Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko: biography.  who's who in the Strategic Missile Forces

Commander of the 46th Missile Division 07/31/1986 - 11/27/1990

Head of the Kharkov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Missile Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union N. I. Krylov 1990-1992. Head of the Kharkov Order of the Patriotic War and the October Revolution Military University 1992-1999.

Born on September 3, 1948 in Krasnograd, Kharkov region. In 1966 he entered the Kharkov Higher Military Command and Engineering School, from which he graduated in 1971. In 1975 he defended his thesis and, at his own request, was sent for further service in the army. In 1977, as chief of staff of the regiment, he entered the command department of the Military Engineering Artillery Academy named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, from which he graduated in 1979 with a gold medal. Next - regiment commander and deputy division commander, from 1984 to 1986 - student at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR named after K. E. Voroshilov. After graduation, he was appointed commander of one of the leading missile divisions, which was armed with the most modern strategic missile systems. Received the military rank of "Major General". From December 1990 to August 1992 he headed the KhVVKIURV, then - until February 1999, the Kharkov Military University. In December 1992, he received the military rank of lieutenant general. From February 1999 to October 2000 - First Deputy Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine; Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for Military Intelligence. Currently, he is the head of the National Defense Academy of Ukraine, the main military educational institution for training senior command personnel of the country's Armed Forces.

In December 1991, by decision of the USSR Higher Attestation Commission, he was awarded the academic title of “professor”; in August 1998, he was the first in Ukraine to defend his doctoral dissertation in the specialty 21.00.01 “Military Security of the State” and in October of the same year, the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine awarded him the academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences Sci. In 1999, he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Worker of Public Education of Ukraine.” Member of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine.

At a historical turning point

The characteristics of a prominent military leader and scientist are rarely perfectly embodied in one person. As if scattered unevenly among the mass of different people, they only in combination create the generalized folk character of the modern defender of the Fatherland. But there are such combinations in one person. This is Vladimir Borisovich Tolubko.

Vladimir Borisovich, leaving for the troops in 1975 to gain experience in managing units and formations of the Strategic Missile Forces, gave his word to return to his native school to use the accumulated experience and knowledge in training highly qualified missile officers. He kept his promise.

But it was a difficult choice in his life. He was persistently offered higher positions in the structure of the Strategic Missile Forces of the USSR Armed Forces, but he made a different, perhaps unusual, non-career decision in order to fulfill the dream of his military youth.

While serving in the military, Vladimir Borisovich constantly visited the school; cadets and officer-teachers of the school underwent military training in the units and formations he commanded. Therefore, he knew the situation at the school well and saw the strengths and weaknesses in the training of its graduates. And he had big plans to strengthen the role and place of the school in the system of military universities of the USSR Ministry of Defense, to further improve the quality and efficiency of the educational process.

However, soon life made unpredictable adjustments to these plans: the collapse of the USSR and the associated division of the USSR Armed Forces between the newly formed states occurred. Vladimir Borisovich again received tempting offers from Moscow, but without hesitation he makes a firm decision - to serve Ukraine and its people. With his characteristic energy, activity, determination, perseverance, determination and professionalism, he begins to solve extraordinary problems that unexpectedly arose in the established life of the school and its command. Let us indicate the two most acute of them.

One of the problems had a political overtones and was related to the fact that the interstate agreement on the division of the USSR Armed Forces assumed the preservation of common strategic types of weapons, but there was no separate indication of the affiliation of military universities related to strategic troops (in Ukraine, only the HVVKIURV belonged to them ).

This led to the fact that the school found itself for some time in the spheres of influence of the Ministries of Defense of two states - Ukraine and Russia.

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) of Ukraine insisted on transferring the school to its structure, and the Russian Ministry of Defense sought to keep the school within its structure, since only the KhVVKIURV trained missile officers in some unique specialties and missile systems, in particular the heaviest SS-18 missiles , called "Satan" in the West. Thanks to the enormous authority of Lieutenant General V.B. Tolubko in the highest military circles of Ukraine and Russia, his diplomacy and political wisdom, it was possible to find a compromise: the school undertook to complete the training of cadets from all previous intakes in selected specialties and distribute them to those states that will be in they are interested.

Another acute problem that Vladimir Borisovich had to solve in those years was the preservation of specialties, scientific schools and teaching staff of one of the best qualified military universities of the Strategic Missile Forces and the USSR Armed Forces, in the conditions of a hasty and not always thoughtful reform of military universities on the territory of Ukraine . This problem was complicated by two circumstances. Firstly, by the political decision taken to destroy nuclear missile weapons located on the territory of Ukraine, which sharply limited the need for missile officers. Secondly, the majority of the school’s officer corps was gripped by confusion due to an unexpected historical change in the fate of the state to which they swore allegiance, and, consequently, in their fate. They were faced with a complex and multifaceted question - what to do?

The solution to these and other problems of that time was possible only under the leadership of a strong and multifaceted personality with rich life experience. Vladimir Borisovich fully possessed such qualities. The work of the school's command staff was organized in two directions - within the school and in government bodies, primarily in the Ministry of Defense and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Vladimir Borisovich managed not only to preserve what his predecessors had achieved, but also to mobilize personnel to significantly improve all types of activities. An atmosphere of trust and respect at all levels of management with high demands and personalized responsibility of the command and teaching staff played a significant role in this. The main attention is paid to the educational process, work on fundamentalization, humanization and humanitarization of education is being increased, and its individualization and intensification are intensifying. Computerization is becoming a priority, which includes the widespread use of computer facilities and information and computer technologies in conducting all types of classes, especially when modeling complex physical processes in various systems of rocket and space technology and technological processes during its operation and combat use. A computer training center is being created, computer classes are opening at departments, and computer training and monitoring systems are being developed. In terms of computer equipment, the school is not inferior to the best military universities in the country.

The material and technical base and educational models of rocketry are being updated at the out-of-town educational and technical base and specialized departments, thereby improving the professional training of graduates.

The quality of published educational and methodological literature, research work and training of scientific personnel is improving, the indicators of inventive and rationalization work, scientific publications, military scientific work of cadets and their participation in various competitions are improving.

Vladimir Borisovich creates a permanent working group of leading scientists and practicing officers, which prepares for the Verkhovna Rada Commission on Defense and National Security analytical reports with proposals for reforming the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the prospects for the development of weapons and military equipment for them, including various types of high-precision weapons, rocket and space technology. To discuss individual, most important issues, meetings are held with managers and chief designers of enterprises of the military-industrial complex.

Increased attention is paid to social issues, housing construction is expanding. By the end of 1991, the housing issue was actually resolved at the school.

All this yielded positive results: the situation at the school remained stable, manageable, and business-like. The school fulfilled its obligations to the Strategic Missile Forces and the cadets; the vast majority of them did not want to leave for military universities in Russia and graduated from the school.

The rhythm of life of the school's departments has noticeably accelerated. And this despite the fact that Vladimir Borisovich is a people's deputy of Ukraine (since 1990). He had to combine intense work in the Verkhovna Rada, where he was forced to spend most of his time, with the management of the school.

As a member of the Verkhovna Rada Commission on Defense and National Security, he took an active part in the development of the concept of national security of Ukraine and priority areas for the development of its Armed Forces (AF). He insisted on a more balanced attitude towards the unilateral destruction of nuclear missile weapons in Ukraine (the third largest in the world in terms of potential), believing that in its absence the country would go “into the shadows” and would not play a noticeable role on the geopolitical map of the world. History has confirmed this prediction. During those two or three days a week, mostly Saturdays and Sundays, when he was at the school, he was able to analyze the situation, especially in cadet units and support services, hold the necessary meetings, make decisions on fundamental current issues in the life and activities of the school, implement reception for personal matters.

Vladimir Borisovich, the command of faculties and departments carried out active work in the Ministry of Defense and other law enforcement agencies of Ukraine to repurpose the school to train military personnel for them. In this regard, new specialties and specializations were opened, new curricula and programs were developed, and retraining of teaching and engineering staff was underway. This made it possible to maintain enrollment in the school at approximately the same level and thereby maintain a constant composition of the school.

On January 20, 1992, the school’s officers (more than 99%) took the military oath of allegiance to the people of Ukraine.

Thus, in a crisis situation, Vladimir Borisovich managed not only to preserve, but also to increase the material and technical base and scientific potential of the school in the interests of Ukraine.

However, the problem of the school’s survival in the future remained, since both the army and, accordingly, the number of graduates of military universities in Ukraine inevitably had to decline significantly. The reform of military universities in Ukraine presupposed their unification.

Vladimir Borisovich, both as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada and as an authoritative military leader, did a great deal of work on the adoption by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of Resolution No. 49 of August 19, 1992 on the creation of a fundamentally new, only military university in the Ukrainian Defense Ministry - the Kharkov Military University (KhVU), which united the Military the Engineering Radio Engineering Academy of Air Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union L.A. Govorov and the KhVVKIURV named after Marshal of the Soviet Union N.I. Krylov, which were among the leading military universities of the USSR Ministry of Defense. He was entrusted with leading the organizational core for the formation of a new military university and its management.

In a short time, the organizational and staffing structure of the university, new curricula and programs were developed. The university began its activities on August 3, 1993, on September 7, 1996, it was awarded the battle flag, and on March 23, 1999, the University Charter was approved.

Thus, under the leadership of V. B. Tolubko, a unique multidisciplinary interservice military educational and scientific institution was created, which provides high-quality training of military personnel for various types of troops of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other law enforcement agencies.

In May 1995, KhVU was the first among military universities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine to be accredited at the highest, fourth, level.

The main objectives of the university in peacetime were the training of officers of the operational-tactical and tactical levels, retraining and advanced training of military officers for various types of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, initial training and advanced training of teachers and organizers of the educational process in the Ukrainian Defense Ministry system , training of reserve officers from among students of Kharkov National University. V. N. Karazin. The university conducts training and retraining of military specialists from foreign countries.

For the effective use of scientific potential, three military scientific centers were created at the KhVU (then one of them - the Scientific Metrological Center (military standards) - was separated into an independent structure), a research department for scientific problems of military education and a research department for troops radiochemical and bacteriological protection.

For practical training of students and cadets in the operation, repair, and combat use of weapons and military equipment, the university included an educational process support regiment and an educational training center.

The team has created a creative atmosphere, favorable conditions for conducting the educational process, scientific, methodological and educational work, and advanced training of teaching staff.

Vladimir Borisovich strictly linked the quality of training of students and cadets with the professional level of the teaching staff; for him it was always indispensable
the false truth is the need to maintain the high intellectual potential of a military university. Therefore, he set the task of attracting the maximum number of highly qualified scientists to the university.
At the end of 1998, the university employed 115 doctors of sciences and professors, 658 candidates of sciences and associate professors, which accounted for more than 50% of the scientists of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. Compared to 1993, the number of doctors of sciences and professors increased by 52%, and candidates of sciences and associate professors - by 28%. This growth became possible thanks to the painstaking work of the command to return to the university scientists who retired from the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 1989-1992, and increasing the efficiency of training scientific personnel, which was facilitated by the creation at the university of 5 specialized academic councils (3 doctoral and 2 candidate) on 14 scientific specialties.

Since 1993, the university began to publish the scientific and methodological collection “Innovative-Eternal Process: Methods, Doss, Problems” on behalf of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Then it became effectively interspecies.
KhVU, as part of the integration of higher military education with civilian education, has made the transition to training military specialists at four educational and qualification levels (junior specialist, bachelor, specialist and master) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Education” and other regulatory documents. The university took part in the development of the concept of military education as the main executor of research work assigned by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The university began training military specialists with higher military-special education and the educational qualification level “specialist” in the 1993/94 academic year. For this purpose, significant methodological work was carried out to compile educational qualification characteristics (EQC), educational and professional programs (EPP) and curricula for all specialties and specializations, curricula and thematic plans for disciplines studied at the university. The EPP was based on national bachelor's EPP programs, which led to a significant change in the traditional system of officer training that had developed at the university in previous years, and the associated educational documentation, as well as the organizational and staffing structure of the university.

For the first time, bachelor's diplomas were awarded to university cadets after four years of study in 1997.

Thus, Colonel General V.B. Tolubko owes considerable credit for the creation and development of the Kharkov Military University. The inspections and audits carried out under his supervision confirmed that the university worthily fulfills the task of training highly professional military personnel for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. He became a recognized organizer of higher military education in Ukraine, a modern leader, distinguished by systematic and unconventional work, a sharp analytical mind, enormous capacity for work, high demands on himself and his subordinates, on their professional and business qualities, the ability to take responsibility and solve the most complex problems , the ability to see the future and constantly move forward.

Vladimir Borisovich is a prominent scientist in the field of military development and military security of the country. He has more than 70 scientific works, including 6 textbooks, 1 monograph, more than 50 scientific articles, 7 copyright certificates for inventions. He is the scientific director of research work in the field of construction of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the development of weapons systems.

Evidence of the high appreciation of selfless work, recognition of the authority of a talented military leader, a prominent scientist, Colonel General V. B. Tolubko are the awards of the Motherland - the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, the Red Star, the distinction of the President of Ukraine "For Impeccable Service" III degree, distinction of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine “For Valor and Honor” and 14 medals of the USSR and foreign countries.

Literature about V. B. Tolubko

1. Kharkov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Missile Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union N.I. Krylov - 50 years old: Krat. ist. essay / Ed. V. B. Tolubko. - X.: HVVKIU. - 1991. - 140 p.

2. Chronicle of the main events in the history of strategic missile forces / Under the general. ed. I. D. Sergeeva. - M.: TsIPK.-1994. "284 p.

3. Kharkiv Military University: the main stages of development and the World of Fertile Forces of Ukraine / V. I. Tkachenko, M. P. Demenko, O. S. Chelpanov and in. // Primary-edge process: Methodology, research, problems: Science, method, science. - 2001. - No. 5.-S. 1-32.

V. N. Chinkov, G. I. Kostikov

Graduated from: Kharkov Higher Command and Engineering School (1971), Military Academy named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky (1979, command faculty), Military Academy of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces (1986).

In the Missile Forces he served in the following positions: chief of crew of the training technical base of the Kharkov VKIU, engineer, senior engineer of the research laboratory of the Kharkov VKIU, group commander of a missile regiment, chief of staff of the regiment, regiment commander, deputy division commander.

He received the military ranks of “captain” and “lieutenant colonel” ahead of schedule.

After graduating from the Military Academy of the General Staff on July 31, 1986, Colonel V.B. Tolubko is appointed commander of the 46th missile division.

The division continues to improve the combat readiness of missile technology and combat training of personnel of missile regiments, special units and logistics units.

On the scale of the 43rd Missile Army, measures are being taken to further develop the troops, improve the quality and reliability of missile weapons, systems and means of combat command and control and communications. In the interests of more effective use of the combat capabilities of the new generation UT-100N and UR-100N UTTH missiles, the division uses a comprehensive variety of forms and methods of personnel training. These include, first of all, command post and special tactical exercises, war games, and staff training.

The division commander persistently introduces into the practice of training personnel the development of various practical tasks for transferring missile regiments, trb, rtb and other units to various degrees of combat readiness.

The division continues active work to put on combat duty the fourth-generation OS missile system with the RT-23 UTTH intercontinental solid-propellant missile. In August 1988, the first in the Missile Forces in the 46th rd to take up combat duty was the 62nd missile regiment, armed with the silo-based RT-23 UTTH ICBM.

In the division, under the leadership of the commander, a lot of work was done to improve the training and material base, create and equip a field center, reconstruct the vehicle fleet and other work.

In the Vinnitsa Army, according to its commander, Lieutenant General V.V. Kirilin, the best organizer of the work and its successful completion was the commander of the 46th regiment, General V.B. Tolubko, who was a systematic, thoughtful, proactive commander.

In the fall of 1989, there was a campaign for the election of deputies to the Supreme Council of Ukraine, one of the elected deputies was the former commander of the 46th regiment, Major General V.B. Tolubko

In November 1990, Major General V.B. Tolubko is appointed head of the Kharkov Higher Military Command and Engineering School.

In June 1992, a directive was signed on the transfer of the Kharkov School to the Armed Forces of Ukraine from December 1.

In August 1992, Major General V.B. Tolubko was placed at the disposal of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. As indicated in the service record of Major General V.B. Tolubko: the order on his new appointment was signed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The life and fate of the Chief Marshal of Artillery Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko was connected with military operations against the fascist invaders, and after the Great Patriotic War - with the creation of the Strategic Missile Forces.
Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko was born on November 25, 1914 in the city of Krasnograd, Kharkov region, into a working-class family. In the Red Army - since 1932. A competent, athletic young man was sent to study at the Ulyanovsk Armored School.
After graduation, he served as a tank platoon commander in the 9th Mechanized Corps of Novograd-Volynsky and the Kiev Special Military District.
From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, he took part in battles with the fascist invaders. Was wounded twice. After the last injury, doctors fought for six months for the life of the young tank commander. After injury and treatment, Tolubko V.F. offered to continue their studies at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization.
But, being a patriot, Tolubko V.F. refused training and left to fight on the Leningrad and Kalinin fronts. During the war Tolubko V.F. served as chief of staff of the 28th Tank Division and was commander of the 109th Tank Brigade. In March 1943 he was wounded. From February 1944 until the end of the war, he was the head of the operational department of the headquarters of the 4th Guards Mechanized Corps, which liberated Ukraine.
Colonel Tolubko V.F. took part in the planning and conduct of combat operations of the mechanized corps in the Iasi-Kishenev operation, Belgrade - and at the same time showed high military abilities and courage. After the war Tolubko V.F. used his combat experience in the education and training of tank crews.
His tank crews skillfully hit targets at the training ground and dashingly drove formidable combat vehicles.
The Ministry of Defense noticed his talent and gave him the opportunity to graduate from the Armored Academy, and in 1950 from the General Staff Academy.
In 1956-57, Major General Tolubko V.F. - Head of the combat training department of troops of the group of Soviet forces in Germany. No state, including the NATO bloc, could resist the trained and prepared troops of the GSVG.
Since 1960, the army begins to be equipped with new generation strategic missile systems.
From April 1972 to June 1985 Tolubko V.F. - Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense. At this high post, he introduced missile systems in the Zhitomir region, Vysokaya Pechka: Belokorovichi, Lipniki. In these areas there were third-generation missiles with separating warheads.
The RS-18, RS-20, and RS-16 missiles penetrated any missile defense system. Under his leadership, groups of the first mobile-based missile systems "Pioneer" were created, and a combat duty system was organized throughout the territory.
These measures were a deterrent to the outbreak of a nuclear war. Tolubko V.F. carried out the selection and placement of personnel. He was strict about factors of non-performance and violations of discipline. He paid special attention to the training of young officers.
In 1970, in the Far Eastern Military District, when presenting government awards for combat training, officers who distinguished themselves during combat operations on Damansky Island were sent to study at military academies. I was also awarded this honor (at that time I commanded a battery of the S-75 complex). In 1976, in August, Tolubko V.F. was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal; he received this award for the development of the Tonom mobile missile system with a stable automated control system.
The Tonom missile system is still in service with the Russian Federation.
In March 1983, Tolubko V.F. awarded the highest military rank "Chief Marshal of Artillery". He created not only a nuclear missile shield, but with his assistance military camps were built and improved in Ukraine: Pervomaisk in the Nikolaev region, Zhitomir, Vinnitsa regions.
In 1985, for health reasons, Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko. leaves the post of commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces and moves to the group of inspectors general of the Ministry of Defense.
For impeccable service and enormous contribution to the defense of the state, he was awarded five Orders of Lenin, four Orders of the Red Banner and other awards. The memory of the marshal is preserved by his daughter, who lives in Moscow, and his nephew V.B. Tolubko, colonel general, former head of the National Academy of Ukraine (lives in Kyiv).
Tolubko V.F. died. June 17, 1989. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.
Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko - Honorary citizen of the city of Odintsovo, Moscow region, Moldavian city of Kamrata. In honor of his merits, a commemorative breast medal with the inscription “Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko” was issued.
On the eve of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, veteran tankers, missilemen of the Zhytomyr region, and city residents will install a memorial plaque in honor of the Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko. in the beautiful Bolgarstroy area on Tolubko Street.

#artillery #marshal #hero

Hero of Socialist Labor, Chief Marshal of Artillery Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko was the fifth commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Soviet Union. Before that, he spent his childhood in Konstantinograd (now the Kharkov region of Ukraine), where he was born on November 12 (25), 1914 in a working-class family, studied in high school, and worked as an instructor for the Komsomol district committee in Krasnograd. And - many years of military service. Vladimir Tolubko served in the Red Army since 1932 as junior commanders and political workers. In 1937, after graduating from the Ulyanovsk Armored Military School, he was sent to the Kiev Military District, commander of a tank platoon and reconnaissance platoon.

The life of Vladimir Tolubko is tireless work and constant replenishment of knowledge. In 1941, he graduated from the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army and fought on the Leningrad and Kalinin fronts: assistant chief, and a month later the head of the operational department, from October 1941 - chief of staff of the 21st Tank Division, from February 1942 - chief of staff of the 104th 1st Tank Brigade, and in July took command of this brigade. At the end of 1942 he was seriously wounded, after receiving treatment, from March 1943 he taught at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army.

In February 1944, Vladimir Tolubko was again on the front line - head of the operational department of the headquarters of the 4th Guards Mechanized Corps on the 3rd Ukrainian Front. In this position, Vladimir participated in the Iasi-Chisinau, Belgrade, and Budapest operations. After the Victory, service and study again: in 1950 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff named after K.E. Voroshilov, was the head of the department and deputy chief of staff of the corps, chief of staff of the mechanized division.

Since 1951, Tolubko has been commander of a mechanized division, and since May 1953, chief of staff and first deputy army commander. Since 1956, he has been assistant to the commander-in-chief - head of the combat training department of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, since 1957 - commander of the 1st Guards Tank Red Banner Army in Dresden, since 1958 - commander of the 8th Guards Combined Arms Order of Lenin Army in the city Nora. Vladimir Tolubko played a major role in the formation of a fundamentally new type of troops - the Strategic Missile Forces. They were created on December 17, 1959, and their first commander-in-chief was Hero of the Soviet Union, Chief Marshal of Artillery Mitrofan Ivanovich Nedelin. In March 1960, 45-year-old Lieutenant General Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko was appointed his first deputy and worked in this position until 1968.

These eight years became one of the most eventful in his glorious biography. The creation of this new independent branch of the Armed Forces required the solution of a number of complex military-technical, military-economic, organizational and scientific problems. This includes the formation of a fundamentally new combat duty system, and the creation of a reliable and effective system for operating missile weapons and military equipment, maintaining them in constant combat readiness. This includes the development of a scientifically based organizational structure of troops, determination of the staffing level of new formations, and staffing them. This is a choice, reconnaissance of position areas of missile formations and formations and the deployment of mass construction of missile systems. This includes training highly qualified personnel; creation of a coherent system of training and education of personnel that meets the requirements for strategic missilemen. All this required colossal efforts of the generals and the General Staff, departments and services, military educational institutions and research institutions of the Missile Forces.

As First Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Vladimir Fedorovich personally carried out the selection and placement of leadership personnel, organized events for the operational and strategic training of senior command personnel. He paid special attention to the problems of control automation, the development of the fundamentals of the combat use of the Missile Forces, checking the combat readiness of formations and units, the state of their weapons and equipment, the timely commissioning of combat missile systems and equipping the Missile Forces with new generations of missiles. This is where his integrity and state approach to business clearly manifested themselves.

Vladimir Fedorovich continued his principled approach to solving the problems of equipping the Strategic Missile Forces with new, more advanced weapons. Vladimir Fedorovich skillfully and clearly organized his work in the troops. He visited two or three remote missile garrisons every month. Within a few days he managed to deeply understand the situation in the garrison and energetically solved all the accumulated problems. Many rocket scientists recall that during the short period of his stay in the division or regiment, more issues were resolved than during the tenure of countless commissions of all ranks. He was struck by his simple, without any signs of arrogance, participation and attention to every person, communication with officers, members of their families, and soldiers.

It was traditional to visit military families. And all this at a time when the families of rocket scientists lived in barracks, rented housing in nearby settlements, when fair reproaches and discontent could be expected. In April 1968, the high organizational skills of Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko were needed again in the ground forces: he commanded the troops of the Siberian Military District, and in May 1969 - the Far Eastern Military District. But the eight-year experience of the first deputy of four famous military leaders of the USSR Armed Forces, who alternately headed the Strategic Missile Forces: Hero of the Soviet Union, Chief Marshal of Artillery M.I. Nedelina, Marshal of the Soviet Union twice Hero of the Soviet Union K.S. Moskalenko, Hero of the Soviet Union S.S. Biryuzov and twice Hero of the Soviet Union N.I. Krylov, was rated very highly. And in April 1972, Army General Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko himself headed the Strategic Missile Forces, became their fifth commander-in-chief and remained in this post for 13 years, more than anyone else. As before, he paid a lot of attention to the adoption and deployment of new missile systems, characterized by high reliability, combat readiness and efficiency, including the world's first mobile ground- and railway-based intercontinental missiles. Under his leadership, the troops mastered new automated combat control and communications systems.

At the same time, the commander-in-chief delved deeply into the processes of developing new missile systems. In the first years of command of the troops, he visited all the leading rocket science design bureaus and regularly met with general and chief designers. Directly supervised the re-equipment, commissioning of the Strategic Missile Forces and the placement on combat duty of third-generation missiles with multiple independently targetable warheads and means of penetrating missile defense - RS-18, RS-20, RS-16, and subsequently - work to improve tactical and technical characteristics of these missiles. All this allowed our strategic nuclear forces to become equal to the American ones not only in the number of warheads, but also in their combat capabilities, and contributed to the preservation of military-strategic parity between the leading nuclear powers of the world. In December 1976, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, Army General Tolubko, a transition was made to a unified system of organizing and performing combat duty. Uniform entry and shift days for all, optimal compositions of duty shifts and crews were established, and the most favorable regimes for combat duty and rest for the performance and health of personnel were determined.

This made it possible to increase the responsibility of management at all levels of management and strengthen control over the performance of combat duty by personnel on duty shifts. The principles of a unified combat duty system are still in effect today in all missile formations and stationary and mobile units, as well as at control posts of all types and ranks. Much was done by the commander-in-chief for the patriotic education of the missile soldiers. Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko is the author of the books “From Vidin to Belgrade”, “On the Southern Flank”, “Rocket Forces”. In 1979, the Young Guard publishing house published his book “Nedelin: The First Commander-in-Chief of Strategic Commanders” in the series “The Life of Remarkable People.” In 1984, the Strategic Missile Forces were preparing to celebrate the 25th anniversary of its formation.

At one of the meetings, the commander-in-chief complained with resentment and jealousy that there are hundreds of books about other types and branches of troops, but the Strategic Missile Forces, due to their excessive closeness, seem to not exist. It was decided to slightly lift the veil of secrecy hiding the strategic missile service from prying eyes. In June 1984 at the Military Academy. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, a meeting of the Strategic Missile Forces Military Council with representatives of creative unions and organizations of the USSR took place. Among the writers, composers, and filmmakers invited to the meeting with the military council were Georgy Markov, Vladimir Karpov, Pyotr Proskurin, Alexander Prokhanov, Evgeny Dolmatovsky, Vadim Trushin, Robert Rozhdestvensky and others. Speaking to them, Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces Tolubko spoke for the first time about the life of missile soldiers and the tasks facing the troops.

Subsequently, in October 1984, a small creative group visited the Plesetsk missile site. The result of this trip was a letter from the secretariat of the USSR Writers' Union to the commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces. After words of gratitude for the perfectly organized trip, the letter noted: “The impressions from everything we saw in the troops are enormous and require deep understanding. The writers were able to see firsthand how powerful and reliable the missile shield of our Fatherland is. We are deeply convinced that the strengthening ties between writers and soldiers of the Missile Forces will bring good creative fruits.”

Vladimir Fedorovich loved aspiration, inner burning, and optimism in people. He did not skimp on praise if he saw that the officer was rooting for the cause, doing everything possible in the assigned area to increase combat readiness and strengthen military discipline. And of course, he was very concerned about improving the living conditions of the missile garrison personnel. He made a great contribution to the improvement of the city of Odintsovo and the rocket town of Vlasikha, which today houses the command of the Strategic Missile Forces. Largely thanks to his persistence and determination, the “rocket capital” (as Vlasikha is called) turned into a wonderful city, where there is everything necessary for the normal life of families of rocket scientists. In 1985, Vladimir Fedorovich turned to the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Minister of Defense of the USSR with a request to relieve him of his duties as commander-in-chief for health reasons: the serious wound received at the beginning of the war began to remind itself more and more. The request was granted, and in 1985-1989 he worked in the group of inspectors general of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

V.F. died Tolubko June 17, 1989. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow. The Motherland appreciated the services of Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko to the Fatherland. For his great contribution to the creation and deployment of new missile technology on combat duty, on August 12, 1976, he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. He was awarded five Orders of Lenin, four Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky II degree, two Orders of the Patriotic War I first degree, two Orders of the Red Star, the Order “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” III degree, medals, as well as foreign orders and medals.

Vladimir Fedorovich was elected a member of the CPSU Central Committee from 1976 (candidate from 1971), a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 8th-10th convocations. On the central square of Odintsov there is a memorial bust to Vladimir Fedorovich as an honorary citizen of the city. In 1999, for the 40th anniversary of the Strategic Missile Forces, the administration of the Odintsovo district established a memorial medal named after. V.F. Tolubko "For military labor." His name was given to one of the streets in the city of Odintsovo.

Volovik A.M. Personality against the background of the era. Volume II. From Vladimir to Vladimir... /A.M. Volovik - M.: Publishing house "ALVO", 2012. -

Born on November 25, 1914 in the city of Konstantinograd, now the city of Krasnograd, Kharkov region of Ukraine, in a working-class family. Ukrainian. After graduating from high school, he worked as an instructor in the district Komsomol committee in the city of Krasnograd.

In the Red Army since 1932. In 1937 he graduated from the Ulyanovsk Armored Military School. In 1937–1938 he commanded a tank platoon and a reconnaissance platoon in the Kiev Special Military District. Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1939. In 1941 he completed two courses at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, he took part in battles with the Nazi invaders. Was wounded twice. Fought on the Leningrad and Kalinin fronts, was an assistant chief, from August 1941, senior lieutenant Vladimir Tolubko - chief of the operational department, from October - chief of staff of the 21st tank division, from February 1942 - chief of staff and from July commander of the 104th tank brigades. After the second wound, from March 1943 he began teaching at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army. From February 1944 until the end of the war - head of the operational department of the headquarters of the 4th Guards Mechanized Corps (3rd Ukrainian Front).

He took part in the planning and conduct of combat operations of the mechanized corps in the Iasi-Chisinau, Belgrade and Budapest operations.

In 1945–1948, he held the positions of commander of a mechanized brigade and regiment, head of a department and deputy chief of staff of an association, and chief of staff of a mechanized division.

In 1946, Colonel V.F. Tolubko, who graduated from the Armored Academy, was awarded the military rank of “Major General”.

In 1950 he graduated from the General Staff Academy. From March 1951 - commander of a mechanized division, from May 1953 - chief of staff, first deputy commander of the formation. In 1956–1957, assistant commander-in-chief - head of the combat training department of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. In 1957–1960 - commander of the formation and from March 1960 - first deputy commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces).

In 1970, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Colonel General Tolubko V.F. awarded the highest military rank of Army General.

As First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, V.F. Tolubko carried out the selection and placement of leadership personnel, organized activities for the operational and strategic training of senior command personnel, the development of ways to increase the field and combat training of troops, and their performance of combat duty.

Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR from April 12, 1972 to July 10, 1985. At this high post, the fifth commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces made a significant personal contribution to improving the combat and operational training of troops and headquarters, to ensuring the constant combat readiness of the missile forces, to the development of missile technology and weapons, and actively supervised the rearmament, commissioning of the Strategic Missile Forces and placing them on combat duty. third-generation missiles with multiple warheads and means of overcoming enemy missile defenses.

He led the creation of the group of the first mobile-based medium-range missile systems "Pioneer", developed the fundamentals of their combat use, combat duty and maneuverable actions. Organized flight tests of mobile missile systems of ground- and railway-based MKRs, development of principles for their deployment and combat use.

Carried out the transition to a unified system of organizing and maintaining combat duty on the scale of the Strategic Missile Forces. Increased the stability and reliability of combat control of troops and weapons through the introduction of an automated combat control system.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 12, 1976, Army General Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor for his great personal contribution to the creation and development of rocket and space technology and rocket launch complexes.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 25, 1983, Army General V.F. Tolubko was awarded the highest military rank of “Chief Marshal of Artillery.”

In 1985, based on a personal report, Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko leaves the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces and moves to the group of Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

Since 1971 V.F. Tolubko was elected as a candidate member of the CPSU Central Committee, and since 1976 - a member of the CPSU Central Committee. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 8th – 10th convocations.

Lived in Moscow. Awarded five Orders of Lenin, four Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 2nd degree, Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree, two Orders of the Red Star, Order “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” 3rd degree and medals, as well as foreign orders and medals.

Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko died on June 17, 1989. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Honorary citizen of the city of Odintsovo, Moscow region, where his bust is installed, and the name of Marshal Tolubko is given to a street in microdistrict 7-a of this city. Honorary citizen of the Moldovan city of Comrat. A commemorative breast medal was issued in his memory.

Was born November 12 (25), 1914 in the city Constantinograd,
(now the city of Krasnograd, Kharkov region of Ukraine), in a working-class family.

After graduating from high school, he worked district instructor
Komsomol committee
in the city of Krasnograd.

In the Red Army since 1932.
Graduated in 1937 Ulyanovsk Armored Military School.

Started military service cadet of the school of junior commanders, then assistant platoon commander, tank commander.

In 1937-1938 he commanded tank platoon and a reconnaissance platoon
V Kiev Special Military District.

From May 1941 - assistant Head of the 1st Division of the Tank Division Headquarters
Leningrad Military District.

In 1941 he completed two courses Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army.

From the first days Great Patriotic War took part in battles with German fascist invaders on the Leningrad and Kalinin fronts.

Since August 1941 - chief 1st (operational) headquarters department, from October – Chief headquarters 21st tank division.
From February 1942 - Chief of Staff, from July the same year
Commander of the 104th Tank Brigade.

Was wounded twice.
The first time was in the fall of 1941.

After recovery Vladimir Tolubko it was suggested to continue
study in the war armored academy, but the enemy was rushing to Moscow,
And Tolubko refused it suggestions by leaving studying for later,
and went back to
active army.

After being wounded from March 1943 - Lecturer at the Department of Tactics
Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army

From April 1944 until the end of the war - Head of the Operations Department of the headquarters
Guards Mechanized Corps (3rd Ukrainian Front).

V.F. Tolubko took part in the planning and conduct of military operations mechanized housing in Iasi-Chisinau, Belgrade and Budapest operations, showing high organizational military abilities and courage.

Combat experience gained during the war years, skillfully used in teaching And training of troops,
holding positions in 1945-1948 Commander of the Guards Mechanized Brigade
and a shelf,
Head of the Operations Department of the Tank Army Headquarters,
Chief of Staff of the Guards Mechanized Division,
Head of Operations Department and deputy Chief of Staff of the Guards Mechanized Army.

After the war, in 1946, Colonel Tolubko, who graduated armored academy,
was awarded a military rank
"Major General"

In 1950 he graduated Higher Military Academy
(now - General Staff Academy).

Since March 1951 - Commander guards mechanized
divisions of the Group of Soviet Forces
in Germany ,
from May 1953 - Chief of Staff.

Since December 1954 - 1st Deputy Commander of the 4th Guards
mechanized army

Since June 1956 - Assistant to the Commander-in-Chief
- Head of the combat training department of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany .

Since July 1957 - Commander of the 1st Guards Tank,
since April 1958 - 8th Guards Army.

Since March 1960 - first Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces.

In 1968, General V.F. Tolubko graduated Higher academic courses
at General Staff Academy.

IN April of the same year he is appointed Commander of the Siberian troops,
and since May 1969 - Far Eastern Military Districts.

From April 30, 1970
Colonel General V.F. Tolubko assigned
highest military rank "army General" .

From April 12, 1972 to July 10, 1985 Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko - Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces
- Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, Chairman Military Council of the Strategic Missile Forces.

In this high position, V.F. Tolubko contributed significant personal contribution
V improvement of combat And operational training of troops and headquarters ,
to ensure
constant combat readiness of missile forces,
V rocket technology development and weapons.

He led the rearmament, entering into combat strength of the Strategic Missile Forces and staging
for combat third generation missile duty With separable warheads And means of overcoming enemy missile defenses
"RS-18" , "RS-20" , "RS-16" and missiles "Poplar" ,
as well as work on improving the tactical and technical characteristics of these missiles.

Under his leadership were created groupings of the first mobile-based medium-range missile systems "Pioneer" And organized acceptance into serviceand production oncombat duty of missile systems, different high reliability, combat readiness and efficiency, including mobile , such as, for example,"Topol".
Besides, Tolubko made the transition to unified system of organization
And on combat duty to scale Strategic Missile Forces .

While in office First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces
With the first day of their creation, V.F. Tolubko carried out the selection
And placement of management personnel, organized activities for operational-strategic training of senior command personnel, development
ways to increase the field and combat training of troops
He paid special attention problems of control automation, development of the fundamentals of the combat use of missile forces, inspections of combat readiness of formations and units,
the state of their weapons and equipment
In this position they a lot has been done For improving living conditions
and personal life
garrisons of rocket warriors.

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
from March 25, 1983
army general
V.F. Tolubko awarded the highest military rank
"Chief Marshal of Artillery".

In 1985, based on a personal report, Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko leaves the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces and moves to group
Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense

Since 1971 V.F. Tolubko was elected candidate member of the CPSU Central Committee,
and since 1976 - a member of the CPSU Central Committee.
Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 8-10th convocations.

"From Vidin to Belgrade" (M., 1968. 240 p. , in collaboration with N.I. Baryshev ym) ;
"On the southern flank"
(M., 1973. 400 p. , co-authored with N.I. Baryshev ym) ;
"Rocket Troops"
(M., 1977. 64 p.) ;
"To live - to serve the Motherland"
(M., 1978. 87 p.) ;
"Nedelin: First Commander-in-Chief of Strategic"
(M., 1979. 222 p.)

IN AND. Petrov "Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko"
( Military-historical magazine. 1984. 11. P.49-52.)

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from August 12, 1976
"For his great personal contribution to the creation and development of rocket and space technology and rocket launch complexes", army general Tolubko Vladimir Fedorovichawarded the title Hero of Socialist Laborwith the presentation of the order Lenin and gold medal"Hammer and sickle" .

Awarded five Orders of Lenin
(1972 , 1974 , 1976 , 1982 , 1984 ),
four orders
Red Banner
(September 9, 1944, September 29, 1944, 1953, 1968),
orders Bohdan Khmelnitsky 2nd degree (1944 ),
two orders
Patriotic War 1st degree (1944, 1985 ),
two orders
Red Star (1948 , 1964 ),
order "For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree (1971)
and medals,
and foreign orders and medals,
including Polish Order "Virtuti Militari".

Honorable Sir cities of Odintsovo, Moscow region
and Comrat (Moldova).