Diction training for clear pronunciation. Video: news anchor recites tongue twisters

Competent speech is the key to success in life. After all, people are judged not only by their clothes, but also by their ability to correctly convey thoughts and write correctly. A person who knows how to express his thoughts simply, concisely and clearly, and construct sentences correctly, is always perceived more positively. Interlocutors, listening to competent speech, automatically assign a completely different, higher level of life competence to a person.

Have you ever lost or not gotten a job because you had too many writing errors or had to clearly explain why you were the right person for the job? The development of competent speech is one of the basic tasks of every self-respecting person. Even if you don't speak in public, the ability to speak beautifully and clearly is valued by everyone. So, how to develop competent speech?

Read fiction

Reading high-quality fiction can hardly be called a waste of time. In the modern world, we are exposed to a very large flow of information; we mainly listen to news or read it on the Internet. But the Internet, entertaining reading and business literature cannot replace good books by recognized domestic and foreign authors.

Reading novels helps to intuitively write correct, beautiful sentences and develops a sense of language. By reading fiction and scientific articles in special publications, a person expands his horizons and vocabulary. If you want to make your speech more lively and imaginative, read poetry. Identify the rhythm, metaphors and figures of speech that you would like to use.

Use dictionaries

Look for new words. If you hear or read a word whose meaning is unfamiliar to you, feel free to take a dictionary and find out what it means. The origin of words is a very interesting science. What if this becomes one of your hobbies?

In addition to the usual dictionary, there are dictionaries of metaphors, foreign words, special terms, even dictionaries dedicated to a particular science. Use them all - and your vocabulary will begin to grow quickly. You can always find the most accurate word and apply it in conversation.

Play educational games

As you know, children acquire almost all their knowledge of language before the age of seven. A child develops competent speech with the help of the people around him. There are also many games and techniques that allow you to develop your imagination, expand your vocabulary and learn to speak beautifully.

If possible, listen to yourself from the outside. Make an audio or video recording of your voice. If you are afraid to speak into a voice recorder or get an inaccurate result, ask someone close to you to record you during a normal conversation.

Evaluate your speech. Competent speech is always free from all unnecessary things. How accurately did you convey your message to others? Was she clear? Could it have been said shorter, clearer, more understandable? Are you pausing in the wrong places? Are you constructing your sentences correctly? Are your thoughts confused, are you jumping from thought to thought, confusing your listeners?

Watch the accents. Incorrect accents (call, jalousie and other tricky words, of which there are many in the Russian language) reveal an illiterate and ill-mannered person. There are two options: do not use these words or open the dictionary, textbooks and remember them firmly.

Edit what you've written

Have you written a letter, a message to a friend, a report to management or an artistic essay? Whatever it is, review the text as carefully as possible and try to give it a critical assessment. This is great speech training. If you practice “cleaning” your writing, you will see results very soon. In addition, spoken language will also change significantly!

Once you've written something, try to "switch" to something else (at least go and make yourself a cup of tea), and then return to the text with fresh eyes. Imagine that this is someone else's text. Does it have errors? How accurately is the thought expressed? Is everything clear to you as an outside reader? Is it possible to formulate this idea more clearly and concisely?

Correct speech and competent speech are always bright, expressive and understandable. Get rid of words that do not carry any semantic meaning. They often take up a third of the text, which is why your idea definitely loses. If you can use a simpler and shorter word, use it. You can also try reading it out loud (be sure to do this if you are preparing a speech that you will give).

Develop your voice

Not only grammatically and lexically correct speech is important for communication. Proper communication also includes using your voice. If you have applied all the methods outlined above, but at the same time express your thoughts in a monotonous voice, devoid of any intonation, listening to you will be unpleasant and not very interesting.

It's worth developing your voice. Do exercises, listen to speakers and try to repeat after them. Sign up for a public speaking course. Even with little effort, the results will please you, and your interlocutors will stop yawning.


Competent speech is not given at birth. You need to work on this constantly, throughout your life. But even if you devote very little effort and time to developing your speech, but reading becomes your good habit, you are guaranteed a more interesting and successful life.

By nature, only a few have clear, correct pronunciation. In childhood, almost every second child faces a speech problem, but it is much easier to solve. An adult thinking about how to improve diction is faced with his own habit of speaking incorrectly. This makes it more difficult to work on yourself, and correcting your speech takes longer. "EasyUseful" offers you 5 steps to improve your speech quality. If you decide to work on your speech, you should fight the desire to put it off until later: only frequent practice will give results.

Step 1: train the organs of articulation

These exercises were developed by speech therapists and are aimed at correcting children's pronunciation deficiencies. But they act no worse on adults. The organs of articulation include lips, teeth, jaws, palate, alveoli, and tongue. Repetition of exercises: for children – 5 times, for adults – 25-30 times.

  • open our mouth as wide as possible, straining the muscles of the face and neck, hold it and close it on the count of “5”;
  • fold your closed lips into a tube, stretch them forward, hold for 5-10 seconds;
  • game of “snake”: quickly show and hide your tongue, smiling;
  • show your tongue, “pull” it through closed teeth back and forth, massaging it;
  • alternately inflate your cheeks and tap them with your fingertips, massaging;
  • “explore” the mouth with the tongue: move the tip along the palate, cheeks, teeth;
  • swing: open your mouth wide, smiling, on the count of “one” - lower your tongue to the lower jaw, “two” - lift it to the upper teeth;
  • hold your tongue protruding on your lower jaw motionless and relaxed for at least 5-10 seconds.

For an adult, this training is not as difficult as for a child. If the baby is tired and does not want to perform the required number of repetitions, you can continue after a couple of hours. You cannot force them to study: this will only aggravate the situation, and the child will simply close himself off from you.

Step 2: advanced articulation training

All classes are performed at home and are suitable for adults and children. If your child already knows how to read or recite poetry, you can adapt all the activities for him.
Reading aloud to improve speech clarity is great, but for better practice of sounds, it is recommended to use a regular stopper. We bite it with our teeth (no need to force it, just hold it) and read the book out loud, sing our favorite song, repeat after the audiobook announcer. The lips should be tense. It is enough to practice 10-20 minutes a day.

We read a poem or book out loud, trying to pronounce all sounds clearly, and perform physical exercises. Running, squats, swinging legs and arms are suitable. It is important that your breathing begins to falter. Then it will become harder to pronounce familiar words, and additional effort will be required. You can't imagine better gymnastics.

This exercise is only for adults, as it is not recommended for children to lick small objects. You need simple, smooth, clean stones. These can be bought or found in the river and boiled.
We put a few stones in our mouths to make it difficult to speak, and we begin to read and talk to ourselves. This activity is great for improving your pronunciation clarity.

Pronunciation of strange nonsense gives excellent results. “BDTTTRZ, VVGGRRRRHS, MRTTSEPN” - it is important to pronounce the middle of these words well and not swallow the ending.

This exercise allows you to quickly improve your diction. For a child, we can also advise you to put clean mother’s beads on a thread around your neck, take the lower end of them into your mouth and move the beads with your tongue, first in one direction, then in the other. Many parents make special beads for this exercise, stringing beads of different textures and sizes.

If a child speaks very poorly for his age, do not rush to take him to a neurologist. Visit your dentist to examine your mouth and measure the frenulum under your tongue and lips.

Step 3: speech therapy massage

Massage will increase blood flow in the speech organs, improve diction and clarity of speech. By working every centimeter of the tongue, we increase blood flow and force even the weakest parts of the muscle to work. Massage can be done for adults, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

  • for young children, it is important to carry out massage with communication, an interesting fairy tale, in order to prevent rejection;
  • maintain a smooth transition from massaging the face and neck to working with the tongue;
  • the movements are soft, gentle: alternately stroking and tapping with your fingertips to create vibration;
  • You can use a spoon or toothbrush to massage your tongue;
  • With your thumbs we make circular movements on both sides of the tongue, draw figure eights;
  • A handkerchief or napkin is placed under the tongue to prevent dripping saliva.

Step 4: tongue twisters

A lot has been written about speech exercises using tongue twisters. It’s a pity that many stubbornly ignore this simple training of the speech apparatus. Even a few repetitions a day will help improve articulation. By adding an exercise with pebbles in the mouth or a cork, you can double the effect of the tongue twister.
The main rule for choosing a text for a lesson is to focus on the sounds with which the child has problems. To improve your lessons, you can come up with your own tongue twisters.

Step 5: Watch your breathing

To find out how things are going with improving speech, it will be very useful to record the story on video or audio. Sometimes it seems to us that we speak purely, but others do not think so. To correct speech errors, it is important to learn to breathe fully. It happens that words and letters get confused because a person is used to speaking while swallowing half the words. Train yourself to maintain even breathing while speaking.

How quickly we speak determines how others understand our speech. With children, this problem is solved by the example of adults. If everyone in the family speaks correctly and measuredly, then the child will have the right example before his eyes.

Don't neglect the opportunity to improve your speech and the speech of your children. The ability to clearly, clearly, and understandably express one’s thoughts will be useful in all life situations. I wish you success!

Many consider competent speech to be a talent that is given to a select few and is necessary only in some areas of activity. In fact, everyone should think about how to develop speech. After all, good diction makes you listen to the person speaking and trust his opinion more. In addition, such a skill often contributes to career growth, especially if performing job duties requires frequent communication with people.

Basic techniques and exercises for speech development

Below we present the most effective exercises to improve your diction. Clear speech and a well-trained voice are the result of long and hard work on oneself. Therefore, it is necessary to perform these exercises regularly, and not occasionally, because this is the only way you will make progress in the development of your speech.

Warm-up for the articulatory apparatus

Before performing any exercises aimed at developing diction, short warm-ups will help you to prepare yourself for clarity of pronunciation. One of her options is to tightly clench a pencil with your teeth and say a phrase approximately 10-15 words long. Then take out the pencil and say the same phrase again. In order not to think about choosing a text every time, you can use any poem when performing this exercise.

Exercises aimed at improving their mobility and accuracy will also help you begin to speak better and strengthen the muscles of the organs involved in the speech process. After all, these are the characteristics that are required for the development of diction and high-quality pronunciation of sounds.

As you know, the most mobile organ of articulation is the tongue. Therefore, most of gymnastics is connected with it. There are many exercises, the regular implementation of which will eliminate the need to think about the question of how to develop speech. For example, you can stick out your tongue and try to reach it first to the chin, and then to the nose. Or, as if using a brush, use smooth movements to draw lines from the teeth to the larynx.

Pronouncing phrases with artificially complicated articulation

Tongue twisters for developing diction are considered a classic training option. With their help, you can practice clearly pronouncing different consonants in a calm environment. To achieve excellent results, it is enough to devote at least 5-10 minutes to exercise every day. However, to develop good diction there is one important rule: each phrase must be pronounced at a slow, medium and very fast pace.

You can start training with the simplest sentences, which teach you to clearly pronounce one or two sounds. For example, these could be:

  • All beavers are kind to their beavers.
  • Skinny, weak Koschey is dragging a box of vegetables.
  • Klim pounded one damn thing with a wedge.
  • The thunderstorm is threatening, the thunderstorm is threatening.
  • A harrow was used to harrow an unharrowed field.
  • Mow, mow, while there is dew, away with the dew - and we are home.
  • Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass; Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.
  • Whether the fox sat near the village, or at the edge of the forest.
  • The census rewrote the census results three times.
  • There are also more complex phrases that help you understand how to learn to speak words clearly and quickly, in which the pronunciation of two or more sounds in difficult combinations is practiced:

    • The talker said to the talkers: “I said, don’t tell the talker that the talker has started talking,” the talker has a talker. The talker began to speak, and the talker’s throat began to talk slightly, and then the talker said finally: “Stop talking, talker talker.”
    • The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the ensign, but was silent about the ensign.
    • There is firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard, firewood along the yard, firewood across the width of the yard, the yard cannot accommodate firewood! We'll probably move the wood from your yard back to the wood yard.
    • The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style, the bell is not poured in the Kolokolov style, the cap needs to be re-packed, re-capped, re-forged, re-capped.
    • The snake was bitten by the snake. I can't get along with the snake. From horror it has become narrower - the snake will eat it for dinner and say: “Start over.”

    Pronouncing tongue twisters

    There are also special tongue twisters for developing diction and eliminating problems with the pronunciation of certain sounds. A good way to figure out what exactly needs to be corrected is to listen to your own speech from the outside. Once the problems have been identified, you can begin to work on developing your diction.

    First you need to learn how to pronounce an isolated sound correctly. Then it is necessary to achieve differentiation in speech of similar sounds, for example, “s” and “sh” or “r” and “l”. A significant help in correcting your speech can be pronouncing special phrases, for example:

    • Lara played the lyre.
    • Forty mice walked and found forty pennies, and two poorer mice found two pennies each.
    • The Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria.
    • A Cossack with a saber galloped towards Sashka to play checkers.
    • Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer. Beavers wander into the cheese forests. Beavers are brave, but they are kind to beavers.
    • The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, the bull has a white lip and is blunt.
    • There was a white-winged ram, which killed all the rams.
    • I was at Frol’s, I lied to Frol about Lavra, I’ll go to Lavra, I lie to Lavra about Frol.

    You should move on to working on the next sound only after you have achieved the correct pronunciation of the first sound.

    Reading aloud

    In addition to speaking tongue twisters, it is also useful to read aloud to develop diction. Recording your voice on a voice recorder can be a good incentive. Few people, having heard their speech, would not want to improve it. By reading passages from books and making audio recordings, you can practice your pronunciation until it becomes almost perfect.

    How to learn to speak so that it is really pleasant and interesting to listen to you? When reading aloud, avoid monotony and change your intonation. In addition, it is worth changing the volume and speed of reading, learning to highlight the most important points with pauses. But at the same time, control your speech so that such pauses are appropriate and not too long.

    Also, do not lose sight of the fact that a calm and confident voice is best perceived by others. Whether he will be like this largely depends on the mood and internal state of a person, his ability to control emotions. However, by developing diction, you can learn to speak calmly and convincingly. For example, why not imagine yourself as a politician and talk about the state of the economy in the country while sitting in front of a mirror?

    Vocabulary expansion

    Another important aspect that needs to be taken into account is the need for constant intellectual development and vocabulary replenishment. A well-developed person can carry on a conversation in any situation and find the right words. To become just like this, you should read more, solve crossword puzzles more often and attend various trainings on.

    If you devote even a few minutes every day to working on improving your diction, within a few months you will begin to speak well, and your voice itself will be transformed beyond recognition. Moreover, all the efforts made will undoubtedly be rewarded over time.

    Diaphragm training

    In the question of how to deliver a speech, a very important aspect is the ability to control breathing. Without it, the text may be interrupted by pauses and breaths in places where this violates its meaning or worsens its emotionality. As a result, speech will become abrupt, and the meaning of what is said is perceived worse.

    Therefore, one of the first exercises to develop diction should be training to develop proper breathing:

    • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your spine, place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Inhaling through your nose, push your stomach forward. Then calmly exhale air through a small hole in your lips, returning your chest and stomach to their original position.
    • To start speaking better over time, you can make the exercise more difficult. To do this, try to maintain proper breathing and at the same time walk, run in place, imitate chopping wood or sweeping the floor.
    • You can improve the development of diction with the help of the following exercise. To begin, inhale calmly, and as you exhale, hold out any vowel for as long as possible. When you can hold a vowel for more than 25 seconds, try changing the tone of your voice.

    Main causes of speech problems

    It is impossible to achieve positive results in the development of diction if you do not understand the causes of speech disorders. Only rarely are they associated with health problems and develop, for example, due to an abnormal jaw structure or a short frenulum of the tongue.

    For many people, speech problems are caused by incorrect pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds, as well as the absence of the “L” or “R” sounds, or a violation of their pronunciation. A weakened articulatory apparatus may also be the cause.

    Even if a person can speak well, pronouncing all sounds correctly, in particularly significant situations his speech may become slurred and unclear. After all, when pronouncing words, the articulatory apparatus needs to very quickly switch from one movement to another. This can only be achieved through active and intensive work of the muscles that need to be trained, for example, by regularly pronouncing tongue twisters for diction.

    However, the main reason for slurred, quiet speech is a person’s shyness and lack of self-confidence. In such a situation, the development of diction is a secondary problem. First of all, you need to work on your own character and fight complexes.

    Good diction, clear pronunciation of sounds and pleasantness are the keys to success in many areas of modern life. Unique speech data is very rarely given to a person by nature. However, this art can be learned at any age if you regularly perform exercises to improve diction. When you eliminate speech impediments, you will stop worrying about things and will communicate more freely in informal settings. Perhaps after this your career will take off. Remember that in any place and in any profession there are people who know how to express their thoughts in a beautiful and concise form. In this article we will provide simple but effective exercises that will help improve your speech diction.

    Articulation gymnastics

    We often hear about the benefits of exercise for human health. However, few people think that the articulatory apparatus also needs constant training. By doing the exercise to improve your diction for just 10-15 minutes a day, you can achieve very good results. Start your day with this gymnastics - and very soon you will notice how the muscular system of your tongue, lips and cheeks has strengthened. The articulatory apparatus will become more mobile, and speech will become clearer.

    • “Fence” - clench your teeth and smile broadly. Hold this position for ten seconds and return to the starting position. Make sure that the upper and lower rows of teeth are clearly visible. Repeat the exercise several times.
    • “Tube” - without opening your teeth, stretch your lips forward. At the same time, you can drag out the sound “oo-oo-oo-oo” for ten seconds. Repeat the exercise.
    • “Needle” - open your mouth and extend your sharp tongue as far as possible. Hold this position for five seconds and relax your muscles. Repeat several times.
    • “Damn” - show your tongue to your reflection by placing it on your lower lip and making it as wide as possible. Repeat.
    • “Lick your lips” - relax your lower jaw and try to keep it in one position. Lick your upper lip, extending your tongue as far as possible. Repeat the same action with your lower lip.
    • “Swing” - touch your tongue alternately to the upper and lower lips. Perform the exercise at a slow pace and try not to move your chin.
    • “Hamster” - close your lips and press the inside of your tongue onto your cheek for five seconds. Repeat the manipulation with the other cheek.

    Correct breathing

    Few people pay attention to their posture, the frequency of inhalation and exhalation while communicating with other people. It's a pity! It is these factors that play an important role in establishing a beautiful voice and clear pronunciation of words. Do the following exercise daily to improve your diction.

    Exercises for inhalation and exhalation

    • Starting position: stand straight, place your hands on your waist and your feet shoulder-width apart. Open your lips slightly and exhale slowly, as if overcoming resistance. When you start to succeed, complicate the task. For example, while exhaling, read any quatrain. Then try this exercise in combination with walking or squats.
    • Return to the starting position, take a calm breath, slowly leaning forward. At the same time, pay attention to your back, which should be straight. As you exhale, begin to rise and make the “mm-mm” sound.

    10 exercises to improve diction and voice tone

    1. Lower your chin to your chest and start moving left and right. The exercise is performed slowly and without sudden movements.
    2. Starting position: back straight, head also down. Slowly move your jaw forward and back as far as possible.
    3. Cross your arms across your chest and slowly lean forward, making the sound “oo-oo-oo” in a low voice.
    4. Stretch your lips into a wide smile and open your teeth. Start moving your tongue from right to left, relaxing your facial muscles.
    5. Extend your tongue and run it along the outside of your upper and lower teeth. Repeat several times.
    6. Extend your tongue forward so that it resembles a bowl. Repeat.
    7. Don’t forget about the role of beautiful posture in speech delivery. Always pay attention to the position of your back. So that you understand how difficult it is, put several books on your head and walk around the room with them. Try reading a text or poem while in this position.
    8. Read texts with a pen or pencil held in your teeth. Try to pronounce words and individual sounds as clearly as possible. Repeat this exercise every day for 15 minutes.
    9. Read at a fast and slow pace, in a loud and quiet voice.
    10. Make the previous exercise more difficult. Read poetry when or while walking. Make sure you don’t lose your breath and maintain intonation pauses.

    Pure talk

    You can practice the pronunciation of individual sounds using special rhyming phrases or phrases. They contain the same consonant several times, and you can easily learn the sounds. Do these diction exercises daily.

    Helpful tips on how to improve your diction and clarity of speech are given below. Start by pronouncing pure phrases at a slow pace. Pronounce each sound, pay attention to difficult combinations and check the clarity of your pronunciation. To avoid mistakes, listen to audio recordings of speakers. At the end of each workout, record yourself on a voice recorder, note mistakes and achievements.

    Tongue Twisters

    An exercise familiar to everyone from childhood to improve diction is a very effective tool for achieving your goal. By pronouncing difficult sounds and their combinations, you learn clear and precise pronunciation. Read the tongue twister very slowly, try to figuratively imagine the picture that the poem tells about. After this, try to increase the pace a little. Be sure to speak out loud, but if you start to get confused, then immediately return to speaking slowly. After some time, you will notice how naughty sounds will begin to be pronounced easily and naturally.


    You are making a big mistake if you think that people only perceive the information that is contained in your speech. In fact, the listener's attention is captured by the intonation with which the speaker speaks. Learn to pronounce phrases expressively by raising and lowering your voice. Only when you make emphasis and pause will the interlocutor fully appreciate your statements.

    • Start with the simplest exercises and gradually make them more difficult.
    • Use every minute of your free time to exercise. Only in this case will you be able to quickly achieve your goals.
    • Exercise regularly without long breaks.
    • Record short performances with a voice recorder or camera. Watch the videos, note the positive changes and take into account the points that you will have to work on in the future.
    • Read literature on how to improve your diction. Exercises should be varied, otherwise you will quickly lose interest and give up classes.
    • Do not neglect the help of specialists and teachers who can offer you useful exercises to improve your diction and eliminate mistakes typical for beginners.
    • If you have the opportunity to enroll in acting classes, do so immediately. Classes will help you liberate your speech, movements and gestures. You will also learn expressive recitation and stop being afraid of public speaking.

    Voice, diction and speech are important components for any successful public speaking. Many people have slurred speech, a low voice, and poor diction. The reasons for this are countless. Below we will look at the most basic causes of such “diseases”, as well as consider ways that will help you develop your voice, develop diction and speech on your own. If you are interested in this topic, please read this article carefully and complete all the exercises outlined in it.

    I know only a few reasons for a quiet voice, poor diction and slurred speech - self-doubt, low self-esteem and complexes. There are also genetic reasons, but we will not touch on them. Why do I think that the main reasons for all this are self-doubt, shyness and complexes? Do you think confident people with high self-esteem have a quiet voice? Do they speak quietly? Do they have slurred speech? In most cases, such people do not have speech problems. Look at politicians, actors, singers. They are all confident people who constantly speak in front of the public. Therefore, their speech is developed, their voice is loud and there are no problems with diction.

    Now let's take a shy person. During communication, this shy person experiences self-doubt, he believes that there is something wrong with him (complexes), he is overcome by a feeling of fear and, as a result, his voice is quiet, his speech is unintelligible, and it is simply impossible to listen to him. Therefore, if you want to develop your voice, if you want to develop diction, if you want to develop speech, you need to do a lot of work on yourself. Without effort, your voice will not become loud. Now we will move on to exercises that will help you achieve what you want. Let's start in order.

    So, as we have already found out, voice development is an important task for people whose profession involves public speaking. Voice production is important not only for public people. A developed and loud voice will make your communication easier in everyday life, and you won’t be constantly asked: “Ahh?”, “What?”, “What?” and other annoying questions. By performing a series of exercises to develop your voice, you will eliminate many defects and shortcomings. So let's get started.

    1) To make your voice sonorous, it is very important to breathe correctly. If you have just begun to develop your voice, then breathing exercises are the first thing you should do. Stand up, straighten your spine, place your feet shoulder-width apart, place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. As you inhale through your nose, push your belly forward (expanding your lower chest). Exhale air freely and naturally through your mouth, returning your stomach and chest to their original position. This is how you develop the diaphragm.

    2) The second breathing exercise involves holding air. Inhale quickly through your nose and then hold your breath for three seconds. Then exhale through your mouth. Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes.

    3) Inhale as much air as possible through your mouth, then slowly begin to exhale it, pronouncing the vowels (a, o, u, i, e, s). Try to make the sound of the vowel sound as loud as possible and for as long as possible. You can also, when exhaling, smoothly jump from one vowel to another -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy.

    4) With your mouth closed while exhaling, begin to “moo” - saying mmm. Try to hum so that your lips tickle. In addition, be sure to change the volume of the sound - from quiet to loud and vice versa. This exercise will help develop the articulatory apparatus, which will give strength to the voice.

    5) Now start growling, saying rrrrr. This exercise also develops the articulatory apparatus. Change the volume of the sound, as well as intonation from subtle to rough.

    How to develop diction?

    Diction is the quality of pronunciation of words (distinction), the manner of pronouncing words. Diction is very important for actors, singers, politicians, and teachers.

    Tongue twisters are suitable for developing diction. You can easily find them on the Internet. Here's a video for you as an example!

    In order to begin to develop diction, you first need to stretch your tongue, lips, facial muscles and articulatory apparatus.

    1) Let's start with the language. Stick your tongue forward as far as possible, then stick it back (just don't swallow it). Start forcing your tongue forward and then back. The duration of the exercise is 5-7 minutes.

    2) Pricking the cheeks with the tongue. Start pricking your cheeks one by one with your tongue. First prick the left cheek, then the right. Take 7-12 minutes to complete. This is a great exercise for training your tongue.

    3) A good tongue exercise is “Brushing your teeth”. You begin to rotate your tongue in a circle. The mouth must be closed. Make 20-30 rotations clockwise and counterclockwise.

    4) Then, stick out your tongue and start twisting it in a circle. Make 10-15 circles clockwise, then counterclockwise. After this, wipe yourself off (wipe off the drool from your lips).

    5) It’s almost the same with lips. The exercise is called “Tube - smile”. First, you stretch your lips forward, after 3 seconds you begin to smile as wide as possible. First the lips forward, then back. Do this exercise for at least 7 minutes.

    6) Next, stretch your lips into a tube and begin to lift your heels, first up, then down. Then start doing the same thing, only left, right. Then start turning the patch in a circle, clockwise and counterclockwise.

    7) The next exercise is “Bubble”. You puff up your cheeks and start spinning this bubble in a circle.

    8) Start biting your upper lip with your teeth. Do it carefully, don't bite yourself. Then start biting your lower lip. After this, start wiping your upper teeth with your upper lip. Try to wipe so that the lower lip does not move. It's difficult, but possible. Do this exercise in front of a mirror to control yourself. Then start wiping your lower teeth with your lower lip, the upper lip should not move either.

    9) After completing this warm-up, stand near the window and say the following phrase: “The weather is good outside, and I have beautiful, clear, intelligible speech.” Say this phrase loudly, clearly and clearly. They should hear you on the street.

    10) To warm up your facial muscles, start kneading your face at random. Make faces, bulge your eyes. It doesn’t look pretty from the outside, but it’s funny and very effective.

    11) In order for the pronunciation of words to be clear, it is necessary to pronounce the endings. Many people swallow endings, especially "th". Start saying the following row:




    BI - PI - BE - PE - BA - PA - BO - PO - BU - PU - BU - PY

    PI - BI - PE - BE - PA - BA - PO - BO - PU - BU - PU - WOULD




    This series develops your diction. Don't forget about tongue twisters.

    How to develop speech?

    To develop speech you will need discipline, conscious control and consistency. Good speech is becoming less and less common these days. You can listen to one person for hours, but you want to run away from another. Your professional and personal life depends on the quality of your speech. Half of success depends on the ability to communicate, and to be able to communicate, you need not only erudition, but also developed speech.

    1) To develop speech, the first thing I advise you to do is read newspapers, magazines, and books. And you need to read it out loud. While reading, try to force your intonations and avoid monotony. Also, change the reading speed and volume. Pronounce all endings and follow punctuation marks. Reading aloud is the main exercise for speech development.

    3) Thirdly, as when reading aloud, watch the pace of speech. Enrich it with intonations. Use pauses to highlight important points in the conversation. The pause should be appropriate and not prolonged.

    4) Fourth, expand your vocabulary. This can be done by watching films, trainings, and reading books. If you heard the president or another politician speak on TV, why don’t you try to say the same thing at home. Imagine that you are speaking in front of the public as the president. Tell your imaginary people about the political and economic situation in our country. This is a very exciting activity for developing speech and replenishing vocabulary.

    I train my voice, diction and speech using the above method. In three months, your speech will be transformed beyond recognition. Therefore, do not be surprised if your friends begin to tell you that something has changed in you. And the voice, diction and speech have changed. Practice every day and your efforts will be rewarded.