Structuring water - a school of self-healing. The influence of structured water

Water is the source of life on planet Earth. Everyone knows about this from their school years. Water in the human body is from 50% to 80% of its weight. The health and proper functioning of all organs in the human body, all tissues and every cell, even the smallest, depend on the purity of this very water in the body. In nature, living structured water is water from springs that come out of the ground, and water in mountain rivers that are formed when glaciers melt, and rainwater.

Feature of structured water

Melt water has an ideal structure. Molecules of such water easily and freely pass through the pores of the cell membrane. Thereby feeding the cell with clean living water. There is an increase in metabolism, which stimulates the removal of old and dead cells from the body, which are replaced by young and healthy ones. This way the aging process slows down. Tap water does not have such properties. The answer to the question “Why?” beautifully presented in the documentary
To replenish the necessary supply of water in a person’s body, it is necessary to drink 30 ml of clean water per 1 kg of weight daily (if your weight is 60 kg, then the water norm per day will be 1.8 liters). Based on the above, it follows that you need to drink clean, structured water, which will bring cleansing to the body, and as a result, health! This water will help remove waste and toxins, increase vitality and give vigor and strength.

Structured water can be prepared at home. There are several ways. I'll tell you about two that we use.

1 way to prepare structured water at home

We filter ordinary tap water, pour it into a pan with silicon stones, where it infuses for two days. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid to prevent the water from suffocating. We cover with gauze folded in 2-3 layers. Water must breathe. After two days, carefully pour the water into containers (do not use glass ones - they will burst), in which we freeze the water in the freezer. I freeze water in an enamel pan or stainless steel pan. We simply pour the bottom layer of water in the pan (3-4 cm) into the sink; this layer contains heavy metals and this water is not suitable for drinking. We wash the silicon stones under running water, dry them and use them again to infuse the next portion of water. The same silicon stones can be used for 7 months, then they should be replaced with new ones. Let's return to the water that freezes in the freezer. The first ice that forms must be thrown away; it contains deuterium and freezes earlier. Leave the rest of the water for further freezing. When the water freezes 2/3 of the total volume, the unfrozen 1/3 part must also be poured out, since it contains dirty chemical impurities that freeze last. But a piece of ice is absolutely pure water! A piece of ice must be washed under running water and placed in a container to defrost. All! Living water is ready))))) In my opinion, it is even different in color from tap water. Its taste is also very soft and pleasant.

2 way to prepare structured water at home

This is a very simple way. I use it on trips or when I don’t have 2 days left to infuse water with silicon. I also filter the water, then pour it into stainless steel saucepans. The pans go into the freezer until completely frozen. Then we thaw the water and drink. Of course, this method purifies the water less, but! This water is still much more drinkable than tap water. Previously, I froze water in 0.5 liter plastic bottles. Yes, it was certainly convenient. But, after thinking a little, I decided that this was unsafe for health, since plastic releases toxic substances in extreme temperatures.

We wish everyone a healthy and happy life! In conclusion, let me give you a little advice - drink living water consciously, think about health, youth, beauty and the benefits it will bring you.

Structured water technology

Water cycle

The technology for obtaining structured water can be compared to the purification of mountain water. To do this, it is useful to imagine the cycle that water goes through during the cycle in nature. So, the sources of fresh water are in the ocean. When it evaporates, it rises into the atmosphere. If there were no dust particles in the air, water molecules would not return from the oceans as rain. So a water molecule attaches itself to a dust particle, which in turn collects more and more molecules until it becomes heavy enough to fall to the ground as rain. Currently, due to pollution released into the atmosphere by industrial activities, water returns to the earth in the form of acid rain.

When water falls to Earth in acid rain, it is purified naturally. Salts, heavy metals and other pollutants settle into the ground, and in the process, our forests and lakes are polluted. That is why beer manufacturers and sellers of natural bottled water claim that they use water from mountain springs in their products. What if this is not the case? - So it is necessary to use water filters.

Structured water is found in all living organisms

The cells of our body contain structured water. In the cells of the human body, water is stored in structured groups, from five to twenty molecules each. What kind of water is truly healthy? This water must be potable and free from pathogens and contaminants. Tap water in most cities is specially purified to make it safe to drink. Cleaning agents (usually chlorine) destroy most pathogenic bacteria. This is a beneficial effect - however, many people believe that this amount of chlorine itself pollutes the water, and it tastes unpleasant. On filter production There is a lot of money being made in removing chlorine from water. It seems that by disinfecting water in this way, we have chosen the lesser of two evils. This cleaning reduces the threat of bacterial contamination to a minimum.

Structured water

What is structured water? Water molecules are connected to each other by hydrogen bonds. In ordinary water, this bond links molecules in large quantities of water into separate groups. These groups have a certain size and shape, and these characteristics can influence living organisms.

A water molecule consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom is what most of us call water. In fact, everything is a little more complicated. These molecules are very strongly grouped; they tend to form groups. This is how groups of five to six hundred-plus molecules appear in each group. These groups are not static; water molecules can easily move from one to another - and this happens often. Hydrogen bonds form and break several times per nanosecond, imparting enormous energy potential to water. It is the size and shape of these molecular groups, in their ongoing interaction, that gives water its “structure.”


Despite what you may have heard about the pH of water, most tap, deionized and bottled water has a pH of approximately 5.5-6.5. The long-term effect of such acidic water is the formation of free radicals in the cells of your body, this is the cause of aging, can cause cancer and the destruction of healthy cells. Most cleaning systems are not easy filter water, they literally kill it, essentially making “dead” water out of “living” water. Water nano filters They differ from them in that they not only keep all the beneficial substances contained in water “alive”, but also enrich it.

The water in the cells of our body is structured. Basically, human cells prefer to contain it in groups of five to twenty molecules. Water nano filters give the same effect.

Even the amount of pollutants in water that is now considered safe can have a destructive biological effect. This makes you think about the acceptable level of contamination of all water sources, as well as what you need to always have on hand. hiking water filters.

If water can retain the memory of pollutants and can withstand filtering and chlorine treatment, what information do we give to the cells of our body? – Water nano filters, perhaps the best solution in such a situation.

There are regions of the Earth where water is considered the only element responsible for the longevity of people in these regions. The Hunza Valley in Northern Pakistan is famous for its longevity. There are also the waters of Lourdes in France and other famous springs. The water in Mexico has been praised for its health benefits. What exactly makes this water so special? It has significant bioavailable minerals in solution. Thus, it is not completely pure. However, it does not contain pathogenic bacteria, so it is safe to drink. We can make similar water in the laboratory and it will be better than regular water. This is facilitated water nano filters, and in extreme conditions and hiking filters for water.

The reason why this water is so prized is because it has a different structure.

Water is:

Essential Nutrient
The greatest achievements of medicine
The most economical fuel and energy source

Good health is determined by the ability of cells to receive water. When the structure of cells ceases to be flexible, aging begins. A child's body contains 86% water, but by old age only 65% ​​remains in us. Our brain is 96% water.

Additional cellular fluid depends on the availability of oxygen.

Internal flow depends on more available hydrogen, which is why maintaining a good pH balance in the water is so important.

Dehydration is a principle causative factor in aging and most diseases. This is why it is important to drink eight glasses of water a day and also avoid drinking alcohol. Surface tension is measured in Dyn per cubic centimeter.

Distilled water is around 72-78 dyne/cubic centimeter, while the water we need should be less than 46 dyne. Alcohol is so easily absorbed by the body because its indicators are 28 Din.

Special waters associated with longevity and health are rich in bioavailable minerals. More than fifty studies in nine different countries have shown an inverse relationship between the amount of magnesium in drinking water and the number of heart attacks. Distillation, R/O and water softening destroy most of the essential minerals in water. Many bottled water manufacturers substitute these minerals, but it does not compare to natural minerals. Nature knows what is best for life and what is not. And this knowledge is now available to man thanks to the fact that he has acquired water nano filters.

There is so-called “hungry water”, which has the ability to attract and encapsulate elements in the water molecule that are negative for the human body.

The advantages of natural structuring include the removal of excess mineral and suspended gases from water, the restructuring and activation of water, the ability to make it cleaner and tastier; surface tension is reduced for better purification and mixing of water balances. This produces water that has a lower surface tension and therefore better hydrates the body's cells, as we discussed earlier.

75% of North Americans are chronically dehydrated. Even mild dehydration slows metabolism, causes fatigue, reduces short-term memory, and increases existing health problems. Drinking water is extremely important—perhaps more important than anything else. AND hiking water filters- just the device that can withstand this scourge.

Water is one of the most important components of the human body. Water regulates body temperature, protects vital organs and aids the digestive system. Water not only makes up 75% of all muscle tissue and about 10% of fat tissue, it also functions in every cell of the body to transport nutrients and eliminate waste. Since water makes up more than half of the human body, it is impossible to live more than a week without it.

Structured water is one of the easiest ways to help the body function optimally: stay disease-free and maintain proper balance. Drinking structured water daily helps flush out toxins and metabolic waste.

Research has shown that proper hydration can minimize chronic pain such as rheumatoid arthritis, low back pain and colitis, as well as lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Most medical practitioners advise simply drinking enough water, and then the incidence of many chronic diseases would be seriously reduced. And in order to always have clean drinking water at hand, just like air, we need water filters.

Research has also shown that chronic dehydration will be a major cause of many diseases associated with aging (eg, arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders, dementia). To compensate, our thirst signals decrease as we become accustomed to becoming dehydrated as we age. In older people, dehydration can be a real problem.

Not all water is created equal. Structured water contains a stable excess of oxygen. This will help the body absorb this water to a greater extent than regular water. Our bodies contain structured water when we are born. However, as a person gets older, he is exposed to stress, pollution, pollutants, free radicals, poor diet and other negative external factors. The body begins to dehydrate and the structured water cells we are born with begin to shrink, losing their effectiveness. The result is that our ability to absorb water begins to decrease as we age.

When using structured water, which is given water filters, you will instantly feel the difference. Think about how much this could mean for your family's health and well-being. You can drink water straight from the tap and save on the price of bottles, the plastic of which is a serious environmental problem.

Fuel of Life

Structured water is loaded with negative hydrogen ions. Hydrogen is the fuel of life. All the food we eat does only one thing for us - it releases hydrogen, which burns oxygen in the final chemical reaction, releasing energy that makes the "fuel" that powers our body. Carbohydrates are made up of one third carbon, one third hydrogen and one third oxygen.

Hydrogen is the source of energy that our body runs on, it is the source of energy that powers the Universe, it is also the source of energy that the Sun uses. Hydrogen makes up 90 percent of the mass of the Universe. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, a Hungarian physiologist, said that hydrogen is the carrier of the electron in a living system, and added that electrons will not exist at any place in a living system unless they are attached to hydrogen. Hydrogen carries all the electrons in all chemical reactions. The cells, proteins and tissues in our bodies store hydrogen in huge quantities in such a way that you don't need to use special enzymes. Szent-Györgyi also believed that this was the secret of cell division, the beginning.


In units of measurement, structured water, which is given water filters, more effectively removes excess minerals and gases, including sulfur odors. What makes the device so effective is that the groundwater returns to its original state through a process called “entrainment,” which causes all the elements to return to the source. This results in all water becoming crystal clear.

Water unites

1. Exchange between natural systems always creates an excess of energy.
2. Water exists in almost every religious system as a connection to the inner harmony and rhythms of nature.
3. Man lost harmony with nature during the emergence of civilization.
4. Water is a mediator between the greater energetic and material world and the world of pure light and matter.
5. Water does not have its own form; water cleanses everything it comes into contact with.
6. Water becomes the carrier of life, the main channel of communication between life energies.
7. Water is an accumulator, transmitter and converter of energy and constant transmission of life processes from one system to another in an evolutionary manner.
8. The connection with water was lost by man when he turned away from the inner understanding that comes through the rhythms of nature and the energies of the life cycles around us.
9. Explosive hydrocarbon technologies are plundering the earth, consuming oxygen at an alarming rate.
10. Miracle oxygen, with its ability to capture and transport the feminine qualities of life force energy, is our greatest resource.
11. Oxygen depletion dwarfs all other environmental pollution problems.
12. Water has the ability to retain memory due to its geometric structure.
13. Structured water freezes at a lower temperature.
14. A very simple test to measure abnormal water is its freezing point.
15. Structured water has more minerals and drugs.
16. In the process of “entrainment”, structured water continues its life, and the healing properties last long after use.
17. Structured water does not require physical energy, which is recommended for hydration.
18. There are 66,000 pollutants that can be dissolved in water.
19. Water becomes dead when it passes through 300 feet of straight pipe.

Benefit for health

There are many benefits to drinking structured water produced by water filters.

These are just a few of the many benefits of geometrically structured water for health and well-being. The body seeks balance, and water also seeks to be in balance so that it can replicate water that is naturally balanced. This is a gift from nature. Since water has memory, it will remember all thoughts and energy that come near it, both negative and positive. Nature accelerates this process of balancing water in the environment by creating the geometric configurations necessary to achieve and maintain balance through the vortex activity created by its movement over rocks, waterfalls, and gorges.

Therefore, water purifies itself. This also explains why water moves through as little as 300 feet of pipe or spends a long period of time in a bottle and becomes "dead."

Some facts about the health benefits of structured water:

It assists in the release of healthy vitamins and minerals
Fish becomes cleaner and healthier
Hair and skin feel better
Livestock and pets are healthier
Improved health, less muscle pain and more energy
Water balance
Less soap required when washing
Reduces the effects of sunburn
Dry itchy skin no longer bothers you
Promotes longer "lifespan" of the body
Showers and baths feel better
Reduces unpleasant odors around
Removes existing calcium aragonite compounds - cleans dishes, windows, etc. flawlessly.

Structured Oxygen Water

Because structured water contains stable oxygen, it does not dissipate immediately. This extra oxygen can help increase your blood oxygen levels by up to 10 on a scale of 100. Low oxygen levels in the blood can cause poor health and headaches. Structured water is great for high altitudes and tastes clean. Some people notice a sweeter taste than other waters.

How important is oxygen?

90% of all “life energy” is created by oxygen.
All functions in the body are regulated by oxygen.
The brain processes billions of bits of information per second thanks to oxygen.

Much more than just water! Research has shown that structured water:

Helps increase or improve hydration levels at intra- and extracellular levels
22 minutes.
Helps detoxify cells through superior hydration.
Helps with water balance.
Helps double your immune system response in just 7 days.
Helps lower blood pressure.
Helps increase blood oxygen levels
Helps improve performance.
Helps reduce joint swelling that is associated with arthritis.
Helps improve health and overall vitality.

Landscape and floor characteristics of water

Nature also designed the geometric structure of water in such a way as to bring balanced water to the environment. The device creates a hydraulic machine that changes the molecular structure of water - activates and preserves the beneficial properties of minerals and their characteristics. Water penetrates the soil, carrying sodium, magnesium and other clogging elements deeper into the soil. This allows for greater root penetration and reduces the amount of salts that coat the topsoil.

Some of the benefits:

Clean hot baths and spas with fewer chemicals,
Improved ability of plants to withstand frost
Flowers become stronger and bloom longer
A healthy landscape means green lawns and brighter trees and shrubs.
Improved crop growth (27% to 40%)
Healthy indoor plants
The amount of water required for plants is reduced (up to 50%)

Cost savings

There are also numerous financial benefits from using structured water, which cleanse water filters, How for drinking, livestock and crop production, and for landscape design:

Less soap is consumed when washing.
Less fertilizer is required for gardens, houseplants, crops and trees.
Water removes corrosion and increases the life of pipes in water heaters, dishwashers, swamp coolers, water temperature control systems for making ice, etc.
Improves the activity of aerobic bacteria in all septic systems and sewers, helps reduce anaerobic bacteria.
Reduces the amount of chlorine needed for pools, hot tubs and spas.
Less algae in ponds and other bodies of water.
Increases the durability of all systems that use water.
Removes existing calcium and aragonite deposits in pipes, water heaters and faucets.
Profits from coffee and juice sales are increasing.
No need to buy bottled water.
No need to replace cartridges.
Being healthy means visiting the doctor less!

1. Structured Water finally captured by Science! an article by the The Institute of Science in Society.
2. Hexagonal Water, Are You Drinking Dead Water? article by Dr. Chung.
4. Information about Dr. Masaru Emoto.
5. We want you to use your own judgment and so here is the site to a debunker of Structured Water.
6. Interesting article from Wired Magazine about

Maintaining the required water balance is the key to ensuring that pregnancy proceeds with the least complications. If the water balance in the expectant mother’s body is disturbed, this can negatively affect the child. To do this, it is necessary not only to regulate the amount of liquid, but also to structure the water for every day.

Description and purpose of structured water

During the structuring of water, its crystal lattice is strengthened. This is not only special water that is sold in pharmacies or supermarket departments. First of all, this is water that has previously undergone heat treatment. This water can also be prepared at home.

How to structure water at home?

  • To do this, drinking water is pre-frozen and settled before drinking. It is best to freeze the product in containers, since the plastic bottle may take on a different shape during thawing and then it will be extremely difficult to remove the water from it.
  • Another way to structure water is to treat it with silver at home. The process of consecration of water occurs in approximately the same way, which significantly extends the period of its preservation in its original form.

Benefits of structured water

  1. Water modified at the molecular level helps strengthen the immune system, which is extremely necessary for the expectant mother and her baby.
  2. It cleanses not only the epidermis of the skin, but also removes toxins from the body.
  3. Also, the beneficial properties of structured water are noticeable in tightening the skin and smoothing out wrinkles.
  4. If you often drink only structured water, you can significantly reduce the risk of ruptures during childbirth.
  5. Normalized water balance directly affects the amount of milk, as well as the mother’s weight.

How to make structured water?

Devices for water structuring

The problems of drinking water have not yet been studied in detail. Of course, when passing through public filters and entering the taps, it not only does not have any beneficial properties, but it may also have metal oxides, heavy metals in the sediment, and salts. All these substances significantly reduce the body’s protective functions, so drinking such water is extremely undesirable and sometimes even dangerous.

In the rhythm of modern life, it is very difficult to regularly defrost and then thaw ice. Therefore, you can find special vitalizer units on sale that literally saturate water with life. They are practical to use and are practically not limited by the final volume of water received. Structured water does not contain germs and bacteria, thereby reducing the risk of disease, especially for a young mother or small child.

If you obtain structured water at home, its beneficial properties will persist for about 2 days at an ambient temperature of no higher than 20 degrees and a normal level of humidity. But structured water from a special device does not lose its stable molecular structure and usefulness for almost 2 weeks.

How to prepare structured water?

Scientists have proven that water can change its molecular structure depending on the influence of a person’s mood on it. It is either charged with positive or negative energy. If you mentally influence the water, you can also get a structured appearance of it, which is very useful during pregnancy and lactation. In terms of its molecular properties, structured water is identical to spring water, but boiled water differs in its second-order crystal lattice, and, of course, it also tastes different. Plus, some vitamins are removed during the boiling process. Although, it’s up to you to choose which water to use.

Water is an irreplaceable substance; it is present in all living organisms, and the human body consists of 90 percent of it. No living organism can live even a few days without this valuable liquid. But today, thanks to the “benefits of civilization,” it is quite difficult to find living, properly structured, clean water that would bring maximum benefit to humans. That is why people have learned to artificially give it structure. “Popular about health” will present possible ways to prepare structured water at home, we will also discuss why it is useful and whether it can cause harm.

What is structured water (SW)?

It turns out that nature made sure that people could drink living water with a special structure that has the same molecular framework as in the intercellular fluid of the human body. This is the kind of water that flows in mountain springs. What is its feature?

Mountain water, if examined under a microscope in frozen form, does not have a chaotic structure, but a clear patterned molecular connection. When the droplets are frozen, beautiful symmetrical patterns are visible. If we freeze and enlarge crystals of tap water, we will see a rather gloomy picture - chaotic blots, they lack a clear structure, symmetry and beauty. The main difference between living water is that its molecules are easily able to penetrate cell membranes and participate in all processes that occur in the human body.

Benefits of structured water

All cells of the body are in an aqueous environment, but scientists have been able to identify a clear relationship - sick, destructured, damaged cells are usually contained in contaminated liquid, and those that are absolutely healthy are surrounded by structured water. That is, if destructured fluid predominates in our body, then the cells of the whole body will gradually degrade. All processes in them slow down, they receive less energy, and then die.

The task of the intercellular fluid is to cleanse the cells of the body, flush out waste products from them, and ensure normal metabolism. For this to be possible, the molecules of this liquid must freely leak through the membrane partitions back and forth. But destructured, dead water is not capable of doing this; its molecules, clusters, are too large. Only a fluid with the correct structure, similar to the intercellular fluid of the body, is able to penetrate into cells and facilitate the occurrence of necessary processes. What effect does CB have on human health?

1. Cleanses the body of toxins, waste, and cellular decay products.

2. Cleans blood vessels from cholesterol.

3. Thins the blood.

4. Relieves swelling.

5. Relieves inflammation in arthritis and other diseases.

6. Rejuvenates the skin.

7. Speeds up metabolism, reduces weight.

8. Prevents baldness.

9. Normalizes blood pressure.

10. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

11. Improves the functioning of the circulatory system.

12. Relieves allergies.

13. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Harm of structured water

In what cases can structured water at home be harmful to you? Only in one case - if for its preparation you use obviously contaminated raw materials, for example, melted snow or untreated water from reservoirs. After melting, the crystals will undoubtedly take on the correct structure, but particles of dust, dirt, microbes and bacteria will remain in the liquid itself, which will cause harm to health.

How to make structured water at home?

Thanks to modern developments, today you can purchase special units, structurers that bring water to the desired state. However, not everyone has the opportunity to acquire this miracle of technology. There are other ways to prepare SV at home.

1. Freezing. Fill plastic cups with filtered water and place them in the freezer. Wait until completely frozen. Remove the ice from the molds, rinse until the top of the ice thaws and drains. It contains harmful impurities. Then place the ice cubes in a bowl and wait until they thaw, but not completely. The remaining lumps of ice (3-4 centimeters in diameter) should be thrown away. This part also contains all the harmful components. The water remaining in the bowl is structured and can be drunk.

2. We use silicon. Buy silicon stones at the pharmacy. Pour regular water into a jug, put silicon (5-6 stones) on the bottom, let the liquid sit for two days.

Then carefully drain the water, leaving a layer of about 3 centimeters at the bottom, it contains all the bad impurities that the silicon attracted. Freeze the liquid, then defrost it and consume it.

3. Prayers, positive statements, pleasant music. Water structuring can be done in a simpler way. Japanese scientists have found that the liquid acquires the correct molecular structure under the influence of prayers, classical music and simply kind words. Sit in silence, calm down, say the prayer “Our Father” or “Living in Help” over a glass of purified water. You can simply say “I love you” or put a piece of paper under the glass with the words - love, health, kindness, happiness, good, beautiful. Good energy charges the water and gives it the correct structure.

If you are interested in treating with structured water, be sure to prepare it at home. Now you know how to do this; it’s not difficult at all.