Educational and methodological material on the Russian language (grade 6) on the topic: texts for presentation. Educational summary

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Text of the presentation

(1)What are the benefits of reading? (2) Is it true that reading is useful? (3) Why do many people continue to read? (4) After all, not only to relax or occupy free time.

(5) The benefits of reading books are obvious. (6) Books broaden a person’s horizons, enrich his inner world, and make him smarter. (7) It is also important to read books because it increases a person’s vocabulary and develops clear and clear thinking. (8) Everyone can verify this by their own example. (9) You just have to thoughtfully read some classical work, and you will notice how easier it has become to express your own thoughts with the help of speech, to select the right words. (10) A person who reads speaks more competently. (11) Reading serious works makes us constantly think, it develops logical thinking. (12) Don’t believe me? (13) And you read something from the classics of the detective genre, for example, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” by Conan Doyle. (14) After reading (general minor term) you will think faster 1, your mind will become sharper 2 and you will understand 3 that reading is useful and beneficial 4.

(15) It is also useful to read books because they have a significant influence on our moral guidelines and on our spiritual development. (16) After reading this or that classic work, people sometimes begin to change for the better.

(Based on Internet materials)

Sample summary

The benefits of reading books are obvious. Books broaden a person’s horizons and enrich his inner world. It is also important to read books because it increases a person’s vocabulary and develops clear thinking. A person who reads speaks more competently. Reading serious works forces us to constantly think. After reading something from the detective genre classics, you will think faster and understand that reading is useful and profitable.

Books have a significant influence on our moral guidelines and on our spiritual development. People who read sometimes begin to change for the better.

I want to learn

1. write a summary

2. shorten the text of the presentation

Listen to this presentation and all others

Download the text of a detailed and condensed presentation of “What are the benefits of reading”, audio file

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Lesson on speech development in 6th grade using RKMChP techniques.

Lesson topic: Detailed presentation. Text “Meeting with a sperm whale” (6th grade).


During the classes:

Stage 1 - activation of each student.

1 .-The title contains the word meeting.( The title of the text is not fully readable). Write down what associations you have with this word in your notebooks.

(R conversation, recognition, conversation).

Ask questions.

Who is dating and with whom?

Where does the meeting take place?

What's unusual about this?

2.- What is reflected in the title of the text? (Subject)

3 .Key words and expressions are written on the board; use them to predict the plot outline :(ship, strait, do not crash into the ice, impact, rocked)

Individual work, listening and discussion of several options for work.

Stage 2 – comprehension of the text.

-Listen to part 1 of the text, is your version confirmed?

Suddenly I heard the water splashing loudly right next to the side. The blow was so strong that even the ship rocked on the wave...

Filling out the diary:

Who? What?

Key words on the board: like a sledgehammer, a monster.

Who is this?

Listen to part 2.

The blow was so strong that even the ship rocked on the wave. I look closely and see some kind of monster overboard. It floats away, then approaches and sighs heavily. So it disappeared and reappeared in front of the ship, emerging at the very stern. And the water glows green from its splashes. All night this monster swam and sighed after the ship. And I long ago guessed that it was...

Key expression on the board: steam fountain

Sperm whale? Describe it using knowledge from the field of zoology (work in pairs). Listening to answers.

Listen to part 3 of the text.

Everyone knows that this is the largest toothed whale. And at dawn I saw him. His head is blunt, like a sledgehammer, and very long. No other animal has one like this. The eyes are tiny and there is only one nostril. He will stick her out of the water, release a fountain of steam, sigh heavily and go under the water again. The movements of this sea giant are fast and agile. But it was a young sperm whale. I thought for a long time why he was so persistently swimming after us.

Did you describe the sperm whale correctly?

Filling out the diary

Who? What?

- Why did the sperm whale swim after the ship? What are your guesses?

(Work in pairs, group). Listening to versions.

Listen to the last part of the text.

He probably mistook our ship for a whale. Still young, the milk on his lips has not dried. As autumn storms begin, all sperm whales move towards the equator. And this one, apparently, has fallen behind his mother, from his herd, and is looking for salvation.
While I was thinking about this, the sperm whale left the ship and swam south. Its fountain was visible for a long time between the ice, and then disappeared. Probably he went looking for the equator. Will this little monster find his mother?
- Were your assumptions justified?

Filling out the diary.

Who? What?

Think about how you can title the text to convey the main idea?

Listen to the text again, write a summary close to the text.

Working with draft and finishing versions.

Stage 3 - reflection. Filling out the sheet.



One day our ship was sailing in the Gulf of Anadyr. It was night. I was standing at the stern. The ice floes rustled and broke over the sides. A strong wind and snow were blowing, but the sea was calm, the heavy ice did not allow it to rage. With great difficulty the ship made its way between the ice floes at low speed. Everyone knew well that the ice fields would soon begin. Our experienced captain steered the ship carefully so as not to crash into the ice.
Suddenly I heard the water splashing loudly right next to the side. The blow was so strong that even the ship rocked on the wave... I looked closely and saw some kind of monster overboard.

It floats away, then approaches and sighs heavily. So it disappeared and reappeared in front of the ship, emerging at the very stern. And the water glows green from its splashes. All night this monster swam and sighed after the ship. And I guessed a long time ago that it was a sperm whale.

Everyone knows that this is the largest toothed whale. And at dawn I saw him. His head is blunt, like a sledgehammer, and very long. No other animal has one like this. The eyes are tiny and there is only one nostril. He will stick her out of the water, release a fountain of steam, sigh heavily and go under the water again. The movements of this sea giant are fast and agile. But it was a young sperm whale. I thought for a long time why he was so persistently swimming after us.

He probably mistook our ship for a whale. Still young, the milk on his lips has not dried. As autumn storms begin, all sperm whales move towards the equator. And this one, apparently, has fallen behind his mother, from his herd, and is looking for salvation. While I was thinking about this, the sperm whale left the ship and swam south. Its fountain was visible for a long time between the ice, and then disappeared. Probably he went looking for the equator. Will this little monster find his mother?
(According to G. Snegirev).

Description of material: I offer a lesson on speech development in 6th grade on the topic “Educational presentation.” This lesson corresponds to the federal state educational standard (second generation). The lesson is intended both for students to practice the skills of competent writing and literate speech, and for the development of communicative, linguistic and cultural competencies.

Lesson of educational selective presentation in 6th grade

Topic: Selective presentation based on the text by I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Spring Evening in the Forest.”


1. Learn to write a selective presentation, systematize and collect material for a statement.

2. Promote the development of students' oral and written speech.

3. Help improve your writing skills.

4. To promote in students a love for nature and the Motherland.

Handout: An excerpt from K. Paustovsky’s work “Coastal Meadow”. The text of the presentation on this passage. Text by I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Spring evening in the forest.”

Teaching methods used in the lesson:

Verbal, visual, practical;

Methods of psychology - development of mental operations: classification and systematization, comparison and generalization;

Pedagogical methods - methods of organizing and stimulating educational activities.

During the classes.

I. Organizing children to work.

II. Lesson topic: “Compiling a selective summary of “Sounds of the evening forest.”

Teacher. I remind you that what you read can be retold in different ways: in detail (close to the text), briefly or concisely (the most important thing), or you can select and retell one part of the text, that is, present it selectively in accordance with a given topic. Give examples of times when you had to write selective paraphrases. (give examples). The purpose of our lesson is a more detailed acquaintance with the features and meaning of selective presentation, drawing up a selective presentation on the proposed topic.

Teacher. In selective presentation, not the entire text is retold, but only some part of it related to a specific subtopic (microtopic). (We repeat the concept of a broad and narrow topic). In a text, material related to a given topic can be located in one place (concentrated), but it can also be scattered (dispersed). In this case, you must first select the required material.

In speech practice, you will often have to use selective retelling, select and present material only on the topic necessary for a particular case. This means that you need to be able to selectively present what you read or listened to.

III. Comparative analysis of the source text and selected presentation.

Text (on everyone’s desk).

Near the water, innocent blue forget-me-nots peeked out from the mint thickets in large clumps. And further, behind the hanging loops of blackberries, wild rowan with tight yellow inflorescences bloomed along the slope. Tall red clover mixed with mouse peas and bedstraw, and a gigantic thistle rose above all the closely crowded community of flowers. He stood waist-deep in the grass and looked like a knight in armor with steel spikes on his elbows and knee pads.

(K.E. Paustovsky).

Selective presentation (on everyone’s desk).

A gigantic thistle grew among the flowers near the water. He stood waist-deep in the grass and resembled a knight in armor with steel spikes on his elbows and knee pads.

Students read the text and its presentation (everyone has one) and answer the questions:

What is the main idea of ​​the source text?

What type of text can the passage be classified as (narration, description, reasoning)? Why?

What paraphrase of the text is given? Prove your answer.

How can you title a new text, reflecting its main idea? (“Giant Thistle”, “Fairytale Knight”).

What type of text is this?

Are the expressive means of K. Paustovsky’s text used in the presentation? (Figurative definitions and comparisons are used).

Teacher. Pay attention to the first sentence in the selective presentation. It tells where the thistle grew. The first sentence is very important, it makes the description immediately clear. Is the material for selective presentation concentrated or dispersed? (focused). I especially draw your attention to the fact that if a detailed and concise presentation necessarily reveals the theme and main idea of ​​the source text, then with a selective presentation the topic of presentation is always narrower than the topic of the source text, and the main idea may not coincide with the main idea of ​​the original version.

IV. Reading of the text by the teacher (the text is printed and distributed to students).

Spring evening in the forest.

The sun disappeared behind the tops of the forest. It's cool and damp in the forest. You can hear the earth breathing and coming to life. It smells like spring buds and awakening warm earth.

Last year’s wet leaf moved on the ground by itself. Below him, a green arrow of young grass appeared from the ground.

There are many sounds in the evening forest.

The first blackbirds are appearing on the trees. At the top of a tall oak tree, a wild pigeon - vitiuten - coos loudly.

“Vityuten I’m sitting on the du-u-ub! Vityuten I’m sitting on the du-u-ub!” - Vityuten pronounces importantly.

Frogs hum dully in the transparent spring puddles.

Stretching their long necks and whistling their wings, wild ducks flew over the forest.

“Holy shit! Shhhh!” - the red-browed handsome black grouse suddenly made a loud noise and muttered in the clearing.

“Goo-goo-goo! Goo-goo-goo!” - the hare hooted, very much like a forest owl, flying silently, responded to him.

An owl hooted terribly in the forest and laughed.

Flapping their wings, the long-nosed wood waders quietly flew over the tops of the forest.

Lower and lower the cool spring night descends.

What does the text describe? (Students answer).

What description is this? Prove your answer using the text. (Give examples of figurative and expressive means),

The forest is filled with different sounds. What verbs does the author use to describe sounds? Who makes these sounds? (The earth is breathing, blackbirds are singing; a pigeon is cooing and pronouncing importantly; frogs are croaking dully; wild ducks fly by, whistling with their wings; a black grouse clucked and muttered; a hare hooted; an eagle owl hooted and muttered terribly; the waders quietly pulled.)

In what tense are the verbs used? (In the present and past).

How do you understand the expression “flying with whistling wings”? (They cut the air with their wings, making a sound similar to a whistle).

The writer Sokolov-Mikitov caught many unusual sounds in the spring forest. How many of you have been in the forest and listened to its sounds? What sounds did you hear? (Children answer).

VI. Collecting material for a presentation on the topic “Sounds of the evening forest.”

Collectively, children complete the following tasks:

1. Select from the text material related to the topic of presentation (sentences 3,7-16 are selected; 1,2,4,5,17 are excluded).

2. Review the collected material and determine the main idea of ​​the future presentation. (“The spring forest in the evening is rich in a variety of sounds”).

3. Name the verbs that must be used to convey the sounds of the forest.

4. Think about how to start the presentation, arrange the material in the right sequence. (“There are many sounds in the evening forest. You can hear the earth breathing and coming to life...” the rest of the presentation repeats the sequence of the text.)

VII. Compiling an oral selective retelling.

I listen to one or two retellings. I draw attention once again to the first sentence that begins the description, to the sequence of presentation and to the correct use of verbs when describing the sounds of the evening forest.

VIII. Writing a selective summary of “Sounds of the evening forest.”

IX. Summing up the lesson.

As a result of the work, I offer students a reminder “How to work on a selective presentation.”

The task of a brief or condensed presentation is to convey the main idea of ​​the text. There is no need to preserve the author's style here, as with a detailed presentation. The main thing is to accurately grasp the main theme, and retell all the events described, observing the logic of the narrative.

How to write a concise summary

There is a classic guide to writing briefs that is very effective and practical.

1. Listen to the text and try to determine the main topic and style of speech.

2. Highlight the main ideas and secondary information in the content. Try to make notes during the first reading, writing down the main thoughts and expressions in abbreviated form. It is also important to correctly write down the names of the characters and dates, if they are present in the text.

3. Clarify the meaning of unclear words.

4. Listen to the text again and make a detailed plan. The more details, the better. This way you can identify micro-topics and build a logical chain of events or phenomena described in the text. Remember: as many paragraphs as there are micro-topics. If the text is read correctly, there is always a pause between paragraphs. This will help you get your bearings.

5. Now we have to compress the plan. Remove all items that do not provide semantic information. You can remove all details, descriptions, details, clarifications, explanations. But don't overdo it, or you risk excluding something important.

6. For each point, write key words, the most striking expressions that will need to be included in the presentation.

7. Outline the content of each point of the plan in a draft, trying to use key words.

8. Read what you have written and check whether the logic of the narrative is preserved, whether the main idea of ​​the text is revealed, whether there is a connection between the paragraphs.

Basic rules for summarizing text

There are several techniques that will help eliminate unimportant details from the story.

1. Exception.

You can exclude words, phrases and entire sentences from the text:


If a person lives to bring good to people, alleviate their suffering from illness, give people joy, then he sets himself a goal worthy of a person.

Bringing good to people is a goal worthy of a person.

Remove all explanatory structures. In a series of homogeneous members, you can exclude synonyms, leaving one word, or replacing the entire series with one word.


To protect yourself from indifference, you need to develop in your soul complicity, sympathy , compassion and at the same time skill distinguish harmless human weaknesses from vices , crippling the soul.

To protect yourself from indifference, you need to develop compassion in your soul, but at the same time be able to distinguish human weaknesses from vices.

2. Generalization. Replace descriptive and explanatory sentences with one, but succinct, expression.


Like any qualified, purposeful, planned and systematic work, a teacher is a profession, a specialty. But this is a special profession, incomparable to any other business. It is distinguished by a number of special properties and qualities.

A teacher is a special profession, distinguished by a number of special qualities and properties.

3. Simplification. Simplify all designs that you can. By the way, you will make fewer mistakes this way. You can, for example, replace participial verbs with participles, remove introductory words, and break a complex sentence that is too long into several simple ones.


Through the noise of the forest one could hear the sounds that a strained ear hears during any storm, so it was difficult to make out whether it was people calling for help, or whether the storm was crying in the chimney.

Through the noise of the forest, sounds were heard that were difficult to make out.


Of all the wild animals that I have ever seen and observed , the most outlandish and intelligent animals , undoubtedly , beavers.

Beavers are the most intelligent and strange animals.

The most common mistakes

Avoid frequent repetitions of the same word. Use synonyms or pronouns.

Check the verbal connection between paragraphs. This is easy to do with the help of organizing words: this is why, it follows from this, thus, so, finally, etc.

Do not rearrange parts of the text (micro-themes) so as not to disrupt the consistency of the presentation.

Don't distort the facts. All names, dates, facts must be written correctly.

This type of work with text, such as presentation, helps develop many skills. This is understanding the text, recording, remembering and transmitting the information received, constructing your own coherent statement based on this information, editing the created text, applying knowledge of spelling and punctuation when writing a statement. The main task, of course, is the development of students’ speech when they create their own speech work based on a sample - the text of the presentation. From presentation we move to composition, creative work that involves expressing one’s own thoughts on a certain topic.

Since 2014, Russian schools have introduced a final essay as a condition for admission to final exams. A final essay is a test of the ability to think in writing on a given topic, which is formed in any lesson, and this skill needs to be developed throughout the entire school course. Of course, a special responsibility here lies with literature teachers, because it is in the lessons of the Russian language and literature that students gain knowledge about the process itself, the technique of writing an essay on a given topic. The graduate’s thinking, level of development and quality of his written speech are the most important things in assessment. Consequently, when organizing work on speech development in all classes (and not just in graduation!), we first of all strive to solve the main task: to teach the child to think, reflect on the topic and convey his reflections and thoughts in the form of an essay. The presentation in this work is a necessary and very important link.

Features of presentations in 6th grade

Even M.V. Rybnikova, in her “Essays on the Methods of Literary Reading” (the first edition of M.A. Rybnikova’s “Book on Language,” in which methodological techniques for working on words were outlined, dates back to 1923), outlined unique “thematic circles” in vocabulary work, along which you need to move from class to class, teaching children to write summaries and essays. In 5th grade it is a narrative, in 6th grade it is a description. When learning adjectives in 6th grade, it is logical to teach children to use this part of speech in written statements.

Before writing a description of Nikolai Rachkov’s painting “Girl with Berries,” in which a girl is holding a cup with Khokhloma painting in her hands, we give students the opportunity to get acquainted with Khokhloma folk craft by writing a summary about Khokhloma.

The volume of text for presentation in 6th grade can be 150-200 words. You can choose one of the proposed texts that tell about the history of the fishery. You can supplement the presentation with a description of the Khokhloma product, which will be clearly presented in the lesson.

Before the presentation, children are asked to create phrases “noun + adjective” that can be used in describing the subject. For example: Khokhloma painting, golden background, black and red colors, bright flowers, large leaves, juicy berries, wooden dishes, etc.

Sequence of work on the presentation

  1. The first reading of the text, in which students listen carefully and determine for themselves the topic of the text, the main information and its sequence, and the structure of the text. It is not advisable to take notes during the first reading. If there are words whose meanings are not clear, they need to be explained; names, dates, proper names can be written on the board.
  2. A pause of 5-7 minutes, during which students write down a rough outline of the text and fix its structure. The plan is drawn up in any form and is not written down in the final copy. It is necessary to recommend that children make notes after 2-3 lines, leaving room for addition and clarification of the material during the second listening.
  3. The second listening to the text, in which students make notes of key words using abbreviations. During the second listening, they check the correctness of the definition of the structure of the text and clarify the basic information discussed in the text.
  4. Work on reproducing the text of the presentation. Students write the text of the presentation in a draft.
  5. Checking the written text from the point of view of coherence, consistency, that is, from the point of view of content; then – checking the correct spelling of words and punctuation marks.
  6. Completing a creative task: describing a subject visually presented in the lesson. It should be small, 3-5 sentences, using working materials - phrases compiled before the speech development lesson.
  7. Students re-read and check the entire text again, rewrite it into a clean copy.

It is advisable to devote two lessons to such work on speech development, during which the children have time to complete all the tasks.

Texts for presentation

Text No. 1

Khokhloma wood painting originated in the Trans-Volga region, in villages located on the Uzol River, which flows into the Volga. On the map of the Nizhny Novgorod province, today you can find Novopokrovskoye, Kuligino, Vorobyovo, Lebedevo, Khokhloma - in total, more than 50 villages produced dishes with Khokhloma painting. The bread grown on the local sandy soils was often not enough until the next harvest, and local peasants from ancient times made wooden utensils for sale: they hollowed out ladles, sharpened dishes and bowls, and cut spoons. However, this craft existed in many regions of Russia, but Khokhloma products could easily be recognized by their special golden painting. It’s remarkable that it was created without the use of gold. Local legend connects her birth with a master icon painter who fled to the Trans-Volga forests after a church schism.

The proximity of the Volga provided good sales of dishes. Craftsmen brought their products to the large trading village of Khokhloma, from there carts and barges went to Makaryevskaya and Nizhny Novgorod fairs, and then dispersed throughout Russia, even ending up in Central Asia and Persia.

Things from early Khokhloma have not reached us, because wood is less durable than metal or ceramics. Products from the late 18th - early 19th centuries have been preserved.

Text No. 2

Golden grass grew on the spoon. A red mallow flower blossomed on a bowl. The cranberries are ripe on the ladle. This berry is pecked by a crested bird - a golden feather. Have you already thought that a fairy tale has begun? And this is true. For a long time they made and painted dishes in the Trans-Volga forest villages of Novopokrovskoye, Semino, Kuligino, Razvodino, Khryashi. But its name is not Novopokrovskaya or Kuliginskaya, but Khokhloma. And why?

Khokhloma! - what a strange and funny word. You can hear laughter and admiration in it - OH! And enthusiastic AH! How did it begin, this amazing Khokhloma art? Old people tell different things.

They say that a long time ago a cheerful craftsman settled in the forest beyond the Volga. He built a hut, built a table and a bench, and carved wooden dishes. I cooked millet porridge for myself and didn’t forget to sprinkle millet for the birds. Once the bird Heat flew to his doorstep. He treated her too. The Firebird touched the cup of porridge with its golden wing - and the cup became golden.

This is, of course, a legend, a fairy tale. And the beginning of gold painting dates back to ancient master painters. They wrote on wooden boards, coated the boards with linseed oil, heated them in an oven, and the oil film turned into a golden varnish. Then they began to gild dishes using this method.

The texts are taken from the teacher’s manual “Russian culture: ethnography, decorative and applied arts”, Simferopol, “Antiqua”, 2011; authors O.A. Dyachenko and E.A. Povoroznaya.