Solution. Punctuation marks in the presence of connectives

The days flew by one after another with a speed that did not allow the mother to think about the First of May. Only at night, when, tired of the noisy, exciting bustle of the day, she went to bed, her heart quietly ached.“I would rather...” At dawn the factory whistle howled, the son and Andrei quickly drank tea, had a snack and left, leaving a dozen errands for their mother. And all day long she spun around like a squirrel in a wheel, cooked dinner, cooked purple jelly for proclamations and glue for them, some people came, shoved notes to give to Pavel and disappeared, infecting her with their excitement. Leaflets calling on workers to celebrate the First of May were pasted on fences almost every night, they even appeared on the doors of the police headquarters, they were found in the factory every day. In the mornings, the police walked around the settlement, cursing, tearing and scraping purple pieces of paper from the fences, and in the afternoon they were flying on the street again, rolling under the feet of passers-by. Detectives were sent from the city, they stood on the corners, searching with their eyes the workers who were cheerfully and animatedly passing from the factory to lunch and back. Everyone liked to see the powerlessness of the police, and even the elderly workers, grinning, said to each other:- What are they doing, huh? Groups of people gathered everywhere, heatedly discussing the exciting call. Life was boiling, it was more interesting for everyone this spring, it brought everyone something new, for some - another reason to be irritated, angrily scolding the seditionists, for others - vague anxiety and hope, and for others - they were a minority - the sharp joy of knowing that they are the force that wakes everyone up. Pavel and Andrey hardly slept at night; they came home just before the bell rang, both tired, hoarse, and pale. Mother knew that they held meetings in the forest, in the swamp, she knew that mounted police patrols roamed around the settlement at night, detectives crawled, seizing and searching individual workers, dispersing groups and sometimes arresting one or another. Realizing that her son and Andrei could also be arrested every night, she almost wished for this - it would be better for them, it seemed to her. The case of the timekeeper's murder has strangely stalled. For two days the local police asked people about this and, after questioning about ten people, lost interest in the murder. Marya Korsunova, in a conversation with her mother, told her, reflecting in her words the opinion of the police, with whom she lived amicably, as with all people: - Can you find someone to blame here? That morning, maybe a hundred people saw Isaiah and ninety, if not more, could give him a slap. For seven years he has annoyed everyone... The Little Russian has changed noticeably. His face became haggard and his eyelids became heavy, drooping over his bulging eyes, half-closing them. A thin wrinkle lay on his face from his nostrils to the corners of his lips. He began to talk less about ordinary things and affairs, but more and more often he flared up and, falling into a drunken and intoxicating delight, he spoke about the future - about the beautiful, bright holiday of the triumph of freedom and reason. When the matter of Isaiah's death died down, he said, smiling disgustedly and sadly: “Not only the people, but also those people with whom they poison us like dogs are not dear to them.” It is not Judas who pities his faithful one, but the pieces of silver... - It will be about this, Andrey! - Pavel said firmly. The mother added quietly: - They pushed the rotten thing - it crumbled! — Fair enough, but it’s no consolation! - the Little Russian responded gloomily. He often said these words, and in his mouth they took on some special, all-encompassing meaning, bitter and caustic... ...And then this day came - the First of May. The horn roared, as always, demanding and imperious. The mother, who had not slept for a minute at night, jumped out of bed, put the fire in the samovar, which she had prepared the night before, and wanted, as always, to knock on the door to her son and Andrey, but, after thinking, she waved her hand and sat under the window, putting her hand to her face. it was as if her teeth were hurting. A flock of white and pink light clouds quickly floated across the pale blue sky, as if large birds were flying, frightened by the echoing roar of steam. The mother looked at the clouds and listened to herself. Her head was heavy and her eyes, inflamed from a sleepless night, were dry. There was a strange calmness in my chest, my heart was beating evenly, and I was thinking about simple things... “I put the samovar on early, it’ll boil over! Let them sleep longer today. Both were tortured..." A young ray of sunshine was peeking through the window, playing merrily, she offered it her hand, and when it, bright, lay on the skin of her hand, she quietly stroked it with her other hand, smiling thoughtfully and affectionately. Then she got up, took the pipe off the samovar, trying not to make any noise, washed her face and began to pray, fervently crossing herself and silently moving her lips. Her face brightened, and her right eyebrow slowly rose up, then suddenly fell... The second whistle screamed quieter, less confidently, with a trembling sound, thick and wet. It seemed to his mother that today he was screaming longer than ever. The Ukrainian's booming and clear voice was heard in the room. - Paul! Do you hear? Some of them smacked their bare feet on the floor, some yawned sweetly... - The samovar is ready! - shouted the mother. - Let's get up! - Pavel answered cheerfully. - The sun is rising! - said the Little Russian. - And the clouds are moving. This is superfluous today - clouds... And he went out into the kitchen, disheveled, rumpled from sleep, but cheerful. - Good morning, nenko! How did you sleep? His mother came up to him and said quietly: - You, Andryusha, go next to him! - Of course! - whispered the Little Russian. - As long as we are together, we will go everywhere side by side - just know that! -What are you whispering there? - asked Pavel. - We’re okay, Pasha! - She tells me - wash your face cleaner! The girls will be watching! - answered the Little Russian, going out into the hallway to wash. - “Get up, get up, working people!” - Pavel sang quietly. The day became increasingly clear, the clouds were leaving, driven by the wind. The mother was collecting dishes for tea and, shaking her head, thought about how strange everything was: they were both joking, smiling this morning, and at noon, who knows what was waiting for them? And for some reason she herself felt calm, almost joyful. They drank tea for a long time, trying to shorten the wait. And Pavel, as always, slowly and carefully stirred the sugar in the glass with a spoon, carefully sprinkled salt on a piece of bread - the crust he loved. The Little Russian moved his legs under the table - he was never able to immediately place his legs comfortably - and, looking at the sunbeam running on the ceiling and wall, reflected by the moisture, he said: “When I was a boy of about ten years old, I wanted to catch the sun with a glass. So I took the glass, crept up and - slam on the wall! I cut my hand and they beat me for it. And when they beat me, I went out into the yard, saw the sun in a puddle and let’s trample it underfoot. I was covered in mud and they beat me up... What should I do? So let me shout to the sun: “It doesn’t hurt me, red devil, it doesn’t hurt!” And he kept sticking his tongue out at him. This was comforting. - Why did it seem red to you? - Pavel asked, laughing. “And opposite us was a blacksmith, red-faced and with a red beard.” Cheerful, kind man. So the sun, in my opinion, looked like it... Unable to bear it, the mother said: - You should talk about that as you go! - Talking about what has been decided will only confuse! - the Little Russian remarked softly. - If we are all taken away, Nenko, Nikolai Ivanovich will come to you, and he will tell you what to do. - Fine! - the mother said, sighing. - I should go outside! - Pavel said dreamily. - No, it’s better to stay at home for now! - Andrei responded. - Why bother the police in vain? She knows you quite well! Fedya Mazin came running, sparkling, with red spots on his cheeks. Full of trepidation and joy, he dispersed the boredom of anticipation. - Began! - he spoke. - The people are moving! He climbs into the street, everyone’s faces look like axes. All the time Vesovshchikov, Vasya Gusev and Samoilov stood at the factory gates and made speeches. A lot of people returned home! Let's go, it's time! It's already ten o'clock!.. - I will go! - Pavel said decisively. “You’ll see,” Fedya promised, “the whole factory will stop after lunch!” And he ran away. - It burns like a wax candle in the wind! - His mother saw him off with quiet words, got up and went out to the kitchen, and began to get dressed. -Where are you going, nenko? - With you! - she said. Andrei looked at Pavel, tugging at his mustache. Pavel straightened the hair on his head with a quick gesture and went out to her. - I won’t tell you anything, Mom... And you don’t tell me anything! OK? - Okay, okay, Christ is with you! - she muttered.

1. General Provisions

1.1. In order to maintain business reputation and ensure compliance with federal legislation, the Federal State Institution State Research Institute of Technology "Informika" (hereinafter referred to as the Company) considers the most important task to be ensuring the legitimacy of the processing and security of personal data of subjects in the Company's business processes.

1.2. To solve this problem, the Company has introduced, operates and undergoes periodic review (monitoring) of a personal data protection system.

1.3. The processing of personal data in the Company is based on the following principles:

The legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data and integrity;

Compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the goals predetermined and stated when collecting personal data, as well as with the powers of the Company;

Correspondence of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of processing personal data to the purposes of processing personal data;

The reliability of personal data, their relevance and sufficiency for the purposes of processing, the inadmissibility of processing personal data that is excessive in relation to the purposes of collecting personal data;

The legitimacy of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data;

Continuous improvement of the level of knowledge of Company employees in the field of ensuring the security of personal data during their processing;

Striving for continuous improvement of the personal data protection system.

2. Purposes of processing personal data

2.1. In accordance with the principles of processing personal data, the Company has determined the composition and purposes of processing.

Purposes of processing personal data:

Conclusion, support, amendment, termination of employment contracts, which are the basis for the emergence or termination of labor relations between the Company and its employees;

Providing a portal, personal account services for students, parents and teachers;

Storage of learning results;

Fulfillment of obligations provided for by federal legislation and other regulatory legal acts;

3. Rules for processing personal data

3.1. The Company processes only those personal data that are presented in the approved List of personal data processed in the Federal State Autonomous Institution State Scientific Research Institute of Information Technology "Informika"

3.2. The Company does not allow the processing of the following categories of personal data:


Political Views;

Philosophical beliefs;

About the state of health;

State of intimate life;


Religious Beliefs.

3.3. The Company does not process biometric personal data (information that characterizes the physiological and biological characteristics of a person, on the basis of which one can establish his identity).

3.4. The Company does not carry out cross-border transfer of personal data (transfer of personal data to the territory of a foreign state to an authority of a foreign state, a foreign individual or a foreign legal entity).

3.5. The Company prohibits making decisions regarding personal data subjects based solely on automated processing of their personal data.

3.6. The Company does not process data on subjects' criminal records.

3.7. The company does not publish the subject’s personal data in publicly available sources without his prior consent.

4. Implemented requirements to ensure the security of personal data

4.1. In order to ensure the security of personal data during its processing, the Company implements the requirements of the following regulatory documents of the Russian Federation in the field of processing and ensuring the security of personal data:

Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2012 N 1119 “On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 2008 No. 687 “On approval of the Regulations on the specifics of processing personal data carried out without the use of automation tools”;

Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated February 18, 2013 N 21 “On approval of the composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems”;

Basic model of threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems (approved by the Deputy Director of the FSTEC of Russia on February 15, 2008);

Methodology for determining current threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems (approved by the Deputy Director of the FSTEC of Russia on February 14, 2008).

4.2. The company assesses the harm that may be caused to personal data subjects and identifies threats to the security of personal data. In accordance with identified current threats, the Company applies necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures, including the use of information security tools, detection of unauthorized access, restoration of personal data, establishment of rules for access to personal data, as well as monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures applied.

4.3. The Company has appointed persons responsible for organizing the processing and ensuring the security of personal data.

4.4. The Company's management is aware of the need and is interested in ensuring an adequate level of security for personal data processed as part of the Company's core business, both in terms of the requirements of regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and justified from the point of view of assessing business risks.

The punctuation course of the new school is based on the intonation-grammatical principle, in contrast to the classical school, where intonation is practically not studied. Although the new technique uses classical formulations of the rules, they receive additional semantic and intonational justification. In general, the new method is based on knowledge of grammar and allows you to place punctuation marks without memorizing formal rules, including in the best way expressing the author's semantics of the text.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book A grammatical method of teaching Russian spelling. Book 2. Lectures on punctuation (N. P. Kireeva) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Lecture 1. Dash between subject and predicate


There are many private rules in this topic, but - alas! – their knowledge in most cases does not allow one to unambiguously solve the problem: For every “dash must be placed” there is a “dash may not be placed.”

An unambiguous setting of a dash is needed only in the presence of special linking words THIS, THIS, MEANS, THIS MEANS. Therefore, to understand the topic you need knowledge of factors, influencing the placement of a dash (the way of expressing the subject and predicate, the presence of particles, conjunctions and introductory words between them, the style of speech, the author’s desire to place the author’s dash, etc.).

And the topic would be quite complex if it were not for the possibilities of intonation analysis. Pause and raising the voice before the pause with logical emphasis on the subject- these are the best guidelines for choosing a dash.

The material includes the following sections:

1. Dash between subject and compound nominal predicate

2. Dash between subject and predicate (complex options)

3. Elliptic and incomplete sentences

Dash between subject and compound nominal predicate

The section includes the following topics:

1. Basic provisions

2. Rules for placing a dash in the presence of linking words

3. Different ways of expressing subject and predicate

4. Absence of a dash “when filling a pause” between subject and predicate

Topic 1. Basic principles



1. Definition

A compound nominal predicate consists of two-piece:

A) linking verb in conjugated form;

B) nominal part expressed by adjectives, adverbs, nouns or numerals.

2. Linking verb

The copula expresses meaning time and modality (predicativity), as well as various additional meanings: formation, detection, manifestation of a sign, as well as movement, position:

Snow became stronger.

This Seems strange.

He came tired.

3. Types of ligaments

Unsignificant the connective is the verb BE , which in the present tense is represented by the zero form:

December – beginning winter.

It's a cold day.

But: day was cold (non-zero copula in the past tense).

The remaining ligaments are semi-significant(become, appear, seem, be considered) or significant(came, returned, lay, slept).

4. Substantive predicates

A dash between the subject and the nominal predicate is most often placed with a zero (missing) connective in the case when the nominal part is expressed by a noun. Such a predicate is called a compound substantive.

Identify substantive predicates with the following values:

A) qualification/assessment(attribution of an item to a specific class):

My neighbour - pensioner .

The exam is check of knowledge ;

B) identification(identity establishment):

5. Infinitive predicates

Infinitive predicates are expressed indefinite form of the verb:

Our task is study .

Smoking is good for health harm .

Infinitive predicates indicate not objects, but situations and, like substantive predicates, express the attitude identification: in this case the subject is usually a noun with an abstract concept, and the infinitive predicates reveal this concept.

Some sources include infinitive predicates to compound nominal predicates, while others consider this version of the predicate special kind.

– Why do we need these substantive and infinitive predicates? Can't you put a dash without them?

– Yes, this also happens, for example, when there is an inversion of the main members in a sentence.

For example:

Our duty is to study. Learning is our duty . Here identification of subject and predicate(They interchangeable, they can be rearranged), so there is no inversion, a dash is placed in both cases.

But: My neighbors are nice people . My neighbors are nice people . Here estimated value predicate, therefore the main terms are determined uniquely, in the second sentence their inversion takes place, the dash is not placed.


1. Ways of expression nominal part of a compound nominal predicate

A compound nominal predicate consists of a verb connective be in the required form and noun part, expressed by a noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, adverb, noun phrase, as well as an indefinite form of a verb:

The polar bear is real master Arctic (noun)

Sea wonderful, blue, tender (full adjective)

Everything is unknown majestically (short adjective)

Is it true more unusual fiction (comparative adjective)

My uncle the most honest rules (phrase)

The Cherry Orchard - my ! (pronoun)

Ursa Major - seven bright stars (counting turnover)

Living life is not a field go (infinitive)


In the examples given, the verb connective be not present in the present tense.

2. Linking words

Between the subject and the compound nominal predicate there may be special linking words THIS, THIS, MEANS, THIS MEANS :

Confidence - This key to the heart.

Protect nature - this means protect the homeland.

3. Compound subject and predicate

If the subject and predicate include dependent words, then a dash separates the composition of the subject from the composition of the predicate:

Talking to you is just a waste of words.

His example is a lesson to others.


1. A dash in a letter indicates a pause in spoken speech.

Between the subject and the compound nominal predicate in many cases a dash is added. Placing a dash between the subject and the predicate corresponds to pause in speech in accordance with the following intonation scheme: raising the tone – extended pause – lowering the tone.

2. Punctuation marks in the presence of connectives

In the presence of verb connective EAT there is no pause and there is no dash. In the presence of linking words THIS MEANS, THIS MEANS a dash is always placed (this is a special type of sentence with a nominative topic, which are discussed below).

3. Punctuation marks in the absence of connectives

In the absence of linking words or verb connectives, the placement of a dash depends on what part of speech expresses the subject and predicate.

A dash is placed when the syntactic role of the main members can be confusing(for example, when the subject and predicate are expressed by a noun in the I.p.):

Forest – most valuable raw materials .

If the grammatical role of the main members is obvious(for example, for an attribute predicate), then the dash between the subject and the predicate is usually not placed:

Rain small, cold .

In the absence of linking words or verb connectives, it is possible author's production dash if it is necessary to highlight the subject or predicate:

Explanation (please note!)

In the presence of a pause (and a dash), the intonation stress falls on both the subject and the predicate, and in the absence of a pause the predicate becomes the intonational (and semantic) center of the utterance.

Topic 2. Rules for placing a dash in the presence of linking words

It is necessary to distinguish between sentences with linking words THIS MEANS and sentences with verb linkage EAT (the word “bundle” appears twice in this thread, but it’s not the same thing).


1. Mandatory setting of a dash

Dash between subject and predicate is mandatory in the presence of special linking words THIS MEANS (or combinations of them), while the subject and predicate can be expressed by different parts of speech:

Linking word THIS

Seven years - This a lot in one person's life.

Trust is the key to the heart

Linking word HERE

Precision and brevity - Here the first virtues of prose.

Linking word MEANS

Be in love - Means suffer.

Knowing many languages ​​means having many keys to one lock.

Linking word THIS MEANS

Protect nature - This means protecting the Motherland.

Linking word THAT'S WHAT

Confidence - that's what always important.

2. Sentence with nominative topic

Sentences with linking words can be considered as sentences with nominative topics, wherein:

A) in the first place is a word with an objective meaning - nominative topics;

Similar consideration of sentences with linking words especially convenient in that case, if the link THIS used in the indirect case and is an addition:

Always tell the truth - on this Not everyone is capable.

The special grammatical form of such sentences is the reason for the obligatory use of a dash before the linking word.

3. Linking words THIS MEANS

Linking words THIS MEANS must be distinguished from other meanings of these expressions, and this is not so simple. Be careful!

A) Introductory wordMEANS :

After all, this Means , you want to ruin her completely, Boris Grigoryich!

B) Introductory wordMEANS in the role of a union or as part of a union

Word MEANS can act as a union in the BSP or be part of a union IF... MEANS , ONCE... MEANS in SPP:

He sent me a cross - Means , he loves me (BSP).

Once you are reading this letter of mine, Means , I have already left you (NGN).


This Means , sir, that you will never see your inheritance.

D) Paired option

Particular attention should be paid to those cases when the copula is difficult to distinguish from the verb (in both cases “means” is between two infinitives):

Using a bundle We identify two situations based on the principle of comparison or cause-and-effect relationships:

Give your life - this means dedicate it to people (linking word THIS MEANS , dash, pause).

When using the verb “means” we are talking specifically about revealing the meaning words and expressions. This form is usually used in sentences with homogeneous predicates, when the verbs MEAN are stressed and there is no pause after the subject:

"Give Your Life" does not mean "to die" and Means dedicate it to people (verb MEANS , no pause or dash.)


In the presence of a verb connective EAT there is no pause and no dash:

Book There is best gift.

Simplicity There is a necessary condition for beauty.

Art There is thinking in images.

Pushkin's fairy tale There is direct heir to the folk tale.

Laughter, pity and horror essence three strings of our imagination (verb link essence ).

Topic 3. Different ways of expressing subject and predicate

In the absence of linking words or verbal connectives, placing a dash between the subject and the nominal part of the predicate depends on what part of speech they are expressed in.


1. General principle of the solution

A dash is placed if it is necessary to separate the composition of the subject from the composition of the nominal predicate. In this case, the subject and predicate are usually expressed by a noun in the initial form, an infinitive form of a verb, or a numeral.

- And why?

– In these cases, without a dash and a pause, it is difficult to determine the grammatical role of the named words.

2. Noun combinations in I.p. and infinitive form of the verb

A dash is placed if the subject and predicate are expressed noun in I.p. or the indefinite form of the verb in various combinations:

Poetry - my power .

The happiest people are ignorant, and fame is luck .

Poetry - is the same production radium.

Taman - the worst small town from all the coastal cities of Russia.

Task art - research human soul.

Best way get rid of the enemy - do him as his friend.

Produce effect - their pleasure .

Find omens - very fascinating class .

Speak without thinking - fire without aiming.

3. Words in the meaning of a noun

The subject or predicate can be expressed by another part of speech in the meaning of a noun (substantive word) - adjective, participle, numeral, pronoun:

Main – do not hurt the child’s soul.

Cycle “On the Kulikovo Field” - the best what Blok wrote about the Motherland.

Comic - funny in life or in art.

4. Variants with numerals

The subject or predicate can be expressed numerical or counting turnover:

Three times three - nine.

Five and two are seven .

Volga length – 3688 kilometers .

Average wind speed – five meters per second.

Twenty seven - my fatal number.


1. General principle of the solution

A dash is not placed if the composition of the subject and nominal predicate is determined unambiguously(according to the principle, an object is its attribute or a pronoun is its object/attribute). In this case, two options are possible:

A) the nominal part of the predicate is expressed by an adjective or adverb,

B) pronouns act as the main members of the sentence.

In the absence of a pause or a dash, the intonation center of the utterance is the predicate.

2. Sign predicate

There is no dash, if the predicate is expressed adjective (full, short, comparative degree), participle, adverb, noun phrase, that is, it has characteristic character:

This mountain greatest in the world.

Weather obnoxious , road nasty , coachman stubborn .

This question foremost .

Life short , art durable .

At home new yes prejudices old .

Flying poplar silver and light .

Homeland on the other side mile doubly.

Is it true more unusual fiction.

Live dog better dead lion.

Judge a man out of favor easily .

Shark's back of blue color .

The inhabitants of Goryukhin for the most part average growth .

My uncle is the most fair rules .

3. Pronoun as subject or predicate

A dash is not placed if the subject or predicate is pronoun (personal, demonstrative, interrogative, relative):

A) personal pronoun as subject:

I am an honest person and never give compliments.

We are the masters of our nature.

I'm terribly glad that you are my brother.

Isn't it true that we are the beauty of the entire valley?

B) including the dash is not placed in parallel structures when highlighting the predicate , and not the subject using intonation stress:

I am the light spring, and You tired cold .

I am a golden flower who is forever young and you are sand on dead shores.

He is corruption, he is plague, he is ulcer these places.

C) interrogative or relative pronoun as a predicate:

This is an amazing man .

This your private case .

Who these People ?

Tell me, Who is yours Friend .

Topic 4. Absence of a dash when filling a pause between subject and predicate (conventional name)


(The predicate is expressed by a noun in I.p.).

1. General principle of the solution

If between the subject and the nominal part of the predicate there is function word (conjunction, particle), introductory word, as well as addition or circumstance, related to the entire sentence (and not part of the subject or predicate), then there is no pause and no dash(the pause seems to be filled with one of the listed words).

In this case, the general word appears as a separator between subject and predicate.

2. Practical examples


This officer Not good for you.

Look at you Not marvel.

Light snowfall Not a hindrance for the hunter.

Russia Not Petersburg, it’s huge.

Friendship Not service, no thanks for it.

Other particles

March only the beginning of spring.

Malay dwellings Just end-to-end bamboo cages.


Blooming willow among firs How a ray of light in a dark kingdom.

Earthly glory How smoke, that's not what I asked for.

tree branches exactly trunks of a beautiful temple.

Dandelions in the fields in the morning as if living gold.

Imagination Same great gift of nature.

His arrival in the Caucasus Also a consequence of his romantic fantasy.

Mercury Same metal.

Introductory words

Practicality, In my , a very commendable word.

Book, May be , the greatest miracle.

A park, as is known , an integral part of the estate.

Adverb or object applied to the entire sentence

A rash act at all dangerous step.

Literature Always textbook of life.

This is peace often a sign of great, albeit hidden power.

Tourism for me best vacation.

Poetry for you one fun.

Father I have Golden man.


1. Addition or circumstance as part of the subject or predicate

If the object or adverbial is part of the subject or predicate, then a pause is made and a dash is placed (in this case, the dash separates the composition of the subject and predicate):

Rain in summer - pure pleasure.

Minute with her - heavenly paradise.

The best protection for me - clear peace of mind.

2. The nominal part is expressed by the indefinite form of the verb

Pauses and dashes in the presence of function words, as well as general circumstances and additions, are preserved if the nominal part is expressed in the indefinite form of the verb.

In this case, function words, additions and adverbials are part of the subject or predicate group:

Scientist learn - only spoil .

About the decision speak - only confuse .

Life live - not a field go .

kids educate - not chickens recalculate .

Tea drink – don’t chop wood.

Your task – don’t give in temptations

– Why do you need a special solution for the infinitive?

– Without a dash, the syntactic structure will be unclear, for example: “the task of not giving in to temptations” is a phrase (infinitive as a definition), and “to talk about what has been decided, only to confuse” is very similar to homogeneous predicates.

Checking the correct placement of a dash is done by the presence of a pause in oral speech.


Attention! This topic has several solutions!

1. Phraseological phrase as a predicate

If the nominal part of the predicate is expressed by a phraseological phrase, then a dash between the subject and the predicate is put(in the case of a regular noun phrase, there are no dashes or pauses):

Boots – what do you need a mirror !

Sons - one to one.

His income now is Be healthy .

His tactics are divide and rule .

We thought he was sleeping, but he - ears on the top of the head.

And the porch - God forbid another prince !

Noun phrase as a predicate, no dash (for comparison):

Fields and forests in white decoration .

All furniture yellow wood , very old.

Table by the window oval shape .

2. The entire offer is a stable turnover

If the entire offer is a sustainable turnover or a proverb, then the dash is placed according to the general rules:

Noun in I.p. + noun in I.p.

Someone else's soul is darkness.

Dexterity and skill are salvation in times of trouble.

Including with parallel intonation and the presence of pauses:

Your eye is a diamond, someone else’s is glass.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

The word is silver, and silence is gold.


Poverty is not a vice. The heart is not a stone.

3. Indecomposable combination of subject and predicate (no pause or dash):

Penny price in your words. It's rubbish .


Here comes the inversion!

1. General principle of the solution

In case of inversion of subject and predicate the rule for placing a dash is reversed(such a change indicates a non-standard syntactic construction).

2. No pause or dash(this is an inversion of subject and predicate - we have an assessment/qualification, not an identity):

What a joy in days of war, disconnect from the weather!

Nice place this valley!

Wonderful person Ivan Ivanovich.

3. A pause is made and a dash is placed (usually when there is a conjunction, a dash is not placed):

Epiphany night is frosty, like a mirror - moon.


In conversational style and in specialized literature There is no pause between the subject and the predicate and there is no dash. The tonic stress in this case falls on the predicate.

1. Conversational style (variant I.p. – I.p.)

My father is a doctor .

My brother journalist .

– Why isn’t there a dash in the conversational style?

– Generally speaking, it may not be used, it all depends on the communicative meaning of the message, that is, on the specific communication situation.

Compare dialogues:

- Who is your brother? – My brother is a journalist, he works in the editorial office (emphasis on the predicate, no pause or dash).

- My brother is in school. – And my brother is a student (emphasis on the definition related to the subject, pause, dash is placed).

2. Special literature:

Maximum range device actions two kilometers .

Price goods five thousand rubles .

Temperature melting gold 1063 degrees .

1. General principle of the solution

The author's placement of a dash (not corresponding to the stated rules) is possible in the case when the author changes the intonation pattern of a sentence and thereby introduces additional shades of meaning into the message.

Most often, it is necessary to emphasize the significance of the subject, then a pause is made between the subject and the predicate in oral speech, indicated in writing with a dash, and the intonation stress falls on the subject.

A) Pronoun as subject

I - your northern friend and brother!

You - eternity is a hostage to time in captivity.

This - two nightingales duel. This - Ancient Sphinx.

B) Pronoun or adverb as a predicate

The Cherry Orchard - my!

To be in love - nice !

C) Noun phrase as a predicate

Poets – all of the same blood .

D) ParticleNOT , predicate in the form I.p.

But the explanation is Not justification.

A fighter without a hat - Not fighter.

My love - Not joke.

No, being Not shaky riddle!

D) Conjunction, particle, adverb

My soldier's overcoat - How seal of rejection.

I'm all - How the flapping of imperceptible wings.

Your speeches - as if sharp knife.

Crowd - Always crowd.

E) Inversion of subject and predicate (emphasizing the predicate that comes first)

Nice people - my neighbors.

Serious step - marriage.

True treasure - Russian poetry.

Amazing thing - dream.

Yes, Scythians- we, yes, Asians – we, with slanted and greedy eyes.

G) Parallel intonation

The placement of a dash is facilitated by the parallel intonation of the sentence when comparing objects and their characteristics (the subject is highlighted, pauses, a dash is placed):

Horse color - yellow , and the tail and mane - brown.

I - sudden break I - playing thunder, I - clear stream, I – for everyone and no one!

You - writer, I – actress.

Soul - like a sail, soul - like a harp.

From others to me praise - what a shame, from you and hula - praise.

Section 2. Dash between subject and predicate (complex options)

The section includes three topics:

1. Complicated ligament

2. Complex subject

3. Complicated predicate

Topic 1. Complicated ligament


1. Definition

Linking words THIS MEANS may have with them unions (AND HOW), particles ( NOT ONLY ),verb connective IS, adverbs, etc.

2. Sentences with a connective are sentences with a nominative topic

As already mentioned, sentences with linking words can be considered as sentences with a nominative topic - or rather, a special case of a figure of speech, which is called the nominative topic.

– What kind of figure of speech is this?

– Nominative topics are figure of speech , in the first place of which there is an isolated noun in I.p. , which names the topic of the following phrase.

Its function is in arousing special interest in the subject of the statement and enhancing its sound, for example: "Moscow! How much in this sound merged for the Russian heart, how much echoed in it.” (A.S. Pushkin).

In a special case the nominative of a topic can come at the beginning offers and separated from the rest of the sentence by a dash.

Thus, in a sentence with linking words, the first place is the word with subject meaning (nominative topic), then after a pause follows pronoun THIS , replacing the specified word and actually playing the role of the subject, followed by the predicate: Trust - This key to the heart.

The given interpretation of sentences with linking words convenient for special occasions, namely:

A) with inversion of the ligament(the connective is located before the nominative topic):

Amazing This people - children!

B) in the presence of a copula in the indirect case(as a complement, not a subject):

Admit your mistakes - on this he is not capable.

Actually all sentences with linking words are sentences with a nominative topic, but they have a connection THIS stands in I.p. and plays the role of subject

3. General principle of solution and intonation

The complication of the composition of linking words is facilitated by the placement of a dash. The placement of a dash in writing corresponds to the presence of a pause in oral speech in accordance with the following scheme: raising the tone - extended pause - lowering the tone.


1. Ways to complicate the ligament

With various methods of complicating linking words THIS, THIS, MEANS, THIS MEANS a dash is used in most cases:

Loneliness in creativity - How is that loneliness in life.

Punctuation marks – How is that musical notes.

Poetry – How is that a monument that captures the best moments of the best minds.

I thought biology - That's what it is my real calling.

The purpose of life - That's what it is life itself.

Work and perseverance - that's all there is to it the main path to happiness.

Unity of spirit, views, will - that's all there is to it real unity.

The complex world of feelings - it's not only the destiny of the chosen ones.

Brilliant mind - does not mean deep mind.

Look back - doesn't mean at all retreat.

It is good to talk about virtue - doesn't matter yet t be virtuous.

Keeping a nightingale in a cage does not mean making it sing.

To be a cause of joy or suffering for someone - isn't this the best sweet food for our pride?

2. Verb linkage AND THERE IS

In sentences with verb linkage AND THERE IS It is recommended to place a dash only in cases where the subject is common enough that you can pause after it:

Ability to be creative - and there is the greatest gift for a person.

Ask a close friend for forgiveness - and there is say goodbye in Russian.

But this and there is our new project.

Ask for forgiveness and there is say goodbye.

3. Ligament inversion THIS as part of the predicate

In sentences with a connective THIS Inversion of subject and predicate is possible. This proposal can also be considered as sentence with a separate explanatory member:

Beautiful This quality - sincerity. (Sincerity is a wonderful quality).

Great This the point is to make a decision.

The philosopher thought that This his destiny is to live in a kennel.

4. Bunch THIS in the oblique case

Linking word THIS can be used in indirect cases, including with a preposition:

Understanding another person - on this a special property of the soul is required.

Always hope, never despair - in that basic property of human nature.

5. Bunch THIS refers to the offer

The most important - This what he himself thinks about it.

Topic 2. Complex subject


1. Statement of the problem

The subject can be complicated:

a) defining turnover;

b) homogeneous members;

c) subordinate clause;

d) an introductory sentence related to the subject.

2. General principle of the solution

A) The complication of the subject contributes to the placement of a dash between the subject and the predicate, including those cases in which it is usually not placed(adjective as a predicate, pronoun as a subject, comparative conjunction or particle NOT between subject and predicate).

B) Placement of punctuation marks for a complicated subject independent(combination of comma and dash, parentheses and dash).

B) Placing a dash on a letter corresponds to the presence of a pause in oral speech.


With various methods of complication of the subject a dash is used in most cases(a pause and a dash separate the composition of the subject from the composition of the predicate).

1. Homogeneous subjects, subordinate clause, attributive phrase:

Live on earth, strive for heaven with your soul - this is a person’s joyful lot.

The main thing that Lapland is famous for is - this is because Santa Claus lives here.

Birds wintering with us - this is a titmouse, a bullfinch.

A person indifferent to his native language - Savage.

Our century (I'm not afraid to repeat myself) - the age of high speeds.

Develop the names of signs, as the names of colors are developed, - a matter of the future.

2. Including a dash is placed in various options for “filling a pause”:

A lake overgrown with reeds - Not best place for swimming.

We , cats are inquisitive people.

This ring, if you compare it with others, - Not the most expensive.

Joys that are not stored in memory are not real joys.

Clouds floating across the blue sky - How beautiful castles on the seashore.

This log house, covered with a green roof, - Same Nazimov's house.

3. No dash when filling a pause

As an exception, a dash is not placed if between the subject and predicate there is addition or circumstance applied to the entire sentence(option with filling the pause):

The house we live in for a long time is no longer our home.

Topic 3. Complex predicate


1. Statement of the problem

The predicate can be complicated:

a) homogeneous series,

b) defining phrase,

c) a subordinate clause related to the predicate.

2. General principle of solution and intonation

Complication of the predicate contributes to the placement of a dash. When placing a dash in oral speech, there is a pause, the subject in the first part of the sentence is highlighted using intonation stress.


1. In various ways of complicating the predicate, a dash is placed In most cases, wherein the subject is highlighted using a pause and intonation stress. Including a dash is placed if the predicate is expressed by an adjective or pronoun, as well as with various options for “filling the pause”, if it matches the intonation pattern of the sentence:

I - is yours, Russia, is yours by gender! My ancestor drove a plow in the fields.

The branches of the trunks are like the vaults of a beautiful temple, built by nature .

But Chatsky and his like-minded people - for sure advanced warriors, skirmishers and therefore always victims.

The syllable of the story is now the flash of lightning, now the blow of a sword .

I look sadly at our generation, its future - or empty, or dark.

Women and girls - cheerful, flexible, with dark blue eyes, also bronze .

Drinking water in the morning - languid , like all the sick , and those drinking wine in the evening - intolerable, like all healthy people.

After all, I am writer, a person who calls everything by name .

Art takes on a kind of religious quality from Mayakovsky, it is a prophet dictating his laws to the world.

2. There is no dash (emphasis of the predicate)

In similar variants, the dash may not be placed in accordance with the intonation of the sentence (there is no pause after the subject, homogeneous adjectives are the intonation center):

He boy not evil, not cruel .


1. A dash is placed (emphasizing the subject)

For complicated predicates with a particle NOT (NOT... A, NOT and NOT, NOT ONLY... BUT AND) a pause is made and a dash is added if necessary highlight subject (author's emphasis, significant prevalence of the subject, development of the theme of the subject in the subsequent text):

Our task is do not reflect enemy attack, and destroy enemy

Danko's ideal - not a fight against harsh living conditions, a dream free humanity from base feelings

Social themes for the poetess – Not social order , a scream souls.

Poetry - not a whim or a prank.

I - not your husband, not your fiancé, not your friend .

Onegin – not a cold, not dry, not soulless person.

Forest - not just vegetation on the ground. Forest is irreplaceable ecological system planets.

Writing – not a craft or occupation . Writing – vocation .

Professional language – not just other words . This another concept , different thinking.

2. No dash is placed (emphasizing the predicate)

When there is no pause The predicate becomes the semantic center of the statement; in this case, the dash is not placed:

Moscow not a silent mass of stones arranged in a symmetrical order .

Having learned that Naumov not an engineer, but a horse guardsman , she regretted telling her secret.

Nature not a temple, but a workshop , and the person in it is a worker.

Soul of Pechorin not rocky soil, but land parched from the heat .

Woodpecker Not only a carpenter , but also excellent climber.

People Not only material force , but also source of spirituality.

Happiness Not only reward for achievement , but also the very path to success.

Love don't sigh on the bench and not walks under the moon.

3. Dashes are not placed before stable combinations

Dashes are not usually placed before combinations NOTHING ELSE AND NOTHING ELSE BUT (there is no pause or dash, the intonation center is the predicate):

Passions nothing more than ideas during their first development.

Such a life nothing more than selfishness and laziness.

Section 3. Elliptic and incomplete sentences

Placing a dash in elliptical and incomplete sentences depends on their structure; it can also be the author’s decision.

The section includes two topics:


2. Dash in incomplete sentences

Topic 1. Dashes in elliptical sentences


1. Definition

A dash can be placed in elliptical sentences of a special construction, consisting of

(1) subject and (2) object or adverbial(the predicate is always absent in such sentences).

-Are there any offers? without a predicate? But what about predicativity (tense, mood), they must be expressed?

– Elliptic sentences are a special type of sentences. They imply action, but it can be expressed a whole group of verbs, for example: Everyone to the basement (go, run, hide).

These offers are not considered incomplete, since they don't correspond with corresponding complete sentences.

In elliptical sentences it is possible presence or absence of dash between two parts of a sentence.

2. General principle of the solution

Dash in elliptical sentences is placed in the following cases:

A) if there is a pause between the first and second parts of the sentence;

B) in the presence of a pause in sentences with parallel structure and intonation;

B) in slogans.

Dash in elliptical sentences not placed in the following cases:

A) in the absence of a pause (often in poetic speech);

B) in nominal sentences similar to elliptical ones.

– So it all depends on intonation? How do you know when a sentence needs a pause?

– In reality, everything depends on the shade of meaning, since with the help of a pause we highlight the first part of the sentence.

3. Intonation

The placement of a dash in elliptical sentences corresponds to the presence of a pause in oral speech, while when there is a pause using logical stress the first part of the sentence is highlighted.


1. General principle of the solution

In elliptical sentences, the placement of a dash depends on the presence of a pause. Usually a pause done in various descriptions, when the first part of the sentence is highlighted, and is not done in poetic speech.

2. Elliptical sentences

A) Elliptical sentences, pause, dash, highlighting of the first part:

Circumstance - subject

To the left of the entrance is a stone two-story building.

They stick together at home. Behind them are vegetable gardens.

It’s quiet in the spacious room, but there’s frost outside the windows.

Everywhere there are high rooms, in the living room there is damask wallpaper.

Subject - circumstance

Subject - object:

So this is the beauty of flying into the sky! She's down!

Chatsky's vitality does not lie in the novelty of his ideas.

Addendum – subject:

The brave strives for victory, the brave strives for the way forward.

B) Elliptical sentences, no pause, dash:

Circumstance - subject

Again at the hour of the night clouds above the ground.

Among the celestial bodies, the face of the moon is foggy.

Funny boats in the blue distance.

Addendum – subject:

And in wives and daughters there is the same passion for uniforms.

3. Elliptic sentences of parallel structure

A) The presence of parallel intonation (alternating between raising and lowering the tone) contributes to the placement of a dash:

There are carpets on the floor, and a beautiful lampshade above the table.

Long live man, the master of his desires! The whole world is in his heart, all the pain in the world is in his soul!

In the steppe near Kherson there are tall grasses, in the steppe near Kherson there is a mound.

There are curious people in all the windows, boys on the roofs.

A wide ravine: on one side there are huts, on the other there is a manor.

B) However, in the absence of parallel intonation (usually in non-extended sentences), there are no pauses and no dash is placed:

Tatiana goes into the forest, the bear follows her.

4. Dashes in slogans

Slogans always have a dash, which corresponds to the presence of a pause:

Students - knowledge! There is a prize for first place. First of all – efficiency!

Reward for the winner! Taking care of children comes first! Our work for the Motherland!


Elliptic sentences should be distinguished from nominal sentences similar in structure, in which the second part is not a circumstance, but a circumstantial definition:

Night. Silence. The shining of stars in the dark sky

Chains of blue mountains in the sun, fog over the valleys.

Caucasus! A long way over the abyss where the river roars.

– Is there no predicate in nominal sentences either?

– There is no consensus in linguistic science regarding denominative sentences. It is believed that in this case the author acts as an observer in the time he describes.

Compare: Beautiful weather (noun sentence, statement of fact). – The weather is beautiful ( two-part sentence, description of space). Accordingly, denominative sentences always refer to a specific (present) tense, although they do not have a predicate.

At the same time, there is another description method, which actually denies the existence of denominative (one-part) sentences. In this case, they are considered to have zero predicate and are included in the paradigm of two-part sentences of the following type: Winter. - It was winter. - It will be winter.

Topic 2. Dashes in incomplete sentences


1. Definition

Sentences are called incomplete, in which the missing terms can be restored according to the text (most often the predicate is skipped).

The structure of incomplete sentences is similar to elliptical, but at the same time missing member is clearly restored from the previous text.

Accordingly, incomplete sentences usually have parallel structure.

2. General principle of the solution

Dash in place of missing members placed when there is a pause and parallel intonation. A dash is not placed if there is no pause or parallel intonation.

Two solutions can be compared in the following example with a slight difference in grammar, but different intonation:

There is no dash (the preferred option for an unexpanded sentence):

The days became longer and the nights became shorter.

This is a SSP with the conjunction A, there are two phrases here, only the predicates are highlighted with tonic stress.

The dash is placed:

The days became longer, the nights became shorter.

This is BSP, there is no conjunction A, and therefore it is convenient to read the sentence with parallel intonation, making a pause in speech, and denoting it with a dash in writing.


1. A dash is placed

A dash is placed in place of missing members in the presence of a pause and parallel intonation, wherein pairs of words are highlighted with logical stress:

The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.

Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.

We consider everyone to be zeros, and ourselves to be ones.

To the left a forgotten spruce rustled, to the right a weeping willow.

Ivan Ivanovich shaves his beard twice a week, and Ivan NikIforovich - once.

2. There is no dash

There is no dash if there is no pause and parallel intonation:

You do long things, and I do short ones.

Egorushka looked at him for a long time, and he looked at Egorushka.

I will catch birds, and grandma will sell them.

I was angry, he was gloomy.


1. Statement of the problem

Incomplete sentences can reveal a predetermined topic (often after a colon in a non-union complex sentence).

2. Solving the problem

Placing a dash in such sentences also depends on the presence of parallel intonation and pauses.

A) A dash is placed in the presence of pauses and parallel intonation (basic option):

Three girls surrounded her: one was holding a jar of blush, the other was a box of hairpins, the third was a tall cap of a fiery color.

The clouds came from two sides: on the left - almost black, on the right - gray, rumbling with continuous thunder.

Both of them were happy: she was happy about his trust, he was happy about her readiness to understand.

Three gates led out of the city: one to midday, others to the north, and the third straight to the Horde.

B) A dash is not placed in the absence of pauses and parallel intonation (uncommon sentences):

There are two small doors in the bedroom: on the right to the study, and on the left to the corridor.

In the absence of a connective, a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate ALWAYS:

noun in I. p. - noun in I. p.:

Moscow is the capital of our Motherland.

Our life is work.(K. G. Paustovsky)

numeral in I. p. - numeral in I. p.:

Five eight is forty.

noun in I. p. - numeral in I. p.:

The height of the main peak of Elbrus is five thousand six hundred thirty three meters.

numeral in I. p. - noun in I. p.:

Forty-five - baba berry again.

infinitive - infinitive:

Smoking is harmful to health.(Proverb)

noun in I. p. - infinitive:

Our duty is to defend the fortress until our last breath...(A.S. Pushkin)

infinitive - noun in I. p.:

Think and try to understand the environment is now my goal.(N. N. Miklouho-Maclay)

infinitive - adverb ending with -o:

Giving in is shameful.(V.F. Tendryakov)

II. in front of particles This, Here, this, Means, this means, This is what:

The leitmotif of my new book is This devotion to the Motherland.(N. A. Ostrovsky)

a dash is also placed in front of the named particles when

presence of a ligament:

Being human - Means be a fighter.(J.V. Goethe)

during inversion* dash is also required:

Of course, it is a great art to wait.

(L. S. Sobolev)

It's very unbearable to move.(I. A. Goncharov)

III. before the expression one(s) of:

Patience - one of life's treasures.


IV. if the predicate is expressed by a phraseological unit:

...she and Trofim are two pairs of boots.


In sentences of a colloquial-everyday nature, a dash is not placed between the subject and predicate, expressed nouns, in the absence of a connective: My son is a writer.

However, for the purpose of semantically emphasizing the predicate, it is possible to add a dash: My son is a writer.

To clarify the meaning of the sentence, a dash is also placed:

  • The elder brother is my teacher.
  • My older brother is a teacher.

Dash between subject and predicate in the absence of a connective NOT PUT:

I. if the SUBJECT and PREDIB are expressed

noun in I. p. - adjective:

The sea is wonderful, blue and tender, like the hair of an innocent girl.(A. Zavadsky)

noun in I. p. - participle:

The windows are wide open.

noun in I. p. - an adverb:

The dress fits her.

noun in I. p. - interrogative-relative pronoun:

Tell me who is your friend?..

noun in I. p. - combination with a noun:

The inhabitants of Goryukhin are mostly of average height...(A.S. Pushkin)

personal pronoun - noun in I. p.

I am an honest person and never give compliments.(A.P. Chekhov)

personal pronoun - interrogative-relative pronoun:

... and I'll tell you who you are.

II. if between the subject and the predicate there is particle, union,

adverb, introductory word:

Analogy Not proof .

live idle only smoke the sky.(Proverb)

Pond How shiny steel...(A. A. Fet)

His coming Always event .

Goose , known, the bird is important and reasonable.

(I. S. Turgenev)


1. Dash in front of the particle NOT put:

A). If NOT used with a restrictive particle only :

  • These lines - Not only peaks of poetry.
  • (K. G. Paustovsky)