Social formation and successful self-realization. What is human self-realization? Ways of personal self-realization

In this article we will look at what almost all of humanity strives for - self-realization. First, let's answer the question - what is self-realization? has several definitions. Let's read them.

1) Self-realization- this is the identification of one’s abilities (talents) and their development by a person in any specific activity.

2) Self-realization is the full realization of a person’s individual potential.

What do these definitions mean? The fact is that the need for self-realization lies within each of us. The need to realize oneself fully is something like a built-in function found in each of us. According to Maslov's theory, it refers to the highest human need.

I have heard many stories about such people who had EVERYTHING in the broadest sense of the word. They earned a lot of money, bought villas, yachts, foreign cars, and so on, but at the same time they felt UNSUCCESSFUL. They felt an inner emptiness. And to fill it, they squandered money on things that temporarily filled their emptiness and made them . But each time such actions brought an increasingly short-lived effect. The rich needed something, namely, to realize their potential.

Surely you will ask me - If a person is so rich, has he really not realized himself to the full? I answer - If a person is in need, if he feels empty, then YES, he has not realized himself in life. But why? There are several reasons. For example, because there is no interest in his business or he is not doing what he wants. Perhaps this person sold someone else's. He himself wanted to become a pianist, but his dad convinced him that it was better for him to become a professional karateka.

And so, this man trains hard year after year to live up to his father’s hopes. Wins various competitions, wins first places, titles, medals and so on. The father jumps with happiness. After all, his son achieved what he once wanted. That's how parents are - they always want their children to achieve their goals for them. The father jumps enthusiastically, but his son feels something is wrong. These victories do not please him. He does not feel self-realization.

But every time my son sees a pianist playing, his eyes light up. He feels that this is what he wants to do - delight himself and the public by playing the piano. It is in this matter that he realizes his full potential. What do you think, if this man does not devote himself to playing the piano, then what will his son do? Right!!! This man will force his son to play the piano, and now he will embody his goals. And maybe he has a penchant for football!!!

This is such a vicious circle. If we ourselves have not realized our potential in any activity, then we are looking for someone who will realize it for us, and in the very activity that we abandoned. And these people will be our children, since strangers make us envious. After all, they are doing what we always wanted to do, but we couldn’t do it - we had to live up to the hopes of our parents.


So those people who have realized themselves in some specific activity are the happiest people in the world. - it means to be needed and in demand. This is what all people want, without even knowing it. Realizing your potential beats money. Nothing makes a person happy like self-realization.

As one person said: “I don’t envy those people who have more money than me, but I envy those people who are happier than me.”. Read this phrase again!!!

Let's look at a specific example when people, for the sake of self-realization, are ready to work for pennies. How often do you go to the theater? I think you know that actors receive pennies for their work. And the profession of an actor is a very difficult profession. And so you sit and watch the performance and think to yourself: “All sorts of professions are needed, but why do they work for pennies? After all, they probably don’t even have enough for travel. It would be better if they became bankers or lawyers. At least these professions provide food.". Yes, that's right, good lawyers earn substantial sums. And what makes people go on stage and not change their profession for many years, or maybe never? Of course, this is publicity, the cast or cast, love for one’s work. When a person goes on stage and delights the audience with his performance, nothing makes him so happy. When at the end of the performance he stands in a line with his close friends and watches thunderous applause, he feels that someone needs him and that he lives for a reason. And when they start giving flowers... EH!!!

This is the feeling of self-realization.

Well, I think from this example you understand what self-realization means. Many people strive to climb the career ladder to have more power and authority. They manage people and feel important. But later they realize that the role of a leader is not their role. Many leaders want to be followers, not leaders. When they are led, they feel much better.

One businessman closed his business and began working as a designer. He began to earn much less money than before, but he felt much happier and freer. The profession of designer made him the happiest person, because it was in it that he realized himself.

One woman quit one job and took another. Her income decreased by 30%, which is a lot. But one day, she noticed that her expenses had also decreased. Why? Because in that job, she spent more money trying to fill her emptiness with various material values. And her new job brought her pleasure and joy. Therefore, expenses were sharply reduced, and there was more free money with a lower salary.

I think you now understand what main need you need to satisfy. Having done this, you will be the happiest person. But first you need to determine the activity in which you truly realize yourself. It's not that difficult. You still, to one degree or another, suspect what you need to do to realize yourself.

If not, there are some effective ways. An article to help you -. Answering all questions honestly - you. Namely, having fulfilled your destiny, you will truly realize yourself.

There is one more fact. As children, we all know exactly what we want to become and in most cases we are right in choosing our destination. The fact is that children are highly developed, and if from childhood mom and dad give their child the opportunity to listen to themselves, and do not hang their unfulfilled fantasies on him (as I wrote above), then it is much easier to find yourself and begin to realize yourself .

The most important thing is to listen to yourself. You must understand your desires, capture the main idea that is spinning in your head. For example, you constantly study psychology, read the biographies of the most outstanding psychologists, pay attention to them, feel some envy that you are not in their place, think how lucky they are that they became what they became. If you catch such thoughts, then this is what you need to strive for.


  1. What you do gives you pleasure.
  2. You yourself don’t understand where you get the strength for your chosen activity.
  3. Your activities are truly useful not only for you, but also for those around you.
  4. You feel that you have a reserve of personal and professional development within your chosen activity.
  5. You want to improve in your chosen activity.
  6. You want to do your activity again and again. You jump out of bed, just to get to work as quickly as possible.

Self-realization- This is the highest need of a person to realize his talents and abilities.

This is the individual’s desire to prove himself in society and demonstrate his positive sides.

Remember, self-realization is something worth striving for. Self-realization has always been and will be the most worthy goal of a person. This is what will make you the happiest person.

how to achieve a goal, ways to achieve goals, how to achieve a goal


What is human self-realization?

Self-realization is an individual’s active life position to realize his potential in activities or relationships.

The process of self-realization of an individual involves the implementation of one’s internal resources and abilities, innate and/or acquired, regardless of whether these abilities are pro or antisocial.

Human need for self-realization

A person’s desire to prove himself in society, reflecting his personal qualities, his desire to fully reveal himself, use his knowledge and skills, implement his own plans, realize individual talents and abilities in achieving everything he wants, the desire to be the best and feel satisfied with his position. The human need for self-realization and self-expression is the highest of all human needs.

Self-realization = recognition + self-affirmation

The need for self-realization consists of the need for recognition and the need for self-affirmation. It is important for a person not only to be able to express himself. In order to fully satisfy the need for self-realization, a person also needs to receive high praise from others. That is, in order for an individual to self-realize, it is important not only to receive results from his activities, but also to feel the return from others.

To evaluate how self-actualized you are, there must be an evaluation criterion. For example, you want to realize yourself as a doctor. Then the evaluation criterion may be the number of patients whom you helped recover. At the same time, recognition is the recognition of patients (not colleagues), and self-affirmation is your level of professionalism.

A person who was able to develop and put into practice his internal innate and acquired abilities is assessed by society as an accomplished person.

The process of self-realization requires from the individual, first of all, the active application of volitional efforts in the conditions of specific activity.

Ways of personal self-realization

What tools does a person use to achieve self-realization, social recognition and take his place in life?

Every day we reveal ourselves in our professional activities, in our hobbies, and recently a new way of self-realization has appeared - a global virtual network and global information space. However, the main and main means of human self-realization is creativity.

Creative self-realization

Creative self-realization includes the discovery of talents not only in the field of art, but also the application of one’s abilities and knowledge in scientific activities. However, you should not deny the possibility of creative self-realization if it seems to you that you do not have the ability for art or science.

Creative self-realization is also possible in the process of solving certain professional and life problems, in searching for ways of self-expression in any area of ​​life.

Of course, a creative approach opens up the greatest opportunities for self-realization for an individual. It is creative self-realization that contributes to the self-development of the individual and the achievement of many other goals.

Professional self-realization

Professional self-realization first of all means achieving significant success in the chosen field of work that interests the individual. Such professional self-realization can be expressed in occupying a desired prestigious position, performing enjoyable professional duties, increasing wages, etc.

So professional activity, especially in combination with personal motives and goals, provides the most fertile soil for effective self-realization. After all, it is in socially useful and relevant activities that the full potential and abilities of an individual can be fully revealed.

The activity itself in the chosen profession plays almost the dominant role in a person’s life. Many of us devote almost all our free time to our work. It is in working conditions that certain experience, skills, abilities and knowledge are formed, and personal and career growth occurs. Professional self-realization also has a significant impact on a person’s social status, which in turn is associated with his social self-realization.

Social self-realization

Social self-realization is the achievement of success in interpersonal relationships, in society, and precisely in such quantity and quality that bring satisfaction and a feeling of happiness to a person, and are not limited to patterns and stereotypes established by society.

Unlike other areas of self-realization and areas of life, social self-realization is based on the purely personal goals of the individual. Social self-realization consists in a person achieving that level of social status and satisfaction with his life that seems ideal for him specifically.

Social self-realization of an individual is largely connected with those social roles that include any of the possible social activities, for example, pedagogical, political, humanitarian, etc.

For example, social self-realization for women is often interpreted as the true, natural destiny of representatives of the fairer sex. Successful social self-realization in our society lies in a woman fulfilling her potential: meeting love, starting a family, becoming a mother. And for most women, such self-realization is a necessary component for feeling like a happy person.

Conditions for personal self-realization

There are a number of factors, in the absence of which the process of self-realization is impossible in principle, that is, we mean the conditions for self-realization of the individual.

First of all, these include the upbringing and culture of the individual. In addition, each society, each individual social group, a certain family system, develops its own standards and levels of personal development. This is also reflected in the educational processes, since each individual community will have a certain influence on the child, that is, the future full-fledged individual, instill in him its own culture of behavior, isolate character traits, principles, and even motivation for behavior.

Also, traditions, foundations, and even stereotypes accepted in the social environment have a separate influence on the possibility of self-realization for an individual, which often turns out to be the strongest.

Factors of personal self-realization

Certain innate personality characteristics are also important factors in self-realization. For example, psychologists describe a person capable of effective self-realization as an individual:
having freedom of action in any life situations;
feeling independent control over life;
mobile, having high adaptive resources;
acting spontaneously in decision making;
having creative potential.

But not all psychologists unambiguously interpret the above characteristics of a person as necessary traits, qualities, conditions for self-realization of an individual. Obviously, to achieve effective self-realization, it is not so much innate talent that is needed, but rather acquired personality traits such as determination, self-confidence, understanding of the goal, initiative, determination, hard work, vitality and energy.

Self-realization is possible at that level of human development when a person discovers and develops his abilities, realizes the priorities of his interests and needs, has a certain set of character qualities, and is ready to make certain volitional efforts. Therefore, the main condition for effective self-realization is also painstaking internal work on oneself, constant self-development and self-education.

Each personality is unique in its own way. The life path of an individual person can never be repeated. But if the length of our life is destined from above, then its width depends only on us. And here many people have a problem and it lies in the self-realization of a person as an individual. Some manage to find their niche, others spend their whole lives searching, and still others completely waste their best years. How to find yourself and reach your full potential? This is what we will talk about now.

Psychology of personal self-realization

Self-realization is not only a process of personal improvement and self-knowledge. This is also the result of constant growth and working with internal potential. People who were able to realize their inner resources are usually said to have achieved success in life. However, for this to happen, a person must constantly develop. Psychological problems of personal self-realization lie in the discrepancy between a person’s energetic and intellectual potential and the degree of its actualization. In other words, due to various life circumstances, the true potential of an individual may not coincide with the final result of its activities. This often leads to a feeling of dissatisfaction with one's life. Despite this, the need for self-realization remains in every individual, and this phenomenon has been studied by leading psychologists in the world for a long time.

In his research, S.L. Rubinstein came to the conclusion that the main mechanism of personality formation is motives. They manifest themselves in a person’s thoughts and actions. If, for example, a person takes responsibility, courage in making decisions and works with his fears, then subsequently these actions will take root in his consciousness in the form of certain character traits. As a result, all new properties will be connected into a single system, with the help of which a person will be able, or vice versa, will not be able to reveal himself.

K. Rogers identified two personality types:

  • fully functioning;
  • unadapted.

However, his other colleague S. Maddi compared several theories of personality and took the following characteristics of a full-fledged person as a basis for his research:

  • creativity – without it, personal fulfillment in life is impossible;
  • the “here and now” principle - includes the mobility of the individual, its high adaptability and spontaneity in decision making;
  • freedom of action in all life situations - a sense of control over your life.

Strategies for personal self-realization

Self-realization is a process that lasts throughout a person’s life. It becomes possible only when the individual himself realizes his abilities, interests and needs. In other words, a person’s entire life is built on a chain of actions aimed at self-realization and achieving life goals. To succeed in life, it is important to make efforts that consist of certain strategies. The implementation of these strategies is the main condition for personal self-realization.

As a person’s age changes, his needs change, which means that goals and life strategies also change. For example, in youth a person begins to decide on his choice of professional activity, and many at first begin to resolve issues of their personal life. When the first stage of self-realization has been achieved and a person has acquired a family and profession, correction and modification of strategies begins. When the need to acquire a position disappears, adaptation to this position, environment, etc. begins. As for the family, something similar happens there too. Strategies are chosen by the individual, taking into account age, character and needs. Although there are often cases when the “here and now” principle is triggered, when a person does not have time to think or the benefit of the action that comes up is obvious.

A reasonable question arises - what are the ways of personal self-realization? What tools does a person use to achieve social recognition and take his place in life? It's actually quite simple. Every day we reveal ourselves in work, in hobbies and interests, and recently a new way of self-realization has appeared - the global network and global information space. However, the main and main means through which a person’s full potential passes is creativity. Psychologists believe that only creative activity can lead a person to above-standard activity without pursuing any specific goal. In other words, creativity is a voluntary activity on which a person is ready to spend all his strength in order to express himself and his capabilities. But what motivates a person to work long and painstakingly on himself? These are generally well known and universal human values, needs and mechanisms.


Each personality is unique in its own way. The life path of an individual person can never be repeated. But if the length of our life is destined from above, then its width depends only on us. And here many people have a problem and it lies in the self-realization of a person as an individual. Some manage to find their niche, others spend their whole lives searching, and still others completely waste their best years. How to find yourself and reach your full potential? This is what we will talk about now.

Psychology of personal self-realization. Self-realization is not only a process of personal improvement and self-knowledge. This is also the result of constant growth and working with internal potential. People who were able to realize their inner resources are usually said to have achieved success in life. However, for this to happen, a person must constantly develop. Psychological problems of personal self-realization lie in the discrepancy between a person’s energetic and intellectual potential and the degree of its actualization. In other words, due to various life circumstances, the true potential of an individual may not coincide with the final result of its activities. This often leads to a feeling of dissatisfaction with one's life. Despite this, the need for self-realization remains in every individual, and this phenomenon has been studied by leading psychologists in the world for a long time.

In his research, S.L. Rubinstein came to the conclusion that the main mechanism of personality formation is motives. They manifest themselves in a person’s thoughts and actions. If, for example, a person takes responsibility, courage in making decisions and works with his fears, then subsequently these actions will take root in his consciousness in the form of certain character traits. As a result, all new properties will be connected into a single system, with the help of which a person will be able, or vice versa, will not be able to reveal himself.

K. Rogers identified two personality types:

  • - fully functioning;
  • - unadapted.

However, his other colleague S. Maddi compared several theories of personality and took the following characteristics of a full-fledged person as a basis for his research:

  • - creativity - without it, personal fulfillment in life is impossible;
  • - the “here and now” principle - includes the mobility of the individual, its high adaptability and spontaneity in decision making;
  • - freedom of action in all life situations - a sense of control over your life.

Strategies for personal self-realization.

Self-realization is a process that lasts throughout a person's life. It becomes possible only when the individual himself realizes his abilities, interests and needs.

In other words, a person’s entire life is built on a chain of actions aimed at self-realization and achieving life goals. To succeed in life, it is important to make efforts that consist of certain strategies.

The implementation of these strategies is the main condition for personal self-realization.

As a person’s age changes, his needs change, which means that goals and life strategies also change.

For example, in youth a person begins to decide on his choice of professional activity, and many at first begin to resolve issues of their personal life.

When the first stage of self-realization has been achieved and a person has acquired a family and profession, correction and modification of strategies begins. When the need to acquire a position disappears, adaptation to this position, environment, etc. begins.

As for the family, something similar happens there too. Strategies are chosen by the individual, taking into account age, character and needs.

Although there are often cases when the “here and now” principle is triggered, when a person does not have time to think or the benefit of the action that comes up is obvious.

Ways of personal self-realization. A reasonable question arises - what are the ways of personal self-realization? What tools does a person use to achieve social recognition and take his place in life?

It's actually quite simple. Every day we reveal ourselves in work, in hobbies and hobbies, and recently a new way of self-realization has appeared - the global network and global information space. However, the main and main means through which a person’s full potential passes is creativity. Psychologists believe that only creative activity can lead a person to above-standard activity without pursuing any specific goal. In other words, creativity is a voluntary activity on which a person is ready to spend all his strength in order to express himself and his capabilities. But what motivates a person to work long and painstakingly on himself? These are, as a rule, well-known and universal human values, needs and mechanisms:

  • - the need for respect and recognition in the group;
  • - the need for intelligence development;
  • - desire to start a family and offspring;
  • - the desire to achieve success in sports or simply become strong and healthy;
  • - the need for a prestigious profession and a job with good earnings; personality psychology self-development
  • - desire to constantly improve yourself and your abilities;
  • - desire to take a worthy place in life and in society;
  • - the desire to get rid of bad habits and raise the level of demands on oneself.

As you can see, the driving forces of personal self-realization are quite simple. But only when a person has already been able to achieve and satisfy more than half of these motives can we say that he is a full-fledged person. This means that the process of self-realization can go on to infinity.

Human ideals are priceless, but the pursuit of them is a thousand times more valuable.

Personal self-realization is the path that will lead you to understanding yourself

“Life is a process of constant choice. At every moment a person has a choice: either retreat or advance towards the goal. Either a movement towards even greater fear, fears, protection, or a choice of goal and growth of spiritual forces. Choosing development instead of fear ten times a day means ten times moving towards self-realization.”

Abraham Maslow

What is the first difference between humans and animals? The ability to think and build relationships with others like you? Get food by peaceful means, but also subjugate other people, the ability to analyze and build logical conclusions?

Yes, but still The main difference between a person and an animal is the desire to know oneself and their purpose in this world, and not just survival in it. And the search for the meaning of life often leads us to the need to know our “I”, which requires being realized in our own place in this world. But what is your “I”? The answer to this question will help you become a harmonious person, satisfied with your life. The process that leads to this result is called self-realization.

Self-realization of a person is a natural need, which is pointed out by psychologists A. Maslow, E. Fromm and Z. Freud. Some recognized a person’s right to consciously seek ways of self-realization, while others called this need unconscious - biological or instinctive. Most people see behind this process only the receipt of obvious advantages, such as wealth and fame, which we have talked about more than once. What are personalities?

The hierarchy of human values ​​is expressed in a pyramid built by psychologist A. Maslow. And at the top of this is precisely self-realization, called self-actualization by the indicated scientist.

Maslow's pyramid of human needs

Of course, the order in which needs are satisfied can be purely individual and depends on a number of factors, but it is obvious that wealth is only a means to satisfy other needs and cannot be the goal of a person’s self-realization. However, fame is also most often just recognition. And fame does not always come as a result of this. Can a person be realized if he has become famous, for example, because of a scandal in a public place? Is this his life goal? Most truly famous people remain unsatisfied and continue to search for themselves, having received all the dividends from their fame.

It turns out that a person’s self-realization is a search for oneself? Summarizing all existing scientific definitions, the answer is affirmative. But people have different paths, which is determined by the individual characteristics of each person. That is why psychology cannot offer a single model of personal self-realization for everyone. The ideal is considered to be diversified development, which leads to harmony in relationships with one’s “I” and with the outside world.

The greatest opportunities, according to psychologists, come from creativity. Exactly creative self-realization also contributes to personal development, and achieving many other goals, and most importantly, this path becomes individual. It is noted that often a person sets a goal to become like his ideal. Creative self-realization excludes this path, since in the process a person finds himself, reveals and develops his talent, and does not imitate someone else. It is impossible to find yourself in imitation, because this is just another role that a person tries on.

You should not deny the possibility of creative self-realization if you think that you have no ability for art. Creativity is a special approach to solving certain problems, a way of activity, and not the activity itself as such.

Personal self-realization is the path that will lead you to understanding yourself, satisfying your needs necessary to achieve mental comfort. And everyone has different ways of achieving such harmony...