Entertainment on fiction in the middle group. Lesson on fiction and drawing in the middle group “Rukavichka”

GCD for fiction in the middle group

Topic: “Journey to the village “Skazkino”

Educator: Moskvitina A.V.

“Journey to the village “Skazkino”

Educational objectives:

  1. Introduce children to the history of fairy tales.
  2. Clarify children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.
  3. To clarify children's knowledge about the variety of Russian folk tales.
  4. Reinforce the concepts: before, between, behind.

Educational tasks:

Developmental tasks:

Develop interest and an emotionally positive attitude towards Russian folk tales.

Preliminary work:

  1. Production of planar images of four houses with removable locks and opening windows.
  2. Learning physical education minutes.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introductory part.

Guys! Look. Dunno came to visit us. He doesn't know a single Russian folk tale. Let's help him get acquainted with fairy tales.

Do you like fairy tales? (Love)

What Russian folk tales do you know? (“Chicken Ryaba”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Mashenka and the Bear, etc.)

Well done boys! You know a lot of fairy tales. Do you know why fairy tales are called Russian folk tales?

The Russian people composed fairy tales to tell their children, to teach them to distinguish between good and evil in life. When the children grew up, they told their children these same tales. And so fairy tales passed from adults to children.

2. Main part.

And now I, together with Dunno, invite you to the village “Skazkino”, where fairy tales live. We'll go by steam locomotive. Carriages, line up!

The children stand behind the teacher and the “train” departs.

Carriages, trailers

There's a rattling sound on the rails.

They are being taken to the village "Skazkino"

A group of guys.

Chug, chug, chug.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the houses and invites the “train” to stop.

So we arrived in the village of Skazkino. Look how beautiful the houses are. Each house has a lock. And in order for us to open it we need to solve the riddle. Listen carefully.

Why did this happen?

That the egg suddenly broke?

Grandma knows, mouse knows,

Grandfather knows, and you, little one?

What is the name of this fairy tale? (Chicken Ryaba).

The teacher removes the lock and opens the windows of the house. In the window you can see the image of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”.

Right! Which egg did the hen lay first? (Golden egg).

What happened to the testicle? (The egg broke).

How did your grandmother and grandfather react? (They started crying).

How did the chicken calm them down? (Children's answers).

Which egg is better, golden or plain? Why? (Children's answers).

Well done boys! Let's open the next lock.

One day a mouse found

A completely empty house.

I began to live and live,

Yes, let residents in.

What is the name of this fairy tale? (Teremok).

The teacher removes the lock and opens the windows of the house. In the window you can see the image of the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Fine! Who found the tower first? (mouse - Narushka).

Who did the mouse let into the little house? (Children list heroes).

Who came last? (Bear).

Let's draw a bear. (Children imitate the movements of a bear).

What happened when the bear came? (He broke the tower).

How did the fairy tale end? (Children's answers).

What does this fairy tale teach? (You need to live peacefully under one roof).

Physical education minute

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok

(Children raise their hands above their heads, imitating a “roof”)

He is neither short nor tall.

(Children squat and stand up)

There's a lock on the door, yes a lock

Who would help us open that lock?

(clasp fingers together)

Bunny on the left, mouse on the right

Pull back the valve;

(Shake head right, left)

On the left is a mouse, on the right is a wolf -

Click on the lock;

Bunny, mouse, bear, wolf,

Open the tower!

(They try to unclasp their fingers)

We rested a little, and now let's try to open the remaining locks. Listen carefully.

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

Who were these children? (Kids).

What is the name of this fairy tale? (The wolf and the seven Young goats).

The teacher removes the lock and opens the windows of the house. In the window you can see the image of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Well done! Tell me, did the wolf eat all the kids? (Children's answers).

Did the kids do the right thing? What does this fairy tale teach? (Children's answers).

How did the fairy tale end? (The goat saved her kids).

How should you behave when you are alone at home? (Children's answers).

Right! Listen to the last riddle.

He left the evil wolf

And the daring bear,

And the fox has a ruddy side

There was no way I could deceive.

What is the name of this fairy tale? (Kolobok).

The teacher removes the lock and opens the windows of the house. In the window you can see an image of the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

What bun? (Round, ruddy, naughty).

Who did the bun go from? (From a hare, from a wolf, from a bear).

Why did the fox eat the bun? (Children's answers).

What kind of fox is in a fairy tale? (Children's answers).

Let's draw her. (Children imitate the movements of a fox.)

What does this fairy tale teach? (Children's answers).

That's right, guys! We guessed all the riddles, opened all the locks and windows. Well Dunno, now you will know Russian folk tales. And now it's time for us to return home. Guys, form a “train”.

Children stand behind the teacher and form a “train”.

Carriages, trailers

They rumble along the rails,

They take you back to the group

A group of guys!
Chug, chug, chug.

The children take their seats.

3. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, where have we been today? What did we do? (Children's answers)

Well done! Now you can rest.

Kolmakova Sholpan Toktarovna

Mini-center "Bastau"

at the municipal state institution "Zhelezensky secondary school" of the state institution "Department of Education of the Zhambyl region" of the akimat of the Zhambyl region

North Kazakhstan region

Program content

Evoke an emotional response in children.

Learn to dramatize the content of fairy tales, convey the characteristic features of heroes using facial expressions and gestures; imitate the movements and behavior of characters; adhere to the appropriate intonation, timbre, and strength of voice.

Develop the ability to match the pattern with the size and shape of the mitten, without going beyond the contour.

Strengthen technical skills: hold the brush correctly, rinse it, dry it, applying it to a napkin; learn to confidently and continuously write on paper.

Form a basic idea of ​​mutual assistance.

Circle of joy: Hello, palms!

Vocal: Guys, today I want to invite you on an exciting, magical journey. And we'll go to a fairy tale. But only kind, cheerful and good children can get there. Do you think they will take you into a fairy tale? Why?

Children's answers.

Vocal: Let us show everyone how funny we are, how we can have fun and laugh.

Children laugh and smile at each other.

Question: Do we know how to frown and get angry? How?

Children show each other gloomy, angry faces.

Vosp: Now show us how friendly and affectionate we all are. Let's hug each other.

Children hug.

Vocal: This is how cheerful, kind, affectionate we are. You will definitely be taken into a fairy tale.

- Guys, this is where our miracles begin. Look here, someone has already been here and managed to leave their traces. Whose tracks do you think these are?

Children's answers, their assumptions.

Vosp-l: I suggest you follow these tracks and see where they lead us. You just need to walk carefully so as not to scare our guest.

Children with a teacher walk along laid out stencils

human traces.

Vosp-l: Where did they take us? Children, what is this?

The teacher points to a mitten lying on the floor.

Children: Mitten.

Vosp-l: Guys, the mitten was probably lost by the one who left these marks. Who do you think could have left it here?

Children: Grandfather.

Vosk-l: And from what fairy tale?

Children: “Mitten.”

Vosp-l: Of course, it is this kind and magical fairy tale that calls us to visit. Well, shall we go?

Here in the forest on the path

The mitten is lying there.

It is warm and big.

He attracts everyone to him.

- Guys, who was the first to find the mitten?

Children: Little mouse.

Play: Show how it squeaks.

Question: How does she walk? Let us all, like mice, quietly sit on our tiptoes in our seats.

Vocabulary: There lived a gray mouse in a field,

Koloskov had enough.

I carried grain by grain,

She laid it in a deep hole.

I saw a mitten in the field,

And she began to live in the open.

While the teacher is speaking, a child in a mouse mask runs around the hall,

collects spikelets. Runs up to the mitten.

Mouse: Who, who lives in a mitten?

The mouse listens, but no one answers her,

and she hides in her mitten.

Vocabulary: A mouse lives in a mitten and doesn’t get bored. It's fun, good for her.

Children, who came after the mouse?

Children: Frog - croak.

Vocal: Correct. She galloped across the field and croaked loudly. How did she croak?

Song: The snow is spinning and falling,

All paths are white.

A frog jumps through the forest,

Green legs.

A child in a frog mask is jumping around the hall.

Frog: Who lives in a mitten?

Mouse: I, little mouse. And who are you?

Frog: And I, the croaking frog. Let him live with you.

Mouse: Come in.

Vocal: The little mouse and the frog live so well together. But someone else is jumping along the path. Who is this guys?

Children: Runaway bunny.

Play: Let's show how the bunny moves its ears.

Children show moving their “ears” using their hands.

Vocal: To them on long white legs,

The bunny is jumping along the path.

The little cowardly hare was jumping through the forest,

I saw the mitten and immediately said:

Bunny: Who lives in a mitten?

Mouse: It's me, little mouse.

Frog: It's me, the frog frog. And who are you?

Bunny: And I, the runaway bunny. Let me live with you.

Everyone: Come in.

Vosp-l: And the three of them began to live.

White land around

The veil lay frosted.

A fox is running from the forest,

She went to the mitten.

Fox: Who lives in a mitten?

Mouse: It's me, little mouse.

Frog: It's me, the frog frog.

Bunny: It's me, the runaway bunny. And who are you?

Fox: And I, little fox-sister. Let me live with you.

Everyone: Come in.

Vosp-l: They began to live even more friendly. But they hear branches crunching, breaking, and someone coming. Guys, who came to the mitten after the fox?

Children: Top-gray barrel.

Vocabulary: How does a wolf growl?

Vosk-l: The four of us lived quietly,

Everyone knew their place

But one day the angry wolf

He came from the forest and knocked.

Wolf: Who lives in a mitten?

Mouse: I, the mouse, am a bitch.

Frog: I, the croaking frog.

Fox: I, little fox, sister. And who are you?

Wolf: And I, the top, am a gray barrel. Let me live with you.

Everyone: Come in.

Vosk-l: They feel crowded, but still they all live together in friendship and harmony. Here is another animal making its way through the forest.

Big bear one day,

I was looking for my den.

And I saw near the spring

A very beautiful mitten.

Bear: Who lives in a mitten?

Mouse: I, the mouse, am a bitch.

Frog: I, the frog, am a frog.

Bunny: I, bunny, am a runaway.

Fox: I, little fox, sister.

Wolf: I, the top - the gray barrel.

Boar: I, boar, are a fang. And who are you?

Bear: And I, little bear, am father. Let me live with you.

All: We have very little space. Well, okay, come in.

Vosp-l: They all began to live together. No one was offended.

Guys, you hear someone’s steps, someone else is coming here. Who is this?

A child appears wearing a grandfather mask.

Children: Grandfather.

Vosp: Why do you think he came?

Children: Behind the mitten.

Grandfather: There are a lot of you animals here. Do you have nowhere to live?

Animals: Nowhere, grandfather, and in winter it’s cold in the forest.

Grandfather: Well, okay. I'll leave you a mitten. Live in it.

Grandfather leaves.

Vocal: The old man knew how to feel sorry for animals,

I always wanted to do good.

Learn, children, from him

To love, to be sorry and to be affectionate.

Vocal: Guys, grandfather felt sorry for the animals and gave them his mitten. And he himself was left with nothing. But we have a fairy tale and it can’t end so badly. So let's do everything together and give grandpa a lot of mittens. Now, even if he loses them again, he will have more than one pair. Do you agree?

Vosp: We will go with you to our magic workshop. But we won’t just walk, we’ll jump like frogs.

Physical education minute

Two cheerful girlfriends

Two green frogs. (jumping)

Woke up early in the morning (stretch)

They dried themselves with a towel (imitate movements)

They clapped their hands: clap - 3 times (clap)

They stomped with their feet: top - 3 times (stomp)

To the right, to the left leaned (tilts)

And they returned back. (jumping)

Vosp-l: So we ended up in our fabulous workshop. Look how beautiful it is here. There are so many mittens, but they are all white. Therefore, I want to invite you to decorate them, make them colorful and beautiful. You and I have already painted with a brush, a finger, and a stick. And today you will draw with whatever you want. I also made a mitten, look how beautiful it is. I drew lines and circles on it with a brush, and dots with my finger... And your mittens will also be very beautiful, right?

Children sit at tables, the teacher reminds them

how to sit at the table and hold a brush correctly.

Individual work.

Analysis of works.

Educator: Guys, for your kindness, for your efforts, grandfather gave you gifts - bagels for tea and wants you to always remain so cheerful, friendly and responsive.

Educational area

"Reading fiction." Integrated lesson.

Middle group.

Theme “The Three Little Pigs” (translation by S. Mikhalkov)

Goal: to introduce children to S. Mikhalkov’s fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”.

Teach children to understand the emotional figurative content of a fairy tale, its idea, to build simple models of a fairy tale;

To develop the ability of children to enter into the image of the heroes of a fairy tale;

Develop children's figurative speech: the ability to select a definition, comparison for a given word; lead children to understand the meaning of phraseological units;

To consolidate the ability to establish the spatial arrangement of parts relative to each other during construction;

Foster a love for Russian folk tales.



Educational area

"Reading fiction." Integrated lesson.

Middle group.

Theme “The Three Little Pigs” (translation by S. Mikhalkov)

Goal: to introduce children to S. Mikhalkov’s fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”.


Teach children to understand the emotional figurative content of a fairy tale, its idea, to build simple models of a fairy tale;

To develop the ability of children to enter into the image of the heroes of a fairy tale;

- develop children's figurative speech: the ability to select a definition, comparison for a given word; lead children to understand the meaning of phraseological units;

Strengthen the skillestablish the spatial arrangement of parts relative to each other during design;

- cultivate a love for Russian folk tales.

Vocabulary work: enrich and activate the vocabulary - brick, straw, hardworking, lazy, quitters, tirelessly, carelessly

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development,artistic and aesthetic development,speech development.

Equipment: visual teaching aid “The Three Little Pigs”, flat figures of piglets, colored circles: green, orange, yellow, gray large circle; wooden construction set, pieces of material, paper, musical accompaniment, easel.


Children enter the group and say “Greetings”:

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, free breeze!

Hello, little oak tree!

We live in the same region -

I greet you all

Pedagogical educational situation.

Educator: “Children, look, Stepashka came to visit us and brought a fairy tale with him. Do you want to hear this tale? Sit back and get ready to listen. I will tell you a fairy tale called “The Three Little Pigs,” written by Sergei Mikhalkov.

The teacher tells a fairy tale with illustrations (visual didactic aid “The Three Little Pigs”)

After telling the story, the teacher talks with the children:

What is the name of the fairy tale?

Who are the heroes in this fairy tale?

How were the brothers similar? What are they? How is Naf-Naf different from his brothers? (the noses were like.... The tails were like.....)

How did Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf work? How can you say this? (carelessly, they didn’t try at all). The teacher suggests repeating the last phrase 2 times.

What kind of houses did they build? Were the houses strong?

How did Naf-Naf work? How else can you say this? (worked hard, tirelessly) Children repeat this expression.

What kind of house did Naf-Naf build? Was the house strong?

Look at this illustration? What episode is depicted from the fairy tale?

(piglets run away from the wolf)

How can you say it differently? Why are they running away? (rush, rush)

What song did the piglets Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf sing? Let's sing together.


Guys, let's imagine that we are piglets Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf. How did the piglets have fun? (music accompaniment is turned on) They jumped through puddles, tore leaves from trees.

The teacher turns on music with a wolf howling and offers to hide from the wolf in the group.

Guys. Stepashka brought not only a fairy tale, but also colored mugs. What color are the mugs? The teacher suggests replacing the fairy tale characters with colored circles. He asks: “What color will each hero of the fairy tale be? Why exactly this color? (children choose circles based on the color of the piglets’ shirts and choose a large gray circle for the wolf)

Problematic situation.

Children, which houses turned out to be the weakest and most unreliable in the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”? Piggy proposes to build Nif-Nifa and Nauf-Nufa strong houses. What can we build houses from? Maybe made of fabric?

(children try to build with fabric) Why doesn’t it work? Or maybe from paper? Why doesn't it work either? (children's answers)

The teacher leads the children to what can be built from a wooden construction set. Listens to the children's answers (because it is stable, strong, solid, you can put parts on top of each other if you blow on it and it will not fall).

Children sit at tables in pairs. Wooden construction set on the tables

I propose to build houses and choose a pig and place it in your house.

The teacher invites the pair to sit down at the table and build their own house together.

Where will we start building a house? (foundation, walls, roof).

Children design and then come to the table and choose which pig they built a house for.



What fairy tale did Stepashka bring us?

What heroes were in this fairy tale?

How did Naf-Naf work? (He was the hardest worker in this tale, he worked tirelessly)

How did Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf work? (they worked carelessly, didn’t try. They were lazy)

What did we build houses from? Why?

Stepashka really liked the group and wants to stay with us. Stepashka remains in the group until the end of the day.

Summary of an open lesson on fiction in the middle group of a kindergarten, the work of K.I. Chukovsky “The Fly-Tsokotukha”

Target: introduce children to a new work of art by K.I. Chukovsky; to cultivate in children an emotional attitude towards the heroes of a fairy tale; broaden children's horizons and expand their vocabulary; teach children to give a complete answer using lines from a fairy tale and relying on illustrations.

Materials: grasshopper toy, work by K.I. Chukovsky “Fly – Tsokotuha”, portrait of the author, illustrations for the work, mask pictures depicting insects, audio recording of cheerful music, coloring pages with insects, colored pencils.

Dictionary: grasshopper, bug, insect, centipede, praise, bold, courageous, fearless, hospitable.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment:

The guys sit in a circle and pass a flower to their neighbor and greet him with a smile: “Good morning, …”

- Guys, someone came to visit us. And to find out who it is, you must guess the riddle.

- The spring is jumping -
Green back –
From grass to blade of grass,
From the branch to the path. (This is a grasshopper)

I've been jumping around in the grass all day,
I lost my violin somewhere.
And now he’s sad by the river
Our little green one... (Grasshopper)

- Of course, guys, it's a grasshopper! Please meet our guest, his name is Kuzya the grasshopper! He lives on the lawn in the park. Heard a lot about us and came to visit. Say hello to Kuzya! (Children greet the grasshopper)

“Kuzya told me in confidence that he had heard about an amazing fairy tale in which the heroes are insects. Tell me, do you know such a fairy tale? (Children's answers.).

- Nooo? Then let's get acquainted with a new fairy tale!

II. Main part

— The fairy tale was written by the children’s writer K.I. Chukovsky, and it’s called “The Fly—Tsokotukha.”

- Guys, sit down more comfortably. Kuzya, get settled too. Now listen carefully!

Reading the fairy tale “Fly - Tsokotukha” with illustrations.

- So, friends, did you like the fairy tale? (Answer)

- Look what a beautiful Fly - Tskotukha, what a hospitable hostess she is. She invited guests to her name day.

- Guys, Kuzya just told me that he didn’t remember all of Mukha-Tsokotukha’s guests. Let's help him remember! (Children agree)

- Who did the Fly - Tsokotukha invite?

(Children list insects from the fairy tale, the teacher hangs up the corresponding mask pictures)

— What were the guests doing at the birthday girl’s place? (Children’s answers, the teacher helps construct answers based on illustrations and using lines from a fairy tale)

- Guys, look, it seems to me that our grasshopper Kuzya is a little scared!..

- Kuzya says that he is a little afraid of the spider. Why do you think? (Children's answers).

- Kuzya says that you are right.

- What did the villainous spider want to do with the fly? (Children's answers)

- And the Tsokotukha Fly would have died... But, guys, someone saved the fly. Who was it? (Children's answers)

- Yes, it was little Komarik and a small flashlight was burning in his hand!

- What do you think the mosquito was like? (Brave, courageous, fearless, etc.).

- Yes, guys, the holiday continued. And everyone was happy.

Physical minute

- And you and I can attend this holiday. Let's imagine that we are bugs, butterflies, fleas, bees... and let's dance together with the Fly - Tsokotukha. (children put on insect masks and dance).

III. Generalization and consolidation.

- Guys, today you got acquainted with the new fairy tale “The Fly-Tsokotukha”. Please tell our guest which of the characters did you like and why?

- Komarik - he is brave, courageous, fearless.

— Fly - she is kind, beautiful, hospitable (loves guests), other possible options)

- Fine! Kuzya the grasshopper said that he really liked the fairy tale and brought you a gift. These are photographs of his friends. But he said that they are not colored and it would be very good if you color them.

The teacher shows the coloring books and invites the children to choose which one to color.

Children sit at tables and color pictures.

Then the teacher organizes an exhibition of children's works.

IV. Conclusion.

-What work did we read today? (Children's answers)

“Now the grasshopper Kuzya is hurrying to his clearing. His insect friends are waiting for him there. Kuzya promised to tell them our fairy tale so that they could all rejoice together.

- Let's say goodbye to Kuzya! (Children say goodbye to the guest)

- Guys, today you were all smart, you all worked well and now you can rest!

Oksana Varzhapetyan
Summary of a lesson on fiction in the middle group “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”

Summary of a lesson on fiction in the middle group

Subject: « Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales»

Educator: Varzhapetyan O. L.

Educational objectives:

1. Introduce children to the history of creation fairy tales.

2. Clarify children’s knowledge about Russian folk fairy tales.

3. To clarify children’s knowledge about the diversity of Russian folk fairy tales.

4. Reinforce concepts: before, between, behind.


Develop interest and an emotionally positive attitude towards Russian folk fairy tales.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys! Look. Buratino came to visit us. He doesn't know a single Russian folk fairy tales. Let's help him meet fairy tales.

Do you love fairy tales? (Love)

What Russian folk fairy tales you know? ("Swan geese", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Morozko")

Well done boys! you are a lot you know fairy tales. Do you know why fairy tales are called Russian folk? (children's answer) Yes, you are right, in distant, distant times, when people did not yet know how to read and write and they did not have books, televisions or the Internet, they communicated a lot between yourself: retold stories they heard from others, they made up their own to entertain each other, shared news, joked, and fantasized. The most interesting and bright stories remained in the memory of many for a long time and verbally retold, spreading in space and time.

And now I invite you and Pinocchio to the land of fairy tales, Where live fairy tales. We'll go by steam locomotive. Carriages, line up!

Children stand behind the teacher and "train" heading off.

The locomotive is moving, moving

Past the fir trees and birches,

Past the morning fields

Past the red bullfinches.

Past oak and pine,

Past summer and spring.

Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug puffs

And the wheels are knocking.

Whistles loudly tu-tu-tu,

Dispersing the kids.

Passengers here and there

He's lucky tales of us.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the houses and offers "to the train" stay.

So we arrived at the land of fairy tales. Look how beautiful the houses are. Each house has a lock. And in order for us to open it we need to solve the riddle. Listen carefully.

At Alyonushka's sister's

The birds took my brother away.

They fly high.

They look far away. (Swan geese)

fairy tales"Swan geese".

Right! How did it happen that Ivanushka was stolen by swan geese? (children's answer)

Who helped Alyonushka get home with Ivanushka (children's answer).

Did the girl manage to save her brother before her parents arrived? (children's answers)

What does this teach fairy tale? (children's answers)

Well done boys! Let's open the next lock.

One day a mouse found

A completely empty house.

I began to live and live,

Yes, let residents in.

What is the name of this fairy tale? (Teremok)

The teacher removes the lock and opens the windows of the house. An image is visible in the window fairy tales"Teremok".

Fine! Who found the tower first? (mouse - Narushka)

Who did the mouse let into the little house? (Children list heroes)

Who came last? (Bear)

Let's draw a bear. (Children imitate the movements of a bear)

What happened when the bear came? (He broke the tower)

How did it end fairy tale? (Children's answers)

What does this teach fairy tale? (We need to live peacefully under one roof)

Physical education minute

Fidget – Kolobok

Rolled into the woods.

Is it possible to hold

Those who want to escape? (imitation of a rotating Kolobok with hands)

Grandma looks out the window,

Grandfather looks from the porch: (words are accompanied by a show)

Have you seen the tomboy? (No)

Kolobok does not get tired

Rolls forward quickly. (hand rotation)

I saw a forest ahead,

Where the trees reach to the sky. (stand on tiptoes, stretch)

To the left, a mouse ran by,

On the right, the frog croaked.

Magpies chatter incessantly,

Sitting on an old Christmas tree. (all words are accompanied by a display)

Looking at the clear sky for a long time,

The bread ball got tired.

He's come the hard way

And he was about to take a break. (sit down)

We rested a little, and now let's try to open the remaining locks. Listen carefully.

In the forest a girl stands crying,

He hides all his hands from the cold.

And my nose was frozen and my ears too,

She looks like a Snow Maiden.

Frost began to talk to her,

From all sides towards her suit:

Are you warm, girl?

Tell me about yourself.

She's shaking from the cold

But it doesn't show.

I feel warm, Grandfather Frost, -

She stands there without feeling her nose.

Then he took pity on her,

He called his dashing horses.

A cart rushes with gifts.

The tale is called...(Morozko)

What is the name of this fairy tale? (Morozko)

The teacher removes the lock and opens the windows of the house. An image is visible in the window fairy tales"Morozko".

Well done! Tell me, why were the girls taken to the forest? (children's answers)

How did the girls behave when they met Morozko? (children's answers)

How did it end fairy tale? (children's answers)

Why did one girl come with gifts, and the other came on a pig? (children's answers)

Right! Listen to the last riddle.

He left the evil wolf

And the daring bear,

And the fox has a ruddy side

There was no way I could deceive.

What is the name of this fairy tale? (Kolobok)

The teacher removes the lock and opens the windows of the house. An image is visible in the window fairy tales"Kolobok".

What bun? (Round, ruddy, naughty)

Who could the bun get away from? (From a hare, from a wolf, from a bear)

Who couldn't the bun get away from? (Children's answers)

Why did the fox eat the bun? (Children's answers)

What does this teach fairy tale? (Children's answers)

That's right, guys! We guessed all the riddles, opened all the locks and windows. Well Dunno, now you will know Russian folk fairy tales. And now it's time for us to return home. Guys, form "train".

Children stand behind the teacher and form "train".

The locomotive is moving, moving

Past the fir trees and birches,

Past the morning fields

Past the red bullfinches.

Past oak and pine,

Past summer and spring.

Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug puffs

And the wheels are knocking.

Whistles loudly tu-tu-tu,

Dispersing the kids.

Passengers here and there

He takes us home.

The children take their seats.

Guys, where have we been today? What did we do? (Children's answers)

Well done! And now I want to thank you, look what is under your chairs? (fairy tales for kids) They are now yours, I hope that you will read a lot in the future fairy tales. Thank you for your efforts!