Reading test (grade 2) on the topic: Diagnostics of reading literacy. Reading literacy: concept, levels, testing, age standards and assessments

Option I .

Task 1. Literary text.

L. V. Skrebtsova “Home kindergarten”

One day Maria noticed that the beautiful Azalea was sad. “We need to feed her with vitamins, she pleased me with flowers for a long time and probably spent a lot of energy,” Maria decided. But the vitamins did not help, Azalea still looked drooping. Maria became worried and decided to look in books about houseplants for the reason for her poor health. But books didn’t help her either. Then Maria decided to go to a flower shop, hoping that they would advise her on something suitable. The store offered her the same vitamins and a variety of indoor plants. Maria could not resist and bought two of them - the multi-colored handsome Croton and the fragile blue-eyed Violet.

“Look who I brought for you, dear Azalea,” she said, entering the room with her new pets, “maybe you will have more fun in their company.”

Imagine Mary’s surprise when the next morning she saw that her Azalea had indeed come to life.

“So this is the medicine my beauty needed,” thought Maria. “She just needed friends who could comfort her so that, no matter what, she would continue to enjoy life.”

So the beautiful pink Azalea began to make friends. And that was very good, because she was still a little sad after she finished flowering.

And Maria, seeing how her favorite smiles when every new flower appears in the house, turned the room into a wonderful home garden, which she herself could not get enough of. Relatives and friends admired the miracle Mary created. Even people indifferent to flowers, when they came to Maria, felt something special in her house, which made their souls feel good and calm. They began to look closely at the flowers and even asked the owner about her pets. At this point, Maria could not be stopped. She talked about flowers with such passion and love that the guests, unable to bear it, asked her for cuttings of any flower they liked. And this flower became the very first in their own home garden.

Previously, Maria knew little about indoor plants, but now, with the appearance of each new flower in the house, she sought to learn as much as possible about it. Sometimes she wondered to herself: “How did I live without flowers before? After all, they help me so much: they console me and make me happy, relieve fatigue and even heal me. If you look at them, all worries go away.” Now Maria always hurried home to her beloved pets. Her joy knew no end when she was given some flower in a pot. Smiling tenderly, she told him: “Welcome, dear flower, to our kindergarten! Don’t worry, you’ll be fine with us!” And the new flower, which until recently was worried about its fate, immediately calmed down and quickly got used to its new family.

Even the white cat got used to flowers and loved them. When a new indoor plant appeared in the house, the cat importantly approached it to introduce itself and licked its green leaves, but under no circumstances bit them.

Yes, the flowers lived a comfortable and cheerful life at Maria’s. She learned to feel her pets so well that without words she understood everything they wanted to tell her. They looked at their mistress with gratitude and filled the house with freshness and beauty. “How lucky we are!” - the flowers whispered, watching Maria take care of them. “It waters us precisely at the moment when we are thirsty; supports us with vitamins when we become weak; opens the window wide when we feel stuffy!”

Maria watered her pets with soft water at room temperature so that the roots did not get cold, and the leaves and buds did not fall off her pets. She loosened the ground so that the roots could breathe easier. When the flower grew and it became cramped in its pot, she transplanted it into a larger pot, adding fresh soil to it. She did not forget to wipe the leaves with a soft sponge, and then the flowers shone and radiated freshness.

While caring for the flowers, Maria spoke tenderly to them, questioned them, calmed them down, and even sang songs to them. And how the plants rejoiced when Maria fed them with vitamins - after all, this had a wonderful effect on their tender sprouts! The sprouts grew stronger, the flowers were calm about their own children.

Questions and tasks for the text “Home Kindergarten”

    Why did Maria decide to go to the flower shop?

A) buy books about plants

B) for advice on caring for Azalea

C) buy new plants

D) buy fertilizers

2. How did Azalea change with the appearance of new plants?

    How did plants help Mary? Write examples from the text


    How did Maria's cat feel about plants?

A) bit plants

B) couldn’t get used to the colors

IN)the cat importantly approached the new plant to introduce itself and licked the leaves

D) didn't pay attention

5. Number the events in the order in which they occurred in the story. Number 1 has already been delivered

Azalea perked up

Maria bought two new flowers

1 beautiful Azalea is sad

The white cat began to get used to flowers

Friendsasked Maria for cuttings of any flower they liked

The flowers live a cozy and cheerful life at Maria's.

    What filled Mary’s house with the appearance of flowers:

A) aroma

B) freshness and beauty

B) fertilizers for plants

D) flower pots

7. What kind of water did Mary water her plants with:

A) cold water

B) warm water

B) rainwater

G)soft water at room temperature


9. What did Mary do to make the plants shine with freshness?

A) replanted plants

B) loosened the soil

B) talked to plants

G)wiped the leaves with a soft sponge

10. What words in the text show that plants need vitamin supplementation?

A) "…so that the roots don't get cold"

B) “...this had a wonderful effect on their tender sprouts"

B) “ that it doesn’t happencramped in your pot»

D) “...tothe leaves and buds did not fall off"

11. By Mary’s actions you learned what kind of character she had. Write down one character trait of Mary. To support your answer, give an example from the text.


  • include tasks that require not so much the ability to isolate information presented explicitly, but rather the ability to interpret, transform, and evaluate it;
  • organize students’ activities in working with text based on tasks that require the ability to answer a question in a reasoned, coherent, logical, consistent manner using information from the source text;
  • pay special attention to enriching students’ vocabulary, developing the ability to determine the lexical meaning of an unfamiliar word (especially a term) not only from reference literature, but also based on context;
  • use tasks based on comparing information from several sources;
  • form a critical view of the reliability of information;
  • use texts of various types, including diagrams, tables, graphs, learn to work with additional information (footnotes, appendices, etc.);
  • increase attention to working with text in natural science subjects.


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7th grade

Part I

Read texts 1 and 2 and complete tasks 1–9 and C1–C3. For questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, circle the number of the correct answer. Write the circled answer numbers and answers for tasks 2, 8, 9 on the testing form to the right of the number of the corresponding task. Write down the answers to tasks C1-C3 on the back of the testing form, indicating the task number.

​Releasing a bird into the wild and watching it joyfully soar into the sky is an old Russian tradition. Migratory birds were caught in the fall. In winter, the caught birds lived at home in a cage, they were fed and looked after. At Easter, when migratory birds returned from southern countries, the birds that had spent the winter in the house were released into the wild. Also on Easter, people who had the means ransomed from prison people who had ended up there innocently, or debtors.

Text 1

I see a bird in Solodovkin’s hand.
- Take it in your hand. Hold it - don’t think about it... - he says sternly. - Wait, do you know the verse - “The bird of God knows neither care nor labor”? Well done. And “Yesterday I dissolved the prison of my air captivity”? You definitely need to know how you can! Now you can do it yourself, in practice. Watch in the sky how she sings as she flies away. Let it go!..
I'm so glad that I don't even see the bird - it's gray and warm in my hands. I unclench my fingers and hear - puff... - but I see nothing. I already see the second one, it looks like a sparrow. I even kiss her and hear the smell of chicken. And so she flew away at an angle, flew out to the barn, sat down... - and she was gone! They give me more and more. This is such a joy! Both father and Gorkin are allowed in. The old coachman Antip comes up and they let him out. On the sidelines, Denis smokes a pipe and spits into a puddle. Father calls: “Go, garden head!” Denis jumps up, picks up the bird like a pebble, and launches it into the sky, completely unusual. A cab drives in, our guys get out and are also released. Vasil-Vasilich walks by, very smart, in shiny boots and galoshes, gnawing on sunflowers. He takes out a silver ten-kopeck piece and gives it to Solodovkin: “Come on, sell it for freedom!” Solodovkin throws the ten-kopeck piece and says: “Let it be for everyone’s pleasure!” Vasil-Vasilich lets out in his own way - from a handful.

According to I. S. Shmelev, fragment of the novel “The Summer of the Lord”

Text 2

In a foreign land I religiously observe
Native custom of antiquity:
I'm releasing the bird into the wild
On the bright holiday of spring.
I became available for consolation;
Why should I grumble at God?
When at least one creation
I could give freedom!

A. S. Pushkin, 1823

1. Which statement corresponds to the topic of text 1?
This text is about:

1) the pleasure of releasing birds into the wild on a bright spring day;
2) the conflict between Solodovkin and Vasil-Vasilich over money;
3) the flight of birds released into the wild and their joyful singing;
4) different ways to release birds into the wild.

2. Using the statements below, restore the sequence of events in text 1.

A. A cab drives into the yard.
B. Solodovkin puts a bird in the boy’s hand.
V. Denis releases the bird in a special way.
G. Solodovkin examines the narrator on his knowledge of poems about birds.
D. Vasil-Vasilich offers to sell him the bird.

Write down the letters that represent the statements in the table in the correct order.

Transfer the answer in the form of a combination of letters to the testing form, without changing their order and without additional characters.

3. Why did Solodovkin throw away the coin?

1) was rich and did not need anything;
2) wanted all the birds to be released into the wild as soon as possible;
3) believed that not everything can be bought with money;
4) Vasil-Vasilich was his friend.

4. In which sentence is an outdated word used, by which one can understand that the action in text 1 does not take place in our time?

1) I’m so glad that I don’t even see the bird - it’s gray and warm in my hands.
2) The cab drives in, our guys get out and also let out.
3) I see a bird in Solodovkin’s hand.
4) Denis smokes a pipe aside and spits into a puddle.

5. Why didn’t the boy see the first bird he released?

1. The bright spring sun was disturbing.
2. The bird was too small.
3. The boy was distracted by the arrival of adults.
4. The boy was very excited.

1. The author wanted to show many techniques for launching birds into the sky.
2. Solodovkin had many acquaintances, and everyone had to take part in this event.
3. On the bright day of Easter, everyone is equal and experiences the same feelings.
4. This indicates the kindness of the bird owner.

7. How do you understand the expression “holy watching” from A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Bird” (see text 2)?

1) I’ve been into this for a long time;
2) I observe with respect;
3) I am interested in ancient customs;
4) I admire the beauty of Russian nature.

8. For each text, determine the hero’s state of mind.
Characteristics of the hero’s state of mind:

1) self-satisfied admiration for one’s actions;
2) sadness, thoughtfulness, satisfaction;
3) happiness, joy, delight.
Write down in the table the number that indicates the characteristic of the mental state of the hero of this text.

Text 1

Text 2

Transfer the answer in the form of two numbers to the testing form, without changing their order and without additional characters.

9. Which statements most accurately reflect the idea (main idea) of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Bird”? Circle the numbers of the selected statements.

1. The famous Pushkinist T. G. Tsyavlovskaya wrote in her comments to the collected works of A. S. Pushkin: “A poem written in a foreign land,<…>expresses the thought that deeply worried Pushkin about the servitude of man.”
2. The publisher, wanting to help readers determine the meaning of the work, accompanied the first publication of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Bird” with the following note: “This applies to those benefactors of humanity who use their wealth to ransom innocents, debtors, etc. from prison.” (“Literary leaflets”, 1823. No. 2).
3. Some researchers of the work of A. S. Pushkin believe that in the poem “Bird” the poet expressed humility before the fate of an exile.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________

C1. Why did A. S. Pushkin call the time when, according to custom, people release birds from their cages, a “bright holiday”? Write your answer in the form of a text of 2–3 sentences.
Write your answer on the back of the test form, making sure to indicate the task number - C1.

C2. Compare texts 1 and 2. In your answer, indicate at least four ways in which these texts differ.
Write your answer on the back of the test form, making sure to indicate the task number - C2.

C3. Read a fragment of the student’s essay on text 1 and find the mistakes that the student made:

“In the book “The Summer of the Lord” by Vasily Shmelev there is an episode of the celebration of Easter, in which each character releases birds into the sky. But first, the owner of the birds checks the boy’s knowledge of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Bird.”
By the way the characters behave, how each one releases the bird, we understand their feelings and attitude towards this event.”
Write down the sentences in which you found errors, in corrected form.
Write your answer on the back of the test form, making sure to indicate the task number - C3.


Read texts 3, 4 and 5 and complete tasks 10–18 and C4–C6.
For tasks 10–12 and 15, circle the number of the correct answer.
Write the circled answer numbers and answers for tasks 13, 14, 16–18 on the testing form to the right of the number of the corresponding task.
Write down the answers to tasks C4-C6 on the back of the testing form, indicating the task number.

Text 3

Pharmacy under your feet

Herbal medicine is very popular all over the world. This is not surprising, since herbal medicine has, firstly, thousands of years of experience; secondly, a minimum of side effects and complications; and thirdly, a person can independently collect raw materials and prepare medicine.
The forest was the first pharmacy where our ancient ancestors turned for medicine. In this pharmacy, medicines are not stored in flasks, porcelain vessels and other containers, but are filled with an endless number of living plant cells, from which the stems, leaves, roots, flowers of herbs, trees and shrubs are formed. Many substances that are produced by plant cells have healing properties: taken internally or used externally, they help the sick body cope with the disease.
To collect medicinal plants, you need to imagine their appearance, be able to distinguish them from other plant species close to them, and know where they grow.
At the beginning of the 17th century. By decree of Peter I, the Apothecary Prikaz was formed, and in Moscow, in the area of ​​drained swamps behind the Sukharev Tower, for the purpose of “breeding medicines for state pharmacies,” the first “Apothecary Garden” in Russia was founded. Today, about 500 thousand plant species are known, but only a small part of them are used in modern medicine.
Many medicinal plants are used in the food industry (licorice, caraway), perfumery (mint, sage), and also in metallurgy as a foaming agent (licorice roots, moss moss spores).
Employees of research institutes and botanical gardens are engaged in the search for new drugs of plant origin, the cultivation of medicinal plants, the study of their natural resources and the development of a rational regime for their use.

Text 4

Rules for the procurement and storage of medicinal plants

1. Herbs are collected in unpolluted places away from railway tracks, highways, agricultural lands, and industrial facilities.
2. Collection is carried out in dry sunny weather, after the dew has dried, from approximately 11 to 17 hours.
3. It is necessary to harvest medicinal plants at a time when they contain the maximum amount of active beneficial substances (for above-ground parts this is the period from the beginning of flowering to the formation of fruits).
4. Almost all plants must be dried in the shade, without access to direct sunlight, in well-ventilated areas or under a canopy.
5. Large parts of plants, as well as roots and rhizomes (after rinsing well with cold water) must be crushed before drying.
6. Raw materials for drying should be laid out in a thin layer or in bunches, hanging in the attics. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that mold does not appear inside the bundle.
7. It is also possible to use special dryers, in which the temperature should not exceed 50°.
8. Dried plants should be stored in well-sealed jars, bags made of thick fabric or thick paper.
9. The shelf life of medicinal plants is usually one year.
Remember that the main pests of medicinal plants during storage are moisture, light and high temperature!

Based on materials from the book “Herbalist”

10. The “Apothecary Garden” in Moscow at the beginning of the 17th century was created:

1) for the scientific study of medicinal plants;
2) conducting chemical experiments;
3) combating infectious diseases;
4) cultivation of medicinal plants.

11. Used as a foaming agent in metallurgy

1) caraway seeds;
2) licorice root;
3) sage leaves;
4) mint flowers.

12. Collection of medicinal plants is also carried out in the mountains. Which of the following methods is suitable in this case for drying medicinal plants?
To dry the plant:

1) hang in bunches in a sunny meadow;
2) lay out in a thin layer on stones in the shade;
3) put in paper bags and store in the shade;
4) wrapped in plastic film.

13. Select from the list all statements that correspond to the content of texts 3 and 4. Circle the numbers of the selected statements.

1. Herbal medicine became most widely used only in the 21st century.
2. All known types of medicinal plants are used in medicine.
3. Any part of the plant may contain medicinal substances.
4. No special conditions are required for storing medicinal plants.
5. Medicinal plants can be used to make creams and lotions.
Write down the circled numbers as your answer.
Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Transfer the answer in the form of a combination of numbers to the testing form, without changing their order and without additional characters.

14. While reading the text, you came across words that are used in everyday life. From the content of the text you can determine their meaning.

Establish a correspondence between the word and its interpretation. For each word from the first column, select its interpretation from the second column, indicated by a number.

Transfer the answer in the form of a combination of numbers to the testing form, without changing their order and without additional characters.

15. What sign underlies the classification of medicinal plants in text 5?

1) place of growth of these plants;
2) the location of the active substance in a certain part of the plant;
3) the physiological effect of the plant on the human body;
4) the presence of a substance that is active (medicinal).

16. Establish a correspondence between the name of a medicinal plant and the purpose of the drug it contains.

For each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second, indicated by a number.

Write down the selected numbers in the table.

Transfer the answer in the form of three numbers to the testing form, without changing their order and without additional characters.

17. When preparing a presentation for a project on medicinal plants, Ivan made a slide on which he listed the basic rules for procuring medicinal plants.

Circle the number of the sentence in which Ivan made a mistake.
Rules for the procurement of medicinal plants:
1) to collect medicinal plants, you need to know well what they look like;
2) medicinal plants can only be collected away from highways;
3) medicinal plants can only be collected in dry weather;
4) plants must be dried in the sun or wind;
5) dried plants should be stored in tightly sealed dark glass jars.
Write down the circled number as your answer.

18. Which of the following questions CANNOT be answered using information from texts 3, 4, and 5? Circle the numbers of all selected questions.

1. What plants are called medicinal?
2. What plants can be used to stop bleeding?
3. What medicinal plants can be used as vitamins?
4. How to properly prepare medicinal herbs?
5. Why are not all plants used in medicine?
Write down the circled numbers as your answer.
Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Transfer the answer in the form of a combination of numbers to the testing form, without changing their order and without additional characters.

C4. Formulate the main idea of ​​the second paragraph of text 3.
Write your answer on the back of the test form, making sure to indicate the task number - C4.
Read the short text and complete tasks C5 and C6.
While going through the home medicine cabinet, Masha discovered a dark bottle with a yellowish liquid, but without a label.

On the box in which the bottle was located, only a description of the drug was preserved:

“Composition and release form: alcohol tincture with 70% alcohol (1:10); in bottles of 50 ml.
Characteristics: transparent yellow liquid, contains calendene, carotenoids, salicylic acid.
Indications for use: infected wounds, burns, sore throat, infections of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract.
Directions for use and dosage: externally as a rinse (1 teaspoon per glass of water) or internally (as a choleretic agent) - 10–20 drops per dose.
Storage conditions for the drug: in a cool place, protected from light.
Keep out of the reach of children. The shelf life of the drug is 4 years"

C5. Which of the 5 medicinal plants presented in the text could be used to prepare this tincture? Prove the correctness of your choice based on the texts you read.
Write your answer on the back of the test form, making sure to indicate the task number - C5.

C6. Is it possible to use a tincture found in a home medicine cabinet to care for chapped hand skin? Give two reasons to support your opinion.
Write your answer on the back of the test form, making sure to indicate the task number - C6.
Recommendations for assessing the performance of work tasks:

Job number

Correct answer

Job number

Correct answer

The worst thing.

Vova grew up as a strong and strong boy. Everyone was afraid of him. And how can you not be afraid of this! He beat his comrades. He shot at the girls with a slingshot. He made faces at the adults. He stepped on the dog's tail, Cannon. He pulled out the whiskers of Murzey the cat. I drove the prickly hedgehog under the closet. He was even rude to his grandmother.

Vova was not afraid of anyone. He was not afraid of anything. And he was very proud of this. I was proud, but not for long.

The day came when the boys did not want to play with him. They left him and that was it. He ran to the girls. But the girls, even the kindest ones, also turned away from him.

Then Vova rushed to Pushka, and he ran away into the street. Vova wanted to play with the cat Murzey, but the cat climbed onto the closet and looked at the boy with unkind green eyes. Angry.

Vova decided to lure the hedgehog out from under the closet. Where there! The hedgehog moved to another house to live a long time ago.

Vova approached his grandmother. The offended grandmother did not even look up at her grandson. The old woman is sitting in the corner, knitting a stocking and wiping away tears.

The worst of the worst that ever happens in the world has come: Vova is left alone. Alone!

A1. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct answer.

The work “The Worst Thing” by E. Permyak is...

  1. story
  2. fairy tale
  3. true story

A2. Mark the number of paragraphs in the text.

A3. Note the name of the main character.

  1. Fluff
  2. Murzey
  3. Vova

A4. Note how the main character grew up.

  1. strong and healthy
  2. strong and strong
  3. strong and dexterous

A5. Complete the sentence:Then Vova rushed to Pushka, and he...

  1. climbed onto the closet
  2. crawled under the closet
  3. ran into the street

A6. Note why the grandmother was offended by her grandson.

  1. was rude
  2. didn't help
  3. didn't listen

A7. Mark who moved to another house.

  1. dog
  2. hedgehog

A8. Note how others treated Vova.

  1. respected
  2. loved
  3. were afraid

A9. Mark in which row the antonyms for the word “old” are given

  1. elderly
  2. young
  3. Beautiful



Read the text.

At dusk I was returning home from the forest, and I saw a hedgehog stomping along the road. He noticed me too, snorted and curled up into a ball: try touching me! I rolled the prickly animal into a cap, brought it home and named it Fomka.

In the room, Fomka turned around and began to examine the corners and look for a hole. Soon I found an old felt boot behind the stove and climbed into it. And on this felt boot the fat red cat Barin loved to doze.

All night until dawn the cat wandered somewhere, and in the morning he returned and wanted to lie down on his felt boots, but suddenly he sensed something was wrong, arched his back, meowed and jumped out into the middle of the room. The old felt boot came to life: it sneezed, puffed, snorted, and to top it all off, some gray prickly ball rolled out of it. Out of fear, the cat jumped onto the closet, and I involuntarily thought: now Master will not have a quiet life.

For a day, two, three, the cat and the hedgehog avoided each other, and after three weeks they got used to it and made peace. After that, every evening around nine o'clock Fomka began to knock on the saucer with his paws: he demanded milk. When the hedgehog called, the cat came, and the friends often had dinner together. Fomka and Barin became real friends.

1. What is this text about?

a) about how hedgehogs live in the forest

b) about how the cat Barin disliked the hedgehog

c) about how the hedgehog and the cat became friends

d) about how the hedgehog attacked the cat.

2.Where did the cat meet the hedgehog?

a) on the road b) in the room

b) in the forest d) on the porch

3. At what time did the cat and the hedgehog meet?

a) at dusk b) in the morning

b) in the evening d) at night

4. The cat got scared and jumped on the closet because

a) he wandered somewhere all night until dawn

b) the hedgehog wanted to hit him

c) the hedgehog, who climbed into his felt boots, began to sneeze, puff, snort

d) he loved to doze on an old warm felt boot.

5.Choose the correct statement.

a) The cat and the hedgehog made up after three days.

b) Fomka never asked for milk.

c) At first the narrator did not believe that the cat and the hedgehog would become friends.

d) Barin the Cat did not like to sleep on an old felt boot.

6. How do you understand the expression “stayed away from each other”?

a) were afraid of each other b) tried not to meet

b) hid from each other d) quarreled with each other

The concept of “reading literacy” entered the vocabulary of Russian teachers in 2000–2001, when Russia first took part in the international studies PISA and PIRLS. In the international comparative study of reading quality and text comprehension PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study), which is carried out in the 4th grade, reading literacy is defined as the student’s ability to understand and use various forms of written language that are necessary to learn and participate in the environment. life, read for your own pleasure, gain literary experience as a reader.

“Historically, the term “literacy” refers to the possession of a tool (a cultural medium) that allows one to receive and transmit information in the form of written text. Speaking about reading literacy, we want to emphasize the active, purposeful and constructive nature of using reading in different situations and for different purposes... The word “understand” (read) speaks of the most essential element of reading activity and the most important direction of pedagogical work when teaching reading. The word “use” emphasizes the pragmatic, functional, applied aspects of the reader’s work.”

What tasks will help diagnose reading literacy?

Specialists from the Institute of Educational Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, under the leadership of G. Kovaleva, developed materials for assessing the level of reading literacy among 4th grade students. They were guided by the international PIRLS study.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, reading literacy diagnostics using this model have been carried out since 2011. Diagnostic work checks whether fourth-graders have achieved meta-subject results in working with text. Diagnostic work tasks are divided into three groups:

Group 1

Students must show that they understand what the text is saying, identify the topic and main idea; find and identify information in the text that is presented in various forms; formulate direct conclusions and conclusions based on the facts in the text.

Group 2

Students analyze, interpret and summarize the information presented in the text, formulate complex conclusions and value judgments based on it.

Group 3

Students use information from the text for various purposes: they solve educational-cognitive and educational-practical problems without or with the involvement of additional knowledge and personal experience. This is a new result in relation to the international experience of measuring reading literacy in primary school, which was introduced by the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education.

Tasks that caused difficulties for fourth-graders - in. Comments are given for each task: how many students (in percentage) did not complete it, what are the main reasons for the difficulties, what deficiencies in educational activities they talk about.

The deputy director can discuss assignments and the assessment model with teachers at a methodological seminar and plan work that is related to assessing students' reading literacy. For example, include tasks that caused difficulties for fourth graders in the assessment fund.

An analysis of the problems of younger schoolchildren in diagnostic work on reading literacy suggests that children need to be taught:

  • distinguish between your personal experience and the reality of the text;
  • answer the question accurately and concisely, without writing out unnecessary information;
  • recheck your understanding by referring to the text;
  • work with illustrations as a source of data that can be extracted independently;
  • assemble an answer to a question from pieces of information given in different sentences;
  • reformulate the question and messages of the text;
  • use texts from another subject area in lessons so that the child learns to freely use the tools and methods of work that he has mastered in different subjects;
  • express your thoughts in writing.

This is not an exhaustive list of pedagogical tasks. The teacher must understand the situation of a particular class and a particular student. Experience shows that purposeful work on the formation of these actions significantly improves student results. Thus, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, over the past three years, it has been possible to improve the performance of the third group of tasks, which are traditionally the most difficult for most students.