Byzantium dates. Fall of Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire

From television screens, the pages of magazines and newspapers, and Internet sites, we are constantly told: we cannot eat after 6 p.m. Why can't you eat after 6 pm? Who came up with this, what is the evidence? Our journalist figured out the topic and came to the conclusion that you can eat after 6 p.m., but only under certain conditions. But first things first.

Why can't you eat after 6 p.m.

The statement that you cannot eat after 18 hours is based on the opinion of biorhythmologists - they argue that a person is by nature active from sunrise to sunset, and that nutrition should be based on the same principle. But all people are different, and their pace of life is different. And how then do they live in countries with hot climates that sleep a lot during the day? And, if man is a “daytime creature,” what about the inhabitants of the North, for whom during the polar night the sun does not rise above the horizon for 23 days to six months? Do they sleep throughout the polar night or do they all get sick due to the inability to live “according to the day cycle”?

And why is the last time you can eat exactly 18 hours? Usually they try to correlate this with the time of sunset, but what does the sun have to do with it? In summer the sun sets later, in winter - earlier, so this figure is most likely just an arithmetic average for all seasons. We can see what such “average figures” are worth everywhere, for example, in tables for calculating ideal weight: for people with a thin-boned asthenic body type, the ideal weight given in the tables will often be excessive, and for large-boned hypersthenics it will be insufficient.

All people are different

The main proof that biorhythmologists are not entirely correct in this regard is that they completely ignore the division of people into types: “larks” (fully consistent with the ideal described by biorhythmologists), “night owls” (for whom the period of greatest activity occurs in the evening - at night) and “pigeons” (easily adapting to any rhythm of life). Look - the vast majority of weight loss methods are ideal for early risers! They wake up at 6 am, alert and rested, work actively during the day, have dinner at 6 pm and go to bed at ten. But on night owls, these systems and diets almost never work (or they work with a minus sign).

Consider a day in the life of a night owl:
After waking up in the morning (or afternoon), regardless of whether he had enough sleep or not (although more often - the latter), the “owl” does not experience any increase in mental and physical strength. His body is still sleeping, so:
a) Physical exercise in the morning is very difficult for them; Often after such activities a person feels overwhelmed and tired.
b) Following the logic of most weight loss methods, the first meal should be hearty. An “owl” almost always has no appetite in the morning, but he conscientiously “refuels” (because “that’s how it’s supposed to be”, and you can’t eat in the evening!).

Result: an unawakened body will process food sluggishly (about the same as if a person ate shortly before sleep), so part of the food eaten will be converted into fat and stored in fat depots.

Let's go further: during the day, a night owl often cannot eat normally (work), and not everyone manages to come home from work before 6 p.m. Those. Often a person is left with practically no lunch and no dinner at all. No diets are needed here, and so on without food for 24 hours. In the evening, the same thing happens in the body of an “owl” as in a “lark” in the morning: all systems of the body reach the limit of their capabilities, ravenous hunger awakens. The body requires food, the stomach secretes maximum juice... but there is no food and there never will be! Stomach acid begins to corrode the walls of the stomach, and this is the beginning of an ulcer.

I agree - the normal amount of time from your last meal to bedtime is about 4 hours; for a night owl who goes to bed at least at 0 o'clock, if he has not eaten after 18, this interval is from 6 hours. And if we add to this the almost complete absence of lunch and dinner, and the fact that the period of the “hunger strike” occurred at the most active time... The body will begin to take revenge on the person with extra pounds with even greater fury.

How to eat correctly...

The simplest example: try to find at least one person who was able to lose weight using exclusively “not eating after 18 hours”. Usually this is a whole complex: “I don’t eat after 18, I follow a diet, I play sports.” Because when we refuse food, we either eat more during the day, or, as I have also seen, we replace food with “non-food” - we drink yogurt, milkshakes, teas with sugar, and so on. Thus, the total calorie content of our daily diet practically does not change, and it is impossible to lose weight only by giving up evening meals.

But what should we do? Just separate food and sleep for a significant period of time, which we will denote by the number 4 hours. That is, if you go to bed at 12 am, you can safely have dinner at 8 pm. This way, you won't disrupt your schedule, stay fit, and won't have to worry about what you eat after 6 p.m.

Anna Shakhmatova All rights reserved

More on the topic of proper nutrition after 18 hours

. It’s up to you to decide whether to eat it or not after 18 hours, but it’s unlikely to help you get rid of extra pounds quickly. If the speed of weight loss is important to you, it is still better to pay attention to proven diets that have long proven themselves at home.

How to lose weight without dieting at home . We bring to your attention a set of measures that, together with weight loss diets, will help you effectively lose weight at home by 5, 10, 15 kilograms. Our consultants will tell you more about this, plus you will be helped by reviews from the magazine’s readers who have already been able to successfully lose excess weight and not gain it back.

Do you have your own opinion on this issue? Please leave a review or comment below to help others understand this difficult dilemma.

Reviews and comments (13)

I probably agree with the author. You have to look at things realistically. I just finish work at 6, plus get home. Maybe these biorhythmologists are right in some ways, but this is if we consider some ideal option in laboratory conditions. 4 hours before bed is a good idea, the main thing is not to overeat just before bed.

I would argue. No, I also eat after 18, usually around seven in the evening, but at this time the body no longer digests food well and, they say, puts it off for later. That's why he doesn't lose weight. If there is, then very little. so that I can digest it. And 4 hours before bedtime or 2, these are already trifles.

Vlasova Irina

In my opinion, the question is not when to eat, but how much. The saying “give your dinner to the enemy” is right. It’s just that in the evening we usually eat a lot and move little, so some of the calories are not burned, but are stored as fat. If you eat little and low-calorie in the evening, there will be no problems, I think.

I struggled with excess weight for three long years. I was on diets, almost starving, the weight would come and go, I was terribly tired. I heard that you shouldn’t eat in the evening, but somehow I didn’t pay attention. Six months ago I changed my job, became a merchandiser in a department store next to my house, 5 minutes away, so I no longer spent time on work. I started having a mini-dinner right at work at 6 o’clock, a salad or chicken or something else, and then no, no. And the result came! In six months, minus 14 kilograms, and no special diets. This scheme really works, girls, don’t eat in the evening, eat as early as possible and lose weight!

Natalya, what a great fellow you are!

We all know about the attitude: “to be slim, you can’t eat after 6 pm!” Many argue that in order to lose weight without exhausting yourself with diets and fasting, it is enough to deny yourself dinner and not eat after 18, and the extra pounds will go away in 10 days. It really works, but for some people it's a minus. People remain stoic and don’t eat after 18, but in the end, the extra pounds just come on, and the feeling of hunger prevents them from falling asleep normally. So who can eat after 18, and who should abstain?

So, where did the opinion come from that you can’t eat after 18, and, for example, no later than 21? After all, for many, the working day ends at 6 p.m., and for most, it ends even later, plus they need the strength to get home, and at home there are often household chores, studying... There is no food and there is no strength to do this. If you go to bed around one in the morning, or even later, and deny yourself dinner, you simply cannot fall asleep, no matter how tired you are. And your feet go to the refrigerator on their own, and you reproach yourself for not holding back again.

Psychologists say that the “don’t sit down after 18” attitude is not suitable for all people. This figure is a kind of arithmetic average for all seasons and time zones, but people get up and go to bed at different times, and often this is dictated not by the natural needs of the body, but by the established schedule at work.

If we talk about the needs of each individual person, then people are divided into three types: “larks”, “owls” and “pigeons”. As psychologists note, the “don’t eat after 6 pm” attitude is only suitable for “larks” who wake up at 6 am. Determine your type.

Larks are active from sunrise to sunset. They wake up at 6-6:30 am. At 10 pm they are already sleepy, they usually go to bed no later than 11 pm.

"Owls" like to sleep longer. They wake up no earlier than 12-13 pm. They make Herculean efforts to get up at 8-9 am and go to work. Before lunch, sleepy and lethargic. The peak of activity begins at 18 pm and continues until 2-3 am.

“Pigeons” adapt to any rhythm of life without any special difficulties. They can lead both a diurnal and nocturnal lifestyle, and feel great, it all depends on getting used to a certain daily routine. If “pigeons” lead the lifestyle of “larks”, then after 18 it is better for them not to eat; if they adhere to the daily routine of “owls”, then dinner is vital for them.

As for the “night owls,” they usually don’t have breakfast in the morning because they have no appetite; they often force food into themselves so as not to feel hungry at work. The body has not yet woken up, it will process food sluggishly (about the same as if a person ate shortly before sleep), so part of the food eaten will be stored as fat.

One of the largest empires in history, Byzantium had enormous influence on sea and land, in trade and industrial development, in religion and culture.

The fall of the Byzantine Empire led to changing the political map of Europe and Asia, became the impetus for the search for new trade routes, which led to geographical discoveries. How long did Byzantium last, and what caused its collapse?

In contact with

The emergence of the Byzantine Empire

The reason for the emergence of Byzantium was the collapse of the Great Roman Empire, which ended with the division into Western and Eastern. The last ruler of the Roman Empire was Theodosius I. During his reign, Christianity became a single religion throughout the empire. Before his death, the emperor carried out division into Western and Eastern Empires, each of which he gave to his sons Honorius and Arcadius.

The Western Empire was able to survive for less than a century and fell under the onslaught of barbarians in the second half of the 5th century.

Rome lost its greatness for many hundreds of years. The eastern part, centered in Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey), became a powerful successor, receiving the name of the Byzantine Empire.

Date of foundation of Constantinople falls on the year 330, when Emperor Constantine moved the capital to the place where the Greek colony of Byzantium was located.

Later, Constantinople became the capital of the Eastern Empire and the richest city of the Middle Ages. The Byzantine Empire lasted for more than 1000 years(395–1453), while the Roman Empire itself lasted 500 years.

Attention! Historians began to call the resulting empire Byzantium after its collapse in the 15th century.

The power of the Byzantine Empire was based on trade and craft production. Cities grew and developed, providing the production of all necessary goods. The sea trade route was the safest, because wars did not stop on land. Trade between East and West carried out through Byzantium, thanks to which its ports reached their greatest prosperity, which occurred in the 5th–8th centuries.

The multinational population brought its own cultural diversity, but the ancient heritage was taken as a basis, and Greek became the main language. The majority of the population was Greek, which is why the name “Greek Empire” appeared in the west. Considering yourself heirs of the Romans, the Greeks began to call themselves “Romans,” which means Romans in Greek, and their empire Romania.

Rise of Byzantium

The period of greatest power of the empire occurred during the reign of Justinian in the middle of the 6th century. The empire's possessions reached their maximum limits in its history, which was achieved through military campaigns. The territory of Byzantium grew after the annexation of southern Spain and Italy, the countries of North Africa.

The empire was approved Roman law and the norms of the Christian religion. The document was called the “Code of Laws”, becoming the basis for the laws of European powers.

During the reign of Justinian, the most majestic Hagia Sophia in the world was built with splendor of frescoes and mosaic vault. Justinian's monumental imperial palace overlooked the Sea of ​​Marmara.

The absence of barbarian raids contributed to the cultural development and growth of the power of the Byzantine Empire. Greco-Roman cities continued to exist with palaces, snow-white columns and statues. Crafts, science, and trade flourished there. Was borrowed experience of Roman urban planning, running water and thermal baths (baths) were working.

Important! State symbols during the Byzantine Empire were absent or only developing.

The Palaiologan dynasty, which ruled for the last two centuries, had a purple imperial flag of Byzantium. In its center was a double-headed golden eagle. The emblem meant the division of the Roman Empire into two parts, which is why the eagle appeared two heads instead of the usual one like the Roman eagle. According to another version, double-headedness was interpreted as a union of secular and spiritual power.

Empire at the end of its existence

By the end of the 14th century, the existence of the Byzantine Empire was under threat posed by the Ottoman state. Diplomacy was used for salvation, negotiations were held in the West to unite churches in exchange for military aid from Rome. A preliminary agreement was reached back in 1430, but there were still controversial issues.

After the signing of the union in 1439, the Byzantine Church recognized the competence of the Catholic Church in controversial issues. But the document was not supported by the episcopate of Byzantium, headed by Bishop Mark Eugenik, which caused a split into the Orthodox and Uniate diocese, which began to coexist in parallel, which can be observed even today.

The church schism had a great influence on the history of culture. Metropolitans, supporters of Uniatism, became a bridge for the transmission of ancient and Byzantine culture to the West. Greek authors began to be translated into Latin, and emigrant intellectuals from Greece were given special patronage in the new place. Vissarion of Nicaea, who became a cardinal and Latin Patriarch of Constantinople, gave the Venetian Republic his entire personal library, numbering over 700 manuscripts. It was considered the largest private collection in Europe and served as the basis for the Library of St. Mark.

By the end of its existence, the Byzantine Empire had already lost most of its lands and former power. The territory of Byzantium was limited to the outskirts of the capital, to which the power of the last emperor Constantine XI extended.

Despite the fact that the map of the empire was gradually shrinking, Constantinople until the last hour perceived as a powerful symbol.

The emperor looked for allies among his neighbors, but only Rome and Venice offered little real help. The Ottoman Empire controlled almost all of Anatolia and Balkan Peninsula, tirelessly expanding its borders in the east and west. The Ottomans had already attacked the Byzantine Empire several times, each time conquering new cities.

Strengthening the influence of the Turks

The Ottoman state, created in 1299 from the fragments of the Seljuk Sultanate and Anatolia, received its name from the name of the first Sultan Osman. Throughout the 14th century, it increased its power on the borders of Byzantium, in Asia Minor and the Balkans. Constantinople received a small respite at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries, when confrontation with Tamerlane. After another Turkish victory, a real threat loomed over the city.

Mehmed II called the capture of Constantinople by the Turks the goal of his life, for which he carefully prepared. A 150,000-strong army armed with artillery was prepared for the offensive. The Sultan took into account the shortcomings of past companies when he was deprived of his fleet. Therefore, a fleet was built for several years. The presence of warships and an army of 100,000 allowed the Turks to become masters in the Sea of ​​Marmara.

It was ready for a military campaign 85 military and 350 transport ships. The military power of Constantinople consisted of 5 thousand local residents and 2 thousand Western mercenaries, supported by only 25 ships. It was armed with several cannons and an impressive supply of spears and arrows, which was extremely insufficient for defense.

The powerful fortress of Constantinople, surrounded by the sea and the Golden Horn, was not easy to take. The walls remained invulnerable for siege engines and weapons.


The siege of the city began on April 7, 1453. Representatives of the Sultan conveyed to the emperor a proposal for surrender, to which the ruler offered to pay tribute, cede his territories, but keep the city.

After receiving a refusal, the Sultan ordered the Turkish army to storm the city. The army had high determination, motivation, and was eager to attack, which was the complete opposite of the position of the Romans.

The bet was placed on the Turkish fleet, which must blockade the city from the sea to prevent the arrival of reinforcements from the allies. It was necessary to break through the fortifications and enter the bay.

The Byzantines repulsed the first attack, blocking the entrance to the bay. Despite all attempts, the Turkish fleet was unable to approach the city. We must pay tribute to the courage of the defenders, who on 5 ships took on 150 ships of the Turks, defeating them. The Turks had to change tactics and transport 80 ships by land, which was done on April 22. The Byzantines were unable to burn the fleet due to the betrayal of the Genoese who lived in Galata and warned the Turks.

Collapse of Constantinople

Chaos and despair reigned in the capital of Byzantium. Emperor Constantine XI was offered to surrender the city.

At dawn on May 29, the Turkish army began its final assault. The first attacks were repulsed, but then the situation changed. After taking the main gate, the fighting moved to the city streets. Fighting along with everyone else, the emperor himself fell in battle under unknown circumstances. The Turks completely captured the city.

On May 29, 1453, after two months of stubborn resistance, Constantinople was captured by the Turks. The city fell along with the Great Eastern Empire under the pressure of the Turkish army. For three days the Sultan gave the city up for plunder. The wounded Constantine XI had his head cut off and then put on a pole.

The Turks in Constantinople did not spare anyone; they killed everyone they met. Mountains of corpses filled the streets, and the blood of the dead flowed straight into the bay. The Sultan entered the city after stopping violence and robbery by his decree, accompanied by viziers and an escort of the best troops of the Janissaries, Mehmed II proceeded through the streets. Constantinople stood plundered and desecrated.

The Church of St. Sophia was rebuilt and turned into a mosque. The surviving population was granted freedom, but there were too few people left. It was necessary to announce in neighboring cities where the inhabitants came from, and gradually Constantinople was again filled with population. The Sultan kept and supported Greek culture, the church.

The Greeks received the right of self-government within the community, headed by the Patriarch of Constantinople, subordinate to the Sultan. Left continuity with Byzantium and the title of Roman emperor.

Important! According to historians, with the arrival of the Sultan in Byzantium, the Middle Ages ended, and the flight of Greek scholars to Italy became a prerequisite for the Renaissance.

Why did Byzantium fall

Historians have been arguing about the reasons for the fall of the Byzantine Empire for a very long time and put forward different versions about the factors that together destroyed the empire.

Here are some causes of death:

  • According to one version, Venice contributed to the fall, wanting to eliminate a trading competitor in the eastern Mediterranean.
  • Other evidence says that the Egyptian Sultan gave a large bribe to the Venetian Signoria to secure his possessions.
  • The most controversial issue is the involvement of the papal curia and the Pope himself who wanted the reunification of the churches.
  • The main and objective reason for the death of the Byzantine Empire was internal political and economic weakness. This was led to by the attacks of the Crusaders, court intrigues with the change of emperor, the hatred of the Byzantines towards traders who arrived from the Italian republics, and religious strife that caused hatred of Catholics and Latins. All this was accompanied by riots, pogroms and bloody massacres with many victims.
  • Military superiority and the cohesion of the Turkish army, the Ottoman Empire began to seize new territories in southeastern Europe, expanding its influence also to Asia, the Caucasus and the north of the African continent. The Byzantine Empire existed for more than a thousand years, but could not withstand the onslaught of the Turkish army, since it no longer possessed its former greatness.