Sevastopol Economics and Humanities Institute branch. Tauride National University named after Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

Named after V.I. Vernadsky"




Sevastopol, 2016


GOST 7.1-2003. The text is written using a computer on one side of a sheet of white paper, A4 format, font – Times New Roman size 14, line spacing – 1.5.

The page number is placed in the upper right corner of the sheet; pages of text material should be numbered in Arabic numerals, observing continuous numbering throughout the document. The title page of a text document is included in the general page numbering. The page number is not indicated on the title page.

The distance from the edge of the paper to the borders of the text should be left: at the beginning of the lines - 30 mm; at the end of lines – 10 mm; from the top or bottom line of text to the top or bottom edge of the paper – 20 mm.

The size of the paragraph indentation should be the same throughout the text and equal to 12.5 mm.

Sections must have serial numbers within the entire work, indicated in Arabic numerals.

Subsections must be numbered within each section. Subsection numbers consist of a section number and a subsection number separated by a dot. There is no dot at the end of the subsection number.

The numbering of paragraphs should consist of the number of the section, subsection and paragraph, separated by a dot. There is no period at the end of the paragraph.

The headings of sections, subsections and paragraphs should be printed with a paragraph indentation, with a capital letter, without a period at the end, without underlining. Headings of structural elements are separated from the text by a one-line interval. If the title consists of two sentences, they are separated by a period. Hyphenation of words in headings is not allowed.

The distance between the title and the text should be 1 space. The distance between section and subsection headings is 1 space.

Heading CONTENTS E is written in capital letters in the middle of the line. The content includes an introduction, the names of all chapters, paragraphs, points, a conclusion, a list of references and the name of appendices indicating the page numbers from which these elements of the work begin.

The graphic part (drawings, diagrams, etc.) is carried out in compliance with the relevant standards.

All figures in the text must be referenced. Figures should be placed immediately after the text in which they are first mentioned, or on the next page. Figures are numbered in Arabic numerals, and the numbering is continuous, but it is also possible to number within a section (chapter). In the latter case, the figure number consists of the section number and the serial number of the illustration, separated by a dot (for example: Figure 1.1). The caption for the picture is located below it in the middle of the line. The word “Figure” is written in full (for example, Figure 2 - Company structure). There is no period at the end of the title.

Sample design of a drawing


Figure 1.8 – Composition of employees of the travel company “Agat”

(compiled according to data)

All tables in the text must have links. The table should be located immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. All tables are numbered (numbering is continuous, or within a section - in the latter case, the table number consists of the section number and the serial number within the section, separated by a dot (for example: Table 1.2). The tables of each application are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the application designation in front ( for example: Table B.2). The word “Table" is written in full. The name of the table should be placed above the table on the left, without indentation, on one line with its number separated by a dash (for example: Table 3 - Company income). A period is not placed at the end of the name .

When moving a table to the next page, the title is placed only above the first part, while the lower horizontal line limiting the first part of the table is not drawn. Above the other parts, the word “Continuation” is also written on the left and the table number is indicated (for example: Continuation of table 1).

Sample table design

Table 4.1 List of additional services provided by hotels

Sevastopol in the summer season of 2014

Formulas and equations should be separated from the text on a separate line. You should leave a blank line above and below each formula or equation. If the equation does not fit on one line, then it must be moved after the equal sign (=) or after the plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (x), division (:), or other mathematical signs, and this sign repeat at the beginning of the next line. When transferring a formula to a sign symbolizing the multiplication operation, use the “x” sign.

If explanations are needed for symbols and coefficients, they are given immediately below the formula in the same sequence in which they appear in the formula.

All formulas are numbered. Usually the numbering is continuous. The number is entered in Arabic numerals in parentheses at the far right position on the line.

Numbering of formulas within a section is allowed. In this case, the formula number consists of the section number and the serial number within the section, separated by a dot, for example: (1.4).

Formulas in applications have separate numbering within each application with the addition of the application designation in front, for example: (B.2).

If there is a need in the text to use transfers, then each listing should be preceded by a hyphen or, if necessary, a reference in the text to one of the listings, a lowercase letter (with the exception of е, з, й, о, х, ь, ы, ъ).

For further detail of the enumeration, it is necessary to use Arabic numerals, after which a parenthesis is placed, and the entry is made with a paragraph indent.

Applications. All applications must be referenced in the text of the work. Applications are arranged in the order of references to them in the text.

Each application should begin on a new page with the words “ APPLICATION" and its designations. The application must have a title, which is written symmetrically relative to the text with a capital letter on a separate line.

Applications are designated in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters E, Z, Y, O, CH, ь, ы, Ъ. The word “Application” is followed by a letter indicating its sequence (for example: APPENDIX B). If a document has one application, it is designated “ APPENDIX A».

The text of each application can be divided into sections, subsections, etc., which are numbered within each application. The number is preceded by the designation of this application. The pages of appendices and main text should be numbered continuously.

Yakovenko, I. M. Recreational nature management: methodology and research methods [Text]: monograph / I. M. Yakovenko. – Simferopol: Tavria, 2003. – 331 p.

Vernadsky, V.I. Reflections of a naturalist [Text]: in 2 books. / V.I. Vernadsky. – M.: Nauka, 1975 – 1977. – Book. 1: Space and time in inanimate and living nature. – 1975. – 173 p. ; book 2: Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon. – 1977. – 191 p.

Oliferov, A. N. Rivers and lakes of Crimea [Text] / A. N. Oliferov, 3. V. Timchenko. – Simferopol: Share, 2005. – 214 p.

Khrapunov, I. N. Settlements in the Barabanovskaya Balka (based on the results of excavations in 2004-2006) [Text] / I. N. Khrapunov, V. P. Vlasov, A. V. Smokotina; Historical-archaeol. good Millennium Heritage Foundation, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Oriental Studies. – Simferopol: Share, 2007. – 54 p.

Sevastopol at the turn of the millennium [Text] / I.I. Kulikov, S.I. Kulik, A.A. Skripnichenko, P.A. Shunko – Sevastopol: Art-Politics: Ukrainian Fleet, 2003. – 642 p.


Petrenko, T. F. Implication of the verb connective in a two-part sentence in the French language [Text]: dis. ...cand. Philol. Sciences: 02/10/05: protected 03/25/83: approved. 06.22.83 / T. F. Petrenko. – M., 1983. – 145 p.

Maykova, A. N. Interpretation of literary works in the aspect of the theory of archetypes by Carl Jung [Text]: abstract. dis. ...cand. Philol. Sciences / A. N. Maykova. – M., 2000. – 22 p. – Protected at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.


“Kalevala” in the works of artists [Text]: book and easel graphics of Karelia / comp. and the author of the entry. Art. S.K. Polyakova. – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1984. – 119 p.

Individual volumes of a multi-volume edition

Bosporan studies [Text] / Crimean department of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after. A. E. Krymsky NAS of Ukraine [and others]; ed.-comp. V. N. Zinko. – Simferopol: Kerch, 2004. – Issue. 6. Khrapunov, I. N. Ethnic history of Crimea in the early Iron Age / I. N. Khrapunov. – 239 p.

Serial edition

Scientific notes of the Taurida National University named after. V. I. Vernadsky. Series “Legal Sciences” [Text] / Tauride National. University named after V. I. Vernadsky. – Simferopol: Inform.-ed. Department of TNU, 2008. – T. 21 (60), No. 1. – 397 p.

Cartographic publication

World. Political map of the world [Maps]: watered, device on January 1. 2001 / comp. and preparation to ed. PKO "Cartography" in 2001; Ch. ed. N. N. Polunkina; ed. O. I. Ivantsova, N. R. Monakhova; hands project M. Yu. Orlov. – 1: 25,000,000; polycon. pr-tion TsNIIGAIK. – M.: Cartography, 2001. – 1 volume (2 sheets): color; 98x71 cm.

Part of the document

Gilyarevsky, R. S. Iconic means of creating sectoral and interdisciplinary bibliographic information [Text] / R. S. Gilyarevsky, G. Ya. Uzilevsky // Improving sectoral bibliography in the context of accelerating scientific and technological progress: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. / Moscow state Institute of Culture. – M., 1989. – P. 28-42.

Kalinnikov, L. A. Spiritual culture and problems of its determination [Text] / L. A. Kalinnikov // Social determination of knowledge: abstract. report scientific Conf., 19-20 Oct. 1985 – Tartu, 1985. – pp. 237-240.

Kapchinsky, L. M. Television antennas [Text] / L. M. Kapchinsky. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Energy, 1979. – 128 p. : ill. – (Mass Radio Library; issue 992). – From the contents: Ch. 9: Systems for collective television reception. – pp. 109-112.

Andrushak, G. System of evaluation of teachers by students [Text]: management innovations in Russian universities / G. Andrushak // Questions of Economics. – 2008. – No. 6. – P. 108-116.

Balatsky, E. The role of the public sector in building a “new economy” [Text] / E. Balatsky, V. Konyshev // Society and Economics. – 2004. – No. 2. – P. 86-99.

Dubrovin, B. Your place in life [Text] / B. Dubrovin // Moscow. - 1988. – No. 10. – P. 202. – Rec. for the story: Baruzdin, S. It’s time for leaf fall / S. Baruzdin // October. – 1982. – No. 5. – P. 7-51.

Named after V.I. Vernadsky"


Work completed:

3rd year student

full-time education

Ivanova A.V.

Scientific adviser:

Sevastopol, 2017

Federal State Autonomous Educational

institution of higher education


Named after V.I. Vernadsky"

(Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "KFU named after V.I. Vernadsky")


in the discipline "Tourist regional studies"


Work completed:

3rd year student

full-time education

Ivanova A.V.

Scientific adviser:

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism Novikova E.V.

Sevastopol, 2017


Federal State Autonomous Educational

institution of higher education


Named after V.I. Vernadsky"

(Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "KFU named after V.I. Vernadsky")


Final qualifying work

Student ____ course

Areas of training _________________________________

(code and name)

Form of study ______________

(full-time, part-time)

Scientific director

position, academic degree, title of I.O. Surname


Head department

academic degree, title I.O. Surname

Sevastopol, 2017

1.1 Composition of the tourist and recreational complex and its main characteristics………………………………………………………………
1.2 Tourist region as a basic component of the tourist and recreational complex……………………………………………………….
1.2.1 Main factors in the formation and development of the tourist region……………………………………………………………………...
2.1 Historical background for the development of tourism in the Dzhankoy region…………………………………………………………………………………………
2.2 Recreational resources of the study area………………….
2.3 The main tourist attractions on the territory of the Dzhankoy district………………………………………………………………..
3.1 Current state of the shopping and entertainment complex in Dzhankoy district…………….
3.2 Tourist and recreational zoning of the study area
3.3 Recommendations for optimizing the development of the tourist and recreational complex of the Dzhankoy district……………….......
CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………. LIST OF REFERENCES……………………….

Examples of design of the text of the VKR

Named after V.I. Vernadsky"

Sevastopol Economics and Humanities Institute (branch)


Sevastopol economic-Humanitarian Institute of the Taurida National University named after Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky(SEGI TNU named after V.I. Vernadsky) has three buildings. One building is located on Liza Chaikina Street, 80 (Gagarinsky district), the second is on General Rodionov Street, 9 (Nakhimovsky district). These are educational buildings. The utility building is located at: st. Kesaeva, 14 (Gagarinsky district).


Sevastopol Economics and Humanities Institute of Taurida National University named after V.I. Vernadsky - higher educational institution of economics and humanities.


Bachelor's degree. Areas of training:




Human health;

Physical education.

Specialty. Specialties:

Tourism studies;

Organizational management and administration;

Management of foreign economic activity;


Physical rehabilitation;

Physical education.

1. Department of Tourism.

During the training process, students learn two foreign languages ​​(English and German or French). Educational practices for students of the department take place in the Crimean region, as well as in the CIS countries and the European Union.

2. Department of Business Management.

The conceptual basis for the creation and activities of the department is determined by the need to develop scientific and educational areas that are focused on training highly qualified specialists in the management of organizations and foreign economic activity in various fields of business.

3. Department of History and Theory of State and Law.

The main task of the department’s activities: organization and implementation of educational, methodological, scientific and educational work at a high level, training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, improving their qualifications.

Students of the department undergo practical training in the judiciary, the prosecutor's office, the Department of Justice of the Sevastopol region, and in the legal services of enterprises and organizations of the city.

4. Department of Physical Rehabilitation.

Practical training of students of the department is carried out in medical and rehabilitation institutions of Sevastopol.

5. Department of General Psychology.

Students majoring in Psychology undergo practical training at the city Mental Health Center, children's and medical institutions of the city.

The Volunteer Psychological Service has been operating since 2010. On its basis, students receive practical skills in professional activities while their activities are supported by teachers, and residents of Sevastopol can receive free psychological help.

6. Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines.

The department provides reading in social and humanitarian disciplines in all areas of training at the institute.

The main task of the department is to organize and implement educational programs at a high quality level. - methodological, scientific - research and cultural - educational work, preparation of scientific - teaching staff, improving their qualifications.

Forms of training.

Full-time and part-time.

Teaching Staff.

More than 56 teachers work at 6 departments, including: professors, associate professors, senior teachers.

Educational and material base.

Sevastopol Economics and Humanities Institute of Taurida National University named after V.I. Vernadsky has three buildings. Two of them are educational. One building is located on Liza Chaikina Street, 80 (Streletskaya Bay microdistrict), the other is on General Rodionov Street, 9 (Nakhimovsky district). The utility building is located at: st. Kesaeva, 14 (Gagarinsky district).

The educational buildings are equipped with classrooms, a gym, a gym, a library, a cafeteria, and computer rooms. Most classrooms are equipped with multimedia equipment.

Scientific activity.

The Institute is active scientifically - research work. The institute publishes scientifically - thematic magazine “Bulletin of SEGI TNU”, in which teachers and students of the institute publish their scientific articles.

Scientific direction of the Department of Tourism: problems and prospects for the development of tourism - recreational complex of the Sevastopol region. The department publishes a series of monographs “Tourism Business Library”.

The main scientific directions in the work of the department of history and theory of state and law: problems of the formation of the rule of law in Ukraine; criminal - legal framework for combating crime; problems of legal support for environmental entrepreneurship; study of legal mechanisms to ensure environmental safety of natural resource management in the system of transition of the Ukrainian economy to a model of sustainable development.

The study of the physiological basis of the effect of physical rehabilitation means on the human body is the topic of scientific research of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation.

In 2006, a grant from the international charity foundation “KRONA” was won to develop the topic “Hippotherapy as a natural factor in the system of restorative medicine and social - psychological rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy."

Modern humanitarian education in higher education, problems and prospects for development is a research area of ​​the department of social and humanitarian disciplines.

Historical reference.

Taurida National University named after V.I. Vernadsky is the oldest higher education institution in Crimea. It was founded in 1918. This is a state university of the fourth level of accreditation.

In May 1919, its first branch was founded - socially - legal institute in Sevastopol, which can be considered a distant predecessor of the modern Sevastopol Economic - humanitarian institute, which began its work in 1995.

Additional Information.

The Institute actively cooperates with the University of Nordland (Bodo, Norway) in matters of social adaptation and professional retraining of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the University of Paderborn (Paderborn, Germany).

The institute also operates a social program for pensioners “Education of the Third Age”. Computer literacy courses are provided as part of this program.

In the village of Ternovka there is a Center for Rehabilitation Horseback Riding, where patients with cerebral palsy are treated using hippotherapy.

Sevastopol economic - Humanitarian Institute of Taurida National University named after V.I. Vernadsky provides students with the opportunity to receive a military education on the basis of the Military Academy - naval forces named after P.S. Nakhimov (on a commercial basis).

general information

Among the teachers of the branch of the Department of English Philology there are 4 candidates of sciences and 3 graduate students. Research work is being conducted on the topic: “Interactive methods of teaching foreign languages.” Many teachers have completed courses on methods of teaching English according to the Oxford educational and methodological complexes and have certificates, have trained at the University of Delaware in the USA, and have repeatedly become winners and finalists of various international programs and competitions. Teachers of the department are members of the international organization of English language teachers TESOL, take part in international conferences on methods of teaching English.

Specialty: "Ukrainian language and literature"

The educational process is carried out by 3 candidates of sciences. Topic of the research work: "Dynamics of linguodidactic research."

Specialty: "Psychology"

2 professors and 3 candidates of sciences are involved in the training of future psychologists. Topic of scientific research: "Socio-psychological problems of the formation of a multicultural personality." Teachers of the department regularly conduct monitoring psychophysiological studies at the institute and secondary schools of the city, as well as educational seminars and training work.

Specialty: "Finance and Credit"

Among the teachers working at the department there are 7 candidates of science and 2 graduate students. The topic of the research work: “Improving the economic mechanism of activity of enterprises in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.” Within the framework of this topic, interuniversity scientific and practical conferences of teachers and students are held, articles are published in scientific and popular publications.

Kerch Institute of Economics and Humanities TNU named after. V. Vernadsky (KEGI TNU) - additional information about the higher educational institution

general information

The Kerch Institute of Economics and Humanities was created on the basis of the Kerch Educational Scientific Consulting Center of TNU named after. V. I. Vernadsky in 2000

The structure of the Kerch Institute of Economics and Humanities includes 2 graduating departments, 4 branches of graduating departments and a department of social and humanitarian disciplines.

5 professors and 25 associate professors take part in the educational process. There are 23 postgraduate students and applicants for the degree of Candidate of Sciences studying in the postgraduate course.

A library is available to students and teachers, the fund of which amounts to 18 thousand copies of educational, reference and fiction literature in Ukrainian, Russian, English and German; an electronic library has been created and is constantly being updated.

The Kerch Institute of Economics and Humanities has computer classes and a specialized computer language lab for conducting practical classes in foreign languages. For educational and practical classes, rooms for geology, ecology, Ukrainian, English and German languages ​​and literature, psychology, functional diagnostics, a massage room and a gym are equipped.

Specialties of the Kerch Institute of Economics and Humanities

Training at the educational and qualification levels "bachelor" and "specialist" is carried out in the following specialties:

English language and literature; Ukrainian language and literature; ecology and environmental protection; finance and credit; psychology; human health.

Specialty: "Ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources"

The department consists of 2 professors and 6 candidates of science. Employees of the department conduct scientific research on environmental problems of the Eastern region of Crimea, adjacent waters and zones of influence; carry out joint work with the Crimean Republican Association "Ecology and Peace" on modern water supply and problems of flooding in the central part of Kerch.

Specialty: "Human Health"

3 professors, 8 candidates of science, 3 graduate students participate in the training of specialists - valeologists and specialists - rehabilitation specialists. Employees of the department conduct health-improving activities and scientific research on organizing monitoring and correction of the psychophysiological state of students using means and methods of physical rehabilitation. Specialists of the department undergo practical training in the city of Evpatoria on the basis of the National Center for Paralympic and Defolympic Training and Rehabilitation of Disabled People of the National Committee for Sports for Disabled People of Ukraine.

Specialty: "English language and literature"

Among the teachers of the branch of the Department of English Philology there are 4 candidates of sciences and 3 graduate students. Research work is underway