North-East chord. Current state of affairs

For more than a year I have been planning to do a report on the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway in the area of ​​Shchelkovskoye Highway and Entuziastov Highway. Once again standing in a traffic jam, I looked at the towering overpasses and promised myself to coordinate access to the construction sites. In the end, it never got together, didn’t agree on it, and didn’t take it off. But the other day I looked at the endless Moscow interchanges from above. It turned out even more clearly.

1. Let's start with the eternal construction in the area of ​​Entuziastov Highway. The North-Eastern Expressway (NSH) runs here, which will connect the most densely populated areas of Moscow - the south-east and north. The route crosses Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye, Otkrytoe highway and Entuziastov highway.

2. Probably every Moscow motorist has been stuck in a big traffic jam on Entuziastov Highway at least once.

In the morning to the center to Burakova Street, in the evening to the region from the TTK itself.

3. During the entire construction period on this site, they managed to dismantle the old overpass of the railway ring road, build 4 new overpasses for the MCC and 7 overpasses of the temporary storage warehouse.

4. Some of them are already open - these are the exits from the temporary storage warehouse on Entuziastov Highway to the center and region, the exit from Perovskaya Street and the exits from Entuziastov Highway to the temporary storage warehouse. Anyone who has traveled knows.

5. Temporary storage warehouse, view north towards Izmailovo.

6. View to the south.

8. Nearby, 200 meters away, two more overpasses were built, leading to Budenogo Avenue.

11. It can be seen that the overpasses are already ready, but not all the buildings along the path of the new road have been demolished.

12. A large interchange is being built near the Andronovka MCC station. To the left in the frame the road goes towards Izmailovo, down to Budenogo Avenue. To the left up into the bright sun - to Kosinskaya, Anosova streets, Pervaya Mayevka, Plyushchev and Masterova alleys.

13. View from Annosova Street. On the right in the frame there is a road with cars - an active exit to the temporary storage warehouse from Perovskaya Street.

14. In the section from the platform of the Plyushchevo station, the projected highway will rise onto an overpass and pass over the tracks of the Gorky direction of the railway, as well as over Anosova Street. Anosova Street itself will be expanded to 2 lanes in each direction, with the possibility of exits and entrances to the main road overpass.

15. Industrial zone and intersection of the Gorky and Kazan directions of the railway. If you look closely, you can see two passenger platforms - Chukhlinka and Perovo. The construction site for the new overpass is visible in the foreground.

16. At this point, the overpass will connect several areas cut by railway tracks. It will be possible to get from Pervaya Mayevka Alley to Annosova Street in 30 seconds, instead of the usual 15 minutes by detour.

17. Part of the Kuskovsky forest park and a view towards the Plyushchevo and Veshnyaki stations. At this point, the new overpass should go right along the border of the park, which causes a lot of controversy and criticism from a number of local residents and environmentalists.

18. Now let's move west and look at some more huge interchanges. This is what the large interchange under construction between Aminevskoye Highway and General Dorokhov Street, one of the sections of the South Rokada, looks like.

19. The new road will go to Mosfilmovskaya Street. As part of the interchange, a two-lane tunnel will be built for the exit from General Dorokhov Street to Aminevskoe Highway in the direction of Mozhaika. If you look closely, you can see his portal in the photo.

20. View from Aminevskoye Highway.

24. A new overpass at the intersection with Vereyskaya and Nezhinskaya streets, as well as a bridge across Setun.

25. Future tunnel at the intersection with Artamonov Street.

27. I haven’t been to Ryabinovaya Street for 5 years. I didn’t recognize it at all. This is what the turnaround overpass looks like from Vyazemskaya and Vitebskaya streets to Ryabinovaya street.

29. To the left - Projected passage 1901, which turns into Vyazemskaya, Vitebskaya and Skolkovskoye highways, to the right - Ryabinovaya street.

31. An interesting-shaped interchange with Troekurovsky Proezd. She's vertical in the title photo)

33. Vyazemskaya street, Skolkovskoye highway and Vitebskaya street. Mozhaika can be seen above.

34. Set it up, you understand!

The idea of ​​building chord highways was born in the city more than forty years ago, but its implementation came only now, when it became finally clear that there are not enough roads between the districts, and there is nothing for transit traffic to do in the center. Specialists from Mosinzhproekt JSC, a full-cycle engineering company specializing in projects for the development of transport infrastructure and utilities, are working on a large-scale chord project.

For reference: Mosinzhproekt JSC is the single operator of the Moscow Metro development program, the general designer of the reconstruction of outbound highways and interchanges, a participant in the development program of transport hubs (TPU) in Moscow, the general contractor for the reconstruction of the Luzhniki stadium and the management company for the construction of the Zaryadye park "

P.S. It’s a pity I didn’t have time to photograph the temporary storage warehouse and Shchelkovskoye Highway. Next time now.

Dmitry Chistoprudov,

Currently, work on the construction of three new highways is in full swing in the capital: the North-Western and North-Eastern Expressways, as well as the South Road.

North-East Expressway

Length North-East Expressway will be about 29 kilometers. It must, bypassing the center of the capital, urban areas in the north and southeast of Moscow, which are considered the most densely populated.

The highway will pass through the largest highways in the northeast of the capital - Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye, Otkrytoye, and Izmailovskoye highways, allowing them to significantly relieve congestion. The chord is being laid from the Moscow-St. Petersburg toll road on the western side of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, along the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway to a new interchange on the Moscow Ring Road at the intersection with the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway.

There will be a railway overpass on the section of the North-Eastern Expressway from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Shosse. It is necessary to accommodate branch No. 2 of the Moscow railway junction, which connects the Khovrino and Likhobory stations.

On this site it is also planned to build 4 road overpasses, two overpasses over the railway tracks and additional ramps to them. This will allow residents of nearby areas to significantly save time on travel to Dmitrovskoye Highway. Currently, in order to get onto the highway, you have to make a detour. The opening of this section will allow access to the highway directly in the area of ​​the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station.

The North-Eastern Expressway is divided into sections:

  • From Businovskaya interchange to Festivalnaya street (put into operation in 2014);

  • From Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoe Highway (under construction);

  • From Dmitrovskoe highway to Yaroslavskoe highway (projected);

  • From Yaroslavskoye to Otkrytoye Shosse (route not determined);

  • From Otkrytoye to Shchelkovskoe highway (projected);

  • From Shchelkovskoe highway to Izmailovskoe highway (everything was built except the tunnel over Shchelkovskoe highway);

  • From Izmailovskoye Highway to Entuziastov Highway (under construction);

  • From the Entuziastov highway to the interchange at the 8th kilometer of the MKAD Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy (projected).

The situation with significant overload of the Moscow metro and traffic jams on roads is caused by several factors. Firstly, the capital attracts Russian residents and foreign citizens seeking a “better life”, secondly, the population is constantly growing and the number of private cars is increasing, and thirdly, the ill-conceived development of the city is having an impact. Today, the nearest plans for the development of transport infrastructure include the North-Western Expressway, the commissioning of which will relieve passenger traffic on the Garden Ring, MKAD, the Third Transport Ring, Leningradskoye and Volokolamsk highways.

Development of a transport interchange plan

The need to build the North-Western Expressway was first mentioned in the master plans for the development of Moscow, dating back to 1971. At the same time, it was planned to build other chord highways. However, the implementation of the project was postponed. Construction of the North-Western Expressway in Moscow was resumed only in 2011, when the government returned to old plans for the development of the city.

Project implementation stages

Large-scale construction of an infrastructure facility involves several stages. The North-Western Expressway is being built according to the following plan:

  1. The first section is a transport interchange in the Sokol district, which distributes the flow of cars, freight and public transport on Leningradsky Prospekt and the highway, Volokolamsk highway, Baltic, Alabyan and Bolshaya Akademicheskaya streets.
  2. The second section - two tunnels (Alabyano-Baltiysky and Mikhalkovsky) from Leningradskoye to Dmitrovskoye highway. Both tunnels have been built, but a small section of Mikhalkovsky (110 m) is still closed to traffic.
  3. The third section is about 16 km from Zvenigorodskoye to Leningradskoye highway.
  4. The fourth section is a total of almost 50 km from Skolkovskoye to Zvenigorodskoye highway (the North-Western Expressway will not cover the entire section of the road).
  5. The fifth section is a total of 100 km between Dmitrovskoye and Yaroslavskoye highways.

In addition, the North-Western Expressway provides for the construction of eight underground and above-ground pedestrian crossings, as well as two bridges across the Moscow River.

Each stage of construction of an infrastructure facility provides a separate plan. The sites individually undergo all procedures required by law: approval, public hearings, environmental assessment, informing residents of nearby areas.

Current state of construction

As of mid-spring 2013, work was underway on the first and second sections of construction, reconstruction and construction of the transport interchange of Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street, Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Zvenigorodskoye Highway was underway. In December 2015, work on the first and second sections was completed (with the exception of a few small sections). In September 2016, the Winchester Tunnel was opened, passing People's Militia Street under Berzarina Street.

The current diagram of the North-Western Expressway on the map of Moscow is presented below.

Construction parameters and budget

The total length of the highway will be almost thirty kilometers, most of which is the existing road network. The plan provides for the construction of nine overpasses and eleven tunnels with a total length of 4.8 and 6.4 km, respectively, and two bridges: over lock No. 9 of the Moscow River and additional to the existing Krylatsky.

The construction of the North-Western Expressway was initially estimated at 30 billion rubles. To date, the cost of constructing the facility has doubled and amounts to 63 billion rubles.

Difficulties in implementing the project

The construction of the North-West Expressway is fraught with some difficulties. Thus, problems arose during the reconstruction of existing transport infrastructure facilities, as well as the construction of:

  • Alabyano-Baltic tunnel.
  • A section of the road passing over the metro (an additional reinforced concrete shield had to be erected).
  • Above the bed of the underground Tarakanovka (cleaning of the river bed and construction of a new collector were required).
  • Under the tracks of the Moscow Railway on the Riga direction.

During construction work, several accidents occurred: flooding of a construction site due to heavy rain, collapse and flooding of part of the tunnel with groundwater.

Another difficulty is the dissatisfaction of residents of some houses located in close proximity to construction sites. For example, residents of the Koptelovo district opposed the construction of the facility, offering as an alternative a more expensive option - along the Okruzhnaya Railway. Spontaneous rallies took place in the Shchukino and Kuntsevo districts. Protests come from the population of the residential areas Sokol, Strogino, Mozhaisky, Krylatskoye and others.

The discontent of local residents threatened to destroy part of the green spaces in the Shchukino area. Construction was hampered by 825 trees, in replacement of which the capital's Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection plans to plant 117 chestnuts and maples.

The North-Eastern Expressway is a first-class citywide main street under construction with continuous traffic. It will run from the Businovskaya interchange along Zelenogradskaya Street. It will cross 4th Likhachevsky Lane and further to the transport interchange with the Northern Road. After which the main line, crossing the tracks of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, will turn east and go along the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway to the Ryazan direction of the Moscow Railway. Further along the railway tracks to the interchange of the Moscow Ring Road with the built section of the new toll federal highway "Moscow - Noginsk - Kazan", which within the borders of Moscow will be a first-class main street of citywide importance. Kosinskoye Highway will become part of the new federal road.

The north-eastern highway will connect major highways in the north-eastern part of Moscow: Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye and Otkrytoye highways.

Northern Rokada is a first-class city-wide main street under construction with continuous traffic. The Rokada has a joint section with the North-Eastern Expressway, 4 lanes wide for both directions - from the Businovskaya interchange to the interchange proper with the temporary storage warehouse at the intersection of the Rokada connecting railway branch No. 2 of the Likhobory station - Khovrino station. Further, the highway, still passing from the western side of the ORR, will have 3 lanes in each direction. After the junction with the temporary storage warehouse, an exit to Likhoborskaya embankment will be built. Then, crossing Cherepanov Passage, the street will extend to the transport interchange with the North-Western Expressway at the intersection with Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street. After which it will exit onto Dmitrovskoye Highway using the existing highway junction with Valaamskaya Street. The exit point will have 2 lanes in each direction.

On the section of the Northern Road from Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Shosse, a dividing strip and retaining walls will be provided, taking into account the future extension of the highway to Akademika Korolev Street.

According to the project, the North-Eastern Expressway consists of the following sections (from east to north):
Section of the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway in the Kozhukhovo microdistrict (Kosinskoe highway)
The section where the Moscow Ring Road intersects with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway (Kosinskaya overpass).
Plot from the Moscow Ring Road on the street. Krasny Kazanets to the Veshnyakovsky overpass.
The section from the Veshnyakovsky overpass to the former 4th transport ring along the 1st Mayovka alley and st. Anosova.
A section of the former 4th transport ring to the Oktyabrskaya railway line.
Zelenogradskaya street to the Businovskaya interchange of the Moscow Ring Road.

History of construction
In December 2008, construction of the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway began.
On October 26, 2009, a 4-kilometer section of the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway was opened from Projected Proezd 300 to the street. Bolshaya Kosinskaya.
On September 3, 2011, a kilometer-long section of the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway from Bolshaya Kosinskaya to the MKAD and an interchange with the outer side of the MKAD was opened.
On November 24, 2011, the construction of the interchange of the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy section with the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road and the exit to Krasny Kazanets Street was completed.
On March 27, 2013, construction of an 8-lane highway along Zelenogradskaya Street began.
On January 30, 2014, traffic was opened on two overpasses of the section of the North-Eastern Expressway from the highway. Enthusiasts to Izmailovskoye Highway.
On December 24, 2014, traffic was opened on the highway from the Businovskaya interchange to the interchange with Festivalnaya Street.
On March 18, 2015, construction began on the section from Izmailovskoye Highway. to Shchelkovskoe highway (construction is scheduled to be completed in 2017).
On December 29, 2015, construction began on the section from Festivalnaya Street. to Dmitrovskoe highway (construction is planned to be completed at the end of 2018)

Moscow builders continue to implement one of the capital’s largest infrastructure projects – the North-East Expressway (SVH) – at a faster pace. The new route will provide through communication between the south-eastern and northern regions of the city. The chord will significantly reduce congestion on the capital’s roads and generally improve the transport situation for four million Muscovites. website We decided to find out how construction is progressing and when the first cars will be able to drive along the highway.

Innovative concept

What is a chord? From a school geometry course we know that this is a segment connecting two points on a curve. But on the map of the capital, they acquire a larger meaning, becoming highways connecting the outlying areas of the city, but at the same time not crossing its central part.

The idea of ​​creating chords in the capital was first proposed in the first half of the 20th century. In the 1930s, during the adoption of the first General Plan for the development of the city and the beginning of its comprehensive reconstruction, the famous urbanist Anatoly Yakshin spoke about the construction of such highways in Moscow. Later, already in the 70s, this topic was raised by his students - experts in the field of transport planning.

Despite the fact that in those years there were incomparably fewer cars on the streets of Moscow, even then experts understood that it was impossible to stop the growth in the number of personal vehicles. This means that it is necessary to develop the city taking into account further motorization.

The concept of chords was reflected in the General Plan of Moscow in 1971. It was planned to add two new rings to the existing city ones - MKAD and Sadovoy, as well as to build four high-speed chord routes. But the grandiose project did not receive proper funding and remained on paper.

Gradually, the areas allocated for highways were built up with housing, business and shopping centers. But, as experts predicted, the transport situation in the capital has seriously worsened due to the continuous increase in the number of private cars.

Return to chords

In 2011, the capital’s leadership set the task of developing a set of measures to improve the transport situation in the city. First of all, Moscow abandoned the construction of the Fourth Transport Ring. The main reason is the enormous cost of the project: the total “price tag” exceeded a trillion rubles.

At the same time, it was decided to return to the concept of chord tracks.

The Moscow City Hall has developed a clear plan for the further development of the capital's road infrastructure. It provided for a qualitative improvement of the street network, solving the problems of bottlenecks and bottlenecks, but most importantly, the polycentric development of the capital.

This means redistributing business activity throughout the city, creating points of attraction for business activity not only in the center, but also on the periphery. Thanks to this, it will be possible to relieve the congestion in the center of Moscow and solve the problem of the so-called pendulum migration, when in the morning people from the outskirts of the city go to the central part, and in the evening they return together in unison.

Instead of the Fourth Transport Ring, the mayor's office made a fundamental decision to build chord highways: the North-West, North-East and South roads.

The chord system of the capital, if you look at the future map of Moscow from above, will resemble a ring, but with one significant advantage: the system will not close on itself, limiting the driver to circular movement, its elements will have access to the Moscow Ring Road, exits and exits among themselves at intersections .

The result will be an analogue of a ring, but with higher functionality and more efficient distribution of traffic flows.

Experts from the Institute of Transport Economics and Transport Policy of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) have repeatedly argued that Moscow needs the construction of expressways. In their opinion, such an organization system is 20% more effective than a closed ring.

From Festivalnaya to Dmitrovsky

One of the sections of the North-Eastern Expressway runs from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Shosse - directly along the Oktyabrskaya Railway line. Its construction began in February 2016. All work is planned to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2018. The total length of the section is 10.7 kilometers.

In total, along the route, there will be four overpasses of the main route and the same number of exit overpasses, a bridge over the Likhoborka River, an underground pedestrian crossing at the NATI station of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, and wastewater treatment facilities. The builders will install noise protection blocks and lay new utilities. Also, within the section of the temporary storage warehouse Festivalnaya Street - Dmitrovskoye Shosse, an overpass will appear on the connecting branch of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, 189 meters long.

As the head of the Moscow construction complex, Marat Khusnullin, noted earlier, the launch of traffic along this section will significantly improve the transport situation in the north of the capital. “If now, in order to get to Dmitrovka, residents of areas located near the Moscow Ring Road need to go to the ring, then along the chord they will go onto the highway near the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station,” he emphasized.

With the wind

The section of the North-Eastern Expressway from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Shosse will provide an adjunction to Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street and access to the North-West Expressway. Thanks to the launch of the section, a continuation and deeper entrance into the city of the federal highway "Moscow - St. Petersburg" will be created within the capital to Dmitrovskoe Highway and further towards the center. Chord highways will reduce vehicle mileage and the total time spent moving around the city.

The commissioning of the section will redistribute traffic flows and reduce the load on the main transport routes in the north of the capital: Leningradskoye and Dmitrovskoye highways and the northern section of the Moscow ring road. The situation will also improve within the districts located there: Koptevo, Timiryazevsky, Golovinsky with a total population of several hundred thousand people.

Work progress

Currently, work on the temporary storage area from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoe Highway is 75% completed. The main passage overpass No. 1 is 80% ready, the readiness of the other three main passage overpasses is 40-55%. Three overpasses for exiting from and to the temporary storage warehouse are almost completed.

The railway overpass on the connecting branch of the Oktyabrskaya Railway is 60% ready, builders are putting the finishing touches on the bridge over Likhoborka, and the underground pedestrian crossing is almost completed. The installation of 5.3 thousand window units and the laying of utilities are 70% completed.

Results of the "seven-year plan"

In total, from 2011 to 2017, 667 kilometers of roads, 190 pedestrian crossings and 199 artificial structures were built and put into operation in Moscow. The length of the capital's roads increased by 16%.

Last year, the construction of a section of the North-Eastern Expressway from Entuziastov Highway to Izmailovskoye Highway was completed, the reconstruction of Shchelkovskoye Highway within Moscow was completed, and two stages of modernization of the main transport artery of New Moscow - Kaluga Highway were completed.

14 major transport interchanges were also reconstructed, including the Moscow Ring Road and Profsoyuznaya Street. In total, over the past year, 124 kilometers of roads, 37 artificial structures and 30 pedestrian crossings were built and put into operation. In 2018-2020, another 289 kilometers of roadway will appear in the capital, as well as 76 artificial structures and 42 pedestrian crossings.