Tight. The Economist (UK): What Russia's modernization of Syrian air defense means for Israel

  • tightly tied, stretched, twisted, compressed.
    • He breaks branches at the oak tree and tight bends the bow.
    • Tight string.
  • colloquial. difficult to bend, straighten, compress or move.
    • Tight collar.
    • Tight spring.
    • Bud tight, shiny, cylindrical, bullet-like.
  • tightly packed.
    • Tight wallet.
  • colloquial. accomplished with difficulty; slow, difficult.
    • In the officer circle they talked about their hard work.
  • slow to think (about a person); unresponsive, dull (about feelings or sense organs).
    • In addition, by all indications one can completely unmistakably conclude that Semyon Ivanovich was extremely stupid and tight to every new, unusual thought for his mind and that, having received, for example, some news, he was always forced to first sort of digest and chew it, search for sense, get confused and confused and, finally, perhaps overcome it, but even then how -in a completely special way, unique to him...
    • “It seems to me that I drank a little too much,” Semyon Ivanovich remarked venomously, “and that’s why tight for consideration.
    • Fyodor Mikhailovich was always very tight to make new acquaintances.
    • Levin continued the conversation with the landowner, trying to prove to him that the whole difficulty stems from the fact that we do not want to know the properties and habits of our worker: but the landowner was, like all people, original and solitary thinkers, tight to understanding other people's thoughts and is especially partial to his own.
    • But Glebov was always in something tight and short-sighted.
  • (from pulling?), strong, stubborn, persistent, firmly elastic, unyielding, anti-sex. weak, soft, sluggish, flexible, bent. A tight bow, stubborn to draw; a tight bowstring or string, rope, pulled tightly. Tight mattress. tightly, densely stuffed. Hold the reins tight. *Times are hard, life is hard. *Tight person, tight-fisted, stingy; prudent in spending. *Hard of hearing, somewhat deaf. *Production in this regiment is tight, it is moving slowly, sparingly. Pull the knot tighter, tighter. He is a slow person, he is slow, he is unlikely to give money. He pulled it out very tightly. The bird sits tightly, not strictly, but lets you close. My mind is dull and my wallet is tight. your servant, yes, it’s tight. Although it’s not big, it’s tightly packed. I pulled it tight and marked it poorly. My head is empty and my bag is tight. For a friend, everything is not tight (or tight, not hard). Tugonek I gave you a nut to crack! As soon as you talk about debts, he is hard of hearing. not tight, but elastic. Not tight, but not too tough. Tight, tight. Tightness, tightness and tightness g. property according to adj. The tightness of the current income is quite crippling! To push what, talk. bol. with attachments. to (on, with) tighten, strain, push, pull tighter. The base of the body is pressed with a pressure tool. To bully someone, Vologda. perm. Kaluga offend or oppress, oppress, find fault; to force, to coerce, to force. Tugun, in the dam, spacer in the gate, between the posts. Tugach? arch. bump on a forehead. To grieve about something, for whom, to grieve, to be upset, to be torn, to lament, to grieve, to grieve, to yearn or be sad, to be sick; regret, remember with sighs. Don’t worry about the tugs being dirty: if they break, we’ll fix it ourselves! There is no reason for a noble lady to grieve (cry). Live forever, grieve forever (you will die, you will have fun). He who serves is the one who grieves. To grieve half-heartedly (half-heartedly) for someone else’s grief! Live. don’t worry: you won’t cry if you die. Why bother someone who has something to live for? It’s good to live for those who don’t have anything to worry about. There is something to grieve about. as if there is no one to thresh rye with. I served as long as I did, but I tried twice as hard. Serve for a year, and struggle for ten years. I don’t dare cry, they don’t tell me to grieve. The rich man doesn’t bother, but he’s bored. She didn’t grieve, she didn’t cry, but Martha went for Jacob! The young wife does not grieve for her old husband. You can’t help but love, and you can’t help but grieve. He lives without grieving, he circles around the world. He lives without grieving, and serves no one. The oppression does not soar, it will not break! The world doesn't care about men. Wood doesn't bother wood. The hat doesn't hurt my head. The quail is grieving, I’ll have to spend the winter somewhere! Living at home and grieving about everything. He lived and did not worry about anything; he died, they don’t bother him. Don’t worry, you’re beautiful, what a drunkard you’ve got yourself into: he’ll beat you, he won’t beat you up, but he’s his own will! The friend himself pushes easier, impersonal. You can’t push it, you can’t turn it back. You'll worry about it when you get married. I felt sick to death for the children. We got tired of it, our red days have come! Stress, and you’ll forget. We got sick for a year. The widow’s heart got cold, weeping. We got cold and became friends. , crying. A grieving woman and a grieving woman, a woman, grieving, someone who grieves a lot. There are a lot of people who grieve for the grief of others, but what's in them! A grieving woman? Thumb. Saturday in the first week of Lent. Grieving m. plural. lower tamb. fawns, thick pancakes, which are baked on the day of forgiveness, at midnight, also funeral pancakes. Once upon a time there lived a people of fawns (who had grown fat), and now the people of tuzhiki live (in tightness, need). pancakes, baked in the first week of Lent, on Saturday, in memory of Maslenitsa. Tuzhilniki bonfire loaves, prepared for the young, in butter, and they eat them in the first week of Lent. Tug m. kaz. (isn’t it fat?) good, benefit. Cook meat in a tight way, salt it. Food doesn't come in tight, a person doesn't get kinder. Tugur? arch. sensitively, carefully beware, vigilantly guard. Tuga tuga south zap. sadness, grief, melancholy, sadness, grief, sadness. Because of sadness, many and tight hearts have filled you with many tears. Corinth. Great Tough shed, hanged himself (voivode), chronicle. Tightness and melancholy for son Glebov! A word about Igor's regiment There is no need for them to be worse! The foreign side, it is tightly wound, sowed with tears. Tuga, a cubic measure of boards assembled into a lock, for stone, crushed stone, sand, etc. Tuga? the blunt end of an egg, a dead end or puga, a tail, a heel, in the opposite direction. body, sock, wit. Tight-faced, snouted horse, arch. tight-nosed, tight on the reins, tight on the reins, insensitive, tight. Short-nosed, arch. about a man who is obstinate and arrogant. Tugun m. east. sowing girth ship rib, frame. Tight ringing sib. tight-lipped, thrifty owner, stingy. Platinum is the most refractory metal; processing it, due to its refractoriness, is very difficult

Synonyms for tight

    • delayed
    • difficult
    • slow
    • slow
    • not fast
    • unyielding
    • solid
    • blunt
    • elastic

Hypernyms for tight

    • thinking
    • hard
    • tense
    • full
    • feeling

Similar words for tight

  • adverbs


    • tight-tight
    • tight-tight

Phraseologisms for the word tight

    • tight man
    • hard of hearing

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, a “chain of tragic accidental circumstances” led to Syria shooting down a Russian spy plane on September 17. These words from Mr. Putin seem to indicate that he considers this episode to be accidental and does not make any accusations against Israel. Israeli fighter jets have previously carried out air strikes on Syrian territory and, apparently, they were likely targets of its air defense. However, time passed, and Russia became more and more militant. Its generals said Israeli fighters used the Russian plane as cover (Israel denies this). Then, on September 24, Russia announced its intention to supply the Syrians with more advanced S-300 surface-to-air missile systems, signaling a change in its regional strategy.

Since Russia intervened in the Syrian civil war in 2015 on the side of that country's dictator, Bashar al-Assad, it has sought to avoid clashes with Israel. Over the past 18 months, Israel has carried out more than 200 airstrikes against Iran-linked targets inside Syria. A hotline connecting the Israeli air force headquarters in Tel Aviv to the Russian command center at Khmeimim in western Syria helped prevent incidents in the air. Military procedures were supported by a tacit agreement between Mr. Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister. Israel will not interfere with the Russian operation to rescue Mr. Assad, and Russia will not stop Israel from attacking Iranian targets in Syria.


Drive: S-300 will evaporate under Israeli Air Force attacks

InoSMI 09.26.2018

Mako: What will Trump give Putin for refusing to supply S-300

Mako 09/26/2018

S-300: good for Assad and not so bad for Israel (Details)

Details 09/26/2018 Russian plans to modernize Syria's air defense system complicate this agreement. The S-300 is a formidable anti-aircraft missile system that is equipped with a radar capable of tracking more than 100 targets simultaneously at a distance of up to 300 kilometers. Its presence will make Israeli operations riskier, which is why Mr. Netanyahu has long opposed the transfer of these weapons to the Syrian government (Russia has already stationed S-300 systems in Syria, but it is not using them against Israel). However, Israel says it will continue attacks on targets in Syria. Its stealthy F-35 fighter-bombers are capable of penetrating the defenses of S-300 systems and destroying them. But if Russian operators work alongside poorly trained Syrian troops, there is a risk of escalation.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the S-300 systems will be transferred to the Syrian army within two weeks. Some analysts doubt this will happen. Due to pressure from America and Israel, it took Russia 9 years to deliver the promised S-300 systems to Iran. Moscow may view the threat of supplying these systems as a way to put pressure on Israel to limit its intervention in Syria.

Russia has tried to find a balance between Israel and its enemies in the Middle East. Mr Putin became the first Russian leader to make an official visit to Israel (he has done so twice), and Mr Netanyahu stood shoulder to shoulder with Mr Putin during a Russian military parade this year. However, this friendship did not prevent Russia from inviting Hamas to Moscow, helping Iran implement its nuclear program and arming Syria.

As Russia became increasingly isolated from the West, Israel's importance as a source of technology and political support increased. The Kremlin has carefully avoided anti-Israel rhetoric in its accusations against the West. After the incident with its plane in Syria, Russia spoke about betrayal of trust and expressed regret about this; Russia did everything to help Israel and assist it, but in return received betrayal, Russian commentators emphasize. Mr Netanyahu has called Mr Putin twice and also dispatched the Israeli air force chief to Moscow, but the Kremlin may be looking for more Israeli courtesies to defuse the situation.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

TIGHT (from pulling?), strong, stubborn, persistent, firmly elastic, unyielding, anti-sex. weak, soft, sluggish, flexible, bent. A tight bow, stubborn to draw; a tight bowstring or string, rope, pulled tightly. Tight mattress. tightly, densely stuffed. Hold the reins tight. *Times are hard, life is hard. *Tight person, tight-fisted, stingy; prudent in spending. *Hard of hearing, somewhat deaf. *Production in this regiment is tight, it is moving slowly, sparingly. Pull the knot tighter, tighter. He is a slow person, he is slow, he is unlikely to give money. He pulled it out very tightly. The bird sits tightly, not strictly, but lets you close. My mind is dull and my wallet is tight. I am your servant, yes. Although it’s not big, it’s tightly packed. I pulled it tight and marked it poorly. My head is empty and my bag is tight. For a friend, everything is not tight (or tight, not hard). Tugonek I gave you a nut to crack! As soon as you talk about debts, he is hard of hearing. And not tight, but elastic. Not tight, but not too tough. Tight, tight. Tightness, tightness and tightness g. property according to adj. The tightness of the current income is quite crippling! To push what, talk. bol. with attachments. to (on, with) tighten, strain, push, pull tighter. The base of the body is pressed with a pressure tool. To bully someone, Vologda. perm. Kaluga offend or oppress, oppress, find fault; to force, to coerce, to force. Tugun, in the dam, spacer in the gate, between the posts. Tugach? arch. bump on a forehead. To grieve about something, for whom, to grieve, to be upset, to be torn, to lament, to grieve, to grieve, to yearn or be sad, to be sick; regret, remember with sighs. Don’t worry about the tugs being dirty: if they break, we’ll fix it ourselves! There is no reason for a noble lady to grieve (cry). Live forever, grieve forever (you will die, you will have fun). He who serves is the one who grieves. To grieve half-heartedly (half-heartedly) for someone else’s grief! Live. don’t worry: you won’t cry if you die. Why bother someone who has something to live for? It’s good to live for those who don’t have anything to worry about. There is something to grieve about. as if there is no one to thresh rye with. I served as long as I did, but I tried twice as hard. Serve for a year, and struggle for ten years. I don’t dare cry - they don’t tell me to bother. The rich man doesn’t bother, but he’s bored. She didn’t grieve, didn’t cry - Martha went for Jacob! The young wife does not grieve for her old husband. You can’t help but love, and you can’t help but grieve. He lives without grieving, he circles around the world. He lives without grieving, and serves no one. Oppression - does not soar, will break - does not bother! The world doesn't care about men. Wood doesn't bother wood. The hat doesn't hurt my head. The quail is grieving, I’ll have to spend the winter somewhere! Living at home means grieving about everything. He lived and did not worry about anything; he died - they don’t grieve for him. Don’t worry, you’re beautiful, what a drunkard you’ve got yourself into: he’ll beat you, he won’t beat you up, but he’s his own will! The friend himself pushes easier, impersonal. You can’t push it, you can’t turn it back. You'll worry about it when you get married. I felt sick to death for the children. We got sick of it, our red days came! Stress, and you’ll forget. We got sick for a year. The widow’s heart got cold, weeping. weeping, crying. A grieving mother and a grieving woman, a woman, grieving, someone who grieves a lot. There are many who grieve for the grief of others, but what’s in them! A grieving woman? f. tamb. Saturday in the first week of Lent. Tuzhiki m. plural lower tamb. fawns, thick pancakes, which are baked on the day of forgiveness, at midnight, also funeral pancakes. Once upon a time there lived a people of fawns (who had grown fat), and now the people of tuzhiki live (in tightness, need). Lenten pancakes, baked in the first week of Lent, on Saturday, in memory of Maslenitsa. Tuzhilniki bonfire loaves, prepared for the young, in butter, and they eat them in the first week of Lent. Tug m. kaz. (isn’t it fat?) good , benefit. Cook meat in a tight place, salt it. Food doesn't come in tight, a person doesn't get kinder. Tugur? arch. sensitively, carefully beware, vigilantly guard. Tuga tuga south zap. sadness, grief, melancholy, sadness, grief, sadness. Because of sadness, many and tight hearts have filled you with many tears. Corinth. From the great hardship shed, hanged himself (voivode), chronicle. Tightness and melancholy for son Glebov! A word about Igor's regiment Tough and needy - there are none worse! The foreign side, it is tightly wound, sowed with tears. | Tuga, cubic measure of boards assembled into a lock, for stone, crushed stone, sand, etc. | Tuga? the blunt end of an egg, a dead end or puga, a tail, a heel, in the opposite direction. body, sock, wit. Tight-faced, snouted horse, arch. tight-nosed, tight on the reins, tight on the reins, insensitive, tight. | Short-nosed, arch. about a man who is obstinate and arrogant. Tugun m. east. sowing girth ship rib, frame. Tight ringing sib. tight-lipped, thrifty owner, stingy. Platinum is the most refractory metal; processing it, due to its refractoriness, is very difficult.

Tight (from pulling?), strong, stubborn, persistent, firmly elastic, unyielding, anti-sex. weak, soft, sluggish, flexible, bent. A tight bow, stubborn to draw; a tight bowstring or string, rope, pulled tightly. Tight mattress. tightly, densely stuffed. Hold the reins tight. *Times are hard, life is hard. *Tight person, tight-fisted, stingy; prudent in spending. *Hard of hearing, somewhat deaf. *Production in this regiment is tight, it is moving slowly, sparingly. Pull the knot tighter, tighter. He is a slow person, he is slow, he is unlikely to give money. He pulled it out very tightly. The bird sits tightly, not strictly, but lets you close. My mind is dull and my wallet is tight. I am your servant, yes. Although it’s not big, it’s tightly packed. I pulled it tight and marked it poorly. My head is empty and my bag is tight. For a friend, everything is not tight (or tight, not hard). Tugonek I gave you a nut to crack! As soon as you talk about debts, he is hard of hearing. And not tight, but elastic. Not tight, but not too tough. Tight, tight. Tightness, tightness and tightness g. property according to adj. The tightness of the current income is quite crippling! To push what, talk. bol. with attachments. to (on, with) tighten, strain, push, pull tighter. The base of the body is pressed with a pressure tool. To bully someone, Vologda. perm. Kaluga offend or oppress, oppress, find fault; to force, to coerce, to force. Tugun, in the dam, spacer in the gate, between the posts. Tugach? arch. bump on a forehead. To grieve about something, for whom, to grieve, to be upset, to be torn, to lament, to grieve, to grieve, to yearn or be sad, to be sick; regret, remember with sighs. Don’t worry about the tugs being dirty: if they break, we’ll fix it ourselves! There is no reason for a noble lady to grieve (cry). Live forever, grieve forever (you will die, you will have fun). He who serves is the one who grieves. To grieve half-heartedly (half-heartedly) for someone else’s grief! Live. don’t worry: you won’t cry if you die. Why bother someone who has something to live for? It’s good to live for those who don’t have anything to worry about. There is something to grieve about. as if there is no one to thresh rye with. I served as long as I did, but I tried twice as hard. Serve for a year, and struggle for ten years. I don’t dare cry - they don’t tell me to bother. The rich man doesn’t bother, but he’s bored. She didn’t grieve, didn’t cry - Martha went for Jacob! The young wife does not grieve for her old husband. You can’t help but love, and you can’t help but grieve. He lives without grieving, he circles around the world. He lives without grieving, and serves no one. Oppression - does not soar, will break - does not bother! The world doesn't care about men. Wood doesn't bother wood. The hat doesn't hurt my head. The quail is grieving, I’ll have to spend the winter somewhere! Living at home means grieving about everything. He lived and did not worry about anything; he died - they don’t grieve for him. Don’t worry, you’re beautiful, what a drunkard you’ve got yourself into: he’ll beat you, he won’t beat you up, but he’s his own will! The friend himself pushes easier, impersonal. You can’t push it, you can’t turn it back. You'll worry about it when you get married. I was pinched for the children. We've had enough, our red days have come! Squeeze it and you’ll forget. I've been sick for about a year. The widow's heart grew cold and burst into tears. We got cold and became friends. Push, action. or comp. according to verb. Tuzhebnitsa church. hired crybaby, crying. Tuzhitel m. -nitsa f. and a pusher, a woman, a pusher, someone who pushes hard, a lot. There are a lot of people who worry about someone else’s grief, but what’s wrong with them! Tough? and. Thumb. Saturday in the first week. Great Lent. Tuzhiki m.mn. lower Thumb. puffs, thick pancakes, which are baked on the day of forgiveness, at midnight, also funeral pancakes. Once upon a time there lived a people called Pyzhiki (who had grown rich), and now the people of Tuzhiki live (in tightness, need). Tuzhilki, Lenten pancakes, are baked in the first week of Lent, on Saturday, in memory of Maslenitsa. Fire pits. loaves prepared for the young are cooked in butter, and they eat them in the first week of fasting. Tug m. Kaz. (isn't it fat?) good, benefit. Cook the meat in a tug, salt it. There is no food available, and the person is not getting better. Tugurite? arch. to be sensitive, to be attentive, to guard vigilantly. Tuga tuga south zap. sadness, grief, melancholy, sadness, grief, sadness. Because of sadness, many and tight hearts have filled you with many tears. Corinth. From the great hardship shed, hanged himself (voivode), chronicle. Tightness and melancholy for son Glebov! A word about Igor's regiment Tough and needy - there are none worse! The foreign side, it is tightly wound, sowed with tears. | Tuga, cubic measure of boards assembled into a lock, for stone, crushed stone, sand, etc. | Tuga? the blunt end of an egg, a dead end or puga, a tail, a heel, in the opposite direction. body, sock, wit. Tight-faced, snouted horse, arch. tight-nosed, tight on the reins, tight on the reins, insensitive, tight. | Short-nosed, arch. about a man who is obstinate and arrogant. Tugun m. east. sowing girth ship rib, frame. Tight ringing sib. tight-lipped, thrifty owner, stingy. Platinum is the most refractory metal; processing it, due to its refractoriness, is very difficult.

Tight, -th, -oe; tight, tight, tight; tighter. 1. Tightly stretched, tightened, elastic. G. onion. Tight string. Tight spring. To pull tightly (adv.) 2. Tightly stuffed. G. wallet (also translated: about someone having a lot of money, capital). Tightly (adv.) stuff a suitcase. 3. Difficult, difficult (obsolete and colloquial; now usually in the form of an adverb or in the meaning of a tale). Tough times. Things are going hard for him (adv.). Money is tight for him (meaning the story). It’s hard (in the meaning of the tale) for someone. * Hard of ear (colloquial) - hard of hearing, deaf. Tight-tight (colloquial) - very tight.

Sluggish, flexible, bendy. A tight bow, stubborn to draw; a tight bowstring or string, rope, pulled tightly. Tight mattress. tightly, densely stuffed. Hold the reins tight. * Times are hard, life is hard. * A tight person, tight-fisted, stingy; prudent in spending. * He is hard of hearing, somewhat deaf. * Production in this regiment is tight, it is moving slowly, sparingly. Pull the knot tighter, tighter. He is a slow person, he is slow, he is unlikely to give money. He pulled it out very tightly. The bird sits tightly, not strictly, but lets you close. My mind is dull and my wallet is tight. I am your servant, yes. Although it’s not big, it’s tightly packed. I pulled it tight and marked it poorly. My head is empty and my bag is tight. For a friend, everything is not tight (or tight, not hard). Tugonek I gave you a nut to crack! As soon as you talk about debts, he is hard of hearing. And not tight, but elastic. Not tight, but not too tough. Tight, tight. Tightness, tightness and tightness of women. property adj. The tightness of the current income is quite crippling! To push what, they say b.ch. with attachments. to (on, under) tighten, strain, push, pull tighter. The base of the body is pressed with a pressure tool. To bully someone, Vologda. , Perm. , kaluzh. offend or oppress, oppress, find fault; to force, to coerce, to force. Tugun, in the dam, spacer in the gate, between the posts. Tugach? archan. bump on a forehead. To grieve about something, for whom, to grieve, to be upset, to be torn, to lament, to grieve, to grieve, to yearn or be sad, to be sick; regret, remember with sighs. Don’t worry about the tugs being dirty: if they break, we’ll fix it ourselves! There is no reason for a noble lady to grieve (cry). Live forever, grieve forever (you will die, you will have fun). He who serves is the one who grieves. To grieve half-heartedly (half-heartedly) for someone else’s grief! Live. don’t worry: you won’t cry if you die. Why bother someone who has something to live for? It’s good to live for those who don’t have anything to worry about. There is something to grieve about. as if there is no one to thresh rye with. I served as long as I did, but I tried twice as hard. Serve for a year, and struggle for ten years. I don’t dare cry - they don’t tell me to bother. The rich man doesn’t bother, but he’s bored. She didn’t grieve, didn’t cry - Martha went for Jacob! The young wife does not grieve for her old husband. You can’t help but love, and you can’t help but grieve. He lives without grieving, he circles around the world. He lives without grieving, and serves no one. Oppression - does not soar, will break - does not bother! The world doesn't care about men. Wood doesn't bother wood. The hat doesn't hurt my head. The quail is grieving, I’ll have to spend the winter somewhere! Living at home means grieving about everything. He lived and did not worry about anything; he died - they don’t grieve for him. Don’t worry, you’re beautiful, what a drunkard you’ve got yourself into: he’ll beat you, he won’t beat you up, but he’s his own will! The friend himself pushes easier, impersonal. You can’t push it, you can’t turn it back. You'll worry about it when you get married. I felt sick to death for the children. We got sick of it, our red days have come! Stress, and you’ll forget. We got sick for a year. The widow’s heart got cold, weeping. We got cold and became friends. church hired crybaby, crying. A grieving man, a female, and a grieving person, - a woman, grieving, someone who grieves a lot. There are a lot of people who grieve for someone else's grief, but what's in them! A grieving woman?, tamb. Saturday in the first week . Great Lent. Tuzhiki men., plural, lower. , tamb. fawns, thick pancakes that are baked on the day of forgiveness, at midnight, also funeral pancakes. Once upon a time there lived a people of fawns (who grew fat), and now the people of Tuzhiki live (in tight, need). Tuzhilki, Lenten pancakes, are baked in the first week of Lent, on Saturday, in memory of Maslenitsa. Tuzhilniki bonfire, loaves prepared for the young, in butter, and they eat them in the first week of Lent. Tug male, Kazakh . (isn't it fat?) use, benefit. Cook meat in a hurry, salt it. Food doesn't come in a place, a person doesn't get kinder. Tugur? archan. sensitively, carefully beware, vigilantly guard. Tuga female tuga south , app. sadness, grief, melancholy, sadness, grief, sadness. Because of sadness, many and tight hearts have filled you with many tears. Corinth. From the great hardship he went, hanged himself (voivode), chronicle. Tightness and melancholy for son Glebov! A word about Igor's regiment Tough and needy - there are none worse! The foreign side, it is tightly wound, sowed with tears.

| Tuga, a cubic measure of boards assembled into a lock, for stone, crushed stone, sand, etc.

| Tuga? the blunt end of an egg, a dead end or a pug, a tail, a heel, in the opposite direction. body, sock, wit. Tight-faced, snouted horse, archan. tight-nosed, tight on the reins, tight on the reins, insensitive, tight.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863-1866.



See what “TIGHT” is in other dictionaries:

    TIGHT, tight, tight; tight, tight, tight. 1. Tightly stretched, tightened. “He breaks the oak branch and bends the bow tightly.” Pushkin. Tight string. Tight bow. || Difficult to bend, straighten or move. Tight collar. Tight spring. 2. Tight... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    See stingy... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. tight, slow, stingy; dense, compressed; terrible, elastic, difficult, gloomy, stuffed, tense, springy,... ... Synonym dictionary

    TIGHT, oh, oh; tight, tight, tight; tighter. 1. Tightly stretched, tightened, elastic. T. onion. Tight string. Tight spring. To pull tightly (adv.) 2. Tightly stuffed. T. wallet (also translated: about someone having a lot of money, capital). Tight (adv.)… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    tight- Hard of hearing and deaf. The monk didn’t hear right away: it seems he was a little hard of hearing... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    tight- tight, short f. tight, tight, tight, tight and tight; compare Art. tighter (wrong tighter) ... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    Adj., used. compare often Morphology: tight, tight, tight, tight and tight; tighter 1. Tight is something that is tightly stretched or tied. Tight string, rope. | Tight braids. | A tight knot of hair at the back of the head. | Tight tourniquet, bandage. | The nurse treated the wound... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    Tight, tight, tight, Ukrainian. tight, cslav. tag δυσκάθεκτος, Slovenian. tọ̑g, w. tȯga tight, hard, strong, Czech, slvc. tuhy, Polish tęgi strong, tight. Associated with tuga (see). Wed. heavy, heavy (see), other words. Þungr heavy, hard, painful... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

    tight- Obsesslav. The same root (with a change o/e) as traction, heavy, bowstring, pull. Tight (*tong) literally “stretched” (like a bowstring), cf. lit. sténgti “to pull”, lat. tendere “to stretch, pull.” As evidenced by related Greek... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    I adj. 1. Firmly, strongly pulled or strained. 2. Tightly or tightly woven, braided, twisted, etc. 3. Resistant to any influence (compression, stretching, tension). 4. Tightly stuffed, highly inflated. 5. Elastic, poured... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, tight... ... Forms of words