of the educator also include good knowledge of the individual characteristics of children with general speech underdevelopment, who react differently to their defect, to communication difficulties, and to changes in communication conditions.
The teacher’s speech is important in everyday communication with children. It should serve as a model for children with speech disorders: to be clear, extremely intelligible, well intonated, figuratively expressive and grammatically correct. Complex constructions, phrases, and introductory words that complicate the understanding of speech should be avoided.
The specificity of the work of a teacher when interacting with a speech therapist is that the teacher organizes and conducts classes on the instructions of the speech therapist. The teacher plans individual or subgroup lessons with children in the second half. 5-7 children are invited to an evening speech therapy session. The following are recommended types of exercises:
- consolidation of well-placed sounds (pronunciation of syllables, words, sentences);
- repetition of poems, stories;
- exercises to develop attention, memory, logical thinking, phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills;
- activation of coherent speech in a conversation on familiar lexical or everyday topics.
In the process of correctional work, the teacher pays great attention to the development of fine motor skills. So, during extracurricular time, you can invite children to put together mosaics, puzzles, figures from matches or counting sticks, practice untying and tying shoelaces, collect scattered buttons or small objects, and pencils of different sizes. Children can be offered work in notebooks to develop writing skills, recommended for children with speech disorders.
A special place in the work of the teacher is occupied by the organization of outdoor games for children with speech disorders, due to the fact that children in this category are often somatically weakened, physically intolerable, and quickly get tired. When planning work on organizing play activities, the teacher must clearly understand the reality of the physical capabilities of each child and differentiated selection of outdoor games. Outdoor games, which usually form part of physical education and music classes, can be played during a walk, at holiday matinees, or during entertainment hours.
Games with movement must be combined with other types of children's activities. Outdoor games simultaneously help the successful formation of speech. They often contain sayings and quatrains; they can be preceded by a counting rhyme for choosing a driver. Such games also contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm, harmony and coordination of movements, and have a positive effect on the psychological state of children.
The work of a teacher in teaching children role-playing games is also a necessary element of his pedagogical activity. In role-playing games, the teacher activates and enriches the vocabulary, develops coherent speech, and teaches ritual interaction in social and everyday situations familiar to the child (doctor’s appointment, shopping in a store, traveling on public transport, etc.). Role-playing games contribute to the development of communication and speech skills, stimulate children’s sociability, and develop social skills and abilities.
Having studied the scientific literature on the interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist in kindergarten on the development of speech in children with speech disorders, I came to the following conclusions.
1. Together with the speech therapist, the teacher plans classes on speech development, familiarization with the outside world, preparation for literacy and preparing the hand for writing. Continuity in the work of a speech therapist and teacher involves not only joint planning, but also the exchange of information, discussion of children’s achievements, both in speech and in other classes.
2. In addition to general education, a teacher in specialized kindergartens also performs a number of correctional tasks, the essence of which is to eliminate deficiencies in the sensory, affective-volitional, and intellectual spheres caused by speech defects. The teacher should pay special attention to the development of perception, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, and the development of interest in knowledge.
3. Pedagogically justified interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist, combining their efforts in the interests of speech correction in children, is based on the creation of a friendly environment in a specialized group of a kindergarten. The psychological atmosphere in the children's team strengthens children's faith in their own capabilities and allows them to smooth out negative experiences associated with speech impairment.
4. The work of a teacher on speech development in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, prepares children to perceive material in future speech therapy classes, thereby providing the basis for the formation of speech knowledge and skills. In other cases, the teacher focuses his attention on consolidating the results achieved by children in speech therapy classes.
5. The teacher’s task includes daily monitoring of the state of children’s speech activity. The teacher’s speech is important in everyday communication with children. She should serve as a model for children with speech disorders.
6. The interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher is necessary because eliminating speech defects requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological and psychological.

Natalia Boldova
Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher in a preschool educational institution

In the conditions of a logopunkt in a preschool educational institution, it is very important interaction between a speech therapist and teachers, for the speedy elimination of speech disorders.

Joint activities of a speech therapist and teacher organized according to the following goals:

1. Increasing the efficiency of correctional and educational work.

2. Elimination of duplication teacher of speech therapy classes.

The speech therapist supports close relationship with teachers preparatory and senior groups whose children attend remedial classes. Constantly informs them about what sounds a particular child has, asks them to correct children in groups in order to automate the sounds in speech. Each group has a folder "Advice from a speech therapist", which the speech therapist supplements with didactic speech material, speech games for the development of phonemic hearing and perception, to educators Whenever possible, they used this material in their work.

Educator conducts classes on speech development, familiarization with the environment using a special system, taking into account lexical topics, replenishes, clarifies and activates children’s vocabulary, using routine moments for this, monitors the sound pronunciation and grammatical correctness of children’s speech during the entire time of communication with them.

In his classes, a speech therapist works with children on pronunciation and sound analysis, and at the same time introduces children to certain lexical and grammatical categories.

When correcting and shaping sound pronunciation, work teacher and the work of a speech therapist varies in organization, methodological techniques, and duration. Basics difference: a speech therapist corrects speech disorders, and teacher under the guidance of a speech therapist, actively participates in the correction process, helping to eliminate the speech defect. In their work they are guided by general didactic principles: principles of systematicity and consistency; the principle of an individual approach.

The principle of systematicity and consistency involves adaptation of content, methods and techniques of work teacher to the requirements presented by the tasks of a specific stage of speech therapy work. The gradualism in the work of a speech therapist is due to the fact that the assimilation of elements of the speech system proceeds interconnected and in a certain sequence. Considering this sequence teacher selects for his classes speech material that is accessible to children, which contains sounds they have already mastered and, if possible, excludes those that have not yet been studied.

The principle of an individual approach involves taking into account the speech characteristics of children. This is explained by the fact that children have speech disorders of varying severity and structure, as well as the non-simultaneity of their correction in speech therapy classes. This principle requires teacher knowledge about the initial state of speech of each child and the level of his current speech development, and therefore the use of this knowledge in his work.

Educator plans his work taking into account the program requirements and speech abilities of children. Educator is obliged to know individual deviations in the formation of a child’s speech, hear its defects, pay attention to the purity of pronunciation, and also include components of correctional assistance in the general educational process of his group.

In its turn, teacher-The speech therapist during classes focuses on correcting sound pronunciation. But if a child’s grammatical structure, vocabulary, and coherent speech are not sufficiently developed, then improving these aspects of speech teacher also includes in its work plan.

Teacher– speech therapist recommends educators carry out complexes of articulation and finger exercises in the morning and evening hours and include in the work the reading of poetry, phrases and riddles, and the selection of words with a given sound from the text. Speech therapist informs educators whose children are enrolled in a speech therapy center, about the results of correctional work at a certain stage. In its turn educators share with the speech therapist their observations of the child’s speech in the group (outside speech therapy classes).

To summarize, we can say that the work teacher and speech therapist coordinated by the following way:

1) Teacher-speech therapist speech therapist forms primary speech skills in children, selects material for their classes that is as close as possible to the topics studied by children in classes with educators;

2) Educator, during classes, takes into account stages of speech therapy work carried out with the child, levels of development of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical aspects of speech, thus consolidating the formed speech skills.

Thus, only close contact in the work of the speech therapist and teacher, can help eliminate various speech problems in preschool age, and therefore further full-fledged education at school.

Publications on the topic:

Interaction between a speech therapist and preparatory group teachers. Evening work forms Methodological development "Interaction between teacher-speech therapist and teachers of the preparatory group. Evening work forms" Date.

Interaction between speech therapist and music director I present to your attention a jointly developed article about our joint work with a speech therapist teacher. The article has already been published.

Interaction between a speech therapist and a music director in correctional and educational work If speaking is difficult for you, music will always help! In correctional work with children suffering from various speech defects, it is positive.

Interaction between a speech therapist and parents of children with speech disorders In recent years, the problems of speech correction have become particularly relevant. As a result of many unfavorable environmental factors.

Interaction between a speech therapist and educator in the correction of OHP in preschool children The success of correctional and educational work in a speech therapy group is determined by a strictly thought-out system of close interaction between a speech therapist.

Publication date: 11/18/17



“INTERACTION between TEACHER AND Speech therapist at preschool educational institution


MBDOU "Snow White"

teacher: Koshelenko O.V.


Elimination of speech disorders in children requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological, psychological and social.

An integrated approach involves a combination of correctional pedagogical and therapeutic work aimed at normalizing all aspects of speech, motor skills, mental processes, nurturing the child’s personality and improving the health of the body as a whole. The joint work of a doctor, speech therapist, psychologist, educator, logorhythmist, music worker, and physical education specialist is required. This work must be coordinated and comprehensive. As experts note, the need for such interaction is caused by the characteristics of the child population entering the preschool educational institution. By actively influencing the child by means specific to each discipline, teachers build their work on the basis of general pedagogical principles. At the same time, by identifying objectively existing points of contact between various pedagogical areas, each teacher carries out his or her direction not in isolation, but by complementing and deepening the influence of others. Therefore, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child with speech pathology, experts outline a unified set of joint correctional and pedagogical work aimed at the formation and development of motor and speech areas.

Conditions for the effectiveness of interaction between all specialists in overcoming speech disorders in preschool children.

Every child with one or another developmental disorder needs effective and rapid rehabilitation, allowing the child to overcome developmental disorders, while he must cope with his difficulties as soon as possible in order to “catch up” in the development of children who do not have developmental disabilities . This is possible only if a single correctional and developmental space is formed around each such child, which is supported not only by the speech therapist and teachers of the kindergarten group that the child attends, but also, to varying degrees, by all the adults who surround him in everyday life and influence his development : medical staff, physical education instructor, music director, family.

But simply using all the listed forces in correctional and educational work is not enough. The most important thing is to convey to each link in this chain the meaning of the work ahead. And it consists in the following:

1. It is necessary that all adults surrounding the child clearly understand the purpose of their activities, which consists, on the one hand, in the full development of a child who has deviations in speech (or any other) development, and on the other hand, in the coordinated interaction between yourself.

2. Each of the participants in the process of forming a correct educational space must not only have the correct idea of ​​what this space should be, but also bear responsibility for their segment of this space and carry out two-way communication with other participants in this process.

3. It is very important that medical and teaching staff, parents are armed with the necessary tools for the upcoming work, the main part of which is the special knowledge necessary to understand the importance and mechanism of their influence on the child’s development, and practical skills to provide the child with effective assistance in correcting his development.

4. It is equally important that the influence of each sector of the correctional and developmental space on the development of the child is built consistently and gradually - from simple to complex, from correcting a deficiency to sufficiently long-term automation, which is the key to the success of all correctional work. It should be noted here that the very formation of a common, unified development space occurs in stages. First, it is advisable to carry out two parallel processes: the formation of a psychologist-medical-pedagogical consultation as a form of interaction between teachers of speech therapy groups, specialized kindergarten specialists and a speech therapist - on the one hand - and the establishment of interaction between a speech therapist and parents - on the other. It is also important to form multilateral interaction among all participants in the correctional and educational process. This is a long and difficult stage.

5. The last condition for effective interaction is achieving results. The result of interaction is achieving the quality of preschool preparation, predicting the child’s school success and developing recommendations for parents on his further support, as well as planning work to monitor the child’s progress in elementary school, assisting school teachers in accompanying children with speech development disorders at the initial stage of education.

Organization and implementation of complex and corrective influence on the speech development of preschool children.

1. Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher in the correction of speech disorders in children at a speech center.

The success of correctional and educational work in a speech center is determined by a well-thought-out system, part of which is the speech therapy of the entire educational process.

The search for new forms and methods of working with children with speech disorders has led to the need to plan and organize clear, coordinated work of a speech therapist and educators in the conditions of a speech therapy group at a preschool educational institution, the work of which includes the following main areas:

Correctional and educational;

General education.

The teacher, together with the speech therapist, participates in the correction of speech disorders in children, as well as related extra-speech mental processes. In addition, he must not only know the nature of these violations, but also master the basic techniques of corrective action to correct some of them.

The main tasks in the work of a speech therapist and educator in overcoming speech disorders can be called comprehensive correction of not only speech, but also non-speech processes closely related to it and the formation of the child’s personality. Also increase the efficiency of correctional and educational work. And eliminate direct duplication by the teacher of the speech therapist’s classes. Joint correctional work in a speech group involves solving the following tasks:

A speech therapist forms primary speech skills in children;

The teacher consolidates the developed speech skills.

In accordance with these tasks, the functions of a speech therapist and a teacher should be divided.

Functions of a speech therapist:

Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual personal characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each child.

Formation of correct speech breathing, sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech.

Correction of sound pronunciation.

Improving phonemic perception and sound analysis and synthesis skills.

Elimination of shortcomings of the syllabic structure of the word.

Practicing new lexical and grammatical categories.

Teaching coherent speech.

Prevention of writing and reading disorders.

Development of mental functions.

Functions of the teacher:

Taking into account the lexical topic during all group lessons during the week.

Replenishment, clarification and activation of children's vocabulary on the current lexical topic in the process of all regime moments.

Systematic monitoring of the assigned sounds and grammatical correctness of children’s speech during all routine moments.

Incorporation of practiced grammatical structures into situations of natural communication in children.

Formation of coherent speech (memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, texts, getting acquainted with fiction, working on retelling and composing all types of storytelling).

Consolidating speech skills in individual lessons on the instructions of a speech therapist.

Development of understanding of speech, attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in game exercises on correctly pronounced speech material.

Before classes, the speech therapist conducts an examination: it lasts for a month. The speech therapist, together with the teacher, carries out targeted observation of children in the group and in classes, identifying the structure of speech disorders, behavior, and personal characteristics of children.

The main task of this period is to create a friendly children's team in the speech therapy group. The formation of a children's team begins with explaining to children the rules and requirements of behavior in a speech group, teaching calm joint games, creating an atmosphere of goodwill and attention to each child.

At the end of the examination, the speech therapist prepares the appropriate documentation: a speech card for each child; to connect the work of a speech therapist and teachers; speech therapist workbook for daily and weekly lesson plans;

homework records for each child; draws up a work plan for the year.

Together with the teacher, he designs the parent corner, prepares and conducts the pedagogical council and parent meetings.

After the examination, an organizational parent meeting is held, at which speech therapy and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the children are given, the need for comprehensive therapeutic, health-improving and pedagogical influence on them is explained, and the content and phasing of correctional and developmental work is explained.

A speech therapist conducts daily classes. These classes can be individual or subgroup. Individual lessons are conducted to correct problems with sound pronunciation and consolidate acquired skills.

The classes use didactic games, games with singing, elements of dramatization games, and outdoor games with rules. When solving correctional problems, the speech therapist also identifies the characteristics of children’s behavior, the degree of impairment of motor skills, sound pronunciation, etc.

In an individual lesson, the teacher implements a program developed by a speech therapist for each child, which may include:

Exercises to develop the articulatory apparatus;

Exercises to develop fine motor skills of the fingers;

Exercises for automation and differentiation of sounds given by a speech therapist, and control over them;

Work on speech breathing, on the smoothness and duration of exhalation;

Lexico-grammatical tasks and exercises for the development of coherent speech.

During a lesson on the sound culture of speech, each child can be asked to parse words with the sounds that they are corrected by a speech therapist.

The teacher must clearly understand the dynamics of the development of the phonemic aspect of each child’s speech. The speech therapy screen, compiled by a speech therapist, reflects the dynamics of work on correcting sound pronunciation and helps the teacher systematically monitor the sounds given. The screen is made of a material that allows the use of magnetic or adhesive colored sound symbols. The screen is placed in the teacher’s work area.

When selecting speech material, the teacher must remember the speech problems of each child. But he does not always have the opportunity to track those moments that may interfere with the correct consolidation of speech material.

Therefore, I help select speech material that corresponds to the normal sound pronunciation of children with speech disorders. I recommend that educators work with ready-made printed publications; I advise them to use literature and speech material that is correct from a speech therapy perspective.

I also assign an important role to speech breathing. The most important conditions for correct speech are a smooth and long exhalation, clear and relaxed articulation. In each exercise, I direct the children’s attention to a calm, relaxed exhalation, to the duration and volume of the pronounced sounds.

The teacher can invite children to practice fine motor skills in shading, tracing shapes, and cutting out. Thus, not only is the group working on the general tasks of preparing the hand for writing, but also correctional work is being done on the interaction of fine motor skills and the articulatory apparatus (especially in children with a dysarthric component).

The correct organization of the children's team, the clear implementation of routine moments have a positive effect on the physical and mental state of the child and, consequently, on the state of his speech. The ability to approach a child, taking into account his individual characteristics, pedagogical tact, a calm, friendly tone - these are the qualities that are necessary when working with children with speech disorders.

The role of other specialists in the correctional educational process.

High-quality implementation of the tasks of children’s speech development is possible only on the basis of an integrated approach, i.e. interaction of all teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions is an important condition for creating a unified educational space for pupils with speech disorders. As for doctors and specialized specialists, in addition to the tasks of forming the child’s correct speech in everyday communication, each of them has a clearly defined circle of influence.

Medical staff participates in clarifying the child’s medical history, gives referrals for consultation and treatment from medical specialists, monitors the timeliness of prescribed treatment or preventive measures, and participates in drawing up an individual educational route.

A physical education instructor works on the development of fine and gross motor skills, forms correct breathing, and conducts corrective gymnastics to develop the ability to tense or relax the muscular system and coordination of movements. It solves the following basic problems: maintaining and strengthening the general physical health of preschool children, forming the kinetic and kinesthetic basis of movements, and normalizing muscle tone.

The music director develops an ear for music and speech, the ability to accept the rhythmic side of music, speech movements, forms correct phrasal breathing, develops the strength and timbre of the voice, etc.

The psychologist's correctional and developmental classes are aimed at forming the psychological basis of children's speech (perception of various modalities, visual and auditory attention, visual and auditory memory, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking). The implementation of correctional and developmental work in these areas contributes to the comprehensive overcoming of speech development disorders and the prevention of possible secondary delays in the development of cognitive mental processes.

Family is that natural space (speech, educational, developmental) that surrounds the baby from the moment of his birth and which has a decisive influence on the complex development of the child. It is precisely because of the priority role of the family in the process of influencing the development of the child that the speech therapist and educators need to involve parents as allies in overcoming speech development disorders of the preschooler.

During classes, teachers try to vary the requirements for students’ oral responses, stimulating the ability to practically use different models of statements - from simple to more complex.

Functions of preschool educational institutions specialists in organizing correctional and developmental work:

Teacher speech therapist

  • Providing a flexible, gentle regimen.
  • Working with teachers and parents.
  • Development of all mental functions.
  • Psychotraining (consultations for teachers and parents).
  • Providing a flexible health regime.
  • Working with parents.
  • Vaccination, vitaminization, medication assistance.
  • Individual therapeutic, corrective and restorative massage.

Enrichment of vocabulary, formation of lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Formation of sound pronunciation using health technologies.

Gymnastics: articulatory, finger, breathing, for the eyes.

Massage and self-massage of the tongue, face; physical education, relaxation exercises.

Educational psychologist

Psychocorrectional work (individual, group).

Current examination.


Monitoring the dynamics of children's development.

Corrective work.

Use of health technologies.



Therapeutic and preventive measures,

Hardening, Masseur

The main directions of correctional work of the teacher.

The success of correctional and educational work in a speech therapy group is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the essence of which is the speech therapy of the entire educational process, the entire life and activity of children.

The only way to implement speech therapy is through close interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher (for different functional tasks and methods of correctional work).

Corrective tasks facing the teacher:

1. Constant improvement of articulatory, fine and gross motor skills.

2. Consolidating the pronunciation of sounds given by the speech therapist.

3. Purposeful activation of practiced vocabulary.

4. Exercise in the correct use of formed grammatical categories.

5. Development of attention, memory, logical thinking in games and exercises using defect-free speech material.

6. Formation of coherent speech.

7. Strengthening reading and writing skills.

The main directions of the teacher’s correctional work

1. Articulation gymnastics (with elements of breathing and voice) is performed 3-5 times during the day.

2. Finger gymnastics is performed in combination with articulation exercises 3-5 times a day.

3. Corrective mini-gymnastics for the prevention of posture and foot disorders is performed daily after sleep.

4. Evening individual lessons from the teacher on the instructions of the speech therapist, reinforcing sound pronunciation.

Unified speech therapy regime. Requirements for a unified speech mode.

1. The culture of speech of the child’s environment: the speech of others should be correct, accessible, one should not rush into an answer, constantly approve, encourage correct speech.

Favorable attitude towards children suffering from speech disorders. Creating a favorable external environment, a calm plan, respect, trust.

2. Constant stimulation for verbal communication. All kindergarten workers and parents are obliged to constantly demand that children observe speech breathing and correct pronunciation.

3. a) Preschool teachers must know the pattern of normal development of a child’s speech (A. Gvozdev) and prepare a memo for parents;

b) Teachers of speech therapy groups must have a speech profile of children who are speech pathologists, know their speech therapy report and the state of speech development.

4. a) Preschool teachers must carry out systematic work to educate sound culture and speech development.

b) Teachers of speech therapy groups must conduct speech therapy work in front of a mirror, carry out the speech therapist’s assignments using individual notebooks and albums, and notebooks for classes.

5. a) Parents should pay serious attention to the child’s speech, stimulate the child’s correct speech, constantly talk to him, simply talk about events in the child’s life in the kindergarten, in the family

b) Parents of children with speech impairments should systematically; carry out tasks of a speech therapist to consolidate the given sounds of the dictionary by topic, grammatical structure, and coherent speech. Design your notebooks colorfully and neatly. Watch for correct pronunciation.

Memo to preschool teacher

During the period of the child’s stay in the preschool educational institution, you are the guarantor of his rights.

In the process of education and training it is unacceptable:

Careless, rude treatment of a child;

Biased criticism, threats against him;

Intentional isolation from the children's group;

Making excessive demands on a child without taking into account his age and health status;

Taking pictures of him in an unkempt state.

Functions performed by preschool employees to respect the rights of the child:

1. Ensuring the upbringing and education of a child without violence within the preschool educational institution.

2. Active involvement in the family upbringing of the child:

Morning filter

Finding out the reasons for non-attendance;

Contact and monitoring the condition of parents and family members who came to pick up the child.

3. Finding out the socio-economic status of the family;

4. Clarification of intra-family relationships;

5. Identification of dysfunctional families;

6. Contact with guardianship authorities;

7. Clarification of the rights of disabled children;

8. Informing parents about the rights of a child with disabilities;

9. Preparing the child for school education.

Abbakumova S.I.,

teacher speech therapist


INTERACTION IN THE WORK OF TEACHERS AND Speech therapists in preschool educational institutions



- Work of a teacher in groups for children with physical disabilities



- Continuity between a speech therapist and educator in a speech therapy group




Most children with developmental disabilities require the intervention of a number of specialists: speech therapists (speech therapists, audiologists, oligophrenopedagogues, teachers of the deaf), doctors, psychologists. Each of these specialists is necessary for the child, but none of them can replace the other, and therefore the desired success can only be achieved if their efforts are combined, i.e. if the impact is complex. At the same time, not only the treatment itself, education and upbringing of the child are very important; but also the definition of the type of institution where they should be carried out: specialized children's homes, preschool and school institutions for mentally retarded children, the blind, the deaf; for children with delayed speech development.

The job responsibilities of a speech therapist include working closely with teachers and educators, attending classes and lessons, consulting teaching staff and parents (persons replacing them) on the use of special methods and techniques to assist children with developmental disabilities.

1. Work of a speech therapist with preschool teachers

The speech therapist should pay special attention to organizing work with teachers in all groups of the kindergarten, starting with the second youngest group.

Experience shows that the organization of preventive work helps to reduce the number of phonetic disorders in children. First, the speech therapist conducts subgroup classes with children, and then teachers, on the instructions of the speech therapist, conduct similar classes independently. During classes, the speech therapist offers various exercises to develop speech breathing and voice, articulation and fine motor skills.

To implement the relationship in the work of the speech therapist and the teacher, it is recommended to use an interaction sheet and a fine motor skills examination card (see Appendices).

A sheet of interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher on the automation of assigned sounds will help the teacher see what sounds the speech therapist is working on with each child in the group, and control the correct pronunciation of these sounds by children during routine moments.

A speech therapist conducts diagnostics of children's fine motor skills. Analysis of the results will allow us to develop a number of exercises for children whose fine motor skills lag behind the age norm. The teacher performs these exercises with children as part of his classes.

Also in the preschool educational institution you should keep a “Notebook of the relationship between the speech therapist and the teacher.” In this notebook, the speech therapist writes down tasks for the teacher for speech therapy work with individual children (from 3 to 6 people). For example, individual articulation exercises, analysis of subject and plot pictures specially selected by the speech therapist, repetition of texts and poems previously worked out with the speech therapist. You can include various options for exercises to develop attention, memory, distinguish sounds, and form lexical and grammatical components of the language. All types of tasks should be familiar to children and explained in detail to the teacher. In the accounting column, the teacher notes how the children learned the material, who had difficulties and why.

2. Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher when working with children with functional disabilities

The speech therapist and educator work together on the development of speech of children with physical disabilities, guided by the general requirements of the standard training and education program. Elimination of gaps in children’s speech development is carried out mainly by a speech therapist (section “Formation of pronunciation and speech development”).

The main areas of work on the development of children’s speech are:

formation of full-fledged pronunciation skills;

development of phonemic perception, phonemic representations, forms of sound analysis and synthesis accessible to age.

As the child moves in the indicated directions, the following is carried out using corrected speech material:

development in children of attention to the morphological composition of words and changes in words and their combinations in a sentence;

enriching children's vocabulary mainly by drawing attention to the methods of word formation, to the emotional and evaluative meaning of words;

educating children in the ability to correctly compose a simple common sentence, and then a complex sentence; use different sentence structures in independent coherent speech;

development of coherent speech in the process of working on a story, retelling, with the formulation of a certain correctional task for automating phonemes specified in pronunciation in speech;

formation of basic writing and reading skills using special methods based on corrected sound pronunciation and full phonemic perception.

It is important to note that the development of basic writing and reading skills is one of the effective ways to develop oral speech for children with functional disabilities.

At the same time, the teacher conducts classes in which the vocabulary of preschoolers is expanded and clarified, and colloquial, descriptive and narrative speech is developed. All of these areas in speech correction work are interconnected.

In accordance with the “Regulations on preschool institutions and groups of children with speech impairments,” each group has a speech therapist and two teachers. The speech therapist conducts speech therapy work with children frontally, with subgroups and individually every day from 9.00 to 12.30. Time from 12.30 to 13.00 is allocated for filling out speech therapy documentation (frontal plans, individual notebooks, planning tasks for the teacher in the evening, etc.), preparing for frontal classes, selecting and producing didactic aids. The number of frontal speech therapy sessions depends on the period of study: in the first period - 2 lessons, in the second - 3, in the third - daily. In the afternoon, the teacher works with the children for 30 minutes on the instructions of the speech therapist. Due to the need for corrective speech therapy classes, some of the teacher’s classes are moved to the evening (approximate daily routine in the senior group).

Correct maintenance of speech therapy documentation is necessary to monitor the process of correctional work and evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques used. During the school year, in addition to the main documentation, the speech therapist also draws up a “Notebook of working contacts between the speech therapist and the teacher,” in which the speech therapist records individual assignments for evening classes and determines specific requirements for the selection of speech material depending on the stage of correction. The teacher notes the peculiarities of performing the proposed training exercises and the difficulties encountered by each child.

Work of a teacher in groups for children with physical disabilities

The work of a teacher in groups for children with physical disabilities has its own specifics. The teacher’s task is to identify the degree to which children are lagging behind in mastering program material for all types of educational and play activities. This is necessary to eliminate gaps in children’s development and create conditions for successful learning among normally developing peers. To this end, in the first two weeks, the teacher determines the children’s capabilities in speech, visual, constructive activities, in mastering counting operations, etc.

Together with a speech therapist, the teacher analyzes the characteristics of children’s speech development. The teacher should have an idea of ​​whether the child uses a short or extended form of expression, whether he has different types of coherent speech that are accessible to children of the older group by age: a retelling of a picture, a series of pictures, a description, a story from personal experience, etc.

When assessing the state of skills in these areas, general educational program requirements for this age group should be taken into account. Based on the heterogeneity of the composition of children in FFN groups, due to different etiologies of the disorder and sociocultural factors, it is important, as a result of the initial examination, to differentially assess the degree of lag in mastering the educational material offered for the middle and senior groups of a general developmental kindergarten. There are different options for compliance with software requirements: fully compliant, lagging behind, significantly lagging behind. After the examination, the teacher gets an idea of ​​the state of each child’s skills in the following areas: elementary mathematical concepts, speech, visual activities, constructive activities, play activities, motor skills, musical and rhythmic abilities. This will make it possible to strengthen their correctional focus during classes and implement a targeted individual approach.

At the pedagogical council, the speech therapist and teacher report the results of the examination and collectively discuss the choice of a standard program and options for its implementation, taking into account the children’s capabilities. The presented speech material must be correlated with the level of phonetic, phonemic and general speech development of children. Excessive speech loads can negatively affect the correction process.

Classes aimed at developing children’s correct coherent speech (clarification and expansion of vocabulary, improving the grammatical structure of speech) are conducted throughout the year by both a teacher and a speech therapist.

The process of upbringing and teaching in kindergarten provides for a certain range of knowledge about the world around us and a corresponding amount of vocabulary, speech skills and abilities that must be acquired by children at this age stage.

It should be noted that the speech therapist and the teacher, working on the development of children’s speech, do not replace, but complement each other.

The teacher focuses on the program material offered for a given age level of children in a general developmental preschool educational institution. He teaches the native language in the classroom and guides the development of children’s speech outside of class in everyday life (in games, at home, on walks), taking into account the peculiarities of children’s speech development. The process of learning a native language has some originality.

At the beginning of training, the teacher uses mainly methods and techniques for developing speech that do not require children to express themselves in detail. Thus, a visual teaching method is widely used, for example, excursions, introducing children to certain objects, showing pictures and videos. The use of verbal teaching methods comes down mainly to reading works of fiction to children, stories from the teacher, and conversations. The teacher pays great attention to the development of dialogic speech. This includes various forms of questions and answers: a short answer, a detailed answer (somewhat later), understanding different options for a question, and the ability to maintain a conversation with an interlocutor. At the same time, in the second half of the year, much attention is paid to the development of the main types of monologue speech.

The main directions of work of a speech therapist and teacher under this program are the formation of a full-fledged phonetic language system in children, the development of phonemic perception and initial sound analysis skills, the automation of auditory pronunciation skills in various situations, the development of skills in changing the prosodic characteristics of independent utterances depending on speech intentions.

A preschool teacher of a compensatory type carries out the corrective orientation of education and training in the classroom and during extracurricular time. It is necessary to follow a general approach to the selection of speech material in speech therapy classes and teacher classes. At the same time, the teacher has greater opportunities to consolidate the achieved speech skills in children's activities and in didactic games that represent a synthesis of games and activities.

It is known that a child’s communicative activity is manifested in the child’s interaction with adults and peers most clearly in play activities.

Preschoolers with FFN are characterized by difficulty in establishing contacts and a slow reaction to the actions of a communication partner. Some children with FFN are characterized by stereotypic ways of communication, their monotony, and emotional immaturity. The teacher should specifically create situations that require the child to demonstrate different forms of communication - situational-business, cognitive, personal. It is necessary to identify when the child shows the greatest activity, interest, and in what situation he feels most free. The teacher must demonstrate patterns of communication, involve passive children, and maintain speech activity. An adult must encourage children to engage in dialogue, encourage sociability, and maintain pedagogical tact.

The teacher needs to listen carefully to the children’s speech and know well what sections of pronunciation correction the speech therapist is currently working on. Special requirements are placed on methods for correcting phonetic and grammatical errors. The teacher should not repeat the wrong word or form after the child, he should give a speech sample. If an error occurred in the speech material that was mastered by the main group, then the child should be asked to pronounce the word correctly. Otherwise, it is better to limit yourself to clearly pronouncing the sample. If the error is common and occurs in many children, you need to discuss it with a speech therapist.

It is important to teach children, under the guidance of a teacher, to hear grammatical and phonetic errors in their speech and correct them independently.

The teacher should encourage children to correct mistakes on their own. In speech situations of an emotional nature (games, lively dialogue), the so-called delayed correction is used. In relation to children with manifestations of speech negativism, error correction is carried out without fixing the attention of the entire group.

When introducing children to the world around them, the teacher draws attention to the names of objects and items. At the same time, in addition to the age capabilities of the children, the state of the phonetic side of speech, corrected by a speech therapist, is taken into account. Words that are accessible by sound-syllable structure are entered into the active dictionary. The teacher must monitor their clear and correct pronunciation, since, in addition to general developmental tasks, he also implements correctional tasks - he actively consolidates pronunciation skills.

Formation of graphomotor skills

Special time should be allocated in the clock grid for the development of graphomotor skills in children. This lesson is conducted by the teacher. This process includes the development of a number of skills and abilities. An important role among them is played by the development of spatial orientations, especially orientation on a sheet of paper. Solving this problem is impossible without a certain level of development of visual perception and the ability to accurately coordinate hand movements.

In the process of developing graphic skills, children develop voluntary attention and memory. Children learn to listen carefully and remember the teacher’s explanations, work independently, evaluate their own work and the work of others. At all stages of learning, exercises are not a mechanical repetition of the same processes or movements, but a conscious, purposeful activity of the child. At the same time, the teacher constantly monitors the correct fit and position of the child’s hands.

Before starting a lesson, it is advisable to include exercises to train the movements of your fingers and hands. Elements of finger gymnastics can also be included in the course of the lesson as a physical education lesson.

Continuing the development of skills acquired by children in drawing, appliqué, and design classes, the teacher teaches children to navigate on a sheet of paper - to be able to identify parts of a sheet of paper and the location of a drawing on it.

Developing the skill of accurately coordinating the movement of the hand is carried out by performing various tasks: drawing lines in a limited space, correct, accurate tracing and shading of figures. Checked notebooks are used for sketching, tracing and shading figures.

The complication of the material of both visual and auditory dictations consists in an increase in the number of elements and their more complex arrangement, as well as in an increase in elements that are differently colored.

3. Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher when working with children with GENERAL SPEECH UNDERDEVELOPMENT

The transfer of new positive experiences gained by a child in correctional classes into real life practice is possible only if the child’s closest partners are ready to accept and implement new ways of communication and interaction with him, and to support the child in his self-development and self-affirmation.

An important condition for the effectiveness of organizing teaching and development activities directly in the classroom will be how consistently didactic principles are implemented:

1. Development of dynamic perception.

2. Productivity of information processing.

3. Development and correction of higher mental functions.

4. Providing motivation for learning.

The listed principles make it possible to outline the strategy and directions of correctional and developmental activities and predict the degree of its success.

The need to take into account the identified principles is obvious, since they make it possible to ensure the integrity, consistency and continuity of the tasks and content of teaching and development activities. In addition, taking them into account makes it possible to provide an integrated approach to eliminating the child’s general speech underdevelopment, since in this way the efforts of teachers of different profiles are combined - speech therapist, teacher, music director, physical education instructor, etc. (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Model of interaction between subjects of the correctional educational process in a group for children with general speech underdevelopment.

The teaching staff of the preschool educational institution is represented by educators, a junior teacher, a physical education instructor, a music director, an educational psychologist, a methodologist, a head and other specialists.

In general, speech therapy work with preschool children is subject to the general logic of the development of the correctional educational process and, therefore, can be presented in the form of an algorithm broken down into a number of stages, which, in order to achieve the final result - eliminating deficiencies in the speech development of preschool children - are implemented in a strictly defined sequence .

Continuity in planning classes between a speech therapist and a teacher

A big problem in implementing the main directions of meaningful work with children with special needs is the implementation of specific interaction between the teacher and the speech therapist, ensuring the unity of their requirements when fulfilling the main tasks of the training program. Without this relationship, it is impossible to achieve the necessary correctional focus of the educational process and build an “individual educational route”, overcome speech insufficiency and difficulties in social adaptation of children.

The main tasks of the joint correctional work of a speech therapist and teacher are:

    Practical acquisition of lexical and grammatical means of the language.

    Formation of correct pronunciation.

    Preparation for teaching literacy, mastering the elements of literacy.

    Development of coherent speech skills.

At the same time, the functions of the teacher and speech therapist should be quite clearly defined and delineated (Table).

Table. Joint correctional activities of a speech therapist and a teacher

The tasks facing the speech therapist teacher

Tasks facing the teacher

1. Creating conditions for the manifestation of speech activity and imitation, overcoming speech negativism

1. Creating an environment for the emotional well-being of children in the group

2. Examination of children’s speech, mental processes associated with speech, motor skills

2. Survey of the general development of children, the state of their knowledge and skills according to the program of the previous age group

3. Filling out a speech card, studying the examination results and determining the level of speech development of the child

3. Filling out the examination protocol, studying its results for the purpose of long-term planning of correctional work

4. Discussion of the survey results. Drawing up psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the group as a whole

5. Development of children's auditory attention and conscious speech perception

5. Education of general and speech behavior of children, including work on the development of auditory attention

6. Development of visual, auditory, verbal memory

6. Expanding children's horizons

7. Activation of vocabulary, formation of generalizing concepts

7. Clarification of the existing vocabulary of children, expansion of passive vocabulary, its activation through lexical and thematic cycles

8. Teaching children the processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison of objects according to their components, characteristics, actions

8. Development of children’s ideas about time and space, shape, size and color of objects (sensory education of children)

9. Development of mobility of the vocal apparatus, speech breathing and, on this basis, work on correcting sound pronunciation

9. Development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills of children

10. Development of phonemic awareness in children

10. Preparing children for the upcoming speech therapy session, including completing tasks and recommendations from the speech therapist

11. Teaching children the processes of sound-syllable analysis and word synthesis, sentence analysis

11. Consolidation of speech skills acquired by children in speech therapy classes

12. Development of perception of the rhythmic-syllable structure of a word

12. Development of children's memory by memorizing various types of speech material

13. Formation of word formation and inflection skills

13. Consolidating word formation skills in various games and in everyday life

14. Formation of sentences of different types in children’s speech according to models, demonstration of actions, questions, according to the picture and according to the situation

14. Monitoring children’s speech on the recommendation of a speech therapist, tactfully correcting mistakes

15. Preparation for mastery, and then mastery of the dialogic form of communication

15. Development of dialogical speech of children through the use of mobile, speech, board and printed games, role-playing and dramatization games, theatrical activities of children, assignments in accordance with the level of development of children

16. Development of the ability to combine sentences into a short story, compose descriptive stories, stories based on pictures, series of pictures, retellings based on material from the teacher’s classes to consolidate his work

16. Formation of the skill of writing a short story, preceding speech therapy work in this direction

Continuity between a speech therapist and educator in a speech therapy group

Elimination of speech disorders in children requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological, psychological and social.

A complex approach involves a combination of correctional pedagogical and therapeutic work aimed at normalizing all aspects of speech, motor skills, mental processes, nurturing the child’s personality and improving the health of the body as a whole. The joint work of a doctor, speech therapist, psychologist, educator, logorhythmist, music worker, and physical education specialist is required. This work must be coordinated and comprehensive. As experts note, the need for such interaction is caused by the characteristics of the child population entering the preschool educational institution. By actively influencing the child by means specific to each discipline, teachers build their work on the basis of general pedagogical principles. At the same time, by identifying objectively existing points of contact between various pedagogical areas, each teacher carries out his or her direction not in isolation, but by complementing and deepening the influence of others. Therefore, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child with speech pathology, experts outline a unified set of joint correctional and pedagogical work aimed at the formation and development of motor and speech areas.

Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher in the correction of speech disorders in children of the speech therapy group

The success of correctional and educational work in a speech therapy group is determined by a well-thought-out system, part of which is the speech therapy of the entire educational process.

The search for new forms and methods of working with children with speech disorders has led to the need to plan and organize clear, coordinated work of a speech therapist and educators in the conditions of a speech therapy group at a preschool educational institution, the work of which includes the following main areas:

Correctional and educational;

General education.

The teacher, together with the speech therapist, participates in the correction of speech disorders in children, as well as related extra-speech mental processes. In addition, he must not only know the nature of these violations, but also master the basic techniques of corrective action to correct some of them.

Most of these children also have deviations in other components of the language system: children experience lexical difficulties and have characteristic grammatical and phonetic errors, which is reflected in coherent speech and affects its quality. Many children are characterized by insufficient development of attention, memory, verbal-logical thinking, finger and articulatory motor skills. Corrective work should not be limited only to exercises in planned speech. Therefore, the main tasks in the work of a speech therapist and educator in overcoming speech disorders can be called comprehensive correction of not only speech, but also non-speech processes closely related to it and the formation of the child’s personality. Also increase the efficiency of correctional and educational work. And eliminate direct duplication by the teacher of the speech therapist’s classes. Joint correctional work in a speech group involves solving the following tasks:

A speech therapist forms primary speech skills in children;

The teacher consolidates the developed speech skills.

In accordance with these tasks, the functions of a speech therapist and a teacher should be divided.

Functions of a speech therapist:

Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual personal characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each child.

Formation of correct speech breathing, sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech.

Correction of sound pronunciation.

Improving phonemic perception and sound analysis and synthesis skills.

Elimination of shortcomings of the syllabic structure of the word.

Formation of syllable reading.

Practicing new lexical and grammatical categories.

Teaching coherent speech.

Prevention of writing and reading disorders.

Development of mental functions.

Functions of the teacher:

Taking into account the lexical topic during all group lessons during the week.

Replenishment, clarification and activation of children's vocabulary on the current lexical topic in the process of all regime moments.

Systematic monitoring of the assigned sounds and grammatical correctness of children’s speech during all routine moments.

Incorporation of practiced grammatical structures into situations of natural communication in children.

Formation of coherent speech (memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, texts, getting acquainted with fiction, working on retelling and composing all types of storytelling).

Strengthening reading and writing skills.

Consolidating speech skills in individual lessons on the instructions of a speech therapist.

Development of understanding of speech, attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in game exercises on correctly pronounced speech material.

Before classes, the speech therapist conducts examination : It lasts for a month. The speech therapist, together with the teacher, carries out targeted observation of children in the group and in classes, identifying the structure of speech disorders, behavior, and personal characteristics of children.

The main task of this period is to create a friendly children's team in the speech therapy group. The formation of a children's team begins with explaining to children the rules and requirements of behavior in a speech group, teaching calm joint games, creating an atmosphere of goodwill and attention to each child.

In the process of creating a team, it also reveals the peculiarities of children’s behavior and their character, tactfully correcting deviations during relevant games, conversations, and performing routine moments. Experience shows that if you do not create a calm environment in the group, do not teach children to play together, communicate correctly with each other, and do not correct personality and behavioral deviations, then the transition directly to speech work will be impossible.

The speech therapist, together with the teacher, designs the parent corner, prepares and conducts the pedagogical council and parent meetings.

After the examination, an organizational parent meeting is held, at which speech therapy and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the children are given, the need for comprehensive therapeutic, health-improving and pedagogical influence on them is explained, and the content and phasing of correctional and developmental work is explained.

The speech therapist discusses with the teacher the children’s approximate daily routine and an approximate list of activities for the week.

Tempering procedures are included in the child's daily routine. Daily walks, outdoor games, and sports activities strengthen the nervous system and create an emotional uplift. Air baths have an active effect on the cardiovascular system and normalize its functioning.

The speech therapist conducts daily classes in the morning. These classes can be frontal (12 children) and subgroup (6 children). In addition, individual classes are conducted to correct problems with sound pronunciation (for example, automation of sounds using a child’s individual notebook) and to consolidate the acquired skills of stutter-free speech.

The teacher conducts daily classes in the morning and evening with all children. In the frontal classes provided for by the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” (speech development, familiarization with the environment and nature, development of elementary mathematical concepts, classes in drawing, modeling, appliqué, design), children’s skills in using independent speech are consolidated.

The speech therapist and teacher, each in his own lesson, solve the following correctional problems:

Cultivating perseverance, attention, imitation;

Learning to follow the rules of games;

Developing smoothness, duration of exhalation, soft voice delivery, a feeling of relaxation of the muscles of the limbs, neck, torso, face;

Training in elements of speech therapy rhythm;

Correction of sound pronunciation disorders, development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, phonemic processes.

The classes use didactic games, games with singing, elements of dramatization games, and outdoor games with rules. When solving correctional problems, the speech therapist also identifies the characteristics of children’s behavior, the degree of impairment of motor skills, sound pronunciation, etc.

In an individual lesson, the teacher implements a program developed by a speech therapist for each child, which may include:

Exercises to develop the articulatory apparatus;

Exercises to develop fine motor skills of the fingers;

Exercises for automation and differentiation of sounds given by a speech therapist, and control over them;

Work on speech breathing, on the smoothness and duration of exhalation;

Lexico-grammatical tasks and exercises for the development of coherent speech.

Based on this scheme of individual work, the teacher can structure his classes taking into account the speech problems of each child. So, knowing that the child’s sound [C] is at the stage of automation, the teacher can include tasks with this sound, even minimally, in all group lessons. For example, a child is asked to count only dishes in mathematics that have the sound [C] in their names - pots, pans, stewpans. And let the other child count teapots, cups, spoons (if he goes through “hissing” sounds with a speech therapist).

During a lesson on the sound culture of speech, each child can be asked to parse words with the sounds that they are corrected by a speech therapist.

Observing the dynamics allows the teacher to visually track the dynamics of the sound pronunciation of all speech children in a group or a specific child. Based on conventions, the teacher offers the child only the speech material that he can handle. It becomes easier for the teacher to choose poems for the holiday (in case of difficulties, a speech therapist helps). Fewer problems arise in classes: the teacher knows what answers he can expect from the child, and does not strive to demand impossible efforts from the latter. Thus, the child has no fear of answering in class, and there is no reinforcement of incorrect pronunciation of those sounds that he cannot yet master.

List of working contacts for speech therapists and teachers when working with children with special needs development disorders (4th week of October)

Sound pronunciation


Letter, sound


Dictionary. Lexico-grammatical concepts


Connected speech


Gross motor skills

General set of articulation exercises No. 1 (with everyone).

Lena, Sveta - work from individual notebooks.

Roma, Dima - see cards.

Serezha, Ira – automation of sound (s) in open syllables

a (ay)

1. Play “Raise the Signal” with all the children (highlighting sounds at the beginning of a word).

2. Breathing exercise “Whose string is longer?”

Roma, Tanya – individual work

Dictionary (speech material is selected by a speech therapist in accordance with the lexical topic being studied).

Game “One - Many” (with a ball).

Individual work: Sema, Vera – agreement of nouns with adjectives; Petya, Vanya - units. and many more h.


Polina, Artyom – agreement of nouns with numerals

1. “Magic bag” (writing descriptive stories).

2. Reading the fairy tale “Tops and Roots”, conversation about the fairy tale.

Individual work: Vova, Katya - compiling a descriptive story according to the scheme;

Petya, Vanya - compilation of comparative stories-descriptions (tomato-cucumber)

1. Conducting finger gymnastics: “The hostess came from the market one day.”

2. Speech - movement: exercise “Vegetables”.

3. Learning the physical education lesson “We three, three cabbage...”

4. Laying out letters a, y from beans, beans, peas


+ – coped;

Z – fasten.

The teacher must clearly understand the dynamics of the development of the phonemic aspect of each child’s speech. The speech therapy screen, compiled by a speech therapist, reflects the dynamics of work on correcting sound pronunciation and helps the teacher systematically monitor the sounds given. The screen is made of a material that allows the use of magnetic or adhesive colored sound symbols. The screen is placed in the teacher’s work area.

Sound pronunciation screen (4th week of October)

Last name, first name of the child



nal stage

Isolated pronunciation

In syllables

In words

In phrases

In phrases

In sentences

In poetry, coherent speech

[w] -

[R ]-

[With] -

[With] -

[ts] -

[l] -

[With] -

[w] -

[h] -

[sch] -

[h] -

[h] -

When selecting speech material, the teacher must remember the speech problems of each child. But he does not always have the opportunity to track those moments that may interfere with the correct consolidation of speech material. Suitable tongue twisters, tongue twisters, and poems are not always published in popular literature. Therefore, a speech therapist helps select speech material that corresponds to the norm of sound pronunciation of children with speech disorders, recommends that educators work with ready-made printed publications, and advises using literature and speech material that is correct from a speech therapy standpoint.

Speech breathing also plays an important role. The most important conditions for correct speech are a smooth and long exhalation, clear and relaxed articulation. In each exercise, children’s attention is directed to a calm, relaxed exhalation, to the duration and volume of the sounds pronounced. The speech therapist and teacher make sure that when inhaling, the posture is free, the shoulders are lowered.

The teacher can invite children to practice fine motor skills in shading, tracing shapes, and cutting out. Thus, not only is the group working on the general tasks of preparing the hand for writing, but also correctional work is being done on the interaction of fine motor skills and the articulatory apparatus (especially in children with a dysarthric component).

Graphs with lexical and grammatical tasks are aimed at repeating the material covered by the speech therapist. This allows the teacher to once again identify the child’s problems and help overcome them. In your free play time, invite your child to play not just a didactic game, but a game that corresponds to the lexical speech therapy topic (Zoo lotto, Match a Pair game - antonyms).

The lexical topic that the speech therapist works on in his classes is continued in the teacher’s classes and outside of them. At the beginning of the school year, the speech therapist draws up a promising thematic plan, which is agreed upon with the teacher. Lexical topics are selected and combined in such a way that the material learned when studying some topics is generalized and expanded when studying others. For example, the themes “Fruits and Vegetables”, “Mushrooms and Berries” are reflected in the “Autumn” theme, and “Wintering Birds” and “Wild Animals in Winter” are reflected in the “Winter” theme. Or they are coordinated in such a way that the material covered is repeated and reinforced in the next topic. For example, the topic “My Family” is reinforced when studying “My House”, and in classes on the topic “Clothing” knowledge on “Furniture” is consolidated. The themes “Transport” and “Animals of hot countries”, “Library” and “Fairy Tales”, etc. are similarly coordinated.

Approximate content of the work of a teacher and speech therapist

(2nd week of September, senior group, topic “Vegetables”)

Corrective tasks of the week

Contents of the teacher's work

Contents of a speech therapist's work

Phonemic perception: identifying the sound [a] among other sounds

Formation of auditory attention: didactic game “Find a Vegetable” (with a bell); "Not really"; “What do you hear?”

The concept of “speech and non-speech sounds”; acquaintance with the sound [a] and the letter a (game “Catch the sound [a])

Sound-letter analysis and synthesis: highlighting the stressed vowel at the beginning of a word; analysis of a scale of two sounds

Work on the instructions of a speech therapist to consolidate conditioned skills (afternoon)

Emphasizing the stressed vowel at the beginning of a word; analysis of a scale of two sounds

Vocabulary: vegetables

Expansion, activation and consolidation of vocabulary on the topic in all classes and during all routine moments

Introduction of conditional words into the child’s coherent speech

Inflection: singular and plural nouns

Forming an idea of ​​the singularity and plurality of objects (in mathematics, modeling, drawing, while walking).
Consolidation of a new lexical and grammatical category in games during the day (“One - many”, “Collect vegetables in baskets, etc.)

Introducing a new lexical and grammatical category

Syntactic level: animate and inanimate objects

Reinforcing concepts in games as instructed by the speech therapist (walk, routine moments, correctional hour)

Introduction to the concept of “animate – inanimate”

Development of coherent speech: drawing up sentences based on the actions performed

Awakening children to pronounce the actions they perform during all routine moments

Learning to answer questions in full sentences in the game “Living Pictures” and verbalize the actions being performed

Sound pronunciation: developing air flow directions, practicing articulation

Exercises on the strength of exhalation “blow on dill” (option: hang a picture in the door of the hygiene room), practicing a general set of dynamic and statistical articulation exercises as instructed by the speech therapist (morning, evening)

Development of a directed air stream for production of specific sounds, development of a special set of articulation exercises for production of specific sounds

Speech is movement

Learning and playing the game “Vegetables” throughout the day

Using them as exercise minutes

Fine motor skills

Learning finger gymnastics exercises “The hostess came home from the market one day” (time of preparation for breakfast, lunch); mosaic, lacing, tops, etc. (afternoon)
Work on instructions from a speech therapist (afternoon)

Work in subgroups with children with fine motor impairments

To optimize the organizational and content of correctional pedagogical activities, you can create a list of working contacts between a speech therapist and a teacher, both for the entire group of children and for each child.

For each lexical topic, the speech therapist selects speech material, determines correctional goals and methods for their implementation. The speech skills developed by the speech therapist in frontal and individual classes are reinforced by the teacher not only during classes, but also in all routine moments. After all, the teacher is with the children in a variety of settings: in the locker room, bedroom, play corner, etc. He works with children all day and has the opportunity to repeatedly repeat the speech material developed by the speech therapist, repeat and reinforce new words, without which it is impossible to introduce them into independent life .

Improving coherent utterances takes place in the formation of a complete answer in frontal and individual lessons, composing stories and descriptions on a lexical topic, in games and exercises, dramatization games, dramatization games: “I am a storyteller,” “You ask, and I will tell,” “ I’ll guess, and you guess.” Duration of individual teacher lesson–10-15 minutes.

All the teacher’s activities, didactic games, and routine moments are used to train children in accessible independent speech. The basis for this work should be the skills acquired by children in speech therapy classes. The teacher organizes routine moments such as washing, dressing, eating, and at the same time trains children in short or detailed answers to questions, depending on the stage of speech therapy work and the child’s individual speech capabilities. Morning and evening walks strengthen the physical condition of children and ensure proper sleep.

The correct organization of the children's team, the clear implementation of routine moments have a positive effect on the physical and mental state of the child and, consequently, on the state of his speech. The ability to approach a child, taking into account his individual characteristics, pedagogical tact, calm, friendly tone–These are precisely the qualities that are necessary when working with children with speech disorders.


The success of correctional and educational work in a speech therapy group is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the essence of which is the speech therapy of the entire educational process, the entire life and activity of children.

The only way to implement speech therapy–this is a close interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher (for different functional tasks and methods of correctional work).

Corrective tasks facing the speech therapy group teacher:

1. Constant improvement of articulatory, fine and gross motor skills.

2. Consolidating the pronunciation of sounds given by the speech therapist.

3. Purposeful activation of practiced vocabulary.

4. Exercise in the correct use of formed grammatical categories.

5. Development of attention, memory, logical thinking in games and exercises using defect-free speech material.

6. Formation of coherent speech.

7. Strengthening reading and writing skills.

The main directions of the teacher’s correctional work:

1. Articulation gymnastics (with respiratory and vocal elements) is performed 3-5 times during the day.

2. Finger gymnastics performed in combination with articulation 3-5 times a day.

3. Corrective mini-gymnastics to prevent postural and foot disorders, it is performed daily after sleep.

4. Evening private lessons teacher on the instructions of the speech therapist, reinforcing sound pronunciation.

The work is carried out by the teacher using the children’s individual notebooks. The content of these classes is determined by the program:

a) pronouncing syllables, words, sentences using a fixed sound;

b) repetition of tongue twisters, short stories, poems;

c) exercise in sound-syllable analysis and synthesis;

d) repetition of lexical and grammatical exercises;

e) exercises to develop attention, memory, and thinking.

5. Frontal classes according to the preschool education program (and in accordance with the schedule of speech therapy work).

A distinctive feature of the teacher’s frontal classes in the logogroup is that, in addition to educational and educational tasks, he also faces correctional tasks directly related to the topic of each lesson.

6. Corrective work outside of class: during routine moments, self-service, household work and work in nature, on a walk, excursion, in games and entertainment. The particular significance of this work is that it provides the opportunity for extensive practice of free speech communication among children and consolidation of speech skills in the everyday life and activities of children.

Linguistic material for the speech zone:

1. Mirrors;

2. Visual and illustrative material on lexical topics;

3. Visual and illustrative material on phonetic groups;

4. Story pictures for working on the phrase;

5. Toys for improving diaphragmatic-speech breathing;

6. Guides for improving manual praxis;

7. Aids for the development of visual memory;

8. Aids for the development of phonemic hearing.

So, every child who has certain developmental disabilities needs effective and speedy rehabilitation, allowing the child to overcome developmental disorders, while he must cope with his difficulties as soon as possible in order to “catch up” in the development of children who do not have disabilities in development. This is possible only if a single correctional and developmental space is formed around each such child, which is supported not only by the speech therapist and teachers of the kindergarten group that the child attends, but also, to varying degrees, by all the adults who surround him in everyday life and influence his development : medical staff, head of physical education, music director, head of art activities, family.


1. Preschool; pedagogy /July/ 2008. Interaction between kindergarten and family in overcoming speech disorders in preschool children.

2. Scientific and methodological journal Speech therapist, No. 2, 2008. Smirnova L.N. The relationship between the work of a speech therapist and a teacher.

3. Scientific and methodological journal Speech therapist. No. 3 2009. Ivanova O.F. Ways to optimize the joint work of a speech therapist and educator.

4. Karpova S.I., Mamaeva V.V., Nikitina A.V. Interaction in the work of speech group specialists./ Speech therapist in kindergarten, 2007, No. 9 (24).

5. Ivanova Yu.V. Preschool speech center: documentation, planning and organization of work.–M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2008,126 pp.




1. The culture of speech of the child’s environment: the speech of others should be correct, accessible, one should not rush into an answer, constantly approve, encourage correct speech.

Favorable attitude towards children suffering from speech disorders. Creating a favorable external environment, a calm plan, respect, trust.

2. Constant stimulation for verbal communication. All preschool employees and parents are obliged to constantly demand that children observe speech breathing and correct pronunciation.

3. a) Preschool teachers must know the pattern of normal development of a child’s speech (A. Gvozdev) and prepare a memo for parents;

b) Teachers of speech therapy groups must have a speech profile of children with speech disorders, know their speech therapy report and the state of speech development.

4. a) Preschool teachers must carry out systematic work to educate sound culture and speech development.

b) Teachers of speech therapy groups must conduct speech therapy work in front of a mirror, carry out the speech therapist’s assignments using individual notebooks and albums, and notebooks for classes.

5. a) Parents should pay serious attention to the child’s speech, stimulate the child’s correct speech, constantly talk to him, simply talk about events in the child’s life in the kindergarten, in the family

b) Parents of children with speech impairments should systematically; carry out tasks of a speech therapist to consolidate the given sounds of the dictionary by topic, grammatical structure, and coherent speech. Design your notebooks colorfully and neatly. Watch for correct pronunciation.

Memo to preschool teacher

During the period of the child’s stay in the preschool educational institution, you are the guarantor of his rights.

In the process of education and training NOT ACCEPTABLE:

Careless, rude treatment of a child;

Biased criticism, threats against him;

Intentional isolation from the children's group;

Making excessive demands on a child without taking into account his age and health status;

Taking pictures of him in an unkempt state.


From the first minutes of a child’s stay in a preschool educational institution, create for him an atmosphere of care and attention as close as possible to home;

Without reducing the requirements for the child’s behavior in a team, provide for him the most comfortable conditions of stay, as well as the possibility of short-term solitude;

If facts of child abuse in the family are discovered, the administration must be notified in a timely manner.


A speech therapy group teacher should not:

1. Rush the child with an answer.

2. Interrupt speech and rudely pull back, but tactfully give a sample of correct speech.

3. Force the child to pronounce a phrase rich in sounds he has not yet identified.

4. Let them learn texts and poems that the child cannot yet pronounce.

5. Let a child with incorrect speech appear on stage (matinee).


Constantly monitor children’s speech and cultivate a critical attitude towards their speech. If the sounds are delivered, require only correct answers, correct articulation

If your child begins to stutter:

1. Do not emphasize your special attention to his speech (do not notice stuttering).

2. Protect from ridicule of comrades.

3. Go with the child to the simplest form of response while exhaling, the voice is slightly lower than normal volume, eliminating the rapid pace of speech.

4. Do not demand difficult and long answers; it is better to repeat your friend’s answer.

5. Have constant contact with a speech therapist, doctor, psychologist, parents.

1. Worksheet for interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher

on automation of delivered sounds

MDOU No.___________

WORKSHEET on automating choreographed sounds

Group ________________

Speech therapist ________________________________________________________________

Dear teachers!

To successfully automate the given sounds, we ask you to pay attention to their correct pronunciation in speech by the following children:

Last name, first name

Automated sounds


"____" ___________ 20____


“+” the task was completed correctly;

“–” the task was completed incorrectly;

«  » unstable task performance.


When calculating points, only the “+” sign is taken as one; instability of performance in this case is a negative indicator and needs to be improved.

Characteristics of groups:

Group B

Group C

Group H

Group Oh

Children who scored 15-14 points. Fine motor skills are well developed.

Children who scored 13-12 points. Fine motor skills are underdeveloped

Children who scored 11-9 points. Fine motor skills are poorly developed.

Children who scored 8 points or less. Fine motor skills lag behind age norms.

Note: n – beginning of the year, k – end of the year

Speech therapist __________________ Educator ____________________

Article. Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher in the correctional process of a speech therapy group.

Carrying out the entire complex of correctional training during speech therapy work requires combining special classes to correct speech defects with the fulfillment of general program requirements. For speech therapy groups, a special daily routine has been developed that differs from the usual. The speech therapist provides frontal, subgroup and individual lessons. Along with this, the lesson schedule includes time for classes according to a standard comprehensive program for preschool children (“Development”, “Rainbow”, “Childhood”, etc.): mathematics, speech development and familiarization with the environment, ecology, drawing, modeling, physical education and music classes. Along with this, hours are allocated in the evening for the teacher to work with subgroups or individual children on speech correction (development) in accordance with the assignment of the speech therapist. The teacher plans his work taking into account the requirements of both the standard comprehensive program and the speech capabilities of the children and their progress in mastering the correction program implemented by the speech therapist in accordance with the nature of the speech disorder.

In this regard, there is a need to ensure interaction and continuity in the work of the teacher and speech therapist in the speech therapy group. The teacher must know the main directions of the correctional program, the age and individual characteristics of the formation of speech of preschoolers, understand the peculiarities of the pronunciation and lexico-grammatical aspects of speech and take into account the speech capabilities of each child in the process of educational and extracurricular activities.

Together with the speech therapist, the teacher plans classes on speech development, familiarization with the outside world, preparation for literacy and preparing the hand for writing. Continuity in the work of a speech therapist and teacher involves not only joint planning, but also the exchange of information, discussion of children’s achievements, both in speech and in other classes. All this is recorded in a special notebook.

Thus, the teacher of the speech therapy group performs, in addition to general educational tasks, a number of correctional tasks, the essence of which is to eliminate deficiencies in the sensory, affective-volitional, and intellectual spheres caused by the characteristics of the speech defect. At the same time, the teacher turns his attention not only to the correction of existing deficiencies in the child’s development, to enriching ideas about the environment, but also to the further development and improvement of the activities of intact analyzers. This creates the basis for the favorable development of the child’s compensatory capabilities, which ultimately affects the effective acquisition of speech.

Compensation for a child’s speech underdevelopment, his social adaptation and preparation for further education at school dictate the need to master, under the guidance of a teacher, those types of activities that are provided for in the programs of a mass general developmental kindergarten. The teacher should pay special attention to the development of perception (visual, auditory, tactile), mnestic processes, accessible forms of visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, motivation.

An important aspect of working in a speech therapy group is the development of cognitive activity and cognitive interests in children. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiar lag in the formation of cognitive processes in general, which develops in children under the influence of speech underdevelopment, narrowing of contacts with others, incorrect methods of family education and other reasons.

Correct, pedagogically justified interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist, combining their efforts in the interests of speech correction in children, is based on the creation of a friendly, emotionally positive environment in a speech therapy group. The psychological atmosphere in the children's team strengthens children's faith in their own capabilities, allows them to smooth out negative experiences associated with speech impairment, and develop interest in classes. To do this, the educator, like the speech therapist, must have knowledge in the field of developmental psychology and individual psychophysical differences in preschool children. They need to be able to understand various negative manifestations of children’s behavior, and notice in time signs of increased fatigue, exhaustion, passivity and lethargy. Correctly organized psychological and pedagogical influence of the teacher in most cases prevents the appearance of persistent unwanted deviations in behavior and forms collective friendly, socially acceptable relationships in the speech therapy group.

The work of a teacher on speech development in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, prepares children to perceive material in future speech therapy classes, providing the necessary cognitive and motivational basis for the formation of speech knowledge and skills. In other cases, the teacher focuses his attention on consolidating the results achieved by children in speech therapy classes.

The task of the teacher of the speech therapy group also includes daily monitoring of the state of children’s speech activity in each period of the correction process, monitoring the correct use of sounds assigned or corrected by the speech therapist, learned grammatical forms, etc. Particular attention of the educator should be paid to children with a late onset of speech activity, with aggravated medical history, and characterized by psychophysiological immaturity. The teacher should not focus children's attention on the occurrence of possible errors or hesitations in speech, repetitions of the first syllables and words. Such manifestations should be reported to a speech therapist. The responsibilities of the educator also include good knowledge of the individual characteristics of children with general speech underdevelopment, who react differently to their defect, to communication difficulties, and to changes in communication conditions.

The teacher’s speech is important in everyday communication with children in the speech therapy group. It should serve as a model for children with speech disorders: to be clear, extremely intelligible, well intonated, figuratively expressive and grammatically correct. Complex inverted constructions, phrases, and introductory words that complicate the understanding of speech should be avoided. Outstanding teachers and methodologists of speech development in preschool children E.I. Tikheeva and E.A. drew their attention to this. Fleurina.

The specificity of the work of a teacher in a speech therapy group is that the teacher organizes and conducts classes on the instructions of the speech therapist. The teacher plans individual or subgroup lessons with children in the afternoon after nap time (before or after afternoon snack). 5-7 children are invited to an evening speech therapy session. The following types of exercises are recommended:

consolidation of well-placed sounds (pronunciation of syllables, words, sentences);

repetition of poems, stories;

exercises to develop attention, memory, logical thinking, phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills;

activation of coherent speech in a conversation on familiar lexical or everyday topics.

In the process of correctional work, the teacher pays great attention to the development of fine motor skills. So, during extracurricular time, you can invite children to put together mosaics, puzzles, figures from matches or counting sticks, practice untying and tying shoelaces, collect scattered buttons or small objects, and pencils of different sizes. Children can be offered work in notebooks to develop writing skills, recommended for children with speech disorders.

A special place in the work of the teacher is occupied by the organization of outdoor games for children with speech disorders, due to the fact that children in this category are often somatically weakened, physically intolerable, and quickly get tired. When planning work on organizing play activities, the teacher must clearly understand the reality of the physical capabilities of each child and differentiated selection of outdoor games. Outdoor games, which usually form part of physical education and music classes, can be played during a walk, at holiday matinees, or during entertainment hours.

Games with movement must be combined with other types of children's activities. Outdoor games simultaneously help the successful formation of speech. They often contain sayings and quatrains; they can be preceded by a counting rhyme for choosing a driver. Such games also contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm, harmony and coordination of movements, and have a positive effect on the psychological state of children.

The work of a teacher in teaching children role-playing games is also a necessary element of pedagogical activity in a speech therapy group. In role-playing games, the teacher activates and enriches the vocabulary, develops coherent speech, and teaches ritual interaction in social and everyday situations familiar to the child (doctor’s appointment, shopping in a store, traveling on public transport, etc.). Role-playing games contribute to the development of communication and speech skills, stimulate children’s sociability, and develop social skills and abilities.

Based on the material presented in the first chapter, one can conclude:

1. At the present stage in Russia there is an active process of developing a system of correctional and developmental education for children with developmental problems (including speech), which represents a qualitatively new level of the educational process, allowing for early identification and timely provision of speech therapy and other assistance to children.

2. Understanding the complex structure of a speech defect, relying on existing classifications of speech disorders allows us to present the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of preschoolers with speech underdevelopment of different levels, on the basis of which the strategy and tactics of speech therapy work in a specialized group of a kindergarten are organized, the necessary speech therapy and general pedagogical techniques for correction are selected. help.

3. The success and effectiveness of correction of speech underdevelopment in preschool children is determined by the system of speech therapy work, one of the elements of which is the active interaction and continuity in the work of the speech therapist teacher and speech therapy group teachers in the holistic correctional and developmental process.

4. The system of speech therapy work is based on an individually differentiated personal approach, which allows. satisfy the needs and interests of each individual child, take into account his individual characteristics, and carry out targeted and effective speech correction in preschool children.