Ladybug's daily routine in English. How to ask for help in English? Such introductory constructions will be phrases

Our dynamic life is full of different activities, and I believe that it is very helpful when you have a scheduled daily routine because it can save your time. I am a schoolboy at present, so let me tell you some words about my daily schedule.

I am not an early bird but as a rule I have to wake up quite early, at 6.30 (six thirty, or half past six) on weekdays. I stay in my bed for 5 or 10 minutes and then I get up. I open the window to let some fresh air enter the room. My morning routine consists of making the bed, taking a shower and having breakfast. At 7 o’clock I go to the kitchen where my mother has already made breakfast for me and my dad. I prefer boiled eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea in the morning. After breakfast I go to the bathroom again to clean my teeth and comb my hair. I get dressed next. Our school uniform is a shirt and black trousers.

At 7.30 (seven thirty, or half past seven) I leave home and go to school. It takes me about 15 minutes to get there on foot. I often surf the Internet on my phone before the lessons start at 8 a.m. I usually have 5 or 6 lessons every day, so at about 2 o’clock my school is over. We have a long break after the 4th lesson, so I can have lunch in our school canteen.

On my way home I always enjoy my walk. If I am not in a hurry, my friends and I visit a shop or a café before going home. We eat ice-cream and take funny pictures of ourselves. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I attend additional Maths courses at the university, and I also play basketball on Wednesday afternoons. When I get home I try to find some time for a little rest. I watch TV, play computer games, chat on the phone or just listen to music. At about 4 o’clock I start doing my homework. It generally takes me 2 or 3 hours to do that, though sometimes I sit with my homework till late at night.

When my parents come home from their work we usually have dinner. Then I often do the washing-up and take the rubbish out. I go to bed at about 11 p.m. I am usually so tired that I fall asleep at once.

I don’t have enough time for my hobbies during my weekdays, so they seem a bit boring probably. But I often devote my weekends to reading, doing sports and studying English. In winter I mainly go skiing or skating, and in summer I usually go roller-skating, playing football or riding a bicycle.


Our fast-paced lives are full of different activities and I find it very useful to have a planned daily routine in order to save your time. I am currently a school student, so let me tell you in a few words about my daily routine.

I'm not an early bird, but I generally need to wake up quite early, around 6:30 am on weekdays. I lie in bed for another 5-10 minutes and then get up. I open the window to let fresh air into the room. My morning routine consists of making my bed, showering, and eating breakfast. At 7 o'clock I go to the kitchen, where my mother has already prepared breakfast for me and my father. I prefer boiled eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea in the morning. After breakfast I go back to the bathroom, brush my teeth and comb my hair. Then I get dressed. Our school uniform is a shirt and black trousers.

At 7.30 am I leave the house and go to school. It takes me about 15 minutes to get there on foot. I often surf the Internet on my phone before classes start at 8 o'clock. I usually have 5-6 lessons every day, so around 2 o'clock my studies are over. After the fourth period we have a long break, so I can have lunch in the school cafeteria.

On the way home I always enjoy a walk. If I'm not in a hurry, then my friends and I go to a store or cafe before going home. We eat ice cream and take funny photos. I take extra math courses at the university on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I also play basketball on Wednesday afternoons. When I get home, I try to find some time to relax. I watch TV, play on the computer, talk on the phone or just listen to music. Around 4 o'clock I start my lessons. Usually it takes me 2-3 hours to complete them, although sometimes I sit on lessons until late at night.

When my parents come home from work, we usually have dinner. Then I frequently wash the dishes and take out the trash. I go to bed at about 11 o'clock. I'm usually so tired that I fall asleep straight away.

Essay in English “My daily routine”

Honestly speaking, I don’t like to get up very early. But I have to wake up at 7.00 in the morning or even earlier. I have a great number of morning duties: first of all I put on my sweatsuit and do some exercises. I like sport, so I need to be always in a good form. If it is good weather, I go jogging outside. If the weather is rainy or too windy, or really cold, I stay at home and do warmup.Then I usually take a chilling shower or a warm shower if it is breezy. I eat just nutrient-enriched food. For that reason I always have fresh salad, porrige and tea with lemon. Sometimes I fry eggs with bacon (but not too often, as I have not too much time in the morning). For me it is a big problem to choose what to wear. I have a huge wardrobe full of clothes. The choice of clothes depends on my mood. Sometimes I can wear one dress for 4 days, sometimes I need something special. Girls need a lot of time in the morning, so we want to look excellent all the time.

When I’m ready, I go to university (college, school). Classes start at 9.00 (10.00). I can’t say that I’m a very good student, but I try to do my best. Study takes a great part of my day now. I have excellent tutors which have a great impact on the formation of my personality. Here I have a lot of friends with whom we can chat, sometimes even during lectures (sorry, tutors) 🙂 We are chatter-boxes. We have interesting excursions. I like traveling, so for me it is a really wonderful waste of time. At university (college, school) I have to go to a canteen. Homemade food is better, but here it is also not bad. If I’m hungry, it is even VERY tasty 🙂

After studies I like to go for a walk with my friends or my boyfriend. I like nature, so we usually go to parks, eat ice-cream or other sweets and talk about different events in our life. We like to make photos of ourselves and nature. Photography is my cup of tea. At home I have a great deal of various photos. Sometimes we visit coffee-houses to drink some coffee.

At 17.00 I usually go home. I need to make my assignment (homework). I like to teach English. Sometimes it is difficult to learn all unknown words, but I try to remember them. I usually do assignment (homework) with music. I can’t imagine my life without music, so I listen to it everywhere.

2 times a week I go to the swimming pool. Water helps to relax. My grandad taught me to swim when I was in the village. I was at that time maybe 6 or 7 years old. So swimmimg gives me strength to go ahead, to achieve something in life.

In the evening I like to watch a marvelous film or read a book. Also I like to cook, so I make different delicious dishes. But I eat in the evening not much, I eat just an apple and some vegetables with chicken.

I usually go to bed at 00.00. This is my daily routine.

Translation into Russian “My daily routine”

To tell the truth, I don't like waking up early. But I have to get up at 7 or even earlier. In the morning I have a lot to do: first of all, I put on a tracksuit and do exercises. I love sports, so I always need to be in great shape. If the weather is good, then I run outside. If the weather is rainy or too windy or cold, then I warm up at home. Then I take a cool shower or a warm one if it’s frosty outside. I eat only healthy food. For this reason, in the morning I eat fresh salad, porridge and drink tea with lemon. Sometimes I fry eggs and bacon (but not often, because I don't have enough time in the morning). The big problem is choosing what to wear. I have a huge closet full of clothes. The choice of clothes depends on my mood. Sometimes I can wear the same dress for 4 days, and sometimes I need something special. Girls need a lot of time in the morning to get ready and look great.

When I'm ready, I go to university (college, school). Classes start at 09.00 (10.00). I won't say that I'm an exemplary student, but I try. Classes take up most of my day. I have excellent teachers who have a positive influence on the formation of my personality. I have many friends with whom we like to chat, sometimes even in class (sorry, teachers). We are talkers :) We have many interesting excursions. I love traveling, so this is a great pastime for me. At a university (college, school) you have to go to the canteen. Homemade food is better. but the food here is good too. When I'm hungry, the food is even VERY tasty :)

After classes (lessons) I go for a walk with my friends or boyfriend. I love nature, so we go to the park, eat ice cream or other treats and chat about different events in our lives. We love taking pictures of ourselves or nature. Photography is my hobby. I have a lot of different pictures at home. Sometimes we go to a coffee shop and drink coffee.

At 17.00 I usually go home. I need to prepare my homework. I love learning English. Sometimes it's difficult to learn unfamiliar words, but I try to remember them. I usually do my homework with music. I can't imagine my life without music, I listen to it everywhere.

2 times a week I go to the pool. Water helps you relax. My grandfather taught me to swim when I was in the village. At that time I was 6 or 7 years old. Swimming gives me the strength to move forward and achieve something in life.

In the evening I like to watch a good movie or read a book. I also love to cook, so I often make some delicious dishes. But I myself eat little in the evening, I only eat an apple or vegetables with chicken.

I usually go to bed at midnight. This is my daily routine.

Communication is a natural process, which, logically, should flow freely. At the same time, for some reason it is difficult to find a topic for conversation with a stranger, especially a foreigner.

You can, of course, talk and tell. But these are monologues, and for full communication we need dialogue. The ideal way to enter into a dialogue with a person is to ask him about something that concerns and concerns him directly. A description of the day can be used as such a topic. This is not difficult to do in English, even from a grammatical point of view. First of all, you can ask your interlocutor about how his own day was, and then tell him about what happened to you.

  • Where to start when describing your day in English?

First of all, we remember the rule - from general to specific. This rule applies both in live communication and when writing essays. Therefore, we initially indicate how the day went in general. Please note that during live communication you should not say that something is not going well for you. The person will listen, nod politely, but will never, under any circumstances, take your problems to heart. Simply because complaining is indecent. Therefore, we will consider the “positive” version of describing the day, first for writing essays, and then for a situation of live communication.

“My ordinary day is usually nice/good/sweet/interesting”“My typical day is usually not bad/good/pleasant/interesting.”.

When you have outlined the general spirit of the past day, you can begin to describe the details in chronological order.

  • Describe the day correctly

Here you can and should use introductory words and phrases, especially if your goal is to write an essay detached from life, and not to describe a real day. Below we will look at the approximate structure of an essay for middle school students (grades 6-8). We always start with a description of the morning:

“When I wake up, I go to the bathroom and do my morning things. Then my family and I have breakfast. It is usually cooked by my mum but my dad sometimes helps her. Then I go to school and my everyday routine begins” – “When I wake up, I immediately go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and wash my face. Then the whole family sits down to have breakfast. Mom usually cooks breakfast, but dad sometimes helps her. After breakfast I go to school and the day begins, similar to the previous one.”.

Then it makes sense to describe the school or work, mentioning the most characteristic features and what happens on a daily basis.

“At school I usually have 6 or 7 lessons a day but not all of them are interesting. Sometimes I can’t wait to have a break and sometimes I want the lesson to be infinite. It depends on many things, you know, and not only on the teacher. If I like the subject, I can learn it and even become an eager beaver, but if not, no one can make me study and do my homework” – “At school I usually have 6 or 7 lessons every day, but not all of them are interesting. Sometimes I can't wait for recess, and sometimes I wish the lesson didn't end. It depends on many factors, and not only on the teacher, you know. If I like a subject, I’m ready to learn it and even become a crammer, but if not, no one can force me to study and do homework.”.

At the very end, you can describe what you do in your free time. For example:

“In the evening after school I usually read, watch TV and talk with my family. We also have supper together and share our emotions about the day. Then I get ready for the next day and go to bed"“In the evening after school I usually read, watch TV and talk with my parents. We have dinner together and share our emotions about the past day. Then I get ready for the next day and go to bed.".

Almost every day is similar to the previous one, with all its routine, daily activities, standard procedures. On the other hand, these are new events, new acquaintances and fleeting moments. No matter what you are talking about: weekdays or weekends, there are some basic things that you need to learn to convey correctly in English.

It is these daily duties that can be roughly combined into a “daily routine.” Despite the fact that we live in different apartments, small or large houses, in cities or villages, we are all people forced to comply with universal human norms. When talking about your daily routine in English, it is important to do it consistently and competently. Our site invites you not only to learn how to compose topics yourself, but also to consider ready-made texts that will serve as a good example and starting point for you. On this topic you can find:

  1. Working hours
  2. Weekend routine

Now let’s begin a step-by-step study of how to correctly write a story about your day.

1. A logical start will give you 100 points ahead and make the listener pay attention to you. This should be something general, introductory. For example, you could use one of the following phrases:

The best thing I can do when speaking about my working day is to describe the routine I more or less follow every day. — The best I can do when talking about my work day is to describe the daily routine that I more or less follow every day.

I must say that I find it easy to describe a working day that I might call typical. — I must say that it is quite easy to describe my working day, which can be called ordinary.

All weeks look the same. - All everyday life is the same.

I would like to tell you about my daily routine. — I would like to tell you about the daily routine.

2. The next point is very standard, but very important. Whether you study at school, college or institute, go to work or sit at home, you probably still follow hygienic morning procedures. How to correctly express all this - your daily routine in English? A few standard phrases:

I am early riser. — I'm an early bird (I get up early).

Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark. — It’s early to go to bed and wake up with roosters.

On week-days... - on weekdays.

I get up at/ to make my bed/ do my morning exercises/ go to the bathroom/ clean my teeth/ take a shower/ wash myself/ shave/ put on make-up/ dress myself/ brush my hair - get up in/ tuck bed / doing morning exercises / going to the bath / brushing my teeth / taking a shower / washing my face / shaving / putting on makeup / getting dressed / combing my hair (Try not to list these phrases separated by commas, group them into separate sentences, use expressions: after (after), before ( before), then (then), after then (after this))

I prefer hot (cold) shower. — I prefer hot (cold) showers.

After bathroom - after the bath.

I am ready for - ready for.

to have breakfast - to have breakfast.

3. Having eaten and washed, it’s time to go about business. Some go to work, some to study, some on foot, and some by transport. If you want, you can add a couple of job offers.

put on/ take/ go to - get dressed, take, go

live far / live not far from - I live far from / I live not far from

It takes … minutes (time) to get there. - I need…. minutes (time) to get there.

to reach the - get to

I don’t like to be late/ I am always late. - I don’t like to be late / I’m always late.

I work from... till - I work from... to....

to go on foot/ by bus/ by car/ by train - to walk/ go by bus/ go by car/ go by train.

4. After work and study, everyone is busy with their own business. This could be a hobby, walks in the park or shops, meetings with friends and relatives, or just lying on the couch and watching TV. Here you can complete your daily routine by saying what time you usually go to bed and what you do immediately before bed.

After work/school I usually - After work/school I usually

go home/ come back/ do shopping/ cook dinner/ watch TV/ make some telephone calls/ do my homework/ sit at a computer/ tidy up/ go for a walk/ meet with my friends - I’m going home/ returning home/ doing shopping / cooking dinner / watching TV / calling / doing homework / sitting at the computer / cleaning / going for a walk / meeting with friends.

I go to bed at - I'm going to bed.

Before falling asleep - before falling asleep

5. Well, a beautiful ending doesn’t hurt.

I usually wait for weekend. — I usually wait for the weekend.

I try to have a good sleep because tomorrow I will have a new day. — I try to get a good night's sleep, because tomorrow I have a new day.

The daily routine in English can be described in detail, focusing on each moment, or in brief. The main thing that is required of you is a concise and consistent presentation of your thoughts. Of course, the given daily routine in English is generalized, but each of you can bring your own piece or changes to it.

We propose to consider the topic of daily routine in English and analyze point by point how to correctly compose a story about how you spend your day.


The first thing you should know is how to start your story about your daily routine. This should be something general, introductory. For example, you could use one of the following phrases:

The best thing I can do when speaking about my working day is to describe the routine I more or less follow every day. The best I can do when talking about my work day is to describe the daily routine that I more or less follow every day.

I must say that I find it easy to describe a working day that I might call typical. I must say that it is quite easy to describe my work day, which can be called ordinary.

All weeks look the same. Every day is the same.

I would like to tell you about my daily routine. I would like to talk about the daily routine.

I'd like to tell you some words about my daily routine. I would like to say a few words about my daily routine.

Life being dynamic and saturated, my typical working day is full of activities. Since life is dynamic and busy, my typical working day is full of events (actions).

Everyone is recommended to plan his common day as it is very helpful. It is recommended for everyone to plan a regular day as it is very beneficial.

We can save time and even money when our daily routine is scheduled approximately, at least. We can save time and even money when our daily routine is at least roughly outlined point by point.

By starting the essay “My Working Day” in English in this way, you can attract the attention of readers or listeners. After 1-2 sentences, it’s time for the main narrative.


The next point is very very important. Whether you study at school, college or institute, go to work or sit at home, you probably still follow hygienic morning procedures. A few standard phrases:

I wake up early. I wake up early.

On week-days I... On weekdays I...

I don"t make my bed, because I don"t have time. I don't make my bed because I don't have time.

I like to exercise in the morning. I like to do exercises in the morning.

After my morning exercise I go to the bathroom. After my morning exercises, I go to the bathroom.

Then I putting on make-up, wearing my clothes. Then I put on makeup and get dressed.

And then I brush my hair. And then I comb my hair.

The most pleasant part of the morning is Breakfast. The most enjoyable part of the morning is breakfast.

I prefer to drink hot coffee for Breakfast. I prefer to drink hot coffee for breakfast.

Use expressions: after (after), before (before), then (then), after then (after that).

Having eaten and washed, it’s time to go about business. Some go to work, some to study, some on foot, and some by transport. If you want, you can add a couple of job offers.

I take my keys and go out from my home. I take the keys and leave the house.

I"m walking to school / to work. I'm going to school/work.

I live far from my work. / I live not far from my school. I live far from my work. / I live near my school.

I don’t like to be late. / I am always late. I don't like to be late. / I am always late.

After work and study, everyone is busy with their own business. This could be a hobby, walks in the park or shops, meetings with friends and relatives, or just lying on the couch and watching TV. Here you can complete your daily routine by saying what time you usually go to bed and what you do immediately before bed.

After work / school I usually... After work/school I usually...

go home / come back / do shopping / cook dinner / watch TV / make some telephone calls /
do my homework / sit at a computer / tidy up / go for a walk / meet with my friends going home / returning home / shopping / cooking dinner / watching TV / calling /
I do my homework / sit at the computer / clean / go for a walk / meet with friends.

I go to bed at... I go to bed at...

Before falling asleep... Before you fall asleep...


I usually wait for weekend. I usually wait for the weekend.

I try to have a good sleep because tomorrow I will have a new day. I try to get a good night's sleep because tomorrow I have a new day.

The daily routine in English can be described in detail, focusing on each moment, or in brief. The main thing that is required of you is a concise and consistent presentation of your thoughts. Of course, the given daily routine in English is generalized, but each of you can bring your own piece or changes to it.

A story about the daily routine in English

I"m not an early bird, I always get up at 7.30. Then I go to the bathroom to have a shower and to clean my teeth. At 8 o'clock I have breakfast. It usually consists of two sandwiches, an egg and a cup of tea or coffee. After that I get dressed and left home for the university (school, office). As a rule, it takes me half an hour to get there. My study (work) begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 or 5 p.m. I have lunch at about midday. On the way home I visit a neighboring store to buy some food. When I get home I cook dinner. Then I have a meal. In the evening I usually have a rest, watching TV or reading books. Sometimes I play computer games or surf the Net. At 10 o'clock I prepare for sleep. I go to bed at half past 10 or at 11 p.m.

I'm not a morning person and always get up at 7.30. Then I go to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. At 8 o'clock I have breakfast. It usually consists of 2 sandwiches, an egg and a cup of tea or coffee. After that, I get dressed and go to the university (school, work). As a rule, it takes me half an hour to get there. My school/work starts at 9 am and ends at 4 or 5 pm. I have lunch at noon. On my way home, I stop at a nearby department store to buy food. When I come home, I cook dinner. Then I eat. In the evening I usually relax: watch TV or read books. Sometimes I play computer games or surf the Internet. At 10 o'clock I get ready for bed. I go to bed at half past ten or 11 pm.