Study to become an art teacher after university. Teaching fine arts (Fine Arts) in additional education organizations with the qualification “Teacher of Fine Arts” (340 hours)

Pedagogy is a very broad concept. In the memory of most of us, the phrase “pedagogical institute” is firmly associated with the profession of a school teacher or kindergarten teacher. Many do not even suspect that they are graduating psychologists, speech pathologists, linguists... In recent years, psychological and pedagogical education has become increasingly popular, and the prestige of social work in the field of education has increased.

TOP 10 popular specialties:

If we are guided by the average passing score of the Unified State Examination, the most popular among applicants to pedagogical universities in 2011 were sociology, economics, foreign languages, philology and linguistics, as well as psychology. And this is not surprising. After all, a sociologist or economist can find a prestigious and highly paid job not only at school. And there is nothing to say about foreign languages; serious employers will tear off a person with a deep professional knowledge of several languages. In the field of linguistics, a diploma from a pedagogical institute carries very good weight. Competition for these specialties reaches 7 people per budget place.

Professions related to the fine arts are also highly rated; the total Unified State Exam score here reaches 178. Most likely, this is due to the limited number of places for applicants, because not all teachers are engaged in training creative people. The competition here is not very big - only 3 people per place, but it should be taken into account that in addition to good grades, an applicant cannot do without artistic abilities - no one has canceled the creative competition.

But what to do if the Unified State Examination does not reach the required score, and since the 1st grade you have dreamed of becoming a teacher and are firmly convinced that teaching is your calling?

Then it’s a good idea to think about the profession of a music worker, social teacher or primary school teacher. In order to begin training in these specialties, you will need a Unified State Examination score not exceeding 110 points.

By the way, if we ignore the dry score statistics, over the last 10 years the professions of primary school teachers and preschool teachers have been steadily gaining popularity and the competition for these specialties never drops below 3 people per budget place.

Why? Firstly, if you decide to give your skills and love to the kids, you will never be left without work: the birth rate in Russia is now higher than ever, and secondly, education is very versatile - the first educator and the first teacher do not teach highly specialized subjects, but introduce our little ones to the huge and endlessly interesting world around us. It often happens that communication with kindergarten and elementary school employees determines the entire future path of a little person, because, in fact, these are the first adults with whom the child communicates almost as closely as with his parents.

I would become a teacher... Where do future teachers study?

Applicants wishing to obtain higher pedagogical education in Moscow have a fairly wide choice. , which offer their services in teaching certain pedagogical specialties on a budgetary basis, contains more than 130 universities, academies and institutes. True, there are not many institutes in which professional pedagogical education is the main direction, and not one of the various specialties in any department.

According to a survey by the website, Moscow Pedagogical State University takes first place in the ranking by a large margin (31,248 votes). This is one of the oldest pedagogical institutes, producing teachers of various specializations for more than 130 years.

By the way, if you did not pass the Unified State Exam as well as you would like, and the points scored are not enough for admission to the chosen institute, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the requirements of other pedagogical institutions; perhaps they do not have such strict requirements for applicants for the coveted specialty.

Speciality Minimum passing score for the Unified State Examination University
Pedagogical education: sociology, economics, law 224
Linguistics and/or foreign language teaching 87-242
Fine arts, artistic graphics 178 Moscow City Pedagogical University
Pedagogical education: philology 143-210

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Psychology 170

Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University,

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov

Pedagogical education: chemistry 167 Moscow Pedagogical State University
Pedagogical education: biology, biochemistry 105-198

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov

Psychological and pedagogical education 85-205

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Russian State Social University,

Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University,

Teacher Education: Geography 92-183

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov

Pedagogy and methods of preschool education 92-171

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Teacher Education: History 131 Moscow Pedagogical State University
Defectological education 69-145

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Russian State Social University

Pedagogical education: mathematics, computer science, information technology 78-158

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University,

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhova,

Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics

Social pedagogy 93-106 Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute
Pedagogy and methods of primary education 93-99

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Teacher Education: Music 60-115

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Natalia Kogteva

The courses are really designed for people studying with higher education - there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the wonderful lectures on your own and also complete the certification work, putting your own efforts - especially since all the recommendations are given. The feedback is prompt and clear. THANK YOU to the curator - Gairbek Nuridovich Saykhanov for his professionalism, availability of communication with him and respect for the cadets.

04/03/2019 Nadezhda Ivanovna Gridina

04/03/2019 Vladimir

It’s great when a person has the opportunity to choose in life, in a profession, in getting an education. I am very glad that I chose this university for studying: the educational material is easily accessible, consultations are available if necessary, the deadlines are acceptable. Everything can only be assessed positively. Thanks to the curator - Saykhanov Gairbek Nuridovich for his kind and professional attitude, for his help in solving problematic issues. Sincerely, T.Pechurina

04/03/2019 Tatyana PechurinaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: technology teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Many thanks to the staff of NUST, and especially to Gairbek Nuridovich Saykhanov for the opportunity to receive education remotely!

04/02/2019 ArtyomGraduate of the Latin Teacher program

Thank you very much for the opportunity for professional retraining. Thanks to the retraining, I was able to get another job. Special thanks and a huge THANK YOU to the supervisor, Gairbek Nuridovich Saykhanov, for his professionalism, understanding, assistance in training, prompt response to emerging issues and their timely resolution. The training was clear and understandable, comments and clarifications were all made and explained in a tactful manner. I wish you success and prosperity!

03/31/2019 Tatyana TrubinaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: Teacher-organizer in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Thank you very much for the opportunity for professional retraining on the basis of the first higher education institution. An economist by training, now I can work as an Italian teacher in a Russian school.

03/28/2019 PolinaGraduate of the program "Teacher Education: Italian Language Teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Thank you very much for the opportunity for professional retraining. You gave me a chance to find a job and not only gain new knowledge, but also the opportunity to apply it in practice. Thank you for your work.

03/27/2019 Oksana Nikolaevna

I express my deep gratitude to all the teaching staff of distance professional retraining for the opportunity to receive additional higher education. Special thanks and a huge THANK YOU to my supervisor, Gairbek Nuridovich Saykhanov, for his professionalism, understanding, assistance in training, prompt response to emerging issues and their timely resolution. The training was clear and understandable, comments and clarifications were all made and explained in a tactful manner. It was a pleasure to work. My recommendations to other students about your university will be only the most positive. Success and prosperity! Once again THANK YOU SO MUCH!

03/27/2019 Svetlana RyabovaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: Teacher-psychologist in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Thank you very much for the opportunity for remote professional retraining. Previously, I had no experience of distance education and was very doubtful, but in this case I did not regret at all that I tried such a system! Everything is clear, efficient and understandable! I would like to express my gratitude and gratitude to the curator of the cycle, Gairbek Nuridovich Saykhanov, for his high professionalism. He always gives prompt feedback, helps with all his heart in case of difficulties or other questions, and is very responsible and patient with the student and his work. I received my diploma very quickly (it arrived within a week, everything was great!!!). I will recommend your university for studying. Thank you very much again. It was a pleasure to work with you. With respect to you and your work! I wish the university further development and success in its work!

03/24/2019 Enaleeva A.A.Graduate of the program "Teacher education: Teacher-psychologist in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I express my gratitude to the administration of NUST and personally to my supervisor Saykhanov Gairbek Nuridovich for support during the training, prompt response to all questions, convenient training format, and individual approach.

03/23/2019 Ekaterina KalininaGraduate of the program "Teacher of Latin in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

03/20/2019 Timur AlekseevichGraduate of the program "Pedagogy and methods of additional education for children and adults"

Excellent training. Everything is fast, clear, convenient. The curator responded promptly. Thank you.

03/10/2019 IrinaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: Teacher-psychologist in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the curator Saykhanov Gairbek Nuridovich for giving me the opportunity to take advanced training courses. Gairbek Nuridovich helped at all stages of training. If any questions arose, he immediately answered and helped in solving any problems in training.

03/01/2019 Alfiya FyaridovnaGraduate of the program "Productivity of educational activities of junior schoolchildren of a general education institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Many thanks to the National University of Modern Technologies for an excellent opportunity to receive distance education easily, interestingly and quickly. The supervisor of my direction, G.N. Saykhanov, is a true professional in his field: he answered questions clearly and clearly, quickly (even very quickly), helped to understand the intricacies, was sympathetic to the problems that arose and helped solve them. I would never have thought that distance education could be so interesting and useful. Thanks to this university, I realized this. Thanks a lot!

02/27/2019 Alexandra Andreevna


02/27/2019 Anastasia NIKOLAEVNA

Thank you very much for providing this course. Convenient time for training and inexpensive cost of the course. Separately, I would like to thank the coordinator Saykhanov Gairbek Nuridovich. Gairbek Nuridovich helped at all stages of training. If any questions arose, he immediately answered and helped in solving any problems in training. I hope to continue taking your courses in the future.

02/25/2019 AndreyGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: History and social studies teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

She is a Russian language and literature teacher by training, but has worked as a social educator for more than 7 years. They began to require specialized education according to new standards. I found this university with correspondence courses on the Internet and was very worried that I might get scammed. But everything turned out great. Fast. It's clear. Easily. Professionally. I received my specialized diploma as a social pedagogue without any hassle. What I liked most is that they respond by email very quickly, almost instantly! There is no need to force anything out of the institute - they will write and say and remind everyone themselves. Thank you very much for this! It was a pleasure to cooperate with you. I will recommend you to everyone I know who needs distance learning. Fast, high quality, convenient! Thank you very much again!

02/21/2019 Nadezhda VladimirovnaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: Social teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the curator Saykhanov Gairbek Nuridovich for giving me the opportunity to undergo professional retraining.

02/20/2019 OksanaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical Education: Mathematics Teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

With respect to you and your work!

02/14/2019 Kolesnikova Irina IvanovnaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education Chemistry teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Thank you very much for the opportunity for remote professional retraining. I would like to express my gratitude to the curator, Saykhanov Gairbek Nuridovich, who was always in touch and promptly answered any questions that arose. I will only recommend this university to my colleagues. Thank you very much again.

02/10/2019 Denisova L.A.

Thank you for the opportunity for distance learning. Useful literature: you can re-read it at any time. Thanks to the curator G.N. Saykhanov.

02/06/2018 Marina VladimirovnaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: Russian language teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Many thanks to Gairbek Nuridovich for his qualified assistance and advice during the learning process. I increased my professional level, gained access to literary novelties in Pedagogy and methods of teaching history and social studies, psychology, and the history of Russian culture. All information received will help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the transition to teaching history and social studies in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

02/05/2019 Yalukhina Larisa VasilievnaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: History and social studies teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Recently I completed distance learning at the National University of Modern Technologies and received a specialist diploma. I am grateful for organizing and conducting the training. Special thanks to my curator Saykhanov Gairbek Nuridovich, who was always in touch and answered any questions that arose. I advise everyone who wants to undergo training to choose this educational institution. I wish the university further development and success in its work!

02/03/2019 ElzaraGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: Technology teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I received my diploma, everything is super! Now I need to reach the next heights of self-realization! I would like to say, separately, a huge thank you to the curator Gairbek Nuridovich Saykhanov for his professional approach, there was always prompt feedback, he wholeheartedly helped and empathized in case of difficulties, he was very responsible about my tasks questions and about your work.
At first, of course, I doubted the rationality and effectiveness of distance learning, but then I realized and did not regret at all that I tried such a learning system! Everything is accessible, of course I will recommend this university to everyone!

01/31/2019 ElviraGraduate of the program "Pedagogical Education: Fine Arts Teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Thank you for distance learning, for interesting material,
provided for studying the course, for answers to questions that arise during the learning process. The diploma has been received, the necessary literature remains, you can continue to study in more depth. I'm starting to work. Thank you!

01/29/2019 Elena Aleksandrovna Chupina

Thank you for the opportunity to use achievements in the field of modern technologies (the Internet) to receive additional education, I am pleased with the training, especially that all the necessary educational information is provided, which can be used after training, the curator answered all questions that arose quickly and competently, communication was constantly maintained, I always felt a professional approach and kind attitude. Thank you very much for the training. I recommend this educational institution to everyone.

01/26/2019 AlexanderGraduate of the program “Theory and methodology of organizing the educational and training process in the sport “Chess”

Thank you for the opportunity for professional retraining! An interesting and understandable training program, attentive attitude and prompt responses from the curator.

01/26/2019 JuliaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: English teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Thank you very much for the opportunity for remote professional retraining. A large volume of modern educational literature and a competent curator helped me master the new specialty of an educational psychologist. I will definitely recommend this educational institution to my colleagues. Thank you for the prompt delivery of documents!

01/25/2019 Dergacheva Svetlana VyacheslavovnaGraduate of the program "Teacher Education: Teacher-Psychologist"

01/24/2019 Dayana Aleksandrovna ZuevaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: Teacher-psychologist in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I am very grateful to you for the opportunity to study remotely, I have received my diploma, and now I can only move forward and realize myself!

12/22/2018 Smirnova Ulyana AlekseevnaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: English teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

12/13/2018 SvetlanaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: Teacher-psychologist in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

thank you very much for your timely answers to my questions, thank you to Gairbek Nuridovich for your help! The diploma arrived within a week, everything is in the best possible way!!)

12/09/2018 EkaterinaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: Primary school teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Thank you very much for your professional approach. Gairbek Nuridovich Saykhanov, my supervisor was always in touch, and resolved any issues quickly and efficiently. I recommend studying at this university.

12/09/2018 Korobkova Nadezhda VitalievnaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: Special education teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Convenient installment system. The coordinator is always in touch. Clear and well-written educational material. I will recommend it to my colleagues!

12/05/2018 Sergey

I want to thank you very much for your professional approach!
The curator (Gairbek Nuridovich Saykhanov) always gives prompt feedback, wholeheartedly helps in case of difficulties or certain questions, and is very responsible towards the student and his work.
At first I doubted the rationality and effectiveness of distance learning, but in this case I did not regret at all that I tried such a system!
Everything is clear, prompt and understandable, I recommend it unconditionally!

12/01/2018 Veronica

Thank you very much! I received my diploma very quickly. Everything is accessible and understandable. The curator is excellent! always in touch, answered all questions almost immediately. It was a pleasure to work with you.

November 29, 2018 NatalyaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical Education: Life Safety Teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I liked the approach to learning. Thank you very much!!!

November 28, 2018 TatyanaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: German language teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I am very glad that I studied with you. Thank you for your help. I will be happy to recommend you to my colleagues. Thank you.

11.28.2018 Shpineva VictoriaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: Computer science teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Specific, understandable material necessary for further work is given. The curator helps to cope with difficulties and monitors deadlines for completing tasks. Very comfortably. Thank you very much

11/18/2018 Kitaeva Victoria VladimirovnaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: Computer science teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Hello, I studied to become an educational psychologist. I received my diploma and am working)))
Thank you very much!!!

05.11.2018 NadezhdaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: Teacher-psychologist in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Thank you for your help, everything was very accessible, organized and convenient. I would gladly recommend you to my colleagues!

10/23/2018 AlfiyaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: English teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I would like to say thank you to curator Gairbek Nuridovich Saykhanov for his knowledge and kindness! It is a pleasure to work and collaborate with you. After communicating with you, a second wind opens up, I want to try to implement everything.

10/17/2018 ValentinaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: Teacher-speech therapist in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Thank you very much for your help, for the opportunity to get a specialty.

10/17/2018 ElenaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: Japanese language teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Thank you for the opportunity to undergo professional retraining quickly and conveniently. Everything is perfectly organized, clear, the materials are useful and necessary in the work. All obligations of the university were fulfilled efficiently and on time. Special words of gratitude to curator Gairbek Nuridovich. I recommend studying at your university to all my colleagues.

10/17/2018 Svetlana ShadrinaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: Special education teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I would like to express my gratitude to your work, especially to the curator Gairbek Nuridovich. Everything is very convenient, accessible, simple. The impressions from the courses are very good. I received my diploma and am already working. Many thanks to all the creators of distance courses.

09/24/2018 Marina SkopintsevaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: Teacher-psychologist in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I am very grateful to the university leadership for their cooperation. Special thanks to curator Gairbek Nuridovich for his understanding and efficiency. Congratulations to the entire team on the start of the school year. Creative success to all teachers. Sincerely, Tamara Gennadievna

09/12/2018 Tamara GennadievnaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: Geography teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I thank the university management for providing me with the opportunity to take a retraining course in the required program. Special thanks to the curator, Gairbek Nuridovich Saykhanov, for his understanding, responsiveness, efficiency, and punctuality. To the entire teaching staff - creative success! If necessary, I will use your services again. I will recommend it to my colleagues. Sincerely, Anna Parenkina.

09/08/2018 Anna ParenkinaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: social teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I express my deep gratitude for the individual approach to learning and the operational work of the university. I would especially like to thank the curator, Gairbek Nuridovich, who was always open to communication and gave clear explanations to the questions raised.

09/07/2018 EkaterinaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: Teacher of history and social studies in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I express my deep gratitude and appreciation to the entire teaching staff, especially Gairbek Nuridovich! For high professionalism, punctuality and mutual understanding! Only the best recommendations!!! Sincerely, Lebedeva Natalya

09/03/2018 NatalyaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: teacher of fine arts in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I would like to express my gratitude to the management of the university for the excellent opportunity to undergo distance learning according to the required program. Special thanks to the curator - Saykhanov Gairbek Nuridovich, who always answered all the questions that arose, thank you for your work! Good luck in all your endeavors!

09/03/2018 ElvinaGraduate of the program "Teacher education: Turkish language teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Thanks to Gairbek Nuridovich Saykhanov for his work with me. He always responded quickly at any time. The diploma arrived in high quality, in hard cover with all the attachments, I really liked the site. I will use your services again someday. Thanks a lot.

09/03/2018 MariaGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: Computer science teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

My deepest gratitude to the university management, teachers, staff and my supervisor, Gairbek Nuridovich Saykhanov, for the availability of retraining, the relevance and content of the training course, efficiency in interaction and friendliness. Thank you for your work!

08/31/2018 Alexander SergatenkoGraduate of the program "Pedagogical education: chemistry teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

I am very pleased with the training. I express special gratitude to my curator, Saykhanov Gairbek Nuridovich, who always answered questions quickly and in detail. I will recommend it to my colleagues

08/29/2018 Morozova VasilyGraduate of the program "Teacher education: German teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Beginning: 7700 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 13000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 20000 ⃏ per month

Demand for the profession

Today, the demand for this job in the labor market is average.

Where to study to become an art teacher in Moscow

Who is the profession suitable for?

Personal qualities:

  • punctuality
  • love for children
  • creativity
  • attentiveness
  • emotional stability
  • adequate self-esteem
  • communication and organizational skills.


Career growth in the teaching profession is very promising. There are many possibilities before you. The problem is that they rarely appear. After all, few people want to leave the position of rector or director voluntarily. You can also give private lessons where the pay is higher than in a regular school.


  • Provides training and education to students taking into account the specifics of the subject being taught.
  • Promotes socialization, the formation of a common personal culture, conscious choice and subsequent mastery of professional educational programs.
  • Uses a variety of techniques, methods and teaching aids.
  • Implements educational programs.
  • Provides a level of training for students that meets the requirements of the state educational standard, and is responsible for their implementation not in full.
  • In special (correctional) educational institutions, carries out work on training and education of students (pupils), aimed at maximum correction of developmental deviations, taking into account the specifics of the subject being taught.
  • Complies with the rights and freedoms of students contained in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • Systematically improves his professional qualifications.
  • Participates in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work.
  • Communicates with parents (persons replacing them).
  • Complies with labor protection, safety and fire protection rules and regulations.
  • Ensures the protection of life and health of students during the educational process.
Rate the profession: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fine Arts Teacher (Fine Arts) is a special kind of specialist whose task is not only to teach drawing, but also to develop the child’s abilities and love for creativity. It has been repeatedly noted that the formation of artistic taste, concepts of aesthetics and harmony at a young age has a beneficial effect on the further development of a person. For the child’s general erudition, it is also useful to have an idea of ​​the history of the development of fine arts, famous masters, works, and to understand the importance and historical value of creativity. In conditions of a small number of teaching hours allocated to this subject as part of the school curriculum, the professional training of a teacher becomes of great importance.

The Interregional Academy of Additional Professional Education (MADPO) offers the opportunity to take a remote professional retraining course in the specialty “Fine Arts Teacher”. The course program was created based on the experience and current methods of leading art schools in Moscow and complies with the Federal State Educational Standard. To apply for a course, you must provide a diploma of secondary specialized or higher education. Upon completion of the course, the Academy provides a document confirming the right to engage in teaching activities in the field of fine arts (Fine Arts).

Professional retraining course program for art teachers

During the training process, students of the course for fine arts teachers will have the opportunity to master the following disciplines:

  • Fundamentals of pedagogy and teaching psychology.
  • Theoretical foundations and teaching methods.
  • Current methods of teaching fine arts.
  • General history of architecture and fine arts.
  • Drawing.
  • Painting.
  • Composition.
  • Sculpture and architecture.
  • Decorative and applied arts.
  • Folk art.

The duration of training ranges from 252 to 580 training hours, depending on the level of initial training of the student.

Conditions for training teachers of fine arts (Fine Arts)

  • The Academy accepts applications for training online. Enrollment in courses is also done remotely and without competition. The only mandatory condition for taking courses is the presence of a diploma from a secondary specialized or higher educational institution.
  • The retraining course for the specialty “Fine Arts Teacher” is conducted by the Academy only in a distance format, thanks to which specialists from Moscow and other regions can undergo training.
  • Each student is given access to the Academy’s specialized educational portal, which contains all the necessary educational materials and teaching aids. An individual lesson plan is provided. To ensure knowledge control, an interactive testing system has been developed.
  • Upon completion of training and based on the results of the final certification, the Academy issues a diploma of professional retraining in the specialty “Fine Arts Teacher” of the established form. The document allows you to find a job as an art teacher in special art schools, or as an art teacher in general education institutions.