Vshe rating lists. HSE Admissions Committee

Olga, hello!

Does it mean? referring to the green wave data that
1) at the FCS PMI, the passing score in 2017 will be 300 or more. Or could the situation still change? Will there be one hundred percent such a passage?

2) At PI 297 or more?

1) The passing score for the green wave is 300 points - everything is correct here. There is a possibility that it will decrease (slightly), but it is unlikely.

2) A similar situation with PI.

It is worth monitoring the competitive situation with originals within the green wave - the passing score depends on how many originals will be in the program at the end of admission.

31.07.17 Tatiana-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Hello, we have the following question: my child did not submit documents to your university until July 26th. Can we submit documents in the second wave for the contract?

30.07.17 Maria-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Olga, hello. My daughter is on the "Green List" in the "alternate" direction. The original certificate is in the priority area, he wants to wait for the second wave. Can she bring the original certificate to your university after August 3 in the second wave if she sees that she does not qualify for the priority direction, or will she drop out of the competition in this case?

29.07.17 Marina-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Olga, hello! We found ourselves in a green wave and would like to clarify the following point. How will enrollment be distributed for budget-funded places and places at the expense of the National Research University Higher School of Economics? Is it possible that in the future, at the expense of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, they may be transferred to paid places due to a low rating? Thank you.

Alexey Alexandrovich Sobolevsky

Deputy Director for Public Relations of the Higher School of Economics.

The section is a “hotline” for questions regarding admission to HSE. To ask a question, use the “Ask a Question” link and state the essence of the question. The question will be sent to the admissions committee, which will quickly prepare an answer to it.

Question answer

Good afternoon, Alexey!

1. This year we significantly raised the minimum score from 65 to 75 in computer science and mathematics for Software Engineering. The child has a 70 in computer science, significantly higher in mathematics and close to the maximum in Russian. The expected total value of the contracting criterion will be significantly exceeded. Last year it would have been available for paid places under contracts, but this year it is not. Is there a chance to conclude an agreement for paid places for this program? So far there is no excitement there. What needs to be done for this and when to submit documents?

2. There are a number of prestigious international Olympiads and scientific and technical competitions in which Russian representatives participate in accordance with intergovernmental agreements (for example, with the European Union and the USA) and which are not covered by the Olympiads and teams of the Ministry of Education and Science, since they are above them. If a child wins and officially joins the Russian national team to participate in such international competitions, is it possible to contact the Admissions Committee with a request to take these achievements into account in accordance with clause 2.7 of the “Admission Rules”, which provide for “other special rights”? What's the best way to do this?

Good afternoon
1) Without passing the minimum threshold for one or more Unified State Examinations, you cannot submit documents either on a budget or on a paid basis (unless, of course, your child has a BVI benefit for this program - in this case there is no need to overcome the minimum threshold) So, to Unfortunately, it is not possible to apply for this program. However, HSE has a sufficient number of other programs for which your child can apply https://ba.hse.ru/minkrit2018 (remember that all HSE programs have a fairly large amount of variable part, which is chosen by the student himself, in addition to this there is the opportunity choose a minor from another program during the learning process https://electives.hse.ru/catalog2018 or choose courses from the HSE+ program https://www.hse.ru/plus

2) There are a number of international competitions that are taken into account for admission on an equal basis with the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren: https://ba.hse.ru/olimp2018. In this case, it is best for you to personally discuss the possibility of taking into account such Olympiads with representatives of the admissions committee.

30.06.18 Sergey-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Alexey, hello. A question. Our result is 231 points. Golden TRP badge, Red diploma. Do we have the opportunity to meet the budget? If not, are there any benefits when enrolling in a paid department? Thank you.

Good afternoon
Last year, the passing scores for the HSE Moscow campus were as follows: https://ba.hse.ru/result2017

The minimum scores for 2017 programs were as follows:

Joint bachelor's degree at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Center for Mathematics and Mathematics - 242 (Russian, mathematics, physics)

Infocommunication technologies and communication systems -- 251 (Russian, mathematics, physics)

Informatics and Computer Science -- 257 (Russian, mathematics, physics)

Also this year, 3 new programs with budget places in Oriental Studies appeared (it is not possible to predict the passing grade for them):

  • Languages ​​and literature of India
  • Language and literature of Iran
  • Biblical studies and history of ancient Israel
A complete list of programs is available on the website for applicants: https://ba.hse.ru

For other programs, the passing score was higher and one cannot count on a significant decrease.
Remember that HSE applicants have the most transparent system of discounts based on Unified State Exam results: https://ba.hse.ru/disc2018

You may also consider the possibility of enrolling not at the Moscow campus, but at our campuses in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm. Education there is conducted according to common standards with the central campus and there is the opportunity to study for a semester at another campus.

28.06.18 Natalia-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Good afternoon
I couldn’t find any information on the website about the possibility of paying for education using maternity capital. Thanks in advance for your answer

Good afternoon Yes, from the second half of the year of study, payment with maternity capital is possible. At the admission stage, the admissions committee provides assistance in preparing documents for applying to the Pension Fund, but payment will be required for enrollment. Parents pay for the first half of the year of study, taking into account the discount provided, with their own funds until August 20 and at the same time apply for documents to receive maternity capital. During two monthsThe pension fund transfers money for one year of study. After a student is enrolled, from September 1, all the applicant’s affairs are managed by the faculty’s academic office.Previously deposited funds are an overpayment and will be returned to the bank account of the customer (the applicant’s mother).
When drawing up an agreement involving payment with maternity capital after July 2, you can contact the office for more detailed advice. 242 – administrative office of the contracting service.

27.06.18 Svetlana-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Good afternoon
I am a prize-winner of the regional stage of the 2018 schoolchildren Olympiad and the winner of the municipal stage in computer science, but not in the Nizhny Novgorod region, but in another, will this be counted towards my personal achievements, and will it give me additional points when entering the Higher School of Economics in Nizhny Novgorod? direction Software Engineering?
With all respect, Andrew.

Good afternoon
The list of individual achievements is different for each program. For our Nizhny Novgorod campus the list is on this page:

It doesn’t matter in which region you are the winner or prize-winner. But the type of the Olympiad itself (All-Russian or list) directly affects the ID scores.

16.06.18 Andrey-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Good afternoon Please tell me. Bachelor's degree in Unified State Exam.
1. If you went to the green wave, but didn’t bring the original, you’ll have to wait, in case you go to the second one in the priority direction. Didn't make it to the second one. Has your place been preserved since the first wave? Can I bring the original to the direction where I went in green before the second wave closes?
2. Do I need to pay for a paid place in advance, so that later it does not turn out that the paid places have already been filled?
3. photo for the admissions committee - bachelor's degree in Unified State Exam, is it necessary?
4. You apply for a major in, say, economics. How many specialties within the field can you apply for, and how will they be distributed? and when you find out what specialty you ended up in.
Thanks for the answer.

1) Yes. If the score of the “green wave” does not increase from the first stage to the second (practically this did not happen; in some cases the score of the first and second waves coincided), then before the end of the deadline for accepting originals for the second wave you will not be eliminated from the competition for the first program (where you were in ZV)
2) If you are applying for a discount https://ba.hse.ru/discount, then there is no point in paying right away - we are guaranteed to accept documents from all applicants who apply for discounts. However, in a number of programs with great competition for a paid form (if you are not applying for a discount), it is better to conclude and pay for the contract immediately. If you use the budget for another program, the HSE will refund the entire amount.

3) List of documents to be submitted to the admissions committee here: https://ba.hse.ru/spd2018

4) Within the direction, you can apply to any number of programs. At the same time, do not forget that with campuses in Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg and Perm, we are one university. So, for example, you can apply to programs on all four campuses in one application for the Economics major.

14.06.18 Svetlana-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Good evening. Please explain, is it necessary to print out the school Olympiad diploma and submit this diploma with the rest of the documents to receive the benefit? Does this diploma need to be certified somehow (say, notarized)?

Good afternoon
You need to print the diploma from your personal account. There is no need to certify it.

24.05.18 Igor-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Good afternoon Does the right to enter the BVI give a 2nd degree diploma in the 2nd level listed Olympiad “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” in the areas of “History” and “Political Science”?

In the current year 2018, experts note a large influx of applicants wishing to get an education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. More than 40 thousand people submitted their applications to this educational institution. This state of affairs can be explained by the high status of the university and its good teaching staff.

Despite such great demand, only half of all applicants will be able to enroll and obtain a specialty at the Higher School of Economics. The number of places is strictly determined for both budget and paid forms of education.

Where were the lists of applicants to the Higher School of Economics published in 2018?

The official website of the National Research University Higher School of Economics has already published lists of the number of applicants for each of the specialties of this higher education institution. The areas of greatest demand are computer science and economics. This excitement is quite obvious, since specialists in this field are now urgently needed on the Russian labor market.

A graduate who has a diploma from the Higher School of Economics has many different advantages compared to graduates of other higher educational institutions. This is because, according to one of the latest rating lists that was carried out in Russia, this educational institution occupies one of the leading places in terms of the quality of teaching material and the qualification level of the teaching staff.

How many people, according to the lists of applicants, will be admitted to the Higher School of Economics in 2018?

23 thousand 248 applications for budget places and 17 thousand 779 applications for a paid form of education were submitted for the budget form of education. However, according to information on the number of places offered by the university, only 2 thousand 19 people will be able to enroll in a budget-funded education and 3 thousand 390 people in a paid form of education.

According to the results of the first round of applicants, 494 students were admitted to the National Research University for various specialties. It is these citizens who will be able to study on a budget-funded form of education. As for the enrollment of students in the second wave, these results will be known a little later.

RANEPA is one of the leading universities in our country, the largest university in Russia and Europe with a socio-economic and humanitarian profile. Our Academy rightfully occupies the top lines in all national rankings.

High-quality educational programs will help the student gain unique knowledge and build a dynamic career. Already during your studies, you will have the opportunity to undergo internships in large Russian and international companies.

RANEPA cooperates with leading foreign educational institutions. The double degree program provides training and internships at partner universities in the UK, France, and the Netherlands. In addition, there are foreign exchange programs. Foreign languages ​​at the Academy are taught at the level of the best linguistic universities.

Our students can engage in science under the guidance of leading teachers and scientists from Russia and the world, and successfully develop their creative potential.

One of the priority areas for the Academy is the development of student life and self-government. The range of events is very wide: from vocal and dance competitions, KVN clubs and dance clubs to intellectual summer camps and schools.

Welcome to RANEPA!


Features of submitting documents to RANEPA

We draw your attention to the following features of submitting documents to RANEPA:

1. Acceptance of documents to the Academy for undergraduate and specialist programs is carried out separately by two admissions committees:

  • Academy admissions committee
  • the admissions committee of the Institute of Economics, Mathematics and Information Technologies (EMIT Institute) of the Academy (training areas 03/09/03 Applied Informatics, 03/38/01 Economics (only educational programs of the EMIT Institute), 03/38/05 Business Informatics).

When applying to study at the Academy, each admission committee (Admissions Committee of the Academy, Admissions Committee of the Institute of EMIT Academy) must submit a separate set of documents and a separate application.

2. In case of admission to study only in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, the application and a set of documents required for admission are submitted directly to.

3. Submission of an application and a set of necessary documents for admission to the Moscow regional branch of the Academy can be carried out at the location of the Academy’s Admissions Committee. Submission of an application to other branches of the Academy is carried out directly at the location of the corresponding branch or through public postal operators.

4. When submitting, in accordance with the Rules for Admission, copies of documents required for admission to the Academy/branches of the Academy, certification of copies is not required.

Please note that Acceptance of documents for master's programs is carried out

You must submit to the Admissions Committee:

  • completed application on the Academy website: for applicants, for applicants
  • identity document, citizenship document confirming recognition as a citizen of the Russian Federation (photocopy of the 1st page and the page with registration).
  • educational document (original or photocopy):

– about secondary general education;
– about secondary vocational education;
– a state-issued document on the level of education or on the level of education and qualifications received before January 1, 2014 (a document on primary vocational education confirming receipt of secondary (complete) general education or a document on primary vocational education received on the basis of secondary (complete) ) general education;
– about higher education.

  • for applicants applying based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the Academy independently - 2 photographs 3x4 cm
  • documents confirming special rights upon admission and/or the creation of special conditions during entrance examinations, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • documents confirming the individual achievements of students (original, photocopy) (submitted at the discretion of the applicant).


*-with the exception of distance learning programs: “Business Administration” of the International Center for Programs and Projects in Business Education; “Financial management of the public sector”, “Management of state and municipal enterprises”, “State and municipal social policy”, “System of state and municipal management”, “Legal support of state and municipal management”, “Civil law, family law, private international law » Institute of Public Service and Management; Banks, finance, investments, Finance: accounting, analysis and audit, Finance: international technologies of accounting and financial management, Finance and strategies for sustainable development, Financial diplomacy, Management in financial organizations, Monetary and financial regulation of the economy Faculty of Finance and Banking – from February 1, 2019


Postal address: 119571, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 82

Documents are accepted at the address: Moscow, Vernadskogo Avenue, 82
Bachelor's, specialist's, master's degrees

Opening hours: 10.00 - 17.00

Call center:

Monday–Friday: +7 499 956-99-99 (multi-channel)
Opening hours: 10.00 - 17.00

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

HSE University in numbers

Training format

HSE students study using a modular system and take sessions every 2-3 months. This makes exam periods easier as students report on fewer subjects. There is an approved list of disciplines, where there are compulsory subjects and elective subjects. Each HSE student has the right to create his own individual curriculum with the elective disciplines that interest him. The main condition for the variable part of the curriculum is compliance with the educational volume (at least 60 credits, that is, 2160 academic hours for one academic year). In addition to basic and elective disciplines, faculties can offer their students a list of general faculty electives. The student decides whether to include an elective in his individual curriculum or not. Credits for these disciplines are “accrued” in excess of the required 60 credits per year and imply the student’s full responsibility for the grades received in these disciplines.

Educational Opportunities

  • There are International programs
  • There is a Double Degree

Military training

  • There is a Military Department
  • There is a deferment from the army

Extracurricular activities of the National Research University Higher School of Economics

More than 100 student organizations, thousands of events and student government. Students stage plays in theaters, play in an orchestra, sing in a choir, and learn how to produce large events. The university has a student media outlet. There is an opportunity to do charity work.


  • There is a Dorm
  • 709 - 1,560 ₽ According to budget (month)
  • 709 - 1,560 ₽ Under contract (monthly)


  • 1,573 - 2,200 ₽ State scholarship (month)
  • up to 30,000 ₽ For special academic achievements (month)
  • up to 10,000 ₽ For social benefits (month)