Strong and weak positions of vowels and the composition of vowel phonemes in the Russian language. Strong and weak positions of vowels and consonants in the stream of speech

People do not use spoken sounds in isolation. They don't need it.
Speech is a sound stream, but a stream organized in a certain way. The conditions in which a particular sound appears are important. The beginning of a word, the end of a word, a stressed syllable, an unstressed syllable, a position before a vowel, a position before a consonant - these are all different positions. We will figure out how to distinguish between strong and weak positions, first for vowels, and then for consonants.

Strong position one in which sound appears in its basic form, when it is not subject to positionally determined changes.
For vowels, the strong position is under stress, and the weak position is unaccented..
In unstressed syllables, vowels undergo changes: they are shorter and are not pronounced as clearly as under stress. This change in vowels in a weak position is called reduction. Due to reduction, fewer vowels are distinguished in the weak position than in the strong position.

The sounds corresponding to stressed [o] and [a] after hard consonants in a weak, unstressed position sound the same. “Akanye” is recognized as normative in the Russian language, i.e. non-discrimination ABOUT And A in an unstressed position after hard consonants.

· under stress: [house] – [dam] - [o] ≠ [a].

· without accent: [d A ma´] -home´- [d A la´] -dala´ – [a] = [a].

The sounds corresponding to stressed [a] and [e] after soft consonants in a weak, unstressed position sound the same. The standard pronunciation is “hiccup”, i.e. non-discrimination E And A in an unstressed position after soft consonants.

· under stress: [m’ech’] - [m’ach’] – [e] ≠[a].

· without accent: [m’ich’o´m]- sword´ m - [m'ich'o´m] - ball´ m - [u] = [u].

· What about the vowels [i], [s], [u]? Why was nothing said about them? The fact is that these vowels in a weak position are subject to only quantitative reduction: they are pronounced more briefly, weakly, but their quality does not change. That is, as for all vowels, an unstressed position for them is a weak position, but for a schoolchild these vowels in an unstressed position do not pose a problem.

[ski´ly], [in _lu´zhu], [n’i´t’i] – in both strong and weak positions the quality of vowels does not change. Both under stress and in unstressed position we clearly hear: [ы], [у], [и] and we write the letters that are usually used to denote these sounds.

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Orthoepy. Phonetics. Graphic arts. Classification of sounds, transcription

ORPhoepia as a branch of the science of language.. orthoepic norms of the Russian language.. verbal and logical stress..

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Phonetics. Graphic arts. Orthoepy. Accentology
Phonetics (Greek Phone - sound) is a branch of linguistics in which the sound side of language is studied: the sounds of human speech, methods of their formation, acoustic properties,

Speech sounds
Speech sounds are the sounds that make up words. Speech sounds are the minimum sound unit that is distinguished by sequential sound division

The following symbols are used to indicate sounds
1. To distinguish a sound from a letter, sounds are enclosed in square brackets -. [a], [o], [l]. The entire transcribed text is enclosed in square brackets.

Vowels and consonants
Depending on the method of formation, sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. Vowel sounds consist only of the voice. When arr.

Vowels and consonants
1. During the formation of each specific sound, the movement of the speech organs is strictly individual. For example, when forming the sounds [d], [t], the tip and the front part

There are 36 consonant sounds in the Russian language, including 15 hard-soft pairs, 3 unpaired hard and 3 unpaired soft consonants

Voiced and voiceless consonants
Depending on the presence of voice, consonants are divided into voiced and voiceless. Sounds consisting of noise and voice are called bells: [b], [c], [d

Hard and soft consonants
Consonant sounds are divided into hard and soft sounds. The pronunciation of hard and soft sounds differs by the position of the tongue. Compare, for example

Speech sounds and letters. Alphabet
Sound speech in writing is conveyed using special graphic signs - letters. We pronounce and hear sounds, and we see and write letters. A list of letters in a specific order is called

Speech sounds and letters
1. In accordance with what sounds are indicated by letters, all letters are divided into vowels and consonants. There are 10 vowel letters:

Transcription is a special recording system that displays sound. The following symbols are used in the transcription: – square brackets, which indicate the transcription.

Vowels and consonants
Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. Vowels are sounds

Method of formation of consonants
Consonants are sounds, when pronounced, the air encounters an obstacle in its path. In the Russian language there are two types of obstructions: a gap and a bow - these are the two main ways of forming according to

Voiced and voiceless consonants
According to the ratio of noise and voice, consonants are divided into voiced and voiceless.

Indication of softness of consonants in writing
Let's take a break from pure phonetics. Let's consider a practically important question: how is the softness of consonants indicated in writing? There are 36 consonant sounds in the Russian language, including 15 pairs of hardness

Place of formation of consonants
Consonants differ not only according to the characteristics already known to you: · dullness-voicing, · hardness-softness, · method of formation: stop-gap. The last one is important

Strong-weak positions for consonants. Positional changes of consonants
For all consonants without exception, the strong position is the position before the vowel. Before vowels, consonants appear in their basic form. Therefore, when doing phonetic analysis, do not

Positional changes of consonants according to deafness-voicing
In weak positions, consonants are modified: positional changes occur with them. Voiced ones become voiceless, i.e. are deafened, and the deaf are voiced, i.e. call out. Positional changes observed

Assimilation of consonants
The logic is this: the Russian language is characterized by similarity of sounds if they are similar in some way and at the same time are nearby. Learn the list: [c] and [sh] → [sh:] – sew

Simplifying consonant clusters
Learn the list: wstv – [stv]: hello, feel zdn – [zn]: late zdc - [sc]: by the reins lnc - [nc]: sun

Letters and sounds
Letters and sounds have different purposes and different natures. But these are comparable systems. Poe

Verbal stress is the emphasis on one of the syllables in a word by greater voice strength and duration of pronunciation. In Russian the stress is free (various

Stress is the emphasis on a group of words, an individual word, or a syllable in a word. In Russian, the stressed element is pronounced with greater force, more distinctly and with more

Russian word stress (compared to other languages) has a number of features
1. In many languages, stress is fixed, constant, that is, stress is assigned to a certain syllable in a word. In French the accent is always on

Pronunciation of vowels
1. Vowels under stress are pronounced clearly: bor - [bor], garden - [sat]. 2. In an unstressed position, vowel sounds like

Pronunciation of consonants
1. Consonants paired in deafness-voicing can change their quality depending on their position in the word. Voiced consonants at the end of a word and before voiceless ones are deafened, i.e. pronounced

Pronunciation of consonant combinations
1. Combinations сж, зж, сш, зш at the junction of a prefix and a root, a root and a suffix are pronounced as long hard consonants [zh], [sh]: squeeze - [zh]at, lucky - ve[sh]ii, n

Pronunciation of endings -ого -его
At the endings of the -ого, -го genitive case of adjectives and masculine and neuter participles, the sound [в] is pronounced in place of the letter g: good - good [в

Pronunciation of borrowed words
1. Before the letter e in many borrowed words, the consonants [d], [t], [z], [s], [n], [r] are pronounced firmly: antenna - an[te]nna, model - mo[de]

Some accentological norms of the modern Russian language
1. In a number of feminine nouns of the 1st declension with an accent at the ending, the stress in the accusative case of the singular is transferred to the first syllable: head

Speech sounds are studied in a branch of linguistics called phonetics.
All speech sounds are divided into two groups: vowels and consonants.
Vowel sounds can be in strong and weak positions.
A strong position is a position under stress, in which the sound is pronounced clearly, for a long time, with greater force and does not require verification, for example: city, earth, greatness.
In a weak position (without stress), the sound is pronounced indistinctly, briefly, with less force and requires verification, for example: head, forest, teacher.
All six vowel sounds are distinguished under stress.
In an unstressed position, instead of [a], [o], [z], other vowel sounds are pronounced in the same part of the word.
So, instead of [o], a slightly weakened sound [a] - [wad] a is pronounced, instead of [e] and [a] in unstressed syllables, [ie] is pronounced - a sound intermediate between [i] and [e], for example: [ m"iesta], [h"iesy], [p"iet"brka], [s*ielo].
The alternation of strong and weak positions of vowel sounds in the same part of a word is called positional alternation of sounds. The pronunciation of vowel sounds depends on which syllable they are in in relation to the stressed one.
In the first pre-stressed syllable, vowel sounds change less, for example: st [o] l - st [a] la.
In other unstressed syllables, the vowels change more, and some do not differ at all and in pronunciation approach zero sound, for example^: transported - [p''riev'6s], gardener - [s'davot], water carrier - [v'davbs] (here ъ кь indicate an unclear sound, zero sound).
The alternation of vowel sounds in strong and weak positions is not reflected in writing, for example: to be surprised is a miracle; in the unstressed position, the letter is written that denotes the stressed sound in this root: to be surprised means “to meet with a marvel (miracle).”
This is the leading principle of Russian orthography - morphological, providing for uniform spelling of significant parts of a word - root, prefix, suffix, ending, regardless of position. The designation of unstressed vowels, verified by stress, is subject to the morphological principle.

There are 36 consonant sounds in the Russian language.
Consonant sounds of the Russian language are those sounds during the formation of which the air encounters some kind of obstacle in the oral cavity; they consist of voice and noise or only noise.
In the first case, voiced consonants are formed, in the second - voiceless consonants. Most often, voiced and voiceless consonants form pairs based on voicedness-voicelessness: [b] - [p], [v] - [f], [g] - [k], [d] - [t], [zh] - [ w], [z] - [s].
However, some consonants are only voiceless: [x], [ts], [h"], [w] or only voiced: [l], [m], [n], [r], [G]. Hard ones are also distinguished and soft consonants. Most of them form pairs: [b] - [b"], [v] - [v"], [g] - [g"], [d] - [d"], [z] - [z"], [k] - [k"], [l] - [l"], [m] - [m*], [n] - [n*], [p] - [p"], [r] - [r"], [s] - [s"], [t] - [t"], [f] - [f"], [x] - [x"]. Solids do not have paired sounds consonants [zh], [sh], [ts] and soft consonants, [h"], [t"].
In a word, consonant sounds can occupy different positions, that is, the location of the sound among other sounds in the word.
A position in which the sound does not change is strong. For a consonant sound, this is the position before the vowel (weak), sonorant (true), before [v] and [v*] (twist). All other positions are weak for consonants.
At the same time, the consonant sound changes: the voiced sound in front of the deaf becomes voiceless: hem - [patshyt"]; the deaf in front of the voiced becomes voiced: request - [prbz"ba]; the voiced one at the end of the word is deafened: oak - [dup]; the sound is not pronounced: holiday - [praz"n"ik]; hard before soft can become soft: power - [vlas"t"].

Course work

on the topic: “Root spellings.

Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word.”

Work completed:

Davydova Nadezhda Nikolaevna,

primary school teacher at school No. 1446

North-Eastern Administrative District.



If a sound is pronounced and heard clearly and can be meaningful, then it is in a strong position. The strong position for vowel phonemes is their position under stress. It is in this position that five vowel phonemes are distinguished: (i), (e), (o), (a), (u).

For example: salt - (o), rivers - (e), crushed - (a).

Stressed vowels are affected by preceding and following consonants.

ny, and therefore strong vowel phonemes appear in their different allophones. Such an impact is expressed in various kinds of movement of vowels across the formation zone or in the acquisition of a tense, closed character by the vowel.

Unstressed positions are weak for vowel phonemes. Weak vowel phonemes appear in these positions. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between the weak vowel phonemes of the first prestressed syllable and the weak vowel phonemes of the remaining unstressed syllables, since they are characterized by a different composition of allophones.

Let's compare the weak vowel phonemes (o), (e), (a) in the first pre-stressed syllable: glass (st^kan),

home (d^my), nickel (p'ietak). From the comparison it is clear that the weak vowel phoneme realizes

xia in the allophone (^) after a hard consonant and in the allophone (ie) - after a soft consonant. So

Thus, the vowels (^) and (ie) are allophones of one weak vowel phoneme.

The procedure for determining the main variant of a vowel phoneme:

  1. determine what position the vowel sound occupies in a word;
  2. if the position is weak, then it is necessary to select a related word or its form in which the vowel sound will be in a strong position, that is, under stress.

For example: (dragoy) - (d'or'k), on (v'i e tr'u) - (v'e't'r), (str^na) - (str'anna).

Although work is constantly being done in children's classrooms to improve children's literacy, it cannot be said that they never break spelling rules.

This is especially true for unstressed vowels of the root, verified by stress; windows-

meanings of nouns; not with different parts of speech; verb endings.

There is also a paradoxical fact that errors increase after learning the rule,

although before this the situation was favorable.

Let's try to determine the main reasons for spelling errors that schoolchildren make.

  1. There is a gap in schoolchildren’s learning of a spelling rule and the formation of their spelling skills: first, the rule is memorized, and then the techniques of its application are practiced. In this case, the necessary connections between the content and operational aspects of the orthographic action do not have time to form.
  2. The lack of formation of spelling actions according to the rule, when schoolchildren quickly answer the rule and even give their own examples, but in the dictation mistakes are made precisely on this rule. This happens because in a Russian language lesson, students theorize a lot, spend a lot of time memorizing the rules and monotonously practice applying them in writing.
  3. Consolidation in the student’s memory of the mistake made, which is not easy to correct later, since “...the primary own formulations, both successful and unsuccessful, even distorting the meaning of the reproduced text, turn out to be extremely persistent” (S.L. Rubinstein).
  4. Different types of activities of schoolchildren in the conditions of training exercises and testing (dictations). In the first case, missing letters turn out to be a signal about the application of the corresponding rule; When writing by ear, there are no such signals.
  5. Schoolchildren lack the ability to compare oral and written forms of speech and choose letters correctly under conditions of strong phonetic interference.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the range of issues related to the spelling literacy of schoolchildren. The concept of spelling literacy should reflect the ability of students to write independently or under dictation in accordance with program requirements, subject to the possibility of checking what they have written in any available way: using textbook rules and algorithms, dictionaries and reference books, seeking help from classmates and the teacher.

The concept of spelling literacy should reflect the ability of students to write independently or under dictation in accordance with program requirements, subject to the possibility of checking what they have written in any available way: using textbook rules and algorithms, dictionaries and reference books, seeking help from classmates and the teacher. We must strive not to achieve absolute literacy, which is observed more as an exception than as a rule, but to potential literacy, i.e., one whose basis is spelling ability. It includes the ability to observe the linguistic facts of written speech, is characterized by the degree of confidence and doubt when writing, the desire and the realized possibility of proactively checking “difficult” words. Speech skill at this level is determined by the presence of orthographic experience (knowledge + intuition) and orthographic action (a set of operations adequate to language norms).

Research by psychologists and didactics shows that the process of mastering literacy causes the formation of the most important intellectual skill necessary for a person in his professional activity - the ability of self-control. The general educational skill of self-control is the most important factor in increasing the spelling literacy of schoolchildren.

The formation of spelling skills should be considered in two interrelated plans:

1.) developing the ability of schoolchildren to compare oral and written speech and choose the correct spelling in conditions of strong phonetic interference between the writer and the dictater;

2) equipping students with rational techniques for studying and applying spelling rules within a tight time frame.

A Russian language teacher needs to know and be able to reduce sound interference.

1. He himself turns out to be the source of such interference. When reading the text of a dictation, the teacher draws students' attention to the sound side of speech to the detriment of the graphic side.

2. Each student, following the teacher, internally (“to himself”) repeats the text. The sound rather than the graphic form of speech is fixed in consciousness for the second time.

3. Serious interference occurs when translating the audio form of speech into a graphic form under an extremely strict time limit: the student needs to know the spelling rules, remember the one that is currently necessary, and have time to apply it.

4. Writing during dictation is also complicated by constant memory tension: the student must remember the text all the time, grasping it when the teacher reads it, and try to keep up with writing.

5. The main type of exercise, which involves placing the necessary letters instead of dots, does not prevent phonetic interference. This exercise is artificial in nature, since in speech practice a person deals with the translation of the audio form of speech into a graphic form in conditions of constant sound interference.

A system of measures should be developed to weaken the influence of phonetic interference when choosing the correct spelling.

First, the teacher weakens the internal interference that is associated with the translation of the student’s oral form of speech into its graphic equivalent. The first recording of a word that a student makes should be made based on a graphic image. The teacher shows and explains cases of discrepancy between the phonetic and graphic forms of a word, and also teaches the technique of orthographic pronunciation.

Gradual mastery of error-free writing.

Copying text, Spelling pronunciation and spelling analysis

Every elementary school student should be able to copy text without errors. From the very first days of school, a vocabulary teacher teaching in the fifth grade checks whether all students have mastered this skill. The text is offered without missing letters. The only task is to write it down without errors. The work is assessed as excellent if it contains no errors, and unsatisfactory if it has at least one error. The ability to pronounce the text is also tested, that is, to pronounce words as they are written. Speaking precedes the writing process. Students who make mistakes when cheating continue training until they master error-free cheating.

Along with simple copying, the dictionary offers cheating with spelling analysis.

In this case, the student chooses the text from a number proposed by the teacher. Here the needs, inclinations, and interests of each student are fully taken into account and the adverse impact of monotonous activities on his psyche is reduced. At the same time, the diverse cognitive interests of boys and girls can be taken into account. Already at this stage, the teacher can indicate spelling patterns that are difficult for each student, which will provide an individual approach to preventing spelling errors.

Let's consider options for tasks that can be offered to students for independent work.

1. When copying, rely on spelling pronunciation. Do a spelling analysis of the selected spellings.

All night it rustled and made noise, Whispered, went into the darkness, Flowed, broke, rustled And wanted to tell me something

To the sound of the rain, to the sound of the rain. And it seemed to me that someone, strictly counting the days that had passed away, stood at the dark threshold, irresistible, like alarm,

To the sound of the rain, to the sound of the rain. The dawn flared up misty, and begging and shaming,

And I tried to understand him,

I fell asleep and woke up

To the sound of the rain, to the sound of the rain.

(Sunday Christmas Day.)

2. Do a spelling analysis of the selected spellings. Encrypt “difficult” words, for example: dog - s..baka or s (o/a) tank. The assessment will be given after you write a vocabulary dictation based on the words you encrypted.

Every hour and a half in our country a child dies under the wheels of a car. Every year the road takes the lives of several thousand children and injures and maims several tens of thousands.

A boy died on the street of a Japanese city. No, he (didn’t) break the rules: he waited for the green light, raised his hand, as is customary in this country for children, and ran across the pedestrian crossing. At that moment, the boy was hit by a car... The injuries turned out to be too severe, and the last words of the boy, when he came to his senses before his death, were: “But I kept my hand raised, so why was he driving at me?!” The conclusion of the author of the article in the magazine where this case is described will seem unexpected to us: educating the child in the family and at school was completely wrong! It is not enough to follow the rules; you must be able to make sure that there is no real danger, look around the street and assess the situation.

An analysis of hundreds of cases of children on the roads showed that almost all of them - 95 percent - occur in just 30 repeating situations that can be recognized and foreseen.

Among the many habits necessary for the road, the main one is the ability to foresee the possible appearance of a previously hidden danger. A child who has such a habit, automatically, without thinking about it specifically, perceives any object that prevents him from inspecting the road as a “hiding object.” He’ll pause and look, “What’s that...?”

What an elementary habit, you say. And you'll be right. The trouble is that our children don’t have this habit... And as a result, the lack of this habit is associated with accidents in 15 situations - “limited view traps”, including running out in front of a bus standing at a stop (about 700 fatalities every year ), behind a standing tram (about 300 deaths annually). (From newspapers.)

Preparation of self-dictations.

The next stage is the preparation of self-dictations. Students are offered the following tasks, for example.

1. Find all the studied spellings. Perform a spelling analysis of these words. Encrypt them for self-dictation. Remember that the mark will be given only if you write the vocabulary dictation without errors.

Ancient armored personnel carrier

Ancient chronicles report that the Mongol commander Subudai Bagatur during the campaigns of Genghis Khan and Batu rested in a special metal carriage impenetrable by arrows. During excavations near the South Korean city of Busan, Japanese archaeologists recently discovered a two-wheeled enclosed metal chariot described as similar to an old Mongolian "armored personnel carrier." Chemical analysis of the metal showed that it was alloyed steel with the addition of tungsten and molybdenum. Its casing is strong enough: even a rifle shot cannot penetrate it. (From magazines.)

The teacher can also use texts to complete individual tasks, for example, for the first text a task on vocabulary is created, in the second it is asked to write numbers in words, after reading the third one - talk about the adjective as a part of speech, supporting the message with examples from the text. Punctuation and syntactic tasks may be proposed.

2. Insert the missing letters instead of the dots. Do a spelling analysis. Prepare a self-dictation card using these spellings. The work is assessed after writing the self-dictation.


A girl with a pussy sat in an electric train. Next to her is a nurse in a pink beret.., a grandmother with a basket, and in a basket.. - a cat. A fat boy with a book is chewing everything. The Station..ya Uskovo, the Station..ya (F/f) abrich..naya, the Station..ya (P/p) Erovo flow by - Gray buildings, Gray names. A girl with a pussy says to her fellow traveler: “How boring is this electric train! I wish we could drive past the Station.. and (V/v) atrushka, From the platform (S/s) Vinkino TO THE STOP..NOVK.. (H/x) ryushka!” And funny s.s.d.. In a pink beret...

Sprayed into my face

Grandmother with a basket

The boy forgot

About St.yu k..vri (f/w) ku,

Ex..people lived

Newspapers and v..zanye,

They began to think

New names.

What a laugh it was!

And after a minute

The train was moving

(On) the new route:

With (M/m) (t/d)

To the platform (L/l) ..monad.

And from the station..and (P/p)odushka

Up to the platform (R/R) folding bed!

Speaks to his neighbors

Fat toddler:

“Soon we will go...

At the station..yu (A/a) rbu..!”

Fun s.sedk..:

“Stan..I’m (B/b) heretical!”

The boy says:

“Stan..ya (K/k) ..lie (f/w) ka!”

And the important dad said:

“Stop station (Sh/sh) blooper!”

(V. Ivanova.)

If you have difficulty writing a self-dictation, you can turn to a spelling dictionary, a textbook rule, for help from your friends, a teacher, or to a version prepared at home. It is possible for children to work together in pairs (within the table). “Difficult” words are written down in the workbook and in the dictionary.

Repeated recording of a difficult word under conditions of positive motivation enhances the effect of consciousness control with the participation of the most active analyzers - visual and kinetic. This weakens the effect of the auditory analyzer, which in this case acts as interference. Transferring students to visual and motor levels of control turns out to be the most economical and effective means of developing spelling skills.

Recorded texts for self-dictation can be accumulated in the Russian language classroom. They can be repeatedly offered to test the developed spelling skill. In this way, the “bank” of didactic materials is constantly replenished. Students select and prepare texts for dictation themselves. At the same time, the cognitive interests of schoolchildren are taken into account. Thematic selections of texts are possible.

Development of interdicts.

To do this, it is necessary that schoolchildren master some techniques of joint learning activities. Special texts are prepared for working in pairs. Students are asked to explain the spelling of the highlighted letters; think about which letters are missing; you don’t need to insert them.

I. Not

I. (Not) in a hurry in the rain “What does a person do when pouring rain finds him on the streets... wonders ama

“Rican popular science magazine “Discovery.” “As right..lo, he’s trying to get to the nearest shelter as quickly as possible.” And this, the magazine writes, is (not) easy to do. It turns out that the faster you run, the faster you will get wet. Physicists came to this conclusion by calculating how many drops fall on a running and walking person. If you get caught in the rain, walk at a calm pace and you will get less wet - this is the conclusion of the study.

II. Treasure on ter/zhtori.. Kr..mlya

For centuries, the legendary Borovitsky Hill has attracted treasure seekers. But today the treasure of the ancient Moscow Castle, which had been kept since the time of Batu’s invasion, was returned.

Carrying out earthworks in the areas where the eastern defensive line of the ancient fortress, besieged by the hordes of Batu, passed, the builders came across a site of urban development of those years. When examining it, archaeologists discovered at a depth of six meters a wooden casket decorated with metal plaques.

sleep under the rain..wait “What does a man do when torrential rain stops him on the street? - asks the American popular science magazine “Discovery”. “As a rule, he tries ... to run to the nearest shelter as quickly as possible.” And this, the magazine writes, is not necessary. It turns out that the faster you press, the faster you get wet. Physicists came to this conclusion by calculating how many drops fall on a running and walking person. If you get caught in the rain, walk at a leisurely pace, and you will get less wet - this is the conclusion of the study.

II. Kla.. on the territory of the Kremlin

(In) over the centuries there have been treasure seekers... Borovitsky Hill, covered with legends. But today the land of the ancient Moscow Kremlin has returned to the land... which it had kept since the time of Batu’s invasion.

Carrying out excavation work in places where the drainage line of the ancient fortress, condemned by the hordes of Batu, passed, the builders stumbled upon a site of urban development.. of those years. When examining it, archaeologists discovered a wooden chessboard decorated with metallic plaques at the six-MoTrovaya depth.

It is easy to notice that each student is preparing to explain those spellings that his friend has missed. Errors in this case are excluded. During joint learning activities, schoolchildren explain to each other the spelling of missing letters or check each other's work, finding out Knowledge of the rules governing the spelling of missing letters. The results of such joint activities are monitored using an overhead projector: a vocabulary or dictation is offered, including words with missing letters. An excellent mark is given if each student in the pair completed the work without errors. When writing a dictation, students can turn to each other for help. This creates a sense of responsibility not only for the quality of one’s work, but also for the results of one’s friend.

Gradually, the teacher instructs students to prepare texts for the student’s interdictations. First, for those who cope with self-dictations without errors. These guys become teaching assistants. They select texts from newspapers and magazines, encrypt them in accordance with the instructions of the teacher; offer cards with tasks to their friend, and then check and evaluate the work. The teacher controls the activities of both. If the examiner does not follow the teacher’s instructions or misses a friend’s mistakes, then he is temporarily deprived of the right to prepare the text for the interdict. He is forced to carry out the tasks of other students. This approach supports healthy competition between the guys: everyone wants not to complete the task prepared by the other, but to cook it themselves and test the other.

This stage of joint activity of schoolchildren should be long-lasting. All students must master the ability to find studied spelling patterns in a text, encrypt them, write self- and mutual dictations without errors, and check the work of their comrades.

The development of texts and tasks for interdictation is of particular interest to boys, who, as a rule, do not like tasks according to the established pattern.

To maintain the achieved level of spelling literacy when working with encrypted texts, the teacher can use various reminders for students.

To write without errors.

1. Learn to copy any text without errors. Remember that the spelling very rarely matches the pronunciation.

Try to justify the choice of one letter or another, check according to the rule. Carry out a spelling analysis.

2. When reading newspapers, magazines, school textbooks, look for examples of the learned rule or words in which you previously made mistakes. Explain the spelling of these words, write them down in the “Difficult Words” dictionary, doing a spelling analysis (v..d (e/i/ya) noy - water - water):

3. Encrypt these words for self-dictation.

4. The next day, write down these words, choosing the correct spelling. If you have any difficulty, refer to the rule you learned or the dictionary. And only after that check using the unencrypted version.

5. Constantly copy out short texts (excerpts) from school textbooks, works you are studying, newspapers, magazines, and prepare for self- and mutual dictation.

Students who choose this method of developing spelling skills are exempt from other homework. The teacher can constantly monitor the children using individual cards.

Perhaps, only now can we move on to regular dictations conducted by the teacher, since the children have learned to compare oral and written forms of speech, to write without errors in the face of their own sound interference.

Systematic and consistent work begins to overcome the sound interference of the dictator. A new type of activity should not differ much from the already familiar training. The teacher warns students that they are starting to write down a text from dictation, that errors may appear, but they must try to make sure that there are as few errors as possible.

The text of the individual warning dictation is given for homework. Each student chooses a convenient way of working with the text:

1) copies the entire text;

2) writes down those words that he considers “difficult”:

3) conducts a spelling analysis with “difficult” words;

4) writes down the number of “difficult” words determined by the teacher on a separate piece of paper; this sheet can be used when writing a dictation.

The teacher can underline “difficult” spellings, and later encrypt them (known, with (ь/ъ) is).

Students receive an assignment for the text: prepare for the dictation in class, make sure you are prepared using the self-control sheet.

Let's give an example.

Three “gray robbers” We will talk about three “gray robbers” who are now thriving at the expense of man. They are united by high “rational” activity, the ability to adapt to a person, including easily escaping persecution.

For many years there has been a fight against the wolf and the gray rat - pasyuk. And the end of this war is (not) in sight. There are only temporary reliefs. The third robber is the gray crow. This is a relatively young Sinanthropus - this is the name given to animals that exist around humans and at their expense. In the last decade, the ...rona has (not) adapted poorly; its numbers have (not) usually increased. The gray crown is quickly taking over the urban environment. In green suburban areas, it destroys the nests of songbirds, kills young starlings, blackbirds and squirrels, deadening our gardens and parks.

The wolf is also gray and, perhaps, the most generally recognized “robber”. The history of the fight with him is much shorter than the history of his relationship with the person. The destruction by people of natural food - wild ungulates - turned the wolf into a consumer of livestock and determined a long-term war with the predator and its destruction in many countries. (146 words)

Control sheet.

Test yourself. Rewrite by inserting or selecting the necessary letters. If you have any difficulties, check the text and perform a spelling analysis of difficult words.

Speech,., prosperous, count..t, about (b/b) unit (i/e) t, ra (s/ss) convenient, pr.khposable (e/i) to be , w..dit, pr..trace (o/s) vaniye,, deprived.., temporary, relief, comparatively, young, with (i/e) nantrop, existing, the last ..heal, die..death.

Before the dictation, students hand in the blanks, and leave the self-control sheets (those with “difficult” words) in order to avoid mistakes in “difficult” words when writing the dictation. For the first dictation, you can allow the children to bring sheets of paper with a record of any number of words of the dictation in order to reduce the risk of mistakes, maintain confidence in their abilities, and not weaken interest in the work. If a student has doubts about the spelling of a word, and it is not among those written down, he should be allowed to look it up in a spelling dictionary or even be given a hint. The teenager writes this word not only in the dictation, but also in the sheet of “difficult” words. These sheets are submitted for checking along with the dictation.

Checking the dictation is preparation for further work.

1. If the text is written without errors, the work is scored five points.

2. Students’ preparation for dictation is analyzed: who copied the entire text, who wrote down “difficult” words and performed a spelling analysis.

3. A list of “difficult” words is compiled for schoolchildren’s individual work. The students helped the teacher in selecting these words. These are those that each of the children wrote down before the dictation on a self-control sheet, as well as those words whose spelling was specified in the dictionary during the dictation. Gradually, the range of such words for each student will be determined, and spelling work will cease to be spontaneous.

At the next stage of preliminary work with the text of the upcoming dictation, it is also offered to students for homework. However, you cannot copy the text. You can only perform a spelling analysis of “difficult” words and prepare a self-control sheet with a number of words determined by the teacher.

The teacher checks the children's home preparation for the dictation and a self-control sheet. An excellent grade is given to a student only if he did not use a hint, did not use a control sheet when writing, and wrote the dictation without errors. In case of doubt, the student can skip a letter, check it in a dictionary after the dictation, or refer to the textbook rule.

When students' literacy increases significantly and they acquire sufficiently strong skills in preliminary work with the dictation text, you can limit yourself to preliminary acquaintance with it 10 minutes before writing the auditory dictation. In this case, the student is allowed to write down 5-6 “difficult” words on a self-control sheet and use it during the dictation. It is necessary to gradually lead schoolchildren to give up writing out words, but allowing them to use a spelling dictionary a certain number of times. In this case, the student checks what is written in the dictionary, writes down the “difficult” word on the control sheet and writes it down in a notebook. At the end of the dictation, students hand in notebooks with dictation and checklists, which will help the teacher outline individual work to prevent spelling errors.

It is necessary to develop and support in schoolchildren the desire to constantly check themselves in the dictionary, which “will help create conditions for self-education. It is advisable to allow children to use a spelling dictionary during control dictations so that the risk of mistakes is completely eliminated and the student develops a sense of rejection of mistakes. When assessing such a dictation, take into account the children's reference to the dictionary and lower the mark based on those criteria that are optimal for this class. Ask strictly for mistakes. The student should know that he should only write correctly, check in any way (you can ask classmates or a teacher for help), and submit only fully checked work, since a mistake is easier to prevent than to correct.

Checking the dictation by the teacher should stimulate independent search activity in schoolchildren, form stable cognitive interests, and a sense of responsibility for the quality of the work performed. A variety of testing methods should ensure variability in the educational activities of schoolchildren, which implements an individual approach.

I. The usual method of verification. The teacher corrects the incorrect spelling, underlines the spelling and places the corresponding icon in the margins. At this stage, working on mistakes does not present any particular difficulties for the student: it is impossible to repeat the error, the student can only perform a spelling analysis, remembering the necessary rule and selecting the necessary examples. In this case, students’ work on mistakes is stimulated by systematic vocabulary dictations “Following the Trail of Errors.”

II. Unconventional verification methods.

1. The teacher does not correct incorrect spelling, but only emphasizes the spelling and puts in the margins the letter that should be written. This type of recording requires more complex independent activity from the student and allows the correct spelling to be imprinted in memory: you need to mentally transfer the letter into a word, which will allow you to remember the correct spelling. Then the student performs a spelling analysis.

2. The teacher does not mark errors in the word, but only puts the corresponding icon in the margin next to the line where the error was made. This option turns out to be quite difficult: schoolchildren often do not find the place of the incorrect spelling. Some children should be helped: spelling numbers or textbook pages with the rule are placed in the margins, and all incorrectly spelled words are underlined in the text.

It is necessary to gradually transfer students to a more complex level of independent work, which requires spelling vigilance: finding a word with an error, correcting it and spelling analysis.

3. Errors are not marked in any way, and at the end of the dictation the total number or types of spellings is indicated. The student can refer to the rules corresponding to these spellings and repeat the search for incorrectly spelled words. At this stage, the teacher writes down all the student’s mistakes on a control sheet (card): a) without missing letters, b) encrypted in any way (c..yes, c..yes). Using the proposed card, students correct errors in the text, and then conduct a spelling analysis. These words should also be written down by schoolchildren in the Difficult Words dictionary. Based on such work, the teacher should create vocabulary dictations and conduct them regularly.

At all stages of error correction and prevention, joint activities of students can be organized, in which the individual capabilities of each student in preventing errors are strengthened and interest in this type of work is strengthened.

Individual preventive dictation is a system of measures aimed at preventing students’ spelling (and punctuation) errors.

A high level of literacy among schoolchildren can be achieved under conditions of an individual approach, when not only typical, but also individual errors and the reasons for their occurrence are prevented. Each student should keep a sheet (notebook) of “difficult” words and regularly create vocabulary self-dictations for themselves in order to ensure the maximum possible number of spellings of these words. At the same time, error-free writing and the desire to check what is written in any available way should be encouraged, for example, you can reduce the amount of homework or completely abandon it, you can also transfer some students to teacher assistants to monitor and evaluate the performance of various works by students in the class. Of course, these teenagers must constantly confirm the achieved level of literacy, and for this they should regularly (once a week) be offered cards with individual spelling and grammar tasks. Students who fail to complete the assignments will be transferred back to normal working conditions. Thus, the group of teaching assistants will be mobile, and getting into it will be competitive. In this way, students will develop a sense of responsibility for the results of their work, maintain a healthy spirit of competition, captivating boys and girls and ensuring sustainable cognitive interest in the subject.

Working with the proposed system significantly improves students' literacy. And many of them master almost error-free writing.

Practical work.

In my work with children, first of all, I rely on expanding their vocabulary, as well as on various exercises aimed at developing spelling vigilance. A very important point in working with spelling patterns is constant and systematic work in this direction. For example, at the beginning of the lesson you can offer a number of words, after reading which you need to compare them, find a common spelling, name the topic of the lesson.

For example: soft, wall, howling, sharp, pouring.

2. Divide words into parts, depending on spelling.

3. Formulate the topic of the lesson using the largest number of words and

Spelling in these words.

Work on vocabulary begins from the first minutes of the Russian language lesson at the stage of penmanship.

For example: g k ga ik ge ka

2. Make up words that begin with these letters and syllables.

(Russian language 1st grade).

Work on words with the same root in a simpler version begins already in the first grade.

For example: The crow missed the crow.

2. Explain how words in a tongue twister are similar.

3. Come up with a chain of similar words.

Already from the first grade, vocabulary words are given, which, in part, can be checked by selecting cognate words with the same root.

For example: morko. .b, p.. rot, thief.. hit, v.. rona, etc..

Task: 1. Select test words in which the letters you are looking for will be clearly audible.

Similar work is carried out in subsequent lessons; it becomes a habit for children; they gradually develop the need to select related words and make comparisons based on the similarity of sound:

For example: Kitten - cat, cat; The girl has a braid - braids; wear – wears, they wear; skating rink - rolling; thin - thin; The rope is thick - the thread is thin; young - young - young; milk – milk soup, etc.

It is very important at the very first stage of learning the Russian language to introduce the rule of spelling words when writing them down, especially those words that cannot be verified using related words. By pronouncing, children learn the letter composition of endings.

The rule about zhi, shi intersects with the verification of unstressed vowels: there are often cases when students write in these combinations and instead of e -, ... (as if according to the rule). In these cases, it is necessary to apply the method of checking using stress: yellow, rustling, whispering; the last word is checked in the dictionary. Schoolchildren must remember that in combinations zhi, shi is opposed only to the sound [s].

Errors on zhi, shi, cha, sha, chu, schu are very stable. Therefore, it is recommended to systematically, approximately once every two weeks, repeat both the rule and the practical solution to the problem (orally or in writing).

For example: The mouse says to Murka:

Well, then let's play blind man's buff.

Blindfold your eyes with a scarf

And catch me later.

(S. Marshak)

Task: find words in the texts with combinations shi, zhi, cha, chu.

On the topic “Spelling zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, shchu,” a general lesson is held in the post-ABC period, in which the rules are repeated, and the spelling vigilance developed over two to three months is tested - the ability to quickly and accurately detect these in the text and in words combinations, an orthographic analysis of 10 - 20 words with the combinations zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, shu (orally) is carried out, a few words and a small sentence are written down.

Emphasis. This topic is very important for mastering the spelling topic that runs through the entire spelling course: spelling unstressed vowels in the root of a word, in a prefix, in a suffix, in an ending. The success of testing unstressed vowels depends primarily on the ability to hear stress and detect unstressed vowel sounds.

For example: 1. Teacher demonstration - the teacher pronounces the word syllable by syllable, the children repeat after the teacher.

2. Observation of the movement of the speech organs: there are as many syllables in a word as the number of times the mouth opens, i.e., the lower jaw drops.

3. Division into syllables according to the number of vowels in a word.

For example: 1. Pronounce words with emphasis on the stressed syllable.

2. Find unstressed vowels in words.

3. Spell the words (as we write them), then pronounce them

Orthoepic, according to literary norms (as we say).

To increase the level of children's knowledge, not only children's reading techniques are systematically checked, but also the volume and content of books read. A direct pattern can be drawn: children who read a lot make much fewer spelling errors than children who read little.

  1. Strong and weak positions of vowel phonemes.
  2. Reasons for students violating spelling rules.
  3. Formation of spelling skills.
  4. Gradual mastery of error-free writing:
  1. Copying text, spelling pronunciation and spelling analysis.
  2. Preparation of self-dictations.
  3. Development of interdicts.
  4. Prepared auditory dictation.
  5. Ways to correct mistakes in dictation.
  1. Practical work.
  2. Bibliography:
  1. The most complete course of the Russian language /Auth. – N.N. Adamchik. – Minsk: Harvest, 2007. – 848s.
  2. Rosenthal D.E.

Russian language. Collection of exercises and dictations: For schoolchildren Art. classes and entering universities/LLC

"Publishing house "World and Education", 2007.

  1. Lvov M.R.

Spelling in primary grades: Guidelines for all topics of Russian language programs. - Tula: LLC

“Publishing house “Rodnichok”; M. LLC "Publishing House Astrel", LLC "Publishing House AST", 2001. - 256 pp. - (Teacher's Library).

  1. Sidorenkov V.A.

In-depth study of the Russian language: Book. For the teacher: From work experience. - M.: Education, 1996. - 271 pp.: ill. - ISBN 5-09-005973-X.

  1. Levushkina O.N.

Vocabulary work in primary grades: A teacher's manual. - M.: Gummanit. Ed. VLADOS Center, 2004.- 96 p.- (B-primary school teachers).

  1. Lvov M.R. and etc.

Methods of teaching Russian in primary school:

Textbook for pedagogical students. Inst. on special. No. 2121

“Pedagogy and methods of primary education” / M.R. Lvov,

T.G. Ramzaeva, N.N. Svetlovskaya.- 2nd ed., revised.- M.: Education, 1987.- 415 p.


  • handout cards with omission of weak position spellings,
  • notebooks,
  • textbooks,
  • spelling dictionaries,
  • markers.

A fragment from A. Milne’s work “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All” is drawn on the board, and a fragment from the cartoon is prepared. Children sit in groups of four.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

U. Hello! Today in the lesson we must consider cases when a sound is in a strong position and when it is in a weak position. We sit down correctly, put our notebooks on an angle, write down the number and “Cool work.”

II. Calligraphy

U. Look at the board, we are writing the elements in conjunction with the lowercase letter "o". Write one line in your notebooks.

Children complete the task in their notebooks.

III. Repetition work

U. How do you understand what a dangerous place is and where it can arise?

D. A dangerous place can occur in any part of a word. To check the spelling at the root of a word, you need to select a word with the same root, in which a strong sound would appear in place of a weak sound.

U. With the help of related words, can you check spelling only at the root or in different parts of the word?

D. In other parts of these words, such spellings cannot be checked, since these parts in related words may be different. A dangerous place for errors is a place when we hear one sound and write another letter.

U. What error-prone places do you already know?

D. For vowel sounds, when the sound is in a weak position, i.e. no emphasis falls on it. D For consonant sounds, when they are nearby, there are no “wizard” sounds among them.

U. What are these magical sounds?

D. These are sonorant sounds [l, m, n, r, y"] and another sound [v]. If a consonant comes before these sounds, then we can safely write down the consonant letter, and if there are two consonant sounds and none of them not a "wizard", then a dangerous place arises.

D: For example, in the word shu__ka, two consonant sounds met, they came into play - the second deaf consonant “commands” - [k] It seems to deafen the consonant in front.

U. Guys, let's say this word in unison.

D. Children say [shupka] in chorus.

U. Who agrees with the reasoning?

D. Children record their opinion by pointing with their fingers: yes “+”, no “-”.

U. Everyone shows “+”, and one child “-”. Why don't you agree with the children?

D. D I understand that if one of these consonants is voiced, then the one in front will also be voiced.

U. Okay. Let's do this research work together.

Children write down the sound model of the word [shupka] in their notebooks.

D. Can you prove it to me?

U. Prove it. Go to the board.

D. At the root of the word, we have two consonants next to each other. The second consonant sound [k], it seems to deafen the consonant in front. When we pronounce, we hear the sound [p], it is in a weak position. According to the law of Russian writing, I check the weak position of a consonant by the strong [fur coat], => and in the word fur coat I will write the letter “b”, fur coat.

U. What kind of alternation is this?

D: This is a positional alternation of sounds [b] / /[n].

U. Who can find a word in which the consonant is voicing?

D. We find it difficult.

D . I have a note from my mother with a “request...”, it seems to me that when we pronounce this word - [proz"ba", we hear the sound [z"], and my mother wrote to me - a request.

U. Okay. In this case, the consonant sound is voicing. This is a dangerous place. Let's choose a related word where this sound will be in a strong position (by changing the word).

D Maybe the word ask would be appropriate? Here is the positional alternation of sounds [z" / /s"].

U. There is a recording on the board (sound model of words).

[ prose "ba", [PRAS "I T" ]

U. What sounds alternate?

D. Vowel sounds [o / /a] and consonant sounds [z" / /s"].

IV. Working with Study Book No. 2.

Task No. 1. page 11. Complete sentences that contain words with the opposite meaning.

U. Write it down yourself, put an emphasis, circle the desired letter.

At this time, the teacher gives each team a task, and the children begin to work in a group.

Group I: “Radish is bitter, and carrots are ________________.”

Group II: “The sour cream is thick, and the milk is _____________.”

Group III: “The stone is heavy, and the fluff ______________.”

Group IV: “The road is wide, and the path is _____________.”

Group V: “The moon is big, and the star is ______________.”

The children completed the task in groups and from each team one person comes to the board with their answer cards. The remaining groups check and supplement representatives from each team.

U .Can you check all the spellings of the weak position by changing the word?

D. Only those that are at the base of the word.

U. Why?

D.T. because when a word is changed, the base does not change.

U.Where can’t we check?

D. In the ending, because when the word changes, the ending changes. Our team had the word sweet_ (berry) Weak position in the root of the word, we check with the word sweet, sweet. The second weak position in the ending, one test word is enough, in which the sound in the ending is in a strong position: sweet A I'm evil A I.

Children point their fingers “+” (agree).

D: We had the word zh_k_e. Liquid - spelling of a strong position And, checked according to the rule: zhi - shi write from And . The spelling of the weak position in the root of the word, we selected the test word liquid. The second weak position in the ending, we check with a word in which the sound in the ending is in a strong position: liquid_e- young.

Children check the first two words when they go to the board; the rest of the children use special signs to demonstrate their agreement or disagreement.

After working on each word, the teacher pays attention to the method of checking. The guys checked the first two tasks together at the board. And the rest are invited to do a cross-check between the groups.

V. Work on the sound “shell” of a word

U. Make a diagram of strong and weak positions for the word carrot.

D. The first sound is [m], it is in a strong position, because it is followed by a vowel.

D. The second sound [a], it is in a weak position, because no emphasis falls on it.

D. The third sound [r] is in a strong position, because This is the sound of "wizard", he will always be in a strong position.

D. The fourth sound is [k], it is in a strong position, because it is followed by a vowel sound.

D. The fifth sound is [o], it is in a strong position, because he is under stress.

U. What can you say about the sixth sound? (say in chorus) children (in chorus) - [markofka]

D. We hear and pronounce the sound [f], because there are two consonant sounds nearby and the second dull sound [k] subdues the consonant that stands in front of it and deafens it.

U. Who wants to write a diagram on the board and finish the analysis?

D.(at the board) make a diagram:

V_VVV_V_, darkness, the sound [k] is in a strong position, and the sound [a] is in a weak position. The word is spelled mor-kov-ka, because it refers to a dictionary word and can be looked up in the dictionary.

U. You need to write down the letter model of the words, distributing them in two columns. In the first column, write the words where the weak positions are at the root of the word. In the second column, where the weak positions are at the end.

This is the first part of the task that children complete independently.

VI. On the board there is a sound model of words:[KHAD" I T "], [GRACH" I], [SHYNA], , [R" E P A], [S V" I CH" A]

T: - Let's check the task.

Two people come to the board and write down:

D: Words with a weak position at the root (letter with holes)

H_dit, gr_chi, z_mlya, sv_cha

D. Weak position at the end:

D. We They wrote down the words in their column (lists): walk - move, rooks - rook, earth - earth, candle - candles. I am writing a letter in a strong position.

U. Children, do you agree with the work?

D. I came up with two words: tire, turnip.

U. Thank you.

VII. Working with a textbook.

U. In A. Milne's book "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All" the owl lived in the magnificent Chestnut Castle. Under the bell she had announcements:

Why are the same words written differently in two advertisements?

D. (in chorus) The owl does not know the basic rule of the Russian language.

D . N We do not agree with Sova. The word [attryvay "ut] is written open, a weak position in the prefix. We know the prefix from, you can check it with the word vacation (Corrects the mistake with a felt-tip pen).

D. There is another mistake, it is written Owl, a fundamentally weak position. Let's check with the word - owls.

U. Look at the second ad. (Children read carefully).

D .N If you don’t agree with what the owl wrote, I ask for the floor. Weak position in the root of the word, you can check it - please. The letter o is written.

We found another mistake in the word [pad "orgat"]. Weak position in the prefix, we know the prefix by, we can check it with the word above.

D: go to the board and correct mistakes in the announcements (with a felt-tip pen).

U . You did you find all the errors?

D . All.

U . Write these announcements on the blank lines.

Option I – records the first announcement.

Option II - records the second announcement.

U. The lesson is over. How did you understand what we were working on?

D . We looked at strong and weak positions for vowels and consonants.

D. We understood: a sound in a weak position is denoted by the same letter that denotes a sound in a strong position in this word.

VII. Homework.

U. Thank you for the lesson.


M.P. Romaneeva. L.A. Sukhovershina, Moscow. 2006 Study book no. 2 In Russian.

If a sound is pronounced and heard clearly and can be meaningful, then it is in a strong position. The strong position for vowel phonemes is their position under stress. It is in this position that five vowel phonemes are distinguished: lt;иgt;, lt;еgt;, lt;оgt;, lt;аgt;, lt;уgt;. For example: salt - [o], rivers - [e], crushed - [a].
Vowels under stress are influenced by preceding and following consonants, and therefore strong vowel phonemes appear in their different allophones. Such an impact is expressed in various kinds of movement of vowels across the zone of formation or in the acquisition of tension and a closed character by the vowel.
The vowel [m] is an allophone of the phoneme lt; иgt;, and not an independent phoneme of the Russian literary language. Such position[s] are defined:
  1. there is no other difference between [and] and [s] other than the anterior-interior zone of formation, which depends on the softness-hardness of the preceding consonant;
  2. and [s] cannot appear in the same phonetic position: [and] appears only after a soft consonant, and [s] - only after a hard consonant;
  3. in cases where the initial sound [and] is in a position after a hard consonant, [s] is pronounced in its place: [and]shchet - [sleuth]schik, [i\zby - [v-y]zbu, [and] go - po[d-y]gom.
Unstressed positions are weak for vowel phonemes. Weak vowel phonemes appear in these positions. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between the weak vowel phonemes of the first prestressed syllable and the weak vowel phonemes of the remaining unstressed syllables, since they are characterized by a different composition of allophones.
Let's compare the weak vowel phonemes lt;оgt;, lt;еgt;, lt;аgt; in the first pre-stressed syllable: glass [stkkan], home [dkmdy], nickel [p’ietak\, in the spring [v’iesndy]. From the comparison it is clear that the weak vowel phoneme lt;agt; is realized in the allophone [l] after a hard consonant and in the allophone [ne] - after a soft consonant. Thus, the vowels [l] and [i3] are allophones of one weak vowel phoneme.
Weak vowel phonemes lt;цgt; and lt;уgt; in the first pre-stressed syllable they are realized in the same allophones as the strong phonemes lt;цgt; and lt;уgt;. For example: lt;иgt;: [player], [wine], [dive "at'], [syrdk], [s'in'et']; lt;уgt;: [fell], [trigger], [l 'ubdy], [kur"ipG], [l'ub'it'].
In the remaining unstressed syllables, weak vowel phonemes lt;оgt;, lt;еgt;, lt;аgt; are realized in allophones [ъ] after hard and [ъ] after soft consonants. For example: in the second pre-stressed syllable: urban [gurktskaya], gardener [sadkvdt], timber carrier [l’ysAvds], mutiny [m’t’iezha], translation [p’r’ievdt]. In an unstressed syllable: issued [vyd'l], city [gdr't], pull out [vyt''nu], take out [vyn''su].
In the remaining unstressed syllables, the phonemes lt; иgt; and lt;уgt; the same as under stress.
The procedure for determining the main variant of a vowel phoneme:
  1. determine what position the vowel sound occupies in a word;
  2. if the position is weak, then it is necessary to select a related word or its form in which the vowel sound will be in a strong position, that is, under stress. For example: [dragdy] - [ddrak], on [v’ietru] - [v’bt’yr], [strkna] - [countries].