Works of fighters and Mr. Boytsov Alexander Ilyich

Professional retraining of teaching staff to perform a new type of professional activity in the field of higher education pedagogy, diploma No. PP No. 712914, Military University (Faculty of Retraining and Advanced Training. Organization and content of research activities of teachers in education, 72 hours, certificate, Academy of Advanced Training and Professional Development retraining of education workers. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education. Content and methods of teaching general professional and special disciplines. Profile: linguistics, 72 hours, certificate, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Innovative models for ensuring the quality of higher education in the modern educational complex., 72 hours, certificate, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Strategies for mastering and using a foreign language in a multicultural world, certificate No. 1, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University" Higher School of Economics. Modern trends and technologies in teaching English for special purposes, certificate No. 84, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University" Higher School of Economics. Expert in the field of higher and secondary vocational education, diploma No. KR No. 003079, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Implementation of a professionally competent approach within the framework of the discipline "Foreign Language", 72 hours, certificate, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Academy of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers". Application of modern electronic educational technologies in the educational process, 72 hours, certificate, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Teaching methods for higher education programs using e-learning technologies, 52 hours, certificate, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". The evolution of online teaching of foreign languages: the use of hybrid forms of learning and innovative teaching practices, certificate, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University" Higher School of Economics. Key directions for the implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education, 72 hours, certificate No. 180000400737, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Innovative technologies for the implementation of HE programs, 160 hours, certificate No. 180000405834, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Information and communication technologies in project, educational and research activities of teachers and students, 72 hours, certificate No. 180000407660, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and further education, diploma No. 772400002838 dated 02.27.2018, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Traditions and innovations in teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university, 16 hours, certificate No. AAA 180879652 dated 04/06/2018, MGIMO (university) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Boytsov A.G. Adhesion of lactobacilli to cells of vaginal and buccal epithelium / A.G. Boytsov, S.V. Rishchuk, Yu.Yu. Ilyasov, T.A. Grechaninova // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg Medical Academy named after. I.I. Mechnikov. – 2004. – No. 4 (5) – P. 191193. ADHESION OF LACTOBACTERIA TO CELLS OF VAGINAL AND BUCAL EPITHELIA Boytsov A.G., Rishchuk S.V., Ilyasov Yu.Yu., Grechaninova T.A. GOUVPO St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after. I.I. Mechnikova SUMMARY The adhesion of lactobacilli preparations to the buccal and vaginal epithelium of 24 women in 91 experiments was assessed. The results obtained confirm the specific nature of lactobacilli adhesion. This is probably determined by the degree of homology between the receptors of epithelial cells and bacteria. A high correlation was determined between the degree of adhesion of lactobacilli to two types of epithelium (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient 0.7). From a practical point of view, the need for individual selection of probiotics for replacement therapy of vaginal dysbiosis is confirmed. A simple and convenient method for making such a selection can be the proposed method for determining the adhesion of bacteria to the buccal epithelium. THE RESUME The adhesion of preparations of Lactobacilli valued to buccal epithelial cells and vaginal epithelial cells of 24 women in 91 experiments. The received results to confirm specific character of an adhesion the Lactobacilli. It’s defined prabably a degree of homology receptors of epithelial cells and bacteria. It’s determined the high correlation interrelations between the degree of an adhesion the Lactobacilli to two kinds of an epithelium (the factor of ranking correlations Spirmen 0.7). From the practical point of view to confirm the necessity of individual selection of probiotics attached by replaceable therapy of disbiosis of vaginas. As a simple and convenient method for exercise of such selection can serve the offered technique of definition of an adhesion of bacteria to buccal epithelial cells. INTRODUCTION It is known that lactobacilli are the main component of the microbial biocenosis of the vagina of an adult sexually mature woman. Their pronounced antagonistic activity towards most foreign microorganisms is one of the main mechanisms ensuring the prevention of the development of vaginitis and vaginosis. It is no coincidence that a decrease in the number of these microorganisms is observed against the background of many pathological manifestations or is one of the causes of almost all types of pathology of this part of the genital tract. According to many researchers, restoring the normal number of lactobacilli is one of the important components of the treatment of vaginosis and vaginitis. For these purposes, it has been repeatedly proposed to use preparations containing live lactobacilli, for example, lactobacterin. The main condition for the effectiveness of such treatment is the attachment of lactobacilli to the cells of the vaginal epithelium. The molecular mechanisms that ensure the adhesion of lactobacilli to vaginal epithelial cells are not completely clear. According to various authors, the lactobacilli receptors responsible for this process are of protein or carbohydrate nature. There is information about the participation of lipoteichoic acids in this process. Perhaps the receptors of different types of lactobacilli have different natures. It can be assumed that the adsorption of lactobacilli is specific and depends on the correspondence of the receptors of a given specific strain of lactobacilli to the receptors of the vaginal epithelial cells of a particular woman. According to the hypothesis of B.A. Shenderov, even during the period of intrauterine development, the child’s body prepares to accept the mother’s microflora as “its own”, or, in other words, it develops immunological tolerance to normal microflora. In addition, it was shown that the adsorption of lactobacilli on the intestinal mucosa depended on the age of the donor. It was established that lactobacilli of vaginal origin attach better to vaginal epithelial cells compared to strains isolated from other sources, for example, food. All of the above suggests that drugs containing lactobacilli and intended for intravaginal use should be selected individually for each woman. This work is an attempt to test a method to achieve this goal. Existing methods for determining the adhesion of lactobacilli to vaginal epithelial cells are, as a rule, quite complex and difficult to reproduce in practical laboratories. We have made an attempt to simplify them as much as possible. in order to make it possible to implement them in almost any diagnostic laboratory with standard equipment and reagent base. One of the objectives of the work was to assess the possibility of using determination of lactobacilli adhesion to the vaginal epithelium using buccal epithelial cells as a test object. MATERIALS AND METHODS The ability to adhere to epithelial cells was studied in lactobacilli isolated from examined women (autostrains) and lactobacilli included in the preparations “Laktobacterin” (NPO “Biomed”, Prem), “Laktobacterin” (NPO “Immunopreparat”, Ufa) , "Vitaflor" (State Scientific Research Institute of Highly Pure Biological Preparations, St. Petersburg), "Acilact" (LLC "Ferment", Moscow Region), "Imbio" (NPO "Microgen", Nizhny Novgorod), "Biovestin Lacto" ("Biovesta" , Saint Petersburg). Autostrains were isolated by inoculating smears from the posterior vaginal vault onto MRS medium, followed by incubation of the cultures under anaerobic conditions. Immediately before the experiment, lactobacilli were washed twice with McIlwain citrate-phosphate buffer, pH 5.4, by centrifugation. A suspension of 106 cells in 1 ml was prepared from the sediment according to the “turbidity standard”. Vaginal epithelial cells were collected from the posterior vaginal fornix by a gynecologist during a routine examination using a Volkmann spoon, after careful removal of mucus with a cotton swab. At the same time, scrapings of the buccal epithelium were taken. The cells were placed in Eppendorf tubes with citrate-phosphate buffer and transported to the laboratory within 2-3 hours. Immediately before the start of the study, epithelial cells were washed by three times centrifugation (1000 rpm - 5 minutes). After washing the sediment, control smears were prepared. To do this, 1 drop of sediment was applied to the surface of a glass slide and distributed into a disk with a diameter of about 1.5 cm. The smears were fixed and stained with an aqueous solution of methylene blue. A sample was considered suitable for further study if, under microscopy (magnification x 900), there were at least 2-3 epithelial cells in each field of view. To study the adhesive activity, 800 μl of a suspension of epithelial cells and 600 μl of a suspension of lactobacilli were added to an Eppendorf tube. The contents of the tubes were thoroughly mixed and incubated for 2 hours at a temperature of 37 °C with periodic re-mixing by inverting the tubes. After incubation, non-adsorbed bacterial cells were removed by washing twice by centrifugation (1000 rpm for 3 minutes). Smears were prepared from the sediment, which, after fixation, were stained with methylene blue. During microscopy of the specimen, the number of bacterial cells attached to the surface of each epithelial cell was counted. At least 50 cells were analyzed in each preparation. The result was expressed as the arithmetic mean number of lactobacilli on the surface of one epithelial cell. Adhesion in parallel to the buccal and vaginal epithelium of 24 women was assessed in 91 experiments. At the same time, “Laktobacterin” (Perm) was used in 24, “Acilakt” in 20, “Biovestin” in 13, “Inbio” in 9, “Lactobacterin” (Ufa) in 9, autostrains in 9, “Vitaflor” in 7 cases . Taken together, the results of 91 experiments showed that in 65 cases the average number of bacteria attached to the vaginal epithelium was greater than to the buccal epithelium, and in 17 cases it was the other way around. In 9 cases, the average number of bacteria attached to the buccal and vaginal epithelium was the same. A strong, significant correlation was observed between the degree of adhesion to two types of epithelium: linear correlation coefficient - 0.74, Spearman rank correlation coefficient - 0.64. The strength of the relationship varied somewhat depending on the type of drug. Thus, if in experiments with lactobacterin the Spearman correlation coefficient was 0.71 (P = 0.001), then in experiments with acylact it was 0.43 (P = 0.078). However, the results obtained indicate the possibility of using an assessment of the degree of adhesion of lactobacilli to the cells of the buccal epithelium to obtain an idea of ​​the adhesive ability in relation to the vaginal epithelium of a particular patient. The above statement is based on a high correlation between the degree of adhesion to two types of epithelium (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was 0.7). The following drugs had the highest adhesive activity, both in relation to the buccal and vaginal epithelium: Lactobacterin (Perm), Lactobacterin (Ufa), Vitaflor. At the same time, the comparative activity of individual drugs did not coincide in different patients. As an example, we present the test results of three women. The drugs are listed in descending order of activity. Patient Z. – “Vitaflor”, “Lactobacterin” (Ufa), “Lactobacterin” (Perm), “Acilact”, autostrain; Patient F - Lactobacterin (Perm), Lactobacterin (Ufa), autostrain, Acylact, Vitaflor; Patient I. - “Lactobacterin” (Perm), “Imbio”, autostrain, “Acilact”. The results obtained confirm the individual specific nature of lactobacilli adhesion, which is apparently determined by the degree of homology of the receptors of epithelial cells and bacteria. From a practical point of view, this confirms the need for individual selection of probiotics for replacement therapy of dysbiosis. A simple and convenient method for making such a selection can be the proposed method for determining the adhesion of bacteria to the buccal epithelium. REFERENCES 1. Golovinsky E.V. Basic research methods used in microbiology // In the book: Experimental Microbiology. - Sofia: Medicine and Physical Education, 1965.- p. 23-39 2. Shenderov B.A. Medical microbial ecology and functional nutrition. Volume 1: Microflora of humans and animals and its functions. M., Grant, 1998; 288.. 3. Brooker, B. E., Fuller R. Adhesion of lactobacilli to the chicken crop epithelium. // J. Ultrastruct. Res.-1975. v.52.- p. 21-31 4. Conway, P. L., Kjelleberg S. 1989. Protein-mediated adhesion of Lactobacillus fermentum strain 737 to mouse stomach squamous epithelium. //J. Gen. Microbiol.-v. 135.- 11751118; 5. Chan R. C. Y., Reid G., Irvin R. T., Bruce A. W., Costerton J. W.. Competitive exclusion of uropathogens from human uroepithelial cells by Lactobacillus whole cells and cell wall fragments. // Infect. Immun..- 1985. – v.47.- p. 84-89 6. Fuller R.. Nature of the determinant responsible for the adhesion of lactobacilli to chicken crop epithelial cells.// J. Gen. Microbiol.- 1975.- v. 87.- p. 245-250 7. Henriksson A., Szewzyk R., Conway P. L. Characteristics of the adhesive determinants of Lactobacillus fermentum 104. // Appl. Environ. Microbiol..- 1991.-v. 57.- p. 499-502; 8. Kirjavainen P. V., Ouwehand A. C., Isolauri E., Salminen S. J. The ability of probiotic bacteria to bind to human intestinal mucus. FEMS. // Microbiol. Lett. 1998 167:185–189]. 9. Soledad Boris,1 Juan E. Suárez,1 Fernando Vázquez,2 and Covadonga Barbés 10. Soledad Boris,1 Juan E. Suárez,1 Fernando Vázquez,2 and Covadonga Barbés Adherence of Human Vaginal Lactobacilli to Vaginal Epithelial Cells and Interaction with Uropathogens.- Infect Immun, May 1998, p. 1985-1989, Vol. 66, No. 5. 11. Wadström, T., K. Andersson, M. Sydow, L. Axelsson, S. Lindgren, and B. Gullmar. 1987. Surface properties of lactobacilli isolated from the small intestine of pigs. J. Appl. Microbiol. 62:513–520 12. Wood, J. R., R. L. Sweet, A. Catena, W. K. Hadley, and M. Robbie. 1985. In vitro adherence of Lactobacillus species to vaginal epithelial cells. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 153:740-743,

B Oytsov Alexander Gerasimovich - commander of the 218th Guards Rifle Regiment (77th Guards Chernigov Rifle Division, 9th Guards Rifle Corps, 61st Army, Central Front), guard lieutenant colonel.

Born on October 27, 1904 in the village of Beshkino, Gdov district, St. Petersburg province, now Gdov district, Pskov region, in a peasant family. Russian. Incomplete secondary education. He worked as a carpenter on the railway at the Gdov station, and from 1923 - in the construction office of a collective farm for sewerage repairs, at the Polustrovskaya step-down substation of Volkhovstroy (Leningrad).

In the Red Army since September 1924. In 1927 he graduated from the Leningrad Infantry School named after E. Sklyansky. Since 1927, he served in the OGPU troops: platoon commander of the 4th regiment of the Separate Special Purpose Division, from August 1928 - platoon commander of the 2nd separate division of the OGPU troops, from August 1931 - platoon commander of the 22nd OGPU regiment, from May 1933 - chief outpost of the 5th border detachment, from May 1935 - junior assistant to the head of the department in the 1st border detachment of the NKVD troops of the USSR. In 1935 he graduated from the Shooting and Tactical Institute "Vystrel".

In December 1937 he was transferred to the reserve. The dismissal apparently took place as a result of repressive measures, since several months after the dismissal of A.G. Boytsov was unemployed and only in June 1938 he got a job as a farm manager in the Metallokombinat artel, and then in Metalloremont (Leningrad).

In September 1939, he was again drafted into the border troops, junior assistant and senior assistant to the head of the headquarters of the 11th Sebezh border detachment of the NKVD of the Belarusian SSR.

Senior Lieutenant Boytsov met the beginning of the Great Patriotic War on June 22, 1941 at the border on the banks of the Western Bug River. The border guards fought for more than a day and repelled more than ten enemy attacks. Only with the onset of darkness and by order of the command did they leave the line.

Since July 1941 - adjutant of the senior battalion of the 948th Infantry Regiment of the emerging 257th Infantry Division of the Moscow Military District (Tula). Upon completion of formation in August 1941 - in the active army in the 34th Army of the Reserve and North-Western Fronts, participated in the counterattack near Staraya Russa. From October 1941 - commanded the rifle battalion of the 89th rifle regiment of the 23rd rifle division of the 27th, 3rd shock and 53rd armies of the North-Western Front, participated in the Toropetsko-Kholmskaya, Demyanskaya (1942) and then the regiment. In 1942 he joined the CPSU(b)/CPSU.

In August 1942, he was transferred with the division to the Stalingrad Front, where he fought as part of the 1st Guards, 4th Tank and 65th armies. From October 1942 - deputy commander of the 89th Infantry Regiment, from December 1942 - commander of the 1313th Infantry Regiment of the 173rd Infantry Division of the 65th and 21st Armies of the Don Front. He went through the entire Battle of Stalingrad, participated in the defeat of the fascist group in Stalingrad, where the regiment captured more than 4,000 Nazis. After its completion, the regiment was renamed the 218th Guards Rifle Regiment in March 1943.

From April 1943, at the head of the regiment, he fought on the Bryansk Front, from September 1943 - on the Central Front, from October 1943 - on the Belorussian Front. He distinguished himself in the Battle of Kursk, in the Oryol and Chernigov-Pripyat offensive operations.

Commander of the 218th Guards Rifle Regiment (77th Guards Rifle Division, 61st Army, Central Front) Guard Lieutenant Colonel A.G. Boytsov especially distinguished himself in the last of these operations, which took place during the Battle of the Dnieper. On September 27, 1943, Guard Lieutenant Colonel Boytsov skillfully organized the crossing of the Dnieper near the village of Nedanchichi (Repkinsky district, Chernigov region, Ukrainian SSR). With a sudden night attack, the regiment knocked the enemy out of their positions and advanced 2 km. Having gained a foothold on the captured bridgehead, he facilitated the crossing of division units.

U Order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on January 15, 1944 for the exemplary performance of command assignments and the courage and heroism shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, guard lieutenant colonel Boytsov Alexander Gerasimovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

Then he participated in the Gomel-Rechitsa and Kalinkovichi-Mozyr offensive operations. From February 1944 - deputy commander of the 77th Infantry Division of the 61st and 69th Armies of the 1st Belorussian Front, again distinguished himself in the Belarusian offensive operation. Since July 1944 - commander of the 134th Infantry Division of the 69th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front, at its head he fought during the liberation of Poland. At the end of December 1944 he was recalled from the front to study.

After the war he continued to serve in the Soviet Army. In 1946, he completed advanced training courses for senior command staff at the Higher Military Academy named after K.E. Voroshilov. From February 1946 - deputy commander of the 10th Guards Rifle Division in the Leningrad Military District, from September 1946 - deputy commander of the 90th Separate Rifle Brigade in the Transcaucasian Military District, from March 1949 - deputy commander of the 3rd Guards Rifle Brigade, from August 1949 - Deputy Commander of the 24th Guards Mountain Rifle Division of the North Caucasus Military District Since September 1953, Colonel A.G. Fighters are in reserve.

Lived in the hero city of Moscow. Died on December 22, 1977. He was buried in Moscow at the Khimki cemetery.

Military ranks:
senior lieutenant (until 1939),
Major (1942),
lieutenant colonel (1943),
Colonel (1943).

Awarded two Orders of Lenin (01/15/1944, ...), three Orders of the Red Banner (02/28/1943, 08/25/1944, ...), the Order of Alexander Nevsky (09/28/1943), two Orders of the Red Star (04/23/1942, ...), medals.

The commander of the 77th Chernigov Rifle Division, Major General Askalenov, representing Lieutenant Colonel A.G. Boytsov to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, wrote on the award sheet:

“...Boytsov made good preparations for crossing the Dnieper River, mobilized all kinds of available means and skillfully using them, he was the first of the division’s units, despite opposition from the enemy, to force an important line.

He built a plan for crossing the Dnieper based on the surprise and speed of the entire operation. Having carried out reconnaissance of the area before the crossing, and having established that the enemy was expecting the crossing of our troops in the narrowest place of the Dnieper, at its bend, where he prepared the defense, he decided to transport the regiment to another place, and in the bend of the river he placed units heavily saturated with fire weapons . These units reliably protected the regiment's flank during its operations after landing on the right bank of the river, and at the same time their fire was supposed to divert the enemy's attention and give rise to a false impression of the crossing point.

Throughout the entire operation, stable and continuous communication was ensured between the regiment commander and the units that were located in the bend of the river and artillery batteries, and for communication with the units that crossed to the opposite bank, two wires were laid in advance along the river bottom.

The regiment commander courageously and boldly led the crossing of his units, while ensuring great organization and discipline, thanks to which he suffered minor losses during the crossing.

The crossing of the river was so rapid that the enemy in the first trenches, knocked down by the fire of the units located in the bend of the river, was unable to provide serious resistance and only in the morning launched a counterattack, which was repulsed.

Having landed on the right bank of the Dnieper, the second and third battalions of the regiment fought one and a half kilometers deep into the enemy’s defenses, where they gained a foothold, providing a bridgehead for crossing to other units of the regiment and the rest of the rifle division.”

Country - Russia (RU), number of patents - 10, received - 2008-2012

  • B23 - Metal-cutting machines; methods and devices for processing metals, not classified in other classes
  • B24 - Grinding; polishing
  • C12 - Biochemistry; beer; alcoholic drinks; wine; vinegar; microbiology; enzymology; obtaining mutations; Genetic Engineering
  • C22 - Metallurgy; alloys of ferrous or non-ferrous metals; processing of alloys or non-ferrous metals
  • E21 - Drilling soil or rocks; mining

    Impregnated Diamond Drill Bit

    The invention relates to the production of rock-cutting diamond tools, in particular impregnated diamond drill bits used when drilling wells with core sampling during exploration of mineral deposits....

    Method for obtaining internal rectilinear and curved channels in parts

    The invention can be used to obtain internal rectilinear and curved channels, including channels of great length, in monolithic parts. The friction stir welding tool is placed on the surface of the part and...

    Device for friction welding of long parts

    The invention can be used for friction welding using an intermediate insert of long parts, in particular railway rails, pipes, rods. A gripping mechanism is mounted on a frame with supporting elements for installing parts...

    A method for individual selection of probiotic preparations containing lactobacilli and/or bifidobacteria for the elimination of opportunistic microorganisms isolated from a patient during testing for intestinal dysbiosis

    The invention relates to biotechnology and medicine and can be used in bacteriological laboratories for individual selection of probiotic preparations containing lactobacilli and/or bifidobacteria for the elimination of opportunistic pathogens...

    Orbital Friction Welding Device

    The invention can be used for welding parts of arbitrary cross-sectional shape, including parts in the form of a body of revolution, in particular for welding blades to gas turbine rotor disks. There are 4 spindles in the hole 1, made with eccentricity...

    Method for manufacturing cutting elements based on powders of superhard materials

    The invention relates to the production of cutting elements including binders and powders of superhard materials. Powders of superhard materials of at least two grain sizes are used, while the powders of superhard materials have a larger...

    A method for individual detection of antagonistic activity of probiotic preparations containing lactobacilli and/or bifidobacteria against opportunistic microorganisms isolated during the diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis

    Strains of opportunistic microorganisms (OPM) are isolated from the feces of the subject, then lactobacilli and/or bifidobacteria that are part of the probiotic preparation are isolated in pure culture. Determine the antagonistic activity of lactobacilli...

    A method for individual assessment of the effectiveness of eubiotics, the main active principle of which is the strain of bacillus cereus ip 5832 (atcc 14893), against opportunistic microorganisms isolated from a patient during a study for intestinal dysbiosis

    The invention relates to the field of medicine, namely microbiology, and can be used in bacteriological laboratories to detect the antagonistic activity of the Bacillus cereus strain IP 5832 (ATCC 14893). Carry out joint incubation in...

    Method for manufacturing the working layer of an abrasive tool from powders of superhard materials

    The invention relates to the field of abrasive processing and can be used in the production of abrasive tools with cutting grains from diamond powders, cubic boron nitride and other superhard materials and with a binder based on...

    Friction stir welding method and friction stir welding tool

    The invention can be used for permanently connecting parts with both longitudinal and closed circumferential seams. The probe 5 of the rotating welding tool is immersed in the joint of the parts to be welded until a welding force is created and...


      In our country, and not only in ours, there are a huge number of inventors. Unfortunately, not all of them receive legitimate laurels for their creations due to the patent not being issued on time.

Complete list of personal reports and presentations at conferences in recent years

November 14 - report "Anointings of medieval German emperors" at the international scientific conference " Monarch and monarchy (To the 100th anniversary of the murder of the royal family and the 150th anniversary of the birth of Emperor Nicholas II)" - Moscow.

September 14 - report "Brotherhood with the Roman kings. Moscow prince between Constantinople and Rome. 1489." at the international conference "Rus of the late 15th - mid-18th centuries: natio vs confessio" - Warsaw.

April 24 - report "Mission und Gewalt im europäischen Mittelalter" at the international conference "Mission als transkulturelles und transnationales Phänomen" - Shanghai.

November 4 - report "Die deutschen Wege zu Demokratie in den (post)sowjetischen Interpretationen" at the international scientific seminar "Democracy Today. Lessons from the German Past and Present". - Cambridge.

October 5 - report "Alexander the Great and the Muscovites" at the international scientific conference "Topography of East Slavic "memory places" of the late 15th - mid-18th centuries." - Moscow.

March 31 - report “What did the court of Ivan III know about the “constitution” of the Holy Roman Empire”? at the all-Russian conference "The Great Standing on the Ugra and the formation of the Russian centralized state: local and global contexts." - Kaluga.

March 12 - report “The City as a Female: from Late Antiquity to the Late Middle Ages” at the international conference “‘What is the city but the people?’ Urban Identities between the Civic and the Ethnic” - Oxford.

April 11 - presentation “‘Surge illuminare Jerusalem!’ Biblical motifs in medieval coronations” at the international conference “Image and Symbol in the Jewish, Christian and Muslim Traditions.” Covenant, testimony, blessing: between past and future. - Moscow.

September 22 - report "Das Privilegium maius 1359: eine höchst glaubwürdige Fälschung" at the 51st Congress of German Historians. - Hamburg.

September 27 - performance "How was the text of the Golden Bull of 1356 produced?" at the international summer school "The Dynamics of Production". - Dusseldorf.

October 28 - report "Deutsche Geschichte? Wozu denn?" at the international scientific seminar "The Future of German Studies in British, Russian and Other International Contexts". - Cambridge.

November 9 - report: Der gute sündige Herrscher. Ambrosius von Mailand und Theodosius I. at the conference "Images of the Good Christian Ruler in the Mediterranean and the Near East (4th-10th Centuries)" - Frankfurt am Main.


February 10 - report “Speculative considerations on the reasons for the popularity of “Categories of Medieval Culture”” at the round table “Unofficial medieval studies and the Soviet “cultural turn””. - Moscow.

April 19 - report “The Staff of Moses and the Robes of the High Priest among the Insignia of Christian Sovereigns” at the conference "Image and symbol in the Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions."- Moscow.

July 16 - report " Die Hussiten im russischen und sowjetischen historischen Bewusstsein" at the international seminar "Jan Hus: † 6. Juli 1415. Ein Rückblick nach 600 Jahren" - Munich.

September 28 - report “Limiting the power of the ruler: symbolic forms of expression in the Middle Ages” at the international conference “Power and its limits (To the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta). - Moscow.

January 17 - presentation "Elemente der politischen Retrospektion in der Goldenen Bulle von 1356" at the international scientific conference "Stand und Perspektiven der Sozial- und Verfassungsgeschichte zum römisch-deutschen Reich. Der Forschungseinfluss Peter Moraws auf die deutsche Mediävistik" at the Justus Liebig University. - Gisen.

March 2 - report “Anointing for the Kingdom: from Saul to the Staufens and beyond” at the international scientific conference “Image and Symbol in the Jewish, Christian and Muslim Traditions” at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center. - Moscow.

April 17 - report “The Presence of Corporality in the Academic Narrative of the Medieval Past” at the seminar “Trends and Methods of European Historiography” at the German Historical Institute. - Moscow.

June 23 - public lecture "Die Macht der toten Herrscher. Über den Umgang mit fürstlcihen Leichen im Mittelalter" at the University. Martin Luther in Hall and Wittenberg. - Halle.

June 26 - report "Die Heilskraft des Sakralkönigtums? Die verbannten Missetäter in feierlichen Einzügen der Könige und Fürtsen" at the Saxon Academy of Sciences. - Leipzig.

July 9 - report " The Golden Bull of 1356: A "Constitutional Project" for the Future or a Pragmatic Reaction to the Past?"at the XXI International Congress of Medieval Studies. - Leeds.

November 10 - report “The Ambrose Code”: how a bishop first demanded repentance from the emperor” at the international conference “Church Primacy in the West and East.” - Moscow.

November 11 - report “The Helmet of Constantine the Great and the Nail of the True Cross” at the II Readings in memory of Gennady Grigorievich Litavrin. - Moscow.

November 14 - report "The first patron saints of the Ottonian Empire" at the All-Russian scientific conference "The Cult of Saints in the Medieval Christian Culture of the West and East of Europe: Religious, Political, Social." - Moscow.

November 26 - report "Public intercourse? Publicity of princely marriages in Germany in the 15th century." at the conference "Everyday Practices of the Middle Ages and Modern Times. From unique information to verifiable information." - Moscow.


June 17 - presentation "Virgins and their Jewish boys: the political imagery of late medieval urban communities" at Queen Mary University of London.

June 26 - a report on the stages of development of Russian medieval studies at a seminar at University College London.

June 28 - report "Healing touch of a sacred king? Convicts surrounding a prince in adventus ceremonies. The Holy Roman Empire, 14th - 16th centuries" at the University of Sheffield.

July 2 - report "Ordnung im Chaos. Die Zusammensetzung des Nürnberger Teils der Goldenen Bulle 1356" at the Heinrich Heine University. - Dusseldorf.

July 4 - message "Zeremonien der Goldenen Bulle" at the round table "Die Goldene Bulle, Kaiser Karl IV. und das Papsttum" at the Heinrich Heine University. - Dusseldorf.

July 10 - report "Vom Löwenherz zu den Herzen der Würzburger Fürstbischöfe. Die separaten Herzbegräbnisse im Mittelalter" at the University of Würzburg.

September 14 - report "Freedom, law and justice in Muscovy? A view from the Holy Roman Empire of the early 16th century." at the Second Colloquium of Russian and British Historians "Liberty, Law and Justice in Russian history / Freedom, law and justice in the history of Russia." - Moscow, Higher School of Economics.

October 3 - report "Seeking for harmony after chaos: political ceremonies in the Golden Bull of 1356" at the international scientific conference "Harmonia. Idées de l"harmonie dans la culture et la societé médiévale". - Moscow, Higher School of Economics.

October 7 - report ""Estate-representative monarchy": error in translation?" at the international scientific conference "Class representation in Russia in the context of European history (second half of the 16th - mid-17th centuries)" - Moscow.

December 4 - report "The Sweet Life. Rules for the female half of the Tyrolean court" at the conference "The many faces of everyday life. Microhistorical approaches to the study of the past." Moscow.

December 5 - report "Symbolic plurality and symbolic unity. Ways of representing empire in iconography and political ceremonial" at the international scientific conference "To the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov. Monarchies and dynasties in the history of Europe and Russia." Saint Petersburg.


February 24 - report "Die Regensburger Erlebnisse der Vertreter Iwans des Schrecklichen im Jahre 1576 und darüber hinaus" at the international scientific symposium "Bayern und Russland in vormoderner Zeit: Wegmarken der Annäherung bis in die Zeit Peters des Großen" at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. - Munich.

March 28 - report "Der tote Papst im Sessel und andere Gespenster" at the international scientific conference "Le Pape Jean XXII: conditions et conséquences de son pontificat" at the University of Fribourg.

May 10 - report "Constructing a useful past: Alexander the Great, Octavian Augustus and Constantine the Great as benefactors of Muscovy" at the international scientific conference "Ecrire et réécrire l'histoire russe, d'Ivan le Terrible à V.O. Ključevskij / Writing and Rewriting Russian History from Ivan the Terrible to V.O. Kliuchevskii / How Russian history was written and rewritten from Ivan the Terrible to V.O. Kliuchevskii" at the Singer-Polignac Foundation. - Paris.

May 25 - report “What should we do with the Middle Ages?” at the All-Russian conference “The Sixth Middle Ages or Why do we need the Middle Ages today?” - Moscow.

June 20 - presentation "Der Nürnberger Teil der Goldenen Bulle 1356. Neues zur Entstehung eines berühmten Textes" at the colloquium on medieval history at the Ludwig and Maximilian University. The report took place as part of the series of events of the German Institute for the Study of the Middle Ages "Monumenta Germaniae Historica". - Munich.

June 21 - lecture "Wie die erste heilige Krone erfunden war" at the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the Ludwig Maximilian University. - Munich.

September 13 - “An attempt at comparison: common roots - different paths” (summarization of reports read at the session “Monasteries as integration factors in the process of state formation”) international conference "Monastic culture as a trans-confessional phenomenon" - Suzdal.

October 2 - lecture "Dynamics of Political Rituals" at the International School of Young Medievalists "Dynamic Middle Ages". - Moscow.

November 9 - speech "Studying the history of German lands in the Middle Ages in today's Russian medieval studies" at the international round table "Current state and prospects of Russian German studies." - Moscow.

November 21 - report "Political ceremonies in the Golden Bull of 1356: prospective and retrospective aspects" at the conference "Retrospective information of sources: Images and reality." - Moscow.


March 22 – report “L’embaumement des souverains morts dans l’Europe médiévale” at the Practical School of Higher Studies. - Paris.

September 12 – speech at the congress of representatives of German historical institutes abroad Perspektiven für die internationale Geschichtswissenschaft – die Deutschen Historischen Institute im Ausland. - Berlin.

September 26 – report “Features of a fairy tale in history textbooks” at the international scientific conference “Cultural memory and memorial communications in textbooks and educational literature: the experience of Russia and Western Europe.” - Saratov

September 27 – report “National History as a Version of a Fairy Tale” at the “Poletaev Readings” at IGITI NRU HSE.

October 19 – report “Gifts of Constantine and their analogues in the West and East of Europe” at the international conference “In the Language of Gifts. Rules of symbolic communication in Europe 1000 – 1700.” - Moscow.

November 9 – report “The Innsbruck court, (not) seen by ambassadors from Muscovy” at the conference “From text to reality: (Im)possibility of historical reconstructions.” - Moscow.


May 19 – report “Traces of the Gothic “culture of memory” in the “Getica” of Cassiodorus and Jordanes” at the XXV conference in memory of V.D. Korolyuk “Slavs and their neighbors” “Legends and myths about the origin of power in the Middle Ages and early modern times.” - Moscow.

June 11 – presentation “The Historian and Globalization” at the Russian-French conference “Penser l’histoire / How do we write history?” - Moscow.

November 17 – report “What reality does the structure of the text of the Golden Bull of 1356 reflect?” at the conference “The Reading Man: Between Reality and Source Text.” - Moscow.

December 3 – presentation “Herrschereinzuge, Verbrecher und der Sachsenspiegel” at the international colloquium of the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the Ludwig Maximilian University. - Munich.


January 29 - report " Ambrosius von Mailand und die heilige Krone Konstantins und Helenas" at the Historical Seminar of the Westphalian University. Wilhelm. - Munster.

February 7 - report “Criminals next to the sovereign at his ceremonial entry into the city - an ancient German custom?” at the seminar of the Center for Slavic-Germanic Studies of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - Moscow.

September 17 - report “Phrygias instead of a crown: was the pope an emperor?” at the round table “Name, speech and ceremony: how the image of a ruler is created.” - Moscow.

September 24 – report “How to turn the periphery into the center without changing anything much? at the international conference “In the center and on the periphery of European consciousness, XV-XX centuries.” - Moscow.

October 2 - report “Maximilian and his court in 1518 as seen by the Russians” at the international conference “Emperor Maximilian I: Perception, Transfer, Comparison. - Edmonton.

October 10 - report “Die Wiener Totenfeier für Kaiser Friedrich III: Die Sorgen eines Veranstalters” at the international conference “Kaiser Friedrich III. (1440 – 1493).” - Wiener Neustadt.

October 27 - report “Almost a princely wedding. How a royal advisor married a Nuremberg patrician" at the international conference "Court Culture of the Renaissance." - Moscow.

January 31 - performance “What are the Middle Ages?” at the reader's conference of the magazine "Middle Ages". - Moscow.

February 4 - report “Visualization of Empire: Golden Bull of 1356 of Emperor Charles IV” at the All-Russian conference “Empires and ethno-confessional states in Europe in the Middle Ages and early modern times.” - Moscow.

February 13 - report “The Pope in Constantinople” at the Readings dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Professor S.P. Karpov, “The Mediterranean and European Civilization.” - Moscow.

April 25 - report “The practice of embalming deceased rulers in medieval Europe” at the Lomonosov readings. - Moscow.

May 26 – report “Nackt, geplündert und verlassen: eine Herrscherleiche zwischen jus spolii, Karneval und “Zwei-Körper-Theorie”” at the international conference “Paradoxien der Legitimation. Kulturhistorische Analysen zur Macht im Mittelalter. Deutsch-italienisch-französische Forschungskonferenz.” - Menaggio.

June 10 – report “Verbrecher als Begleiter bei königlichen und fürstlichen Einzügen” at the Historical Seminar of the University. Ruprecht and Karl. - Heidelberg.

July 1 – report “Verbrecher auf den Fürsten hängend...” at the Historical Seminar of the University. Martin Luther. Halle.

July 7 – report “Wie Ambrosius von Mailand die erste heilige Krone (er)fand” at the meeting of SFB 619 “Ritualdynamik” at the University. Ruprecht and Karl. - Heidelberg.

July 14 – report “Einbalsamierung der toten Herrscher im mittelalterlichen Europa” at the round table “Der Leichnam des Herrschers”. University named after Ruprecht and Karl. - Heidelberg.

April 20 – report “Adventus and Collective Memory. How did Medieval Citizens Invent Their Rituals” at the seminar “The Dynamics of Medieval Cities. 33rd PhD-Seminar of the National Graduate School for Medieval Studies.” - Deventer.