Ridiculous laws in the world. The funniest and most ridiculous laws in the world

Believe it or not, there are thousands of stupid, crazy and simply unthinkable laws on earth that still exist in all states.

15. UK: Dying in Parliament is illegal

Parliamentary work is not an easy task and tiresome for most citizens. Hours of discussing bills, making important decisions for the country - in a word, such work can leave this mortal coil in the midst of serving the country. Yes, but apparently it's not legal everywhere!

British politicians have no right to die in parliament - it's against the law! How could anyone think of punishing the dead? Especially considering that a politician, like Prime Minister Spencer Percival, can be killed on the premises of Parliament. Following the logic of this law, it turns out that the victim and his killer are both criminals?.. Well, let's wish the British good luck in bringing a dead man to justice.

14. Thailand: It is illegal to step on money

Thailand is a very vibrant and popular tourist nation and destination. Tropical natural beauty and an ancient and rich culture combined with amazing seaside resorts... not to mention ladies with questionable primary sexual characteristics under their clothes. However, this abundance of the strange and wonderful can be attributed to more than just nature and tourism; it has also been introduced into the country's legislation.

The King of Thailand, Rama IX, is currently the longest reigning monarch (he has ruled the country for 69 years) and is something of a god to his subjects. So divine that it seems even currency bearing his image is sacrosanct.

Imagine the scene: a man on a busy street in Bangkok has a banknote fall out of his wallet and, so that the last part of the currency allocated for the holiday is not carried away by a gust of wind or a nimble street urchin, he steps on its corner with his foot... and finds himself arrested for this desperate act.

As you can see, Thai law prohibits stepping on the national currency. So think twice before you step on a bill while trying to stop the wind from blowing it away in Thailand!

13. Portugal: Urinating in the ocean is illegal

“Water, water all around and not a drop to drink!” The fact that 70% of our planet is covered in salt water could put an end to this!

For some regions and peoples, the ocean is precious. Portugal has always been a seafaring country, and for some time now it has become a hospitable place for millions of tourists who come here every year. This is why this valuable "commodity" on the Portuguese coast is something that must be protected by law.

12. Japan: Being fat is illegal

Everyone is well aware that gaining weight is not the best thing and that it can lead to a whole range of inconveniences and many negative health consequences. However, it is very difficult to tell people what to eat, but Japan seems to have come up with a solution for this situation.

In 2009, it was announced that no Japanese resident over 40 years of age could have a waist larger than 78.74 cm (88.9 cm for women). And it is right! The nation that introduced sumo wrestling to the world really needs to introduce a weight limit... Perhaps the tradition of sumo will soon become hara-kiri for itself?

11. Italy: Falling asleep in a cheese factory is illegal

According to old wives' tales, eating cheese before bed will give you nightmares. Perhaps this is why Italy, a country known for producing many delicious cheeses, is taking such preventive measures?

“Prevention is better than cure,” as one saying goes, so there is no doubt that hot, southern Italians should be protected from a cheesy forced night terror.

In Ferrara, a region where everything has to happen at high speeds (like the famous supercars of the same name), slowing down seems something of a faux pas, especially when it comes to dairy products.

It is illegal to fall asleep in the cheese factories of Ferrara. Perhaps there is some kind of mouse problem equivalent to the Walking Dead zombie apocalypse... or is it just a really weird law?

10. Oklahoma, USA: Teasing dogs is illegal.

The US has always been considered a fertile place for strange laws. The nation consists of 50 states, and each of them has its own laws for the citizens living in their territory.

Oklahoma was the birthplace of one of the strangest laws ever established. In Oklahoma, it is illegal to make a face in front of a dog - a crime that can lead to jail time.

There is a sneaking suspicion that this law was passed because state officials were tired of people screaming "OKLAHOOOOOOOOOOO!" in their homes, and since many people have dogs as pets in their homes, it was an ideal and easy way to kill two birds with one stone. in one shot.

9. State of Alaska, USA: waking up bears is illegal


America is the birthplace of animal craziness. This law still raises many questions. One of the main ones: what kind of crazy person would want to try to break this law? Alaska is the largest of the 50 US states and offers rugged terrain that only the hardiest can conquer.

Alaska is a place where wildlife is literally on your doorstep, where bears are known to sometimes wander into cities in search of food. Perhaps some unfortunate wanderer or tourist in the wilds of Alaska would be tempted by the thought of taking a photograph of one of these terrifying beasts? That's why this law came into being?

Then the police will quickly punish a person who wants to photograph a bear and has the audacity to wake up a sleeping animal in order to take a selfie with it... Unless the bear itself teaches them all, taken together, the most convincing and, most likely, fatal lesson.

8. Utah, USA: violins are prohibited from being carried in paper bags

Traveling thousands of miles south of Alaska (but still in the US), we find ourselves in Utah, a state founded by Mormons.

Mormons are often considered crazy by many human standards, but even with all their religious quirks, this law straight out of the state capital, Salt Lake City, is something that perhaps only divine providence can explain.

The law prohibits carrying violins in paper bags. This raises not only the logical question of the wisdom of transporting a musical instrument of this kind in a paper bag (which may simply rip under the weight of the violin, causing the strings to break and the body itself to crack), but also the question of who will monitor and how compliance with this law? Will the police literally patrol the streets and ensure that violins are carried in the correct cases?

7. UK: It is illegal to handle salmon suspiciously

We return across the ocean back to the UK, which is also not protected from bizarre laws. For example, someone who behaves suspiciously can get into trouble.

Illegal salmon fishing is a fairly serious crime and is undoubtedly a factor in the creation of legislation prohibiting UK citizens from handling salmon in a suspicious manner. But what exactly is considered suspicious?

Perhaps someone who looks like a fishmonger, wearing a long coat with a raised collar, sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat, fits the bill? Or maybe if someone very carefully and with suspicion of every dark spot selects fish for their Sunday dinner party, looking like a real criminal?..

6. UK: It is illegal to import potatoes if they appear to be Polish.

Let's stay a little longer in the UK, especially since this state on the edge of Europe seems to have absorbed all the randomness of the surrounding Atlantic, and this strangeness seems to be increasingly focused on food.

British people love potatoes very much. It has been very popular in the country since the times when it was first imported from America.

It is evident, therefore, that the law of this land is proud of such valuable imports as have taken root so well on British soil. However, it is slightly puzzling that potatoes are prohibited by law from being imported into England and Wales if there is reasonable cause to believe that they came from Poland.

How are potatoes grown in Poland different from potatoes grown in the UK? Appearance? Texture? Taste? And why exactly did Poland become a victim of this potato xenophobia?

5. Chicago, Illinois, USA: It is illegal to eat in a burning building.

Let's touch on the issue of the restaurant business, especially since we have such a burning question! As you know, laws are created in order to protect people, but there are such strange laws that a person in his right mind simply will not cross by default.

Take Chicago for example. In this city, it's a criminal offense to eat in a burning building, so you'll have to forget about serving your favorite deep-fried steak while everything around you is on fire!

4. Bangladesh: Cheating in school is a serious crime

Nobody likes cheating, but sometimes a person finds himself in a desperate situation, and when exams are approaching, some people panic, especially if, as happens among teenagers, they spent all their time and energy not on studying, but on things completely distant from school .

So, whether you like it or not, they somehow have to get out of the situation and cheat during exams - this is the only opportunity to get a more or less satisfactory grade, because their parents won’t pat them on the head at home for a “failure.”

Exposing such an act in the West is punished quite harshly: the exam is “failed” or even, in the worst case, the student is expelled from the educational institution, but what about prison?.. However, this is exactly what happens in Bangladesh: students over 15 years old are caught cheating during exams, they are sent to prison.

3. Hong Kong: a wife can kill her husband whom she caught cheating on

Nothing beats the delights of a happy family life, right? Not all marriages are destined to last for decades: some unions break up, some involve adultery.

And in Hong Kong, this is a big mistake - at least for the spouse. Because here a wife who catches her husband cheating can legally kill her husband.

But there is one trick. A husband caught in infidelity can only be put to death by his spurned wife if she commits this bloody crime with her bare hands.

She needs to train for a long time to meet this requirement, but to achieve the satisfaction of revenge for adultery, she can probably work hard. Maybe this law was written by someone who cheated on his wife?

2. Milan, Italy: frowning is illegal

This Italian city is thriving, a significant cultural destination and well known for being one of the world's fashion hubs. It would seem that there are enough reasons to make people in this city smile.

Italy is a sunny country (mostly), so residents and tourists visiting the country are expected to protect themselves with sunglasses and hats, but to enforce this by force of law?

In Milan, frowning and not smiling are against the law. This can entail a sad punishment in the form of a significant fine, making the offender even more gloomy and unsmiling.

Of course, there is an exception to this law: it does not apply to hospital visits or funerals... that would be simply sadistic!

Believe it or not, there are thousands of stupid, crazy and simply unthinkable laws on earth that still exist in all states.

15. UK: Dying in Parliament is illegal

Parliamentary work is not an easy task and tiresome for most citizens. Hours of discussing bills, making important decisions for the country - in a word, such work can leave this mortal coil in the midst of serving the country. Yes, but apparently it's not legal everywhere!

British politicians have no right to die in parliament - it's against the law! How could anyone think of punishing the dead? Especially considering that a politician, like Prime Minister Spencer Percival, can be killed on the premises of Parliament. Following the logic of this law, it turns out that the victim and his killer are both criminals?.. Well, let's wish the British good luck in bringing a dead man to justice.

14.: Stepping on money is prohibited by law.

Thailand is a very vibrant and popular tourist nation and destination. Tropical natural beauty and an ancient and rich culture combined with amazing seaside resorts... not to mention ladies with questionable primary sexual characteristics under their clothes. However, this abundance of the strange and wonderful can be attributed to more than just nature and tourism; it has also been introduced into the country's legislation.

The King of Thailand, Rama IX, is currently the longest reigning monarch (he has ruled the country for 69 years) and is something of a god to his subjects. So divine that it seems even currency bearing his image is sacrosanct.

Imagine the scene: a man on a busy street in Bangkok has a banknote fall out of his wallet and, so that the last part of the currency allocated for the holiday is not carried away by a gust of wind or a nimble street urchin, he steps on its corner with his foot... and finds himself arrested for this desperate act.

As you can see, Thai law prohibits stepping on the national currency. So think twice before you step on a bill while trying to stop the wind from blowing it away in Thailand!

13. Portugal: Urinating in the ocean is illegal

“Water, water all around and not a drop to drink!” The fact that 70% of our planet is covered in salt water could put an end to this!

For some regions and peoples, the ocean is precious. Portugal has always been a seafaring country, and for some time now it has become a hospitable place for millions of tourists who come here every year. This is why this valuable "commodity" on the Portuguese coast is something that must be protected by law.

12. Japan: Being fat is illegal

Everyone is well aware that gaining weight is not the best thing and that it can lead to a whole range of inconveniences and many negative health consequences. However, it is very difficult to tell people what to eat, but Japan seems to have come up with a solution for this situation.

In 2009, it was announced that no Japanese resident over 40 years of age could have a waist larger than 78.74 cm (88.9 cm for women). And it is right! The nation that introduced sumo wrestling to the world really needs to introduce a weight limit... Perhaps the tradition of sumo will soon become hara-kiri for itself?

11. Italy: Falling asleep in a cheese factory is illegal

According to old wives' tales, eating cheese before bed will give you nightmares. Perhaps this is why Italy, a country known for producing many delicious cheeses, is taking such preventive measures?

“Prevention is better than cure,” as one saying goes, so there is no doubt that hot, southern Italians should be protected from a cheesy forced night terror.

In Ferrara, a region where everything has to happen at high speeds (like the famous supercars of the same name), slowing down seems something of a faux pas, especially when it comes to dairy products.

It is illegal to fall asleep in the cheese factories of Ferrara. Perhaps there is some kind of mouse problem equivalent to the Walking Dead zombie apocalypse... or is it just a really weird law?

10. Oklahoma, USA: Teasing dogs is illegal.

The US has always been considered a fertile place for strange laws. The nation consists of 50 states, and each of them has its own laws for the citizens living in their territory.

Oklahoma was the birthplace of one of the strangest laws ever established. In Oklahoma, it is illegal to make a face in front of a dog - a crime that can lead to jail time.

There is a sneaking suspicion that this law was passed because state officials were tired of people screaming "OKLAHOOOOOOOOOOO!" in their homes, and since many people have dogs as pets in their homes, it was an ideal and easy way to kill two birds with one stone. in one shot.

9. State of Alaska, USA: waking up bears is illegal

America is the birthplace of animal craziness. This law still raises many questions. One of the main ones: what kind of crazy person would want to try to break this law? Alaska is the largest of the 50 US states and offers rugged terrain that only the hardiest can conquer.

Alaska is a place where wildlife is literally on your doorstep, where bears are known to sometimes wander into cities in search of food. Perhaps some unfortunate wanderer or tourist in the wilds of Alaska would be tempted by the thought of taking a photograph of one of these terrifying beasts? That's why this law came into being?

Then the police will quickly punish a person who wants to photograph a bear and has the audacity to wake up a sleeping animal in order to take a selfie with it... Unless the bear itself teaches them all, taken together, the most convincing and, most likely, fatal lesson.

8. Utah, USA: violins are prohibited from being carried in paper bags

Traveling thousands of miles south of Alaska (but still in the US), we find ourselves in Utah, a state founded by Mormons.

Mormons are often considered crazy by many human standards, but even with all their religious quirks, this law straight out of the state capital, Salt Lake City, is something that perhaps only divine providence can explain.

The law prohibits carrying violins in paper bags. This raises not only the logical question of the wisdom of transporting a musical instrument of this kind in a paper bag (which may simply rip under the weight of the violin, causing the strings to break and the body itself to crack), but also the question of who will monitor and how compliance with this law? Will the police literally patrol the streets and ensure that violins are carried in the correct cases?

7. UK: It is illegal to handle salmon suspiciously

We return across the ocean back to the UK, which is also not protected from bizarre laws. For example, someone who behaves suspiciously can get into trouble.

Illegal salmon fishing is a fairly serious crime and is undoubtedly a factor in the creation of legislation prohibiting UK citizens from handling salmon in a suspicious manner. But what exactly is considered suspicious?

Perhaps someone who looks like a fishmonger, wearing a long coat with a raised collar, sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat, fits the bill? Or maybe if someone very carefully and with suspicion of every dark spot selects fish for their Sunday dinner party, looking like a real criminal?..

6. UK: It is illegal to import potatoes if they appear to be Polish.

Let's stay a little longer in the UK, especially since this state on the edge of Europe seems to have absorbed all the randomness of the surrounding Atlantic, and this strangeness seems to be increasingly focused on food.

British people love potatoes very much. It has been very popular in the country since the times when it was first imported from America.

It is evident, therefore, that the law of this land is proud of such valuable imports as have taken root so well on British soil. However, it is slightly puzzling that potatoes are prohibited by law from being imported into England and Wales if there is reasonable cause to believe that they came from Poland.

How are potatoes grown in Poland different from potatoes grown in the UK? Appearance? Texture? Taste? And why exactly did Poland become a victim of this potato xenophobia?

5. Chicago, Illinois, USA: It is illegal to eat in a burning building.

Let's touch on the issue of the restaurant business, especially since we have such a burning question! As you know, laws are created in order to protect people, but there are such strange laws that a person in his right mind simply will not cross by default.

Take Chicago for example. In this city, it's a criminal offense to eat in a burning building, so you'll have to forget about serving your favorite deep-fried steak while everything around you is on fire!

4. Bangladesh: Cheating in school is a serious crime

Nobody likes cheating, but sometimes a person finds himself in a desperate situation, and when exams are approaching, some people panic, especially if, as happens among teenagers, they spent all their time and energy not on studying, but on things completely distant from school .

So, whether you like it or not, they somehow have to get out of the situation and cheat during exams - this is the only opportunity to get a more or less satisfactory grade, because their parents won’t pat them on the head at home for a “failure.”

Exposing such an act in the West is punished quite harshly: the exam is “failed” or even, in the worst case, the student is expelled from the educational institution, but what about prison?.. However, this is exactly what happens in Bangladesh: students over 15 years old are caught cheating during exams, they are sent to prison.

3. Hong Kong: a wife can kill her husband whom she caught cheating on

Nothing beats the delights of a happy family life, right? Not all marriages are destined to last for decades: some unions break up, some involve adultery.

And in Hong Kong, this is a big mistake - at least for the spouse. Because here a wife who catches her husband cheating can legally kill her husband.

But there is one trick. A husband caught in infidelity can only be put to death by his spurned wife if she commits this bloody crime with her bare hands.

She needs to train for a long time to meet this requirement, but to achieve the satisfaction of revenge for adultery, she can probably work hard. Maybe this law was written by someone who cheated on his wife?

2. Milan, Italy: frowning is illegal

This Italian city is thriving, a significant cultural destination and well known for being one of the world's fashion hubs. It would seem that there are enough reasons to make people in this city smile.

Italy is a sunny country (mostly), so residents and tourists visiting the country are expected to protect themselves with sunglasses and hats, but to enforce this by force of law?

In Milan, frowning and not smiling are against the law. This can entail a sad punishment in the form of a significant fine, making the offender even more gloomy and unsmiling.

Of course, there is an exception to this law: it does not apply to hospital visits or funerals... that would be simply sadistic!

1. Samoa: It is against the law to forget your wife’s birthday.

Samoa is a small island nation that some see as a tropical paradise. However, there are some legal implications for particularly forgetful husbands - serious enough to ruin your sweetheart's birthday on this tropical island paradise. In this small island nation, it is illegal for a husband to forget his wife's birthday.

It’s easy to imagine how many husbands rush around in a crazy panic at the very last minute, or get a tattoo with the date of their wife’s birthday on their arm or palm, so as not to forget. Because the wife’s anger is one thing, but when it is also supported at the legislative level, the combination becomes simply fatal! And something tells us that the author of this law is a woman.

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In this short article, from various sources, I have collected the most interesting facts about the legislation of different countries - funny and not so funny. Personally, I learned a lot of new things. Perhaps you will too interesting to read. So, the most ridiculous laws And the most interesting facts from the world by thread: strange laws

— Chewing gum in Singapore can only be bought with a doctor’s prescription and only at a pharmacy.

— In accordance with the EU Council Directive of December 20, 2001, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, melon, watermelon, ginger and rhubarb are documented as fruits. This provision makes it possible to export jams, which, according to EU rules, can only be made from fruit. Exotic jams made from carrots, tomatoes, watermelon and ginger are incredibly popular in countries such as Spain and Portugal.

— In the city of Washington (USA, District of Columbia), it is prohibited to build buildings higher than the Capitol (US Congress). The height of the Capitol from the foundation to the top of the figure crowning the dome is 87.6 m. interesting facts

— In the state of Arkansas (USA), any person and in any situation on election day is strictly prohibited from approaching the windows and doors of a polling station less than 15 m. However, the law does not specify how citizens must get inside the polling station to vote.

— In the state of Arkansas (USA), drivers after 21-00 are not allowed to use any sound signals near places where soft drinks and cold snacks can be served. The list of such places includes not only restaurants, cafes and snack bars, but also residential cottages of citizens.

— In the USA (Texas), the offender is required to notify his victim orally or in writing about a future crime no later than 24 hours before it is committed. The law was passed at the insistence of future US President George W. Bush. Violation of this law is an aggravating circumstance when considering a case in court.

— In the city of Port Arthur (USA, Texas), the release of unpleasant odors in the elevator cabin is strictly prohibited.

— In the city of Pensacola (USA, Florida), if a woman dies in the bathtub from an electric shock, the law requires her to be fined $100.

— In New Orleans (USA, Louisiana) it is not allowed to tie crocodiles to fire hydrants. Well isn't it strange law? Have you ever wanted to tie a crocodile to a fire hydrant?

— In the USA (Kentucky), every resident must take a bath at least once a year.

— In the state of Nebraska (USA), hairdressers are prohibited from eating onions and garlic from 07:00 to 19:00 in the evening.

— In the state of Indiana (USA), it is prohibited to repaint birds and rabbits a different color, and it is also prohibited to sell milk in wine and vodka departments.

— In Indiana (USA), a driver can be charged with rape if the passenger in his car is under 17 years old and is not wearing socks or stockings.
— The US Constitution allows the presidential oath to be taken only at noon.

— In Switzerland, citizens living in apartment buildings are prohibited from flushing the toilet in the evening after 10 p.m.

— On Sundays, the Swiss are prohibited from washing vehicles, drying clothes outside and using a lawn mower.

— Swiss legislation obliges every citizen to keep at home weapons issued to states.

— In England in 1313, a law was passed prohibiting entry into the Houses of Parliament in knightly armor. The law is still in effect today.

— In the UK, the punishment for hitting a dog is in some cases even stricter than for hitting a person. ridiculous laws

— In 1647, on the initiative of Oliver Cromwell, the British Parliament abolished Christmas. All Christmas celebrations were officially declared immoral, and the traditional English meat pie was outlawed. Formally, this law, to this day, has not been repealed.

— It is prohibited to play tennis on the streets of the English city of Cambridge.

— English law prohibits anyone from impersonating a pensioner living in the London area of ​​Chelsea.

— Great Britain does not have a constitution. strange laws

— Until 1944, French women did not have the right to vote in elections.

— In the Chibcha-Muisca state (XII-XVI centuries), a wild jaguar was tied at the entrance to the home of a tax evader so that the person could not leave without paying the tax.

— In Australia, every taxi driver must have an armful of hay in his trunk. There is a fine for breaking the law.

— In the Australian state of Victoria, only an electrician can change or replace a light bulb. Violation of this law is punishable by a substantial fine.

— In the Australian state of Victoria, it is illegal to wear pink trousers on Sunday afternoons.

— In Melbourne (Australia), sunbathing on the beach is allowed only in a swimsuit that covers the body from the knees to the neck. A bit old-fashioned model, don't you think?

— In Melbourne, Australia, men are prohibited from appearing in public places wearing a strapless dress. But if the straps are in place, then, from the point of view of the law, everything is in order.

— In Australia, people covered in shoe polish are not allowed to go outside dressed in black clothes and felt shoes. According to the legislator, this is what a burglar may look like.

— In Australia, the ban on oncoming traffic even applies to rural footpaths. interesting facts

— From 1920 to 1992, duels were officially allowed in Uruguay.

— From 1934 to 1976 it operated in Sweden Eugenics law, forcing people to undergo surgical sterilization. Officially, the law helped rid society of hereditary diseases and mental disorders, unofficially - to maintain the “purity of the race.” Similar laws in different periods of the twentieth century. operated in Germany, Canada, Czechoslovakia, China and the USA.

— In the town of Siena (Italy), women bearing the name Maria are not allowed to engage in prostitution.

— In the state of Rajasthan (India), women must eat carrot seeds, which in their properties are equivalent to contraceptives.

— In Budapest (Hungary) it is allowed to make love only in the dark.

— In Andorra, the presence of lawyers at court hearings is prohibited.

— The laws of the Canadian city of Itobikok prohibit drawing water in the bathtub to a level higher than 10 cm. Apparently they are very afraid of drowning.

ridiculous laws the most interesting facts strange laws