Something finds itself in them. How you can find yourself - the secrets of a successful search

At the beginning of 2015, I was lost. A few days before that I was fine, and then boom... And that’s it - I became a puzzle of 5,000 pieces scattered on the floor.

It can be painful to hear yourself

This period was very difficult. Nothing made me happy, but there was just some kind of pain inside. And misunderstanding: what am I doing, who needs it, why. With great effort I forced myself to get up in the morning and go to work, but the question “why?” didn't let me get back to normal. Everything around suddenly lost color. And meaning.

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It was then that I learned an important thing: everything always revolves around meaning. If something doesn't matter to you, no matter how hard you try, it won't breathe life into you. You won’t be nice by force and you won’t drag someone else’s life onto yourself. Although I tried to do this for 28 years. First for parents, so that they would not scold, but praise, then for friends, so that they could be like everyone else.

I made my first serious protest against the system and living someone else’s life when I moved to Cyprus. I was happy. A whole year and a half. And then boom - that same crisis, and I no longer find myself. Neither the sea, nor a happy family life, nor trips around Europe - nothing else made me happy. Because I wasn't in them. I am lost.

When from the outside your life looks like a fairy tale, it is difficult to explain to people that you feel bad.

Some said that I was too greedy. I believe that during that period I truly heard myself for the first time. Something inside me finally rebelled and said enough is enough! It's time to become yourself.

Later, when I start taking, I find out that others have gone through this process.

Advice: pay attention to your moods, they are your main indicator in life. If you suddenly feel a decline, try to understand what happened and what caused it. The same goes for a burst of joy or happiness. Don't give in to the general opinion, don't think that there's something wrong with you. It’s all the same with you, it’s just that such a period has come in your life.

How to get out of the swamp

At one point, I realized that this state was dragging me down more and more, that it was time to do something. Otherwise it's scary. It's scary to live in this emptiness for the rest of my life.

I started by looking for answers in self-development blogs. Then I came across Olesya Novikova’s blog, I read the articles and tried to find my answers. The result was the understanding that I don’t like my whole life, but only that part of it that is connected with work.

I remembered that I regularly “ran away” from work. I found another and hopefully plunged into a new atmosphere. Then a new escape and a new job. In Cyprus, I again found myself in a new area, which at first even seemed interesting to me.

After some time, I again felt a strong desire to escape. Because I absolutely didn’t see the point in what I was doing. In a huge corporation, I was a small cog, doing routine work day after day. By the way, nothing has changed in the company’s work since I left.

Advice: try to determine which part of your life you are most dissatisfied with. You can start studying with the Wheel of Balance. You can read about the method of working with it in the article .

We are looking for how to fix the sagging part of life

I focused on finding my calling or dream job. Although there were still strong stereotypes in my head that I couldn’t live any other way. And how is it different? During this period, I read books on this topic and was constantly waiting for insight. It seemed to me that somewhere in there on the pages, someone else could answer my questions and write my story. No insights came, and I continued to devour book after book, periodically wincing with displeasure if any of the books contained advice that I had already read but had not applied.

It's so funny actually. For example, we know that 2+2 = 4 and are not looking for proof that the answer should not be four, but, say, seven. We simply apply this knowledge.

With books on finding yourself and your calling, we do exactly this. We open book after book in search of that magic pill that will help us lose weight overnight. We do not apply what we read, but look for something that will “illuminate” us”, “open our eyes” or “explain everything”. We are looking for ease.

You know what? Forget about her! It won’t be easy anymore, it will remain there, in that life where you just went with the flow, without asking yourself any questions. Finding yourself is about taking action, trying new things and listening to yourself.

After reading the books, I decided to undergo training with a career strategist. For about two months, once a week I answered questions that were too difficult for me, and in the remaining time I did the given exercises.

My brain was boiling, and I was in a state of prostration. It even seemed to me that by the end of the training I left with even more chaos in my head than before the class. But it is not so. I didn’t come out with an understanding of who I was or what my calling was, but I did come out with a plan to create my own blog and two published articles in Life Is Interesting.

Advice: Try to make a plan for the near future, make a list of everything you will do to change the situation. If you can't figure out what to do next, ask for help. Talk to a friend, brainstorm with your support team, or reach out to a coach. Knowing yourself is priceless, and the money spent will pay off later.

Take action and try something new!

The next eight months of my life were busy creating a blog and childish attempts to promote it “tomorrow.” I wrote articles like crazy. For a man who until that moment had no faith in his writing abilities, this was a revelation. I met people, interviewed and was inspired by other people's success stories. And I still didn’t know who I could be and how to make money from all this.

In April 2016, a former colleague of mine, who knew about my studies with a career strategist, asked me to help her with the same problem. And I thought: why not? I re-listened to the recordings of calls from a year ago and, to be honest, I was in shock. It turned out that even then, being in a lost and confused state, I answered the question of what I wanted to do. But I didn’t hear myself. Now I heard this answer again and again, spoken in my voice:

“I want to help people see opportunities, not problems.”

“I want to help people achieve their dreams and goals.”

“I want more people to be able to live fuller lives.”

I repeated these words over and over again when answering questions from a career consultant. Then I decided to conduct a training course for my colleague, and the results were stunning! She shared its results, and for me there was light at the end of the tunnel. During that period, it was as if I opened a floodgate and allowed my ideas to reach me. John Steinbeck once said, “Ideas are like rabbits: get a couple and soon you’ll have a dozen.”

The moment you give your ideas the right to life, something inside changes irrevocably. And I decided to take a step towards the idea of ​​​​helping people achieve their dreams and goals.

Advice: Keep a notebook of ideas. Write down all your thoughts in it, even those that seem unrealistic or frivolous. Somewhere among these notes you will find your way.

Slowly but surely, you will find your path

To understand technically how the coaching process works, I signed up for the Life Coaching course in Cambridge and successfully completed it, receiving both theory and practice. And having removed another incorrect belief that I cannot conduct sessions in English. It turned out that I can!

My vague images resulted in an online course called “Change to Be!”, and I took the direction precisely on this topic. My ideas were implemented in two workbooks - on leaving your comfort zone and on working with goals. As part of the promotion of notebooks, I held an event at “Life is Interesting!” marathon with tasks “Towards change!” , gaining experience in a new format of work.

I also wrote to the MiF and the Skrebeiko publishing house, offering to study my notebook. I received replies to both letters. MiF, for example, offered to sponsor my marathons with books, and the Skrebeiko publishing house offered to collaborate in one of their projects, which is what I am doing now. But you should have seen me, typing letters to them with fingers trembling with fear and freaking out at my arrogance and courage!

If you look back and take a sober look at my history, you can see that there were no miracles. There was work, some attempts, “madness and courage.”

There were also ups and downs, doubts in one’s abilities, a desire to forget about everything, but again and again a return to one’s path.

Today I travel around Asia and conduct courses and consultations on realizing dreams. My search for myself took more than two years and, to tell the truth, this search is not over yet. But me at the beginning of 2015 and me now are two completely different people. It was worth it to take such a road to yourself, believe me.

Advice: be patient, don't give up. Ups and downs are the norm. Take a break if you need one. But then come back. In the end, you will only lose if you give up.

I see in them the same expectations of miracles and the fact that understanding oneself is a matter of one day. I also see the expectation of guarantees at the start: financial or emotional. Once, one girl with whom we worked on the topic of creating our own tourist routes asked me: “How will I know that this is mine? Why would I enjoy doing this?” I answered her: “How do you know if you like swimming? You go, try and after that everything becomes clear to you.”

Key words here: sample And do.

How do you understand who you are?

1. Know your strengths.

2. Track your moods, pay attention to your dreams.

3. Identify the part of life that makes you uncomfortable.

4. Don’t expect miracles and guarantees, get ready to work with yourself for a long time.

5. Write down your ideas.

6. Get ready to combine work and your “testing of the pen.”

7. Learn to work with your fears.

8. And do, do, do! Something completely new. Try it, don't wait for inspiration. They come in the process, not before.

If you find it difficult to start the process alone, come to marathon “It’s time to act!” , the start date of the new stream and reviews of participants can be read at the link:

If you require individual work and approach, take a look.

I wish you to find your way!

Each of us wants to receive passive income, while minimizing investment risks and not losing what we have accumulated through various efforts and labor. Today this can be done if you pay attention to the investment blog, which has been following all changes and new products for almost 3 years and tries to regularly offer you useful articles, recommendations and advice.

Investment blog - all about ways to make money on the Internet

What is an investment blog? This is the site where the following are collected:

  • Articles about money, economics and finance;
  • Useful recommendations on how to earn money without investments and where you can make a profit online;
  • Current descriptions of working with cryptocurrency, reviews of profitable crypto coins;
  • Current ways to earn money;
  • Interesting news from the world of money that is important for everyone.

And this is not a complete list of exactly where a blog can be useful to you. I am glad that both newcomers, with whom we are moving towards the Olympus of financial independence, and experienced market sharks who received their Oscar, approaching good indicators of total income, are cooperating with me. Many people choose GQ Blog Monitor for 10 reasons:

  1. I share my own experiences absolutely free of charge, which is rare in today's world;
  2. I regularly fill the blog with useful articles, anticipating your information requests;
  3. I make conclusions and analyzes, so I publish detailed and complete reports on the work of the blog weekly;
  4. I do not force anyone to do anything, I only recommend;
  5. I always point out the pros and cons of specific proposals;
  6. I regularly offer a variety of competitions where you can receive financial rewards;
  7. I am open to new proposals;
  8. I provide a platform for publications of young and talented authors;
  9. I am glad for every comment under the materials;
  10. I am in touch with you on many social networks.

Blog of private investor Ganesa

Having gone through many stages of the starting path on my own, I came across a rake that made me smarter and set my work in a productive direction. And I know how important it is at the very start to have qualified and professional support from an investor who has gone through everything on his own.

“Why a blog?”, you ask, and I hasten to answer that this is a convenient form of communication, filling content and establishing communication. And in the financial world, where every second something changes, the Bitcoin rate loses or gains up to hundreds of dollars, and miners mine a new block, it is extremely important to constantly be in touch and quickly respond to everything. GQ Blog Monitor can boast of this. I don't just advise, I also simplify your life. A crypto portfolio launched at the beginning of the year is a convenient method to organize investments and only monitor positive updates. If you previously kept records yourself, now everything is much simpler.

Investment articles on blogs appear every day, but I fill the content taking into account the desires, opportunities and interests of everyone. I do not write a separate blog special for an experienced trader or a beginner, I do not write separate articles about investing in stocks, as in a highly specialized investor blog. My blog combines recommendations from a practical investor, reviews, advice, and news from various financial areas. Together with me, you can not only learn how to make money work, but also what needs to be done so that the slogan “Store and increase” becomes the basic rule for all partners.

Taking into account the tastes and information preferences of each investor, I propose to choose priority areas and follow the latest “Hot Topics”. The private investor’s blog is open to criticism and comments, and all your questions are sure to be answered: promptly and in full. You can always see how I work and what projects I work with. The blog sections contain the most relevant articles about everything that will help you become a financially independent person: from the principles of the cryptocurrency mining algorithm and how to work with faucets and make money on paid surveys.

In reviews and feedback on new projects, I offer hype monitoring with detailed analysis and regular reports on the work of sites. Each investment project is presented to partners from different sides:

  • legend;
  • marketing;
  • administrator information;
  • my personal opinion;
  • technical part.

This is done to ensure that the decisions you make and certain investments you make are objective and effective.

My conclusions about investment blogs and my blog

In order to develop and follow all current trends, I read the blogs of partners “Save your money!”, a popular blog of a practical investor talks a lot about various bonus programs and plastic cards; and by flipping through a blog from an experienced homebody investor, you can learn more about the Forex market and the rules of working on it. I often visit the blog from Denis, a free investor who works with cryptocurrency. You can work with PAMM accounts and learn about investing in stocks and gold by reading the materials of a lazy investor who has been blogging for a long time. They learn a lot from me, and I learn a lot from them. And this is good: the exchange of data and information always has a positive effect on each side.

Each blog is individual and interesting, and the investor platform is unique. I can say: the content of my blog is for everyone: investors, those who work online and are looking for ways to remain anonymous, who are interested in stocks and cryptocurrency, choose HYIPs, stocks, and are looking for options for remote earnings. For ease of accounting, there is an investor's portfolio.

I work for all investors, no matter what your total investment volume is per week or month. GQ Blog Monitor is your guide, advisor and ally in the world of investments and financial literacy. I hope that when the next wave of voting takes place among readers and users for the best investment blog on the RuNet, you will bet on my investment blog, where recommendations are collected in one place on how to increase money during the Super Moon, tips on how to invest small ones for big profits amounts and the best fresh HYIPs.

My investment blog is an encyclopedia, an address book, a reliable assistant and consultant with a news feed for everyone.

  • Conclusion

The question of finding yourself is always relevant and occupies the minds of millions of people. Who to become? Where can you find a place in life that will bring you satisfaction and reveal your potential? We believe that any person is talented in one area or another, you just need to help him find his way.

This is not always easy to do. Not everyone is ready to make a change. We often turn a blind eye to dissatisfaction, self-doubt and destroy our own individuality. Only a few decide to quit their unloved job and do what they love.

It’s not always possible to find something you like. When we just graduate from school, it is difficult for us to make an independent decision about our future career. Therefore, parents often make a choice in favor of a specialty that, in their opinion, can bring a good income to their beloved child in the future.

Over time, we either get drawn into the process, or change priorities, or act on the principle “if you endure it, you will fall in love.” Is it possible to change your life? Will another life vector bring satisfaction? Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question.

So what to do if there is a desire, but no instructions? You can use the trial and error method, hiring first for one job, and then constantly changing it. Or you can do the preparatory work using the recommendations from our article. And after that move on.

5 Ways to Unleash Your Multipotential

If you are not happy with the business you are doing, use our advice. They are standard and will help you find yourself.

1. How to understand yourself? Write a list

On one piece of paper, make a list of your strengths and weaknesses. And on the other is a list of activities that you like or may be suitable for. Write down the features of each profession in it and correlate them in order with your list of strengths. The more coincidences, the greater the chances of achieving success in a new business.

For example, your lists might look like this:

Career objective

This way you can understand how to achieve the desired result. What steps should you take to fill a vacant position?

This exercise will help you identify your character traits. You will be able to work on your shortcomings and compensate for your imperfections.

2. Remember your childhood dreams

Each of us as a child dreamed of becoming an astronaut, a doctor, a veterinarian, a police officer, or working in a circus. The list of children's preferences is not very long. Unfortunately, rarely does anyone succeed make your childhood dreams come true. But in vain. A child's mind, unclouded by prejudices, can subconsciously guide you in the right direction.

Personality formation, by and large, begins in childhood. And if parents correctly hear their children and direct their interest in the right direction, then there should be no problems with their destination. If something goes wrong, then at a conscious age you can return to your childhood dreams.

Here are some questions to help you go back in time:

  • What were your favorite toys?
  • What cartoons did you like to watch? What were your favorite characters?
  • Did you like your parents' profession?
  • What inspired you in childhood and caused real admiration?
  • Did you have any hobbies as a child?

Here's what might happen: if you loved playing with construction sets and were interested in the construction process, then you should have well developed logic. Pay attention to professions where such thinking is in demand. These are analytics, finance, project activities, and so on.

3. Who do you admire?

Are you doing something that doesn't bring you joy and enjoy following the lives of popular bloggers? Why don't you try yourself in such an element? Or are you interested in other creative activities? Perhaps you keep a diary and have writing ability? Or you like to make unusual sketches in a notebook and you could become a designer? We are often fascinated by people who have achieved success in a particular field. Analyze whether you can achieve such heights.

To do this, you need to understand what specifically admires you: talent, popularity, material well-being? If it’s just a monetary component, then this is not a reason to change your profession - in any field you can fundamentally achieve success. And let us remember the words of Haruki Murakami: « A profession should initially be an act of love. And not a marriage of convenience If everything is put together, then for such a result you need to put in a huge amount of effort. Do you have serious intentions? Then start small. Come up with a concept for your advancement in a new business and follow the chosen path.

4. What to do with your life? Turn your hobby into a way to make money

Despite the fact that many may find this way of making money ridiculous, high quality handmade or collecting can bring significant profits. Besides, you don’t have to limit yourself to boundaries. You can find an application for your skills in any area that interests you.

Let's say you love your car and are ready to disassemble and improve it all day long? Why not make a business out of it? Open a car tuning studio.

Do you like to surprise your loved ones with culinary masterpieces? Want to develop your culinary skills to the world level? Do you know how to bake delicious pastries and decorate them beautifully? Why not make a homemade pastry shop?

You need to understand what you like to do and monitor the market for the demand for this type of activity.In this matter, you need to focus on quality and effective marketing.

5. Contact a psychologist or undergo specialized testing

It happens that it is quite difficult to understand yourself. Life circumstances, vanity and a whole bunch of additional problems interfere. There is no mood or strength to solve current problems, let alone introspect. In this case, you can contact a specialist.

He will talk to you, conduct testing, and based on the data received, give you options. Sometimes this can happen in completely unexpected areas. For example, you work as a teacher of Russian language and literature, and a psychologist saw in you photography skills.

There is no need to immediately dismiss such options. It is quite possible that as a child you loved to take photographs, but at some point your parents said that it was not serious. And after school they sent me to a pedagogical university.


In conclusion, I would like to note that the term “purpose” is not equal to the term “profession”. Perhaps your life path does not involve office work or business. There are completely different ways to use your strengths and develop yourself. This is motherhood, volunteering, charity.

You just need to remember: to be happy in your place you need harmonious cycle of energy exchange. You put in your efforts and receive in return the result of your own labors. Good luck in finding yourself!

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I was one of those who searched for myself.

My brain was consumed by questions - who am I, what am I, why am I? What is the meaning of life? what is my purpose? what should I do in life? what is my mission? What if I'm not following my path and living my life?

In search of my calling, I had high hopes for LSD, went to seers and healers, took tests, tried myself in business...

All to no avail.

Groundhog Day has been going on for several years now. Day after day I did the same routine - mechanically, without being present, with dull eyes, as if buried alive.

I lived in anticipation that a miracle would soon happen and everything would change.

Everything will be different, you just have to find yourself, determine your calling.

But time passed, and the miracle did not happen.

I wish I could live until evening. I wish I could wait until the weekend. I wish I could hold out until vacation.

It's Monday again...

Is this really how my life will go?

Out of desperation, I decided to go to Vipassana.

I have heard more than once that this is a sure way to find yourself. However, they said the same thing about LSD...

This was four years ago.

I didn’t find myself in Vipassana. As before, I had no idea what to do with my life.

However, the experience of the meditation retreat turned out to be very valuable for me - for the first time I experienced a deep feeling of happiness and peace that comes from within and does not depend on the external.

It turned out that you can be happy and joyful, even if you haven’t found yourself yet!

After Vipassana, I returned to the office routine and fell into an even deeper depression than I had been before the retreat.

If BEFORE I was still able to somehow embellish reality and convince myself that not everything was so bad, then after I saw my life so soberly and clearly that I realized that I couldn’t do this anymore. I felt that everything would change soon.

To somehow keep myself afloat, I decided to continue practicing meditation - for an hour every morning.

It was during this difficult time for me that I came across a book that (as I now understand) changed my life.


It was Paramahansa Yogananda's book How to Achieve Success.

Yogananda attached great importance to the development of a calm, receptive consciousness through meditation, which was very consonant with me.

However, this is not what grabbed me about the book.

One of the chapters was devoted to a very painful issue for me - how to find my calling.

And what Yogananda proposed in the book resonated within me.

I’ll say right away that the method that Yogananda proposes will scare off many. It would have only caused me a skeptical smile if this book had fallen into my hands a year or two earlier.

But I was lucky - this book came to me at the very right moment.

I notice that new knowledge comes to us when we are already “ripe” to receive and assimilate it.

It seemed that Vipassana and regular morning practice had cleared my mind sufficiently and I was open to new information.

Besides, at that time I was in complete despair. I've already tried everything I could, but nothing worked.

So what do I have to lose if I try?

Yogananda's Way to Find Your Calling

In my opinion, Yogananda is one of the greatest Teachers of our time.

He became known throughout the world thanks to his best-selling book “Autobiography of a Yogi.”

They say this was Steve Jobs' favorite book - every year he took the time to re-read it.

I myself have read the Autobiography twice already and would happily read it again.

In that chapter about finding your calling, Yogananda invites all seekers to turn to God in sincere prayer for help and guidance.

And so I began to pray every morning. Prayer ended my morning practice. After an hour of meditation, keeping my eyes closed, I turned to God as Yogananda suggested.

I prayed then something like this:

“Lord, tell me, how can I serve you?

Where, in what matter, will the talents and abilities with which You have endowed me be most pleasing to You?

Please give me a sign.

Please direct me to do things that please you.

Guide my life. Be with me.

Lord, I rely on you for everything.”


In the very first prayer, I experienced very unusual experiences - goosebumps appeared all over my body, tears flowed, I felt joy, unity with the whole world, delight and at the same time peace.

Later I realized that such an ecstatic state arises only in sincere prayer. When prayer comes “from the mind” and not from the heart, nothing like that happens. This state of spiritual uplift became for me a criterion for the sincerity of prayer.

I continued to pray in this way and a few weeks later, in one of my meditations, a vision came to me. It was fleeting, but so vivid that I still remember it well.

I saw myself surrounded by a group of people, we were in some bright hall, sitting on the floor - I was telling them something. I realized that I was teaching these people meditation. The vision immediately disappeared, but left behind a very pleasant aftertaste.

I realized then that this was a sign. The very sign that I have so sincerely asked for every morning for two months now.

But I still didn’t know what to do with this sign.

Conduct meditation?

To whom? How? Who am I anyway to teach meditation? Where will the money come from? What will my colleagues think? What will the parents say?

There are so many questions in my head and not a single answer.

But inside I was rejoicing - God hears me and he answers me!

Why do they “make” prayer?

Of course, this was not the first time I had prayed in my life. I remember as a child, inspired by the Bible for children, I repeated the Lord’s Prayer before going to bed. This went on for several years.

However, when I grew up, I stopped praying. It seemed to me like some kind of childish stupidity and superstition.

Back then I believed that I could achieve anything I wanted on my own. This is my life and it is in my hands. Why on earth should I rely on any God? I can do everything myself.

I lived with this position. And indeed, he achieved everything he wanted.

I entered one of the best universities in the country, graduated with honors, got a job at one of the best law firms... Pride and vanity went off scale.

Like everyone else, from time to time crisis situations arose and then I again remembered God and prayer, but as soon as life got better, I quickly forgot about it.

I have never understood why prayer is “made.” What is this strange expression “to say a prayer”?

You simply repeat a prayer you have memorized - “Our Father” or some other one. Where is the creativity here?

Yogananda gave me a completely different understanding of prayer.

Prayer is a sincere conversation with God.

It turns out that you can talk to God and this does not require any rituals or intermediaries.

All you need is sincerity and love in your heart.

It turns out that prayer can be different. It is not necessary to repeat some memorized prayers, you can create - create - your own!

So every day the prayer turns out to be new - the words come on their own and the prayer is born spontaneously out of love and gratitude.

Yogananda taught me that prayer can be confession, repentance, recognition, gratitude, expression of love, request and even reproach!

Every morning I continued to meditate and pray.

And I began to notice that life is full of signs. Once you ask sincerely, you immediately receive an answer - it can come from anywhere. The main thing is to trust, be open, calm, receptive.

The information you need comes when you are open and ready to receive it.

It was no coincidence that I had a session with a regressologist, who greatly expanded my idea of ​​what I could do in life. I wrote about this


A few months later I quit.

Fortunately, I still had some savings from my office service, with which I decided to give myself a gift - send myself on sabbatical for a year.

But I knew exactly what I wouldn’t do anymore.

Recruiters called me and offered me a job - I had to do the same thing, for the same money, but in a different place. Or even for more money.

I understood that after a year of “searching for myself,” it would no longer be possible to return to the profession at the same level.

Fortunately, I then had enough wisdom and courage to resist. It's time to call it a day.

I decided that I would no longer do anything I didn't believe in. I won't betray myself anymore.

Second birth

After quitting my job, I decided to travel the world - a dream I had put off for many years of office work.

First, Natasha and I traveled with tents in Karelia.

And then I continued the journey alone - I went to the Kenozersky Nature Reserve in the Arkhangelsk region. I signed up there as a volunteer - another old dream of mine.

For two weeks the boys and I landscaped forest paths, swam in the lake, picked blueberries and cloudberries, and took a black steam bath. Unforgettable days!

After finishing volunteering, I planned to return back to Moscow, where Natasha was waiting for me.

I left early in the morning in my expensive new car, with 1000 km of travel ahead.

I really wanted to be in time for a cool party that was planned that night in Moscow, so I was in a hurry and drove quickly.

The short road that the navigator suggested to me had perfect gravel and not a single car. Only later did I find out that this road was closed for repairs.

The road was so monotonous and smooth, and the car was moving so smoothly that I did not notice how I lost my vigilance and my speed gradually increased from a cautious 80 km/h to 100, 110, 120...

I was driving at 160 km/h when this happened.

The car “swept” on the gravel road and began tossing from side to side at such a breakneck speed.

I lost control and realized that any intervention on my part would lead to disaster.

At that moment I began to pray. It happened intuitively, on its own.

“Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name...”

The car was thrown off the road onto the side of the road. Directly ahead is a forest. It flashed through my head: “well, that’s it, this is the end.”

"Thy kingdom come..."

Then I remember, the car was torn off the ground, flying, impact, carrying somewhere, the car turned over on its side.

"Thy Will be done..."

I'm alive! Not a single scratch!

When the shock passed, I studied the trajectory of the car and discovered with horror that on our way we missed several large trees by literally centimeters - crashing into even one of them meant death.

As if someone, with their caring hand, saved me from imminent death.

I then very clearly realized that prayer saved me. I had no chance of surviving that accident without her.

I then felt the Divine presence like never before. He was here, next to me, I felt it with every cell.

There was no fear, no sadness, no doubt.

I cried with joy, love and gratitude filled my heart.

I didn't care about the wrecked car. It’s funny and ashamed of your ridiculous plans and desires.

He wants me to live. He loves me. He cares about me.

God saved my life. What can I offer him in return?

I realized then that God is above all.

And serving him is the meaning of my life.

Since then I have tried not to forget this.

Why am I not looking for myself anymore?

God loves each of us.

He loves so much and unconditionally that he gives us complete freedom - freedom of choice.

If there were no freedom of choice, then there would be no law of karma.

After all, how can there be responsibility without freedom, and freedom without responsibility?

Most of us choose to live in a world where there is no God.

And respecting our choice, out of his boundless love, he becomes invisible to us.

When we play hide and seek with God, he plays hide and seek with us.

All my life I thought I knew better. I'll figure it out myself. I will achieve everything myself.

So what did I achieve in the end? The honorary title of “the most unfortunate lawyer on Earth”?

I've already played enough. I give up.

I don't want to do it myself anymore. I want to be with you.

While I searched in vain for myself all these years, God always had a better plan for me.

But he did not interfere, because I did not ask. He allowed me to fully drink this cup of suffering, respecting my freedom.

“He really exists, and He can be found... As you walk calmly and confidently through life, you will certainly realize that God is the only reality, the only goal that meets your aspirations, for the answer to all the aspirations of your heart is in Him.” Yogananda.

But all I had to do was sincerely turn to him and he answered. From then on, I began to feel the presence of God in my life. Now I see that He is everywhere I look. Behind all forms is his Divine smile.

"I Can't Take My Eyes Off You" - Grebenshchikov sings just about this.

I've been waiting for a miracle for so many years. It turned out that the source of all miracles was always nearby and waiting for me to turn to Him.

I am no longer looking for myself and my calling.

I realized that I need to search for God, strive to develop and strengthen my connection with him, purifying my heart and consciousness for greater sincerity and purity.

Everything else will come.

If God comes first, you are completely safe.

The Lord knows all your needs, he himself will take care of all your needs. For several years I have not yet had a single reason to doubt this.

For four years now I have been turning to God in prayer. I ask him for support, I ask him to instruct me, I ask him to guide me through life.

I invite him to use my life energy, creative power, all my skills, abilities and talents in those matters that please him.

And he answers me - through signs, inspiration and intuition.

Inspiration is the voice of God in the human heart.

When you sincerely pray and are inspired to do something, know that it is God who has answered you.

He chose you to fulfill his plan.

Now you need to live up to the expectations placed on you. Because this is no longer your personal business - you are doing it together!

This does not mean that God will do everything for you. No! Otherwise, why would he need you?

Surrendering to God does not mean being weak and passive.

On the contrary, it means giving all your strength and energy, your best qualities, to serving God.

It is important to become a warrior in life - brave, decisive, strong-willed. But even more important is to make the right choice which army to serve.

Do your best and leave the rest to him.

If you need help, he will help and support you in everything.

I can’t count how many cases over the years (sometimes incredible!) when I felt his support.


God is the source of all knowledge, light, beauty and wisdom, and we are only guides.

The main thing on this path is purification.

The purer the guide, the more responsible matters the Lord is ready to entrust to us.

You need to cleanse your heart and mind from such impurities as pride, envy, greed, lust, selfishness, vanity, fear.

It is precisely these impurities that interfere with sincere communication with God.

I notice that those things where I manage to cleanse myself enough so as not to “foul” are charged with some special force and the results exceed all expectations, and I receive deep satisfaction and happiness from the opportunity to be useful.

And vice versa, those things where a lot of me is “mixed” give very mediocre results and do not bring satisfaction.

Cleansing is a big topic that deserves its own post.

So far, so close

If you are already desperate to find yourself and your place in life, let my story inspire you.

You don't have to go through life alone and blindly.

You may have already tried a lot of things, but nothing has worked. Well, this is also part of the journey. Frustration leads to wisdom.

Maybe all this was needed just for this purpose - to stop playing hide and seek.

Invite God into your life, let him lead you by the hand.

As a parting gift, I decided to give you a few gifts:

  • Firstly, I suggest you try meditation-prayer (this is one of the meditations in the Mind Detox 21 course)
  • Secondly, I suggest you read a couple of short but very powerful books on the topic raised today.

To receive all this, sign up in the form below - you will immediately receive an email with meditation and books.

When I read that book by Yogananda four years ago, I intuitively felt that this was true. I had a strange feeling - as if I already knew this somewhere deep inside, and he helped me remember what I had forgotten.

I would be glad if you share your “search” experience in the comments to this post. What were you looking for and what did you finally find?

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Many of us do not notice that we begin to look for ourselves from the cradle. Favorite toys, games, etc. That's why most girls play with dolls and boys play with cars.

But there are exceptions, for example, a girl is not interested in dolls, she plays races with boys, perhaps her future begins here. In the old days there were many women combine operators and drivers. Women went to war alongside men.

Also boys, if a child plays with dolls and not shoot games with friends, they often laugh at him. Or he spends hours next to his mother, who is cooking in the kitchen, and not with his father in the garage near the transport. And he, perhaps, is looking for himself from such an extraordinary side. Perhaps these are future fashion designers, stylists, hairdressers and chefs.

A child’s character and passion are formed between six months and one year. There has long been such a funny ritual that is performed on the day of baptism. Several things are placed in front of the child. This is money, weapons, a book and some object of labor. Whatever it reaches for, that’s where its purpose lies. Stupidity, you might think, but no, a child’s soul and thoughts are still pure and not cluttered with prejudice, so this is a choice of the heart.

There are no female and male professions. Every person is obliged to do what his consciousness strives for. There is no need to forbid a child to do what he likes. Help your child in his endeavors. There are many sections and circles for this. When punishing a child for bad grades, think that perhaps this is simply not what he needs. At school, teachers constantly talk about the need for exact sciences, focusing specifically on them. This is also wrong, not everyone can be scientists and mathematicians.

How to find yourself in adulthood

For each of us, one day, the time comes when we need to make a decision in life. Be it profession, hobby or family. But how to find yourself in life? Where to start and how not to make mistakes? First you need to think about how exactly you want to live your life. Set goals and priorities. This must be a mature and thoughtful decision. And most importantly - only your personal. The mistake of most parents is that they supposedly know what will be better. The younger generation is being forced to choose the most in-demand professions. Thinking about how to later find a job with a high salary and not thinking about whether the child likes this profession. Our environment is very important. It may not help you find yourself in life, but it helps you acquire habits. We copy those with whom we communicate and spend time. Like the saying goes: “tell me who your friend is and I’ll tell you who you are.” Tobish, if your environment matches your interests, it will be easier to reach your potential.

The same goes for choosing a soul mate. We listen to the opinions of others and live by the “herd instinct.” It’s not customary to get married and then build a career, and we don’t get married. It is not customary to give birth to children and then build a personal life; we do not give birth. Little by little pushing your interests and desires into the background. And according to statistics, there are ninety percent of such people. All these people are unhappy. Have you ever felt like you were not living your life or that you had taken the wrong road somewhere? At what point did this happen, who is to blame? How can a person who works as a lawyer be happy if he dreams of painting pictures? No, because you and only you must choose. First, what you need to do is overcome your fears and embarrassment. Nobody said it would be easy, you have to fight for happiness. It's never too late to start changing your life for the better.

We start living after forty

It's never too late to start life again. But this is especially difficult. According to psychologists, this is the second transitional age in a person’s life. It is at this age that it seems that life is over. Everything that needed to be done has already been done and there is nowhere and no need to move further. It seems that we live like robots, every day the same thing. Home, family, work, problems and only occasionally a short rest. And if you want changes, then how to find yourself in life?

Let's look at this from the other side. At this age, a person has already matured. There is a permanent job, the children have grown up and everything is going smoothly. But if it’s not so, then it’s never too late to change something in yourself or your life. The main thing is to work on yourself. The first thing to do is to throw away the whole past. Cross out the bad and tune in only to the good. Look how many people over 40 go to college to improve their profession or get a new one. If, for example, you lost your job or retired, you can start your own business. Or if the children have grown up long ago and started their own families, there is no need to sit in a rocking chair and knit socks. Try, for example, traveling or even changing your place of residence. No matter how old you are, where you work or where you live, life can always be filled with color. The main thing is to never stop and believe in yourself until the last day. Play sports, reconsider your priorities and start living freely.

Material prepared by Yulia Starova