What are your expectations from your son's education? th section

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Expectations are all around us. At work, we are expected to perform various tasks, collaborate with colleagues, and successfully complete projects. At school we have to study and do homework. There is no relationship in which there would be no room for even the smallest expectations.

Families should be strong and provide the opportunity to develop. Parents must provide their children with safety, food, clothing, comfort and love. Likewise, children are also expected to perform certain responsibilities, such as going to school and trying to learn new things, and respecting and loving their parents and each other.

Create a list of expectations

As parents, you need to communicate to your children what you expect of them. Write a list of expectations for different situations. For your child's benefit, be clear about what you expect from him at home: what his responsibilities in the family are, how he should behave when inviting friends over, and how he should react to the unexpected appearance of strangers.

Moreover, from an early age, a child needs to be told how he should behave in public places. Explain in detail how to behave in a cafe, restaurant, store, train, park, etc. Show children by your own example how to behave with elders or strangers on the street, with friends, brothers and sisters, as well as people who represent power, for example, with the police.

Expectations must be consistent

Expectations, like requirements, should be consistent and should not change depending on your mood or the mood of the child. It is important that expectations are maintained regardless of his interests and motivations. And even if today is a special day - your child won a competition or received a diploma, this does not give him the right to change his bedtime at will.

When your children's circumstances change, your expectations should still remain the same. For example, if a child is on vacation, you should not endlessly allow him to spend the night with friends, watch TV until one in the morning, or surf the Internet.

Likewise, your expectations as a parent should not change often because of changes in your life. For example, you may feel guilty about being away from home for long periods of time due to work. Don't lower your expectations for your child just because you can't be there all the time.

Expectations must be reasonable

Your expectations should not be unrealistic, otherwise the child simply will not be able to meet them. Having high or low expectations can cause your child to perform mediocre in school. When forming requirements, try to stick to the golden mean and take into account the age of your son or daughter. For example, don't expect your three-year-old daughter to clean her room perfectly or your five-year-old son to do the dishes. However, you can ask them to put away toys before bed or put dirty dishes in the sink. In addition, you can require your older children to make their bed after bedtime, wash dishes, and do their chores regularly.

Expectations must be positive

Expect positive words and actions from your child. Expect the best from him that he can achieve or do. Expectations can be self-fulfilling. By having positive expectations, a person is more likely to achieve positive results.

Psychologists note that people who were told in childhood that they would never achieve anything often turn to them for help. As a result, as adults they found themselves unemployed, divorced, and began using drugs. Some of them became homeless. Thus, the destructive influence of negative stamps and labels from parents on a person’s entire life can be traced.

Instead, create a culture of positive thinking in your home. Focus on the good. Encourage an optimistic outlook on life. Focus on constructive and useful endeavors. Talk about positive people, life stories and events. Be a positive parent!

Expectations should focus on success

Since expectations are self-fulfilling, expect your children to succeed in everything. Teach them how to reach their potential through self-discipline, perseverance and determination. Expecting success from your children is the best thing parents can do.

Also encourage your children to take the necessary actions to meet your expectations. After all, without putting in the effort, you won’t get a good result. Additionally, when you have positive expectations, provide your child with the necessary tools to achieve them. For example, if you expect your child to clean the living room, make sure the vacuum cleaner is in working order. Likewise, don't expect your child to do well in school unless you provide adequate support.

How many doubts we hear around us and express ourselves about the modern school! But September 1st comes - and we all meet together again under the roof of educational institutions. We plan our vacations, adjusting to the school schedule, asking for time off from work in order to get to the first bell and parent-teacher conference.

We must admit: our children’s school is an essential part of our lives. 11 years of school is a given, from which there is no escape, a given of our society. For parents with many children, this reality can last 15 or more years. How to make friends with this system? Can it become friendly for all participants? And is it possible to enjoy this process? Let's talk about this.

Expectations VS Reality

It is known that our dissatisfaction arises not from what reality is, but from the fact that reality does not meet our expectations. That is, the higher our expectations, the greater the disappointment from confronting reality. What do we expect from school?

Any parent expects that the school in general and the teacher in particular looks at his child in the same way as he does: he sees his uniqueness, worries about him, lets his difficulties and successes pass through. But the reality is different. I am in no way saying that the teacher does not see every child. On the contrary, I am convinced that pedagogy is a true art and I take my hat off to the representatives of this amazing profession. But the point is different. Not a single person in the world knows and feels his child the way his parents do. A parent lives with his child for many years, knows his habits, interests and hobbies. Expecting that the teacher sees him the same way means initially creating the basis for future disappointments.

How does a teacher look at a student? The teacher, just like the children, is entering a new school year. The teacher, who loves his job, is looking forward to September 1 and meeting his students. However, his task is not just to meet with students. His task is to implement the program, show high achievements of the whole class, come to an agreement with parents, report to management... Teachers are praised for the successes of students and punished for their mistakes. He is motivated to achieve high scores and scolded for any scratch or, God forbid, injury. For a teacher, those 20-30 children whom he sees opposite him are, first of all, a huge responsibility.

Yes, the teacher sees the uniqueness of each child, and sometimes with his professional gaze he sees more than blindly loving parents. But at the same time, the teacher solves a specific problem, which is the result of his work: the knowledge, skills and abilities of his students, which are prescribed in state educational standards. Expecting more from school means putting yourself, the child, and the teacher into constant stress.

The best decision for everyone is to accept the fact that your child will study in this particular school, precisely according to the system that is established here. If you want a different system, then it makes sense to change school or state, but demanding from a teacher what he cannot give is pointless. But knowing this system is very important. Speaking the same language with her is the same. Only by speaking the same language as her can we achieve b O better result.

As you know, you don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your own rules. Just as the opera and cinema, the restaurant and coffee shop on the corner, the train and the plane have their own rules, so the school has its own, determined by law and traditions. First, you should read the rules that govern the school. When you cross the threshold of a school, you find yourself in the world of exactly the kind of education that is approved at the state level, for which teachers are trained in institutes, and the results of which are required from local teachers. This is the reality. And you shouldn’t expect from our school that a student will not be called to the board unless he himself expresses a desire, as in Finland (yes, a stressful situation and flaunting a student’s unpreparedness is unacceptable there), or that there will be two people working in the class teacher And we are still a long way from Sweden, where a capable student can be promoted to a higher grade in the middle of the school year (if his parents don’t mind, of course). But, believe me, our system also has its advantages. You will definitely see them if you want to.

Change your attitude

Yes, unfortunately, our school is far from leading in the rankings for the quality of education, and it is often difficult for us, as parents, to come to terms with the approach that is implemented in it. However, in terms of education coverage, Belarus can be an example for other states. Everyone studies with us: both in the capital and in the countryside, every child is required to receive a basic school education. And the mass school, as you know, focuses on the average student. So should we expect miracles and an individual approach in a system that initially has a different vector and direction?

Of course, for each of us our child is unique. But for the teacher, he is one of dozens of other children. For a school – one out of hundreds or thousands. As sad as it is to realize, our children are only part of the educational statistics. By behavior, by grades, by success. Can we change this?

Of course we can. As you know, if you cannot change your circumstances, then change your attitude towards them. It is in general statistics, for example, that one can more clearly see who stands out from it, who proves through their deeds and results that they are truly unique. School is the base. We, parents, form values. Respecting other people, looking for options and thinking outside the box, achieving results despite obstacles - all this is formed not only at school, but also in the family.

Whether the school meets or does not meet your expectations, remember that it is your choice. Answer yourself these questions:

  • Why did you choose it?
  • Do you consider teachers to be professionals or is it just convenient for you to pick up your child on the way from work?
  • What does a child receive at this school, besides knowledge and grades?

The answers to these questions often bring parents back to reality.

Don’t expect a miracle from school, accept the reality you have chosen and teach your child to interact with it. Teach by example. Because even how to do homework and how to relate to the class teacher is determined by us, the parents. If you cannot change the school, change your attitude towards it.

- Tell me, please, where should I go from here?

-Where do you want to go? - answered the Cat.

“I don’t care...” said Alice.

“Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.

“... just to get somewhere,” Alice explained.

“You’ll definitely end up somewhere,” said the Cat.

- You just need to walk long enough...

Lewis Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland"

  • Have you ever thought about why you sent your child to school?
  • What results do you expect from attending school for 11 years?
  • Do you have a precise definition, other than the vague “you need to gain knowledge in order to then enter a university, and then get a job”?
At the very beginning of the training, I ask all participants in the “Creative Learning” course to write down the goals with which they came. At the end of the course, we sum up the results in an individual consultation - were we able to achieve them?

Most often, participants want:

1. For the child to graduate from school/class only with good grades - 4 and 5, and pass the Unified State Exam/Unified State Exam with a high score.

2. Return the child’s interest in learning, relieve him of the fear of teachers, subjects, and large amounts of educational material.

3. Help your child master the school curriculum faster, easier, and better, while freeing up time that can be spent more interestingly. Diversify your activities, find new hobbies.

I suggest you do the same - this way we can understand whether we are looking in the same direction, whether we are on the same path.

Goal #1 are chosen very rarely. This makes me happy. Learning to hammer more information into a child’s head, which magic button to press so that right now the child shows the results that WE and teachers need - this is a dead-end goal, it has no solution. From experience, such mothers are constantly on the verge of depression, twitching themselves and the child, buzzing over him like a “Friendship” chainsaw. The result is neurosis, hysteria, and the child “closes himself off” from his parents. Increased levels of stress hormones do not bode well: the ability to learn, remember and concentrate is dulled.

“What we know about the brain makes us think about what's going on with people's mental health. I must tell you responsibly that there is an increase in psychoneurological diseases among humanity. They are about to take first place, which has always been occupied by cardio- and oncological diseases, that is, we may find ourselves in a situation where a large part of the population becomes mentally inadequate,”- T. Chernigovskaya.

By the way, achieving goals No. 2 and 3 entails the fulfillment of the first one :) A little later you will understand why.

I’ll say right away that I was far from an ideal mother; I went through all the stages myself:

  • busy to the point of “impossible” to earn money
  • the child saw nannies more often than me
  • chainsaw "Druzhba" with many years of experience
  • a child who wants nothing, twitched by my endless demands
It hurts to remember...

I really want you not to repeat my mistakes, so let’s think together: what, why and why do we want in relation to the education of our children?

The education system, in which everyone is taught everything without taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, was also called anti-psychological by Pestalozzi (one of the largest teachers of the late 18th - early 19th centuries).

There is a lot of information now, it is easy to get, the world is changing rapidly - this is a fact. Nobody needs a bunch of static knowledge, especially since much of it is outdated today.

“Taking away their childhood from children in order to tell them a bunch of information that they will never remember and which they will never use is criminal", - M. Kazinik.

Another thing is to be able to find it, structure and analyze it, to distinguish what is valuable from information junk. After all, you won’t even notice what sites your child visits, what he reads, what he studies, where he hangs out. Organizing total surveillance is not an option; taking away all devices is also not an option. The best way out is to learn yourself and teach your child to navigate the world of information. “If you cannot suppress a revolution, you must lead it” :).

The information itself is unnecessary and meaningless. It has value when combined with critical thinking and creativity.

For example, one mother recently wrote to me that “... (a certain specialist, I will not mention his name) says that, yes, teaching through interest is wonderful, but the best education is received in those English schools where They DO NOT FOLLOW the student, allowing them to do mainly what they like, but FORCE them to study other subjects as well.”

The first option is to take the word of what this specialist says and start forcing the child, who, by the way, speaks three languages ​​fluently and is studying a fourth, to do mathematics.

Another option is to question whether the best education is obtained in certain English schools. And we will find out that today the best education in the world is in Finland, where the principles of education are completely different:

  • we have created a psychologically comfortable environment, students are not overloaded until they lose their pulse
  • They combine objects in this way to stimulate children’s cognitive activity.
  • no coercion, only creating opportunities and stimulating the thirst for knowledge
  • respect for the child’s individuality, teaching according to his abilities and capabilities
And then the inquisitive mind of the child, his natural curiosity will work wonders! This is what happened in the Finnish education system.

People who cannot critically evaluate information are easier to manage. But we want to raise an independent, happy child, so the conclusion is to help the child develop this skill, which is vital for him.

In our time, meta-knowledge, the study of subjects at the intersection of sciences and the ability to think associatively are valuable - this is how great discoveries arose and new inventions were created.

Each object should be seen not in isolated pieces (paragraphs), but as a whole and in conjunction with other objects.

Associative thinking allows you to generate new ideas and remember huge amounts of information. For example, associations helped the engineer Brown to invent a suspension bridge when he saw a spider's web, and the physicist Nagaoka to understand the structure of the atom from association with the solar system.

It is in our power to help a child master skills that will help him in learning and in generating new ideas, develop creativity, and not force him to learn paragraph No. such and such - it is pointless.

I believe that teaching in a fun and easy way is not only possible, but vital. The main reason we switched to independent learning was to preserve our son’s psychological health.

If a child is exhausted to the point of “I don’t want anything anymore,” then all knowledge is down the drain.

Our most important achievement, in my opinion, was that my son became calm and confident in his abilities. We learned to practice easily, cheerfully, and playfully. He began to laugh, play, his look changed! When, after the next lesson, he exclaimed: “Mom, life is good!”, I realized that I had chosen the right path.

“For three months I was nervous that I would miss something and fail in subjects. Now I stopped myself. In the evenings I noticed that my family and I began to communicate little. It turns out that we had only talked about school before. I forgot how to laugh heartily, out loud. I forgot how to play with children and enjoy it. That's what's scary. These are wonderful school years: 10 years of school for the senior, 4 years for the junior. Now I'm studying games that lift my spirits", - Lyudmila V.

To spend eleven years in boredom, hassle, coercion - why, for what purpose?
It’s possible in another way!

“The main driver for knowledge is love. Everything else doesn't matter. What a person loves, he knows", - M. Kazinik.

I love it! How I would like to see such a person at the head of our education system.

The strongest belief since Soviet times: “You need to do everything well, understand everything!»

It’s like a nail that nails you to one place and doesn’t allow you to move forward. My students constantly stumble over this thought and stall in place.

Once upon a time, Tatyana Chernigovskaya’s phrase helped me a lot: that now there is no point in asking who you are by education, it makes sense to find out what interests you at the moment. I repeat, the main thing is to be able to learn, to be able to quickly adapt and master those skills that are interesting to you at the moment.

As it was before?
You study, choose a profession for life, and begin to move up the career ladder.

Like now?
You can change your specialty throughout your life depending on what interests you at the moment. I will give examples from the lives of people I know personally.

  • Svetlana Strelnikova’s daughter Daria is a lawyer by training and is now studying higher mathematics in Germany in German. In a foreign language - tower! And this is not by force, but by choice.
  • Olga Tarnopolskaya is a lawyer, ethno-choreographer. She studies circular dances from different countries (Folk Circle Dances) and has already traveled all over the world with her dance workshops.
  • Konstantin Dykin - two higher educations in the field of cybernetics and finance. He studies and develops effective methods for overcoming crisis situations - my wonderful teacher, great Master.

I myself changed my field of activity twice - I left the position of financial director and mastered the profession of an advertising and Internet development specialist. Then I became interested in everything related to learning, brain function, memory, intelligence - created my own project.

I teach my son to feel himself, to feel his values ​​and desires, to follow them, to quickly master what interests him, to be the best in something HIS, and not in everything.

“If you do everything perfectly and very well, there will be no chance to be the best at something.”»,

- L. Petranovskaya.

A child must be constantly taught, forced, coerced, and developed with “willpower,” otherwise he will grow up unadapted to life. The main argument: “In adult life you will have to do not what you want, but what you need to do.”

"Will - this is the power of desire to build a happy life. The will to live in accordance with one’s desires is the main action that dictates a person’s self-love. Desire is the driving force in life. Genuine desire gives incredible energy to overcome.

Love yourself- Means have the will to live according to your desires“means to build the reality of your life yourself, and not to obey circumstances,” - A. Maksimov.

Let's start with ourselves. What's your least favorite thing to do? Ironing clothes, washing dishes? Starting today, start developing willpower - iron clothes 6 - 8 hours a day! After this, go to your husband for words of support and sympathy, and he will tell you:“How's the ironing going? Did you iron the laundry well enough (equally, what grade did you deserve/receive for it)? Now go and stroke some more (or do your homework).”

One of my students cried after this assignment, went up to her son and said: “Son, how I understand you!”

Only desire and interest can pull me out of bed every morning. When I’m doing what I love, I’m “carried”, I’m in the flow of ideas, thoughts, creativity, I don’t need to be forced - I’m happy! What is willpower? No will will force me to do what I don’t want, only desire and interest.

For 20 years I did something that didn’t bring me joy, through “shoulds,” using willpower. As a result, I “broke” and was on the verge of life and death (literally) until I realized that you need to be able to feel YOURSELF, YOUR desires and bring them to life.

Helping children find their interest and help develop it is our task. And not teach how to stop feeling, hearing yourself and impeccably fulfilling someone’s will for the sake of approval and a good grade.

How long it took Roma and I to stop being afraid of making mistakes! The child chewed pencils and pens while solving problems and doing exercises. He didn't chew so much as a baby!

Mothers shared that their children chew textbooks, pull their hair, and are afraid to speak. The child of one of my students was afraid to make a mistake when completing tasks in an online service - the teacher is not nearby, and he is afraid to press the button! Where this comes from is clear to everyone.

“Give your child a break - to be. Make mistakes, serve not requirements and norms, but inspiration and talents. Teach your children this too - the freedom to not be anyone but themselves. Excellent student - role. It’s not difficult to play him; you should always be the way teachers, bosses and commanders want you to be. The right guys will lose to those who are happier, and therefore more energetic and lively", - D. Karpov, teacher of the specialty of British higher education Graphic Design.

The fear of making a mistake is much worse than the mistake itself. Or rather, a mistake is not scary; without a mistake we cannot learn anything. Without error there would be no invention. My son and I talked a lot about this topic, I gave examples from the lives of great inventors. I promised him that I would never scold him for his mistakes. She explained that exams, especially in test format, don’t talk about knowledge, they don’t talk about anything at all! It’s just more convenient for teachers to check. Now our pencils are safe and sound :)

Surely you have a question: “ How then to teach children? They don’t want anything, you can’t force them - it’s a vicious circle.”

1. Know what you want in terms of education. Decide on a goal.

2. Take responsibility for education. You can't count on standard training. I think there is no need to convince you of this - otherwise you would not have come here.

3. Learn yourself and teach your child to learn. It is possible to master the required minimum of the school curriculum quickly, simply and even fun. Use the freed time for communication and interesting activities.

Our self-education, our behavior, our help and attitude towards the child can work wonders! And then the child’s inquisitive mind, his natural curiosity will awaken, and the question of motivation will disappear by itself. But more on that later.

My goal- to see the child happy and educated, ready for independent life.

The dynamics of the modern world, scientific and technological progress, and the rapid development of information technology require humanity to constantly change in various spheres of life. The educational industry cannot be an exception. After all, specialized knowledge and skills become outdated very quickly. For example, mathematics for schoolchildren, of course, remains the same as it was 10 and 20 years ago, but the methodology for studying this discipline is changing and adapting to the modern rhythm of life. In such a dynamic environment, human qualities come to the fore. The ability to constantly learn, quickly adapt, the ability to work in a team, search for non-standard solutions, stress resistance - these are what a modern person should have. It is obvious that the current education system does not keep up with changes in society and needs to be modernized. Personal development should be a priority in the educational process. Teachers understand this, parents and children want this.

What do parents expect from school education today?

It’s great that, as part of the Educational Forum 2016 in Lviv, a Parents’ Conference was held on March 3, which I was able to attend. I will be happy to share the results of the conference and my impressions with you, dear readers.

I was pleasantly surprised as a citizen that there are many caring people who want change and take an active position in implementing innovations in education. There are people who understand that the future of Ukraine depends on the education of our children.

As a father, I liked that teachers are the initiators of dialogue on improving school education and are ready to change the educational process, taking into account the wishes of parents and children.

Of course, conference participants have different views on school education. There were parents who sought to completely withdraw from the educational process at school. They didn't want to and didn't have time to do homework with the kids, prepare costumes for performances, and do other school-related work. Some of the parents, on the contrary, wanted to teach their children independently at home and undergo external training. Therefore, at first I did not imagine how large a number of activists should express their ideas and discuss them in one room. But the conference organizers skillfully directed the energy of the participants in the right direction.

The parent conference of adults was divided into three groups and invited to different audiences. The children worked separately. In each group, participants were seated with 4-5 people at a table. Pens and blank sheets of paper were distributed, on which each of us had to write down our vision of a modern school in 10 minutes. After that, for the next 10 minutes, the team around the table discussed their ideas and identified the 7 most important ones. Next, out of seven ideas, we had to choose the three most important ones, which were posted on the board for general review. Many of the wishes on the board turned out to be similar in essence, but slightly different in content. Such ideas were grouped and each group was given a working name. The teams then added the rest of the seven sheets. The general discussion determined which groups the proposals belong to. If necessary, new groups were created. In the end, each group was given a general name that reflected the essence of the ideas included in it.

Thus, without unnecessary fuss and noise, we received concentrated and generalized ideas that included the vision of each of the parents. After a coffee break, all participants gathered together again to exchange results and sum up.

So, what do parents want from education?

First of all, the child’s personality, rather than knowledge, should be at the center of the educational process. So that the teacher receives a decent salary, teaches children with inspiration and dedication, improves himself and does not think about part-time work. So that the child develops in mind, body and soul, and the basis of personal development is moral values. To ensure that the educational process is high-quality, interesting and safe. So that knowledge is practical and close to life. So that there is no homework. So that children love school and part of the students’ leisure time is spent at school. So that parents interact more closely with teachers in joint work to raise their children.

By a magical coincidence, each group of participants came up with nine generalized proposals for improving schooling. In numerology, the number 9 means the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. Therefore, there is hope that changes in the field of education will take place in the near future, and the wonderful ideas generated by the participants during the conference will be taken into account in the models of future schools.

Keywords: mathematics for schoolchildren, Parents' expectations from school education today, Educational Forum, conference, knowledge, modernization, school curriculum

As the monitoring of school effectiveness, which has been carried out since 2013 by the Center for the Economics of Lifelong Education of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, shows, parents are increasingly considering receiving additional education as the key to their children’s success in life, along with studying in a good school. In 2017, 81.7% of surveyed parents thought so.

At the same time, parents consider the entire range of activities that go beyond school education as additional education for their children. These include classes in sports sections, music schools, courses, with a tutor, etc. At the same time, parents, as a rule, want their child’s additional classes (especially for elementary school students) to take place at school, so the presence of Its various clubs and sections are considered one of the most important factors in the competitiveness of a general education organization. This seems to be due to the fact that parents want their children, on the one hand, to be busy, and on the other, to be supervised by an adult. At the same time, they, parents, would not have to waste time moving their child from school to an additional education organization, unless we are talking about special classes: training in sports schools or classes in music or art schools. Parents work, grandparents cannot always help, and the safety of the child and at the same time his development have become quite conscious values ​​for families.

At the same time, monitoring shows that only 10% of schools offer a variety of additional educational services; in other schools, their choice, unfortunately, is small. In addition, almost 30% of parents do not have information about the availability of additional paid services in schools, and this suggests that only a third of families (32.2%) use, to one degree or another, the opportunities that the school provides in obtaining additional education for their children .

In terms of territorial settlements, the largest proportion of schools where additional paid classes are not provided are schools located in rural areas - 61.7%, and only 10.2% of rural schools provide these services, but the range of these services is relatively small (in in 2016 there were 14.1%). The decrease in supply from rural schools can be explained, among other things, by the deterioration of the financial situation of families.

The differences between regional and district centers are not so significant; however, schools in regional centers act as more confident providers of additional services.

It should be noted that the main goal of additional classes for children is not so much to increase performance in mastering the school curriculum, but rather to be a condition for the implementation of further educational plans of families. This is evidenced by the fact that the largest share of those receiving additional education (67.5%) are students who achieve “excellent” and “good”. On the one hand, additional classes help improve children’s academic performance; on the other hand, the higher the academic performance, the higher the educational needs of families, and their satisfaction usually requires expanding the range of additional educational services the child receives.

Monitoring shows that the goals of additional education vary significantly depending on the grade in which the child is studying. For parents of elementary school students, the main thing is the development of creative abilities, sports and the health of the child. If we are talking about passing the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam with high scores, then, as most parents believe, the child needs additional classes with tutors or courses at a university. Let us note that even parents of students in grades 1–4 are thinking about the prospect of passing the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in 5–7 years and set preparation for these exams as one of the goals of additional classes. As we move into grades 5–9, test preparation becomes increasingly important, and in high school this task begins to take center stage.

Thus, if in elementary school additional classes serve to develop children’s abilities, expand their horizons and at the same time ensure that the child’s free time is filled, while he is under the supervision of an adult (which is also important in our not very quiet times), then in 5–9- In the 10th grade, compulsory classes begin to prevail, the task of development is largely replaced by the task of supporting school success through additional classes, and in grades 10–11, additional classes are aimed almost exclusively at ensuring that students pass the Unified State Exam with high scores and enter a university. This is not a very good result, since in this form formal education “eats” informal education, and is not complemented by it in order to create greater adaptability of the younger generation to the growing uncertainty of the future.