Introduction of professional standards for vocational training teachers. Professional standard for a vocational education teacher: what, why and why? Generalized functions according to the professional standard of a teacher of vocational education

"Compilation of workers

programs in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

and approved changes."

15.04.2016 1. “On the work programs of educational subjects” letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 28, 2015. No. 08-1786 2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1576 dated December 31, 2015 “On amendments to the Federal State Educational Standards of the NEO, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009. No. 373" 3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1577 dated December 31, 2015 "On amendments to the Federal State Educational Standards of LLC, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010. No. 1897" “On the work programs of educational subjects” letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 28, 2015. No. 08-1786 1. “... In order to reduce the administrative burden of teaching staff of public education, the Department has prepared changes to the Federal State Educational Standard in terms of requirements for work programs of academic subjects.” 2. “... original curricula of academic subjects, developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the approximate educational program of the corresponding level of education, can also be considered as working programs of academic subjects. The decision on the possibility of using them in the structure of the PLO is made at the PA level.”

3. “... changes have been prepared to the Procedure for the formation of the federal list of textbooks, ... It is assumed that the FPU will include textbooks that have a methodological manual for teachers, containing materials on methods of teaching, studying a subject or education; incl. an approximate work program for an academic subject, developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard..."

Mandatory elements of the work program of a separate academic subject, course Until 12/31/2015 From 01/01/2016 1) Explanatory note 2) General characteristics of the academic subject, course 3) Description of the place of the subject, course in the curriculum 4) Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the academic subject , course 5) Content of an academic subject, course 6) Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities 7) Description of educational, methodological and material and technical support 8) Planned results of studying a separate subject, course 1) Planned results of mastering an academic subject, course 2) Contents of the academic subject, course 3) Thematic planning indicating the number of hours allocated for the development of each topic Mandatory elements of the work program of extracurricular activities courses Until 12/31/2015 (Federal State Educational Standards of NOO) From 01/01/2016 (Federal State Educational Standards of NOO and Federal State Educational Standards of LLC) 1) Explanatory note 2 ) General characteristics of the academic subject, course 3) Description of the place of the subject, course in the curriculum 4) Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the academic subject, course 5) Content of the academic subject, course 6) Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities 7) Description educational - methodological and material - technical support 8) Planned results of studying a separate subject, course 1) Results of mastering a course of extracurricular activities. 2) Contents of the course of extracurricular activities, indicating the forms of organization and types of activities; 3) Thematic planning. How are the different components connected? Development of a work program, thematic planning, calendar and thematic planning Preparation for the lesson (lesson flow chart, target settings = planned results) Design (construction) of control and measuring materials (CMM), preparation for various assessment procedures

Work programs for academic subjects (courses) are drawn up for the entire level of education

(grades 1-4, grades 5-9), not per academic year

Each teacher draws up his own work program, taking into account his own specifics and the specifics of specific students.

Programs compiled by different teachers for parallel classes can (and should) differ!

I. Planned results of studying an academic subject, course

The graduate will learn

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn

The planned results of studying an academic subject or course completely repeat the subject part of the section “Planned results of mastering OOP LLC”.

However, since the Work Program is often used as a separate document, it is better to repeat this section here.

The basis for writing this section of the Work Program is the corresponding section in the “Approximate OOP LLC”, where the planned results are described by subject.

Here the column “The graduate will learn” is not changed by the teacher, while in the column “The graduate will have the opportunity to learn” there may be significant changes.

The basis of this section is the content “ Fundamental core» Standard

learning programs

Federal State Educational Standards NOO and Federal State Educational Standards LLC

The program does not in any way reflect the sequence of mastering the course topics

This section of the Work Program describes ONLY the semantic units of the training course by grade!

III. Thematic planning indicating the number of hours allocated to mastering each topic

Approximate lesson thematic planning

Similar thematic plans are created FOR ALL SUBJECTS within the framework of LESSON ACTIVITIES.

Calendar - thematic planning

Each teacher composes his own CTP, taking into account his own specifics and the specifics of specific students.

KTP structure (in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards)

Section topic

Lesson topic

PR (planned result from the section “The graduate will learn”) = content element code


Calendar and thematic planning

Intended for chronological arrangement of content units that were described in the previous section.

Calendar and thematic planning (CTP) is compiled by the teacher ONLY FOR HIMSELF! THIS IS A TEACHER'S WORKING TOOL!

Therefore, the CTP must contain those columns that the teacher needs for his work.

Therefore, different teachers may have different forms of planning (indicate the required columns in the Regulations)

Thus, the school Regulations on the work program of a teacher implementing the Federal State Educational Standards of NOO and Federal State Educational Standards of LLC stipulates that the teacher has:

  • Author's program on the subject (course).
  • Author's work program for the subject (course).
  • Own calendar and thematic planning containing CMMs or a link to them.

A work program is a tool with which the teacher determines the optimal and most effective content, forms, methods and techniques for organizing educational relations for a given class in accordance with the results determined by the Federal State Educational Standard. A work program is a tool with which the teacher determines the optimal and most effective content, forms, methods and techniques for organizing educational relations for a given class in accordance with the results determined by the Federal State Educational Standard. The subject RP can be uniform for all teachers working at the school or individual. It is the basis for creating a QTP.

The work of a teacher in Russia is complex and difficult not only because of low salaries and problem students. After teaching lessons and filling out the teacher’s journal, it’s time for paperwork. It takes a lot of time and is mostly formal in nature. But for these formalities, teachers often receive reprimands from their superiors and inspectors. And then they listen to the reproach: “Why pay you more if you cannot correctly draw up a work plan.”

About the work plan

Any educational institution has its own work plan. And the work of each teacher involves drawing up a personal plan and activities according to it. The work programs include everything: lessons, educational work, communication with parents, trips to pick mushrooms and to the forest. Plans and programs exist in elementary schools; those who are already graduating from their class also have them. The document pursues the following goals:

  • Improves and systematizes the teacher’s work.
  • Contributes to better advancement of the educational process.
  • Harmoniously develops the entire school process.
  • Helps share experience with colleagues.
  • Introduces new techniques.

The preparation of the plan is strictly regulated from above. At the end of 2015, the Russian Ministry of Education established new requirements for programs for the academic year. It was planned to significantly simplify the structure of maintaining this document. Teachers copy the orientation program and introduce relevant topics. There is a fair opinion that this document does not so much improve the quality of teaching as it is an elementary formality. But it’s impossible to live without bureaucracy in a huge country!

What changed

The number of points was reduced from eight to three. What was decided to remain:

  • Accounting of allocated hours for each topic.
  • Expected results for the discipline.
  • Contents of the training course.

Regarding extracurricular work, the ministerial authorities left the following:

  • Planning the topics themselves.
  • Outcomes of the extracurricular training course.
  • Indication of forms for holding events.

The teacher has the right to use unique copyright programs. But they must comply with general rules and regulations. And the school administration is obliged to “give the go-ahead” to work using a unique method. The list of textbooks has also changed. Priority is given to those with teaching aids.

Work program structure

Any work program must fit into the general school documentation. The program includes:

  1. Title page. The name of the school, the name of the subject and the details of the author of the program are written on it. Valid dates are indicated.
  2. Explanatory note. She will talk about the program developer and the textbooks used. It specifies goals and objectives and prescribes methods for working with gifted children. Possible deviations from the schedule are also indicated.
  3. Calendar-thematic planning grid. It should have the names of the topics, the number of hours allocated, and the expected results. It is welcome to indicate the form of conducting lessons or educational hours.

Updated requirements show interest in conducting non-standard forms of classes. It is recommended to use a round table, discussion, conference. The program must take into account assessment criteria and teaching methods. It is important to know the tactics of children. This can be frontal, group or individual work. The types of aids are listed: visual, didactic materials, audio or video (note deleted by the owner) equipment. The entire document is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, the availability of textbook sets, and a rough outline of the entire course. The teacher has the right to make amendments and reasonable changes.

Features of the program

The teacher's program is an author's document. Each person should have their own, special one. Although the basic provisions and points are identical. The teacher’s experience, his individual developments, and the level of preparation of a certain class are taken into account. Even the teacher’s thinking style plays a big role. All programs are approved by the school administration until August 31. And the concern of the school authorities is to control, check and punish the devil for non-compliance. A good example of the program can be seen in the video (note deleted by the owner):

To the epigraph:

“If you have done the work, record it in documents. If you haven’t done it, fix it and write it down three times!” This is the sage advice of a late school principal.

to the working
2016-2017 academic year
Page 1

Work programs for academic subjects
compiled for the academic year
Each teacher draws up his own work
program taking into account its own specifics and
specifics of specific students
Programs for parallel classes
is a group of MO teachers who
use this program
(replacement contingent)
Page 2

Differences between the Sample and Working Programs:
compiled on the basis of:
compiled on the basis of:
- sample program
Page 3

The right of the work program compiler

expand the list of topics and concepts studied within
academic load, reveal the content of sections, topics
specify and detail topics
distribute the time allocated for studying the course between
sections and topics
specify the requirements for mastery results
OOP students
include material from the regional component of the subject
choose based on the subject matter
objectives, methods and technologies of training
Page 4

Documents of Federal significance

Federal Law No. 273-F3 of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”
Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On approval of the federal
component of state standards for primary general, basic general and secondary
(complete) general education dated 03/05/2004 No. 1089;
Federal State educational standard for primary general education,

06.10.2009 No. 373;
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 No. 69
“On amendments to the federal component of state educational
standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education,
approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004
year No. 1089
Federal state educational standard of basic general education,
approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated
12/17/2010 No. 1897
Federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general
education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Federation dated May 17, 2012. No. 413
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 02/01/2012. No. 74 “On amendments to the federal basic
curriculum and sample curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation
federations implementing general education programs approved by order
Page 5
Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 09.03. 2004 No. 1312.

OS documents
Page 6

Work program functions

- methodological
- planning
Page 7

Requirements for the design of the work program

The text is typed in the Word editor
Times NewRoman font
Point size 12
Headings, font size 14, are highlighted in bold.
Single line spacing
Margins “Regular” Top - 2, Bottom - 2, Left - 3, Right - 1.5
Centering of headings and paragraphs in the text is done using the tools
Tables are inserted directly into text
The title page is considered the first, but is not numbered in the same way as the sheets
Pages are numbered with Arabic numerals, the number sign is placed at the top
page and aligned to the center
The bibliography is organized in alphabetical order
Calendar-thematic planning is presented in the form of a table
A4 sheets
The work program is stitched and certified by the OS seal
Page 8

Work program structure
Title page
Explanatory note
General characteristics of the academic subject (course)
Description of the subject's place in the curriculum


Criteria and standards for assessment in the subject
Description of material, technical and educational methodological support;
Schedule-thematic planning with definition
main types of educational activities;
Page 9

Title page

Page 10

Explanatory note
Class characteristics
(permanent contingent)
Total, boys to girls ratio, average age
class composition:
Having older or younger children
General level of discipline, degree of controllability
by the children's team from the teacher
General level
academic performance,
you to study.
Indicate the number of students by health group
(for physical education teachers)
The presence of gifted children requiring individual
Presence of children requiring special attention
Page 11

Level of activity in the lesson
you're in class
Ability to work independently and in groups
Attitude to creative activity
Attitude towards homework
Page 12

Specifics of MDC "Artek" (shift contingent)

FGBOU schools
"MDC "Artek"
is that
Students from various educational institutions
Russia: gymnasiums, lyceums, specialized
schools, boarding schools, orphanages, etc.
We studied in different ways before Artek
Have different levels of educational achievements
Are being trained
formation of a temporary children's team
in the conditions of the Artek MDC
Short stay at Artek (21
day) – short duration of schooling
Learning without homework
Page 13

Learning Objectives
subject (course)
Every teacher
sets goals
specifically for
yourself and yours
No need
describe goals
in which there are no
sure and which
Do not understand!
Explanatory note
formation of a system ... knowledge
learning from specific examples
knowledge of the essence and dynamics of the main
main features...
formation of skills and abilities...
education of respect, conscious
development of intellectual
and creative
students' abilities through...
development... of competencies through...
formation of thinking qualities,
for... interest in...
development of sustainable
developing skills in schoolchildren
apply... knowledge for...
gaining experience in a variety of
activities in...
Page 14

Brief (one-paragraph) description
the essence of the science being studied
The second paragraph may
point at
this course for
of this age
General characteristics of the educational
subject (course)
... - academic subject in the main
school, the foundation of which is
scientific knowledge about...
School course... is...
The course... is part of the science of....
That's why…
In the modern world it is extraordinary
current knowledge about... That's why…
Adolescence is different...
That's why…
This section is especially necessary for
additional, club, elective,
specialized and other “non-traditional” courses!
Page 15

Description of the place of the subject (course) in
OU curriculum
At what point do they start studying the course?
Short description
of this subject
(course) with others
educational subjects
Is it a continuation of the study
this subject in primary school
How much time is allocated for studying?
of this subject (course)
How is study time distributed?
high school classes
Which educational field?
includes subject (course)
What other subjects (courses)
support this subject (course)
Possibility of extracurricular study
individual course topics, COM,
All explanatory parts are written in simple language so that you can understand
unprepared reader (parent, student, etc.)!
Page 16

Results of mastering the subject
According to Federal State Educational Standards
According to FC GOS
Personal, meta-subject
and subject results
are described separately for
each item
Development results
subject at basic or
elevated levels
The standard is the law!
Sample program - document
Page 17

Planned results of the study
educational subject, course
(FSES grades 1-6)
The basis for writing this section of the Work Program
draws up the corresponding section in the “Approximate OOP LLC”,
where the planned results are described by subject
The column “The graduate will learn” is not changed by the teacher, whereas in
the column “The graduate will have the opportunity to learn” can be
significant changes
The graduate will learn
The graduate will have the opportunity
Page 18

Planned results of mastering the work program

"The graduate will learn"
"The graduate will receive
opportunity to learn"
Page 19

Planned results of the study
educational subject, course
(FC GOS grades 7-11)
As a result
Be able to
Page 20

Contents of the academic subject (course)
The basis of this section is:
content, thematic planning
Contents of the training topic (main questions, concepts)
Thematic planning graphs

sections and topics
Number of training
The body's connection with
Forms of control
Of them
Frontal survey,
written survey,
practical work,
test, etc.
This section of the Work Program describes
ONLY semantic units of the training course!
Page 21

Criteria and standards for assessment in the subject

Mark for oral answer
Mark for practical
Mark for writing
test work, etc.
(according to
specifics of the subject)
Page 22

Description of logistics
educational and methodological support
All descriptions of the equipment of a particular course, given
in the Sample programs for the subject, wear
recommendatory nature.
In his work program, each teacher
describes the REAL equipment of his subject in
this educational institution.
This is what he plans to achieve with
Page 23

Literature and teaching aids

Page 24

This is a structural element of the Work Program
designed for chronological ordering
units of content that were described in
previous section.
Thematic planning is done by the teacher!
Thematic planning is being developed
teacher for each school year
Page 25

Calendar and thematic planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard
(grades 1-6)

DATE columns
in hours

UUD: personal, regulatory, cognitive,

Page 26

Calendar and thematic planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard
(grades 1-6)

7.09 –
sexual and
define a goal
study the process
Page 27

(grades 7 – 11)

Main view
Be able to
Columns can be added on or for individual subjects
Types of educational activities: study, familiarization, understanding,
application, analysis, synthesis, demonstration, evaluation, etc.
Similar thematic plans are created FOR
ALL SUBJECTS (core, elective,
optional, additional, core) as in
within the classroom and in extracurricular activities.
Page 28

Calendar and thematic planning for FC GOS
(grades 7 – 11)

7.09 –
type of educational
sexual and
Be able to
sexual and
and I
Page 29

Working programm

The teaching staff provides the RP for the meeting of the MO before
August 25, 2016
Submitted electronically to the supervising deputy
Director for SD August 29, 2016
The supervising deputy director of the school for SD coordinates the RP before
August 30, 2016
The RP is approved by the director of the secondary school of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "MDC "Artek" up to 1
September 2016
The paper version is kept by the teaching staff and
available upon request
All programs are located on SAMBA in the “Working” folder
programs 2016-2017 academic year"
Page 30

The presentation was developed based on materials by Dratina I.K.

Compiled by:
Lyskovich Z.F., Kravchenko S.N., Izokhov V.A.,
Tsarkova N.N.
The presentation was developed based on materials
Dratina I.K.

Test work.

"New requirements for work programs 2016-2017"

Orders of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated December 31, 2015 established new requirements for work programs for the 2016-2017 academic year. They consist in simplifying the structure according to which the work program is drawn up according to the second generation standards.

Teachers most often copy the sample program and add only thematic planning. The volume can reach several hundred pages. The document does not serve as an effective tool for the teacher himself, but is only a formality.

Changes were made to reduce the administrative burden.


If previously the program structure consisted of eight points, now only three remain:

 planned results of mastering an academic subject or course;

 thematic planning indicating the number of hours for mastering each topic.

The following items remain in the work programs for extracurricular activities:

 results of mastering the course of extracurricular activities;

 thematic planning.

In addition, the author's work programs developed for the 2016-2017 academic year can be used to implement the educational process. This is possible if the program meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the main provisions of the sample program. The decision to introduce the development into the school process is made by the school administration.

Changes will also be made to the list of textbooks. Those kits that include a teacher's manual, guidelines for teaching methods and studying the subject will be retained or added.

Work program structure

As part of the implementation of the educational process and in connection with the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards standards, the work program for each subject must be included in the school documentation.

The work program consists of several educational and methodological documents. It includes:

    Title page

It states:

 full name of the educational institution;

 the name of the academic subject indicating the class for which the program was created;

 the period for which it is approved.

    Explanatory note

It should contain:

 goals and objectives of the teacher for this academic year. Since each class is different, they can be tailored to each class.

 in every class there are “special” children. It is necessary to write methods for working with them in the program.

 changes in the timing of studying thematic sections can be made to the work program. The reason and rationale for the adjustment must be stated. Further amendments can be made later throughout the school year. They will depend on the level of development of students while studying the material.

    Calendar-thematic planning grid.

Table must consist:

 from the general title of the section, the number of hours allocated for its study;

 it is necessary to indicate the planned results. Previously, it was necessary to write them down for each topic. In work programs for 2016-2017, you can indicate results for the entire block.

 it is mandatory to indicate the form of classes for each topic. This could be a conversation, a practical or theoretical lesson, or a discussion.

The new standards require non-standard lessons. Here you can use lessons - research, travel, round table, conferences, fantasy.

 the program must specify how the results of knowledge acquisition will be assessed: subject, meta-subject, personal. To check the first results, you can use independent work, dictations, quizzes, and tests.

 teaching techniques. This can be verbal, playful, visual or practical.

 student activities. This can be frontal work, individual or group.

 teaching aid: visual aids, audio and video equipment, didactic materials.


The work program is created based on:

 standards of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards;

 approximate curriculum of the training course, set of textbooks. They must be included in the list recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

 when drawing up a work program, it is necessary to take into account the position and curriculum of the educational institution.

The teacher can make amendments and changes to the sample program, or can develop an original one based on it..

Features of the work program

The teacher's work program is an author's document. Despite the fact that it should contain the same points, comply with the Federal State Educational Standard and the specifics of implementation, it will be different for different teachers. The differences will be influenced by the class for which the program was developed and its features.

The teacher’s experience, his approaches and methods in teaching, and his style of thinking also have a great influence.

The program is checked and approved by the school administration before the start of the school year, but no later than August 31.

In the future, the administration carries out systematic monitoring of the implementation of the provisions prescribed in the work program.

A vocational education teacher must meet the requirements established by the professional standard. Let's figure out which one exactly.

From the article you will learn:

Professional standard for vocational education teacher

The transition to a new system for assessing the qualifications of specialists in Russia began at the end of 2012, when changes were made to the current Labor Code suggesting the use professional standards.

It was then that the current version of Art. 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which defines professional standards as requirements for the level and nature of an employee’s qualifications necessary for him to perform the labor tasks assigned to him.

Don't miss: the main article of the month from a practical expert

5 main misconceptions about professional standards.

From this moment on, the Ministry of Labor and Employment initiated extensive work on the formation and approval of professional standards for individual subject areas, to which experienced experts were involved. Each of the final documents had to be drawn up in strict accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2013 No. 23. At the same time, the degree of elaboration of a specific professional standard depended on several factors, including the actual complexity of this type of professional activity and its significance for society and the economy.

Download documents on the topic:

Please pay attention! The introduction of professional standards does not cancel the validity of qualification reference books. And the employer has the right to decide for himself which document to use as a guide when determining qualification requirements for a position: a professional standard or a qualification reference book.

It must be admitted that according to the last criterion, teaching activity is one of the most serious areas. That is why a lot of time and attention was devoted to the development of professional standards for teachers. As a result, from January 1, 2017, five extensive documents establishing qualification requirements were put into effect teaching staff. One of them is the standard regulating the application of qualification requirements for teachers in the field of vocational training and vocational education at the basic and additional levels. You can find out what other professional standards for teachers are currently in effect in our material.

The professional standard of a teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 09/08/2015 N 608n

Areas of application of the professional standard for a vocational education teacher

The specificity of the professional standard of a vocational education teacher lies, among other things, in the fact that its effect extends to specialists who are involved in carrying out work in the field of education at a fairly high level. In particular, the provisions of the professional standard approved by Order No. 608 apply to the following categories of workers:

teachers carrying out teaching activities in educational organizations whose level relates to secondary vocational;

teachers of higher educational institutions with various statuses, including universities, academies, institutes and other organizations of higher professional education;

specialists whose professional activities involve performing the functions of developing teaching methods.

It is worth considering that the identification of the listed categories of employees for the purpose of applying the professional standard of a vocational education teacher is made using the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations OK 010-2014 (MSKZ-08). In turn, the listed categories of specialists can be involved in the implementation of the educational process in various areas of training, ranging from secondary vocational and higher. What specific levels of education are covered by this standard - read in our article.

Requirements for a specialist established by the professional standard of a teacher

However, in some cases, an employee with a criminal record may be allowed to work with students, but this requires obtaining a decision from the commission on juvenile affairs.

As for the health status of teaching staff, in order to avoid allowing persons with dangerous contagious diseases to work with students, such specialists must be subjected to a medical examination in the prescribed manner. In our material We indicate which types of medical examinations are mandatory for these employees.

Responsibilities of a vocational education teacher according to the standard

A vocational education teacher, according to the standard approved by Order No. 608n, must ensure the successful performance of the following basic labor functions in the process of carrying out his professional activities:

development of educational modules and training programs regarding the content and methodological aspects of their implementation;

organizing effective learning activities that ensure students fully assimilate the content of materials provided for in educational modules and curricula;

ensuring regular and high-quality monitoring of the assimilation of educational material at the intermediate and final stages of training.

In the process of implementing these labor functions, a vocational teacher within the framework of the professional standard should apply and take into account the provisions of special literature, reference books, teaching materials and other information provided for by current standards for teaching activities.

At the same time, however, in order to ensure students’ interest in learning and improve the quality of their assimilation of the taught material, it is recommended to use forms of presenting the material that are appropriate to the age, characteristics of the team and other characteristics of the students. You can read more about methods for assessing the effectiveness of solving problems assigned to teachers in our material.

Labor functions of a teacher

Despite some differences in terms of requirements for the level of education, practical work experience and other characteristics, the professional standard makes similar requirements for teachers of higher and additional education, as well as teachers of secondary vocational education, in terms of general principles for performing labor functions in a given profession.

In particular, the labor functions of a vocational education teacher include:

  1. carrying out teaching activities within a group of students, taking into account their individual characteristics and characteristics of group interaction;
  2. organization of the educational process with elements of production activities in the training profile;
  3. pedagogical and organizational support of educational activities in accordance with the level of training;
  4. providing scientific, educational, methodological and organizational preparation for the implementation of vocational training programs in accordance with its level.

Depending on the level of training and the nature of the teaching activity, various job titles are allowed, provided for by the professional standard: teacher of additional vocational education, master of industrial training, teacher and others. Read about how to choose the most suitable option for a specific situation in our material.

Application of the teacher’s professional standard

According to the provisions of the current legislation, confirmed by official explanations of the Ministry of Labor, given in letter dated April 4, 2016 No. 14-0/10/13-2253, currently the application of professional standards in teaching activities is carried out in order to solve the following tasks:

formation of personnel policies and personnel management, including the determination of employee labor functions when drawing up staffing schedules, job descriptions, and employment contracts;

conducting training and certification of employees. In this case, the professional standard serves as a guide to what knowledge and work skills are needed for a modern specialist;

tariffication of work and assignment of tariff categories, as well as the establishment of remuneration systems, taking into account the peculiarities of labor organization and management.

Current legislation provides for a number of job positions for which the use of developed professional standards becomes mandatory from the moment of their official approval: in our material We provide a complete list of such positions.

According to the provisions of Art. 331 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 46, 52 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, the position of a teacher refers to the list of positions for which it is necessary to apply the provisions of the current professional standards. Thus, these specialists are required to meet the requirements for teachers according to the professional standard approved by Order No. 608n or the requirements established by the qualification directory.

Actions of the employer if the employee does not meet the professional standard of the teacher

If an assessment center or a special working group created by decision of the employer determines that an employee does not meet the requirements of the approved professional standard, then it will not be possible to dismiss him. The legislation clearly regulates the list of grounds for dismissal, and it does not provide for non-compliance with the professional standard. The legislator is also not considering plans to add such a basis. The legitimacy of this position is confirmed by specialists from the Russian Ministry of Labor in paragraph 10 of letter No. 14-0/10/13-2253 dated April 4, 2016.

If a person does not meet the professional standard, and the requirement for compliance is mandatory at the legislative or local level, then the employer must take measures to implement professional standards. One of the stages is measures aimed at bringing the employee’s qualifications, knowledge and skills to the level stated in the standard, if a discrepancy is suddenly identified. By the way, the Labor Code recommends that employers regularly organize advanced training for teaching staff. We will tell you how often and how to send such employees for education.

However, if all the necessary measures have been taken, and the employee’s qualification level remains insufficient, the employer can conduct certification of the employee. If the results of this measure are unsatisfactory, the employer will already have a legal opportunity and grounds for dismissal (clause 3, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Read about how to formalize the dismissal of a teaching employee in our material.

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