A humorous physical education lesson for a homecoming evening. Comic exam for alumni meeting

Physical education lesson scenario.
For each correct answer - a token, at the end a summing up, presentation of medals!
Teacher: Hello dear graduates! I'm your new teacher. My name is__________
- Using modern super-innovative technologies, I have developed a multi-integrated lesson using physical education and music lessons. The topic of our lesson: “School day"
- What do you think we will do today? Students:...(answer)
Teacher: Yes, of course, and the main goal of our lesson is to get a good mood and a boost of energy for the whole year. And for this we need:
- a sea of ​​imagination, a bowl of skills, is everyone ready?
Teacher: And let's start our lesson with the most interesting thing, with a warm-up. And so you now carefully execute the commands:
- Class, level up, at attention, at ease!
- Class right, left, around - 2 times. March in place with your left foot, stand in place 1-2.
Teacher: Yes, you did this task very well, but now you are given a very difficult task. To start completing the task, pay for the first and second. The first number is 4 steps forward, the second one is in place. The first number is all around.
Now listen carefully: you need to line up in ranks according to the size of your legs, starting with the smallest one who is faster. Ready, march.
- by hair color, starting with the lightest;
- by eye color, starting with the darkest;
- across the width of the shoulders, starting with the widest;
- by the number of hairs on the head, starting with the hairiest.
Teacher: It’s very nice that today there are smart students in our lesson. Well, now it’s not enough - an outdoor game. We will all now line up in one line, according to height. And you will carry out the tasks that I will show, and I will say something else, whoever makes a mistake takes a step forward, and at the end of the game, we will see who is the most attentive. The one who remains in place will be the most attentive. Ready, let's start.
- I say (hands to the sides), show (hands on the belt),
- I say (hands up), show (hands down),
- I say (tilt to the left), show (tilt forward),
- I say (hands on the belt), show (hands on the shoulders),
- I say (sit down), show (jump on one leg)
- I say (lean forward), show (turn around)
- I say (hands behind the head), show (arms along the body).
Teacher: Well, you are just great. And here’s another interesting game: “Throw, catch, tell me which one.”
Let's all stand in a circle, I will throw the ball and name the object. Having caught it, you throw it back, calling what it is. For example, mom is kind, the ball is rubber.
It is advisable not to repeat adjectives. Ready, let's start.
Teacher: Well, now, the most interesting part of the lesson is the musical part. You and I will do a musical warm-up, try to repeat after me the movements to the music.
Music is playing.
Teacher: You worked a lot today and some of you showed excellent knowledge and now we will sum up the results and present medals. Presentation of medals according to nominations.

Girls, I come to you with a request. I have a 10th anniversary reunion in a month. It will take place in a cafe, and there will be 20 of us, and even at school we were not very friendly. I kindly ask you to suggest competitions for holding or games or something else in the comments.

Thank you in advance


Everyone sits down at the table.


We haven't seen each other for many years, friends,
Everyone has their own destiny:
Work, hobbies, family -
There are a lot of worries in life that have accumulated!

But despite this, we are together
And the evening of the meeting united us again,
And our eyes are full of joy,
And again the road to the past has opened!

Let's remember our school years
And let's have a wonderful evening,
But first, I offer you a toast to our meeting!


Remember... On September 1st at school, the class teacher always asked us during the first lesson how we spent our holidays...
we all talked about ourselves.
Of course, today we all want to know who, what happened... who? Where? How? with whom? How many?
Now we will share everything together.



Let's happily drink a glass for the meeting,
Let it happen again and again
For a wonderful, most beautiful evening,
What fun gives us now!

"Chamomile" with tasks
Those who wish come to the presenter, tear off the petal with the task and complete it.

Tell a joke
Make all the people laugh!

We are waiting for a funny toast from you,
Although it may not be easy!

Who is the hottest brunette here?
Hug him - my advice to you!

Who are all your blondes?
Kiss him right now!

Lucky number for you -
We'll pour you 100 grams, my friend!

I don't think there's any need to be embarrassed...
After all, you got Lambada!
Will you dance it for us?
To the musical clamor!

Climbing up on a stool,
Forgetting how old we are!
Tell us any poem,
Prove that there is no sclerosis!

Scratch your back
To everyone who craves kindness!

Your task will be to
To treat all the ladies with wine!

Drink to brotherhood, my friend
Hurry up with your neighbor!

Give us a riddle
This is necessary for order!

Don't refuse our request -
Sing us a song from your heart!
You are like a little doll
Congratulate all guests now!
Have a nice moment everyone
Provide this!

Your task is simple -
Eat and drink while standing!

Game Good Woman
To conduct this competition you will need at least one man-woman pair and at least two scarves. The man and woman are blindfolded with a scarf. They are placed in different corners of the room. The girl is given a glass in one hand and a snack in the other. And she must bring it all to the man and pour it into his mouth. If there are a lot of people playing, then you need to focus on the voice. It's a lot of fun.

Game of forfeits

Turn on your imagination and imagine an airplane with the sounds of bzzhzh, weeeeee, and run around the house.

Go out onto the balcony and shout “People! I love you so much!

Take a special group photo. The participant’s task: to arrange all the guests in unusual positions, etc.

Greet every guest and give everyone a compliment.

Have a drink with the person standing on the right, at the “Bruderschaft”.

For each guest, name 3 qualities that the participant likes about him.

Tell a funny joke.

Raise one leg and wave your arms to jump to the opposite corner, shouting “I am a butterfly”!

Press three matches between your lips and imitate someone present

You are a foreigner, try to make a toast in Russian.

Imagine that you are a tangerine addict trying to quit your addiction.

With completely different intonations (good, sad, angry, joyful) say the expression “Ololoshenki-lolo!”

Draw the Statue of Liberty with a bottle in her hand.

Dance the little ducklings dance

Perform the dance of white swans, with a neighbor on the left

Come up with a short wish for everyone sitting at the table

Say with a serious look - “Misha, Misha the bear, teach me to fart”

Table massage:

We’ve been sitting here for over an hour, we’re still eating and sitting, we’re still sitting and eating. And the school would have had a warm-up long ago. Who remembers the simplest warm-up?

We wrote, we wrote,
Our fingers are tired
Now we'll rest
And let's start writing again.

Raise your hand who would like to have a lot of money (guests raise their hands). Now raise your hand, those who would like to have more money than your boss. Now raise your hand, those who would like to have as much money as the president.
And now I’ll tell you a magic recipe. Rub your palms until they become hot. Rubbed? And now rub your chest with these hot palms... (pause) ... You feel... how the toad lets go!! Now let's drink to everyone having as much money as they want!!

This game was successfully tested in one of the clubs in our city. Four volunteers are called, two teams are made up of them, and more can be called. One of the players in each team is a “mummy”, and the second is a “mumiator”. The essence of the game: the “mummifier” must wrap the “mummy” with “bandages” as quickly as possible. Toilet paper is usually used as bandages. Crowd fun guaranteed! After winding, you can perform the reverse operation by winding the paper back into the roll.

To be honest, we played trickle 5 times and it was a lot of fun!!

Yesterday, classmates called out on the social network: “Guys, our graduation is 15 years old! Let's get ready!" How amazing it is... 15 years have passed. It seems like time has flown by in an instant! And at the same time, so many things have happened since we left school and entered adulthood... Honestly? Was not at the Homecoming Evening never. And then it just came over me and I wanted to see you, to stir up these memories...

According to tradition, the ceremonial part will take place at the school, and then it was decided to gather in a cafe. I wanted to make this evening special, full of pleasant memories. I started looking for suitable ones competitions on the Internet, but nothing was found. Everything is the same type, somehow soulless... And it was decided to compose the holiday program myself :) I hope it will be useful to you too. There is still time to prepare. Alumni reunions are usually held on the first Saturday in February. The competitions described below may also be included in scenario presenter, why not...

Magic ball of memories

Together with a classmate, with whom we were friends during our school years and loved to fool around, we decided to dress up as wizards: put on caps (the kind, you know, for birthdays), pick up “magic” wands and a “magic” glass ball (any symbolic toy will also do).

At the very beginning, even before reincarnation, stand up and say:

- Remember, school “Ogonki”? Just like now, we got together and organized fun competitions and dances. Let's go back to those years, play and have fun!

And here we change clothes and go out in the guise of wizards:

— We brought a glass ball with us. This ball is not simple, but magical. He is able to revive memories and transfer a person’s memory several years ago! Anyone who picks it up will remember the most vivid event from his school life that has stuck in his memory (it could be a prank, a joke, or, conversely, something touching and sincere).

Those sitting at the table take turns passing each other a ball (or another “magic” symbol) and name a bright event from school life that they remember.

School forms

I don’t know about you, but at school we often created questionnaires and gave them to our classmates to fill out. There was no Internet, we had fun as best we could 🙂 The questionnaires often contained provocative questions like: “Who do you like best from your class?”, “The girl you kissed for the first time?” etc. But there were also normal questions, like: “Favorite band”, “Favorite eye color”. I carefully keep these questionnaires, and the idea came to me to also use them at the alumni meeting evening at one of the competitions.

The competition can be organized in the form of a quiz. For each correct answer: chocolate candy, for example. Examples of questions:

  • What was (name of classmate who filled out the questionnaire) favorite eye color in 7th grade?
  • Which girl did (classmate’s name) like in 9th grade?
  • Which popular performer was (name of classmate) favorite in 5th grade?

And so on. The first right to respond is given to the author (the one who filled out the questionnaire). Tastes at school changed frequently, so it is unlikely that he will remember the correct answer. If you make a mistake, the right to answer goes to your classmates. He answered himself - he gets some candy. (The classmate who answered correctly also receives candy.)

Lie detector

A classmate sits on a chair and a “detector” is attached to it. You can get creative and, for example, hang some tinsel or throw on some kind of cloak. In a word, reincarnate :)

The presenter asks tricky (and not so tricky) questions. Examples of questions:

  • Have you ever skipped physics?
  • Have you ever corrected two marks in your diary?

Social survey

A similar competition can be held in the form of a “social survey”. Classmates sit at tables and simply raise their hands when it comes to them. Examples of questions:

  • Who has ever skipped physics at school?
  • Who regularly corrected deuces in the diary?

The most active ones are given prizes for honesty.

Photo competition

I found the idea on the Internet, but have not yet figured out how best to use it. The meaning is:

  • In advance, you need to take children's photographs from your classmates and make a slide show from them. During the evening of the meeting, photographs are displayed on the monitor. Those present need to guess who it is (write it on pieces of paper or simply say it out loud). Those who give the most correct answers will receive incentive prizes.


One leader is selected - a classmate. He makes a wish for some teacher. The rest of his classmates (let's call them “participants”) must guess who he wished for. Participants ask questions, and the presenter answers what associations this person evokes in him. Examples of questions:

  • One of the participants asks, for example: What vegetable or fruit is this person associated with? Host: With watermelon.
  • One of the participants: What animal is this person associated with? Host: With a mouse.
  • One of the participants: What mood is this person associated with? Host: Happy.

And to make it easier for your classmates, you can give them a list of teachers in advance (15 years have passed, not everyone has a good memory) :)

Competition "Read my mind"

We love organizing this competition at different parties! I have already described its principle in the article

It's simple. Song cuts are prepared in advance. Then the same wizards mentioned in the first competition approach each guest (classmate) and “guess” what he is thinking (about today’s holiday, about school, about teachers, about classmates). There are free online programs on the Internet that allow you to cut any song, for example: https://www.mp3cut.ru

Competition “How to use?”

This was also done several times at parties with friends. But at the Meeting Evening we will use a school theme.

Description of the competition: We prepare several school items in advance (ruler, globe, pencil case, etc.), put them in a bag. The presenter takes out a ruler, for example, and the participants must find an unusual use for this school subject:

— It’s convenient to write cheat sheets on a ruler.

“You can use a ruler to hit your neighbor at your desk when he’s cheating.”

And so on, as far as your imagination and the imagination of your classmates goes :) The options can be the most ridiculous and funny, but theoretically possible :))) Anyone who could not come up with a use for the item leaves the game. The one who remains last in the game is the winner.


And, of course, at the Meeting Evening it is always interesting to look at photos, read school notes... And you can even make a slide show or mini-movie from the photos and give them to your classmates. We won’t be able to do this for 15 years, but for 20, I think we’ll definitely get it done 😉

Happy holiday to you!

I would be glad if you write feedback in the comments, were the competitions for Homecoming Evening useful to you, were the ideas for the script suitable and, in general, how did it all go? 😉

Scenario for the Homecoming Evening "Fun Lessons 45 Years Later"

1. Presenter . Hello, dear guests! Every year, on the first Saturday of February, the school opens its doors to its old acquaintances - graduates of past years.

What a joy it is to meet everyone at school -

Get together for an evening meeting once a year!

Your friends in class and school,

You will see your teachers again.

Today, like many years ago,

Together: "Welcome!" - they say at the entrance.

2. Presenter. Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming here to meet your school friends and teachers. In each of you lives the memory of a carefree school life. Everything changes. People come and go, but only good things remain in memory. And most of this wonderful past is connected with our school.

So let our memory, at least one evening a year, take us back to the past, distant for some, not so distant for others, to that time of apprenticeship, which, I have no doubt, is remembered with tenderness and warmth by all those gathered here.

1 presenter. Now we’ll do our homework and remember your school years again.

First lesson - Russian language.

And the first lesson today is Russian. We will write an essay. Let's remember our school days again and look at them with humor. Which of you wrote essays best?..... The Russian language has not yet been forgotten, do you remember what an adjective is? Name adjectives and funnier ones, and in 5 minutes we will have an essay ready on the topic: “We are graduates!”

(the named adjectives are inserted into the prepared text)

2 presenter. Second lesson - The world around us. (or a little about everything). I will ask you questions, you must answer them correctly.

1. Karl Marx wrote...(Capital)
2. When adding numbers you get (sum)

3.What notes do sailors use to measure distance? (Mi-la-mi)

4. Which question cannot be answered in the affirmative? (Are you sleeping?)
5 . There are teeth, but no mouth. What is this? (Saw)
6. When it is needed, the sailors throw it away, when not, they raise it... (Anchor)
7. What can you break in peacetime and receive gratitude for it? (Garden)
8 . What branch does not grow from a tree? (Railway)
9. Which guest in kitchens, dining rooms and restaurants has a mustache longer than his legs? (At the cockroach)
10. What do the rider and the rooster have in common? (Spurs)
11. When can you carry water in a sieve? (Winter)

12.Birds whose wings are covered with scales. (Penguins)

13.Where can’t you find a dry stone? (In water)

14. What grows upside down? (Icicle)

15. Do migratory birds build nests in the south? (No)

16. When do women talk the least? (In February. This month has only 28 days)

Leading. You completed all the tasks with dignity, which means that the teachers taught you for a reason. The first lesson is over (the bell rings). I ask you not to leave for recess.

1 Presenter. Third lesson - Mathematics.

Please remember a proverb, a song, a fairy tale, a riddle that contains numbers. For example. There is safety in numbers. Million Scarlet roses. The wolf and the seven Young goats

2 Presenter. Now we’ll play the game and see, HOW did you really spend your school years? ( Confession game - cards with answers and questions)

1 Presenter:

Dear graduates! Do you remember school well? Let's conduct a short survey:

3. How old is our school?

4. Name your first teacher?

5. Name the class teacher in 11th grade?

6. What school holiday do you remember?

7. What games were popular in your age?

8. What was the rage?

9. What dish was considered your signature dish in the school cafeteria?

10. Did you have a favorite subject?

11. Did you run away from class?

12. What did you dream of becoming when you were in school?

13. Who influenced your choice of profession?

14. Do you remember your school days?

Well, bravo! Your school years live in your memory!

2. Presenter:

Many adults believe that children have unconventional thinking. You,

Of course, far from children. Now we will hold an erudition competition.

Guess which famous fairy tales we are talking about:

1. A fairy tale about a vegetable farm (Turnip)

2. On the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (The Three Little Pigs)

3. About overcrowding of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)

4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)

5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)

6. About the first victim of a bad investment (Pinocchio)

7. About how love turns a beast into a man (The Scarlet Flower)

8. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then

I finally found my prince (Thumbelina)

Well done! And you remember fairy tales!

Let's play at recess.

You left school a long time ago and haven’t seen each other for many years. During this time, a lot has changed for all of us. But if everyone talks about their lives, then we will be “stuck” here for a month. And for this case, we have a magic bell that will help us find out everything about everyone.

The host approaches the first person at the table and rings the magic bell above his head. When the bell stops ringing, the DJ plays a previously prepared composition. And so for each classmate.

Leading. Dear graduates! So our meeting has come to an end. We would like to wish you never to grow old in soul and never forget your school, your teachers, your school friends. I wish you health, success and prosperity!

(Confession game - cards with answers and questions)

1 Have you ever had to hide around the corner of a school with a cigarette?

2 Have you ever played gambling in class?

3 Have you ever wanted to burn your school magazine?

4. Do you often run away from class?

5 Have you copied your homework?

6 Have you put buttons on chairs?

7 Have you often fallen in love?

8 Did you sleep in class?

9 Did you spy in the locker room?

10 Were your parents often called to school?

11 Have you used cheat sheets?

12 Have you corrected the deuces in your diary?

13 Did you spy on your neighbor’s tests?

14 Did you hide your diary from your parents?

15 Did you break windows at school?

16 Are you often late for work (school)?

17 Are you capable of a noble act?

18 Do you believe in love at first sight?

19 Do you often promise more than you are able to deliver?

20 Are you dangerous when you are angry?

21 Are you lucky?

22 Do you approve of a healthy lifestyle?

23 Do you ever feel scared?

24 Do you remember your friends’ birthdays?

25 Do you like getting up early in the morning?

26 Do you like to take risks?

27 Could you accomplish a feat for the sake of love?


I often had to suffer from this.

This happened against my will.

My embarrassment tells me I should remain silent.

What do you care?

I don’t answer such questions.

I don't even allow the thought of this.

Yes, I advise you too.

Yes, although that's not all.

This is my dream.

How did you guess?

Only in a hammock under a tree.

It gives me a lot of pleasure.

It’s not necessary once at a time...

I've been used to this since childhood

Especially in the dentist's office.

I spend all my free time like this.

My head is fine for now.

Yes, I have always had many talents!

Yes, but today I'm resting.

Only if no one sees.

If the situation is hopeless, then yes.

Only in the company of friends.

Life forces you.

Only in dreams.

At every opportunity.

Every night.

This is quite possible, given my appearance.

Let's talk about this without witnesses.

My financial situation doesn't allow it.


“Once upon a time, 45 years ago, September 1st came, it was the most……………………………. day in our life. We put on the ………………….. uniform, …………………………… backpacks and with …………………….. a bouquet of flowers we went to first grade for the first time. Hello………………………………school!

What are the …………………………… classes, …………………………… desks and ……………………………. teachers with………………………Smiles! We enjoyed learning the basics of science and dreamed of becoming………………………….and……………………………………………………….

Time flew by. We made a lot of …………………………… friends and …………………………… school subjects. Every day we happily rushed to school. And then came…………………………………. Day of presentation of certificates. We came with…………………………. trembling in the soul and ………………………..trembling in the knees. Everyone's faces were…………………..

Gait………………………………. But when we picked up this ………………… document, we immediately became ……………………………..! After all,……………………… paths have opened before us. And now, 45 years later, we are sitting at ………………… desks. Long live we, the most …………………..Graduates of 1973!!

Scenario for Homecoming Evening "Fun lessons 20 years later" written for classmates who graduated from school twenty years ago, but easilyo can be redone for any other date. The theme is "Fun Lessons".

The script is designed for cheerful, friendly communication between old friends and classmates; it is not particularly rich in various formalities and solemn moments, but games, entertainment and memories of carefree youth occupy a central place in it. The following will most likely help make this program more rich and varied:

The ceremonial part of the evening of alumni reunions.


Where to start your active recreation,
So that it doesn't look like a mess?...
And we will begin without a doubt
From a small announcement.
It's forbidden to be sad here
Here you need to smile
There's a lot to eat and drink here
And even get drunk!

Here you can dance and sing,
Play like kids
You can become an artist in time,
Or maybe a naughty girl.
Listen to songs and poems,
Marvel at the dancers.
Don't be like quiet fish
And sing, of course, in chorus.
I wish you to spend time
Unforgettable and that's it!
And a year later come again,
Not so often!

concert number


I'm starting the entertainment program
And I firmly assure you:
I'll try not to let you down,
Let me start?..
Let's get to know you first,
Have we met you somewhere before?

Table chant "It's me, it's me, it's my whole family!"

(Game in progress)

A toast is a chant for an evening meeting: “We don’t mind.”

Presenter: And now for a toast. And we will say it together, each time I say the first two lines, the men present the third: “We must drink to this!” and immediately the ladies: “We don’t mind”

Today classmates

We welcome you with joy!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

The years go by quickly
But we don't count them!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

We haven't seen each other for a long time,
But we remember everyone, we know everyone!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

Many heights have been reached,
But don't forget the class!

Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

Favorite teachers
We often remember.
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

For our strong friendship
Let's pour it quickly!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

(Short banquet break)

The bell is ringing

Lesson three- Geometry.

Presenter. Let's not relax, we have our next lesson. And the topic of the lesson is building pyramids. They'll go to the board ……(ask the teacher who is better to call, you need the two best in geometry)
(2 applicants are given an A3 sheet each, they must place as many of their friends on it as possible, but so as not to go over the edges.)

(In this selection you can choose - )

Twenty years have passed now
From the prom
Both lucky and unlucky -
In a word, life was shaking.

Who is immersed in a career?
Someone writes books
Someone is happily in love
Who has children?

I'll raise a glass to you,
Let everything be top class!


Presenter: And now recess is the coolest time in the school schedule. Let's make it fun. I suggest you play and dance.
(dances and competitions)

The bell is ringing


Presenter: And now you will do independent work. . I need four people (m and f). Sit down. Picture yourself in your favorite place. Where you feel good and can relax and just answer my questions. The game Sincere Interview is being played (link to the article Prank Games for a Friendly Company)

(game being played)

Presenter: Now see for yourself where this wonderful place is located. It’s clear that they didn’t skip classes and did an excellent job with their independent work!

The bell is ringing

Fifth lesson- Story

Presenter: In this lesson we will look at the most famous sculptures of Europe.

The essence of the competition: call several couples (M-F), distribute cards of world-famous sculptures, which depict two heroes: “A Russian soldier with a German girl in his arms,” etc. and to the appropriate music, each couple depicts their composition.

(a competition is being held)


Let's happily drink a glass for the meeting,
Let it happen again and again
For a wonderful, most beautiful evening,
What fun gives us now!

The bell is ringing

Sixth lesson- Literature.

Presenter: We will read by role. They'll go to the board ...(if there is a literature teacher in the room, then invite him to name 15 candidates, if not, then conduct a poll about who was the best in this subject or who considers himself to be such)

Impromptu fairy tale “About Ivan Tsarevich”




Vasilisa the Beautiful,

Maid Ramona,



Trees - 2,

Birds - 2,




Ivan Tsarevich,



Distribute the roles between the participants, for example, using a card with the names of the characters, then the presenter reads, and everyone plays out their role impromptu; if the hero has words, you can repeat them after the presenter.

Presenter's text and comments

In the Far Far Away Kingdom, a beautiful state, they lived - there were a Tsar and a Queen, who is our Tsar and Queen? (leave)

The Tsar and Queen loved their daughter Vasilisa the Beautiful very much ( Who is Vasilisa the Beautiful? Show me how they loved their daughter!)
Vasilisa had a maid Ramona ( Who is Ramona's maid?)
And Ramona loved Vasilisa (Show, how she loved her!)
One day Vasilisa the Beautiful and her maid Ramona went for a walk, they walked, and the Sun was shining ( Who is our Sun, how does it shine?)
The grass is turning green ( who is Grass and how does it turn green?)
The trees rustle (rustle, shake the branches.)
Birds are singing ( How do our birds sing?)
And Vasilisa and her maid Ramona are walking (how are they walking?),
Then in the clearing they saw Stump ( who is Penyok?), next to which a cheerful stream was babbling (who is the trickle and how does he scold?)
Vasilisa felt that she was tired and sat down on the Stump, and the Sun was shining, the grass was turning green, the trees were rustling, the birds were singing.

And Ramona sat down next to her, in the shade under the crown of the Trees. The trees rustled together.

Here, out of nowhere, Koschey, (who is Koschey?)
He grabbed Vasilisa the Beautiful and took her with him.
The maid Ramona bursts into tears, runs to the Tsar and the Queen, falls to her knees and says: “Forgive the Tsar, father, I didn’t finish watching!” (repeats the words after the presenter)
The Tsar and Queen were sad, they loved their daughter so much,
The Tsar thought, thought and said: “Whoever frees the beautiful Vasilisa will receive half a kingdom, half a tractor and half a liter!” (repeats the words after the presenter)
Ivan Tsarevich was just passing by ( Who...), on your horse (Who...) heard and challenged Koshchei to a fight.
Koschey flew at him, and Ivan Tsarevich attacked him with his Saber ( Who...)
Ivan Tsarevich Koshchei defeated,
The Tsar and Tsarina had fun, hugged their daughter Vasilisa the Beautiful, they drank half a liter with Ivan Tsarevich, drank half the kingdom and began to ride on the tractor.
That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened!
(fairy tale passes)


You graduated from school a long time ago,
So they counted - twenty years...
The people are still cheerful
At least some are bald, and some are gray.
Still laughing loudly
Still full of hope
And the “girls” are charming,
And the “boys” are ready for battle.
We drink to victories, to accomplishments,
For the sun of our new days,
Let's drink to the fulfillment of desires,
For friendship - there is nothing more important!

(games, dancing)

During recess you can spend an extracurricular geography lesson- to do this, you need to prepare clips of incendiary dances from different countries and conduct a dance marathon or re-dance.

Class hour

Presenter: and today we also have a class hour on the schedule on the topic: “Relationships between boys and girls” (you can use something about where love begins or about precautions and play any spicy game (look ).

(Then dancing and free communication).