Toulouse on the map of France. Map of Toulouse in Russian

Here is a detailed map of Toulouse with street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the “+” and “-” icons located on the map on the right. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

In what country is the city of Toulouse located?

Toulouse is located in France. This is a wonderful, beautiful city, with its own history and traditions. Coordinates of Toulouse: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

An interactive map of Toulouse with attractions and other tourist sites is an indispensable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the “Map” mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see a city plan, as well as a detailed map of roads with route numbers. You can also see the city's railway stations and airports marked on the map. Nearby you see the “Satellite” button. By turning on satellite mode, you will examine the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you will be able to study the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the “little man” from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can take a virtual walk around Toulouse. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out of the image.

Toulouse (France) - the most detailed information about the city with photos. The main attractions of Toulouse with descriptions, guides and maps.

City of Toulouse (France)

Toulouse - a city in the south France and the capital of the Occitanie region. Located in the heart of the French southwest near the Pyrenees, halfway between the Atlantic and Mediterranean. Toulouse is one of the most beautiful cities in France with interesting brick architecture, rich history, a sunny climate, and a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. La Ville Rose (translated as “the pink city”) is the so-called name of Toulouse because of the terracotta bricks from which many of the ancient buildings of the historical center are built.

Toulouse was founded on the site of an ancient Roman settlement. In the Middle Ages it was a popular place of pilgrimage and a religious center in southern France. The Basilica of Saint-Sernin was one of the stops on the path of St. Jacob's is still included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Now Toulouse is an important scientific, industrial and cultural center of the country.

Geography and climate

Toulouse is located on the banks of the Garrona River, 680 km from Paris. The old city occupies the right bank, and the suburb of Saint-Cyprien is located on the left. The climate is subtropical (Mediterranean). Characterized by hot summers and mild winters.

Practical information

  1. Population - more than 470 thousand people.
  2. Area - 118.3 km2.
  3. Language - French.
  4. Currency - euro.
  5. Visa - Schengen.
  6. Time - UTC +1, in summer +2.
  7. Blagnac International Airport is located 11 km from Toulouse, which connects it with some major European cities.
  8. Toulouse has excellent transport links to Paris, Barcelona , Bordeaux , Marseille.
  9. The city is famous for its excellent gastronomy. The most famous local dishes are duck, Saucisse de Toulouse (fried spicy sausages) and Cassoulet (stew with beans and herbs).
  10. Toulouse is a very safe city. It is enough to follow basic safety rules and keep an eye on your belongings in crowded places.


The history of Toulouse goes back more than two thousand years and it is one of the oldest cities in France. Even in the pre-Roman period, there was a Gallic settlement of Tolosa, which in 106 BC. was captured by the Romans. From the 4th century AD Toulouse is the seat of the bishop. From 419 to 507 - the capital of the Visigothic kingdom. At the beginning of the 6th century, Toulouse was captured by the Franks.

Subsequently, the city was the center of the Kingdom of Aquitaine. In 721 he was besieged by the Saracens, but survived. Since the second half of the 8th century, Toulouse has been the residence of the Counts of Toulouse, who controlled almost the entire south of France. In the Middle Ages the city flourished and was an important center of pilgrimage, as it was on the religious path of St. Jacob.

The Dominican Order was founded here in 1214. In 1217 - 1218, Toulouse was besieged and taken by the crusaders. In 1229 the University of Toulouse was founded. In 1271, Toulouse became part of the kingdom of France and the center of the province of Languedoc.

In the 16th century (during the Huguenot wars), Toulouse was a stronghold of Catholics. Subsequently, the importance of the city declined. Everything changed relatively recently. In the 20th century, Toulouse became the center of French aircraft manufacturing, and Charles de Gaulle ordered the National Center for Space Research to be located here. This contributed to economic growth and population growth.


Saint Sernin is an ancient Romanesque basilica and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is one of the most beautiful churches on the medieval religious route of St. Jacob's Santiago de Compostela. Saint-Sernin was built between the 11th and 13th centuries using red brick, typical of Toulouse architecture.

The building has a five-nave structure and a three-nave transept in Romanesque style. The basilica is dedicated to St. Saturin (Sernen), who was martyred in Patrach (Greece). His tomb is located in the apse. Interesting features of Saint-Sernin: a magnificent Romanesque facade, a portal with sculptures, a beautiful 17th-century choir, a huge carved Romanesque crucifix in the north transept, 11th-century marble reliefs and a crypt with religious relics.

The Dominican Monastery is a fine example of Southern Gothic architecture. It was founded in the 13th century and built entirely of red brick. The tower of the monastery church resembles the architecture of the Saint-Sernin tower. The monastery has a strict appearance and exquisite internal architecture. Chapel of St. Antonia is decorated with paintings from the 16th century. The relics of St. Thomas Aquinas are also kept here.

Place de la Capitole is the lively center of Toulouse and features exquisite classical architecture. On the western side of the square you can see beautiful arcades. On the east side is the famous 18th-century Capitol building with its impressive halls. Behind the square is an ancient 16th-century defensive tower, and to the south are the charming streets of the old town.

Saint-Etienne is a cathedral that was built over several centuries and has features of several architectural styles. The first church on this site was built in the late 12th century in the Southern Gothic style. The cathedral was later rebuilt in the Northern Gothic style to compete with the magnificent cathedrals of Northern Europe. The structure of the church is distinguished by a massive tower, a huge rose window with stained glass and complex decorative elements of the facade. Inside you can see 17 chapels and beautiful tapestries from the 16th to 18th centuries.

The Carmelite Chapel is a small religious building with magnificent paintings inspired by the Sistine Chapel. The chapel was built in the 17th century and was part of a Carmelite monastery that was destroyed during the French Revolution.

The Canal du Midi is a 240 km long hydraulic structure built in the 17th century that connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Here you can enjoy a leisurely walk and a relaxing atmosphere.

Chapel of St. Joseph is a beautiful 17th century chapel that is the main attraction of Saint-Cyprien. It was once part of a medieval hospital that housed plague victims.

Notre-Dame du Tour

Notre-Dame du Taur is an ancient church with an unusual bell tower. Built of pink brick in the Southern Gothic style. According to legend, the church stands on the spot where the body of the first bishop of Toulouse, Sernen, fell, who was killed by the Romans and tied to a bull, letting the animal run through the city.

Church of Saint-Pierre

The Church of Saint-Pierre is a 17th-century religious building built by Carthusian monks. The church is decorated with magnificent 18th-century sculpture, frescoes and stucco bas-reliefs.

Notre-Dame de la Dalbade is an ancient church with a very beautiful portal, located in the heart of the Carmes quarter. The history of the church dates back to the 6th century. The building was completely rebuilt in the 15th century after a fire. Until 1926, the church had the tallest bell tower in the city, until it collapsed.

The ruins of a Roman amphitheater are the only ancient monument of Toulouse. The amphitheater was built by the Romans in the 1st century AD. and was used for gladiator fights until the end of the 4th century.

Notre-Dame de la Daure is an imposing basilica located on the banks of the Garrona. It was built in the 5th century on the ruins of a Roman temple. In the 9th century it became part of a Benedictine monastery. The old church was demolished in the 18th century and completely rebuilt.

The donjon is a 16th century gunpowder tower topped by a bell tower in the style of Flemish architecture.

Museums of Toulouse:

  • Museum of Fine Arts, located in a former Augustinian monastery. Shows a collection of paintings and sculptures. The collection of paintings includes works by artists from the Renaissance to the 20th century, including masterpieces by Perugino and Rubens. The collection of sculptures spans the Romanesque period to the modern era. Among the sculptures, the most impressive are the magnificent works of the late Middle Ages.
  • The Museum of Fine and Decorative Arts (Bemberg Foundation), housed in an extravagant 16th-century mansion. Here you can look at paintings, bronze sculptures and other art objects. The highlight of the collection of paintings are works of the Renaissance and modern French school, including paintings by Monet and Boudin.
  • Archaeological Museum (Saint-Raymond) - a wonderful collection of archaeological finds and antiquities. The museum is located in a medieval university building. The highlight of the collection is the gallery of Roman sculptures.

The capital of the Midi-Pyrénées region of France, Toulouse is known as a historical and cultural center. One of the largest cities in the country, located on the banks of the Garrona River, which originates in the Pyrenees and flows into the Bay of Biscay.

Geographical and historical features of the region

The urban area of ​​Toulouse is conventionally divided into Old and New Quarters. The historical part is located on the right bank of the Garonne River; the most interesting sights are located in this part. The Old Part has preserved many ancient architectural buildings, beautiful squares and parks. On the left bank of the river there is a residential area, modern buildings with office buildings and shopping and entertainment centers.

The history of Toulouse has been known since ancient times of the Ancient Roman Empire. In the Middle Ages it was a rich region of France. At this time, many luxurious churches and mansions were erected in the country.

Currently, Toulouse is the educational, cultural and industrial center of France. There are many educational institutions on its territory. In terms of the number of students, Toulouse ranks second in the country after Paris. There are a number of manufacturing facilities associated with the aerospace, biochemical, electronics and information technology industries.

Stylish Toulouse

After the war, the French aerospace industry began to develop in the Midi-Pyrénées region. Europe's largest space research center is located here. Next to it is the Space City theme park, which opened in 1997. The park, dedicated to the history of space exploration, displays various exhibits of space exploration from around the world.

Climatic conditions

Toulouse is located in the temperate and mild Mediterranean climate zone. Daytime air temperature from June to September averages +23…+26 °C. The hottest months are July and August, at which time there can be very hot days exceeding +35 °C. Winter is relatively warm +3…+5 °C. Sometimes there are frosts.

Note! It is better to go on tourist trips from March to May and from September to November. At this time, the weather is comfortable for traveling in this region.

Precipitation falls relatively evenly throughout the year, but more rain falls in April and May.

"Space Town"

How to get to Toulouse

There is no direct flight Moscow - Toulouse. Convenient transfer option in Paris. Blagnac Airport is 6.7 km from the center of Toulouse, which can be reached by bus or tram. A bus runs to the airport every half hour, the fare costs 5 euros*. A taxi fare will cost approximately 20 euros*.

The railway and bus stations are located in the very center of Toulouse, on the banks of the green Canal du Sud. You can get from Paris by high-speed TGV train in 5 hours, from Bordeaux - 2 hours, from Marseille - 4 hours. Buses from different European countries arrive at the bus station.

Note! To get to the center from the station, it takes 5 minutes by metro to Capitole station, or 20 minutes on foot.

Those traveling by car should approach Toulouse on the ring road and take exit 15.

Toulouse (France) attractions

Description of historical attractions on the territory of Toulouse.

The Capitol is the current city administration building. In this palace at the end of the 12th century, chapters - members of the city magistrate - met in this palace, which is why the building has this name. The palace is located on the main square, which is also called the Capitol Square. Many ancient buildings in Toulouse were built from local bricks in a red-pink hue, giving the buildings brightness and elegance. The facade of the Capitol is 135 m long. Many works of painting are stored in the halls of this palace. The hall where weddings are currently held is decorated with paintings by Jean Gervais. The Opera House has been located in this building since 1818.

City administration building

Numerous churches, cathedrals and chapels have a special style and decoration.

The Basilica of Saint-Sernin is one of the oldest cathedrals, the hallmark of Toulouse, consecrated in the name of Saint Saturnin, who lived in the 3rd century and was the first bishop. The relics of the saint are kept in the temple. Parts of the temple are decorated with magnificent carvings. The height of the Basilica's bell tower exceeds 110 meters and houses a carillon with 18 bells.

The Church of Notre-Dame du Thau is located between the Capitol and the Basilica of Saint-Sernin. The building was built in the 14th century. The church is famous for its tall, elegantly decorated bell tower that dominates the façade. The interior design of the church is simple. Ancient interior details - sculptural group.

The Saint-Etienne Cathedral is the oldest building, but despite centuries of construction, it remains unfinished. The interior of the cathedral is decorated with stained glass windows and tapestries. The cathedral is located on the square of the same name and is a functioning temple.

Cathedral of Saint-Etienne

The Museum of Old Toulouse is one of the many museums. Founded in 1948, it was the first museum in the world to open a department dedicated to prehistoric times. The history of this museum goes back more than two centuries, the number of exhibits exceeds two and a half million.

Next to the Basilica of Saint-Sernin is the Art and Archaeological Museum of Saint-Raymond. The museum displays works of art created in the Roman era and the Middle Ages. Here are objects that were found in Toulouse and its surroundings. The collection includes more than a thousand exhibits.

The Paul Dupuy Museum bears the name of its creator, philanthropist and collector. Located near the square and Saint-Etienne Cathedral. The museum has a large collection of decorative and applied arts. The oldest items on display were created in the Middle Ages. Here you can see the restored interior of a medieval pharmacy, furniture, dishes, traditional costumes, as well as works created by local craftsmen from iron, glass, and metal.

The Augustinian Museum, which opened at the end of the 18th century, houses a rich collection of paintings and sculptures. It contains more than four thousand works, the earliest of which were created in the Middle Ages, and the latest - at the beginning of the 20th century.

Augustinian Museum

Recently, a new gallery of contemporary art was opened in Toulouse. This attraction is located on the left bank of the Garonne. The museum is recognized as the best in France. The museum's collection includes about three and a half thousand works: paintings, drawings, sculptures, installations and photographs created in the 20th and this century by artists from all over the world.

The new bridge is also a landmark. It is spanned between the banks of the Garonne. The ancient building looks beautiful with illumination at night. The bridge is called new, but its construction began in 1544 and lasted almost nine decades.

New bridge

Numerous gardens and parks adorn Toulouse in which you can relax. Many parks have artificial lakes and ponds.

The Japanese garden-park is decorated in traditional Japanese style with exotic plants and a pond. Located in the Compans-Caffarelli park in the Old Town of Toulouse.

The Botanical Garden, which was founded in 1730, is considered the most beautiful. The garden is surrounded by a high stone wall; several medieval buildings have been preserved on its territory. The garden has 1,300 species of trees and plants from different climatic zones of the planet. One part of it is entirely devoted to flowers.

Botanical Garden

Toulouse is known to many travelers for its annual colorful festival, the Violet Festival. This event is the largest. Toulouse is often called the "capital of violets".

The most interesting spring holiday is Circus Days.

Note! Toulouse has attractions and entertainment centers that will be of interest to children.

Animaparc amusement park, where many interesting surprises await little visitors. There is a small farm in the park where children can feed goats.

A visit to the scientific museum “Quai des savoirs” will be interesting even with preschool children. The exhibits presented in this museum are interactive, you can touch them with your hands and conduct experiments. Not only children, but also adults can learn a lot of new and interesting things about the world around them in this museum.

Toulouse is a great place for an active and exciting holiday. Tourists are attracted here by many historical and architectural attractions, the cultural life of the region, and nearby resorts.

*Prices are current for 2018.