Missile Forces, what are conscripts doing there? Where is it better to go to serve in the army, which troops should you apply for?

As part of the “Portrait of a Warrior” column, a correspondent for the website news agency spoke with a serviceman of the Taman Missile Division. The ensign explained why he chose the Strategic Missile Forces and why he needs to be strict with his subordinates.

Tell us about your place of service, how did you get there?

I serve in the Strategic Missile Forces. At the age of 18, he entered the branch of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great in Serpukhov, Moscow region. He studied there for 2 years and 10 months, then was sent on assignment to the city of Atkarsk.

What do you know about the history of your unit?

The unit was formed in September 1961 in the village. Birobidzhan. It included battalions that were part of the 229th Taman Fighter Aviation Division and the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment. The newly formed division began its first combat duty in 1964. In 1964, it was relocated to the village of Tatishchevo, Saratov region, and became part of the 18th separate missile corps. Withdrawn from it and transferred to the 27th Guards Vitebsk Army in June 1970. In 1978 she was awarded the Order of the October Revolution, and in 1982 she received the title of “60th Anniversary of the USSR”. Today the unit is equipped with a silo missile system and almost 50 Topol-M missile launchers.

How are you fed? What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? What is the approximate weight or serving size?

The food is wonderful. You eat up at breakfast and are full of energy until lunch. We eat milk porridge, chocolate, buckwheat, sour cream, pasta, chicken, pork and beef, various soups: borscht, rassolnik, solyanka, cabbage soup - everything is very tasty and healthy. I can’t give you an approximate portion size, the main thing is that I’m full.

What conditions do you live in, what opportunities are there for spending free time in the unit itself and outside it?

I live at home because I serve with the rank of warrant officer; there is a gym on the unit’s territory where you can improve yourself in terms of sports. In general, you have to work a lot all day.

Tell us about your personal and team achievements during your service.

He developed a commanding voice and learned to give commands correctly when moving in formation. When celebrating the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War, he took part in the parade.
What are your plans for the service? What rank would you like to reach in the armed forces?

I don’t make any grandiose plans, but I set small goals: to go to university, get a higher education and become an officer - at least a major.

Tell us about the relationship between officers and enlisted men. Help in solving problems?

The commanders are responsive, understanding and competent people; you can’t say anything bad about them. I am also a commanding officer and a link between conscript and contract military personnel. Always ready to compromise. I try to be polite in problems, like my colleagues, I’m always ready to help in some way.

Are you satisfied with the current level of technical equipment of your department?

Completely, absolutely satisfied with everything. I am pleased with all the equipment provided. For example, the VKPO form. It is designed for any weather conditions: rain, snow, heat, frost. The kit includes a lot of things that save you from all kinds of natural disasters.

In the rain we wear a rubberized windbreaker with pants, in cold weather we wear an insulated vest, a demi-season suit, warm winter boots (each weighing 2 kg), a hat, a balaclava (or mask/balaclava), a fleece collar under the neck, and winter underwear.

In the heat, we put on a light jacket and pants - and the skin breathes, and the appearance remains appropriate for a military man.

Of course, there are disadvantages: in winter uniform, even in severe frost it can be quite hot. But as soon as you take anything off, you freeze. It is also advisable not to cling to a sharp object such as a nail or glass - the clothing will tear and the seam will be visible.

How do you assess the quality of combat training?

All at the highest level. Various classes are conducted to improve various preparation skills.

What was the first thing you improved upon becoming a commander?

Each commander contributes something of his own discretion and consults with his deputies; this is a well-known fact. Therefore, I am not ready to answer such a question.

Why did you choose to serve in the Strategic Missile Forces?

My grandfather is a colonel of the Strategic Missile Forces. I followed in his footsteps and decided to continue the military dynasty in our family.

Are you interested in other branches of the Armed Forces?

I'm interested, but have no desire to go anywhere. Wherever they sent me, that’s where I serve and will continue to serve.

Do you read military literature or the trade press?

From literature I prefer science fiction, and I periodically read the newspaper “Red Star”.
Have you already thought about getting housing from the Ministry of Defense?

Of course, everything must be taken from the army. After all, not everyone will be able to bear this load: to live according to the rules, routine, etc.

Which method do you consider optimal for yourself: military mortgage, provision of housing in kind, housing subsidy?

Military mortgage. You serve, years go by, the mortgage is repaid at the expense of the state.

Do you think it is justified to send conscripts to serve in such strategically important types of troops as the Strategic Missile Forces, or would you be more comfortable serving in a team of contract professionals?

To be honest, I myself have been serving in the military not so long ago; before that I was a cadet. Therefore, I get used to the “everyday life of the army” to the end and cannot say where I would feel good.

Conscripts are needed in all branches of the military; it is interesting and useful to serve everywhere.
Now you are a commander, but some time ago you were the same soldier as you are now leading. What is it like to be on the other side of the barricades?

This is normal: at first, when I was 18, I complained, like everyone else. When I graduated from the Academy, I began to understand why commanders behave this way. Working with personnel is like working with children: if they don’t listen, you start to waste your nerves on them. You need to be stricter so that they don’t sit on your neck - it’s been checked.

If you are a military personnel and want to tell the site about life in your unit, your achievements or problems that have arisen, please contact our editors. Let us remind you that according to the Law on Mass Media, the editorial office is obliged to keep the source of information secret and does not have the right to name the person who provided the information on condition of anonymity.

Rocket science began to actively develop in the second half of the 20th century. Previously, people had an idea about rockets, but it was from this period that they began to be actively used. Rockets are also used in the space industry, but they are most actively used in military affairs. The advent of missiles completely changed the concept of warfare. And with the advent of nuclear weapons, missile launchers have become the main deterrent that prevents the outbreak of a nuclear conflict.

What is the Strategic Missile Forces

Strategic Missile Forces are a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is the main component of the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation.

They became a separate branch of the military on March 24, 2001 by presidential decree.

Prior to this, the Strategic Missile Forces were considered a type of military force that was first identified by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 17, 1959. The date December 17 is considered the official day of the missile forces.

The Strategic Missile Forces report directly to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and belong to the troops of constant combat readiness. Since August 2010, the chief of staff of the Strategic Missile Forces has been Colonel General Sergei Viktorovich Karakaev.

Purpose of strategic missile forces

The main weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces are intercontinental ballistic missiles (abbreviated as ICBMs) with nuclear warheads, which are capable of hitting a target anywhere on our planet. They come in two types:

  • mine;
  • mobile.

The main purpose of the Strategic Missile Forces is to contain a nuclear conflict and eliminate possible aggression. They can carry out their tasks as part of the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation or individually (mass, group, single) nuclear missile strikes on enemy strategic targets, constituting its military or military-economic potential.

In peacetime, the Strategic Missile Forces perform the task of deterring large-scale aggression from potential adversaries. The implementation of this goal includes the following activities:

  1. combat duty;
  2. demonstration actions;
  3. demonstration and strike actions.

In the event of a nuclear missile war, the Strategic Missile Forces are capable of destroying important enemy targets in a given strategic direction.

Composition of missile forces

The Russian Strategic Missile Forces include:

  • the main headquarters, which is located in the village of Vlasikha, Moscow region;
  • 3 missile armies (each with its own headquarters), which includes 12 missile divisions;
  • State interspecific training ground, location - Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan region;
  • test site in Kazakhstan;
  • 4th Central Research Institute;
  • Military Academy named after. Peter the Great in Balashikha;
  • Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces.

In addition, the Strategic Missile Forces include factories for the repair of military equipment, bases, warehouses and arsenals in which weapons and equipment are stored.

Additionally, the Strategic Missile Forces own 7 airfields and 8 helipads. Aviation consists of Mi-8 helicopters, AN-12, 72, 26, 24 aircraft.

The Strategic Missile Forces also have engineering units that are equipped with special vehicles MIOM, MDR, Listva and KDM.

How to get into service in the Strategic Missile Forces

You can get into service in the Strategic Missile Forces by conscription, on a contract basis, or after graduation from a relevant higher educational institution.

Training at a military university lasts 5 years; after successful completion of studies, the cadet receives an officer's military rank and a military specialty.

The duration of training is counted towards the total military experience.

By call

It is not difficult to get into military service in the Strategic Missile Forces. You must declare your intention to serve in the Strategic Missile Forces at the military registration and enlistment office, and it is better to do this in advance, before receiving the summons. Such a responsible approach by the future conscript increases the chances that his wishes will be accurately taken into account when assigned to the troops.

On a contract basis

The armament of the Strategic Missile Forces is gradually being updated and equipped with the latest missile launchers, which require qualified personnel to operate and maintain.

Therefore, emphasis is placed on increasing the number of contract employees and the transition to a professional army. This task is performed in the following ways:

  1. The contract is concluded with graduates of educational institutions of the Strategic Missile Forces who arrive at their first duty station after assignment. They already have an officer rank and the necessary knowledge base, so they are qualified personnel potential.
  2. You can switch to a contract basis if you wish after being drafted into the army; to do this, you need to submit a report of your intention to the unit commander and provide the necessary package of documents. When a conscript already has a higher or secondary vocational education, this can be done immediately, otherwise he will have to serve 3 months of military service.
  3. You can join the army on a contract basis after completing military service. To do this, you must contact the selection point for military service under a contract and submit an application, providing the relevant documents.

Features of service in the missile forces

Service in the missile forces has its own characteristics, which are determined primarily by the complex and large-scale technical equipment of this type of troops, as well as the location of the missile divisions.

Conscription service

Service in the Strategic Missile Forces for conscripts is not as exciting as many people think. To operate and maintain missile launchers, you must have a higher military education and an officer rank.

Conscript soldiers are only allowed to do menial work. At the same time, missile divisions are located far from populated areas, so recruits will also not be able to have a fun time while on leave.

By contract

For those who have expressed a desire to serve in the Strategic Missile Forces on a contract basis, there are undeniable advantages over conscripts:

  • the opportunity to study and obtain a military specialty;
  • stable monthly salary and annual financial assistance payments;
  • the opportunity to obtain official housing, and later your own through a mortgage, anywhere in the country.

In addition, contract workers have the right to material, food, pension and medical support, as well as compulsory life and health insurance at the expense of the state.

Basic requirements for candidates

The candidacy of a person wishing to serve in the Strategic Missile Forces, in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237, is not considered if:

  1. A guilty verdict has been passed against him and a punishment has been determined, a criminal case is underway, an inquiry or preliminary investigation is being conducted.
  2. There is an outstanding or unexpunged conviction.
  3. The candidate was serving a sentence of imprisonment.
  4. The candidate was given an administrative penalty for using narcotic or psychotropic drugs without a doctor’s prescription until the end of the punishment.

The suitability of a candidate to serve on a contract basis is assessed by a military certification commission. The grounds for refusal in accordance with Article 5 of the Regulations on the Procedure for Military Service may be:

  • Conclusion of the medical commission recognizing the candidate as partially fit, temporarily unfit or unfit for military service.
  • Assignment of the fourth degree of professional suitability to the candidate based on the results of professional psychological selection.
  • Recognition of the candidate as unsuitable for military service on a contract basis due to the level of education or physical fitness.

The physical fitness of candidates is assessed in accordance with Appendix No. 20 of the Manual on Physical Training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2009 No. 200.

The candidate is required to perform 3 exercises to choose from the provided list to assess physical condition according to three criteria: strength, endurance and speed.

Service in the Strategic Missile Forces is not only an honorable duty for the benefit of the Motherland, but also a good stable income with a reliable social guarantee.

Every future conscript, before joining the army, asks himself two questions: where is the best place to serve in the army and how to get into the right unit. To answer this question, you need to understand what goal you want to achieve when going to serve in the army. It is worth deciding on the presence of some specific skills and acquired knowledge in civilian life.

When going through the draft board, each conscript will be asked where the conscript would like to serve. The military registration and enlistment office will make a note about the conscript’s preferences, where it is best to send him, taking into account his medical characteristics and abilities.

True, often this mark does not play a special role. Distribution at the recruiting station occurs according to the needs of the “buyers” who came for young recruits. However, in some cases the wishes of the conscript are taken into account, and the region in which the conscript lives is also taken into account. In some cases, he may be left to serve close to home if there are certain reasons for this. Then, the conscript should take care of this issue in advance and choose for service those troops that are located in his home region.

Types of troops

What kind of troops are there and what skills do you need to have in order to join these troops? All troops can be divided into three types: ground, navy, aviation. It is impossible to classify any type of troops as elite. Each type of troops performs specific tasks and has its own goals. Therefore, it is better to worry in advance and decide where it is better to go to serve in the army.


  • Tank forces. They are the main attacking force of the ground forces. Defensive and offensive tasks in battle are carried out. For these troops, conscripts are selected who are no more than 174 centimeters tall, preferably of strong build, and who do not have significant vision problems.

Find out: What is the Russian tank army?

  • Motorized rifle. They have versatility and the ability to perform any combat missions in any weather and in any terrain. There is no special selection for these troops. Health category goes from A1 to B4. The troops include many units, so everyone will be assigned to serve.
  • Railway troops. Participation in military operations involving trains, as well as eliminating the consequences of natural disasters on railway tracks. A conscript who is not in very good health has every chance of ending up in this type of army.
  • Special Forces. Performing special tasks that are beyond the capabilities of any military unit. Recruitment for this unit is made from candidates who have already served in military service. The strictest selection and testing is carried out.


  • Airborne troops. Conducting special operations on enemy territory. Organization of sabotage activities and disruption of control and communications, as well as the capture of enemy targets. A candidate for these troops must meet very high requirements. Health category not lower than A1, physical endurance and psychological stability.

  • Aerospace Forces (VKS, Strategic Missile Forces, Air Defense). Protection and control of the aerospace space of the Russian Federation and repelling enemy attacks from the air. Conscripts with technical and engineering specialties have a better chance of getting into these units. During selection, the emphasis is on the psychological qualities and mental abilities of the conscript.


  • Navy. Carrying out combat missions in sea and ocean waters, repelling enemy attacks on the water and conducting offensive operations from the sea. Includes surface and submarine forces, as well as naval aviation and marines. In order to be called up for military service in the Navy, you must be at least 180 centimeters tall, have a health category of at least A3 and have good mental stability.

Where to go

If one or another branch of the military is considered prestigious, then this issue is very controversial. Any army has its own elite units, such as reconnaissance and special forces. It is honorable and prestigious to serve in such units, but you will also have to work hard. Getting into such units is not an easy task. To serve in these units, some conscripts initially only need to be in good physical shape and mental stability. In such a platoon, there is a high probability of learning useful skills such as hand-to-hand combat, weapon handling and other types of special skills.

Find out: How many are conscripted in the Russian army in 2019?

But at the same time, as practice shows, the selection of recruits occurs without the knowledge of the conscript. At the recruiting station, “buyers” usually say that the best troops are exactly where they came from, and their task is to take the best with them. If a recruit goes to the recruiting station with certain knowledge, then there will be fewer problems with him in the combat unit. But after the oath is taken, re-distribution is carried out. At this moment, in most cases, attention is paid to what advantages the young soldier has. In accordance with his skills, the unit is distributed among units.

In order to get into good troops, before going to serve in the army, you must take the following actions:

  1. Increase physical activity. Good physical shape is valued everywhere.
  2. To increase organization and independence, you need to learn self-discipline.
  3. Get a profession. Soldiers with any skills are in demand in the army.

Pre-conscription training

It is worth mentioning the pre-conscription training of a conscript, because it is advisable to think in advance about where to go to serve. If you have a strong desire to serve as a driver or in an airborne brigade, it would be a good idea to take care of this in advance. In Russia, in every major city there are DOSAAF branches that are engaged in pre-conscription training. Through this training system, you can not only get a license, but also increase your chances of serving behind the wheel of any military equipment.

Nikolai Vladimirovich Yudin, 1971 graduate of the Perm Higher Command and Engineering School (PVKIU). He spent 44 years serving in the army, of which 37.5 years served in the Strategic Missile Forces. Now the reserve major general is retired and is writing a book of memoirs, which, in our opinion, is completely unique. With his kind consent, we are publishing excerpts from a future book dedicated to difficult events in the life of the Strategic Missile Forces.

It has always been extremely pleasant for me to communicate with young officers arriving after college to serve in missile units. Already in the mid-80s, a whole ritual was developed for welcoming and commissioning them, providing them with housing, and placing children in a kindergarten or nursery. Other small everyday tricks were also taken into account, without which the life of a young officer sometimes turned into sheer torment. Therefore, each missile division developed a plan for the reception of young officers and their commissioning, which took into account all the previously listed issues.

All graduate officers came mainly from cities with a population of over a million, and the regional centers did not always please them, especially their wives. It happened, on this basis, that there was something to hide, and it happened that the wives left and the family fell apart.

Lutsk was a special place where everyone wanted to serve. As they said among officers, Lutsk is a region similar to paradise. That's probably true! The regional center of Western Ukraine, a city with a thousand-year history and unique culture. Officers, almost 100%, are provided with apartments. Not far from the city center there was even a special quarter of the DOS (officers' houses), where officers of the division, regiments and special forces and rear units lived. That is why the officers valued their service in Lutsk very much and did not strive to leave even for promotion to other God-forsaken places. Almost all of the young officers also wanted to serve in Lutsk. But it’s one thing to want it, and another thing to know where you’ll be appointed.

But let's return to the ritual. That's how it was in the 80s. And in the 70s, no one thought about the order of meeting arriving officers. The command, apparently, had no time for us; they were deciding on more important issues from their point of view. And let the youth find out for themselves “how much a hundred scallops cost” and overcome the difficulties they encounter themselves!

After graduation, I ended up in not the worst place in the Rocket Forces, in the 170th Rocket Regiment, which was stationed in the Belarusian city of Lida. A clean, neat, compact regional town, where by 6 o’clock in the morning all the streets were swept and watered in the heat. That year, 1971, about 25 of us arrived in Lida. But only five were left in the Lida regiment. These were two true rocket scientists from the Perm VKIU (me and Volodya Shcherbinin), two doctors from the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy and one specialist in rocket fuels and fuels and lubricants from the Dzerzhinsky Academy. The rest were scattered by fate. Some went to Slutsk, others to Gezgaly and Novogrudok.

By and large, everyone was happy, except for those who ended up in Gezgaly - five houses, a school, a kindergarten, a club, a large lake, and all around - forest, forest and forest. And no work for wives. And so the five of us, in full dress uniform, polished boots, like new copper coins just released at the Mint, appeared before the commander of the 170th Missile Regiment, Colonel Valentin Ivanovich Gorshkov. Colonel Gorshkov was old, from the front line. Two meters tall, with a wart on his nose and a straight back, as if he had swallowed a crowbar, his appearance even inspired fear. He spoke slowly, pronouncing each word clearly and making small pauses, but always to the point. Subsequently, only when I saw him from afar, I always tried to avoid him, God forbid he would ask any question, or, worse, give me some kind of work.

After introducing ourselves to the commander, the personnel officer introduced us to the deputy regiment commanders, and then he took the two of us to the commander of the 1st division, Lieutenant Colonel Neverov. This was already a completely different person. As I later learned, his nickname was “Wagtail,” and people don’t give nicknames for nothing. Always in a hurry to get somewhere and afraid of everything, he spoke inaudibly, swallowing his words. He only asked us where we had been assigned, and sent us with the assistant division duty officer to the second battery, to the commander of the guard battery, Major Ivan Ivanovich Starovoitov. Ivan Ivanovich set the main tasks and explained the procedure for applying for permission to work independently. And he asked us a question: “Where did you stay and how did you get settled?” This was the first commander to ask such a question. We replied that we live with our wives and children in a hostel, that money is running out, and in the hostel they charge unaffordable fees for accommodation, as if we had not come to serve, but on a business trip. He said that he would sort it out, advised who to contact, and gave two days to arrange the arrangement and find an apartment. With the help of the ubiquitous battery warrant officers, we quickly found rented apartments and two days later we were already in service, began to master the equipment and get acquainted with the established procedures. My wife, I must say, with her higher pharmaceutical education, was hired on the second day - as deputy manager of the district hospital pharmacy. And with the help of the head doctor of this hospital, the son was placed in a nursery. My family’s everyday problems were solved at this stage! Volodya Shcherbinin and I ended up mastering military equipment “like plucking chickens.” At the Perm VKIU they studied and underwent military training on 8K84 (SS-11 according to NATO classification), and ended up serving on the “old lady” 8K63 (SS-4).

By the way, this rocket was also produced in Perm at the V.I. Lenin plant (“Motovilikha Plants”). Few people even in Perm knew about this. And now detailed publications have appeared. For example, this one: http://www.arms-expo.ru/articles/124/72950/. But let's return to Lida. I was appointed to the position of senior gas station operator, and Volodya was appointed senior operator of the NCS (terrestrial cable network). Quite quickly we passed the permit for independent duty: the basic knowledge acquired at the school allowed us to do this. And... away we go!

Then they were on duty for a week, and not in the same way as later - “chained” to a chair and a launch panel. The entire duty shift was located on the territory of a residential town, and we ran into the combat zone only when there was an “Alarm” signal. And then they began to prepare the rocket for launch or for regulations and maintenance. I was always on duty with the battalion commander. And all the pick-ups and drop-offs of the personnel were, naturally, mine. That is, “young,” as he liked to call me. And there were three, or even four guards at the guardhouse per shift. And all this fell on my shoulders.

I didn’t complain, I understood that the battalion commander, who was already old, wanted to sleep in the morning, and read in the evening or just relax and unwind. By the end of the shift I was terribly tired, I could barely drag my feet. And in the kung, which carried officers to “winter quarters”, where everyone usually played cards from the moment of boarding until disembarkation, I instantly fell asleep and woke up only when, after stopping, someone pushed me aside.

The 4th compartment (refuelers) is probably the most troublesome compartment in the battery. We were also called “barrels.” In the department there were: two 8G131 “barrels” with an AK-27I oxidizer and SRGS hoses (sealed welded steel hoses), these “barrels” were carried by KRAZ-214; “barrel” with TM185 fuel and TG-02 starting fuel with an ATT tractor; 8G210 hydrogen peroxide filling machine based on ZIL-157: 8G113 oxidizer filling machine; two 8T311 “water washers” based on the ZIL-157 and there was another vehicle with two 8G11 batteries - for storing and transporting hydrogen peroxide. And all this equipment at the right moment had to get to the launch site, refuel the rocket with all four components of rocket fuel and still have time to “get away” in a timely manner, that is, leave the launch site while refueling in full combat readiness...

The head of the department is a captain, and at that time the heads of departments were all already captains; Nikolai Afanasyevich Efimenko was already old. And everything related to the training and education of subordinates, as well as maintenance of equipment, rested on my broad shoulders. He himself rarely appeared at the regulations, or even at special training classes. His passion was playing cards, and not in preference, but in elementary borax. I lost often and a lot, then won back, but almost always remained in the red. Many times I tried to tear him away from this destructive passion, but I never succeeded - he still continued to play and lose. He was “stubborn” in this regard, but otherwise a wonderful person.

I remember now, my first independent entry into field positions at the Zapad-72 exercises. It all started really suddenly, on the night of March 9, when the country had not yet moved away from congratulating women. My task was to deliver 8 “barrels” of oxidizer to the field area, which was located at a distance of 120 kilometers. The weather at this time in Belarus is disgusting, drizzling rain, and ice on the asphalt surface. Even at the construction site, the wheels of the tanks were “stuck” to the concrete so that one tank had to be moved by two tractors in a hitch.

By 11 pm the convoy was ready to march, the senior sergeants on the KRAZs, the oxidizer crew chiefs and the drivers were instructed by me. Let's get moving. I am leading the column in the front car. Speed ​​20 km per hour, no more, ice. We approached a small lift and my KRAZ began to skid. The column has risen! The tank was set with the parking brake and unhooked. Add sand under the KRAZ wheels. KRAZ barely climbed the hill.

What to do next? The second KRAZ was attached to the first one, which was walking behind. We hooked up the tank, released the parking brake, covered the entire road with sand, set off, constantly adding sand under the KRAZ. And with some effort we managed to move the tank from its place and slowly pull it up the hill. But this is just one. And there are seven more of them. Then advisers from the regiment, or rather, from the city, “came in large numbers.” Almost everyone was drunk and began to teach how to do everything correctly. He sent everyone to the famous three Soviet letters, including the chief engineer of the regiment. And he slowly pulled out all the remaining 7 tanks. And then he continued the march without any problems or advisors. And then there was a serious argument with the chief engineer of the regiment. He always tried to subjugate everyone and push the performer aside. I then asked him: “Are you on duty shift? No! So, step back and don’t interfere with my task, and if you want, lead the column yourself.” After these words of mine, he stepped aside and no longer interfered with my leadership.

I ran around in the cold damp wind penetrating under my warm clothes, worried about completing the task, sat down in the KRAZ cab - and then another misfortune appeared: I just wanted to sleep to death! Not just me, the driver too. It was two o'clock in the morning. He stopped the column, called the elders to his place, and told them what to do. And all my drivers and elders, including me, jogged from the beginning of the column to its end. The dream passed and we set off again. They made the same runs three or four more times and by 8 o’clock in the morning they arrived in an organized column at a field position, called at that time SZPR (secret reserve position area). Later, my “barrel men” helped the first squad install the SP-6, digging and gnawing into the frozen ground with crowbars and shovels, in order to subsequently install the launch pad on the SP-6. The division completed the task at these exercises, but I didn’t know how. For some reason, the results were not communicated to the “snotty” lieutenants at that time. This is how my first independent combat trip to field positions ended, which taught me a lot and gave me a lot of commander practice. I couldn’t even imagine how many of them there would be yet to come.

On December 17, the Strategic Missile Forces celebrate the 55th anniversary of its founding. According to the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel General Sergei Karakaev, the missilemen are able to reliably carry out assigned combat missions in any situation. Read about service in the missile forces today and what awaits the Strategic Missile Forces military personnel in the future in our material.

There are 400 ballistic missiles from the Strategic Missile Forces group on combat duty in Russia every day. “Approximately two-thirds of the nuclear warheads of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces are concentrated there.” — said the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel General Sergei Karakaev.

In total, about 400 missiles with warheads assigned to them are on combat duty.

“In 2014, we continued to re-equip the group with the latest missile systems, which have increased capabilities to overcome the existing and future missile defenses,” Karakaev said. According to him, the troops received 16 RK YaRS intercontinental ballistic missiles. 12 of them are mobile ground-based, and 4 are mine-based. As part of the rearmament, the personnel of three missile regiments underwent retraining for new missile systems.

In addition to new missile systems, the Strategic Missile Forces are equipped with modern digital information transmission technologies, advanced electronic warfare systems and camouflage systems.

Active rearmament will make it possible by 2015 to significantly increase the share of modern missile systems, both mobile and stationary, in the Strategic Missile Forces grouping. “By the end of December this year, the share of modern missile systems will be about 50%,” Karakaev said.

Photo: Strategic Missile Forces

It is planned to create the latest combat railway missile system (BZHRK) “Barguzin”.

According to Karakaev, it will be developed at enterprises exclusively of the domestic military-industrial complex and will become the embodiment of “the most advanced achievements of our military rocket science.”

Currently, components and assemblies of the latest heavy liquid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missile "Sarmat" are being tested. It is planned that the rocket will be created by 2020.

Since July 2014, the “State Missile Center named after Academician V.P. Makeev” has been extending the service life of the Voevoda missile system.

Ukrainian enterprises were withdrawn from industrial cooperation, which ensured the maintenance of the complex in technical readiness.

In 2015, the Strategic Missile Forces will increase the number of combat training and test launches of missiles. “14 launches are planned for 2015, providing for flight testing of promising weapons and monitoring the technical readiness of missile systems put into service,” Karakaev said. In 2014, 8 launches were carried out, two more are planned for December.

Military units of the Strategic Missile Forces will not be formed on the territory of Crimea.

According to Karakaev, this is not necessary: ​​“the firing range of modern ballistic missiles allows them to hit targets anywhere in the world, without approaching the borders of Russia.”

More than 98% of missile officers have higher education, while the average age of Strategic Missile Forces servicemen in 2014 was 31 years.

Interest in serving in the Strategic Missile Forces does not wane, as evidenced by the high “competition bar.” “This year, 4.3 thousand candidates were selected, only 2.7 thousand of the best of them received contracts,” says Karakaev.

Today, more than 40% of military positions of privates and sergeants are staffed by contract servicemen.

It is planned that in 2015 the number of contract soldiers in the Strategic Missile Forces will increase to 50%.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

In 2014, command post exercises of the missile forces with the Tatishchev and Barnaul missile formations took place in the Altai Territory, during which more than 4,000 military personnel and about 400 units of military equipment were involved.

Particular attention was paid to the issues of withdrawing units and subunits of the Strategic Missile Forces from the attacks of a mock enemy and countering modern and promising means of air attack, as well as warning about the threat of their use in cooperation with formations and units of the Central Military District.

In 2014, about 800 military personnel received permanent housing, and another 206 received housing through housing subsidies.